Bible Numbers 2.0

The Structural Miracle

Features From Within Exodus 34:6b-7.

Previous pages demonstrated how the meaning of Revelation 1:8 provided rules for numbers Numerics Gematria in Exodus 34:6-7. Aspects of God’s character and multidimensional attributes produced numeric features. In this section, the structure of the proclamation itself provides the rules and finds numeric features.

Why look at the structure of the verse? Structure is the end result of various points in space (dimensions) defining an object. Structure is the easiest way to describe complex patterns which at first glance appear unrelated. Visualize a grid (11 columns x 3 rows). Place each of the words of the Exodus verse across the grid. The sum of every eleventh word is the eleventh column, or the right hand side of the block. It is also the last column. The sum of the first word, and every eleventh after is the left hand side of the block, or the first column. Using every eleventh word actually is another form of first and last.

Visualizing the words and letters in a block leads to the next step. There is no reason for stopping at an 11 x 3 block. We can extend the idea into a three dimensional block. Just as location is comprised of longitude, latitude and elevation, the Bible is comprised of books, chapters, verses, words and letters. Each is not only a dimension in itself, but also contains sub-dimensions. Depending on the number words or letters, the number of dimensions can be infinite.

It may be difficult to visualize more than three or four dimensions, but the very concept provides a useful structure within which to arrange numeric data. The rules from Revelation 1:8 (the outside) can be applied to each dimension, in essence yielding features from the inside. Outside and inside are again another example of opposites like first and last.

39.The word sums of Exodus are displayed in two dimensions. The rows are filled from left to right, and down the length of the rectangle. A diagonal zigzag, beginning with the very first word sum, marks some words in black.


This diagram displays a pattern which would be cumbersome to describe or understand in words or by mathematics alone.

39.1.1The first and last rows of this block add up to (369 + 1108) 1477 = 7 x 211.

39.1.2The first and last columns: 2026 + 2176 = 4202 = 2 x 11 x 191. There is no factor divisible by 7 or 13, but two of the factors are symmetrical numbers, numerically illustrating the one God who is beginning and end.

39.1.3Words marked by the zigzag: 2569 = 7 x 367.

39.1.4What about the other diagonal zigzag? It’s total is 2930, which has no features. But it does have a feature when it is combined with the previous diagonal: 2569 + 2930 = 5499 = 3 x 3 x 13 x 47.

39.1.5Re-arrange the word sums in an 11 x 3 block.


Sum of the first and last columns: 783 + 953 = 1736 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 31.
Of the first and last rows: no feature (447 + 322 = 769).
First and last columns and rows together: no feature (1736 + 769 = 2505).
Zigzags: NF

39.1.6When the Bible says God is both first and last, it is also saying God is eternal or timeless. In essence God has no beginning or end. The easiest way to visualize this is by using a circle. A circle has no beginning or end. Any point on the circle can be considered a beginning or end, or first and last.

How is this applied to the numbers? The two rectangular blocks were loaded with word sums from top to bottom by row, with each row from left to right. But there are many more ways the rectangles could be filled with words. The word sums could have been arranged in blocks by column, with each column running from top to bottom. And as we borrow from the concept of a circle, we see that the words do not have to be entered into the rectangle starting from a corner. The order of words could have been entered even from inside the rectangle.

The section below shows the word positions loaded into a 3 x 11 table. The very first word is loaded in the exact centre of the table. As stated before, the very first word could have been loaded into the upper left corner. Then it could have been loaded into the space just below the upper left corner. Sixteen tries later, the first word would be loaded into the centre. This amazing seventeenth try is the first time the maximum number of features is produced.

Why is this arrangement with the exact centre as the starting point the one to produce the most features? The one God is at the centre of all things, and the circle representing no beginning or end only has one centre. Note what Revelation 1:8, states: God is the one who is, was, and is to come. The middle point is pulled out for special emphasis.

18        29        7
19        30        8
20        31        9
21        32        10
22        33        11
23        1         12
24        2         13
25        3         14
26        4         15
27        5         16
28        6         17

The word sums loaded according to the word positions above.

29        102       221
161       100       131
31        680       208
165       106       72
184       322       447
126       317       340
409       26        72
100       26        191
102       31        351
106       254       126
62        120       456

The place value sums of the words loaded according to the word positions above.

29        39        32
44        28        41
13        77        28
48        34        27
40        61        42
36        56        52
31        26        27
28        26        65
39        13        36
34        47        36
26        48        60

Are all these results just the expected odds? Twenty-one methods were used on each table to find features (11 rows, 3 columns, the corners, first and last rows, first and last columns, every other row, every other column and 2 zigzags). For all three tables together, this would be 63 tries. In 63 tries, the expected results would be 9 sums divisible by seven. There were 15.

39.1.7The tables have been loaded consistently from left to right, and top to bottom. They can also be loaded by column from left to right, with individual columns alternating from top to bottom and bottom to top. Although the direction of the individual column changes, it is still one continuous path with no breaks.

Once again, when the various starting positions are tried, the only one that produces the most features is the beginning position in the middle of the table.

Word positions loaded into an 11 x 3 table, with the starting position in the centre. The columns alternate in direction: top to bottom, and bottom to top.

18  23  24  29  30  2   3   8   9   14  15
19  22  25  28  31  1   4   7   10  13  16
20  21  26  27  32  33  5   6   11  12  17

The word sums loaded according to the positions above.

29  126  409  102  100  26  26  131  208 191 351
161 184  100   62  680  317 31  221  72  72  126
31  165  102  106  106  322 254 120  447 340 456

The place value word sums loaded according to the positions above.

29  36  31  39  28  26  26  41  28  65  36
44  40  28  26  77  56  13  32  27  27  36
13  48  39  34  34  61  47  48  42  52  60

39.1.8There are many ways of filling an 11 x 3 rectangle. What might be a logical or reasonable way of loading the words? First, the words should be kept together in the order of the text. The easiest method would be to consider the words as a string 33 units long. This string will be laid out in the form or structure of a rectangle as suggested by the dimensions mentioned in Revelation 1:8. In the normal construction of a house, the frame is set up first. For the rectangle, this would be the perimeter. Thus:

317 26  26  31  254 120 221 131 208 72  447
409 100 102 106 62  102 100 680 106 322 340
126 184 165 31  161 29  456 126 351 191 72

The result is a spiral going clockwise and inwards. nine words inside: 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322 = 1680 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. words on the outside (perimeter): 6174 - 1680 = 4494 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 107. SF: 119 = 7 x 17. Inside and outside are similar to the opposite terms listed in Revelation 1:8. previous technique doesn't seem to work with the letters. Why? Because the inside/outside letters have already been presented in a different manner! In feature 7 (see The Proclamation's Complexity) the first and last letters of each word were divisible by seven. This means the remainder, the inside of each word is also divisible by seven. The letters exist in the dimension of the passage itself in their individual words.

39.1.9Working with the Hebrew word values, group the 33 word totals into 11 groups of three words each. For each group, join the word sums into a larger number. (This does not work for 3 groups of 11.)

3172626 31254120 221131208 72447340 72191351 12645629 16131165 
184126409 100102106 62102100 680106322

Total: 1455410376 = 23 x 33 x 7 x 23.

39.2Let's see what happens if the letters are displayed in two dimensions.


39.2.1Sum of the first and last columns: 48 + 186 = 234 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 13.

39.2.2Just like the words, the first and last rows of the letters do not yield a feature: 608 + 1258 = 1866 = 2 x 3 x 311, but when combined with the columns, it is divisible by 7. 234 + 1866 = 2100 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7.

39.2.3The zigzag for the letters is more complex. Unlike the words, some are crisscrossed more than once. The total of the marked letters: 2590 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 37.

What about the other diagonal zigzag? It’s sum is: 2826. Just like the words, it has no feature. Unlike the words, where both diagonals together produced a feature, this one does not.

39.2.4There is one final feature from this diagram. The diagonals mark off seven crosses. It would be normal to expect only one of these crosses to be divisible by seven. There are three of these crosses.

6 50
6046 4040050
50 6 6

39.2.5The letters can also be re-arranged like the words.


Sum of the first and last columns: 734 + 465 = 1199 = 11 x 109.
Sum of the first and last rows: 332 + 422 = 754 = 2 x 13 x 29.
Columns and rows: 1199 + 754 = 1953 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 31.
zigzag: NF

Summary of results:

                                Words                  Letters

     Block Format         3 x 11     11 x 3       17 x 7     7 x 17

     Columns                -           7           13         -

     Rows                   7           -           -          13

     Columns & Rows         -           -           7          7

     Zigzag                 7           -           7          -

     Both zigzags           13          -           -          -

The match between the words and letters is not perfect, but in every category, columns, rows, columns and rows, zigzag or both zigzags, there is at least one feature. The same applies for the four arrangements of the words and letters. Not one arrangement fails to produce a feature. Out of twenty tries, six factors of 7 were discovered, twice what the odds would warrant.

39.3The same technique in 39.1.6 to 39.1.7 can also be applied to the letters. As letters are not words, the results are also not the same.

(N.B. Since Exodus 34:6-7 has 119 letters, the block can only be 7 columns by 17 rows, or 17 columns by 7 rows. The factor 7 automatically means that almost all the results for a table based on the positions of the letters would have to be ignored. (The sum of any seven consecutive numbers is automatically divisible by 7. E.g. 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 = 56) The only position features that are acceptable would be those not in consecutive order.)

Letters are loaded into seven columns (from left to right), with each column containing 17 spaces loaded from top to bottom. Results are totalled, and then the entire block is reloaded with the letters shifted down one space. On the 104th try (13 x 2 x 2 x 2), the arrangement produces the most features. It is not in the centre like the words, but the number 104 assures us God is still behind it.

		    Letter Positions
		(Starting At The 104th)

	17    34    51    68    85     102    119
	18    35    52    69    86     103    1
	19    36    53    70    87     104    2
	20    37    54    71    88     105    3
	21    38    55    72    89     106    4
	22    39    56    73    90     107    5
	23    40    57    74    91     108    6
	24    41    58    75    92     109    7
	25    42    59    76    93     110    8
	26    43    60    77    94     111    9
	27    44    61    78    95     112    10
	28    45    62    79    96     113    11
	29    46    63    80    97     114    12
	30    47    64    81    98     115    13
	31    48    65    82    99     116    14
	32    49    66    83    100    117    15
	33    50    67    84    101    118    16
			Letter Values
		(According To Positions Above)

	8      2      80     5      1      50     40 
	6      8      10     6      2      10     6  
	40     60     40     50     6      40     10 
	6      4      50     100    400    70     10 
	8      6      300    5      70     30     20 
	50     1      1      30     30     300    1  
	6      40     70     1      2      30     10 
	50     400    6      10     50     300    5  
	1      50     50     50     10     10     6  
	200    90     6      100    40     40     5  
	20     200    80     5      6      6      10 
	1      8      300    80     70     70     5  
	80     60     70     100    30     30     6  
	10     4      6      4      2      200    5  
	40     30     8      70     50     2      1  
	6      1      9      6      10     70     30 
	200    30     1      50     2      10     20
		  Letter Place Values
		(According To Positions)
	8     2     17    5     1     14    13
	6     8     10    6     2     10    6  
	13    15    13    14    6     13    10
	6     4     14    19    22    16    19
	8     6     21    5     16    12    20
	14    1     1     12    12    21    1 
	6     13    16    1     2     12    10
	14    22    6     10    14    21    5 
	1     14    14    14    10    10    6 
	20    18    6     19    13    13    5 
	11    20    17    5     6     6     10
	1     8     21    17    16    16    5 
	17    15    16    19    12    12    6 
	10    4     6     4     2     20    5 
	13    12    8     16    14    2     1 
	6     1     9     6     10    16    12
	20    12    1     14    2     10    20

The letter results are hardly better than the odds. But 39.1.6, 39.1.7, and 39.3 are not about how many sums divisible by seven are found in each arrangement versus the number of tries. None of these sums stand alone because individually they have little or no relation to the meaning of Revelation 1:8. They stand together as features only as the first block arrangement where the number of sums divisible by 7 is highest. In 39.1.6, and 39.1.7 the starting point was the exact centre of the table. This relates to God’s eternal and timeless nature when compared with a circle. In 39.3 the starting point was the 104th position (104 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13), relating to God’s name.

40.When physicists examine the universe, they have no choice but to conclude there are more dimensions than the ones we are most familiar with (length, width, height, mass, time etc.). Thus it is not surprising that God is a multidimensional being. Nor is it surprising that the words and letters display some of this as seen above. Shift to another level (or dimension), and we see even the verses (sentences), chapters and books of the Bible have their own features.

For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night (Psalm 90:4 KJV)

40.1A multidimensional God has no difficulty seeing through thousands of years. This feature shows how He knew the scriptures would be divided into books, chapters and verses centuries after they were written. The reference for this verse is Exodus 34:6-7. Applying the digits 3, 4, 6, and 7 directly to the letters, and using them to count through the letters produces numeric features.

40.1.1Reference applied directly to letters.

3   4   6  7
100 200 10 5

Total of letters found: 315 (3 x 3 x 5 x 7).

40.1.2Reference used to count through letters 6 times (just overshooting the length of the passage by one letter).

Reference a)  3   4 6  7  3  4  6   7  3  4  6  7  3  4  6  7   3  4  6
Count     b)  3   7 13 20 23 27 33  40 43 47 53 60 63 67 73 80  83 87 93
Adjusted  c)  3   7 13 20 23 27 33  40 43 47 53 60 63 67 73 80  83 87 93
Letter    d)  100 5 5  6  6  20 200 40 90 4  40 6  70 1  30 100 6  6  10

a)  7   3   4   6   7
b)  100 103 107 113 120
c)  100 103 107 113 1
d)  10  10  300 70  6

Total of letters found: 1141 (7 x 163).

