Bible Numbers 2.0

Jesus' Birth In Chinese
(Luke 1:31-36)

(可 惜 這 頁 沒 有 中 文 繙 譯)

Luke 1:31-36 documents the encounter between the angel Gabriel and Mary the mother of Jesus. It is the only record of a divine announcement unlike any other in history. The angel gives Jesus' background, a near term prophecy and a long term prophecy (yet to be fulfilled). But there is more to this passage than just prophecy. It shows Jesus is not God, and this can be clearly seen in two Chinese translations of the passage. These two translations can be termed the oldest and the newest (Catholic and the Chinese New Version).

31 看,你將懷孕生子,並要給他起名叫耶穌。
32 他將是偉大的,並被稱為至高者的兒子,上主天主要把他祖先達味的御座賜給他。
33 他要為王統治雅各伯家,直到永遠;他的王權沒有終結。 」
34 瑪利亞便向天使說:「這事怎能成就?因為我不認識男人。」
35 天使答复她說:「聖神要臨於你,至高者的能力要庇蔭你,因此,那要誕生的聖者,將稱為天主的兒子
36 且看,你的親戚依撒伯爾,她雖在老年,卻懷了男胎,本月已六個月了,她原是素稱不生育的
(Catholic Chinese Bible, Luke 1:31-36)
31 你將懷孕生子,要給他起名叫耶穌。
32 他將要被尊為大,稱為至高者的兒子,主 神要把他祖大衛的王位賜給他,
33 他要作王統治雅各家,直到永遠,他的國沒有窮盡。”
34 馬利亞對天使說:“我還沒有出嫁,怎能有這事呢?”
35 天使回答:“聖靈要臨到你,至高者的能力要覆庇你,因此那將要出生的聖者,必稱為 神的兒子
36 你看,你親戚以利沙伯,被稱為不生育的,在老年也懷了男胎,現在已是第六個月了,
(Chinese New Version, Luke 1:31-36)

The phrases highlighted in green are the translations for called the son of the Most High and called the son of God. The Chinese word 稱 means called or named. Sometimes it has the meaning claimed. The scholars chose this word because it reflected the Greek. They did not choose a word to say is the son of the Most High. Nor did they choose a word to say is the son of God.

The Chinese New Version even takes it a little further with 稱為神的兒子. The highlighted word 必 means must. In other words, the son to be born must be called the son of God.

Neither Chinese version is divisible by 7 or 13. But that is because these translations did not use the proper Chinese translation for God: 上帝. The Catholics used 上主天主 (high master/lord, master/lord of heaven), and the Protestants used 主神 (master/lord god). 上帝 means high sovereign and the term in Chinese carries with it supremacy and deity. By definition the deity of 上帝 is above any other (a class by itself), and it is exclusively singular.

Watch what happens when 上帝 replaces the words used by the Catholics and Protestants.

Catholic Version Amended With 上帝
The two replacements are highlighted in green.

The numeric total of the amended passage is 375687 (3 x 3 x 13 x 13 x 13 x 19). There are three factors of 13 pointing to the divine name in Hebrew.

The number of words (166) is not divisible by 7 or 13, but the chain of factors leads to 13: 166 = 2 x 83. SF: 85 = 5 x 17. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13.

There aren't many other features here. There are more in the Protestant version.

Chinese New Version Amended With 上帝
Two replacements are highlighted in green.

1.There are 153 words or 3 x 3 x 17. The sum of the factors is 23, the number of man. This is very appropriate since Jesus came as a man.

2.Total: 327236 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 13 x 29 x 31. SF: 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7.
SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

3.1The first and last words: 777 = 3 x 7 x 37.

3.2First and last 3 words: 14721 = 3 x 7 x 701.

3.3First and last 6 words: 21427 = 7 x 3061.

3.4First and last 17 words: 65128 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 1163.

4.Last third: 88473 = 3 x 7 x 11 x 383.

5.1The text can be divided into 26 sections (each section being divisible by 7):

1 to 1, 2 to 9, 10 to 11, 12 to 12, 13 to 20, 21 to 24, 25 to 28, 29 to 37, 
38 to 38, 39 to 40, 41 to 46, 47 to 50, 51 to 56, 57 to 63, 64 to 66, 
67 to 68, 69 to 70, 71 to 89, 90 to 98, 99 to 101, 102 to 102, 103 to 104, 
105 to 125, 126 to 132, 133 to 152, and 153 to 153.

5.2The longest section is from 105 to 125, covering 21 words. The sum of the positions: 2415 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 23.

6.1There are 97 different words in the passage. The even valued words in this list: 132132 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 11 x 13. SF: 49 = 7 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

6.2Thirty-one words appear more than once:

770 3343 7977 398 45 2351 4474 269 3858 2161 43 5786 669 3179 1677 1659 
1185 24 1939 190 1197 1044 628 786 146 1168 281 2977 5173 547 7

Total of these words: 55951 = 7 x 7993.

7.1The four corners of a 9 x 17 block: 4690 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 67.

7.2The four corners of a 17 x 9 block: 3675 = 3 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 7.

7.3The characters for Jesus' name 耶穌 appear in positions 13 and 14 of the passage.

