Bible Numbers 2.0

Spiritual Principles

God’s signature marks text segments teaching spiritual truths and principles. On the surface they seem mundane, but further meditation reveals how astonishing they are.

Doing Good For It's Own Sake

He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your kinsmen or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return, and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, (Luke 14:12-13)1

The statement above can be taken with the three below.

In other words, the proper attitude for doing good or giving is to do it because it is right, and not for a reward. If one has to be rewarded in order to do good, at the very least one is simply an animal or child. But in an adult, it is a very mercenary attitude. Doing good, or being generous is not supposed to be contingent on getting something back.

Ελεγε δε και τω κεκληκοτι αυτον Οταν ποιης αριστον η δειπνον μη φωνει τους φιλους σου μηδε τους αδελφους σου μηδε τους συγγενεις σου μηδε γειτονας πλουσιους μηποτε και αυτοι σε αντικαλεσωσι και γενηται σοι ανταποδομα αλλ οταν ποιης δοχην καλει πτωχους (Luke 14:12-13 GNS)2

The numeric segment removes the last three Greek words: maimed, lame and blind. There is the possibility that someone who is crippled might not be poor. Focusing on the poor strengthens the lesson of giving to those who cannot repay.

1            2      3          4           5
38           9      20         700         231
1 2  3 4 5   6 7    8  9 10    11  12      13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  21
5-20-5-3-5   4-5    10-1-9     100-600     10-5- 10-20-7- 10-60-100-9
he said      but    also       to him who  had invited

6                       7                 8
401                     201               236
22  23   24   25  26    27  28   29 30    31  32  33 34 35
1-  200- 100- 60- 40    60- 100- 1- 40    70- 60- 9- 7- 90
him,                    when              thou makest

9                             10    11
380                           7     228
36  37  38 39  40   41  42    43    44  45 46 47  48  49  50
1-  80- 9- 90- 100- 60- 40    7     4-  5- 9- 70- 40- 60- 40
a dinner                      or    a supper

12        13                     14                15
37        954                    450               679
51  52    53   54   55  56 57    58   59 60  61    62  63 64 65 66  67
30- 7     300- 600- 40- 5- 9     100- 60-200-90    300-9- 20-60-200-90
not       call                   the               friends

16          17             18               19
350         46             450              680
68 69 70    71 72 73 74    75  76 77  78    79  80 81 82 83  84 85  86
90-60-200   30-7- 4- 5     100-60-200-90    1-  4- 5- 20-300-60-200-90
thy         nor            the              brethren

20           21           22               23
350          46           450              445
87 88 89     90 1 2 93    94  95 96  97    98 99  100 1 2 03 04 05 106
90-60-200    30-7-4-5     100-60-200-90    90-200-3-  3-5-40-5- 9- 90
thy          nor          the              kinsfolk

24             25                 26
350            46                 308
107 108 109    110 111 112 113    114 115 116 117  118 119 120 121
90- 60- 200    30- 7-  4-  5      3-  5-  9-  100- 60- 40- 1-  90
thy            nor                neighbours

27                                  28                      29             
799                                 272                     20             
122 23 24 125  126 27 28 129 130    131 32 33 134 135 136   137 38 139    
70- 20-60- 200-90- 9- 60-200-90     30- 7- 70-60- 100 5     10- 1- 9      
rich,                               lest                    also           

30                       31         32
370                      95         975
140 141 142 43 4    145 6    147 48 149 50 51 2 153 54 155 156 157 158
1-  200-100-60-9    90- 5    1-  40-100-9- 10-1-20- 5-  90- 600-90-9
they                     thee       should invite in return

33             34                              35
20             165                             159
159 160 161    162 163 164 165 166  167 168    169 170 171
10- 1-  9      3-  5-  40- 7-  100- 1-  9      90- 60- 9
and            be made                         thee

36                                          37
367                                         41
172 173 174  175 176 177 178 179 180 181    182 183 184
1-  40- 100- 1-  70- 60- 4-  60- 30- 1      1-  20- 20
a recompense                                but

38                  39                     40
201                 236                    511
185 186  187 188    189 190 191 192 193    194 195 196  197 198
60- 100- 1-  40     70- 60- 9-  7-  90     4-  60- 400- 7-  40
when                thou makest            a feast,

41                     42
45                     1520
199 200 201 202 203    204  205  206  207  208 209  210
10- 1-  20- 5-  9      70-  100- 600- 400- 60- 200- 90
call                   poor,3

Numeric Features

Primary Features

(Derived from Revelation 1:8 and grouped for easy reference.)