40.1.3Reference used to count through words 13 times.

a)  Reference     b)  Count    c)  Adjusted    d)  Word found

a)  3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4
b)  3   7   13  20  23  27  33  40  43  47  53  60  63  67
c)  3   7   13  20  23  27  33  7   10  14  20  27  30  1
d)  26  221 72  31  126 106 322 221 72  191 31  106 100 317

a)  6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7
b)  73  80  83  87  93  100 103 107 113 120 123 127 133 140
c)  7   14  17  21  27  1   4   8   14  21  24  28  1   8
d)  221 191 456 165 106 317 31  131 191 165 409 62  317 131

a)  3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3
b)  143 147 153 160 163 167 173 180 183 187 193 200 203
c)  11  15  21  28  31  2   8   15  18  22  28  2   5
d)  447 351 165 62  680 26  131 351 29  184 62  26  254

a)  4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7
b)  207 213 220 223 227 233 240 243 247 253 260
c)  9   15  22  25  29  2   9   12  16  22  29
d)  208 351 184 100 102 26  208 340 126 184 102

Total of words found: 9534 (2 x 3 x 7 x 227)

40.1.4Reference used to count through letters 13 times.

 a)  Reference    b)  Count    c)  Adjusted    d)  Letter found

 a)  3   4 6  7  3  4  6   7  3  4  6  7  3  4  6  7   3  4  6  
 b)  3   7 13 20 23 27 33  40 43 47 53 60 63 67 73 80  83 87 93 
 c)  3   7 13 20 23 27 33  40 43 47 53 60 63 67 73 80  83 87 93 
 d)  100 5 5  6  6  20 200 40 90 4  40 6  70 1  30 100 6  6  10 

 a)  7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   
 b)  100 103 107 113 120 123 127 133 140 143 147 153 160 163 
 c)  100 103 107 113 1   4   8   14  21  24  28  34  41  44  
 d)  10  10  300 70  6   200 6   1   8   50  1   2   400 200 

 a)  4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4   6   7   3   4
 b)  167 173 180 183 187 193 200 203 207 213 220 223 227
 c)  48  54  61  64  68  74  81  84  88  94  101 104 108
 d)  30  50  80  6   5   1   4   50  400 40  2   40  30

 a)  6   7   3   4   6   7
 b)  233 240 243 247 253 260
 c)  114 2   5   9   15  22
 d)  30  10  1   5   30  50

Total of letters found: 2873 (13 x 13 x 17)

40.1.5The preceding features reduced the reference to simple digits: 3, 4, 6, 7. They could have been left as 34, 6 and 7. This can be applied to the words, even though there are only 33 words in the passage. The 34th word would be the first word (the count wraps around). Add up the 1st, 6th and 7th words: 317 + 120 + 221 = 658. 658 = 7 x 2 x 47. The sum of the factors of 658 is 56 (7 x 2 x 2 x 2). The sum of 56's factors is 13 (a factor of the Tetragrammaton).

Only God could know the Bible would be divided into books, chapters and verses. And only He would know exactly how this would be done. This does not mean the division of books, chapters and verses is perfect, holy or sacred. Such a conclusion would be premature. What we can definitely conclude is He foresaw it.

When we think of a building, we think of its length, width, and height. We count the number of floors, and the number of rooms per floor. Depending on the design, each floor layout might be completely unique, with one floor consisting of a single large auditorium, another with two apartments, or perhaps even ten. There might be five corridors on one floor and two on another. Despite this difference, there remain common structural features. All floors have wiring, plumbing, and HVAC ventilation. Everything is held together by a steel framework with pillars every three metres. The same applies to the numbers and the structure of the verse. Letters and words may appear in different positions, but when we drill down into specifics we find many related one to another.

41.1.1The basic structure of this passage has 33 words. 33 is the smallest number that contains the numeric sum of the name of the lord (26) and the number associated with perfection (7). 26 + 7 = 33.

Thirty-three is also basic to the passage in another way. The number can be applied to the letters. The sum of the 33rd, 66th, and 99th letters (200 9 50) is 259, which factors 37 x 7.

For more on the uniqueness of this number, see Note 2 at the end of The Proclamation's Complexity. and 11 (the factors of 33) can each be used to step through the words of the proclamation. Start with the third word, and pull every third word after: 2176. Then from the beginning start with the 11th word, and pull every 11th word after: 953. Together the sum is 3129 = 3 x 7 x 149.

If we had tried every 3rd word on its own, or every 11th word on its own, there would be no results. Both numbers are related to the total number of words in the verse. Thus both numbers have to be used together. the technique in to the letters. In this case, it has to be adjusted slightly. Rather than start with one of the factors (3 or 11), begin with 1 (the one God). Add up the first letter and every succeeding 3rd letter. The total is 2477. Then start with the first letter, and add up every 11th letter. This total is 155. Together the sum is 2632 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 47.

Why change the beginning of each sequence to one? The reason is because 3 and 11 relate to the words, not the letters. To make it work, appeal made must be to the one God in the form of the number 1.

Does this work with the factors of the letters? Only in part. are 119 letters (7 x 17). Since information about the letters is being applied to the words, we begin to pull words starting from position one. Then we pull every seventh word after.

word position:	1   8   15  22  29
word sum:	317 131 351 184 102

The sum is 1085 = 5 x 7 x 31. these five words, apply the principle of is, was, and is to come.

33  1   2  7   8   9   14  15  16  21  22  23  28 29  30
322 317 26 221 131 208 191 351 126 165 184 126 62 102 100

Total: 2632 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 47 about 17, the other factor of 119? Unlike, factor 17 does not produce any features even when starting from position one. Perhaps it is because using 17 to count through the words only selects 2 words out of 33. This hardly covers the verse at all. However, if we go seven times through the passage, counting 17 from the first word position, the result does produce a feature.

number times:	1      2      3     4       5       6       7
count:		1   18 35 52  69 86 103 120 137 154 171 188 205 222
word position:  1   18 2  19  3  20 4   21  5   22  6   23  7   24
word sum:	317 29 26 161 26 31 31  165 254 184 120 126 221 409

The total is 2100 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7.

(Another way of looking at this is that two sets of seven words have been selected. The first set of seven begin at position one. The second set begins 17 word positions away. This covers fourteen of the 33 words, a lot more of the passage than just two words.)

41.1.2Go through the 33 word sums, adding them up. Note each section where the totals are divisible by seven.

Word spans  Total
1 to 2       343
3 to 15     2464
16           126
17 to 24    1561
25 to 27     308
28 to 32    1050
33           322

There are exactly seven sections, no more, no less. The third and seventh sections stand out because they span only a single word. The word positions (16 + 33) added together is 49 (7 x 7). are 91 digits from all the word sums (13 x 7). This is another appearance of 13 (the Divine Name) and the number 7 closely linked together.

The 91 digits are strung together below (a) digit position, (b) digit value.

            10        20        30        40        
a) 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
b) 317262631254120221131208724473407219135112645629

    50        60        70        80        90
a) 9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
b) 1613116518412640910010210662102100680106322

The words "Yhwh Yhwh El" (26 26 31) are colored and occupy digit positions: 4 5 6 7 8 9. The sum of the positions is is 39 (13 x 3). Note how everything is perfectly positioned in the list of digits. The first position added to the last position equals 13. And consequently, the second, and second last also pair up to 13, as do the two in the middle.

God’s Name factors 13 x 2. Looking at the digits of word sums strung together, we can see positions where digit "1" is followed by digit "3", thereby producing the appearance of the number "13". These positions are: 19 20 37 38 51 52. The sum of these positions is 217 (31 x 7).

            10        20        30        40        
a) 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
b) 317262631254120221131208724473407219135112645629

    50        60        70        80        90
a) 9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
b) 1613116518412640910010210662102100680106322

Beginning with the first digit and counting every 7th after, the sum is 39 (13 x 3).

            10        20        30        40        
a) 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
b) 317262631254120221131208724473407219135112645629

    50        60        70        80        90
a) 9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
b) 1613116518412640910010210662102100680106322

Beginning with the first digit and counting every 13th, the sum is 14 (7 x 2). the values of the Divine Name (10-5-6-5) to count through the word digits.

            10        20        30        40
a) 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
b) 317262631254120221131208724473407219135112645629

   50        60        70        80        90
a) 9012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
b) 1613116518412640910010210662102100680106322

The total is 26 (2 x 13), the same as the Divine Name itself. first 13 digits as one number: 3172626312541 = 6551 x 7 x 19 x 29 x 307 x 409. The sum of the factors: 6551 + 7 + 19 + 29 + 307 + 409 = 7322 (2 x 7 x 523). And this goes a third level: 2 + 7 + 523 = 532 (2 x 2 x 7 x 19). last 13 digits taken as a number: 2100680106322 = 9956113 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 2153. Unlike the first 13 digits, straight away there are two factors of 7. It's almost as if the sevens appear to make up for the fact that the sum of the factors go no further. first 13 and last 13 digits together:

         + 2100680106322
           5273306418863 = 2687 x 7 x 31 x 73 x 229 x 541.

This result is mathematically fixed, since both first and last were individually divisible by 7. However, the factors lead to a separate feature with a chain of factors ending at seven.

2687 + 7 + 31 + 73 + 229 + 541 = 3568 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 223)
The sum of the factors of 3568 is 231 (3 x 7 x 11).
The sum of the factors of 231 is 21 (3 x 7).
The sum of the factors of 21 is 10 (2 x 5).

And finally, the sum of the factors of 10 is 7. 91 digits of the thirty-three word sums can be run together and divided into seven numbers of thirteen digits each.

+ 2100680106322 

The total factors into 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7699 x 15526123.

41.2.1Now we turn our attention to the digits of the letter values. The letter values have 206 digits (103 x 2). The sum of the factors is 105, which in turn is 7 x 5 x 3.

Yhwh Yhwh El* occupies these letter digit positions.

position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
digit:    6 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1  1  0  5  6  5  1  0  5  6  5  1  3  0

The positions are from 11 to 23. The sum of these positions is 221 = 13 x 17. This parallels the feature above with the placement of the word sum digits.

41.2.2Use the Divine Name to count through the letter digits.

10  15  21  26  36  41  47  52  62  67  73  78  88  93  99  104
1   5   1   0   5   0   1   2   4   5   0   3   0   0   0   0  

114  119  125  130   140  145  151  156  166  171  177  182  
5    5    5    5     5    4    0    0    0    0    0    0   

Total: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7.

41.2.3Revelation 1:8 reads beginning and end. Previously, the first and last letters of each word were added together. They can also be joined (as opposed to being added). Joining the first letter of each word with the last letter of the word before it: 101 105 15 20030 640 150 120 640 82 64 50400 8200 304 5040 701 650 670 65 305 101 805 704 150 70400 230 640 230 210 7040 30030 640 20030. (In this instance, the very first and very last letters of the passage have nothing to join with, and are not included. See the next feature when they are.) The total is 219492 (2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 13 x 67).

41.2.4If the first and last letters of the passage are included, this would add 640 to 219492. The new total would be 220132. This factors: 2 x 2 x 11 x 5003. There is no seven or thirteen, just the factor 11. The chain of factors reveals something else. (SF: 5018 = 2 x 13 x 193 SF: 208 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 SF: 21 = 3 x 7 SF: 10 = 2 x 5 SF: 7.)

41.2.5The table below lists the number of letter digits in each word.

a)  word position
b)  word sum
c)  number of letter digits
d)  sum of letter digits

a)  1   2  3  4  5   6   7   8   9   10 11  12  13 14  15  16
b)  317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 208 72 447 340 72 191 351 126
c)  10  5  5  3  7   7   6   7   5   4  7   7   4  11  6   5
d)  11  17 17 4  20  30  5   14  10  18 15  16  18 20  9   18

a)  17  18 19  20 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28 29  30  31
b)  456 29 161 31 165 184 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 680
c)  8   5  7   3  8   6   5   6   4   7   5   5  7   4   12
d)  24  29 17  4  12  13  18  13  10  12  16  8  12  10  14

a)  32  33
b)  106 322
c)  5   10
d)  16  16 first 7 words have 43 digits in the letters (Line C). Last 7 words have 48 digits in the letters. Together (first and last) there are 91 (7 x 13) digits. first 13 words have 77 (11 x 7) digits in the letters (Line C). The last 13 words have 84 (2 x 2 x 3 x 7) digits in the letters. The first and last 13 words total 161 (7 x 23) digits. positions where the sum of letter digits (Line D) is divisible by 7: 8 31. (8 + 31 = 39 = 13 x 3) Sum of letter digits in both cases is 14. positions where sum of letter digits plus the number of digits is divisible by 7: 1 4 8 20 25 27 30 32. The sum of the word positions is 147 (3 x 7 x 7).

(This feature focused on the letter digits of the words. Feature 44.3 is a further extension of this technique by looking at the number of letters in a word.)

41.3Six words have the same number of digits in the letter values as in the positions.

7           15          17             21             22          25
221         351         456            165            184         100
25 26  27   54 55  56   60 61 62  63   75 76 77  78   79 80  81   89 90
1  200 20   50 300 1    6  80 300 70   10 50 100 5    80 100 4    70 30

41.3.1Total of the six words: 1477 (7 x 211).

41.3.2Sum of the first and last positions of these six words.

First:    25 54 60 75 79 89 = 382 = 2 x 191
Last:     27 56 63 78 81 90 = 395 = 5 x 79

Total: 777 = 3 x 7 x 37

41.3.3Sum of the first letters of these six words.

1 50 6 10 80 70

Total: 217 = 7 x 31.

41.3.4Sum of the last letters of these six words.

20 1 70 5 4 30

Total: 130 = 2 x 5 x 13.

41.4The first word of the passage begins with the letter 6, and ends with the letter 1. Search for the next word that ends with the letter 1. (This would be the 56th letter at the end of the 15th word.) Add all the letters from the beginning to that point: 2807 (401 x 7).

This doesn't work with the last word of the passage because finding previous words that begin with the letter 200 or end with the letter 40 lands on a letter position that is not divisible by 7.

41.5The feature below is similar to the one in 16.2 where spaces were added between the words. In 16.2, the feature was looking at the letter values. The structure of the proclamation goes deeper. We examine the digits of the letter values.

A. Digit positions marked by tens.
B. Digits positions marked by ones.
C. Letter values from verse.
D. Letter values in reverse.

A:            1         2         3         4         5
B:   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C:   6101002001 10565 10565 130 2008640 6850650 120020 
D:   0401072002 03076 040100303003 0307 0401052 01052 0

A:            6         7         8         9         0
B:   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C:   1801040 62002 8604 6140400 5090200 8604 3013080104
D:   3076 0401052 0307 004621 05607 400108 50010501 103

A:            1         2         3         4         5
B:   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C:   0 503001 70650 68030070 68915 6501005 301 10501005
D:    5001056 51986 07003086 05607 100305 04010803103 4

A:            6         7         8         9         0
B:   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C:    801004 70650 126400 7030 2501040 67030 25010 2501
D:   068 0020905 0040416 4068 20026 0401081 020021 0560

A:            1         2         3
B:   12345678901234567890123456789012345678
C:   040 7030 300303001040 67030 2002701040
D:   586 0468002 031 56501 56501 1002001016

41.5.1Including the spaces there are now 238 positions (17 x 7 x 2).

41.5.2Nine words match beginning and end with one in the reverse order:

1 2 6 16 17 18 29 32 33

The sum of these positions is 154 (11 x 7 x 2).