7.4The characters for God 上帝 appear in positions 30, 31, 116 and 117. 30 + 31 + 116 + 117 = 294 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 7. The interesting part for God’s name is that the first appearance of the first character, and the last appearance of the last character have a feature of their own: 30 + 117 = 147 (3 x 7 x 7). Of course this means the first appearance of the last character, and the last appearance of the first character also have a feature: 31 + 116 = 147.

8.The Cantonese phrase, 耶穌唔係上帝 (Jesus is not God) has a value of 15540 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 37. The sum of the factors: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7. And the sum of these factors is 13. These numbers tell us there is truth in the statement.

When the sum of 耶穌唔係上帝 is used to count through the 153 characters of the Protestant translation, it lands on the 87th character of the passage (聖 with a value of 5173). Count through the passage with 5173 and this comes to the 124th character (親; 7052). 7052 counts through the passage to land on the 14th character (穌; 6962). 6962 counts to land on the 77th character (怎; 1960). The process ends here because 1960 will take us back to the 124th character, which is a repeat.

These four characters (聖親穌怎) are meaningless, but their total is 21147 = 3 x 7 x 19 x 53, showing that the starting phrase 耶穌唔係上帝 (Jesus is not God) is part of the meaning of Luke 1:31-36.

Let's try the Mandarin version of this 耶穌不是上帝 (Jesus is not God). This has a total of 13397. (It is a prime number with no factors.) This will find the following characters from the passage: 答稱戚還事靈男六親穌怎. The value of these words is 48297 (3 x 17 x 947).

One might ask, "Why doesn't the Mandarin work?" There are two possible answers. 1) The Mandarin phrase was not divisible by 7 in the first place, so it should be no surprise it doesn't work. 2) Cantonese is closer to the original pronunciation of the language.

Let's try a pro-Trinity Cantonese statement: 耶穌係上帝 (Jesus is God). Its value is 13051, which is neither divisible by 7 or 13. This initial result would seem to indicate the statement is not true. Applying this to Luke 1:31-36 produces this sequence: 作孕家在靈男六親穌怎, with a value of 30145, which once again is neither divisible by 7 or 13.

The Mandarin equivalent of the previous phrase is 耶穌是上帝 (Jesus is God), with a value of 13297 (no 7 or 13 in the factors). 13297 applied to the passage produces 年上至他 (1537). Once again there is no further support for this statement.

This phrase 耶穌上帝聖靈唔係三位一體 has a total of 40043 (23 x 1741). The factor of 23 is the number of man, and can only refer to 耶穌 (Jesus), since 上帝 (God) and 聖靈 (Holy Spirit) are clearly not men. The phrase means Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are not a trinity (i.e. three in one). The total of this phrase, 40043, applied into the passage finds these words: 的伯子要遠賜了 with a value 17409 (3 x 7 x 829). This gives additional support to the veracity of the statement.

Is this all just by chance, or can we conclude Jesus is not God?

9.1耶穌 (Jesus) has a total of 9270. This points out five characters, 臨也上至他 with a total of 8476 (2 x 2 x 13 x 163). How appropriate that the prophecy about Jesus should work with his name in Chinese!

9.2Mary 瑪利亞 is the only human in the passage. Her name has a value of 7707 (3 x 7 x 367. SF: 377 = 13 x 29. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7). 7707 applied to the passage produces the following: 他上至 (962 = 2 x 13 x 37. SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13). This could be a fluke since the Protestant Chinese version for Mary (which is also divisible by 7 in itself) doesn't work.

9.3The only other being in the passage is the angel 天使 (1314). Applying 1314 to the passage: 臨也上至他 (8476 = 2 x 2 x 13 x 163). The thirteen in the factors could indicate the angel is from God.

9.4The phrase at the bottom of this page, 中國要回歸上帝, China must return to the lord god where she belongs has a value of 15925 (5 x 5 x 7 x 7 x 13). Applying 15925 to the passage produces a single character, the 13th character 耶 which is the beginning of Jesus' name. (The value of this character is 2308. If you use 2308 to count through the passage, you immediately return to the 13th character!) One almost feels the numbers are saying China has to return to God through Jesus. There is no other way.


Once again use of the term 上帝 for God produced numeric features. No other words required changing. The numbers also highlight the importance of this prophetic passage. Jesus will be given the throne of his ancestor David. He will rule over Jacob (Israel and Judah), and this kingdom will last for untold generations. He will be called, Son of the Most High and called, Son of God.

An Experiment On Luke 1:31-36

As can be seen, the Chinese New Version works as long as 上帝 is the term used for God. No other changes to the text are necessary. But since this is a translation of the original Greek, and since the CNV is at the very least the third version in Chinese, there is the probability of other versions, and of change.


The following is an experiment on Luke 1:31-36 (in Chinese) to see if it is possible to produce a passage with an extraordinary number of numeric features which the mathematical odds would suggest was nearly impossible. If such a passage can be found, this strengthens the case for Luke 1:31-36 being an extremely important announcement and prophecy.

This experiment uses information from the Catholic, the Chinese New Versions, plus a few select words/phrases chosen by the experimenter. They will be combined in various ways to generate complete passages. Each will then be checked for numeric features.

Thirty-three word/phrase options are laid out below. Some phrases were deliberately reduced to a single option to prevent the number of combinations from rising too high.

