Bible Numbers 2.0

China & America In Prophecy

(Isaiah 18, 以賽亞 18)

(可 惜 這 頁 沒 有 中 文 繙 譯)

The previous page showed how most translations of Isaiah 18 diverge from the actual Hebrew text and give an incorrect understanding of the prophecy. Now that the meaning of the original Hebrew has been clarified and shown to have a modern context, it seems appropriate to give a new interpretation in Chinese, especially since so much of it applies to China. And since America is also a smaller part of the prophecy, there should also be a new interpretation in English.

Re-Writing Isaiah 18 In Chinese

Isaiah 18 was written as poetry to make full use of the meaning of Hebrew words, and the extended meanings of specific word combinations (i.e. idioms). This was the only way to give unique descriptions of lands and peoples either not yet in existence, or that were unknown to the ancient Hebrews while keeping the prophecy short. To reflect this, the passage below will be in Chinese poetry (writing with the same number of characters for each line) and incorporating as much of the Hebrew meanings as possible. The poetic form focuses words on their meanings, but maintains flexibility. (But I am not much of a poet even in English, so this is not going to rhyme or have consistent rhythm. This will be from Cantonese. Anyone reading in Mandarin might find it even less consistent. ☹)

This interpretation is not set in stone. Much depends on a person's state of mind. Sometimes a word that is more appropriate just escapes the writer. Other times, a writer could be subtly influenced by other English translations. And finally, the use of certain words or phrases may not occur to a writer without further inspiration and meditation.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (A)
Aiee!there iscalamity/disaster
Woe! (Aiee! Disaster!).
Africariver(s)beyondfiercesoundland (of)
Land of fierce sounds beyond the rivers of Africa,
sending overseas treaties and rights on paper.

Although the Hebrew only has one word Woe these three additional Chinese words ensure the idea of disaster cannot be misconstrued.

Transliterating Cush or Ethiopia into Chinese creates meaningless phrases requiring explanation. (And there is no Hebrew word Ethiopia in the OT.) The Chinese name for Africa is known without prior explanation, and it is based on Genesis 2:13, and Genesis 10:25.

There being no single character word for extreme I have opted for the word 猛fierce, powerful in Chinese which could be construed as something being extreme.

fierce, powerful also fits Revelation 13:11, where the beast from the earth speaks like a dragon.

I think this is the best I can come up with in Chinese to describe paper instruments of obligations. The four Chinese words are arranged deliberately to be awkward when read to alert the reader there is much more to these words than a simple phrase. Each word could stand on its own or be combined with any of the others in various combinations to mean even more.

  • to weigh the significance, to assess; power, authority, inherent rights, influence
    This is a land that pushes recognition of its own definitions for rights.
  • a covenant, an oath, a vow
    This is a land that makes alliances and alliance organizations.
  • an agreement, a covenant, a treaty, authority, right
    This is a land that makes treaties, issues statements of rights and authority.
  • paper
    This is a land that issues a lot of paper (news, contracts, dollars, investments, etc).
  • 盟權 the authority of the alliance, by right of alliance.
  • 約權 the authority of the agreement, by right of agreement.
  • 盟約 alliance treaty (agreement).
  • 紙權 paper rights or paper authority
    Illusory or fake rights and fake authority.
  • 權紙 documents bearing authority
Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (B)
This (one)nationwatersabove/overambassadorsalsosends
This nation also sends Ambassadors over the waters.
Go!swiftenvoysto (arrive)thatdistantland.
Go! swift messengers to that far land.
(A) peoplesuppressed / repressedindependentself-reliant
To a repressed people, but independent and self-reliant.

這 specifies this particular noisy nation to distinguish it from the one described later.

呀 is a particle used after a phrase for emphasis.

那 specifies that land, distinguishing it from the nation sending ambassadors.

The two terms, 獨立 and 自立 describe different types of independence. The first describes going one's own way. (As mentioned in Strong's definition for the Hebrew word וּמוֹרָ֔ט, it could be construed to mean obstinate.) The second describes self-sufficiency as in not requiring outside support.

All other occurrences of this word ממשך in the OT differ by several letters. Proverbs 13:12 is the closest match with Isaiah, differing by one letter. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. In Isaiah, the meaning would be repressed or suppressed.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (C)
opening / beginningnationtopresent / noweverywhererespected
(A) nation respected everywhere from its beginnings to now.
stalwarttramplingline piling upon line
Stalwartly trampling line upon line.
(Whose) land is divided and ruined by rivers.

堅忍 translates as fortitude, similar to the Hebrew קַו־קָ֣ו stalwart.

This is a repeat of the Hebrew words קַו־קָ֣ו stalwart, but duplicated as literally as possible because Isaiah may also have been describing these people visually: line upon line. The picture is of massed rallies, work brigades, or soldiers aligned in blocks. This can even be seen today in many of the factories in China, where workers assemble in the morning for exercise or pep talks before work.

Since many lands have rivers, it is unlikely Isaiah chose the word בָּזְא֤וּ to simply mean a land divided by rivers. Both senses of the word are used here.

The Hebrew word נוֹרָ֖א covers a range of meanings, from fear to respect or awe. It can also mean being fearful or causing fear. As a century spanning characteristic, respect seems more likely.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (D)
ondwellingpeopletime periodbe aware
(All) dwellers on earth be aware of the times.
raisedyouwillsee (directly)
(When) a flag is raised on the mountains, you will see.
blowsresoundyoumusthearand act.
(And when) the horn trumpets, you must act accordingly.

This entire line is inferred from the next Hebrew words concerning the time when a flag is raised or when the trumpet blows. It is also inferred from the time in verses 5 and 6 when the vine is hewn down, and in verse 7 where gifts are brought to God. There is no actual Hebrew phrase in Isaiah of being aware of the times. The idea is also from Jesus' adjuration to his disciples to watch and be aware (Matthew 16:2-4; Mark 13:37). This links the dwellers on earth to the next Hebrew words about the flag and trumpet.

The Chinese Union Version uses the words 你們要看 you (plural) must see. The Hebrew does not imply necessity in seeing, but it does use the word to see. Another Chinese version used the phrase 你們要注意 you (plural) must pay attention, retaining the idea of must and abandoning seeing altogether.

To keep the phrase at four characters, 們 (plural) was dropped. This turns 你 into you (singular) and refers more to each individual. Rather than 看 (to see), I decided on 睼見, which I think has a little more of the idea of seeing directly, and I replaced 要 (must) with 會 (will/would) to follow the Hebrew.

The Chinese Union Version reads 你們要聽 you (plural) must listen and the Chinese New Version reads 你們要聆聽 you (plural) must listen (as in obeying). In this case, the Hebrew word is תִּשְׁמָֽעוּ and it does carry the connotations of hearing attentively and obeying. This is the same word used in many Bible verses where Israel is told to hear God’s voice and thus obey. To make this stand out, I chose 聽做 listen and act.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (E)
the lordto(wards)mespoke
This word the lord (god) said to me was sure,
From My dwelling quietly watching,
(Like) assun lighthot
As the sunlight's hot dry air suns,

上帝 Seung Dai is the proper term in Chinese for the one supreme God. Most Chinese translations avoid the term because it is singular in nature and concept and cannot be reconciled with the Trinity.

上帝 means The Highest Sovereign. In Chinese the term includes the idea of God, even though no god/spirit words are present.

The Hebrew text does not indicate what God said was fixed, but it is inferred from God’s character, from the prophecy and many other verses where God assures us He will judge the nations (Psalm 96:13; Acts 17:31).

朕 is the royal (or imperial) form of the first person singular. It is used exclusively by emperors, and as such is more appropriate for God than 我. In English, the equivalent might be the royal We. (No actual equivalent in Hebrew.)

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (F)
harvest (time)beforedewdispersesquickly
Swiftly disperses the dew before the harvest.
grape (vine)openflowerbecomesbudthattime
At the time when the grape vine's flower buds
the budfruitnotripe
Before the bud's fruit ripens,

The Hebrew is very compact, but in Chinese several words have to be used to show the progression from flower to budding grape, and budding grape to just before ripeness.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (G)
He will use a sickle to cut away the young twigs.
The overspreading branches he will hew down and take away.
altogetherleftformountain (place)predatorbirds
Everything will be left for the birds of the mountains.

The use of the word 他 he means it is not God doing this. God is quietly watching (like sunlight). With myriads of angels at His command, it makes more sense if someone else is performing this task. (Daniel 7:11)

There doesn't seem to be Chinese equivalent of pruning hooks. Sickle 鐮刀 is the word used in most Chinese translations.

鷙 is from the Chinese Union Version of the Bible and refers to predatory birds. The original Hebrew could mean predatory or ravenous birds. Predatory can also be inferred because it is referring to the flesh of dead people after a nation is cut down.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (H)
(They will be) abandoned and left for the wild beasts of the earth.
The birds will eat all through the summer.
The beasts of the earth (will eat) all through the winter.

The Chinese Union Version uses 百獸 (literally 100 beasts). It is a Chinese expression for many beasts. Unless God supernaturally changes animals so they are omnivorous or carnivorous, these would only be the meat eaters, or many animals but not all. In Chinese, all animals would be 萬獸 (literally 10,000 animals).

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (I)
At that (proper) time gifts will be brought here.
(Alternate reading of previous line.)
She, at that (proper) time will bring gifts here.
Grand ceremonycongratulating and celebratingtne thousandarmiesthe lord (God)
(With) a grand ceremony congratulating and celebrating the lord (God) of Hosts.

The Hebrew word שַׁ֜י (presents/gifts) is also found in Psalm 68:29, and Psalm 76:11. Psalm 68:29 mentions kings (plural) honoring God, so the word is translated as plural presents (KJV). It is also translated as presents in Psalm 76:11, though the context leaves it open as to whether or not it should be plural or singular.

N.B. This word only appears three times in the entire Old Testament, twice in Psalms, and here in Isaiah 18:7. One might tentatively conclude this word is reserved for presents and gifts given to God.

Since it would seem strange if only one gift was given to God, I think it should be plural here in Isaiah 18:7 as well.

As mentioned previously, the Hebrew word יֽוּבַל carries with it the idea of a formal ceremony. This is not just a simple bringing or presentation of gifts. The idea of bringing something to God requires even more emphasis. No Bible translates this, so I have decided to show it in the Chinese with the extra line at the end of this table. (If this is close to the time of Zechariah 14:9 and Revelation 11:15 where the kingdoms of the world become God’s, the importance of this line would mean extra emphasis.)