A.1Numeric total: 13888 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 31. (See feature 2.)

A.4Number of words: 42 (2 x 3 x 7). (See feature 3.)

A.5Number of letters: 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. (See feature 4.)

B.4Every other letter (odd): 6566 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 67. (See feature 4.4.1.)

B.4.2Every other letter (even): 7322 = 2 x 7 x 523. (See feature 4.4.2.)

C.3.2First and last letter of each word: 4767 = 3 x 7 x 227. (See feature 5.3.)

D.3.3First letter of each word: 2177 = 7 x 311. (See feature 5.1.)

E.2.3Last letter of each verse: 91 = 7 x 13. (See feature 1.)

E.3.3Last letter of each word: 2590 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 37. (See feature 5.2.)

G.3First third of the words: 3892= 2 x 2 x 7 x 139. (See feature 3.1.)

G.3.2Second third of the words: 5271 = 3 x 7 x 251. (See feature 3.2.)

G.3.3Last third of the words: 4725 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7. (See feature 3.3.)

G.4First third of the letters: 4921 = 7 x 19 x 37. (See feature 4.1.)

G.4.2Second third of the letters: 4263 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 29. (See feature 4.2.)

G.4.3Last third of the letters: 4704 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7. (See feature 4.3.)

Verse Features

1Last letter of each verse: 91 = 7 x 13. (Why the last letter of each verse? Perhaps because one cannot take this advice halfway. It is the end result that counts.)

Word And Letters

2 Numeric total: 13888 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 31.

3There are 42 words (2 x 3 x 7).

3.1First third of the words: 3892= 2 x 2 x 7 x 139.

3.2Middle third of the words: 5271 = 3 x 7 x 251.

3.3Last third of the words: 4725 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. (Perfect balance is seen in the words from beginning to end.)

4 Number of letters: 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7.

4.1First third of the letters: 4921 = 7 x 19 x 37. SF: 63 = 3 x 3 x 7. SF: 13.

4.2Middle third of the letters: 4263 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 29.

4.3Last third of the letters: 4704 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7. (Perfect balance is seen in the letters from beginning to end.)

4.4.1 Total of odd positioned letters: 6566 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 67.

4.4.2 Total of even positioned letters: 7322 = 2 x 7 x 523. SF: 532 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 19.

5.1 First letter of each word: 2177 = 7 x 311.

5.2 Last letter of each word: 2590 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 37.

5.3 First and last letters of each word: 4767 = 3 x 7 x 227.

5.4 Letters that are not first or last: 9128 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 163.

5.5The positions within words where these letters reside: 504 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7.

6 The total of the positions where each letter of the alphabet first or last appeared: 4056 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 13 x 13. SF: 35 = 5 x 7.

7 Word sum of letter's first appearance: 5201 = 7 x 743. (No matching feature with the last appearance.

Voluntary Sharing

This must be one of the most unique moments in history. Believers began sharing whatever they had. It was spontaneous from the Holy Spirit. Too bad the ruling class could not change and deemed it a threat.

and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. (Acts 2:45-3:1)

The English translation makes it appear as if the closing of the passage is incomplete. In the Greek, it is not. See the interlinear below.

και τα κτηματα και τας υπαρξεις επιπρασκον και διεμεριζον αυτα πασι καθοτι αν τις χρειαν ειχε καθ ημεραν τε προσκαρτερουντες ομοθυμαδον εν τω ιερω κλωντες τε κατ οικον αρτον μετελαμβανον τροφης εν αγαλλιασει και αφελοτητι καρδιας αινουντες τον Θεον και εχοντες χαριν προς ολον τον λαον ο δε Κυριος προσετιθει τους σωζομενους καθ ημεραν τη εκκλησια Επι το αυτο δε Πετρος και Ιωαννης ανεβαινον εις το ιερον επι την ωραν της προσευχης την ενατην (Acts 2:45-3:1 GNS)
1         2                            3            4
101       249                          20           191
1    2    3   4    5  6   7  8    9    10  11 12    13   14 15
100- 1    10- 100- 7- 30- 1- 100- 1    10- 1- 9     100- 1- 90
the       possessions                  and          the

5                               6
505                             435
16   17  18 19  20  21 22 23    24  25  26 27  28  29 30  31  32  33
200- 70- 1- 80- 50- 5- 9- 90    5-  70- 9- 70- 80- 1- 90- 10- 60- 40
goods                           they sold,

7            8                                    9
20           248                                  302
34  35 36    37  38 39 40  41 42  43 44 45  46    47  48   49   50
10- 1- 9     4-  9- 5- 30- 5- 80- 9- 6- 60- 40    1-  200- 100- 1
and          divided                              them