OptionChinese VariantExplanation
1"See!" Even though this word is only in the Catholic version, it is kept for all phrases because the Greek begins with the words και ιδου (and lo/behold).
2你將懷孕生子Both Chinese versions use this phrase (you will conceive and give birth to a son).
你要懷孕生子This is a second method of indicating "will" in Chinese.
你的胎將懷孕生子 The Greek has the word γαστρι (womb) and this produces a third option in Chinese 你的胎 (your womb).
3The Catholic version continues with this word,
but the CNV deemed it unnecessary.
4要給他起名叫耶穌All (Catholic & CNV): "(you) will give him the name Jesus."
5他將是偉大的Catholic: "He will be very great."
他將要被尊為大CNV: "He will be respected as great."
他要為大Alternative: "He will be great."
6並被Catholic: "And (passive construction)."
CNV: (deemed not necessary).
7稱為至高者的兒子All (Catholic & CNV): "called son of the Most High."
8上帝要把他 All (Catholic & CNV): "God will give his."
9祖先 Catholic: "ancestor."
CNV: "ancestor."
Both are correct, but 祖先 is more specific and to keep the number of combinations from spiraling too high the experiment uses the Catholic choice in all combinations.
10達衛的Catholic: "David."
大衛的CNV: "David."
11王位CNV: "throne." The Catholic version gives a much more convoluted translation. For the experiment this is kept as a single option.
12>賜給Catholic & CNV: "give/grant/yield to."
Alternate: "give to."
13All (Catholic & CNV): "him."
14他要為王統治雅各伯家Catholic: "He will as king govern the house of Jacob."
他要作雅各家的王CNV: "He will be king of the house of Jacob."
他要作王統治雅各家Alternate: "He will be king governing the house of Jacob."
15直到萬萬世Alternate: "to ten thousand ten thousand ages" The Greek word αιωνας (ages, aeon) is translated by the Catholics and the CNV as 直到永遠 (to forever) which makes no mention of "ages."
16他的王國沒有末盡Alternate: "his kingdom has no end limit." Catholic: 他的王權沒有終結 "his royal authority has no end." CNV: 他的國沒有窮盡 "his nation has no limit."
17瑪利亞Catholic: "Mary."
馬利亞CNV: "Mary."
18CNV: "to, towards" The Catholic 便向 is less direct.
19天使Catholic & CNV: "angel."
神仙Alternate Chinese term for "angel,"
天仙Alternate Chinese term for "angel,"
20All (Catholic & CNV): "said/spoke."
21這事怎能成就因為我不認識男人Catholic: "How can this matter occur since I am not acquainted with a man?"
我還沒有出嫁怎能有這事呢CNV: "I am not married; how can this be?"
The Catholic is more faithful to the Greek but I decided to keep both options
22回答CNV: "reply" The Catholic 答复 has the sense of replying properly as to allay any further misgivings. This sense cannot be seen in the Greek
又回答Alternate: Since the Greek has και αποκριθεις (and answering) I have included "and/again replying" as an option
23Catholic: "speak."
CNV: (deemed unnecessary after 回答).
24聖神Catholic: "holy god."
聖靈CNV: "holy spirit."
25要臨於Catholic: "will approach/descend."
要臨到CNV: "will approach arrive."
要來近Alternate: "will come near."
26Catholic: (deemed not necessary).
CNV: (deemed not necessary).
身上Alternate: "on the body."
27至高者的能力要All (Catholic & CNV): "the Most High's power will."
28庇蔭Catholic: "overshadow."
覆庇CNV: "overshadow."
蔭庇Alternate: "overshadow."
29那要誕生Catholic: "that will be born."
那將要出生CNV: "that will be born."
所要生Alternate: "that what will be born."
30的聖者將稱為上帝的兒子 All: "holy one will be called the son of God."
31且看Catholic: "furthermore see."
況且CNV: "furthermore."
32你的親戚以利沙伯CNV: "your relative Elizabeth" The Catholic version of "Elizabeth" is 依撒伯爾 (Cantonese: Yi Saat Bak Yi; Mandarin: Yi Sa Bo Er). The CNV is 以利沙伯 (Cantonese: Yi Lei Sa Bak; Mandarin: Yi Li Sha Bo), which sounds closer.
33她雖在老年卻懷了男胎本月已六個月了她原是素稱不生育的 Catholic
This last section could have been broken into many parts each with multiple options

The table's information is combined into a single line for the computer to parse.

|你將懷孕生子 你要懷孕生子 你的胎將懷孕生子|並 0|要給他起名叫耶穌|他將是偉大的 他要為大 他將要被尊為大|並被 0|稱為至高者的兒子上帝要把他|祖先|達衛的 大衛的|王位|給 賜給|他他要為王統治雅各伯家 他他要作雅各家的王 他他要作王統治雅各家|直到萬萬世他的王國沒有末盡|瑪 馬|利亞對|天使 神仙 天仙||這事怎能成就因為我不認識男人 我還沒有出嫁怎能有這事呢|天使 神仙 天仙|回答 又回答|說 0|聖神 聖靈|要臨於 要臨到 要來近||身上 0|至高者的能力要|庇蔭 蔭庇 覆庇|你因此|那要誕 所要 那將要出|生的聖者將稱為上帝的兒子|且看 況且|你的親戚以利沙伯|她雖在老年卻懷了男胎本月已六個月了她原是素稱不生育的 在年老的時候也懷了男胎就是那素來稱為不生育的現在有孕六個月了 被稱為不生育的在老年也懷了男胎現在已是第六個月了

This data set generated 40,310,784 different possibilities. One passage stood out with many orderly features.1



There are several points to note concerning the phrase with the highest number of numeric features. (The numbers to the left refer to the options in the table above.)