The Hebrew word הַהִ֨יא (she) is only expressed in the emphatic, or when there is no verb. Unable to discount the possibility that Isaiah meant this to be emphatic, I have included an alternate reading for the previous line. (See note 1 for the explanation of gender agreement in this case.)

There are no words in Isaiah's prophecy for a grand ceremony honoring God. This interpretation is based on context and on the word יֽוּבַל which bears the idea of a formal ceremony.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (J)
(From a) people repressed, but independent and self-reliant.
nationto noweverywhererespected
(A) nation respected everywhere from its beginnings to now.
stalwarttramplingline piling upon line
Stalwartly trampling line upon line.
(Whose) land is divided and ruined by rivers.

For an explanation of this section, see Isaiah 18 tables B and C.

Isaiah 18 以賽亞 (K)
by name of
Gifts will be brought to that place named
ten thousandarmiesthe lord (God)Zionmount
The city of Mount Zion of the lord (God) of Hosts.

Catholics render Zion 熙雍山 (Cantonese: heiyung saan; Mandarin: xiyong shan) meaning Mount of Glorious Peace. Protestants use 錫安山 meaning Mount of Tin Peace (Cantonese: sekon saan; Mandarin: xian shan). I chose 西安山 meaning Mount of Western Peace (Cantonese: sion saan; Mandarin xian shan) because Mount Zion is west of China, and the pronunciation in both dialects is more similar.

The Completed Poem

唉 有 災 禍

非 洲 河 外 猛 聲 之 地
海 上 發 派 權 盟 約 紙
這 國 水 上 使 者 也 派
去 呀 快 使 到 那 遠 地

民 族 鎮 壓 獨 立 自 立
開 國 以 今 處 處 尊 敬
堅 忍 踐 踏 行 行 搭 行
陸 地 河 分 地 上 河 毀

世 上 居 民 時 期 留 意
山 上 旗 起 你 會 睼 見
號 角 吹 響 你 要 聽 做
這 句 上 帝 對 我 說 定

從 朕 居 所 安 靜 觀 看
似 陽 光 熱 氣 乾 燥 曬
收 割 之 前 露 水 散 快

葡 萄 開 花 成 朵 那 時
花 朵 果 子 未 熟 之 前
他 用 鐮 刀 削 去 嫩 枝
散 布 橫 枝 砍 下 拿 去

全 部 留 給 山 間 鷙 鳥
撇 下 留 給 地 上 野 獸
鷙 鳥 必 吃 度 過 夏 天
地 上 百 獸 度 過 冬 天

到 那 時 機 禮 物 帶 來
(她 那 時 機 禮 物 帶 來)
盛 況 恭 賀 萬 軍 上 帝

民 族 鎮 壓 獨 立 自 立
開 國 以 今 處 處 尊 敬
堅 忍 踐 踏 行 行 搭 行
陸 地 河 分 地 上 河 毀

帶 禮 到 那 地 方 名 稱
萬 軍 上 帝 西 安 山 城

The Chinese Numbers Numerics Gematria Of Isaiah 18



See: Conversion of Chinese to Numbers.

Numeric Coincidences

(***N.B. Since this is something I came up with and it is not the original language, I will not call these numeric features but numeric coincidences.***)

1.There are 252 characters in the passage. 252 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7. The first two digits of this number add up to 7 as do the last two digits, reminiscent of Revelation 1:8 and 22:13.

1.1The sum of the factors of 252 add up to 17. The 17th word of the passage is 權 (authority, right). There is God’s authority behind Isaiah's prophecy. The factors themselves point up to the 2nd, 3rd and 7th words: 有災河 (there is a calamitous river). In Chinese, it reads better as 有河災 (there is a disaster due to the river). This describes the land that brings gifts in verse seven.

1.1.1The three words 有災河 have a numerical total of 3260. If 3260 is used to count through the 252 words of the passage, this would lead to the 236th character: 毀 (to destroy, to ruin). It almost seems as if the numbers Numerics Gematria and words lead round and round back to the same idea inside the prophecy. This breaks when we look at the value for 毀, 4981. 4981 points to the 193rd character, 禮 (gift). The nation that brings gifts in recognition of God will be spared.

1.2China is 中國 in Chinese. The total of these two characters is 3344. Coincidentally, one could count through the 252 words of the prophecy 13 times and on the incomplete fourteenth round land on the 68th word, 毀. 毀 (ruin) has a value of 4981 and could be used to count through the poem as well. This leads to the 193rd word, 禮 (gifts). In other words, 中國 (China) is 毀 (ruined), which leads her to recognize God by bringing 禮 (gifts). And this is what the prophecy actually says.

1.2.1The previous exercise stopped at 禮 (gifts) because this was as far as it made sense. It also made sense because 禮 has a value of 7784 (2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 139). The factor of seven indicates it is complete. But it could have continued further. 7784 points to the 224th word 踏. This chain could be continued until the words repeat with 上 (the 24th word) pointing back at itself. The full chain would be 毀禮踏者撇說那之所留你上. These words, of course, are complete nonsense when read together. Their total value, however, is 38974 = 2 x 13 x 1499. (The number Numerics Gematria from God’s name in Hebrew appears like a signature.)

1.2.2China and Beijing 中國北京 together total 4795 (5 x 7 x 137), and this produces another seven character chain: 河地立鳥冬也呀. The total of this meaningless phrase is 7631 (13 x 587).

1.2.3The interesting thing is that when America 美國 and Washington 華盛頓 are run through the same process, only 美國 by itself produces any chain divisible by 7 or 13 (see coincidence 1.3). There is a reason for this. America is a democracy. Its people have never been ruled by an emperor or king. Thus Washington does not really control and is not wholly responsible for all of America. America is responsible on its own as a whole. China, on the other hand, is ruled by the people in Beijing, and thus Beijing could be said to be responsible for the whole country. This is why 中國 and 北京 produce coincidences individually and together.

1.3The same could be done with America (美國 in Chinese). The value of these two characters is 5480. 5480 points to the 188th word, 天 (heaven or sky; value 146), and this sounds quite promising until we continue the chain. 146 leads to the word 去 (to go/leave; value 297). In other words, heaven leaves America (or America leaves heaven) and that is why in verses 5 and 6 judgment falls.

One could say 美國天去 means America goes to heaven but there is nothing in Isaiah 18 to say any nation does this. Even if we wanted to say America was the nation bringing gifts, there still is nothing in the prophecy saying the gift bringing country attains paradise.

1.3.1What if we follow chain to its end? 天去開朵花過對外河地立鳥冬也呀. This again is a meaningless sentence, but its total value is coincidentally 26334 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 19. (Once again there is one of God’s numbers Numerics Gematria showing His hand in the prophecy.)

1.3.2Here is a very curious coincidence. China is not actually ruled by people in Beijing, but by the Communist Party: 共產黨. The total of these three characters is 12536 (not divisible by 7 or 13). Counting 12536 through the poem's 252 words produces this chain: 天去開朵花過對外河地立鳥冬也呀 exactly like the one produced by America! Since China copies so much from the West, perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise.

1.4The prophecy is not about Africa. This is confirmed when the technique applied to China and America is applied to Africa (in Chinese). 非洲 has a value of 3901. The chain of words is 露枝地立鳥冬也呀河 (another meaningless random phrase). But this time, only the first word (露, dew) might have something to do with the prophecy. This might be a sign that unlike America and China who are active agents in the prophecy, Africa is not. However, like China and America, the phrase's total is coincidentally divisible by 7: 17647 = 7 x 2521.

1.5.1What about Mount Zion? 西安山城 has a total of 3206. 3206 points to the 24th character of the poem: 上 (meaning: up, above, high). The chain ends instantly. Two possible meanings could be gleaned from this. Mount Zion is on a high elevation, and thus 上 is a self-reference. Or perhaps Zion points upwards (to God).

1.5.2Zion, 西安 has a total of 1249. This produces the phrase 地立鳥冬也呀河 with a value of 7631 (13 x 587). Zion 西安 is the name of the place or land 地 where the gifts are brought.

1.6The opening of the chapter begins with 唉, or Woe and this is associated with America, China and Africa.

The phrase 唉美國 (Woe to America) has a value of 7973 = 7 x 17 x 67. SF: 91 = 7 x 13. SF: 20 = 2 x 2 x 5. SF: 9 = 3 x 3. SF: 6 = 2 x 3. SF: 5.

The phrase 唉中國 (Woe to China) has a value of 5837 = 13 x 449 = 462. SF: 2 x 3 x 7 x 11. SF: 23.

The phrase 唉非州 (Woe to Africa) has a value of 4862 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 17. SF: 43

All three phrases coincidentally produce factors of 7 or 13.

The list of factors for America is quite long. It begins with 7, and at the next level is divisible by 7 and 13. But after this America loses everything to end with numbers Numerics Gematria of no significance. This seems to indicate America is the most active agent in this prophecy. This also fits its description as the land of extreme noise.

The chain of factors for China changes from 13 to 7 and ends at 23, the number Numerics Gematria of man. It is Chinese (people) bringing gifts. This shorter factor list might imply China is not the primary active agent. This fits her description as a people repressed. Her role as second active agent rather than first is what allows her to survive the disasters.

For Africa, the factor list is very short making her the passive agent.

All three suffer from disaster. This is in line with other verses of the Bible where God judges the nations (Jeremiah 51:58; Habakkuk 2:13; Revelation 11:18).

1.6.1The previous technique of finding a chain of words within the passage is now applied to the phrases 唉美國, 唉中國, and 唉非州. The result strengthens the idea that the prophecy is mainly about China.

Woe Applied
Woe PhraseTotalChainChain Total
唉美國7973山敬萄上9508 = 2 x 2 x 2377
唉中國5837獨時過對外河地立鳥冬也呀28525 = 5 x 5 x 7 x 163
唉非州4862期物時過對外河地立鳥冬也呀27459 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 113
(None of these phrases make sense.)

Only 唉中國 (Woe to China) produces a result divisible by seven.

2.As stated previously, the 25th line of the poem could have been written in two different ways: A) 到那時機禮物帶來 (at that time gifts will be brought) and B) 她那時機禮物帶來 (she at that time will bring gifts). Coincidentally, 到 and 她 are individually divisible by seven. In terms of the numbers Numerics Gematria, it doesn't matter if one or the other is used. Both versions (A, and B) have numeric totals divisible by 7.

Variant A

Total: 712761 = 3 x 7 x 33941.

The odd positioned words: 397859 = 7 x 11 x 5167.

The even positioned words: 314902 = 2 x 7 x 83 x 271.

The odd valued words: 315105 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 3001.

The even valued words: 397656 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 263.