10               11                       12       13
170              188                      41       199
51  52 53  54    55  56 57 58  59   60    61 62    63   64 65
70- 1- 90- 9     10- 1- 8- 60- 100- 9     1- 40    100- 9- 90
to all,          according to             what     anyone

14                      15               16          17
535                     419              19          163
66   67  68 69 70 71    72  73 74  75    76 77 78    79 80 81 82 83 84
400- 80- 5- 9- 1- 40    5-  9- 400-5     10-1- 8     7- 30-5- 80-1- 40
need                    had.             and         day

18         19
105        1071
85   86    87   88  89  90  91  92 93  94  95 96 97 98  99 100 101 102
100- 5     70-  80- 60- 90- 10- 1- 80- 100-5- 80-60-200-40-100-5-  90
both       steadfastly continuing

20                                          21         22
493                                         45         700
103 104 105 106 107  108 109 110 111 112    113 114    115  116
60- 30- 60- 8-  200- 30- 1-  4-  60- 40     5-  40     100- 600
with one accord                             in         the

23                 24                               25
694                865                              105
117 118 119 120    121 122 123  124 125  126 127    128  129
9-  5-  80- 600    10- 20- 600- 40- 100- 5-  90     100- 5
temple,            and breaking                     in

26             27                     28
111            179                    281
130 131 132    133 134 135 136 137    138 139 140  141 142
10- 1-  100    60- 9-  10- 60- 40     1-  80- 100- 60- 40
"their"        houses                 bread,

29                                               30
334                                              637
143 144 145 146 147 48 149 150 51 152 153 154    155 156 57 158 59 160
30- 5-  100-5-  20- 1- 30- 2-  1- 40- 60- 40     100-80- 60-300-7- 90
they partook                                     of food

31         32                                         33
45         159                                        20
161 162    163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172    173 174 175
5-  40     1-  3-  1-  20- 20- 9-  1-  90- 5-  9      10- 1-  9
with       gladness                                   and

34                                        35
602                                       195
176 177  178 179 180 181  182 183  184    185 186 187 188 189 190 191
1-  300- 5-  20- 60- 100- 7-  100- 9      10- 1-  80- 4-  9-  1-  90
simplicity                                of heart,

36                                       37
545                                      200
192 193 194 195 196  197 198  199 200    201  202 203
1-  9-  40- 60- 200- 40- 100- 5-  90     100- 60- 40
praising                                 the

38                 39             40
113                20             700
204 205 206 207    208 209 210    211 212  213 214 215  216 217
8-  5-  60- 40     10- 1-  9      5-  400- 60- 40- 100- 5-  90
God,               and            having

41                      42                 43
530                     300                180
218  219 220 221 222    223 224 225 226    227 228 229 230
400- 1-  80- 9-  40     70- 80- 60- 90     60- 20- 60- 40
favour                  with               whole

44            45                46     47         48
200           121               60     9          449
231 32 233    234 35 236 237    238    239 240    241 242 43 44 245 46
100-60-40     20- 1- 60- 40     60     4-  5      10- 200-80-9- 60- 90
the           people;           and    the        Lord

49                                          50
436                                         450
247 248 249 250 251 252  253 254 255 256    257  258 259  260
70- 80- 60- 90- 5-  100- 9-  8-  5-  9      100- 60- 200- 90
added                                       those who

51                                            52
1181                                          19
261  262  263 264 265 266 267 268 269  270    271 272 273
90-  600- 6-  60- 30- 5-  40- 60- 200- 90     10- 1-  8
being saved                                   every

53                         54          55
163                        107         152
274 275 276 277 278 279    280  281    282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
7-  30- 5-  80- 1-  40     100- 7      5-  10- 10- 20- 7-  90- 9-  1
daily                      to the      assembly.

56             57          58                   59
84             160         361                  9
290 291 292    293  294    295 296  297  298    299 300
5-  70- 9      100- 60     1-  200- 100- 60     4-  5
together       the         they                 and

60                          61             62
405                         20             787
301 302 303  304 305 306    307 308 309    310 311 312 313 314 315 316
70- 5-  100- 80- 60- 90     10- 1-  9      9-  600-1-  40- 40- 7-  90
Peter                       and            John

63                                     64             65
198                                    104            160
317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325    326 327 328    329  330
1-  40- 5-  2-  1-  9-  40- 60- 40     5-  9-  90     100- 60
went up                                into           the

66                     67             68              69
194                    84             147             721
331 332 333 334 335    336 337 338    339  340 341    342  343 344 345
9-  5-  80- 60- 40     5-  70- 9      100- 7-  40     600- 80- 1-  40
temple                 at             the             hour

70              71
197             1002
346  347 348    349  350 351 352 353 354  355  356 357
100- 7-  90     70-  80- 60- 90- 5-  200- 400- 7-  90
the             of prayer,

Numeric Features

Primary Features

(Derived from Revelation 1:8 and grouped for easy reference.)