5The numbers selected the simpler He will be great 他要為大 rather than the Catholic Version 他將是偉大的 He will be very great, and rather than the CNV 他將要被尊為大 He will be respected and/as great. This is in line with the original Greek.

10The Protestant David 大衛 (Cantonese: daaiwai; Mandarin: dawei) is used instead of the Catholic 達衛 (Cantonese: daatwai; Mandarin: tawei). In this case, the numbers chose the one with the more consistent phonetics in both dialects.

14他要作雅各家的王 He will rule/be king over the house of Jacob. The simpler CNV is once again chosen over the other two translations. Its 作 (do) and 王 (king) follows the Greek which only has one word: βασιλευσει (literally or figuratively rule, king or reign). The other two translations use extra Chinese words for king and governing.

17The Protestant rendering of Mary 馬利亞 (5124 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 61) is selected over the Catholic 瑪利亞 (7707 = 3 x 7 x 367). There isn't much difference in their phonetics, but their totals are something else. Why wasn't the Catholic version with 7707 chosen? Perhaps the numbers are telling us not to elevate Mary as the Catholics did. They went beyond what was written. (See below.)

19The passage uses two different Chinese terms for angel. Mary speaks to the 天使 angel. When the angel replies the term is 天仙. The first term 天使 is literally heavenly ambassador/messenger. (This most likely is a Christian term put together to translate the Greek αγγελος messenger.) The second term, 天仙, is the original Chinese for angel. Both are acceptable. The numbers avoided choosing 神仙 (divine/god angel). One might think something decided to choose the two that included 天 heaven.

21The CNV's interpretation of Mary's question is chosen (我還沒有出嫁怎能有這事呢; I am not married; how can this be?) rather than the more accurate Catholic translation. Why have a more inaccurate phrase? Perhaps because this interpretation is an accurate statement concerning the convergence of Christian morals and Chinese tradition. In the current context, it is a statement affirming sex and children only in marriage.

22To follow the Greek και αποκριθεις (and answering), the numbers chose 又回答 and/again replied rather than just 回答 replied.

24They also select 聖靈 holy spirit rather than the Catholic 聖神 holy god.

Special note: The Greek for holy spirit is πνευμα αγιον (spirit holy) with no definite articles. Since most Greek writers at that time were sparing in their use of definite articles, and since the New Testament writers used definite articles extensively, the lack of a definite article here means it is indefinite. In other words, this is not the Holy Spirit, but a holy spirit.

The following shed further light on this.

The New Testament writers used definite articles 75% of the time. But when it comes to the Holy Spirit (πνευματι αγιω), a little over half the time it is used without any definite articles. Only a little more than a third of the time do both words (i.e. το πνευμα το αγιον; the spirit the holy) appear with definite articles. Cases where definite articles are used appear to be for emphasis, more specific and/or of importance (e.g. blaspheming the Holy Spirit [Matthew 12:32]), but this is not a hard rule. And surprisingly, out of the 17 times Paul writes about the Holy Spirit, eleven times there is no definite article.

Thus in Mary's case, it is a holy spirit and not The Holy Spirit. All this is in line with what was selected before (i.e. not elevating Mary), and what follows in the text.

Unlike the Holy Spirit coming upon other people, Mary does not speak in tongues, perform miracles, prophesy, heal, teach, leave writings behind, see visions, or make disciples. (At most Mary paraphrases Hannah's praise for God in Luke 1:46-55.) In fact, nothing seems to happen to Mary, and Mary doesn't appear to do anything other than visit Elizabeth. What happens is invisible. This is because this is a holy spirit (as indicated in the written Greek), and not The Holy Spirit. Thus even though the Greek is επελευσεται επι σε (come upon you), the sense is different.

25There were three options for how this holy spirit comes: 要臨於 (will approach/descend), 要臨到 (will approach/arrive), and 要來近 (will come near). Going by the highest numeric features, the alternate is chosen: 要來近 (will come near). This aligns with the different sense, even though it misses the literal meaning of the original Greek.

This does not mean translation and interpretation should be based on orderly numeric features! Far from it! A person had to choose these phrases and alternate phrases in the first place. That takes thinking. But it is very nice how the numbers in this case seemingly align with reasonable explanations and are not random.

The skeptic would say, You can make up any explanation for the phrases associated with the highest number of features. Are these reasons valid? You be the judge.

The numbers for each character are given below.