Variant B

Total: 712124 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 29 x 877.

The odd positioned words of B) 397222 = 2 x 7 x 17 x 1669.

The even positioned words of B) 314902 = 2 x 7 x 83 x 271.

The odd valued words: 313908 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 37 x 101.

The even valued words: 398216 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 13 x 547.

(The rest of the features on this page refer to the more unique Variant B.)

3.1The values of the Hebrew letters of the divine name point out four characters in the poem.

a) Value from the Hebrew divine name.
b) Count.

a) 10   5    6    5
b) 7471 1797 2104 1797

Total: 13169 = 13 x 1013.

3.2The name can be count through the poem thirteen times.

a) Value from the Hebrew divine name.
b) Count.
c) Adjusted count (if necessary).
d) Word value found.

a) 10   5    6    5    10  5    6   5    10  5    6    5  10   5
b) 10   15   21   26   36  41   47  52   62  67   73   78 88   93
c) 10   15   21   26   36  41   47  52   62  67   73   78 88   93
d) 7471 4400 3888 1677 546 6936 265 4914 546 1574 2698 24 8469 3888

a) 6    5    10   5   6    5   10   5    6    5   10  5    6    5
b) 99   104  114  119 125  130 140  145  151  156 166 171  177  182
c) 99   104  114  119 125  130 140  145  151  156 166 171  177  182
d) 5986 1427 3183 104 5235 632 1830 1829 6831 297 22  3942 1944 24

a) 10   5    6   5    10   5    6    5   10   5   6    5   10   5
b) 192  197  203 208  218  223  229  234 244  249 255  8   18   23
c) 192  197  203 208  218  223  229  234 244  249 3    8   18   23
d) 6840 3698 24  7268 3843 6575 3953 24  5786 681 1058 319 5050 181

a) 6   5    10  5    6    5   10 5    6   5
b) 29  34   44  49   55   60  70 75   81  86
c) 29  34   44  49   55   60  70 75   81  86
d) 297 1147 416 3843 6575 679 24 2853 770 1125

Total: 143611 = 13 x 11047. SF: 11060 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 79.

4.1.1Add up twelve words starting from the 78th (78 = 2 x 3 x 13) word. Repeat with twelve words starting from the 78th from the end of the poem.

a) From the beginning.       b) From the end.
a) 24 5657 3104 770 4925 16036 1124 5242 1125 811 8469 770
b) 371 3967 21378 7999 3942 24 546 4474 2853 22 5643 3967

Total of the two groups: 103243 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 43.

4.1.2Add up eight words starting from the 97th character to the 104th (2 x 2 x 2 x 13). Repeat with eight words beginning from the 97th from the end.

From the beginning: 5552 923 5986 1336 3378 2708 1343 1427
From the end: 297 2676 22 2214 1548 6831 365 4211

Total of the two groups: 40817 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 17.

4.1.3Coincidence 4.1 began at a position divisible by 13. Coincidence 4.2 ended at a position divisible by 13.

4.1.4Coincidence 4.1 covers words from the 78th position to the 89th position. The sum of these positions is 1002. Coincidence 4.2 covers words from the 97th position to the 104th position. The sum of these positions: 804. The positions of both groups: 1002 + 804 = 1806 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 43.

4.2From the beginning and from the end, we can take groups of words starting from the 6th position all the way to the 94th position. The total of these two groups: 522886 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 13 x 13 x 17. SF: 65 = 5 x 13.

4.3The same could be done by searching for group pairs (from the beginning and end) that are divisible by 13. The table below lists all the groups. In this case, each group is individually divisible by 13.

Example of groups paired from the beginning and end.

 1   2   3   4   5   6   7  ... 246 247 248 249 250 251 252
252 251 250 249 248 247 246 ...  7   6   5   4   3   2   1
 |-A-|                                               |-A-|
         |---B---|                       |---B---|

Rather than use four different numbers to show the groups, only two numbers are used to show the position from the beginning, and the position from the end.

a) Group's start position.       b) Group's end position
c) Total of two groups.

a) 3      3      4      5      6      6      8      8      9      10
b) 38     99     45     110    28     62     78     84     33     68
c) 166699 557154 216918 616213 104494 313066 362856 432328 119600 311051

a) 11   14     15     16     17     17     17     19     22    22
b) 12   73     79     37     75     89     95     109    32    126
c) 1365 311857 343109 103506 307983 418639 474357 526071 42003 612846

a) 23     27     29     30     31     33     35     39     41     41
b) 80     115    62     66     125    126    86     99     70     92
c) 315198 540475 208572 206739 567905 570843 315705 390455 163020 334087

a) 41     44     48    51     52    53     57     58    58     59
b) 107    121    59    97     55    81     117    74    91     122
c) 416650 484601 69004 304005 29666 163553 372944 72891 228774 389337

a) 65    71     71     75     76     76     79    90    93    120
b) 71    92     107    91     89     95     84    95    107   123
c) 25181 171067 253630 155883 110656 166374 69472 55718 82563 20865

Total of beginning and end positions (a + b): 6069 = 3 x 7 x 172.

5.Beginning with the first word, and taking every Nth, list all those with totals divisible by 13.

N equals the following:
6 19 22 28 35 39 42 49 64 65 80 84 104 105 126

The sum of all N that worked: 868 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 31. The total is a symmetrical number Numerics Gematria where the first two and last two digits added together are also divisible by 7. The sum of the factors: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7. (There is no equivalent feature starting from N itself.)

6.Divide the 252 words into segments of two words each.

6.1.1The sum of all the odd positioned segments: 324415 = 5 x 7 x 13 x 23 x 31.

6.1.2The sum of all the even positioned segments: 387709 = 7 x 97 x 571.

6.2.Divide the words into segments of fourteen words each.

6.2.1The sum of all odd positioned segments: 347067 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 787.

6.2.2The sum of all even positioned segments: 365057 = 7 x 11 x 11 x 431.

6.3.Divide the words into segments of thirty-six words each.

6.3.1The sum of all odd positioned segments: 422891 = 7 x 60413.

6.3.2The sum of all even positioned segments: 3 x 3 x 7 x 4591.

7.Previously we saw that the even valued words came to a total divisible by 7. The sum of their positions in the passage is also a feature. The total is 17446 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 61. (No equivalent feature for the odd valued words.)

7.2Twenty-two characters have values that are prime numbers.

a) Position in poem.
b) Prime number.

a) 13   20   23  31  59   69  79   87  90   104  106  109 111 
b) 2749 2953 181 919 4903 257 5657 811 2351 1427 7187 701 443 

a) 122 123  124 129 141 149  164  174  227
b) 181 4211 919 617 269 4211 3967 3967 4903

The sum of the positions: 2254 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 23. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

The sum of the primes: 53784 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 83. (No feature.) The sum of the factors is another prime: 101.

7.3The position total of the remaining 230 characters that are not prime numbers: 29624 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 23 x 23. The sum of the primes: 658340 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 32917. (No feature.) The sum of the factors is 32926, which in turn factors 2 x 101 x 163. (The prime number 101 reappears.)

7.4Forty-eight characters are divisible by 7. Their total together would naturally be divisible by 7.

a) Position in passage.       b) Word value.
a) 12  30  33   36  39   49   50   51   52   54  57  58  60  62  65
b) 546 819 1197 546 7854 3843 3843 4109 4914 917 679 679 679 546 546

a) 76   81  89  96   113  118  142 144 147  163   169 173   175 181
b) 4879 770 770 1939 2737 3983 399 14  5537 21378 546 21378 371 546

a) 183 189 193  204  207  217  218  219  220  222 225 226 228 230 233
b) 651 560 7784 1939 7854 3843 3843 4109 4914 917 679 679 679 546 546

a) 238  239  241 248
b) 7784 1197 546 1939

The feature is in their positions: 6755 = 5 x 7 x 193.

7.5Twenty-eight (2 x 2 x 7) characters are divisible by 13. And once again the feature is in their positions.

a) Position in poem.      b) Word value.
a) 11  12  26   30  36  42  44  52   56   62  65  77 98  119 139 161
b) 104 546 1677 819 546 416 416 4914 6578 546 546 52 923 104 104 52

a) 162  169 181 210 212 220  224  230 233 241 242 251
b) 4706 546 546 416 416 4914 6578 546 546 546 169 52

Position total: 3605 = 5 x 7 x 103.

8.The 252 words can be loaded into a three dimensional block (6 x 6 x 7).

Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7

8.1The row numbers of those divisible by seven.

a) Table layer
b) Rows that are divisible by 7

a) 1     2   3   4   5   6   7
b) 4,5   2   -   6   5   6   -

The sum of the row numbers (b): 28 = 2 x 2 x 7.

8.2Only two columns have totals divisible by 13.

Table layer   3   7
Column number 1   6

The sum of the column numbers: 7.

8.3Every other layer: 422891 = 7 x 60413. This of course means the remaining layers are also divisible by 7: 289233 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 4591.

8.4.1The first and last rows through each layer: 201851 = 13 x 15527.

8.4.2The first row through each layer: 124254 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 13 x 59.

8.4.3The last row through each layer: 77597 = 13 x 47 x 127.

8.5Alternating columns through the layers: 381941 = 7 x 54563. And of course the opposite: 330183 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 1747.

8.6.1Checker board (2 x 2): 358709 = 13 x 41 x 673.

8.6.2Alternating 3 x 3 checkers: 375856 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 x 13 x 139.

9.The 252 characters are arranged in a five dimension object. Think of it as four buildings in a field (2 x 2). Each building is seven stories tall. Each level consists of nine rooms (3 x 3). This five dimension object can be loaded in many different ways. In this case, it is loaded across dimensions.

Rather than completing all columns in a row before moving to the next row, and finishing all rows in a table before moving to the next table, and completing all tables before moving to the next field, everything is in reverse. The words are loaded first by field, then by table, then by row, and finally by column. (The first four numbers are loaded into the top left corner of each of the top tables. The next four numbers are loaded into the top left corner of each of the next tables. In essence the first numbers are dispersed among the four columns at the top left corner of each building first.) The original method of loading was from inside out. This method of loading into the object is from outside in.

9.1The two buildings at the north end of the field: 324415 = 5 x 7 x 13 x 23 x 31.

9.2The two buildings at the south end of the field: 387709 = 7 x 97 x 571.

9.3The two buildings in the west: 397222 = 2 x 7 x 17 x 1669.

9.4The two buildings in the east: 314902 = 2 x 7 x 83 x 271.

9.5.1First and last stories of the first and last buildings: 110404 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 3943.

9.5.2First building's first level and last level of the last building: 48776 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 13 x 67.