41.5.3The digit zero appears many times. Many of them fall into the same positions on both lines C and D. Comparing lines B and C where the digit zero is in both:

3 5 8 9 46 76 79 83 84 95 99 104 106 118 121 133
135 140 144 155 156 160 163 193 230 231 234 236

Total: 3346 = 2 x 7 x 239. C - Digits in positions divisible by 7 (spaces included in count):

2 5 6 2 _ 0 0 4 2 6 _ 0 3 1 3 6 3 8 0 0 1 1 6 4 0 4 0 _ 0 3 0 7 0 0

Total: 77 (7 x 11) D - The digits in positions divisible by 7 (spaces included, and counting from the beginning):

 2 0 1 0 _ 2 _ 0 _ 0 5 0 0 1 1 9 0 5 0 0 0 _ 5 1 _ 0 _ _ 6 0 5 6 0 6

Total: 55 = 5 x 11. There is no factor of 7 or 13. Coincidentally, there is a factor of 11 denoting the one God first and last.

41.6Spaces can also be included after the digits of each letter rather than after each word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
6   1 0   1 0 0   2  0  0     1     1  0     5     6     5     1 

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
0     5     6     5     1     3  0     2  0  0     8     6     4 

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
0     6     8     5  0     6     5  0     1     2  0  0     2  0 

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
   1     8  0     1  0     4  0     6     2  0  0     2     8    

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 
6  0     4     6     1      4   0       4   0   0       5   0       

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
9   0       2   0   0       8       6   0       4       3   0      

128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
1       3   0       8   0       1   0       4   0       5   0      

145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
3   0   0       1       7   0       6       5   0       6       8

162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
0       3   0   0       7   0       6       8       9       1      

179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
5       6       5   0       1   0   0       5       3   0       1  

196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
    1   0       5   0       1   0   0       5       8   0       1  

213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
0   0       4       7   0       6       5   0       1       2      

230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246
6       4   0   0       7   0       3   0       2       5   0      

247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
1   0       4   0       6       7   0       3   0       2       5  

264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
0       1   0       2       5   0       1   0       4   0       7  

281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297
0       3   0       3   0   0       3   0       3   0   0       1  

298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
0       4   0       6       7   0       3   0       2   0   0      

315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
2       7   0       1   0       4   0

41.6.1Sum of positions where no digit is found: 18744 (2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 11 x 71 SF: 91 = 7 x 13)

41.6.2Sum of positions where digit 0 is found: 15043 (7 x 7 x 307).

41.6.3Sum of positions where digit 1 is found: 3619 (7 x 11 x 47).

41.6.4Sum of positions where digit 2 is found: 2093 (7 x 13 x 23).

41.6.5The sum of the positions of the remaining digits (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) do not yield any features, but there are seven of them. And the sum of these digits is 42 (7 x 3 x 2).

Sum of positions where digit 3 is found: 2749
Sum of positions where digit 4 is found: 2286 (2 x 3 x 3 x 127)
Sum of positions where digit 5 is found: 2581 (29 x 89)
Sum of positions where digit 6 is found: 2267
Sum of positions where digit 7 is found: 1930 (2 x 5 x 193)
Sum of positions where digit 8 is found: 1052 (2 x 2 x 263)
Sum of positions where digit 9 is found: 286 (2 x 11 x 13)

41.7Now returning to the basic structure of Exodus 34:6-7...

41.7.2There are 119 (17 x 7) letters in the passage.

The sum of every 17th letter:  186
The sum of every 7th letter:   465
                        Total: 651 (3 x 7 x 31)

The factors of 119 can almost be read out as words. The number 17 (digits 1 & 7) illustrates the one who is perfect. This perfect one is multiplied seven times.

Just as the number of words point back to Revelation 1:8, so do the number of letters. 17 and 7 add up to 24. 24 = 3 x 2 x 2 x 2. The three stands for the one who is, was and is to come, while the three pairs match the Alpha and Omega, First and Last and Beginning and End.

41.7.3Between the first letter and the last letter, there are 117 (13 x 3 x 3) letters.

The sum of every 13th letter         341
The sum of every 3rd letter         1415
The sum of every 3rd letter (again) 1415
                               Total: 3171 (3 x 7 x 151)

41.7.4The previous technique cannot be used for the words since subtracting the first and last words from the total number of words leaves a prime number: 31. But if we don’t look at the word sums themselves perhaps we can look at the digits. The word sums altogether have 91 digits (13 x 7).

The sum of every 13th letter: 341
The sum of every 7th letter:  465
                       Total: 806 (2 x 13 x 31)

42.1God’s proclamation consists of 33 words. In Hebrew, Exodus 34:6-7 actually has 37 words. The four words at the beginning are not part of the proclamation, and thus are not included in most of the numeric studies presented here. These four words can be acknowledged without adding them to the proclamation. This is done by repositioning (or re-labelling) the positions of the 33 words of the proclamation. The first word of the proclamation is actually the fifth word of the verse. Thus:

a)  Actual position in verse      b)  Word sum

a)  5   6  7  8  9   10  11  12  13  14 15  16  17 18  19  20
b)  317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 208 72 447 340 72 191 351 126

a)  21  22 23  24 25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32 33  34  35
b)  456 29 161 31 165 184 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 680

a)  36  37
b)  106 322

42.1.1The sum of all the positions is 693 (3 x 3 x 7 x 11). Under the original positions the total of positions from 1 to 33 was 561 = 3 x 11 x 17.

42.1.2The Name now sits in positions 6 and 7. (6 + 7 = 13, half the value of YHWH)

42.1.3The three words referring to God are in positions 6, 7 and 8 (6 + 7 + 8 = 21).

42.1.4The first and last words are in positions 5 and 37 (42 when added).

42.1.5Word positions 13 and 26 have the word sums 208 and 184. The two words together: 392 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7.

42.1.6Odd valued word sums now reside in positions: 5 8 11 12 15 18 19 22 23 24 25 and 28. The sum of these positions: 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7.

From the previous list, take only the odd positions: 5 11 15 19 23 25. The sum is 98 = 2 x 7 x 7.

42.1.7Using the Name directly:

10  5   6  5
120 317 26 317 = 780 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 13

Using God’s Name to count in the new list positions, the 10th, 15th, 21st and 26th words are: 120 447 456 184 = 1207 = 17 x 71.

42.1.8Three pairs of words (adjacent to each other) are divisible by 13 when added:

Word position: 2  3    26  27    30  31
Word sum:      26 26   102 106   100 680

The sum of the positions: 119 = 7 x 17. The sum of the words: 1040 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 13 (SF:26) [The thirteen is not a feature, but the sum of the factors is.]

42.2The same applies to re-labelling the positions of the letters. The four words not part of the proclamation consist of 15 letters. Thus the first letter of the proclamation is actually the 16th letter of the verse. Amazingly, features parallel those found in the words for feature 42.1.

1                2           3           4     5            6
16 17 18  19  20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  32 33 34 35 36
6  10 100 200 1  10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5  1  30 200 8  6  40 6  8

         7         8           9         10       11           12
37 38 39 40 41  42 43 44 45 46 47 48  49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56  57
50 6  50 1  200 20 1  80 10 40 6  200 2  8  60 4  6  1  40 400 50

       13       14                15        16       17
58 59  60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70  71 72 73 74 75 76 77  78
90 200 8  60 4  30 1  30 80 10 40 50 300 1  70 6  50 6  80 300 70

18             19           20    21           22        23
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86  87 88 89 90 91 92  93 94 95  96 97 98 99
6  8  9  1  5  6  50 100 5  30 1  10 50 100 5  80 100 4  70 6  50

24              25      26              27          28
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
1   2   6   400 70  30  2   50  10  40  6   70  30  2   50  10

29              30      31                  32          33
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
2   50  10  40  70  30  300 30  300 10  40  6   70  30  200 2

132 133 134
70  10  40

42.2.1The sum of all the letter positions, from 16 to 134 is 8925 (3 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 17).

In this case, this is not exactly significant. Since there are 119 consecutive letters in the list, the total would be divisible by 7. However, the 33 words above normally would not be divisible by 7. Adding in the four extra words at the beginning of the verse make all the difference.

The sum of the factors of 8925 is 37 (the exact number of words in the verse).

[The original sum of the letter positions was 7140 (2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 17) and the sum of the factors was 36. 36 did not match the number of words in the verse because the 33 words of the proclamation do not comprise the entire verse.]

42.2.2The Divine Name now sits in letter positions 21 through 28. The sum of these positions would be 196 (2 x 2 x 7 x 7). Originally, the positions 6 through to 13 yielded no feature.

42.2.3The three words referring to God rest in letter positions 21 through 30. The sum of these positions is 255 = 3 x 5 x 17. Here we do not see a parallel feature.

42.2.4By re-numbering the words, the first and last word positions produced a new feature. The very first and last letter positions together do not do the same when re-labelled. However, since these are letters, it is now possible to take the first and last positions of each word.

First letter positions:

16 21 25 29 31 35 40 43 47 50 53 57 60 63 69 72 75 79 84 88 90 94 97
100 104 106 110 113 116 120 122 127 130.

The sum is 2466.

Last letter positions:

20 24 28 30 34 39 42 46 49 52 56 59 62 68 71 74 78 83 87 89 93 96 99 
103 105 109 112 115 119 121 126 129 134.

The sum is 2552 (2 x 2 x 2 x 11 x 29).

Put first and last together:
2466 + 2552 = 5018 = 2 x 13 x 193 (There is no 7, but the Divine Name appears with 13.)
The factors of of 5018 added: 208 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13.
The factors of 208 added: 21 = 3 x 7.
The factors of 21 added: 10 = 2 x 5.
The factors of 10 added: 7.

42.2.5Words 13 and 26 have their letters in positions 47 to 49, and 94 to 96. The sum of these positions is 429 = 3 x 11 x 13.

42.2.6Odd valued letters are now in positions:

New word position    a) 5  6  6  7  7  8  11 12 15 18 19 22 22 22
New letter position  b) 20 22 24 26 28 29 40 43 54 64 71 81 82 83
Odd valued letters   c) 1  5  5  5  5  1  1  1  1  1  1  9  1  5 

 a)  23 24 25 28 
 b)  87 89 93 100
 c)  5  1  5  1

The sum of the word positions: 280 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7
The sum of the letter positions: 1036 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 37

From the list above, the letters only in odd positions:

 b)  29 43 71 81 83 87 89 93
 c)  1  1  1  9  5  5  1  5 = 28 = 2 x 2 x 7

42.2.7In feature 42.1, YHWH (10-5-6-5) could be applied directly to the word positions of the proclamation because its lowest valued letter was 5, and the first word of the proclamation was in position five. This cannot be done with the letters. The highest letter in the Tetragrammaton is ten, but the four additional words at the beginning of the verse have 15 letters. Using the Tetragrammaton directly as letter positions would only select letters outside the proclamation itself. (This yields no feature.) However, if the Tetragrammaton was used to count through the letters, the last two letters of the sequence would now be within the proclamation.

The four additional words and their letters:

       Word sum: 288            26          100     146
Letter position: 1 2  3  4 5    6  7 8 9    10 11   12 13 14 15
   Letter value: 6-10-70-2-200  10-5-6-5    70-30   80-50-10-6

(NB The sum of these four words is: 560 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7)

Counting through the letters:

YHWH           10 5  6  5
Count          10 15 21 26
Letter found   70 6  10 5

The sum of the letters is 91 (13 x 7).

Although the first words of the verse are not part of the proclamation, there are numeric features even for these extra words and letters. The fact that the features for the words and letters follow so closely with each other can only be by design. God has perfectly placed His proclamation within the verse.

43.As seen before the sum total of the passage is 6174 (7 x 7 x 7 x 3 x 3 x 2). These factors can be used as positions to point to words.

Factor Of Passage As A Word Position
Position:   7    7    7    3    3    2
Word Found: 221  221  221  26   26   26

43.1.1The sum of these words is: 741. 741 in turn factors into 13 x 19 x 3. (The 13 points to God’s name.) 741 is unique in another way: 13 + 19 + 3 = 35. (35 has a chain of factors ending at the number 7: 35 = 7 x 5. 7 + 5 = 12. 12 = 3 x 2 x 2. 3 + 2 + 2 = 7.)

43.1.2741 itself has a third feature. It's factors point to three more words in the passage, the 13th, 19th, and 3rd words. The value of these words: 72, 161 and 26. The sum of these words is 259 (7 x 37).

43.1.3The pattern continues with the factors of 259.

7th word value: 221
37th word:       31  (There is no 37th word. The count wraps around.)
Total:          252

43.1.4252 = 7 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2.

7th word: 221
3rd word:  52 (26 x 2)
2nd word:  52 (26 x 2)
Total:    325 = 13 x 5 x 5

The pattern ends with 325. No factors of 7 or 13 are found afterwards. Nevertheless, from the numeric total of this passage (6174), we have discovered four deeper levels: 741, 259, 252, and 325. Two of the numbers are divisible by 13, and two are divisible by 7.

43.2.1The sum of the passage is the result of the words and letters. The features above dealt with the words. Here the factors of 6174 are used for the letters.

a)  The factors of 6174.
b)  Multiplying each factor.
c)  Resulting number.
d)  Result converted to a letter position.
e)  Letter found.

a)   7  7    7      3        3          2
b)   7  7x7  7x7x7  7x7x7x3  7x7x7x3x3  7x7x7x3x3x2
c)   7  49   343    1029     3087       6174
d)   7  49   105    77       112        105
e)   5  1    70     100      6          70

Total of letters found: 252 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7.

43.2.2In the above feature, the numbers were applied directly to find letter positions. The numbers could also be used to count through the letters.

a)  Position obtained from Line C in feature above.
b)  Count.
c)  Letter found.

a)    7    49   105  77   112  105
b)    7    56   42   119  112  98
c)    5    1    50   40   6    2

Total of letters found: 104 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13

The three factors of 2 point out the two levels in Revelation 1:8 (Alpha and Omega, First and Last, Beginning and End and is, was, is to come). The pair of threes reinforce the threefold element in both levels, and each part of the two sets of three are supported by a triplet of sevens. The factors of 6174 complement Revelation 1:8 just like the number of words and the number of letters in the proclamation.

44.1.1In feature 2.1, the sum of odd positioned letters in the passage was divisible by 7. Applying the same technique to the words yields a total of 4114 (2 x 11 x 11 x 17). This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but it's symmetry is its own unique feature. The same digit (4) appears at the beginning and end, and the ever present one God, first and last (11) appears in the middle. The factors of 4114 contain two 11s, and the sum of the factors (41) are the same two digits in 4114. And if the digits of 4114 were added, and then reduced again, they would end up at 1 (the one God).

44.1.24114 can also be expressed symmetrically as 121 x 34, and 242 x 17.

44.2.2The sum of the even positioned words is 2060 (2 x 2 x 5 x 103). Again it is not divisible by 7 or 13, but it has other features. It too can be expressed as a symmetrical number: 515 x 4. And the sum of its factors is 112 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7).