看   你   要   懷   孕   生  子  要  給   他   起   名  叫   耶   穌
2206 770 2351 7977 358 398 45 2351 4474 269 3104 536 308 2308 6962

他   要   為   大   稱   為  至  高  者   的   兒   子  上   帝   要
269 2351 2161 43 5786 2161 669 3179 1677 1659 1185 45 24 1939 2351

把   他   祖   先   大   衛  的  王  位   賜   給   他  他   要   作
931 269 2923 446 43 6532 1659 190 685 6568 4474 269 269 2351 769

雅   各   家   的   王   直   到   萬   萬   世   他   的  王   國   沒
4719 534 2594 1659 190 1662 1197 5142 5142 257 269 1659 190 3243 1044

有   末   盡   馬   利   亞  對   天  使   說   我   還   沒   有   出
628 382 5770 3177 786 1161 5552 146 1168 5986 923 7578 1044 628 281

嫁    怎   能   有   這   事   呢   天  仙  又  回   答  說    聖   靈
4794 1960 2977 628 3888 1159 1296 146 273 20 543 4459 5986 5173 8711

要    來   近   你   至   高  者   的   能   力   要  庇  蔭   你   因
2351 1172 1714 770 669 3179 1677 1659 2977 16 2351 905 6511 770 542

此   所   要   生   的    聖  者   將   稱   為   上   帝  的   兒   子
634 1427 2351 398 1659 5173 1677 3343 5786 2161 24 1939 1659 1185 45

且   看   你   的   親   戚   以  利  沙   伯   她   雖  在  老   年
259 2206 770 1659 7052 3438 265 786 1031 771 560 7607 547 658 575

卻    懷  了  男   胎   本  月 已  六   個   月 了  她   原   是
1840 7977 7 1068 2317 380 172 56 124 2452 172 7 560 2477 2064

素    稱   不  生   育   的
2945 5786 100 398 1085 1659
There are 156 words (2 x 2 x 3 x 13) and exactly 100 different characters.
    The odd valued characters in this list: 98787 = 3 x 13 x 17 x 149.
       SF: 182 = 2 x 7 x 13.
1)  Total: 313572 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 3733.
2)  Odd positioned characters: 150815 = 5 x 7 x 31 x 139.
       SF: 182 = 2 x 7 x 13.
3)  Even positioned characters: 162757 = 7 x 23251.
4)  First half of the passage: 162736 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 1453.
5)  Last half of the passage: 150836 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 5387.
6)  Odd segments of two (every other pair): 145817 = 7 x 37 x 563.
7)  Even segments of two (every other pair): 167755 = 5 x 7 x 4793.
8)  Odd segments of 4: 153027 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 347.
9)  Even segments of four: 160545 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 139.
10) Odd segments of three: 127743 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 11 x 79.
11) Even segments of three: 185829 = 3 x 7 x 8849.
12) Odd segments of six: 175280 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 313.
13) Even segments of six: 138292 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 449.
14) First third: 100849 = 7 x 14407.
15) Middle third: 120890 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 157. = 182 = 2 x 7 x 13.
16) Last third: 91833 = 3 x 7 x 4373.
17) First and last thirds: 192682 = 2 x 7 x 13763.
18) Odd valued words: 160776 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 29.
19) Even valued words: 152796 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 17 x 107.

There are 19 interrelated features divisible by 7. This is a 1 in 282,775,328 chance (40,310,784 ÷ 719 = 3.536376407 x 10-9, or 1:282,775,328). These aren't just random features divisible by seven. They are orderly and structured following the instructions in Revelation 1:8. The odds against this happening are much greater than 300 million!

But these are not the only numeric features for this passage.

                  The 153 words as a 13 x 12 table.
I    II    III   IV   V     VI    VII   VIII  IX    X     XI    XII  XIII
2206 770   2351 7977  358   398   45    2351  4474  269   3104  536  308
2308 6962  269  2351  2161  43    5786  2161  669   3179  1677  1659 1185
45   24    1939 2351  931   269   2923  446   43    6532  1659  190  685
6568 4474  269  269   2351  769   4719  534   2594  1659  190   1662 1197
5142 5142  257  269   1659  190   3243  1044  628   382   5770  3177 786
1161 5552  146  1168  5986  923   7578  1044  628   281   4794  1960 2977
628  3888  1159 1296  146   273   20    543   4459  5986  5173  8711 2351
1172 1714  770  669   3179  1677  1659  2977  16    2351  905   6511 770
542  634   1427 2351  398   1659  5173  1677  3343  5786  2161  24   1939
1659 1185  45   259   2206  770   1659  7052  3438  265   786   1031 771
560  7607  547  658   575   1840  7977  7     1068  2317  380   172  56
124  2452  172  7     560   2477  2064  2945  5786  100   398   1085 1659
           (Place mouse over column headings for the totals.)

1.1.1First and last columns: 36799 = 7 x 7 x 751.

1.1.2Third and third last: 9351 26997 = 36348 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 13 x 233.

1.1.3Fifth and fifth last: 20510 27146 = 47656 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 23 x 37.

1.1.4Sixth and sixth last: 11288 22781 = 34069 = 7 x 31 x 157. SF: 195 = 3 x 5 x 13 = 21 = 3 x 7.

1.2Three of the 13 columns are divisible by 7 (2, 5 and 9). Their totals together 88060 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 17 x 37. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

1.3.1Odd valued columns: 129976 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 211.

1.3.2Even valued columns: 183596 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 79 x 83.

1.4.1First and last three rows: 138313 = 7 x 19759.

1.4.2First and last four rows: 192682 = 2 x 7 x 13763 (First four: 100849 = 7 x 14407. Last four: 91833 = 3 x 7 x 4373).

1.4.3Which means the middle four 120890 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 157. (First two of the four: 61887 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 421. Last two of the four: 59003 = 7 x 8429).

1.4.4First and last five rows: 244741 = 7 x 34963.