9.5.3Last level of the first building and first level of the last building: 61628 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 31 x 71.

9.6.1The middle of each building (running east and west): 249574 = 2 x 13 x 29 x 331.

9.6.2The middle of each building (running north and south): 249574 = 2 x 13 x 29 x 331.

9.7.1First row of the first building plus last row of last building: 127204 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 11 x 59.

9.7.2Middle rows of the first and last buildings: 132730 = 2 x 5 x 13 x 1021.

9.7.3First row of second building plus last row of third building: 151487 = 7 x 17 x 19 x 67.

9.7.4Middle rows of second and third buildings: 116844 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 13 x 107.

9.8Checker board on all floors: 356967 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 13 x 113.

9.9Outer corners of all four buildings: 92323 = 7 x 11 x 11 x 109.

9.10Diagonal (top left to bottom right) through all buildings: 197340 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 11 x 13 x 23.

9.11.1Outside of each building: 666673 = 7 x 95239.

9.11.2Inside of each building: 45451 = 7 x 43 x 151.

9.12The room in the middle of each building is in the center of each fourth floor: 16121 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 47.

The Prophecy Of China & America

Beginning in chapter 13, Isaiah uses the phrase, The burden of Babylon (KJV). The NIV uses the words, The oracle of... Isaiah follows with The burden of... for Moab (15:1), Damascus (17:1), and Egypt (19:1). Chapter 18 does not begin with these words because Isaiah had no names for these two nations. America did not exist yet, and the China of Isaiah's time was just entering the Warring States Period. Even if Isaiah knew of China's existence, he might be hard pressed to know which state's name to use. Transliteration would be an added problem. This is why chapter 18 does not have the opening phrase the burden of.

Although it is not in the Hebrew text, the NIV places a heading with chapter 18: A Prophecy Against Cush which is actually misleading and contradictory. Even the NRSV perpetuates this with the heading A Prophecy Against Ethiopia.

It is misleading because the prophecy is not about Cush, but about the land beyond Cush, and it is also about the people who receive ambassadors from that land beyond Cush. The Hebrew description of the people receiving these distant ambassadors doesn't match any nation in Africa. Cush is actually incidental to the prophecy as a geographical reference.

It is contradictory because it means the prophecy was never fulfilled. The world did not see or care about Ethiopian ambassadors sending gifts to Judah. (Who knows if gifts were even offered to the lord?)

A god whose prophecies are not fulfilled cannot be trusted to keep his promises!

Since the prophecy is now known, a proper introductory phrase could be added to bring it in line with the other chapters, and in line with the meaning of the Hebrew words. It would be enclosed with brackets to let the reader know it is not actually in the original Hebrew.

The Chinese Union Version uses the words 默示 (dark/secret sign meaning revelation) for prophecy and oracle. The Catholics chose 神諭 (divine oracle). Neither of these words are divisible by 7, and adding them to the poetry would result in a total not divisible by seven.

My paraphrase will be using the heading (中美將來). (China and America in the future. Or, the future of China and America.) This adds 4 words to the poem, for a total of 256 words. Adding this heading to Variant A produces two extra factors of seven: 719614 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 1049. Adding this heading to Variant B produces one extra factor of seven: 718977 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 67 x 73.

中   美   將   來
101 2237 3343 1172
Total: 6853 = 7 x 11 x 89

Coincidentally, 中美 by itself is 2338 = 2 x 7 x 167, and 將來 by itself is 4515 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 43.

Here is another coincidence. Washington is 38.9072° N latitude by 77.0369° W longitude, and Beijing is 39.9042° N latitude by 116.4074° E longitude. The total in longitude between these two capitols is 193.4443°. Half of this is 96.72215°. Subtracting 96.72215° from Beijing's longitude gives the actual midpoint between the cities: 19.68525° E longitude. 19.68525° E longitude goes right down the middle of the African continent. (On the map, Venezia - Igoumenits, a place on the western coast of the Balkans is also on this longitude. Venezia is also the midpoint in terms of latitude between Washington and Beijing.)

Now the first and last words of the chapter are 中城 meaning central city or the city in the centre. 中城 has a numeric total of 2006. There are no numeric concidences with these two words, but there is a coincidence when this total is applied to the original 252 words of the poem. 2006 can count through the 252 words 7 times, and land on the 242nd word: 方 with a value of 169 (13 x 13).

A chain of words can be found using 中城: 方地立鳥冬也呀河 (their values 169 546 416 3967 279 30 819 1574). The sum of these words: 7800 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 13. The meaning seems clear. The city in the centre, or the most important city, is Mount Zion.

Poem & Heading
101 2237 3343 1172 2493 628 1058 5784 1797 2104 1574 319 3635 7471
104 546 2749 24 4400 2148 8503 5050 2234 2953 3888 3243 181 24
1168 1677 30 2148 297 819 919 1168 1197 1147 6008 546 386 3483
7854 7268 6936 416 668 416 4670 3243 265 118 3843 3843 4109 4914
3246 917 6575 6578 679 679 4903 679 3953 546 1574 129 546 24 1574
4981 257 24 1343 386 2698 4226 2853 4879 52 24 5657 3104 770 4925
16036 1124 5242 1125 811 8469 770 2351 8550 3190 3888 314 24 1939
5552 923 5986 1336 3378 2708 1343 1427 568 7187 8732 2206 701 4712
443 6327 2737 3183 7339 8591 621 3983 104 1830 8468 181 4211 919
5235 4518 4670 1698 617 632 1147 2698 1698 632 1544 45 381 6325
104 1830 269 399 8458 14 1829 297 5537 1548 4211 365 6831 1548
2214 22 2676 297 447 3938 2853 4474 52 4706 21378 3967 5643 22
2853 4474 546 24 3942 7999 21378 3967 371 538 1944 5389 2573 146
546 24 651 7999 1944 5389 279 146 560 1147 2698 6840 7784 1644
3362 1172 3698 1585 2662 4625 5142 2361 24 1939 386 3483 7854 7268
6936 416 668 416 4670 3243 265 118 3843 3843 4109 4914 3246 917
6575 6578 679 679 4903 679 3953 546 1574 129 546 24 1574 4981 3362
7784 1197 1147 546 169 536 5786 5142 2361 24 1939 681 568 52 1905

10.1Using the values of the Hebrew name for God, we can count through the poem ten times with the very last overshooting just by a little.

a) Value of Hebrew letter		b) Count
c) Adjusted count			d) Word found

a) 10   5   6    5    10   5   6   5   10  5    6   5    10   5   6
b) 10   15  21   26   36   41  47  52  62  67   73  78   88   93  99
c) 10   15  21   26   36   41  47  52  62  67   73  78   88   93  99
d) 2104 104 8503 3243 1168 386 668 118 679 1574 257 4226 1124 770 24

a) 5    10   5    6    5    10  5   6    5    10   5    6     5
b) 104  114  119  125  130  140 145 151  156  166  171  177   182
c) 104  114  119  125  130  140 145 151  156  166  171  177   182
d) 1336 4712 7339 8468 4518 45  269 5537 1548 4706 2853 21378 5389

a) 10  5    6    5    10   5    6   5   10   5    6   5
b) 192 197  203  208  218  223  229 234 244  249  255 260
c) 192 197  203  208  218  223  229 234 244  249  255 4
d) 146 7784 2662 1939 3243 4109 679 546 1147 5142 52  1172

Total: 121667 = 7 x 7 x 13 x 191.

10.1.2The odd positioned words are still divisible by 7: 400666 = 2 x 7 x 28619.

10.1.3And so are the even positioned words: 318311 = 7 x 37 x 1229. Adding the heading did not change this.

10.1.4As seen in coincidence 10.1.3, the even positioned words all came to a total divisible by 7. This could be done with every Nth character, where N equals one of the following: 2 9 17 19 34 35 36 38 43 44 45 48 55 59 63 75 76 77 80 81 82 83 86 98 101 117 120 123 124 125. The sum of these numbers Numerics Gematria coincidentally is 1995 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 19.

10.1.5Twenty-five of the words have values that are prime numbers. Their positions and values are given below

a) Position     b) Value
a) 1   2    3    17   24   27  35  63   73  83   91  94   108  
b) 101 2237 3343 2749 2953 181 919 4903 257 5657 811 2351 1427 

a) 110  113 115 126 127  128 133 145 153  168  178  231  
b) 7187 701 443 181 4211 919 617 269 4211 3967 3967 4903 

The total of the prime numbers: 59465 = 5 x 7 x 1699.

10.1.6This means the total of the non-prime words is also divisible by 7: 659512 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 11777. Coincidentally, the positions of the non-prime words works as well: 30548 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 1091.

10.1.7Twenty-eight (2 x 2 x 7) characters have values divisible by 13.

a) Position in poem.      b) Value.
a) 15  16  30   34  40  46  48  56   60   66  69  81 102 123 143 165
b) 104 546 1677 819 546 416 416 4914 6578 546 546 52 923 104 104 52

a) 166  173 185 214 216 224  228  234 237 245 246 255
b) 4706 546 546 416 416 4914 6578 546 546 546 169 52

The sum of the positions (line a): 3717 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 59. (The sum of line 'b' would naturally be divisible by 7.)

10.2We can take equal sized groups of words positioned symmetrically from the beginning and end of the passage that are divisible by 7. Below is a list of all groups where the group from the beginning and end are divisible by 7, and where they are individually divisible by 7 as well.

Example: 1

This group covers four words from the beginning, and four words from the end. The first group, from the beginning, begins with the first word, and ends with the fourth word: 101 + 2237 + 3343 + 1172 = 6853 (7 x 11 x 89). The second group, from the end, begins with the last word, and ends with the fourth last word: 681 + 568 + 52 + 1905 = 3206 (2 x 7 x 229). Naturally, the two groups together 6853 + 3206 = 10059 (3 x 7 x 479).