This is not as impressive as the letters, but if we stop here we miss an important part. Previously, in feature 41.2.5, we examined the number of letter digits in each word. We can extend this to another level (i.e. another dimension): the number of letters in each word. The technique in feature 2.1, works on the number of letters in each word.

44.3The number of letters in each word is given below.

a)  Word position          b)  Number of letters in that word

a)  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
b)  5 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 3  3  4  3  3  6  3  3  4  5  4  2  4  3  3  4

a)  25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
b)   2  4  3  3  4  2  5  3  5

44.3.1The number of letters from odd positioned words is 63 (7 x 3 x 3), and the sum of the factors is 13 (a factor of YHWH).

44.3.2The number of letters from even positioned words is 56 (7 x 2 x 2 x 2). The sum of the factors is again 13!

44.3.3Words where their position (odd or even) match the number of letters being odd or even.

a)  1 2 4 7 8 9 13 14 15 20 23 24 26 27 30 31 33
b)  5 4 2 3 4 3  3  6  3  2  3  4  4  3  2  5  5

The total of the positions: 147 (3 x 7 x 7).

44.3.4Classifying words by their positions (odd or even) can be taken further. The list below consists of words that begin and end in an odd letter position.

a) Word position       b) Word sum       c) First & last letter position

a) 1       7      10      13      16      22      27       31        33
b) 317    221     72      72      126     184     106      680       322
c) 1 5   25 27   35 37   45 47   57 59   79 81   95 97   107 111   115 119

The sum of the words: 2100 (7 x 5 x 5 x 3 x 2 x 2).

The same feature does not work for words beginning and ending in even letter positions. One reason might be that the odd positions inherently contain an extra one pointing to the one God, while the even positions would not.

44.3.5Even positioned words that have an even number of letters.

a)  2 4 8 14 20 24 26 30
b)  4 2 4  6  2  4  4 2

The sum of the positions: = 128 (27). And the sum of the word lengths: 28 (7 x 2 x 2).

44.3.6God has arranged some of the words to reflect the number of letters in other words.

a)  Word position          b)  Number of letters in that word
c)  Line B in reverse
d)  Word positions noted where lines B and C are the same.

a)  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
b)  5 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 3 3  4  3  3  6  3  3  4  5  4  2  4  3  3
c)  5 3 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 4  3  3  4  2  4  5  4  3  3  6  3  3  4
d)  1     4 5   7 8         12             17             22

a)  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
b)  4  2  4  3  3  4  2  5  3  5
c)  3  3  4  3  5  4  2  4  4  5
d)        26 27    29 30       33

The sum of line D: 221 = 13 x 17, was, is to come... The present is in between the past and the future. Record all the words with an odd number of letters, and note the position of the letter in the middle of the word: 3 22 26 33 36 43 46 55 58 66 80 83 96 99 109 113 117.

The sum of these positions: 1085 = 7 x 5 x 31

45.1The word sums themselves can be used to find other words. The first word's sum is 317. Since there are only 33 words, we subtract 33 from 317 over and over until we arrive at a number less than (or equal to) 33. This resulting number would be a new word position. In essence, the sum 317 is used to count through the Exodus verse, wrapping around to the beginning once the end is reached.

a)  Word sum        b)  New word position
c)  Word sum found

a)  317  26  26  31 254 120 221 131 208  72 447 340  72 191 351
b)   20  26  26  31  23  21  23  32  10   6  18  10   6  26  21
c)   31 102 102 680 126 165 126 106  72 120  29  72 120 102 165

a)  126 456  29 161  31 165 184 126 409 100 102 106  62 102 100
b)   27  27  29  29  31  33  19  27  13   1   3   7  29   3   1
c)  106 106 102 102 680 322 161 106  72 317  26 221 102  26 317

a)  680 106 322
b)   20   7  25
c)   31 221 100

Sum of words found: 5236 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 17 SF:39 = 13 x 3

45.2The word sums above were used individually to find other word positions. They can also be used together to count progressively through the passage.

a)  Word sum     b)  Count
c)  Adjust to a position.    d)  Word found

a)  317 26 26  31 254 120 221 131 208 72 447 340 72  191 351
b)  317 46 39  37 258 147 236 136 212 86 467 345 87  212 365
c)  20  13 6   4  27  15  5   4   14  20 5   15  21  14  2
d)  31  72 120 31 106 351 254 31  191 31 254 351 165 191 26

a)  126 456 29  161 31 165 184 126 409 100 102 106 62 102
b)  128 485 52  180 46 178 197 158 435 106 109 116 79 115
c)  29  23  19  15  13 13  32  26  6   7   10  17  13 16
d)  102 126 161 351 72 72  106 102 120 221 72  456 72 126

a)  100 680 106 322
b)  116 697 110 333
c)  17  4   11  3
d)  456 31  447 26 

Total: 5324 = 2 x 2 x 11 x 11 x 11

The result is not divisible by 7 or 13, but by 11 three times. 11 represents the one God beginning to end. Its appearance three times matches is, was and is to come.

45.3Using only the words in odd positions to count:

 1   3   5   7   9   11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25  27  29  31  33  
 317 26  254 221 208 447 72  351 456 161 165 126 100 106 102 680 322 
 20  13  3   26  3   21  27  15  9   5   5   32  33  7   10  30  22  
 31  72  26  102 26  165 106 351 208 254 254 106 322 221 72  100 184

Total: 2600 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 13.

46.1.1Sometimes there is more than one reason for a feature.

  1. The first word that has its last letter in a position divisible by 7 is the fifteenth word.
  2. At the same time, not one of the first fifteen words has a letter with a digit of 7. (The letter 70 only occurs in the last half of the proclamation.)
  3. The lack of 7 in almost half the proclamation would seem to imply there should be a feature of 7.

Thus we check the sum of the first 15 words: 2807 (7 x 401 SF: 408 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 17 SF: 26). Since the first fifteen words produce a total divisible by 7, this means the last eighteen words do too: 6174 - 2807 = 3367 (7 x 13 x 37 SF: 57 = 3 x 19 SF: 22 = 2 x 11 SF: 13). Notice how in both cases, the factor chain coincides with the number of God’s name.

46.1.2The last word whose first letter is in a position divisible by 7 is the 32nd word. The sum of all words from 1 to 32: 5852 = 19 x 11 x 7 x 2 x 2. The remainder of the verse is only the last word: 322 (23 x 7 x 2).

46.1.3The sum of the letter positions of these two words: 504 = 7 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2.

46.2.1The first word that has its last letter in a position divisible by 13 (the factor of the Tetragrammaton) is the 3rd word. It is the second occurrence of the Tetragrammaton, with a sum of 26. The last word whose first letter is in a position divisible by 13 is the 26th word (associated with the name of the lord), with a sum of 102. 26 + 102 = 128 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. This is not divisible by 7, but there are seven factors of two.

46.2.2The sum of these two words’ letter positions: 416 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13).

47.1Since God is the same from beginning to end, we search for word sums that begin and end with the same digit:

Word position:   8            14                 19
Word sum:        131          191                161
Letters:         1-80-10-40   30-1-30-80-10-40   6-50-100-5

47.1.1The sum of these three words is 483 (7 x 3 x 23).

47.1.2These three words together have 14 letters (7 x 2).

47.1.3The number of letters in each word is 4, 6, 4, and symmetrical like their sums.

47.2.1In four word sums the difference between the first and last digits is a multiple of two.

Word position:     5    7    26   29
Word sum:          254  221  102  102

The sum of these four words is 679 (97 x 7 SF:104 = 13 x 2 x 2 x 2).

47.2.2In two word sums the difference between the first and last digits is a multiple of four.

Word position:  9    22
Word sum:       208  184

The sum of these two words is 392 (7 x 7 x 2 x 2 x 2).

Why multiples of 2 and 4? Because God’s attributes in Revelation 1:8 appear in pairs: Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End.

47.3Twelve words consist only of three letters (is, was, is to come):

Word position: 7   9   10   12   13  15   16   22   23   27   28  32
Word sum:      221 208 72   340  72  351  126  184  126  106  62  106

The sum of the words: 1974 (2 x 3 x 7 x 47).

47.4.1First and last refers to magnitude. Eleven word sums have the digit zero (least in magnitude).

Word Position:   6    9    12   24   25   26   27   29   30   31   32
Word sum:        120  208  340  409  100  102  106  102  100  680  106

The sum of the words: 2373 (3 x 7 x 113).

47.4.2Three word sums have the digit 9 (greatest in magnitude).

Word position:  14   18   24
Word sum:       191  29   409

The word sums produce no feature, but the word positions do: is 56 (2 x 2 x 2 x 7 SF:13).

47.5All word sums that begin with the digit 1 (the one God).

Position: 6   8   14  16  19  21  22  23  25  26  27  29  30  32
Word sum: 120 131 191 126 161 165 184 126 100 102 106 102 100 106

47.5.1The total of these words: 1820 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 13.

47.5.2There are 14 (7 x 2) of these words.

47.5.3The first 7 in the list: 1078 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 11.

The last 7: 742 = 2 x 7 x 53.

47.5.4From the list of 14 words, take only the even word positions:
6 8 14 16 22 26 30 32 = 154 = 2 x 7 x 11

47.5.5In 47.1.1 we saw there were three word sums beginning and ending with the digit 1. The sum was 483. If these three were subtracted from the list of fourteen, this would leave 11 words (one God beginning and end). The sum of these 11 words: 1337 = 7 x 191 (one God first and last).

47.5.6The above features were found searching for words beginning with the digit 1. One plus six would equal seven. Checking words beginning with a digit of six (only two):

Position: 28 31
Word sum: 62 680

The sum is 742 (7 x 2 x 53).

47.5.7Since this entire section is based on the digits of the word sums, it can hardly be expected that the positions of these words would also have a feature. At first glance, they do not. The sum of the word positions in 47.5.1 and 47.5.6 are 298, and 59. However, just as the total of the word sums together are divisible by 7, so are the positions together: 298 + 59 = 357 (7 x 17 x 3).

47.5.8What about words that end with digits of 1 or 6? It would be nice if the exact same features were duplicated, but they are not. Beginnings and endings are never quite the same.

Words ending with the digit 1.
Position: 4  7   8   14  15  19  20   =     87 (a)
Word sum: 31 221 131 191 351 161 31   =   1117 (b)

Words ending with the digit 6.
Position: 2  3  16  17  23  27  32    =    120 (c)
Word sum: 26 26 126 456 126 106 106   =    972 (d)

Each set consists of 7 words.

47.5.9 (a) + (b) 87 + 1117 = 1204 = 7 x 2 x 2 x 43.

47.5.10 (c) + (d) 120 + 972 = 1092 = 7 x 13 x 2 x 2 x 3.

48.From the concept of Alpha and Omega, we developed the concept of odd and even values. Any word or letter is either odd or even in value. There is another simple concept of either "yes" or "no" describing numbers. Words can either have duplicated letters or not. Words in the passage are either duplicated or not.

48.1Words that have duplicated letters.

a) word position	b) word sum	c) letters

a) 2         3         6            14                31
b) 26        26        120          191               680
c) 10-5-6-5  10-5-6-5  6-8-50-6-50  30-1-30-80-10-40  300-30-300-10-40

48.1.1The sum of the word positions: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7.

48.1.2The sum of the words: 1043 = 7 x 149.

48.1.3The sum of the first and last letters of these five words: 496 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 31 SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

48.2Words duplicated in the passage.

Word sum: 26        72       126      100      102         106
Position: 2 & 3     10 & 13  16 & 23  25 & 30  26 & 29     27 & 32
Letters:  10-5-6-5  8-60-4   70-6-50  70-30    2-50-10-40  30-70-6

48.2.1The sum of the word positions is 236 (2 x 2 x 59). This is not divisible by 7, but the sum of the factors is 63 (7 x 3 x 3), and the final sum of the factors is 13.

48.2.2The sum of the words is 532 (2 x 2 x 7 x 19).

48.2.3The sum of the first and last letters of these six words: 325 (5 x 5 x 13).

49.Letters in the passage, and where they occur:

letter    positions in passage                          sum of positions
1         5 14 25 28 39 49 56 67 74 85                      442 D13
2         34 86 91 98 101 116                               526
4         37 47 81                                          165
5         7 9 11 13 68 72 78                                258
6         1 8 12 18 20 23 32 38 58 60 64 69 83 87 95 112    780 D13
8         17 21 35 45 65                                    183
9         66                                                 66
10        2 6 10 30 52 75 93 100 103 110 118                699
20        27                                                 27
30        15 48 50 73 90 97 106 108 114                     701
40        19 31 40 53 94 104 111 119                        571
50        22 24 42 54 59 70 76 84 92 99 102                 724
60        36 46                                              82
70        57 63 82 89 96 105 113 117                        722
80        29 51 61 79                                       220
90        43                                                 43
100       3 71 77 80                                        231 D7
200       4 16 26 33 44 115                                 238 D7
300       55 62 107 109                                     333
400       41 88                                             129

49.1Two letters have the sum of their positions divisible by 13 (the Divine Name): 1 and 6. The sum of these two letters (or their place values) is 7.

49.2Two letters have the sum of their positions divisible by 7: 100 and 200. The sum of these two letters is 300. The sum of their place values is 19 + 20 = 39 (13 x 3).

49.3Number Of Times A Letter Appears

a) Place value      b) Letter Value     c) Appearances
a) 1  2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 10  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19  20  21  22
b) 1  2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 10  20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400
c) 10 6 0 3 7 16 0 5 1 11  1  9  8  11 2  8  4  1  4   6   4   2

The letters 3 and 7 do not appear in this passage, but even in their absence their values can be used. C: Note how the zeroes sandwich the appearances of the letters 4, 5, and 6. The total number of appearances for these three letters is 26, the sum of God’s name. letter value 3 does not appear in the verse, drop the first three appearances from the list, and the last three:

3 7 16 0 5 1 11  1  9  8  11 2  8  4  1  4

Total of this line: 91 = 7 x 13. same can be done for letter value 7. However, since 7 represents God’s perfection (while 3 does not), include the seventh from the beginning, and the seventh from the end in the list of appearances:

0 5 1 11  1  9  8  11 2  8

Total of this line: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7.

Note 1: There was a factor of 13 in, but not in All we have to do is add the factors of 56 in, and the 13 appears just the same.

Note 2: Since the entire passage has 119 letters, then in both cases, and the remainder of the list is also divisible by 7. third letter from the beginning of the verse is 100. The 7th letter from the beginning is 5. The total is 105 (7 x 5 x 3). third letter from the end is 70, and the seventh letter from the end is also 70. The total is 140 (2 x 2 x 5 x 7). third and seventh letters from the beginning and the end all together would be 245 (5 x 7 x 7 [an extra 7]). 3 and 7 again:

7 + 3 = 10. The 10th letter is 10.

