Bible Numbers 2.0

Related Verses

Studying the numbers from the Chinese of God’s description of Himself (Exodus 34:6-7), of His Creation (Genesis 1:1), of the one He spoke into being to bring about Creation (John 1:1), and of the prophecy for the world's future (Revelation) naturally leads to other verses.

Some of these verses have already been covered in Hebrew. How many of them have numeric features in Chinese? Some do, but some don't. A short list is presented below.

By now it should be obvious why more portions of the Bible don't have numeric features after being translated from the original languages. The example is seen in the Chinese Bible. Western missionaries avoided using the term 上帝 for God because of the Trinity. Improper concepts of God mean the Holy Spirit's guidance will be missing, and lead to poorer translations. Unfortunately, I have neither the skill, resources nor time to undertake such a task. All I can do is concentrate on small sections of the Bible that are important (in my opinion) and that clearly need fixing.

This leads to a Bible prophecy that is clearly misunderstood, and thus translated wrong: Isaiah 18 以賽亞.

中 國 要 回 歸 上 帝

(For more on China and America in prophecy: Bible Issues.)


Numeric Study Links

The Rational Bible

Bible Issues

presents the Bible as a rational book, as history, economics, and prophecy (with an extensive look at the book of Revelation) also covering a diverse range of topics. (Active site.)

Even the hairs of your head are numbered (Luke 12:7). This shows God’s care in protecting His word. Study that message, not the numbers.