                  The words as a 12 x 13 table.
 I    II    III    IV    V    VI    VII   VIII   IX    X     XI   XII
2206  770   2351  7977  358   398   45    2351  4474  269   3104  536   
308   2308  6962  269   2351  2161  43    5786  2161  669   3179  1677  
1659  1185  45    24    1939  2351  931   269   2923  446   43    6532  
1659  190   685   6568  4474  269   269   2351  769   4719  534   2594  
1659  190   1662  1197  5142  5142  257   269   1659  190   3243  1044  
628   382   5770  3177  786   1161  5552  146   1168  5986  923   7578  
1044  628   281   4794  1960  2977  628   3888  1159  1296  146   273   
20    543   4459  5986  5173  8711  2351  1172  1714  770   669   3179  
1677  1659  2977  16    2351  905   6511  770   542   634   1427  2351  
398   1659  5173  1677  3343  5786  2161  24    1939  1659  1185  45    
259   2206  770   1659  7052  3438  265   786   1031  771   560   7607  
547   658   575   1840  7977  7     1068  2317  380   172   56    124   
2452  172   7     560   2477  2064  2945  5786  100   398   1085  1659  

14516 12550 31717 35744 45383 35370 23026 25915 20019 17979 16154 35199

2.1Four corners: 6853 = 7 x 11 x 89.

2.2.1First six columns: 175280 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 313.

2.2.2Last six columns: 138292 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 449.

2.3.1Odd positioned pairs of columns (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10): 145817 = 7 x 37 x 563.

2.3.2Even positioned pairs of columns (3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12): 167755 = 5 x 7 x 4793.

2.3.3Odd positioned sets of 3 columns: 127743 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 11 x 79.

2.3.4Even positioned sets of 3 columns: 185829 = 3 x 7 x 8849.

2.3.5Odd positioned columns: 150815 = 5 x 7 x 31 x 139.

2.3.6Even positioned columns: 162757 = 7 x 23251.

2.3.7Rows 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, and 13 have totals divisible by 7. The sum of the row numbers: 39 = 3 x 13.

3.1Symmetrically positioned groups of words can be paired from beginning and end that together are divisible by seven. (There are 450 of them.)


 1   2   3   4   5   6   7  ... 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
156 155 154 153 152 151 150 ...  7   6   5   4   3   2   1
 |-A-|                                               |-A-|
         |---B---|                       |---B---|

Groups are referenced by their positions from the beginning (and end) to use the lower position numbers.

a) Group's start position.      b) Group's end position.
c) Total of both groups (beginning & end).

a) 1     1     1     1     1     1      1      1      1      1
b) 6     8     15    19    25    39     42     43     46     52
c) 26033 32970 54474 63070 97405 138313 153748 159803 177835 192682

a) 1      1      1      2     2     2     2      2      2      2
b) 65     77     78     9     13    20    33     35     38     61
c) 244741 309967 313572 34139 41111 72968 118769 122234 132104 226436

a) 2      2      2      2      3     3     3     3      3      3
b) 68     69     72     75     9     13    20    33     35     38
c) 263970 271124 290633 294301 32284 39256 71113 116914 120379 130249

a) 3      3      3      3      3      4     4     4     4     4
b) 61     68     69     72     75     14    18    27    29    34
c) 224581 262115 269269 288778 292446 38871 54551 91497 95277 115381

a) 4      4      4      4      5     5     5     5      5      5
b) 41     45     57     74     16    21    31    37     48     66
c) 142849 159474 207235 288120 38577 64288 94185 118048 166474 231707

a) 5      6     6     6      7    7     7     7     7      7      7
b) 71     12    22    44     8    15    19    25    39     42     43
c) 270354 21854 59388 142807 6937 28441 37037 71372 112280 127715 133770

a) 7      7      7      7      7      8     8     8      8      8
b) 46     52     65     77     78     24    26    36     40     47
c) 151802 166649 218708 283934 287539 59997 71008 104748 118678 151886

a) 8      8      8      8      8      8      8      8      8      9
b) 54     55     58     60     62     64     67     70     73     15
c) 182105 183267 190729 198352 203210 214641 234374 257292 267673 21504

a) 9     9     9      9      9      9      9      9      9      9
b) 19    25    39     42     43     46     52     65     77     78
c) 30100 64435 105343 120778 126833 144865 159712 211771 276997 280602

a) 10   10    10    10    10    10     10     10     10     10
b) 13   20    33    35    38    61     68     69     72     75
c) 6972 38829 84630 88095 97965 192297 229831 236985 256494 260162

a) 11    11    11    11    11    11     11     11     11     11
b) 17    23    28    30    32    49     50     51     53     56
c) 21511 47635 62741 68082 79772 148750 150367 152663 160314 175749

a) 11     11     11     12    12    12    12    12    12     12
b) 59     63     76     17    23    28    30    32    49     50
c) 185493 199612 265839 18235 44359 59465 64806 76496 145474 147091

a) 12     12     12     12     12     12     13    13     14    14
b) 51     53     56     59     63     76     22    44     20    33
c) 149387 157038 172473 182217 196336 262563 37534 120953 31857 77658

a) 14    14    14     14     14     14     14     15    15    15
b) 35    38    61     68     69     72     75     18    27    29
c) 81123 90993 185325 222859 230013 249522 253190 15680 52626 56406