All groups that fit the above description are listed below.

a) Group's start position.       b) Group's end position.
b) Total of both groups.

a) 1     1      1      1      1      2      2      2      3     3
b) 4     100    102    117    123    62     87     124    12    20
c) 10059 558201 573055 654458 686630 324737 465731 687071 38024 79716

a) 3      4      5      5      5      5      6      7      8      8
b) 116    66     100    102    117    123    28     76     29     81
c) 647381 330750 548142 562996 644399 676571 108738 361256 112413 406798

a) 8      8      9      9      9      10     10     11    12     12
b) 99     104    45     77     107    110    126    14    60     67
c) 535486 566391 194817 350147 570276 582176 667023 16058 274393 304465

a) 13    13     16     16     17    17     17     17     20    20
b) 20    116    57     120    35    39     58     61     24    108
c) 41692 609357 225330 613788 92904 109893 225701 255801 27636 521703

a) 21     22    22     22     22     23     23     23     24     24
b) 116    27    49     53     56     47     119    121    93     96
c) 567665 29883 151494 171115 191926 137459 567889 581497 423451 444780

a) 25     26     27    27     27     27     27     28     28     28
b) 108    98     31    63     64     69     89     49     53     56
c) 494067 440482 18508 211127 212366 234871 362047 121611 141232 162043

a) 30     30     30     31    31     31     31     31     31     32
b) 81     99     104    48    79     80     86     90     95     63
c) 294385 423073 453978 98301 251825 278082 312452 366989 403963 192619

a) 32     32     32     33     33     33     34    34     34     35
b) 64     69     89     55     75     113    42    122    125    42
c) 193858 216363 343539 130389 228501 487816 36848 535115 548464 31920

a) 35     35     36    36     36     37     38     39     39     40
b) 122    125    39    58     61     92     109    71     94     58
c) 530187 543536 16989 132797 162897 354774 436807 190603 362495 115808

a) 40     41     41     41     42     42     42     43     43     44
b) 61     82     106    111    83     112    127    122    125    101
c) 145908 246652 415450 445704 251531 447377 529347 498267 511616 369404

a) 44     44     46     46     47    47    47     48     48     49
b) 103    115    77     107    52    54    97     119    121    79
c) 383509 449071 155330 375459 22715 37688 318437 430430 444038 153524

a) 49     49     49     49     50    50    51     53    53     54
b) 80     86     90     95     53    56    85     54    97     56
c) 179781 214151 268688 305662 19621 40432 196497 14973 295722 20811

a) 55     56    56     58     59    60     61    63     63     64
b) 97     75    113    120    61    118    67    87     124    69
c) 280749 98112 357427 388458 30100 357700 30072 140994 362334 23744

a) 64     65    65     66     70     72     74     76     78     79
b) 89     69    89     105    89     94     91     113    107    84
c) 150920 22505 149681 251748 127176 171892 146993 259315 220129 54425

a) 79    80    80     80     81    81    81     82     82     83
b) 88    86    90     95     86    90    95     99     104    106
c) 90272 60627 115164 152138 34370 88907 125881 128688 159593 168798

a) 83     84     84     85    87    87    88     91    94    100
b) 111    112    127    88    90    95    124    95    96    104
c) 199052 195846 277816 35847 54537 91511 221340 36974 21329 30905

a) 101   101   101    102   102   103   103    104   107   111   113
b) 102   117   123    103   115   117   123    115   111   126   127
c) 14854 96257 128429 14105 79667 81403 113575 65562 30254 84847 81970

a) 118   120   123
b) 123   121   125
c) 32172 13608 13349

10.2.1The interesting coincidence is that start and end (beginning and end) points of the groups, line a) and b) together are divisible by 13: 22880 = 25 x 5 x 11 x 13. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

10.2.2Removing the duplicates of the list of line a) leaves 84 (22 x 3 x 7) unique numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 
55 56 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 70 72 74 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 
87 88 91 94 100 101 102 103 104 107 111 113 118 120 123

10.2.3Removing the duplicates from line b) leaves 81 unique numbers.

4 100 102 117 123 62 87 124 20 116 66 28 76 29 81 99 104 45 77 107 
110 126 14 60 67 57 120 35 39 58 61 108 27 49 53 56 47 119 121 93 
96 98 31 63 64 69 89 48 79 80 86 90 95 55 75 113 42 122 125 92 109 
71 94 82 106 111 83 112 127 101 103 115 52 54 97 85 118 105 91 84 88

Total: 6587 = 7 x 941.

10.2.4We can also remove the duplicates from line c).

10059 558201 573055 654458 686630 324737 465731 687071 38024 79716 
647381 330750 548142 562996 644399 676571 108738 361256 112413 406798 
535486 566391 194817 350147 570276 582176 667023 16058 274393 304465 
41692 609357 225330 613788 92904 109893 225701 255801 27636 521703 
567665 29883 151494 171115 191926 137459 567889 581497 423451 444780 
494067 440482 18508 211127 212366 234871 362047 121611 141232 162043 
294385 423073 453978 98301 251825 278082 312452 366989 403963 192619 
193858 216363 343539 130389 228501 487816 36848 535115 548464 31920 
530187 543536 16989 132797 162897 354774 436807 190603 362495 115808 
145908 246652 415450 445704 251531 447377 529347 498267 511616 369404 
383509 449071 155330 375459 22715 37688 318437 430430 444038 153524 
179781 214151 268688 305662 19621 40432 196497 14973 295722 20811 
280749 98112 357427 388458 30100 357700 30072 140994 362334 23744 
150920 22505 149681 251748 127176 171892 146993 259315 220129 54425 
90272 60627 115164 152138 34370 88907 125881 128688 159593 168798 
199052 195846 277816 35847 54537 91511 221340 36974 21329 30905 
14854 96257 128429 14105 79667 81403 113575 65562 30254 84847 81970 
32172 13608 13349

The total is naturally divisible by 7: 44554965 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 7 x 13 x 4663. There is an extra factor of 7, and also the factor 13.

10.3.1Divide the 256 characters into segments of two. The sum of the odd positioned segments: 326753 = 7 x 46679.

10.3.2The sum of the even positioned segments: 392224 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 17 x 103.

10.3.3Divide the 256 words into segments of 16. The odd positioned segments: 337316 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 1721.

10.3.4The even positioned segments: 381661 = 7 x 7 x 7789.

10.3.5Divide the 256 characters into segments of 64 (odd positioned): 354466 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 3617. SF: 3633 = 3 x 7 x 173.

10.3.6The even positioned segments: 364511 = 7 x 7 x 43 x 173.

For The Skeptics

I did not write this passage to produce numeric coincidences. After seeing how poorly most English versions rendered the Hebrew, I felt compelled to produce a better Chinese version. My main concern was reproducing the actual meaning of Hebrew words in Chinese in poetic form. (I confess I did start with the assumption the prophecy was about China and America, but this was based on an earlier study years ago.)

My initial attempt produced a poem with only 241 words. Only after the Chinese passage was complete did I perform my very first check to see if it was divisible by 7. It was not. I made two changes and was surprised that I had succeeded. There were many amazing numeric coincidences! Unfortunately, on further study of the Hebrew, I realized I had missed several major points in translation. Needless to say, I was disappointed in giving up that initial version.

Over two months, I gradually worked through the Hebrew, and added in what I had missed. The poem now had 252 words. Again it was not divisible by 7. With about 50 trials I managed to obtain a total divisible by 7. Replacing 吧 with 呀 finally produced a balance of odd and even valued words each divisible by seven. After that, it was just a matter of re-arranging 權盟約紙 to have every other word divisible by 7. Thus only these coincidences can really be considered manufactured.

The four word heading (中美將來) was done as the second last step.2 I checked the full names of the nations first (中國 and 美國), but quickly realized they were not individually or together divisible by 7. Then it occurred to me to use the natural abbreviated expression of the two together (中美), and was pleasantly surprised. Too lazy to check an English-Chinese dictionary for the equivalent of prophecy or oracle I thought of the Chinese term 將來 denoting the future, and was delighted to discover it was divisible by seven on its own too.

Surprise, surprise! The heading fit the entire passage like a glove. It was amazingly simple and straightforward. It was as if I didn't even have to try. While this is not exactly direct proof the prophecy is about China and America, the numbers Numerics Gematria seem to suggest it.

English From The Chinese

Although the prophecy deals mostly with China, America is mentioned as well. Since America plays such a large role in the world, and since many nations and peoples today actually understand English, shouldn't there be an English version?

The following is an English translation of Isaiah 18 from the Chinese and not from the Hebrew. It was taken from the translation of the Chinese words seen previously. Fourteen changes were made from those words to produce an English version that flowed more smoothly. These changes were made in three batches, and only after each batch of changes was complete was a search made for coincidences. The amazing part was that it seemed so easy.

Isaiah 18 (English)

Woe! Calamity
because of the land of fierce sounds beyond the rivers of Africa,
Sending over the seas treaties, agreements, rights and paper.
This nation also sends envoys over the waters.
Go! Swift messengers to that far land.
To a repressed people, but independent and self-reliant,
(A) nation respected everywhere from its beginnings to now,
Stalwartly trampling line on line,
(Whose) land is divided and ruined by rivers.
(All) dwellers on earth be aware of the times.
(When) a flag is raised on the mountains, you will see.
(And when) the horn trumpets, you must act accordingly.
This word the lord (God) said to me was sure:
From My dwelling quietly watching,
As the sunlight's hot dry air suns,
The dew swiftly dispersing it before the harvest.
At the time when the grape vine's flower becomes the grape,
Before the grape ripens,
He will use a sickle to cut away the young twigs.
The overspreading branches he will hew down and take away.
Everything will be left for the birds of the mountains.
(They will be) abandoned and left for the wild beasts of the earth.
The birds will eat all through the summer.
The beasts of the earth (will eat) all through the winter.
She at that (proper) time will come bringing gifts,
(With) a grand ceremony congratulating and celebrating the lord (God) of Hosts,
(From a) people repressed, but independent and self-reliant,
(A) nation respected everywhere from its beginnings to now,
Stalwartly trampling line upon line,
(Whose) land is divided and ruined by rivers.
Gifts will be brought to that place named
The city of Mount Zion of the lord (God) of Hosts.