7 - 3 = 4. The 4th letter is 200.

The total is 210, which just happens to be twice 105. (See feature 49.3.1) immediate feature above could have been written this way,

3 + 7 = 10. The 10th letter is 10.

3 - 7 = -4. The -4th (or 116th) letter is 2.

10 + 2 = 12. This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but 12 factors into 3 x 2 x 2, and the sum of these factors is 7.

49.3.4The 3rd word is 26, and the 7th word is 221. 221 + 26 = 247 = 13 x 19.

49.4Now we look at the rest of the table.

49.4.1The following letters appeared an odd number of times in the passage:

Letter value: 4 5  8 9 10 20 30 50 90 = 226 = 2 x 113 
Place value:  4 5  8 9 10 11 12 14 18 = 91 = 7 x 13 
Appearances:  3 7  5 1 11  1  9 11  1 = 49 = 7 x 7

49.4.2These letters appeared an even number of times:

Letter value:  1 2 3  6 7 40 60 70 80 100 200 300 400 = 1269
Place value:   1 2 3  6 7 13 15 16 17  19  20  21  22 =  162
Appearances:  10 6 0 16 0  8  2  8  4   4   6   4   2 =   70 = 2 x 5 x 7 

At first glance, feature 49.4.2 seems to have less than feature 49.4.1. But there is an additional feature in 49.4.2. All three sums break down into factors that add up to numbers divisible by 7.

1269 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 47 SF: 56
162 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 SF: 14
70 = 2 x 5 x 7 SF: 14

49.4.3In the table, the very first entry with a single appearance is letter 9. The last with a single appearance is 90. Their appearance, along with the ones in between are listed below:

1 11  1  9  8  11 2  8  4  1

Total: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 SF: 13.

49.4.4Line B: Note how letters 9, 10 and 20 appear 1, 11 and 1 times. (One God first and last, with one God beginning and end in the middle.) The sum of appearances is 13. The sum of the letters 9 + 10 + 20 is 39 (3 x 13).

49.5Three letters appear only once and are uniquely related: 9, 20 and 90. In other words, their first appearance is their last appearance. They are first and last in themselves. And since there are three of them, they also match the second statement in Revelation 1:8, is, was, is to come.

49.5.1Their sum (119 = 17 x 7) coincidentally equals the number of letters in the passage.

49.5.2The positions of these three letters (66, 43 and 27) add up to 136, which factors into 17 x 2 x 2 x 2. The factor of 17 coincidentally matches a factor in the previous feature.

49.5.3These three letters factor as follows:

9 = 3 x 3
20 = 5 x 2 x 2
90 = 5 x 3 x 3 x 2

The sum of the factors is 28 (7 x 2 x 2).

49.5.4Alphabetically, the letter before 9 would be letter 8. The letter before 20 would be letter 10, and the letter before letter 90 would be 80. 8 + 10 + 80 = 98. And once again, 98 = 7 x 7 x 2.

49.5.5Alphabetically, the letter after letter 9, would be letter 10. And for letters 20, and 90, they would be 30 and 100. 10 + 30 + 100 = 140 (7 x 5 x 2 x 2).

49.5.6Together, these nine letters would be 119 + 98 + 140 = 357 (7 x 3 x 17). The 17 points back to the number of letters in the proclamation.

49.5.7As letter positions, these three letters would span positions 9 to 90. The sum of letters from position 9 to position 90.

a)  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  27 28
b)  5 10 5  6  5  1  30 200 8  6  40 6  8  50 6  50 1  200 20 1

a)  29 30 31 32 33  34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41  42 43 44  45 46 47
b)  80 10 40 6  200 2  8  60 4  6  1  40 400 50 90 200 8  60 4

a)  48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55  56 57 58 59 60 61 62  63 64 65 66 67
b)  30 1  30 80 10 40 50 300 1  70 6  50 6  80 300 70 6  8  9  1

a)  68 69 70 71  72 73 74 75 76 77  78 79 80  81 82 83 84 85 86 87
b)  5  6  50 100 5  30 1  10 50 100 5  80 100 4  70 6  50 1  2  6

a)  88  89 90
b)  400 70 30

Total of letters: 4256 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 19)

49.6.1Only three letters, when used as positions refer back on to themselves: 10, 40 and 300. The sum of these three letters: 350 = 7 x 5 x 5 x 2.

49.6.2The sum of the positions of these three letters throughout the passage (see chart above): 699 + 571 + 333 = 1603 = 299 x 7.

49.6.3The sum of their positions: 10 + 40 + 62* = 112 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7) [*300 converts into the 62nd letter position].

49.7.1The first seven letters of the Hebrew alphabet appear with the following frequencies:

Place value:   1  2 3 4 5  6 7
Letter Value:  1  2 3 4 5  6 7
Appearances:   10 6 0 3 7 16 0 = 42 = 7 x 3 x 2

49.7.2The first 13 letters of the Hebrew alphabet appear in the following frequencies:

Place value:   1  2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Letter Value:  1  2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40
Appearances:   10 6 0 3 7 16 0 5 1 11  1  9  8 =  77 = 7 x 11

The frequency of appearances of the last 7 and last 13 letters of the Hebrew alphabet do not yield any features. If the last 7 and last 13 letters of the alphabet also yielded features, we might be tempted to say the Hebrew alphabet itself was uniquely divine, or in some sense equal to God. The lack of features prevents this mistake. The alphabet is obviously not God, and thus should not be expected to provide first and last features like God.

49.8In the previous feature, we looked at the Hebrew alphabet itself, seeking features in the first and last 7 or 13 letters of the alphabet. Here we look at the first and last 7 letters of the proclamation itself.

49.8.1The first 7 letters of the passage,

               Position:  6  10 100 200 1  10 5.
Frequency of appearance:  16 11 4   6   10 11 7.

The total of their appearances: 65 = 5 x 13.

49.8.2The last seven letters of the passage,

               Position: 40 10 70 2 200 30 70.
Frequency of appearance: 8  11 8  6 6   9  8.

The total of their appearances: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7.

Note the reversal of the digits for the two totals: 65 and 56. The sum of 65 and 56 is 121 (11 x 11). The 121 illustrates God as Alpha and Omega, the first factor of 11 as God first and last, and the last factor of 11 of God as beginning and end.

49.8.3Only two letters are common to both lists, 10 and 200. Coincidentally, these two letters total 210 = 7 x 3 x 5 x 2.

49.9The number of times a letter appears is also significant. From the chart above, we use the number of appearances to count through the passage.

Appearances used to count through letters.
a)  number of times a letter appeared          b)  count
c)  letter found

a)  10 6   0   3  7   16 0  5  1  11 1  9  8   11  2  8  4   1   4   6
b)  10 16  16  19 26  42 42 47 48 59 60 69 77  88  90 98 102 103 107 113
c)  10 200 200 40 200 50 50 4  30 50 6  6  100 400 30 2  50  10  300 70

a)  4   2
b)  117 119
c)  70  40

Total of letters found: 1918 = 2 x 7 x 137.

49.10Eight letters appear 7 or more times in the passage. These letters are: 1 5 6 10 30 40 50 70. The sum of these letters: 212 (a symmetrical number, pointing to the same God beginning and end).

49.10.1The seventh appearance of these letters fall in positions: 56 78 32 93 106 111 76 113. The sum of the positions is 665 (5 x 7 x 19).

49.10.2Their first appearances (5 7 1 2 15 19 22 57) add up to 128 (2 to the power 7).

49.10.3These eight letters last appear in positions: 85 78 112 118 114 119 102 and 117. The sum of their last appearances is 845 (5 x 13 x 13).

49.10.4The first and last appearances together: 128 + 845 = 973 (7 x 139).

49.10.5The letter 6 is the only one that appears more than 13 times in the verse. It is the first letter of the verse (position 1). Its thirteenth appearance is in position 83. Thus the first position, and thirteenth position together is 84 (2 x 2 x 3 x 7 SF14).

The letter 6's last appearance is in position 112. This position, plus its 13th position is 195 (13 x 5 x 3 SF:21).

Counting from the end of the passage, the letter 6’s thirteenth position is the 18th position from the beginning. Thus the sum of its thirteenth appearances (counting from the beginning and end) would be 18 + 83, or 101. The one and same God first and last.

49.11The principle of first and last can also be applied to the chart above. Rank the letters according to where they first appear in the verse.

Position of first letter appearance:
Rank:          1   2   3   4   5  6  7   8  9   10  11 12 13  14 15
Position:      1   2   3   4   5  7  15  17 19  22  27 29 34  36 37
Last position: 112 118 80  115 85 78 114 65 119 102 27 79 116 46 81
Letter:        6   10  100 200 1  5  30  8  40  50  20 80 2   60 4

Rank:          16  17 18  19  20
Position:      41  43 55  57  66
Last position: 88  43 109 117 66
Letter:        400 90 300 70  9 

49.11.1Since the letters 3 and 7 do not appear in the proclamation, there are only twenty different letters in the passage. Thus the sum of the ranks (from 1 to 20) is 210 (2 x 3 x 5 x 7).

49.11.2Sum of positions: 520 (2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 13).

49.12.1From the list above, the sum of the 1st, 7th, 14th and last ranked letters,

Rank:		  1   7   14  20 = 42 (2 x 3 x 7)
1st Appearance:	  1   15  36  66 = 118
Last Appearance:  112 114 46  66 = 338 (2 x 13 x 13)
Letter value:	  6   30  60  9  = 105 (3 x 5 x 7)

49.12.2The 10th and 11th ranked are in the middle,

Rank: 		 10   11  = 21 (3 x 7)
1st Appearance:  22   27  = 49 (7 x 7)
Last Appearance: 102  27  = 129
Letter Value:	 50   20  = 70 (2 x 5 x 7)

49.13The first and last positions of the first and last ranked letters: 1 + 112 + 66 + 66 = 245 (5 x 7 x 7).

49.14.1From the ranked list, the sum of all the letters: 1485 (3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 11).

49.14.2From the same list, the sum of every other (all the odd ranked letters): 6 100 1 30 40 20 2 4 90 70. The total is: 363 = 3 x 11 x 11.

49.14.3The sum of the even ranked letters: 10 200 5 8 50 80 60 400 300 9. The total is: 1122 = 2 x 3 x 11 x 17

This is a perfect breakdown between the odd and even ranked letters. The common factor 11 visually represents the one God from beginning to end.

49.15.1List of letters used as positions in Exodus:

a)  Letter as position     b)  Letter found
a)  6  10 100 200 1 5 30 8 40 50 20 80  2  60 4   400 90 300 70 9
b)  10 10 10  4   6 1 10 6 40 30 6  100 10 6  200 90  30 300 50 5

Total of letters found: 924 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 11.

49.15.2List of letters used to count through letters.

a)  Count    b)  Adjusted position    c)  Letter found
a)  6  16  116 316 79 84 114 122 43 93 113 193 76 136 21 421 154 335
b)  6  16  116 78  79 84 114 3   43 93 113 74  76 17  21 64  35  97
c)  10 200 2   5   80 50 30  100 90 10 70  1   50 8   8  6   8   30

a)  167 57
b)  48  57
c)  30  70

Total of letters: 858 = 2 x 3 x 11 x 13.

49.15.3List of letters used to count through words.

a)  6   16  116 217 20 25  55  30  70 54  41  88  24  84 22  422 116
b)  6   16  17  19  20 25  22  30  4  21  8   22  24  18 22  26  17
c)  120 126 456 161 31 100 184 100 31 165 131 184 409 29 184 102 456

a)  317 90 33
b)  20  24 33
c)  31  409 322

Total: 3731 = 7 x 13 x 41

49.16And of course, the from the same chart we can pull the position of last letter appearance:

a)  Rank    b)  Position    c)  Letter
a)  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11 12 13  14 15 16 17
b)  119 118 117 116 115 114 112 109 102 88  85 81 80  79 78 66 65
c)  40  10  70  2   200 30  6   300 50  400 1  4  100 80 5  9  8

a)  18 19 20
b)  46 43 27
c)  60 90 20

Sum of the positions: 1760 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 11).

49.17.1List of letters used as positions in verse.

a)  Letter as position    b)  New letter found
a)  40 10 70 2  200 30 6  300 50 400 1 4   100 80  5 9 8
b)  40 10 50 10 4   10 10 300 30 90  6 200 10  100 1 5 6

a)  60 90 20
b)  6  30 6

Total of letters found: 924 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 11

49.17.2List used to count through letters.

Total: 671 = 11 x 61

49.17.3Pattern used to count through words.

a)  40  17  87  23  223 55  28 328 81  415 20 24  124 105 11  20 28
b)  7   17  21  23  25  22  28 31  15  19  20 24  25  6   11  20 28
c)  221 456 165 126 100 184 62 680 351 161 31 409 100 120 447 31 62

a)  88  112 33
b)  22  13  33
c)  184 72  322

Total: 4284 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 17

The one God from beginning to end appears prominently.

49.18The chart in just before feature 49.1 can be further broken down into digits.

		Digit Appearances

Digit:		 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Appearances:	 87  25  13  13  13  18  18  8   9   2
1st Appearance:  3   2   7   22  29  13  1   95  27  69
Last Appearance: 206 203 200 195 205 170 192 201 131 110
First & Last:	 209 205 207 217 234 183 193 296 158 179

49.18.1The lowest valued digit (zero) appeared the most, while the highest valued digit appeared the least. Here we see how first is last and last is first.

Use the letter digits to count through the words. The total of words found: 37954 (2 x 7 x 2711).

49.18.2The number of appearances are used directly as letter positions.

Frequency: 87 25 13 13 13 18 18  8  9  2
Letter:    6  1  5  5  5  6  6   6  5  10

The sum of the letters found: 55 (the same God beginning and end). frequency of digit appearances can also be used to count letter positions. Note how it starts at letter position 87, and circles around to end also at letter position 87.

Digit:     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
Frequency: 87  25  13  13  13  18  18  8   9   2
Count:     87  112 125 138 151 169 187 195 204 206
Position:  87  112 6   19  32  50  68  76  85  87
Letter:    6   6   10  40  6   30  5   50  1   6

The sum of the letters found is 160 (no feature). Three of the digits appear 13 times (TDN), and coincidentally as word positions, digits 2, 3 and 4 would point to YHWH YHWH EL in the proclamation. the table by the number of appearances (most to least). Use this arrangement of the digit appearances to count through the letters.

Digit:	   0   1   5   6   2   3   4   8   7   9
Frequency: 87  25  18  18  13  13  13  9   8   2
Count:	   87  112 130 148 161 174 187 196 204 206
Position:  87  112 11  29  42  55  68  77  85  87
Letter:	   6   6   5   80  50  300 5   100 1   6

The sum of the letters found is 559 (13 x 43).

