Bible Numbers 2.0

Before Our Beginning

As seen in the section on numeric experiments, it is not easy to construct a phrase with orderly numeric features. You can try with a computer, but there is no guarantee of producing anything. This is what usually happens. Contrasting to the norm is the following experiment without the aid of a computer that succeeds with very little effort. It succeeds because everything in it is based on the Bible, and it articulates something hinted at in the Bible, but is left unsaid.

In Psalm 90:2, Moses tells us God was eternal before the earth was created, and he tells us God will be eternal even after our world. Thus Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 can only be a beginning, or our beginning. There is no The beginning because God has none. As Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 are only Our Beginning, logically there was a time Before Our Beginning. Thus the following is an experiment in constructing a phrase to describe this in Hebrew.

***Note: The following may not be a grammatically correct sentence in Hebrew, but it follows some basic rules in Hebrew.***

The structure of Genesis 1:1 is taken as the starting point, where gods created the heavens and the earth. (English Bibles translate אלהים [Elohim; gods] into the singular.) Since John 1:1-3 tells us God and The Word both had a hand in everything, understanding אלהים in Genesis 1:1 as plural is not incorrect.

Genesis 1:1
Hebrew is read from right to left.

John 1:1-3 indicates God and The Word made everything. Everything would also include the millions who serve God, and the myriads who stand before Him (Daniel 7:10). These millions and myriads are literally The Elohim (the gods). Thus in the time before our beginning, God spoke The Word (because words are conceived and spoken), thus creating The Word, and God also created the gods.

The sentence, following the structure of Genesis 1:1, describing a period before our time would have the following points:

  1. a word indicating before the beginning
  2. a word indicating God rather than Elohim as the creator
  3. a word indicating The Word that is created (replacing heavens)
  4. a word indicating the gods that are created (replacing earth).

These are the Hebrew words selected to fulfill the above points.

  1. The Hebrew word צרם (SC#: 2962; terem; before, not yet, before that) best fits as the opening word.
  2. There is a choice between using the singular אל (God), and the actual name יהוה. Since the name is more specific, the name will be used.
  3. The word דבר (SC#: 1696; dabar; to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten) is used in translating John 1:1 into Hebrew.
  4. The Hebrew word אלהים (Elohim) will be the second item of creation, but specified with the letter ה for האלהים (Ha-Elohim; the gods).

Genesis 1:1 only has one occurrence of the Hebrew word ברא he created, and only one occurrence of אלהים gods as the creator. This is because heaven and earth are both physical objects created at the same time. A sentence describing God creating The Word, and then creating the gods could still be constructed the same way, but might give the impression The Word, and the gods were both created simultaneously. (This is clearly not so in John 1:1.) To be specific and clear, the sentence is adjusted so ברא he created and the creator both occur twice.

Before Our Time
YHWHhe createdbeginningbefore
***YHWHand he createdThe Word***
The Hebrew word את is usually not translated into English. It is the sign of the definite direct object. Having it before The Word and the gods makes it clear these are the objects that God (the subject) created.10
the gods

This Hebrew sentence, טרם בראשית ברא יהוה את הדבר וברא יהוה את האלהים, was put through Google Translate on September 9, 2023 to see what the English might be.

Before Genesis, Jehovah created the word and Jehovah created God

Google clearly adheres to current Christian thinking. The first Hebrew word of the Bible, Beginning בראשית, is the name of the first Bible book in Hebrew. Genesis is the Greek for beginning. Jehovah is the standard English replacement for the Hebrew Tetragrammaton. And the idea of האלהים being singular is seen in translating it as God. The translation misses the definite article. If Google Translate is trusted, this is a half decent Hebrew sentence.

Composing this sentence logically, based on truths from the Bible, produces a phrase with orderly numeric features.

A.Numeric total: 2730 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 13. To have a number divisible by both 7 and 13 is a very rare one in ninety-one chance.

List of words:
249 913 203 26 401 211 209 26 401 91

A.1Take every other word.

A.1.1Odd positioned words:

249 203 401 209 401

Total: 1463 = 7 x 11 x 19.

A.1.2Even positioned words:

913 26 211 26 91

Total: 1267 = 7 x 181.

A.1.3Difference between the odd positioned and even positioned: 196 = 22 x 72

A.1.4First half of the words:

249 913 203 26 401

Total: 1792 = 28 x 7.

A.1.5Last half of the words:

211 209 26 401 91

Total: 938 = 2 x 7 x 67.