Conversion To Numbers Numerics Gematria

1       2                            3              4     5
100     415                          76             5     87
1       2   3  4   5  6   7   8      9  10 11 12    13    14  15
100     3-  1- 10- 1- 20- 80- 300    2- 3- 1- 70    5     80- 7
Woe!    Calamity                     because        of    the

6                7     8            9                10
45               5     68           174              336
16  17 18  19    20    21 22  23    24  25  26 27    28  29   30  31
10- 1- 30- 4     5     5- 60- 3     70- 30- 4- 70    2-  300- 30- 4
land             of    fierce       sounds           beyond

11        12                13    14                 15
87        280               5     70                 140
32  33    34  35  36  37    38    39 40 41  42 43    44  45  46 47  48
80- 7     60- 90- 60- 70    5     1- 5- 60- 3- 1     70- 30- 4- 30- 6
the       rivers            of    Africa,            Sending

16       17       18          19                  20
150      87       141         291                 267
49 50    51  52   53  54 55   56  57  58 59  60   61 62 63 64 65 66 67
90-60    80- 7    70- 1- 70   80- 60- 1- 80- 70   1- 6- 60-20-30-80-70
over     the      seas        treaties,           agreements,

21                  22          23             24          25
223                 35          141            157         141
68  69 70 71  72    73 74 75    76 77 78 79    80 81 82    83 84 85 86
60- 6- 7- 80- 70    1- 30-4     40-1- 40-60    80-7- 70    30-1- 80-30
rights              and         paper.         This        nation

26           27               28                 29        30
81           174              490                150       87
87 88  89    90  91  92 93    94  95  96   97    98  99    100 101
1- 10- 70    70- 30- 4- 70    30- 90- 300- 70    90- 60    80- 7
also         sends            envoys             over      the

31                   32    33                34
311                  6     255               326
102 103 104 105 106  107   108 109 110 111   112 113 14 115 16 117 118
100-1-  80- 60- 70   6     70- 100-5-  80    20- 70- 70-30- 6- 60- 70
waters.              Go!   Swift             messengers

35     36                 37             38                 39    40     
80     168                66             45                 80    1      
119    120 121 122 123    124 125 126    127 128 129 130    131   132    
80     80- 7-  1-  80     5-  1-  60     10- 1-  30- 4      80    1      
to     that               far            land.              To    a      

41                     42            43         44
304                    90            82         218
133 34 35 36 37 138    139 40 141    142 143    144 45 46 47 48 49 150
60- 40-60-70-70-4      40- 40-10     2-  80     30- 4- 40-30-4- 30-80
repressed              people,       but        independent

45            46                                47     48
35            266                               1      141
151 152 153   154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161   162    163 164 165 166
1-  30- 4     70- 10- 5-  60- 10- 1-  30- 80    1      30- 1-  80- 30
and           self-reliant,                     (A)    nation

49                       50                       51           52         
257                      617                      85           150        
167 168 169 70 171 172   173 174 175 176 77 178   179 180 181  182 183    
60- 70- 40- 3-  80- 4    90- 60- 300-100-7- 60    5-  60- 20   80- 70     
respected                everywhere               from         its        

53                     54    55        56
174                    80    130       712
184 5 86 87 88 9 190   191   192 193   194 95 6 97 98  9 200 01 02 203
2-  6-30-30-30-6-70    80    30- 100   70- 80-1-10-100-1-60- 80-10-300
beginnings             to    now,      Stalwartly

57                                 58         59     60
247                                40         30     40
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211    212 213    214    215 216
80- 60- 1-  20- 40- 10- 30- 6      10- 30     30     10- 30
trampling                          line       on     line,

61             62                63     64                 65
177            45                70     102                35
217 218 219    220 221 222 223   224    225 226 227 228    229 230 231
100-7-  70     10- 1-  30- 4     70     4-  90- 4-  4      1-  30- 4
(Whose)        land              is     divided            and

66         67         68              69           70
94         302        280             21           254
232 33 4   235 236    237 38 39 40    241 42 43    244 245 46 47 48 49
60- 30-4   2-  300    60- 90-60-70    1-  10-10    4-  100-10-10-60-70
ruined     by         rivers.         (All)        dwellers

71     72                 73     74                  75     76
30     148                2      162                 5      87
250    251 252 253 254    255    256 257  258 259    260    261 262
30     1-  60- 80- 7      2      1-  100- 1-  60     5      80- 7
on     earth              be     aware               of     the

77             78              79     80                 81
170            137             1      22                 70
263 264 265    266  267 268    269    270 271 272 273    274
80- 20- 70     100- 7-  30     1      5-  10- 1-  6      70
times.         (When)          a      flag               is

82                 83     84         85
135                30     87         231
275 276 277 278    279    280 281    282 283 284 285 286 287
60- 1-  70- 4      30     80- 7      20- 30- 80- 1-  30- 70
raised             on     the        mountains,

86     87              88      89             90              91
300    120             70      35             137             87
288    289  290 291    292     293 294 295    296  297 298    299 300
300    100- 10- 10     70      1-  30- 4      100- 7-  30     80- 7
you    will            see.    (And           when)           the

92             93                         94     95
97             350                        300    170
301 302 303    304 305 306 307 308 309    310    311 312 313
7-  60- 30     80- 60- 20- 40- 80- 70     300    20- 70- 80
horn           trumpets,                  you    must

96             97                                     98
84             417                                    157
314 315 316    317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325    326 327 328
1-  3-  80     1-  3-  3-  60- 4-  30- 6-  10- 300    80- 7-  70
act            accordingly.                           This

99              100        101            102        103
164             87         74             10         75
329  330 331    332 333    334 335 336    337 338    339 340 341
100- 60- 4      80- 7      10- 60- 4      6-  4      70- 1-  4
word            the        LORD           (god)      said

104    105    106             107        108            109
80     20     171             130        85             320
342    343    344  345 346    347 348    349 350 351    352 353
80     20     100- 1-  70     70- 60     5-  60- 20     20- 300
to     me     was             sure:      From           My

110                        111                112
160                        440                227
354 355 356 357 358 359    360 361 362 363    364 65 366 67 68 369 370
4-  100-10- 10- 30- 6      50- 80- 10- 300    100-1- 80- 3- 7- 30- 6
dwelling                   quietly            watching,

113       114       115                           116      117            
71        87        273                           87       364            
371 372   373 374   375 376 377 378 379 380 381   382 383  384 385 386    
1-  70    80- 7     70- 30- 10- 6-  7-  80- 70    7-  80   4-  60- 300    
As        the       sunlight's                    hot      dry            

118        119           120        121        122
61         170           87         104        565
387 388    389 390 391   392 393    394 395    396 397 398 399 400 401
1-  60     70- 30- 70    80- 7      4-  100    70- 100-5-  80- 10- 300
air        suns,         The        dew        swiftly

123                            124    125            126
280                            80     67             87
402 403 404 405 406 407 408    409    410 411 412    413 414
4-  70- 40- 60- 70- 30- 6      80     2-  5-  60     80- 7
dispersing                     it     before         the

127                        128        129        130       131
308                        81         87         100       137
415 416 417 418 419 420    421 422    423 424    425 426   427 428 429
7-  1-  60- 90- 70- 80     1-  80     80- 7      80- 20    100-7-  30
harvest.                   At         the        time      when

132        133                134            135
87         107                190            175
430 431    432 433 434 435    436 437 438    439 440 441  442
80- 7      6-  60- 1-  40     90- 30- 70     5-  10- 100- 60
the        grape              vine's         flower

136                137        138                139
95                 87         107                67
443 444 445 446    447 448    449 450 451 452    453 454 455
2-  3-  20- 70     80- 7      6-  60- 1-  40     2-  5-  60
becomes            the        grape,             Before

140        141                142                143    144
87         107                200                7      120
456 457    458 459 460 461    462 463 464 465    466    467  468 469
80- 7      6-  60- 1-  40     60- 40- 30- 70     7      100- 10- 10
the        grape              ripens,            He     will

145   146   147               148   149       150               151        
70    1     92                80    83        402               87         
470   471   472 473 474 475   476   477 478   479 480 481 482   483 84    
70    1     70- 3-  9-  10    80    3-  80    1-  100-1-  300   80- 7      
use   a     sickle            to    cut       away              the        

152           153             154      155
336           256             87       361
485 486 87    488 489 90 91   492 93   494 495 496 497 498 9 500 01 02
300-30- 6     80- 100-6- 70   80- 7    90- 60- 70- 40- 60- 1-4-  30-6
young         twigs.          The      overspreading

156                            157    158             159
173                            7      120             107
503 504 505 506 507 508 509    510    511  512 513    514 515
2-  60- 1-  30- 3-  7-  70     7      100- 10- 10     7-  100
branches                       he     will            hew

160             161            162            163
134             35             90             402
516 517  518    519 520 521    522 523 524    525 526  527 528
4-  100- 30     1-  30- 4      80- 1-  9      1-  100- 1-  300
down            and            take           away.

164                           165           166   167          168        
573                           120           2     95           65         
529 530 531 532 533 534 535   536 537 538   539   540 541 542  543 544    
90- 60- 300-80- 7-  30- 6     100-10- 10    2     10- 5-  80   5-  60     
Everything                    will          be    left         for        

169        170               171    172        173
87         136               5      87         231
545 546    547 548 549 550   551    552 553    554 555 556 557 558 559
80- 7      2-  60- 4-  70    5      80- 7      20- 30- 80- 1-  30- 70
the        birds             of     the        mountains.

174            175             176    177
387            120             2      72
560 561 562    563  564 565    566    567 568 569 570 571 572 573
80- 7-  300    100- 10- 10     2      1-  2-  1-  30- 4-  30- 4
(They          will            be)    abandoned

178            179            180        181        182
35             95             65         87         114
574 575 576    577 578 579    580 581    582 583    584  585 586
1-  30- 4      10- 5-  80     5-  60     80- 7      100- 10- 4
and            left           for        the        wild

183                    184    185        186                187
223                    5      87         148                87
587 588 589 590 591    592    593 594    595 596 597 598    599 600
2-  1-  70- 80- 70     5      80- 7      1-  60- 80- 7      80- 7
beasts                 of     the        earth.             The

188            189            190       191           192
136            120            81        21            160
601 02 3 04    605  06 607    608 09    610 11 612    613 4 615 16 617
2-  60-4-70    100- 10-10     1-  80    1-  10-10     80- 7-60- 6- 7
birds          will           eat       all           through

193        194                195        196
87         170                87         223
618 619    620 621 622 623    624 625    626 627 628 629 630
80- 7      70- 20- 20- 60     80- 7      2-  1-  70- 80- 70
the        summer.            The        beasts

197    198        199                200             201
5      87         148                120             81
631    632 633    634 635 636 637    638  639 640    641 642
5      80- 7      1-  60- 80- 7      100- 10- 10     1-  80
of     the        earth              (will           eat)

202            203                    204        205
21             160                    87         270
643 644 645    646 647 648 649 650    651 652    653  654 655 656
1-  10- 10     80- 7-  60- 6-  7      80- 7      100- 30- 80- 60
all            through                the        winter.