The following table lists all the positions where a digit appeared. Positions are totalled for each section (0-9).

	Digits		Digit Positions:		Sum of
	 0:	3   5   6   8   9   12  17  23  25  26
     		30  34  37  40  41  43  46  48  50  53
     		54  58  63  65  66  68  70  72  73  76
     		79  82  84  86  88  90  92  93  96  99
     		102 104 105 107 115 117 118 121 124 126
     		128 129 132 134 135 138 141 146 147 149
     		151 154 156 158 161 163 166 168 171 173
     		175 177 179 181 182 184 186 187 189 191
     		194 196 198 199 202 204 206		= 9479
	1:	2   4   10  11  16  21  38  44  47  61
		80  85  94  111 116 122 123 127 133 142
		155 167 172 188 203			= 2272
	2:	7   24  39  42  52  55  71  143 152 164
		169 197 200				= 1315
	3:	22  78  81  91  103 120 150 162 178 180
		183 185 195				= 1728

	4:	29  49  59  62  64  77  87  136 145 157
		174 190 205 				= 1434

	5:	13  15  18  20  33  36  67  89  98  112
		114 119 125 130 140 153 165 170 	= 1617
							(3 x 7 x 7 x 11)

	6:	1  14  19  28  31  35  51   57  60 75
		97 100 108 113 139 144 159  192 	= 1423

	7:	95 106 137 148 160 176 193 201 		= 1216

	8:	27 32  45  56  74  83  101 109 131 	= 658
							(2 x 7 x 47)

	9:	69 110 					= 179 digits (2, 3, 4) appear 13 times. The sum of all the digit positions where they appeared: 1315 + 1728 + 1434 = 4477 (11 x 11 x 37). The factors emphasize the one God twice (beginning and end, and first and last). The digits (2, 3, 4) also form the number 234 (2 x 3 x 3 x 13).

The first and last positions where digits 2, 3, and 4 appeared produce another feature: 7 + 200 + 22 + 195 + 29 + 205 = 658 (2 x 7 x 47 SF: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 SF: 13). digits (5, and 8) have the sum of their digit positions divisible by 7. 5 + 8 = 13, once again pointing to God’s name. The sum of their positions together: 2275 (5 x 5 x 7 x 13). Again the factor 13 re-appears. consecutive digits (6, and 7) add up to 13. The sum of their digit positions: 1423 + 1216 = 2639 (7 x 13 x 29 SF: 49). Divine Name consists of the letters 10, 5, 6 and 5. Add up the totals of the digit positions for 1, 0, 5, 6 and 5: 2272 + 9479 + 1617 + 1423 + 1617 = 16408 (2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 293).

Add up the first and last positions for these five digits: 2 + 203 + 3 + 206 + 13 + 170 + 1 + 192 + 13 + 170 = 973 (7 x 139).

The further we drill down into the proclamation’s information structure the more we find. Even the digits of the letters show God’s handiwork with factors 7, 13, and 11.

50.The chart below lists the words where a letter is found.

Letter   Word position                           Total of
         letter found in                         positions

    1      1 4 7 8 11 14 15 18 20 24                  122
    2      9 24 26 28 29 33                           149
    4      10 13 22                                   45
    5      2 2 3 3 18 19 21                           68
    6      1 2 3 5 6 6 9 11 16 17 18 19 23 24 27 32   219
    8      5 6 10 13 18                               52 (2 x 2 x 13)
    9      18                                         18
    10     1 2 3 8 14 21 26 28 29 31 33               196 (2 x 2 x 7 x 7)
    20     7                                          7
    30     4 14 14 20 25 27 30 31 32                  197
    40     5 8 11 14 26 29 31 33                      157
    50     6 6 12 15 16 19 21 23 26 28 29             201
    60     10 13                                      23
    70     16 17 23 25 27 30 32 33                    203 (7 x 29)
    80     8 14 17 22                                 61
    90     12                                         12
    100    1 19 21 22                                 63 (3 x 3 x 7)
    200    1 5 7 9 12 33                              67
    300    15 17 31 31                                94
    400    11 24                                      35 (5 x 7)

50.1Grand total of the positions: 1989 = 3 x 3 x 13 x 17.

50.2Positions in which a letter first appears:

1 9 10 2 1 5 18 1 7 4 5 6 10 16 8 12 1 1 15 11

Total: 143 = 11 x 13.

50.3.1Each line of the word positions (in which a letter is found) can also be used to find more letters. seen in the chart, the letter 1 resides in these words: 1 4 7 8 11 14 15 18 20 24. Using these word positions as "letter positions" we find a second level of letters.

Positions:  1 4   7 8 11 14 15 18 20 24
Letters:    6 200 5 6 5  1  30 6  6  50

Total of letters: 315 = 3 x 3 x 5 x 7. The total of the words: 2158 (2 x 13 x 83 SF: 98 = 2 x 7 x 7). the same to the letter 6.

Positions: 1 2  3   5 6  6  9 11 16  17 18 19 23 24 27 32
Letters:   6 10 100 1 10 10 5 5  200 8  6  40 6  50 20 6

Total: 483 = 3 x 7 x 23 letter 4.

Positions: 10 13 22
Letters:   10 5  50

Total: 65 = 5 x 13 letter 40.

Positions: 5 8 11 14 26  29 31 33
Letters:   1 6 5  1  200 80 40 200

Total: 533 = 13 x 41 letter 80.

Positions: 8 14 17 22
Letters:  6 1  8  50

Total: 65 = 5 x 13. The sum of the words: 962 (2 x 13 x 37 SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13).

The word positions of letter 80 can also be used to count through the words:

Positions:  8   14  17  22
Count:	    8   22  6   28
Word found: 131 184 120 62

Total: 497 = 7 x 71 SF: 78 = 2 x 3 x 13. letter 100.

Positions: 1 19 21 22
Letters:   6 40 8  50

Total: 104 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13

The letters 1 and 6 have totals divisible by 7, while the letters 4, 40, 80 and 100 give totals divisible by 13. Coincidentally, 1 + 6 = 7, and 4 + 40 + 80 + 100 = 224 (7 x 32).

50.3.2What about the remaining letters (2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 90, 200, 300, 400)? The sums of the word positions where these letters are found are not divisible by 7 or 13. But this list has its own features. sum of these letters is 1254 (2 x 3 x 11 x 19). This by itself is not much of a feature. What makes it a feature is that the sum of the factors is 35 (5 x 7). The chain of factors goes further. 5 + 7 = 12 (2 x 2 x 3 SF: 7). list of remaining letters can be split in two according the sum of their word positions (odd and even).

      Letter value:  2    5    8   9  10   90  300
Even word positions: 536  274  32  6  652  6   118

The sum of the positions: 1624 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 29. list of odd positions:

     Letter value:  20  30   50   60  70   200  400
Odd word positions: 5   285  591  15  451  223  55

Total: 1625 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 13. how the list of even word positions in can be further sub-divided. Divide it by even and odd letter values. (N.B. This can’t be done with because all the letter values are already even.)

Even Letter & Even Word Position
a) Letter value:   2   8  10  90 300
b) Word positions: 536 32 652 6  118

Odd Letter & Even Word Position
c) Letter value:    5   9
d) Word positions:  274 6

The sum of line b) 1344 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7). The sum of line c) 14 (2 x 7). And the sum of line d) 280 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7.

51.If a letter appeared twice in a word, that word's position would show twice in the list. Removing the duplicates...

   Letter     Word position                      Total of
              letter found in                    positions

     1     1 4 7 8 11 14 15 18 20 24                 122
     2     9 24 26 28 29 33                          149
     4     10 13 22                                  45
     5     2 3 18 19 21                              63 (7 x 3 x 3)
     6     1 2 3 5 6 9 11 16 17 18 19 23 24 27 32    213
     8     5 6 10 13 18                              52 (2 x 2 x 13)
     9     18                                        18
     10    1 2 3 8 14 21 26 28 29 31 33              196 (2 x 2 x 7 x 7)
     20    7                                         7 (7)
     30    4 14 20 25 27 30 31 32                    183
     40    5 8 11 14 26 29 31 33                     157
     50    6 12 15 16 19 21 23 26 28 29              195
     60    10 13                                     23
     70    16 17 23 25 27 30 32 33                   203 (7 x 29)
     80    8 14 17 22                                61
     90    12                                        12
     100   1 19 21 22                                63 (3 x 3 x 7)
     200   1 5 7 9 12 33                             67
     300   15 17 31                                  63 (3 x 3 x 7)
     400   11 24                                     35 (5 x 7)

51.1Note how more of the position totals are now divisible by 7. There are 7 of them.

51.2Recording the word positions where a letter appeared for the 7th time:

word position: 15  11  26  31  31  23  32
word sum:      351 447 102 680 680 126 106

51.2.1Total of the positions: 169 = 13 x 13.

51.2.2Total of the words: 2492 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 89.

51.3.1The sum of the letters whose word position totals are neither divisible by 7 or 13: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 20 30 40 50 60 80 90 200 = 602 (2 x 7 x 43 SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13).

51.3.2The sum of the word positions whose totals are divisible by 7: 63 196 203 63 63 35 = 623 (7 x 89). This is not a feature since the individual sums are already divisible by seven. But there is an additional feature. The sum of the factors is 96 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 SF: 13).

51.4In this section, more of the positions totals were divisible by 7, and of the individual lines seven can be used to find another level of letters (see 49.3.1). letter 50:

Position: 6  12 15 16  19 21 23 26  28 29
Letter:   10 6  30 200 40 8  6  200 1  80 

Total: 581 (7 x 83). word positions serve two other purposes. They can be used to count through the letters:

Word position: 6  12 15  16  19 21 23 26  28 29
Letter count:  6  18 33  49  68 89 112 19 47 76
Letter found:  10 6  200 1   5  70 6   40 4  50

Total: 392 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7. word positions for letter 50 can also be used to count through the words:

Word position: 6   12 15  16  19 21  23 26  28  29
Count:         6   18 33  16  2  23  13 6   1   30
Word found:    120 29 322 126 26 126 72 120 317 100

Total: 1358 = 2 x 7 x 97. positions can also be used in two other ways, directly as word positions, and also to count word positions.

Word position:       8   14  17  22
a) Applied directly: 131 191 456 184
Word count:          8   22  6   28
b) Word found:       131 184 120 62

The sum of line a) 962 (2 x 13 x 37), and the sum of line b) 497 = 7 x 71.

51.4.7The letter 300:

Position: 15 17 31
Letter:   30 8  40 

Total: 78 (2 x 3 x 13).

51.4.8Two final comments for this section: 1) The values of these seven letters produce a total of 575. It is not divisible by 7 or 13, and its only feature is that it is a symmetrical number with a middle digit of 7. 2) Only the letters 50 and 80 produce deeper levels of features. 50 + 80 is 130, a multiple of the Divine Name. This is very appropriate, since the factor 13 appears multiple times in this section.

52.Table of letters, and their positions within a word.

Letter   Position within word              sum of     factors
   1     5 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 1               22        2 x 11
   2     3 2 1 1 1 2                       10        2 x 5
   4     3 3 3                             9         3 x 3
   5     2 4 2 4 5 4 4                     25        5 x 5
   6     1 3 3 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1   29        29
   8     2 2 1 1 2                         8         2 x 2 x 2
   9     3                                 3         3
   10    2 1 1 3 5 1 3 3 3 4 4             30        2 x 3 x 5
   20    3                                 3         3
   30    2 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 3                 19        19
   40    4 4 3 6 4 4 5 5                   35        5 x 7
   50    3 5 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 2             26        2 x 13
   60    2 2                               4         2 x 2
   70    1 4 1 1 2 1 2 3                   15        3 x 5
   80    2 4 2 1                           9         3 x 3
   90    2                                 2         2
   100   3 3 3 2                           11        11
   200   4 1 2 2 3 1                       13        13
   300   2 3 1 3                           9         3 x 3
   400   4 4                               8         2 x 2 x 2

52.1Letter with the highest sum: 40. Letter with the lowest sum: 90.

52.1.1The two letters together: 40 + 90 = 130.

52.1.2The letter 40 had a sum of 35, while 90 had a sum of 2.

35 + 2 = 37 (The complete number of words in verse.)
35 - 2 = 33 (The number of words in the proclamation.)

52.2Letters whose positions within a word, when added up only have factors of three:

4 9 20 80 300.

The sum is 413 (59 x 7).

52.3Letters whose positions within a word, when added up are prime numbers:

6 9 20 30 90 100 200.

The sum is 455 (13 x 7 x 5).

52.4Only three letters show up each time in the third position within a word:

4 9 20.

The sum is 33 (the number of words in the passage).

Feature 2 first introduced the concept of taking every other letter in the passage. This produced two lists from the proclamation, one of odd positioned letters, and one of even positioned letters. We return to this concept and take it further.

53.A list of all even positioned letters, with the positions renumbered.

1  2   3  4 5  6 7 8   9 10 11 12 13  14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
10 200 10 6 10 6 1 200 6 6  50 50 200 1  10 6  2  60 6  40 50

22  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
200 60 30 30 10 50 1  6  6  300 6  9  5  50 5  1  50 5  100

41 42 43 44  45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
70 50 2  400 30 50 40 70 2  10 50 40 30 30 10 6  30 2  10

Frequency Of Appearance For These Even Positioned Letters

Letter         1 2 5 6  9 10 30 40 50 60 70 100 200 300 400
Appearances    4 4 3 10 1 8  6  3  9  2  2  1   4   1   1

53.1Using 10-5-6-5 to count through the list above.

10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52
6  10 50 10 5  70 40 40 = 231 = 3 x 7 x 11

53.2Counting through the list by 7s.

7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
1 1  50 1  50 50 2  6  = 161 = 7 x 23

53.3The first 7 letters that are different.

1  2   4 7 11 17 18
10 200 6 1 50 2  60 = 329 = 7 x 47

53.4The last 7 letters (each different).

48 51 52 56 57 58 59
70 50 40 6  30 2  10 = 208 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 13

53.5The sum of letters from positions 1 to 30 (half the list plus one):

1323 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7.

53.6Three letters show up four times (1, 2, 200). The first Hebrew letter is Aleph with a value of 1. It is also one of three other letters that show up four times (see the list in feature 52). [Three plus four is seven.] The total of these letters is 203 = 7 x 29.

53.7.1The letters in prime positions.

1  2   3  5  7 11 13  17 19 23 29 31  37 41 43 47 53 59
10 200 10 10 1 50 200 2  6  60 6  300 1  70 2  40 30 10

Sum of the letters: 1008 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 SF: 21 = 3 x 7 SF: 10 = 2 x 5 SF: 7.

53.7.2The sum of the positions (the primes from 1 to 59): 441 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 7.