a) 15    15     15     15     15     16   16    16    16    16
b) 34    41     45     57     74     19   25    39    42    43
c) 76510 103978 120603 168364 249249 8596 42931 83839 99274 105329

a) 16     16     16     16     16     17    17    17    17     17
b) 46     52     65     77     78     21    31    37    48     66
c) 123361 138208 190267 255493 259098 25711 55608 79471 127897 193130

a) 17     18    18    18    18    18     18     18     18     18
b) 71     23    28    30    32    49     50     51     53     56
c) 231777 26124 41230 46571 58261 127239 128856 131152 138803 154238

a) 18     18     18     19    19    19    19    19     19     19
b) 59     63     76     27    29    34    41    45     57     74
c) 163982 178101 244328 36946 40726 60830 88298 104923 152684 233569

a) 20    20    20    20    20     20     20     20     20     21
b) 25    39    42    43    46     52     65     77     78     33
c) 34335 75243 90678 96733 114765 129612 181671 246897 250502 45801

a) 21    21    21     21     21     21     21     22    22    22
b) 35    38    61     68     69     72     75     31    37    48
c) 49266 59136 153468 191002 198156 217665 221333 29897 53760 102186

a) 22     22     23    24    24    24    24     24     24     24
b) 66     71     44    28    30    32    49     50     51     53
c) 167419 206066 83419 15106 20447 32137 101115 102732 105028 112679

a) 24     24     24     24     25    25    25    25    25     25
b) 56     59     63     76     26    36    40    47    54     55
c) 128114 137858 151977 218204 11011 44751 58681 91889 122108 123270

a) 25     25     25     25     25     25     25     26    26    26
b) 58     60     62     64     67     70     73     39    42    43
c) 130732 138355 143213 154644 174377 197295 207676 40908 56343 62398

a) 26    26    26     26     26     27    27    27    27     27
b) 46    52    65     77     78     36    40    47    54     55
c) 80430 95277 147336 212562 216167 33740 47670 80878 111097 112259

a) 27     27     27     27     27     27     27     28   28    28
b) 58     60     62     64     67     70     73     29   34    41
c) 119721 127344 132202 143633 163366 186284 196665 3780 23884 51352

a) 28    28     28     29   29    29    29    29    29    29     29
b) 45    57     74     30   32    49    50    51    53    56     59
c) 67977 115738 196623 5341 17031 86009 87626 89922 97573 113008 122752

a) 29     29     30    30    30    30     30     31    31    31
b) 63     76     34    41    45    57     74     32    49    50
c) 136871 203098 20104 47572 64197 111958 192843 11690 80668 82285

a) 31    31    31     31     31     31     32    32    32     32
b) 51    53    56     59     63     76     37    48    66     71
c) 84581 92232 107667 117411 131530 197757 23863 72289 137522 176169

a) 33    33    33    33    33    33     33     33     34   34    34
b) 49    50    51    53    56    59     63     76     35   38    61
c) 68978 70595 72891 80542 95977 105721 119840 186067 3465 13335 107667

a) 34     34     34     34     35    35    35    35     36   36
b) 68     69     72     75     41    45    57    74     38   61
c) 145201 152355 171864 175532 27468 44093 91854 172739 9870 104202

a) 36     36     36     36     37    37    37    37    37    37
b) 68     69     72     75     40    47    54    55    58    60
c) 141736 148890 168399 172067 13930 47138 77357 78519 85981 93604

a) 37    37     37     37     37     38    38     38     39    39
b) 62    64     67     70     73     48    66     71     61    68
c) 98462 109893 129626 152544 162925 48426 113659 152306 94332 131866

a) 39     39     39     40    40    40    40    40     40     40
b) 69     72     75     42    43    46    52    65     77     78
c) 139020 158529 162197 15435 21490 39522 54369 106428 171654 175259

a) 41    41    41    41    41    41    41    41     41     41     42
b) 47    54    55    58    60    62    64    67     70     73     45
c) 33208 63427 64589 72051 79674 84532 95963 115696 138614 148995 16625

a) 42    42     43    43    43    43     43     44    44    44    44
b) 57    74     46    52    65    77     78     46    52    65    77
c) 64386 145271 24087 38934 90993 156219 159824 18032 32879 84938 150164

a) 44     46    46     47    47    47     47     48    48    48
b) 78     57    74     52    65    77     78     54    55    58
c) 153769 47761 128646 14847 66906 132132 135737 30219 31381 38843

a) 48    48    48    48    48     48     49    49     50   50    50
b) 60    62    64    67    70     73     66    71     51   53    56
c) 46466 51324 62755 82488 105406 115787 65233 103880 3913 11564 26999

a) 50    50    50     51   51    51    51    51     52   52    52
b) 59    63    76     53   56    59    63    76     53   56    59
c) 36743 50862 117089 9947 25382 35126 49245 115472 7651 23086 32830

a) 52    52     53    53     53     54    54    54    54     55   55
b) 63    76     65    77     78     56    59    63    76     58   60
c) 46949 113176 52059 117285 120890 15435 25179 39298 105525 8624 16247

a) 55    55    55    55    55    56   56    56    56    56    56
b) 62    64    67    70    73    58   60    62    64    67    70
c) 21105 32536 52269 75187 85568 7462 15085 19943 31374 51107 74025