206        207        208                209                210
77         81         168                200                100
657 658    659 660    661 662 663 664    665 666 667 668    669 670
70- 7      1-  80     80- 7-  1-  80     40- 60- 40- 60     80- 20
She        at         that               (proper)           time

211             212        213                        214
120             23         134                        161
671  672 673    674 675    676 677 678 679 680 681    682 683 684 685
100- 10- 10     3-  20     2-  60- 30- 6-  30- 6      6-  5-  80- 70
will            come       bringing                   gifts,

215             216    217                    218
187             1      101                    413
686  687 688    689    690 691 692 693 694    695 696 697 698 699
100- 80- 7      1      6-  60- 1-  30- 4      3-  60- 20- 30- 300
(With)          a      grand                  ceremony

219                               220         221
307                               35          192
700 01 2 03 4 05 06 7 08 09 10    711 12 3    714 15 6 17 8 19 20 21
3-  30-6-60-1-80-10-1-80-30-6     1-  30-4    3-  10-2-60-1-80-30-6
congratulating                    and         celebrating

222      223          224      225   226              227          228
87       74           10       5     227              85           1
722 723  724 725 726  727 728  729   730 731 732 733  734 735 736  737
80- 7    10- 60- 4    6-  4    5     7-  70- 80- 70   5-  60- 20   1
the      LORD         (God)    of    Hosts,           (From        a)

229           230                231       232
90            304                82        218
738 39 40   741 42 43 44 45 46   747 748   749 750 751 752 753 754 755
40- 40-10   60- 40-60-70-70-4    2-  80    30- 4-  40- 30- 4-  30- 80
people        repressed,         but       independent

233           234                               235    236
35            266                               1      141
756 757 758   759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766   767    768 769 770 771
1-  30- 4     70- 10- 5-  60- 10- 1-  30- 80    1      30- 1-  80- 30
and           self-reliant,                     (A)    nation

237                       238                      239         240        
257                       617                      85          150        
772 773 774 75 776 777    778 79 780 781 82 783    784 85 86   787 788
60- 70- 40- 3- 80- 4      90- 60-300-100-7- 60     5-  60-20   80- 70     
respected                 everywhere               from        its        

241                    242   243       244
174                    80    130       712
789 90 91 92 93 4 95   796   797 798   799 800 1 02 803 4 05 06 07 808
2-  6- 30-30-30-6-70   80    30- 100   70- 80- 1-10-100-1-60-80-10-300
beginnings             to    now,      Stalwartly

245                                246        247        248
247                                40         70         40
809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816    817 818    819 820    821 822
80- 60- 1-  20- 40- 10- 30- 6      10- 30     40- 30     10- 30
trampling                          line       upon       line,

249            250               251    252                253
177            45                70     102                35
823  824 825   826 827 828 829   830    831 832 833 834    835 836 837
100- 7-  70    10- 1-  30- 4     70     4-  90- 4-  4      1-  30- 4
(Whose)        land              is     divided            and

254            255        256                257
94             302        280                161
838 839 840    841 842    843 844 845 846    847 848 849 850
60- 30- 4      2-  300    60- 90- 60- 70     6-  5-  80- 70
ruined         by         rivers.            Gifts

258             259    260                    261    262
120             2      155                    80     168
851  852 853    854    855 856 857 858 859    860    861 862 863 864
100- 10- 10     2      2-  60- 6-  7-  80     80     80- 7-  1-  80
will            be     brought                to     that

263                264                265        266
54                 55                 87         383
865 866 867 868    869 870 871 872    873 874    875 876 877
40- 10- 1-  3      30- 1-  20- 4      80- 7      3-  80- 300
place              named              The        city

267    268            269         270    271        272
5      130            430         5      87         74
878    879 880 881    882  883    884    885 886    887 888 889
5      20- 30- 80     400- 30     5      80- 7      10- 60- 4
of     Mount          Zion        of     the        LORD

273        274    275
10         5      227
890 891    892    893 894 895 896
6-  4      5      7-  70- 80- 70
(God)      of     Hosts.

English Numeric Coincidences

11.1.1Number of words: 275 = 5 x 5 x 11 SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

11.1.2Number of letters (with values): 896 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

11.1.3Numeric total: 38927 = 7 x 67 x 83.

11.2.1Odd valued words: 17983 = 7 x 7 x 367.

11.2.2Even valued words: 20944 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 17.

11.2.3Even valued words in even positions: 11452 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 409. SF: 420 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. (No equivalent coincidence with the odd valued words.)

11.3.1First letter of each word: 12145 = 5 x 7 x 347. (Position of the first letter of each word: 123716 = 2 x 2 x 157 x 197.)

11.3.2Last letter of each word: 14046 = 2 x 3 x 2341 (no coincidence). (Position of the last letter of each word 124337.)

11.3.3Positions of the first and last letters of each word: 248053 = 13 x 19081.

11.3.4The first and last letters of each word together: 26191 = 11 x 2381 (no coincidence). The coincidence is in the sum of the factors: 2392 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 x 23. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

11.4Odd positioned letters: 19124 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 683.

11.5Even positioned letters: 19803 = 3 x 7 x 23 x 41.

11.6There are 275 words, and 275 factors as 5 x 5 x 11. These numbers can be used to pull sequences of words from the passage. first word and every 11th after: 4927 = 13 x 379. SF: 392 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7. 11th word: 2678 = 2 x 13 x 103. 5th word: 7774 = 2 x 13 x 13 x 23. 55th word: 672 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7. is not a factor of 275, but because it is related to God, it can be used as well. The first word and every 13th after: 2051 = 7 x 293.

11.6.2The letters are not as consistent as the words. first letter and every 56th after: 392 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7. 56th letter: 650 = 2 x 5 x 5 x 13. 112th letter: 266 = 2 x 7 x 19. SF: 28 = 2 x 2 x 7.

11.7Similar to the Chinese, a heading could be added to the English: Prophecy of China and America.

1                   2    3           4          5
450                 5    41          35         85
1  2  3  4 5 6      7    8 9 10 11   12 13 14   15 16 17 18 19
40-60-40-7-3-300    5    3-7-30-1    1- 30-4    1- 20-60-3- 1
Prophecy            of   China       and        America

The total for this heading: 616 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 11.

Adding the heading to the passage brings the total number of words to 280. This factors into 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7. The number of letters is no longer divisible by 7, but now the number of words is.

The total number of letters: 915 (no coincidence).

When this heading is added to the rest of the English translation, the final value becomes 39543. This factors 3 x 7 x 7 x 269 (an extra coincidence of 7). The sum of these factors: 286 = 2 x 11 x 13. And going a third level, the factors again total: 26 = 2 x 13.

With the heading, other coincidences change. The first letter of each word is no longer divisible by seven, but the last letter is: 14357 = 7 x 7 x 293, and the sum of the positions of the last letter of each word works too: 129619 = 7 x 18517.

A lot more could be discovered here, but since the English is a translation from Chinese the above results are already sufficient.

God does not hide what He is about to do from those who love Him (Genesis 18:17; Revelation 22:6). The prophecy in Isaiah 18 was given as a sign there would be greater, and more powerful nations in the future. These would take centre stage while the Middle East, the cradle of civilization (Isaiah chapters 18 and 19) would be relegated to minor status. Isaiah's prophecy was meant to expand the narrow egocentric view of the ancient Hebrews.

God said He would speak to Israel in new languages (Isaiah 28:11). This began with the New Testament in the Greek language. Now it continues with English and Chinese, because both languages have numeric coincidences following the pattern found in Exodus 34:6-7. Coincidentally the names of these three languages in English have a feature of their own.

a) Word total:       75          123                 110
b) Word place value: 30          51                  38
c) Letter position:  1  2   3    4   5  6   7   8    9   10 11  12
d) Place value:      6- 15- 9    12- 6- 10- 16- 7    3-  7- 12- 16
e) Numeric value:    6- 60- 9    30- 6- 10- 70- 7    3-  7- 30- 70
                     Greek       English             Chinese

d) Total of the place values: 119 = 7 x 17.

e) Total of the numeric values: 308 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11.

The position of the first letter of each word: 14 = 2 x 7.

The value of the first letter of each word: 39 = 3 x 13.

And the names of these languages in Chinese also has something as well.

Three Imperial Languages
903 8063 59462335 166101 166

Total: 17680 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 13 x 17.


This is the first numeric study of a single prophecy in three different languages!3 All three languages bear the same characteristic coincidences confirming the importance of this end time prophecy. God wants the world to know His word, and using three languages makes it accessible to more people. This is God’s assurance to believers that His plan is coming to fruition, and that justice will be delivered to the whole world.

No other nation, land and people fit Isaiah's prophecy so well as China. The timing would seem to apply today. Could it be that numeric features (following Revelation 1:8 and 22:13) appear when interpretations follow the actual Hebrew and convey God’s original message?

The prophecy is a warning to China of the environmental disasters that will be coming. But there is also another warning. This is the Woe from the land of fierce sounds that tries to tie everything up in trade agreements, contracts, futures, options, copyrights, trademarks, patents all for its own advantage and shut out all competitors. It is a warning against the land that is capable of manufacturing trillions of dollars out of thin air. It is a warning against the land that creates its own laws, applies them only when it wants to, changes them whenever it suits its whim, interprets them from its egocentric view and demands everyone bow to them as if they were universal. When this land applies economic sanctions, there is woe.

There will be many who cannot accept this. Albert Einstein himself was a socialist. You can read the article he wrote Why Socialism? where he lays out his reasoning. (Since God claims all things as His own, what right have we except to be good stewards and share? [Isaiah 66:2])

Just remember: Jesus said we will know false prophets by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). Honestly ask yourself what a century of American domination of the western hemisphere has accomplished: four failed states (El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras), corruption everywhere south of the border and increasing corruption even north of the border, drug cartels, widespread poverty as if the modern age hadn't even begun yet, governments that do less and less, nations hamstrung by piles of debt, and a steady stream of migrants who have lost all faith in their own nations and see no purpose in staying. (Let's not forget tens of thousands of toxic waste sites.)

What has American intervention accomplished in the rest of the world, but more failed states: Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. (For secular witnesses see: Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System, by Ian Angus on how capitalism itself is fundamentally destructive of natural systems, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins on real reasons why economic development fails, Odious Debts, by Patricia Adams on loose lending practices allowed by governments, The Hunger Machine, by Jon Bennett & Susan George on the real reasons why children starve, The Production Of Money by Ann Pettifor on the despotic power of the Western financial system that has been foisted on the world, and The Globalization of War: America's Long War Against Humanity, by Michel Chossudovsky.)

The prophecy is also for believers to see and understand the times of their world. Isaiah 18 really goes with chapter 19. Isaiah 19 is about Egypt. The contrast is between a far away nation showing respect for God, and a nation next door to Israel refusing to acknowledge God until they are punished again and again for it. The contrast is between a nation not normally associated with God, and a nation that has already been visited by God several times.