54.1In feature 25.2.1 we looked at the first and last appearances of an odd valued letter in the verse. This letter just so happened to be the letter Aleph (numeric value 1). The sum of all the first and last letter 1s and the letters between came to 3770. Two other letters produce the same result with their first and last appearances.

Recap: Letter 1 first appears in position 5 and last appears in position 85. The sum of the letters between these two positions (including the two ones) is 3770 (2 x 5 x 13 x 29).

Letter 100 first appears in position 3 and last appears in position 80. The sum of the letters marked by these positions is 3939 (3 x 13 x 101).

54.1.21 and 100 together form 101 (a prime number). Again we see the one God at the beginning and at the end.

54.1.3The only other letter to produce results is 200. It first appears in position 4 and last appears in position 115. The sum of the letters is 5936 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 53). The result is not divisible by 13, but it is divisible by 7.

(No other letters in the passage produce this feature.)

54.1.4The three letters together: 1 + 100 + 200 = 301 = 7 x 43.

54.1.5The first and last positions of these three letters: 5 + 85 + 3 + 80 + 4 + 115 = 292. The answer is a symmetrical number showing the same God beginning and end. 292 factors into 2 x 2 x 73. The sum of these factors is 77, another symmetrical number. And of course 77 factors 7 x 11.

54.The factors of the letters of the passage.

[A]  Letter    [B]  Factors of [a].    [C]  Number of factors in [b].
[D]  Number of times letter appeared in proclamation.
[E]  [c] x [d].

[A]     [B]        [C]  [D]       [E] 
1     1             1   10        10
2     2             1    6         6
3     3             1    0         0
4     2 2           2    3         6
5     5             1    7         7
6     2 3           2   16        32
7     7             1    0         0
8     2 2 2         3    5        15
9     3 3           2    1         2
10    2 5           2   11        22
20    2 2 5         3    1         3
30    2 3 5         3    9        27
40    2 2 2 5       4    8        32
50    2 5 5         3   11        33
60    2 2 3 5       4    2         8
70    2 5 7         3    8        24
80    2 2 2 2 5     5    4        20
90    2 3 3 5       4    1         4
100   2 2 5 5       4    4        16
200   2 2 2 5 5     5    6        30
300   2 2 3 5 5     5    4        20
400   2 2 2 2 5 5   6    2        12

54.2The total of column [C]: 65 = 5 x 13. (Since the letters 3 and 7 do not appear in the passage, the number of factors should really be 63 [7 x 3 x 3 SF:13].)

54.3The total of column [E]: 329 = 7 x 47

55.The list of word sums itself is unique. The principle of first, last, and first and last can all be applied to the entire list.

Example 1: For each word sum where the digit zero appears, replace it with the number 7. Where there is more than one digit of zero, replace only the first instance of zero.

317 26 26 31 254 127 221 131 278 72 447 347 72 191 351 126 456 29
161 31 165 184 126 479 170 172 176 62 172 170 687 176 322

The sum of this altered list is 6755 (5 x 7 x 193).

Example 2: For each word sum where the digit zero appears, replace it with the number 7. If there is more than one digit of zero, replace the second digit.

317 26 26 31 254 127 221 131 278 72 447 347 72 191 351 126 456 29
161 31 165 184 126 479 107 172 176 62 172 107 687 176 322

The sum here is 6629 (7 x 947).

Example 3: For each word sum, replace every (first and last) digit of zero with the number 7.

317 26 26 31 254 127 221 131 278 72 447 347 72 191 351 126 456 29
161 31 165 184 126 479 177 172 176 62 172 177 687 176 322

In this case, the sum is 6769 (7 x 967).

There is nothing inherently special in the examples above. Since the original list of word sums was divisible by 7, and since zero has no value, replacing zero with the digit 7 still produces sums divisible by 7. But what if we replace non-zero digits with digits from 0 to 9?

55.1The one God is unique. Because of this, the placement of the digit 1 in the word sums is also unique.

Replacing the first instance of the digit 1, with:

  307 26 26 30 254 020 220 031 208 72 447 340 72 091 350 026 456
  29 061 30 065 084 026 409 000 002 006 62 002 000 680 006 322

Total: 4760 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 17

  327 26 26 32 254 220 222 231 208 72 447 340 72 291 352 226 456
  29 261 32 265 284 226 409 200 202 206 62 202 200 680 206 322

Total: 7588 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 271

  337 26 26 33 254 320 223 331 208 72 447 340 72 391 353 326 456
  29 361 33 365 384 326 409 300 302 306 62 302 300 680 306 322

Total: 9002 = 2 x 7 x 643

  347 26 26 34 254 420 224 431 208 72 447 340 72 491 354 426 456
  29 461 34 465 484 426 409 400 402 406 62 402 400 680 406 322

Total: 10416 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 31

  357 26 26 35 254 520 225 531 208 72 447 340 72 591 355 526 456
  29 561 35 565 584 526 409 500 502 506 62 502 500 680 506 322

Total: 11830 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 13

  367 26 26 36 254 620 226 631 208 72 447 340 72 691 356 626 456
  29 661 36 665 684 626 409 600 602 606 62 602 600 680 606 322

Total: 13244 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 43

  377 26 26 37 254 720 227 731 208 72 447 340 72 791 357 726 456
  29 761 37 765 784 726 409 700 702 706 62 702 700 680 706 322

Total: 14658 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 349

  387 26 26 38 254 820 228 831 208 72 447 340 72 891 358 826 456
  29 861 38 865 884 826 409 800 802 806 62 802 800 680 806 322

Total: 16072 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 41

  397 26 26 39 254 920 229 931 208 72 447 340 72 991 359 926 456
  29 961 39 965 984 926 409 900 902 906 62 902 900 680 906 322

Total: 17486 = 2 x 7 x 1249

The digit 1 in all the word sums can be replaced by any other digit and still produce a sum divisible by seven.

55.2This only holds for one other digit, the number 8.

Replacing the first instance of the digit 8 with:

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 200 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 104 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 600 106 322

Total: 6006 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 13

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 201 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 114 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 610 106 322

Total: 6027 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 41

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 202 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 124 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 620 106 322

Total: 6048 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 203 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 134 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 630 106 322

Total: 6069 = 3 x 7 x 17 x 17

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 204 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 144 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 640 106 322

Total: 6090 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 29

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 205 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 154 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 650 106 322

Total: 6111 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 97

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 206 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 164 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 660 106 322

Total: 6132 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 73

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 207 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 174 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 670 106 322

Total: 6153 = 3 x 7 x 293

 317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 209 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456
 29 161 31 165 194 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 690 106 322

Total: 6195 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 59

Why does replacing the digits 1, or 8 produce such spectacular results? Why doesn't it work for any of the other digits? Perhaps the simplest explanation is that 1 and 8 refer to Revelation 1:8, where God declared Himself to be the one God, the Alpha and Omega, First and Last, Beginning and End.

Mathematically, this could be explained a different way. The characteristics come in pairs. Numerically, this could be demonstrated simply by the number 2, or by the sequence 2, 4, 6... However, since all this describes the Almighty, the best mathematical parallel might be powers of two. Eight is the smallest number illustrating powers of two, and eight is seven numbers away from one.

55.1 and 55.2 worked from the first occurrence of a particular digit. 55.3 is based on the last instance of a digit, and 14D uses every instance of a digit (first and last).

55.3Unlike 55.1 and 55.2, where replacing the first occurrence of a particular digit yielded two numbers (1 and 8), replacing the last occurrence produces only one number: 8. The list is actually an exact duplicate of 55.2 since no word sum has more than one digit of eight.

55.4Replacing every instance of a particular digit with the numbers zero through nine again marks out two digits as unique, the digits 4 and 8.

Replacing every instance of the digit 4 with:

317 26 26 31 250 120 221 131 208 72 007 300 72 191 351 126 056 29
161 31 165 180 126 009 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 48864886 = 2 x 7 x 349

317 26 26 31 251 120 221 131 208 72 117 310 72 191 351 126 156 29
161 31 165 181 126 109 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 52085208 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 31

317 26 26 31 252 120 221 131 208 72 227 320 72 191 351 126 256 29
161 31 165 182 126 209 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 55305530 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 79

317 26 26 31 253 120 221 131 208 72 337 330 72 191 351 126 356 29
161 31 165 183 126 309 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 58525852 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 x 19

317 26 26 31 255 120 221 131 208 72 557 350 72 191 351 126 556 29
161 31 165 185 126 509 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 64966496 = 2^5 x 7 x 29

317 26 26 31 256 120 221 131 208 72 667 360 72 191 351 126 656 29
161 31 165 186 126 609 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 68186818 = 2 x 7 x 487

317 26 26 31 257 120 221 131 208 72 777 370 72 191 351 126 756 29
161 31 165 187 126 709 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 71407140 = 2^2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 17

317 26 26 31 258 120 221 131 208 72 887 380 72 191 351 126 856 29
161 31 165 188 126 809 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 74627462 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 41

317 26 26 31 259 120 221 131 208 72 997 390 72 191 351 126 956 29
161 31 165 189 126 909 100 102 106 62 102 100 680 106 322

Total: 77847784 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 139

Replacing every instance of the digit 8 with:

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 200 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 104 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 600 106 322

Total: 60066006 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 13

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 201 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 114 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 610 106 322

Total: 60276027 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 41

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 202 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 124 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 620 106 322

Total: 60486048 = 2^5 x 3^3 x 7

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 203 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 134 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 630 106 322

Total: 60696069 = 3 x 7 x 17 x 17

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 204 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 144 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 640 106 322

Total: 60906090 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 29

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 205 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 154 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 650 106 322

Total: 61116111 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 97

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 206 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 164 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 660 106 322

Total: 61326132 = 2^2 x 3 x 7 x 73

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 207 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 174 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 670 106 322

Total: 61536153 = 3 x 7 x 293

317 26 26 31 254 120 221 131 209 72 447 340 72 191 351 126 456 29 161 
31 165 194 126 409 100 102 106 62 102 100 690 106 322

Total: 61956195 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 59

The numbers 4 and 8 again denote powers of two (see 55.2 above). At the same time, they also support the same primary conclusion. The numbers 4 and 8 refer to Revelation 4:8,

And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all round and within, and day and night they never cease to sing, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!

55.5If the pairs of numbers (1 and 8, 4 and 8) in 55.1, 55.2 and 55.4 refer to chapter and verse in the book of Revelation, what does the lone number 8 refer to in 55.3? Since this entire study is drawn from verses from Revelation and Exodus, we compare the 8th chapters of Revelation and Exodus.

Revelation 8                             Exodus 8 

7th and last seal opened               7 days after the Nile was
                                       turned to blood

1st trumpet (hail, fire, blood         plague of frogs
1/3rd of trees and grass burned)

2nd trumpet (burning mountain,         plague of gnats
1/3rd sea into blood, 1/3rd            (magicians admit defeat)
sea creatures perish, 1/3rd
ships destroyed)

3rd trumpet (Wormwood turns 1/3rd      plague of flies
of fresh water bitter)

4th trumpet (1/3rd of light struck
from sun, moon and stars, day and
night altered)

55.5.1Both chapters refer to disasters and judgment.

55.5.2The number 7 precedes the events in both chapters.

55.5.3Revelation 8 is initiated by the Lamb (Jesus). Exodus 8 is set by Moses, a prefigure for Christ (Deuteronomy 18:15).

55.5.4The four events in Revelation and the three events in Exodus total 7 events.

(The unfortunate parallel is that for every respite in Exodus, where God gave Pharaoh a chance, Pharaoh hardened his heart. This will probably happen in the end times too. For every world disaster, man's love grows colder and he further hardens his heart.)

55.6Related themes can be drawn from Exodus 1:8 and Exodus 4:8.

Exodus 1:8
Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.

God described Himself in Revelation 1:8 so we can know him better. Exodus 1:8 is the opposite. This Pharaoh did not know Joseph, and he also had no respect for the God who had saved Egypt from famine. It is the reversal of Genesis 41:38, where a previous Pharaoh respected God and possibly knew Him.

Exodus 4:8
If they will not believe you, God said, or heed the first sign, they may believe the latter sign.

Israel's Exodus was the greatest miracle of the post flood world. Today many no longer believe it happened. God will act again in the latter days. He will judge the world, and all will know He is holy and almighty (Revelation 4:8, Isaiah 29:13-14).

56.What about the digits of the letters in the proclamation? Can they be replaced with other digits just like the words? Do they also point to other verses talking about God? If they do, this would really show how deeply and intricately God has structured His proclamation.

Record only digits that could be replaced by any of the other nine digits.

Replacing all zeroes, with the following digits gives totals divisible by 7.

 1 : 6405 3 x 5 x 7 x 61
 2 : 6636 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 79
 3 : 6867 3 x 3 x 7 x 109
 4 : 7098 2 x 3 x 7 x 13 x 13
 5 : 7329 3 x 7 x 349
 6 : 7560 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 7
 7 : 7791 3 x 7 x 7 x 53
 8 : 8022 2 x 3 x 7 x 191
 9 : 8253 3 x 3 x 7 x 131

Two can replaced by any of the other nine digits and still be divisible by seven. Whether the first, last, or all instances of 2 is replaced, the results are exactly the same:

 0 : 4942 2 x 7 x 353
 1 : 5558 2 x 7 x 397
 3 : 6790 2 x 5 x 7 x 97
 4 : 7406 2 x 7 x 23 x 23
 5 : 8022 2 x 3 x 7 x 191
 6 : 8638 2 x 7 x 617
 7 : 9254 2 x 7 x 661
 8 : 9870 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 47
 9 : 10486 2 x 7 x 7 x 107

The same applies for the digit three,

 0 : 4704 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7
 1 : 5194 2 x 7 x 7 x 53
 2 : 5684 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 29
 4 : 6664 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 17
 5 : 7154 2 x 7 x 7 x 73
 6 : 7644 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 13
 7 : 8134 2 x 7 x 7 x 83
 8 : 8624 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 11
 9 : 9114 2 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 31

As seen in the previous section dealing with the word sums, 1, 8 and 4, 8 referred to verse references. The same applies here, but in a slightly different way. Only digits 2 and 3 work for every case (first, last, and all instances). Digit 0 only works when all instances are replaced. Its inferior result indicates it has to be applied along with either the 2 or 3. Thus the possible verse references would be: 2:3, 3:2, 20:3, 2:30, 3:20, or 30:2. Only 20:3 fits both the books of Exodus and Revelation. Exodus 20:3 is about God. Its corollary in Revelation 20:3 is about Satan, and what happens to him (very appropriate considering Exodus 20:3).

RSV Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me.

RSV Revelation 20:3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years were ended. After that he must be loosed for a little while.