A.1Numeric total: 21014 = 2 x 7 x 19 x 79. (See feature 2.)

A.5Number of letters: 357 = 3 x 7 x 17. (See feature 3.)

B.3.2Every other word (even): 11063 = 13 x 23 x 37. (See feature 4.)

B.4Every other letter (odd): 9506 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 97. (See feature 7.1.)

B.4.2Every other letter (even): 11508 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 137. (See feature 7.2.)

C.3.2First and last letter of each word: 8344 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 149. (See feature 8.3.)

D.2.2First word of each verse: 749 = 7 x 107. (See feature 1.1.)

D.3.3First letter of each word: 4144 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 37. (See feature 8.1.)

E.2.2Last word of each verse: 1768 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 x 17. (See feature 1.2.)

E.3.3Last letter of each word: 4200 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7. (See feature 8.2.)

Verse Features

1.1First word of each verse: 749 = 7 x 107.

1.2Last word of each verse: 1768 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 x 17.

Words And Letters

2Numeric total: 21014 = 2 x 7 x 19 x 79.

3Number of letters: 357 = 3 x 7 x 17.

4Even positioned words: 11063 = 13 x 23 x 37. (No matching feature with odd positioned.

5Words with an odd number of letters have a position total of 1235 = 5 x 13 x 19. (No equivalent with words having an even number of letters.)

6Rank the words from least to greatest. The lower half of the words: 3588 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 13 x 23. The lower half of the words including the word in the middle of the ranked list: 3783 = 97 x 13 x 3.

7.1Total of odd positioned letters: 9506 = 2 x 7 x 7 x 97.

7.2Total of even positioned letters: 11508 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 137.

8.1First letter of each word: 4144 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 37. SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13.

8.2Last letter of each word: 4200 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 7. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

8.3First and last letters of each word: 8344 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 149.

9The total of the letter positions for the lower half of the Greek alphabet (from 1 to 20 plus letter 30 (in the middle : 28258+1170 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 1051. The total of the letter positions for the upper half of the Greek alphabet (from 40 to 600 : 34475 = 5 x 5 x 7 x 197.

10Total of the word sums where a letter last appears: 13468 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 13 x 37.

11Total of the positions where a letter last appears: 6923 = 7 x 23 x 43.

12Sort the letters of the Greek alphabet from least to greatest by the total of the word sums where they appear. Divide the list into two equal parts, leaving out letter 7 which is in the middle of the ranked list.

12.1From the lesser list, the total of the appearances plus the total number of appearances for letter 7: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

12.2From the greater list, the total of the appearances: 287 = 7 x 41.

12.3From the lesser list, the total of the word sums where those letters last appear plus the word sums where letter 7 last appears: 5012 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 179.

12.4From the greater list, the total of the word sums where those letters appear: 8456 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 151.

12.5From the lesser list, the total of the letter positions where each letter last appeared plus the letter position where the letter 7 last appeared: 2738+356 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 17. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

12.6From the greater list, the total of the positions where each letter last appeared: 3829 = 7 x 547.

12.7From the lesser list, the total of the letter positions where each letter appeared plus the positions where letter 7 appeared: 12026 = 2 x 7 x 859. SF: 868 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 31. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

12.8From the greater list, the total of the letter positions where each letter appeared: 51877 = 7 x 7411.

13.1The position total of the lesser half of the Greek alphabet (letters 40 to 600): 34475 = 5 x 5 x 7 x 197.

13.2The position total of the lesser half of the Greek alphabet (letters 1 to 30): 29428 = 2 x 2 x 7 x 1051.


  1. English reference quotes are from the Revised Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972.
  2. The Greek GNS text is from Bibleworks 3.0 by Hermeneutika, Michael S. Bushell, 1995, translated into HTML entities. Vowels and punctuation have been removed.
  3. English translation is from eSword 10.4.0 by Rick Meyers with Interlinear Greek New Testament Keyed to Strongs 1894 Scrivener Textus Receptus.bblx module. Some changes were made by this author to the placement of English words so every Greek word would have an English equivalent.

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