Bible Numbers 2.0

Revelation 22:13 In Chinese

The study in Chinese of Revelation 1:8 leads naturally to the thirteenth verse of the last chapter. Although the speaker is Jesus' angel and not God, this verse is too similar to Revelation 1:8 to ignore.

Like previous studies on verses from the Chinese Union Version, a few preliminary details have to be taken care of first before any numeric conversion. (N.B. As it stands, the Chinese version below has no numeric features.)

Compare the Chinese Union Version with the version from the GNT (sourced from older Greek manuscripts).

啟 示 錄 22:13 CSBT (Revelation 22:13)1
and alsoamOmega
and alsoamlast
beginningand alsoamend
Revelation 22:13 GNT2

Aside from the abundance of definite articles in the Greek, and their absence in the Chinese, there is the absence of a verb in the Greek, and plenty of verbs in the Chinese. (N.B. Chinese does not have a definite article. There are specifiers and modifiers and this is the closest the language gets to a definite article.)

Nevertheless, most English translations insert the verb am on the belief that it is understood. Even later Greek manuscripts insert a verb. Unfortunately, this is an assumption.

The older Greek reads like the English: I, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. No verb is really necessary.

Why would the Apostle John write this verse without a verb? It cannot be a slip of the pen because the same thing happened in the previous chapter with Revelation 21:6. (See highlighted section in the table below.)

Revelation 21:6 GNT3
Andhe saidto meThey have occurredItheAlphaandthe
OmegathebeginningandtheendIto thethirsting
I shall giveout ofthefountainof thewaterof thelife(as) free gift

God is speaking in Revelation 21:6, and the only reason why John would have written it without a verb is because he heard God say this without a verb!

When God said, I am the Alpha and the Omega this was God giving us His title and position, and telling us He actually is Alpha and Omega. And as Alpha and Omega, He also undertakes those functions of the first and last and or beginning and end of everything. Leaving the word am out of the phrase restricts it to the function: I the King, make this official. In his capacity as monarch he makes it official. This is the function of a king. In Revelation 21:6 when God said, I the Alpha and the Omega, He was signing off on the book of Revelation.

Thus when Jesus's angel says, I the Alpha and the Omega without the am in Revelation 22:13, this is not Jesus claiming the title and position of the Father, but claiming the function of the Father, confirming the book of Revelation and approving all the events in the book as a second witness. (For more on this, see There Is No Trinity.)

Jesus claimed to be the first and the last in Revelation 1:17 and in 2:8. But he never said I am the Alpha and the Omega, and he never said he was the beginning and the end. (Nor did Jesus ever say he was the Almighty.) And yet many people conflate 1:17 and 2:8 with what Jesus' angel said in 22:13, and attribute it to him! They do this because of the theory of the Trinity.

Since God, and the angel both spoke without using the verb, the Chinese version should reflect this. In other instances, this might not matter, but in this case it is about God, and getting things right about God is paramount.

The verbs marked in grey,

阿 爾 法 也 歐 米 伽 首 先 的 也 末 後 的 開 始 也 終 結

are removed.

阿 爾 法歐 米 伽 首 先 的 也 末 後 的 開 始 也 終 結

Following the example in Revelation 1:8, the transliterations are replaced by the original Greek.

我 Α 也 Ω 首 先 的 也 末 後 的 開 始 也 終 結

首 先 的 is a noun modifying phrase, but the noun really should follow immediately after 的.4 As can be seen, there is no noun after 的, but another noun modifying phrase. 首 先 的 is replaced by 第 一. 第 specifies the number 一 (one) as a class, changing it to ordinal form first. And 第 is closer to the idea of a definite article than 首 先 的.

我 Α 也 Ω 第 一 也 末 後 的 開 始 也 終 結

In Chinese, the natural complement of 第 一 (the first) is 第 尾 (the last). This replaces 末 後 的, and again the use of 第 is closer in following the Greek.

我 Α 也 Ω 第 一 也 第 尾 開 始 也 終 結

終 結 has these meanings: The end; the close; final stage; to finish up.

The Greek for end(ing) τελος has this meaning: G5056 From a primary word τελλω tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly the point aimed at as a limit, that is, (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely], result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose); specifically an impost or levy (as paid): - + continual, custom, end (-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare G5411.5

完 成, (Meaning: To accomplish; to complete; to finish; to achieve; to fulfill; to carry something out; to follow something through; to get through with something; to put something through.) gives a sense closer to the Greek than 終 結. Replace the last two words with 完 成.