Today with computers, it may be quite easy to construct phrases where letter values add up to sums divisible by seven. It is even conceivable clever programmers would be able to hide patterns in the text, creating more features. But it seems extremely unlikely even a programmer could arrange the digits of the word sums to be replaceable and still produce features of seven. We know the ancient Hebrews did not have computers. The only person who could have done this is God.

57.According to Revelation 1:8, the same God is there at the beginning and end. We apply this to the proclamation by finding which letters occupy the same position whether one counts from the beginning or from the end of the passage.

Position: 2   8  10  34  57  60*  63  86  110 112 118
Letter:   10  6  10   2  70   6*  70   2   10   6  10

The 60th letter (marked by an asterisk) is the center of the passage, acting as a mirror reflecting the beginning and the end.

57.1There are eleven numbers listed. The number 11 is perfectly symmetrical. The digit 1 points to the one God. There is one God at the beginning, and one God at the end, or one God being the same from beginning to end.

57.2The five letters before the mirror total 98 (7 x 7 x 2).

57.3The five letters including the mirror would be 104 (13 x 2 x 2 x 2).

57.4The eleven letters together: 202 (a perfect mirror).

57.5.1The sum of the eleven positions is 660 (2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 11).

57.5.2The sum of the five positions before the mirror total 111 (one God past, present and future).

57.5.3The sum of the five positions and the mirror: 171 (another symmetrical number).

57.6The eleven letter positions applied as word positions:

Position:   2  8   10 34  57  60  63  86 110 112 118
Adjusted:   2  8   10  1  24  27  30  20 11  13  19
Word found: 26 131 72 317 409 106 100 31 447 72  161

Total: 1872 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 13.

58.The principle in feature 56 can also be applied to the digits of the letters. The letter digits are matched with their reverse order running underneath. A digit that appears in both rows (forward and reverse) at the same point fits one of God’s characteristics of being the same from beginning to end.

The digits of the letters can be run all together (58.1), or they can be separated with by a blank space after each individual letter (58.2).

58.1Running the letter digits all together:

a) 6 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 5 6 5 1 0 5 6 5 1 3 0 2 0 0
b) 0 4 0 1 0 7 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 7 6 0 4 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 0 0

a) 8 6 4 0 6 8 5 0 6 5 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 8 0 1 0 4 0 6 2
b) 3 0 3 0 7 0 4 0 1 0 5 2 0 1 0 5 2 0 3 0 7 6 0 4 0 1

a) 0 0 2 8 6 0 4 6 1 4 0 4 0 0 5 0 9 0 2 0 0 8 6 0 4 3
b) 0 5 2 0 3 0 7 0 0 4 6 2 1 0 5 6 0 7 4 0 0 1 0 8 5 0

a) 0 1 3 0 8 0 1 0 4 0 5 0 3 0 0 1 7 0 6 5 0 6 8 0 3 0
b) 0 1 0 5 0 1 1 0 3 5 0 0 1 0 5 6 5 1 9 8 6 0 7 0 0 3

a) 0 7 0 6 8 9 1 5 6 5 0 1 0 0 5 3 0 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 5
b) 0 8 6 0 5 6 0 7 1 0 0 3 0 5 0 4 0 1 0 8 0 3 1 0 3 4

a) 8 0 1 0 0 4 7 0 6 5 0 1 2 6 4 0 0 7 0 3 0 2 5 0 1 0
b) 0 6 8 0 0 2 0 9 0 5 0 0 4 0 4 1 6 4 0 6 8 2 0 0 2 6

a) 4 0 6 7 0 3 0 2 5 0 1 0 2 5 0 1 0 4 0 7 0 3 0 3 0 0
b) 0 4 0 1 0 8 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 5 6 0 5 8 6 0 4 6 8 0 0

a) 3 0 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 6 7 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 7 0 1 0 4 0
b) 2 0 3 1 5 6 5 0 1 5 6 5 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 6

58.1.1The sum of the positions where row a) and b) both have the digit zero: 4347 (3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 23 = 39 = 3 x 13).

58.1.2The sum of the digits in row b) where row a) is less than b): 161 (7 x 23). sum of the positions where row a) and b) are multiples of each other: 1372 (2 x 2 x 7 x 7 x 7). sum of the digits in row a) and b) where they are multiples of each other: 77 (7 x 11).

58.2The letter digits separated by a space (-1) after each letter:

a) 6 -1  1  0 -1  1  0  0 -1  2  0  0 -1  1 -1  1  0 -1  5 -1  6 -1  5 -1  1  0 
b) 0  4 -1  0  1 -1  0  7 -1  2 -1  0  0  2 -1  0  3 -1  0  7 -1  6 -1  0  4 -1 

a) -1  5 -1  6 -1  5 -1  1 -1  3  0 -1  2  0  0 -1  8 -1  6 -1  4  0 -1  6 -1  8 
b)  0  1 -1  0  0  3 -1  0  3 -1  0  0  3 -1  0  3 -1  0  7 -1  0  4 -1  0  1 -1 

a) -1  5  0 -1  6 -1  5  0 -1  1 -1  2  0  0 -1  2  0 -1  1 -1  8  0 -1  1  0 -1 
b)  0  5 -1  2 -1  0  1 -1  0  5 -1  2 -1  0  3 -1  0  7 -1  6 -1  0  4 -1  0  1 

a)  4  0 -1  6 -1  2  0  0 -1  2 -1  8 -1  6  0 -1  4 -1  6 -1  1 -1  4  0 -1  4 
b) -1  0  5 -1  2 -1  0  3 -1  0  7 -1  0  0  4 -1  6 -1  2 -1  1 -1  0  5 -1  6 

a)  0  0 -1  5  0 -1  9  0 -1  2  0  0 -1  8 -1  6  0 -1  4 -1  3  0 -1  1 -1  3 
b) -1  0  7 -1  4 -1  0  0  1 -1  0  8 -1  5 -1  0  0  1 -1  0  5 -1  0  1 -1  1 

a)  0 -1  8  0 -1  1  0 -1  4  0 -1  5  0 -1  3  0  0 -1  1 -1  7  0 -1  6 -1  5 
b) -1  0  3 -1  5 -1  0  0  1 -1  0  5 -1  6 -1  5 -1  1 -1  9 -1  8 -1  6 -1  0 

a)  0 -1  6 -1  8  0 -1  3  0  0 -1  7  0 -1  6 -1  8 -1  9 -1  1 -1  5 -1  6 -1 
b)  7 -1  0  0  3 -1  0  8 -1  6 -1  0  5 -1  6 -1  0  7 -1  1 -1  0  0  3 -1  0 

a)  5  0 -1  1  0  0 -1  5 -1  3  0 -1  1 -1  1  0 -1  5  0 -1  1  0  0 -1  5 -1 
b)  5 -1  0  4 -1  0  1 -1  0  8 -1  0  3 -1  1 -1  0  3 -1  4 -1  0  6 -1  8 -1 

a)  8  0 -1  1  0  0 -1  4 -1  7  0 -1  6 -1  5  0 -1  1 -1  2 -1  6 -1  4  0  0 
b)  0  0  2 -1  0  9 -1  0  5 -1  0  0  4 -1  0  4 -1  1 -1  6 -1  4 -1  0  6 -1 

a) -1  7  0 -1  3  0 -1  2 -1  5  0 -1  1  0 -1  4  0 -1  6 -1  7  0 -1  3  0 -1 
b)  8 -1  2 -1  0  0  2 -1  6 -1  0  4 -1  0  1 -1  0  8 -1  1 -1  0  2 -1  0  0 

a)  2 -1  5  0 -1  1  0 -1  2 -1  5  0 -1  1  0 -1  4  0 -1  7  0 -1  3  0 -1  3 
b)  2 -1  1 -1  0  5 -1  6 -1  0  5 -1  8 -1  6 -1  0  4 -1  6 -1  8 -1  0  0  2 

a)  0  0 -1  3  0 -1  3  0  0 -1  1  0 -1  4  0 -1  6 -1  7  0 -1  3  0 -1  2  0 
b) -1  0  3 -1  1 -1  5 -1  6 -1  5 -1  0  1 -1  5 -1  6 -1  5 -1  0  1 -1  1 -1 

a)  0 -1  2 -1  7  0 -1  1  0 -1  4  0 
b)  0  0  2 -1  0  0  1 -1  0  1 -1  6 

58.2.1The sum of the positions where row a) and b) both have a space (-1): 6825 (3 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 13 SF: 33 = 3 x 11 SF: 14 = 2 x 7).

58.2.2The sum of the positions where row a) and b) both have a zero: 5200 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 13).

58.2.3The sum of the positions where row a) and b) both have digits that are not a zero or space: 7800 (2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 13).

58.2.4The sum of the positions where row a) and b) have the same digit: 2275 (5 x 5 x 7 x 13).

59.1Letter values that are less than their positions:

		a) position		b) letter

a) 5  7  8  9  11  12  13  14  17  18  20  21  23  25  27  28  30  32  
b) 1  5  6  5  5   6   5   1   8   6   6   8   6   1   20  1   10  6   

a) 34  35  37  38  39  45  47  48  49  50  52  53  54  56  58  59  60  
b) 2   8   4   6   1   8   4   30  1   30  10  40  50  1   6   50  6   

a) 64  65  66  67  68  69  70  72  73  74  75  76  78  81  82  83  84  
b) 6   8   9   1   5   6   50  5   30  1   10  50  5   4   70  6   50  

a) 85  86  87  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  
b) 1   2   6   70  30  2   50  10  40  6   70  30  2   50  10   2    50   

a) 103  104  105  106  108  110  111  112  113  114  116  117  118  119  
b) 10   40   70   30   30   10   40   6    70   30   2    70   10   40   

The sum of the letters : 1568 = 7 x 7 x 25. (Seven factors)

59.2.1Letter values equal or greater than their positions:

		a) position		b) letter

a) 1  2  3   4   6  10  15  16  19  22  24  26  29  31  33  36  40  41  
b) 6  10 100 200 10 10  30  200 40  50  50  200 80  40  200 60  40  400 

a) 42  43  44  46  51  55  57  61  62  63  71  77  79  80  88  107  109  
b) 50  90  200 60  80  300 70  80  300 70  100 100 80  100 400 300  300  

a) 115  
b) 200  

Total of the letters: 4606 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 47.

59.2.2The sum of 4606's factors: 63 = 7 x 3 x 3 SF:13

59.3Positions divisible by their letters:

		a) position		b) letter

a) 5 12 14 18 25 28 30 34 39 49 56 60 67 74 85 86 90 98 100 110 116
b) 1 6  1  6  1  1  10 2  1  1  1  6  1  1  1  2  30 2  10  10  2  

Position total: 1196 = 2 x 2 x 13 x 23 SF: 40 (2 x 2 x 2 x 5 SF: 11).

59.4Letters not divisible by their position, and vice versa. (The positions of these letters are not divisible by the letters):

		a) position		b) letter

a) 3   6  7  8  9  11  13  16  17  19  20  21  22  23  24  26  27  29  
b) 100 10 5  6  5  5   5   200 8   40  6   8   50  6   50  200 20  80  

a) 31  32  33  35  36  37  38  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  50  51  
b) 40  6   200 8   60  4   6   400 50  90  200 8   60  4   30  30  80  

a) 52  53  54  55  57  58  59  61  62  63  64  65  66  68  69  70  71  
b) 10  40  50  300 70  6   50  80  300 70  6   8   9   5   6   50  100 

a) 72  73  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  87  88  89  91  92  
b) 5   30  10  50  100 5   80  100 4   70  6   50  6   400 70  2   50  

a) 93  94  95  96  97  99  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  
b) 10  40  6   70  30  50  2    50   10   40   70   30   300  30   300  

a) 111  112  113  114  115  117  118  119  
b) 40   6    70   30   200  70   10   40   

Letter total: 5782 (2 x 7 x 7 x 59 SF: 75 = 3 x 5 x 5 SF: 13).

60.Revelation 1:8 and Exodus 34:6b-7 have two letters with the same numeric value in the same letter position.

position: 26   36
letter:   200  60

60.1The sum of the letters is 260 (13 x 5 x 2 x 2).

60.2Applying the principle is, was, and is to come to the letter 200 in both verses, we look at the letters before and after them.

Exodus                 Revelation
Position: 25 26 27     25  26 27
Letter:   1 200 20     10 200 80

Total of the letters: 511 = 73 x 7

(Unfortunately, the 36th position does not yield much in way of features.)

61.In Exodus 3:14, God said I am who I am. Yhwh is related to the verb hayah (to be), or Am. The numbers of this Hebrew word is 5-10-5, which is perfectly symmetrical whether one reads it from right to left, or left to right.

61.1Using 5-10-5 as a pattern to count six times through letters of Exodus, we find:

a)  Accumulated pattern      b)  Position found      c)  Letter found
a)  5 15 20 25 35 40 45 55  60 65 75 80  85 95 100 105 115 120
b)  5 15 20 25 35 40 45 55  60 65 75 80  85 95 100 105 115 1
c)  1 30 6  1  8  40 8  300 6  8  10 100 1  6  10  70  200 6

The total of the letters found is 811, which yields no features. Since the passage only has 119 letters, and the pattern just overshoots by one, it is possible to leave out the very last letter found at position 120.

811 - 6 = 805 = 23 x 7 x 5 (SF:35 = 7 x 5   SF:12 = 3 x 2 x 2  SF:7)

61.2Applying the pattern a full seven times would produce an additional three letters. Continuing from a),

a)  6  16  21
b)  6  16  21
c)  10 200 8

The total becomes: 811 + 10 + 200 + 8 = 1029 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 7

61.3Using hayah 13 times (results displayed in full):

a)  Accumulated pattern     b)  Adjusted position     c)  Letter found
a)  5 15 20 25 35 40 45 55  60 65 75 80  85 95 100 105 115 120 6  16
b)  5 15 20 25 35 40 45 55  60 65 75 80  85 95 100 105 115 1   6  16
c)  1 30 6  1  8  40 8  300 6  8  10 100 1  6  10  70  200 6   10 200

a)  21 26  36 41  46 56 61 66 76 81 86 96 101 106 116 121 7 17 22
b)  21 26  36 41  46 56 61 66 76 81 86 96 101 106 116 2   7 17 22
c)  8  200 60 400 60 1  80 9  50 4  2  70 2   30  2   10  5 8  50

Letter total: 2072 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 37

61.4The verb hayah can also be applied to the words. Hayah's numeric total is 20. Counting seven times through the passage's words using hayah's total of 20:

Accumulated word position: 20 40  27  47  34  21  41
New word position:              20 7   27  14  1   21  8
Word found:                     31 221 106 191 317 165 131

Total: 1162 = 2 x 7 x 83

Reminder: The numbers show we can trust the Bible. Read it with respect and treat it seriously. Ask the Holy Spirit's guidance while reading. This is the only way to grow spiritually. The numbers by themselves will not help you.

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