Unfortunately, China will not come to God until the very end. Right now China continues mimicking the land of fierce sounds. The wine of Babylon is irresistible (Revelation 17:2). The more she copies the West, the more she will suffer like Egypt. While Egypt will suffer drought, China will suffer the reverse in floods. This is already seen in recent years with stronger and bigger typhoons. (Call it global warming or climate change if you will. Call it all a fluke, but Isaiah predicted cleaving and spoiling of the land two and a half millennia ago.)

Copying the West also makes China vulnerable to economic sanctions (Revelation 13:16-17). Whether she can still choose her own path remains to be seen.

The earlier China begins turning to God (Jeremiah 9:22-23) and away from copying Babylon, the better off she will be in the end. Of course, turning away from Babylon arouses the wrath of the beast (Revelation 13:4). But better the wrath of the beast than the wrath of God.

For more on the relationship between China and America and the implications, see: Taiwan Belongs To China.

中 國 要 回 歸 上 帝

Numbers might convince someone to decide to turn to God, but that is only the very first step. Everything else comes from reading the salvation message in the Gospels. There are no how to's in the numbers.

Translating the Hebrew of Isaiah 18 into Chinese and having numeric coincidences was trial and error, but it did not require much effort (see above). This opened the door to the idea of using a computer to help with more complex situations requiring trial and error. And of course, this raised the question whether it would be easy or difficult to manufacture numeric coincidences.

If it was easy to produce numeric coincidences, this would destroy everything presented so far. However, if it was not easy to do, and yet something can be produced despite improbable odds, this would strengthen the case for God’s hand. This leads to the next section on new numeric experiments (see link in navigation bar below) unlike the one presented so far.

  1. The earliest Jewish understanding of this chapter can be found in the Septuagint. A check with two online versions of Greek-English interlinears shows even the Jews did not understand the prophecy (Isaiah 8:16-17). Quite a number of Greek words do not follow the Hebrew.

    The Jewish Study Bible (from the Jewish Publication Society) gives a more recent understanding.
    Ah land in the deep shadow of wings (explained also as most sheltered land), beyond the rivers of Nubia. Go swift messengers to a nation far and remote, to a people thrust forth and away, a nation of gibber and chatter (explained as how the ancient Israelites viewed foreigners, whose language they did not understand), whose land is cut off by streams, which sends out envoys by sea in papyrus vessels upon the water (brought to the end of the verse for clarity. The Hebrew word sends gender agrees with nation, not with land).
    The modern understanding is not much better. Woe has been turned into a simple Ah. Deep shadow of wings is an interpretation of Isaiah's words, not a translation, and this is further interpreted as most sheltered land in the brackets. In the Jewish Study Bible notes, the section highlighted in green indicates uncertainty in meaning. Gibber and chatter is another interpretation, and not a translation of the actual prophecy.

    And finally, an entire clause (sends out envoys by sea in papyrus vessels) is moved from the land in the deep shadow and attributed to a nation far and remote because of the gender of the word sends. Rather than clarifying the prophecy, this does the opposite. Why is Ah used to open the description of the land in the deep shadow if all it does it send ambassadors? And if Woe was restored, why is it bad or wrong for the land in the deep shadow to be sending ambassadors to a distant land? Never mind that sends out envoys by sea in papyrus vessels is not what Isaiah wrote at all?

    In translating Hebrew to Greek, the Septuagint does not make use of the gender noted by the Jewish Study Bible. Could this have been an oversight? Or did it not really matter? Modern English translations couldn't have been ignorant either. Since the Septuagint and English translators basically follow Isaiah's word and phrase order, I think it best that the clause not be moved. Besides, strict grammar rules may not apply to poetry. (See also Isaiah 8:16-17 and 28:1-13 for two reasons from the Bible itself why the Jewish understanding, ancient or modern, should be taken with caution.)

    It is also important to realize that many languages (English and Chinese are just two of them) do not have gender agreement at all. In Chinese, even plural forms, tense, and much else can disappear. (If it was translated, it would require many Chinese characters, resulting in unwieldy translations.) This is not to say the original language's words should be moved out of order, but it is something to ponder when considering Bible translation, and the fact that it was God who arranged all our languages (Genesis 11:9).

  2. I like to think the translators of the KJV were honest (and more pious) and did the best they could with the limited resources they had. Even though they didn't understand the prophecy, they had to write something. They couldn't leave a blank spot in the English Bible! Their hope would be for later translators to fix it or do a better job. To make it obvious, they eschewed their usual consistency and deliberately chose English words that diverged from the Hebrew to alert later scholars. And they made certain the English would not quite make sense. They knew their own notes, discussions and writings might not be transmitted, but they knew the Bible would be reprinted and handed down. This was the best way to do it without adding footnotes (which didn't exist at that time) or side notations that would reduce confidence in the Bible. The Bible they were translating was for all people and they couldn't be sure of the scholarship and reading level of the recipient. If anyone didn't understand, it was expected they would ask their minister.

    Unfortunately, the KJV's reputation grew so much, later translators all followed in its footsteps. Even if the original Hebrew was utilized, words and meanings were stretched further in an attempt to make sense of the prophecy. (This carried into the translation of the Chinese Bible. Even the Chinese New Version which was recently completed borrows much of Isaiah 18 from later English translations.)

    Although the KJV translators had nothing to hide, I suspect later translators did. England in 1611 was just one nation among many competing in the world. They were not responsible for the world. Four hundred years later, the United States is the preeminent world power. No matter how you look at it, America is responsible for much of what happens (or does not happen) in the world. This changed the attitude of later translators.
  3. Only after the heading was complete did I consider checking various other possibilities in Chinese for the word prophecy. There were a total of seven (預示, 預言, 默示, 神諭, 聖言, 聖斷, and 賢哲). 預示 was the only one divisible by 7. 中美預示 would actually lose one of the basic coincidences. Every other character would no longer be divisible by seven.
  4. Four languages have numeric features: Hebrew in the Old Testament, Greek in the New Testament, English from various historical documents regarding Israel, and Chinese from translated Bible passages. Isaiah 18 in three languages had numeric features (Hebrew, Chinese, English). Of course this led me to consider a modern Greek version for Isaiah 18. Unfortunately, I don't know Greek (modern or ancient). I work with Bible software, dictionaries and interlinears. And then it occurred to me that Google Translate™ could be tried. (Google Translate is a trademark of Google Inc.)

    Google Translate™ is far from perfect. It works better for some languages, and sometimes it works better going one way than the other way. Web articles indicate that Greek to English, or French to English is handled very well. Going from English to Greek is an entirely different matter, but one writer said it was passable (75%-85% accurate) depending on content and complexity.

    Not having anything to lose, on October 15, 2019, I took the English version I had written from the Chinese of Isaiah 18 and ran it through Google Translate™ sentence by sentence. This is the result. (I have no idea how accurate it is, or whether it makes any sense.)
    Αλίμονο! Καταστροφές εξαιτίας της γης των άγριων ήχων πέρα ​​από τα ποτάμια της Αφρικής, στέλνοντας τις συνθήκες, τις συμφωνίες, τα δικαιώματα και το χαρτί στις θάλασσες. Αυτό το έθνος στέλνει επίσης απεσταλμένους πάνω στα νερά. Πηγαίνω! Ταχυδακτυλουργοί σε αυτή τη μακρινή γη, σε καταπιεσμένο λαό, αλλά ανεξάρτητο και αυτοδύναμο, ένα έθνος σεβαστό παντού, από τις αρχές του μέχρι τώρα, σταθερά τραυματιζόμενη γραμμή, η γη της οποίας διαιρείται και καταστρέφεται από ποτάμια. Όλοι οι κάτοικοι της γης πρέπει να γνωρίζουν τις εποχές. Όταν σηκώνεται μια σημαία στα βουνά, θα δείτε. Και όταν η κέρατο σάλπιγγες, πρέπει να ενεργήσετε ανάλογα. Αυτή η λέξη ο κύριος που μου είπε ο Θεός ήταν σίγουρος: Από την κατοικία μου βλέποντας ήσυχα, καθώς ο ζεστός ξηρός αέρας του ηλιακού φωτός αναπαράγει τη δροσιά και το διασκορπίζει γρήγορα πριν τη συγκομιδή. Την εποχή που το λουλούδι της αμπέλου γίνεται το σταφύλι, πριν το ωριμάζει, θα χρησιμοποιήσει ένα δρεπάνι για να κόψει τα νεαρά κλαδιά. Τα υπερβολικά διακλαδισμένα κλαδιά που θα ρίξει κάτω και θα πάρει μακριά. Όλα θα μείνουν για τα πουλιά των βουνών. Θα εγκαταλειφθούν και θα φύγουν για τα άγρια ​​θηρία της γης. Τα πουλιά θα τρώνε όλο το καλοκαίρι. Τα θηρία της γης θα τρώνε όλη τη διάρκεια του χειμώνα. Εκείνη την κατάλληλη στιγμή θα έρθει φέρνοντας δώρα, με μια μεγάλη τελετή συγχαίροντας και γιορτάζοντας τον άρχοντα των Θεαστών, Από έναν καταπιεσμένο, αλλά ανεξάρτητο και αυτοδύναμο λαό, ένα έθνος σεβαστό παντού, από τις απαρχές του έως τώρα, αδιάκοπα καταπατητική γραμμή, η γη του οποίου χωρίζεται και καταστρέφεται από ποτάμια. Τα δώρα θα φτάνουν στον τόπο αυτό που ονομάζεται η πόλη του Σιωνίου του Κυρίου του Θεού των Φιλών.
    This text was then converted to numbers just as the Greek text of the New Testament. Its total was God at the beginning and end. And of course 84084 factors 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 11 x 13.">84077 (7 x 12011). The first letter of each word: 15064 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 269. It broke down with the values of the last letter of each word, but the positions of these letters worked: 190932 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 2273. The even valued word sums: 45552 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 13 x 73. The odd valued word sums did not work, but the odd valued words in odd positions did: 18642 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 239. The first letter of odd valued word sums: 7889 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 23. The first letter of even valued word sums: 7175 = 5 x 5 x 7 x 41.

    The results are not very consistent, but what would one expect from a machine translation? And what does one expect from Hebrew translated to Chinese, then from Chinese to English, and finally from English to modern Greek by a machine? Is it not strange that the basic numeric pattern from Revelation 1:8 and 22:13 can still be seen?

    (N.B. I tried the same with Bing Translate™, and Systran™ a few days later. The translations were different from Google's, and they were not divisible by 7.)

Numeric Study Links

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presents the Bible as a rational book, as history, economics, and prophecy (with an extensive look at the book of Revelation) also covering a diverse range of topics. (Active site.)

Salvation is found in God’s word, not in the numbers.