我 Α Ω 第 一 第 尾 開 始 完 成

And finally, replace 也 with 和. 也 means Too (adverb); like wise; also; besides; still; a final particle. 和 means Harmonious, harmony, concord, agreement, to make peace; together; mild; affable, comfortably (verb suffix); with, and (conjunction); to unite. This works a lot better with complementary opposites.

我 Α 和 Ω 第 一 和 第 尾 開 始 和 完 成

The Chinese now reads like the Greek: I, Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, beginning and end.

This is much shorter than the original Chinese version, but it is much more faithful to the original Greek, and not a translation of the English interpretation.

Numeric Conversion
See: Alphanumeric Substitutions for converting Chinese to numbers.

Numeric Features

1.There are fourteen words (2 x 7). The total: 23688 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 47.

2.1.First and last word: 1175 + 869 = 2044 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 73 = 84. SF: 2 x 2 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

2.2.This means words that are not first or last would also be divisible by 7: 21644 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 773. SF: 784 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13. (The chain of factors starts at 7, continues with 7, moves to 11 and ends at 13. Eleven visually describes the one same God in mathematics, and 13 points to God’s name in Hebrew.)

2.3.First three and last three words: 1175 + 1 + 1546 + 1546 + 1142 + 869 = 6279 = 3 x 7 x 13 x 23. SF: 46 = 2 x 23. (There are three factors of note: 7, 13, and 23. The first two are associated with God and His name in Hebrew. The last is the number of chromosomal pairs in the average human. The book of Revelation is God’s warning to the last generation of people.

3.1.Every third word:

3    6   9    12
1546 253 1149 1546

Total: 4494 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 107. SF: 119 = 7 x 17.

3.2.Every sixth word:

6   12
253 1546

Total: 1799 = 7 x 257.

3.3.Every seventh word:

7    14
1546 869

Total: 2415 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 23.

4.1Words divisible by 7:

5    8
3969 3969

Sum of the positions: 13. Sum of the words: 7938 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7. SF: 28 = 2 x 2 x 7.

4.2Not only is this word (第) divisible by 7, but it is divisible by 49 (7 x 7). It's value is 3969 (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7. SF: 26 = 2 x 13).

4.3These two words sandwich two other words (一 和): 3969 253 1546 3969 = 9737 = 7 x 13 x 107.

5.1If the values of the letters of God’s name in Hebrew (10-5-6-5 יהוה) are used to count through these 14 words seven times, it would select each word exactly twice, producing a sum divisible by 7:

a) Letter from God's name in Hebrew.
b) Count		c) Adjusted count
d) Word found

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10  5    6    5    10 5
b) 10   15   7    12   22   13   19   10   20  11   17   8    18 9
c) 10   1    7    12   8    13   5    10   6   11   3    8    4  9
d) 4922 1175 1546 1546 3969 1142 3969 4922 253 1577 1546 3969 24 1149

a) 6    5   10 5    6    5  10  5    6    5  10   5    6    5
b) 15   6   16 7    13   18 14  19   11   16 12   17   9    14
c) 1    6   2  7    13   4  14  5    11   2  12   3    9    14
d) 1175 253 1  1546 1142 24 869 3969 1577 1  1546 1546 1149 869

Total: 47376 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 47.

5.2Run the letters 13 times.

a) Letter from God's name in Hebrew.
b) Count		c) Adjusted count
d) Word found

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10  5    6    5    10 5
b) 10   15   7    12   22   13   19   10   20  11   17   8    18 9
c) 10   1    7    12   8    13   5    10   6   11   3    8    4  9
d) 4922 1175 1546 1546 3969 1142 3969 4922 253 1577 1546 3969 24 1149

a) 6    5   10 5    6    5  10  5    6    5  10   5    6    5   10
b) 15   6   16 7    13   18 14  19   11   16 12   17   9    14  24
c) 1    6   2  7    13   4  14  5    11   2  12   3    9    14  10
d) 1175 253 1  1546 1142 24 869 3969 1577 1  1546 1546 1149 869 4922

a) 5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10  5    6    5    10 5    6
b) 15   7    12   22   13   19   10   20  11   17   8    18 9    15
c) 1    7    12   8    13   5    10   6   11   3    8    4  9    1
d) 1175 1546 1546 3969 1142 3969 4922 253 1577 1546 3969 24 1149 1175

a) 5   10 5    6    5  10  5    6    5
b) 6   16 7    13   18 14  19   11   16
c) 6   2  7    13   4  14  5    11   2
d) 253 1  1546 1142 24 869 3969 1577 1

Total: 89642 = 2 x 7 x 19 x 337.