a) 56    57   57    57    58    59   59    59    59    59    59
b) 73    59   63    76    74    60   62    64    67    70    73
c) 84406 9744 23863 90090 80885 7623 12481 23912 43645 66563 76944

a) 60    60    61   61    61    61    61    62    62    62    62
b) 63    76    62   64    67    70    73    68    69    72    75
c) 14119 80346 4858 16289 36022 58940 69321 37534 44688 64197 67865

a) 63    63    63    63    64    65    65    65    66    66    67
b) 64    67    70    73    76    67    70    73    77    78    71
c) 11431 31164 54082 64463 66227 19733 42651 53032 65226 68831 38647

a) 68    68    69    69    70    70    71    73
b) 70    73    72    75    72    75    73    75
c) 22918 33299 26663 30331 19509 23177 10381 3668

Total of the start and end positions (a + b): 36686 = 2 x 13 x 17 x 83.

3.1.2Exactly seven sets of pairs begin or end at the same position. The sum of the beginning and end positions of these sets have the unique characteristic of being divisible by 7.

a) Start position.       b) End position.       c) Total of both groups.
a) 28 28 28 28 28 28 = 168 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
b) 29 34 41 45 57 74 = 280 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7
c) 3780 23884 51352 67977 115738 196623 = 459354 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 10937

a) 35 35 35 35 = 140 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7
b) 41 45 57 74 = 217 = 7 x 31
c) 27468 44093 91854 172739 = 336154 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 1847. SF: 1869 = 3 x 7 x 89.

a) 70 70 = 140 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7
b) 72 75 = 147 = 3 x 7 x 7
c) 19509 23177 = 42686 = 2 x 7 x 3049

a) 2 3 10 14 21 34 = 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
b) 35 35 35 35 35 35 = 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7
c) 122234 120379 88095 81123 49266 3465 = 464562 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 1229

a) 1 7 9 16 20 26 40 = 119 = 7 x 17
b) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 = 294 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 7
c) 153748 127715 120778 99274 90678 56343 15435 = 663971 = 7 x 11 x 8623

a) 1 7 9 16 20 26 40 = 119 = 7 x 17
b) 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 = 301 = 7 x 43
c) 159803 133770 126833 105329 96733 62398 21490 = 706356 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 2803

a) 11 12 18 24 29 31 33 50 51 52 54 57 60 64 = 546 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 13
b) 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 = 1064 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 19
c) 265839 262563 244328 218204 203098 197757 186067 117089 115472 113176 105525 90090 80346 66227 = 2265781 = 7 x 173 x 1871. SF: 2051 = 7 x 293.

The beginning positions that are all the same: 28 35 70 = 133 = 7 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. (An extra 13 appears in the sum of the factors.)

The end positions that are all the same: 35 42 43 76 = 196 = 22 x 72. (An extra 7 appears in the factors.)

3.2Fourteen symmetrically positioned pairs can be found that are together and individually divisible by 13.

a) Group's start position.      b) Group's end position
c) Total of both groups (beginning & end).

a) 1      2      5      7     14     15     30    43    49    49
b) 69     50     76     19    72     67     39    56    61    70
c) 274989 184782 287573 37037 249522 215176 34567 60281 47281 102414

a) 56    60   61    62
b) 71    62   77    70
c) 75491 7579 83473 55133

Total of positions (a + b): 1313 = 13 x 101.


There are many more features than can be discovered, but what is presented above is more than sufficient to show that a 1 in 282,775,328 chance was actually a generous assessment. The odds against any passage having so many structured features are much greater than 282,775,328. The odds are so high nothing should have been found. That a phrase was found was highly unexpected. God is master of miracles and of the unexpected to show the uniqueness of Jesus in history.2

中 國 要 回 歸 上 帝

(For more on China and America in prophecy: Bible Issues.)

You really didn't need numbers to know Jesus was unique. (Did you?) But that's all the numbers can show you. Knowing Jesus' teachings are something else. They have to be studied.


  1. It took an ASUS K55-VD i5 duo core running at 2.5 gigahertz approximately 8 hours to go through all 40 million possibilities. It would have gone faster if a second instance of Visual Basic 5 had been run, but that might have doubled the cpu temperature.
  2. Some readers might wonder if there is an English translation with numeric features. After all, since Jesus' coming was so important for everyone, wouldn't it make more sense if English worked too? Having three languages with numeric features would make it accessible to more people. had 21 different English translations (accessed December 15, 2019). Of these 21 translations, four had totals divisible by seven. The GOD'S WORD® Translation was simply divisible by 7. The English Standard Version was divisible by 7, but it also had the first and last letters of each word adding to a total divisible by 7. The Good News Translation and the American Standard Version both had totals divisible by 7, the first and last letters of each word divisible by 7, and the first letter of each divisible by 7.

    To have two translations with basic features similar to the Proclamation confirm Jesus' birth was indeed an important historical event.

    N.B. The two English translations with features are imperfect because both of them contain a word with zero value and no letters! This is because all English translations have Mary using the first person singular: I. The current English numeric setup has no vowels.

Numeric Study Links

The Rational Bible

Bible Issues

presents the Bible as a rational book, as history, economics, and prophecy (with an extensive look at the book of Revelation) also covering a diverse range of topics. (Active site.)

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