Revelation 22:13 Paraphrase

6.1The sum of the six characteristics (highlighted in green):

1 24 3969 253 3969 1149 4922 1577 1142 869

Total: 17875 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 11 x 13. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

6.2.1Starting positions of each characteristic:

2 4 5 8 10 13 

Total: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

6.2.2Ending position of each characteristic:

2 4 6 9 11 14

Total: 46 = 2 x 23. (Man was made in God’s image, so it is not surprising 23 sometimes shows up with God.)

6.2.3Starting and ending positions of each characteristic: 42 + 46 = 88 (2 x 2 x 2 x 11). Eighty-eight is not a number Westerners would consider special, but this is actually for Chinese people.

6.3.Characteristics consisting of two words:

3969 253 3969 1149 4922 1577 1142 869

Total: 17850 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 17. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

Should there not be more features for a verse describing God with three complementary opposite characteristics? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. First, this paraphrase is extremely different from the original Chinese version. Skeptics would say this author manufactured these features by finding excuses to re-write the passage until features appeared. (All I can say in answer is that it was quite easy to re-write, following the reasons outlined above. It appeared reasonable.)

Second, and more importantly, God did not say I am in the original Greek as He did in Revelation 1:8. This is a clear sign we should not expect there to be more features than Revelation 1:8. Revelation 21:6 and 22:13 are statements where God describes Himself, but they are not declarations like Revelation 1:8.

Revelation 21:6

Most of the work has now been done for re-writing Revelation 21:6 to follow the Greek. The study focuses on the first portion of the verse where God speaks about Himself. It includes, It is finished.

Γεγοναν εγω το Αλφα και το Ω η αρχη και το τελος (Revelation 21:6; first part of quote)
成 了 我 就 是 阿 爾 法 也 是 歐 米 伽 是 開 始 也 是 終 結 (Chinese Union Version CSBT)

The pertinent replacements are made to the Chinese version.

Revelation 21:6 (God describing Himself)

If the first two characters (成 了) were not included, this phrase would have no number features. However, since beginning and end is about what is complete and whole, these two words seem a natural part of the unit.

Numeric Features

1.There are 11 words, and it begins and ends with the same word.

1.2.The total: 13930 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 199.

2.1Odd positioned words:

1   3    5    7    9    11
869 1175 1546 4922 1546 869

Total: 10927 = 7 x 7 x 223.

2.2Even positioned words:

2   4 6  8    10
259 1 24 1577 1142

Total: 3003 = 3 x 7 x 11 x 13.

2.3Every fifth word:

5    10
1546 1142

Total: 2688 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7.

3.Two words appear twice (1, 5, 9, 11).

3.1The sum of the positions of these words: 26 = 2 x 13.

3.2The sum of the four words: 4830 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 23.

4.Odd positioned words with odd values: 869 1175 1546 869 = 4459 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 13. (No corresponding feature with even positioned words.)

There aren't many more features for this verse, but this is because 21:6 is only a partial description of God. The theme of the verse is really God giving the water of life without price to all those who thirst for it. And more importantly, the partial description in the original Greek has no verb I am. One might say it is not even a true partial description.


Now there are a total of six verses from the Chinese Bible showing many of the same number patterns as those in the Hebrew and Greek. Truly, God has continued speaking through history and has arranged for there to be an independent end time witness. Even though the Chinese Bible is imperfect, God’s signature shines through.

中 國 要 回 歸 上 帝

(For more on China and America in prophecy: Bible Issues.)

The numbers assure us God’s message is still in the Bible, even if there are imperfections due to translation. But the numbers won't tell you where the imperfections are. For that, it is imperative you study the Bible. The numbers only go so far.


  1. Chinese Union Version CSBT accessed from July 5, 2019.
  2. The Hebrew or Greek text is from Bibleworks 3.0 by Hermeneutika, Michael S. Bushell, 1995, translated into HTML entities. Vowel, accent marks and punctuation have been removed.
  3. The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, by New World Bible Translation Committee, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc., 1969 (This is not to advocate for the Jehovah's Witnesses or to support them. It is listed because the book was a Greek-English interlinear easily obtainable at a time of limited means and when interlinears were expensive and difficult to find.).
  4. The word 的 modifies or identifies the noun after it. The words before 的 function as adjectives of the noun following 的. See section 26.3 in Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar by Claudia Ross and Jing-Heng Sheng Ma (Routledge, UK 2006).
  5. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, by James Strong, Riverside Book & Bible House, Iowa.

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