A.1.6Difference between the first and last halves: 854 = 2 x 7 x 61. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

A.2.1Odd valued words:

1   2   3   5   6   7   9   10
249 913 203 401 211 209 401 91

Total: 2678 = 2 x 13 x 103.

A.2.2Even valued words:

4  8
26 26

Total: 52 = 22 x 13.

A.3.1Words in odd positions and are odd valued:

1   3   5   7   9
249 203 401 209 401

Total: 1463 = 7 x 11 x 19.

A.3.2Words in even positions and are even valued:

4  8
26 26

Total: 52 = 22 x 13.

A.4Only two words have values divisible by seven:

3   10
203 91

Total of the positions: 13.

Total of the words: 294 = 2 x 3 x 72

A.5.1Six word values appeared only once.

1   2   3   6   7   10
249 913 203 211 209 91

Total of the words appearing once: 1876 = 22 x 7 x 67.

A.5.2Only two word values appeared more than once. They appeared twice.

4  5   8  9
26 401 26 401

Total of the positions: 26 = 2 x 13.

Total of the words: 854 = 2 x 7 x 61. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

A.6When the ten words are added one by one and the cumulative totals recorded, something interesting appears.

 1 249 249 
 2 913 1162s 
 3 203 1365st 
 4 26 1391t 
 5 401 1792s 
 6 211 2003 
 7 209 2212s 
 8 26 2238 
 9 401 2639st 
 10 91 2730st 

A.6.1Six of the totals are divisible by 7. The odds would have suggested only 2.

A.6.2Four of the totals are divisible by 13. The woulds would have suggested only 1.

A.6.3The very first time the cumulative total is divisible by 7 and 13 is with the third word. Everything before this point is divisible by 7: 1162 (2 x 7 x 83). Everything after this point is divisible by 7: 1365 (3 x 5 x 7 x 13), because the third word itself is divisible by 7: 203 (7 x 29).

A.6.3.1From the beginning up to and including the third word is 1365, equal to everything after.

A.6.3.2From the third word all the way to the end is 203 + 1365 = 1568 (25 x 72). An extra factor of 7 appears.

A.7.1The letter values of God’s name in Hebrew can be applied once to count through the words.

Value from The Name:  10 5   6   5
Count:                10 15  11  6
Adjusted to 10 words: 10 5   1   6
Words found:          91 401 249 211

Total: 952 = 23 x 7 x 17.

A.7.2They can be applied seven times.

a) 10 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5  10 5   6   5  10 5
b) 10 15  11  6   16  11  7   12  12  7   13  8  18 13  9   14 14 9
c) 10 5   1   6   6   1   7   2   2   7   3   8  8  3   9   4  4  9
d) 91 401 249 211 211 249 209 913 913 209 203 26 26 203 401 26 26 401

a) 6   5  10 5   6   5   10  5   6   5    (Value from The Name.)
b) 15  10 20 15  11  6   16  11  7   12   (Count.)
c) 5   10 10 5   1   6   6   1   7   2    (Adjusted to 10 words.)
d) 401 91 91 401 249 211 211 249 209 913  (Word found.)

Total: 7994 = 2 x 7 x 571.

A.7.3They can be applied thirteen times.

a) 10 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5  10 5   6   5  10 5
b) 10 15  11  6   16  11  7   12  12  7   13  8  18 13  9   14 14 9
c) 10 5   1   6   6   1   7   2   2   7   3   8  8  3   9   4  4  9
d) 91 401 249 211 211 249 209 913 913 209 203 26 26 203 401 26 26 401

a) 6   5  10 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5  10 5   6   5
b) 15  10 20 15  11  6   16  11  7   12  12  7   13  8  18 13  9   14
c) 5   10 10 5   1   6   6   1   7   2   2   7   3   8  8  3   9   4
d) 401 91 91 401 249 211 211 249 209 913 913 209 203 26 26 203 401 26

a) 10 5   6   5  10 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 14 9   15  10 20 15  11  6   16  11  7   12  12  7   13  8
c) 4  9   5   10 10 5   1   6   6   1   7   2   2   7   3   8
d) 26 401 401 91 91 401 249 211 211 249 209 913 913 209 203 26

a) Value from The Name.
b) Count.
c) Adjusted to 10 words.
d) Word found.

Total: 14805 = 32 x 5 x 7 x 47. SF: 65 = 5 x 13.

A.7.3.1What was found by using the letters of The Name in A.7.3 have a secondary feature. Take the odd positioned from the list of results.

91 249 211 209 913 203 26 401 26 401 91 249 211 209 913 203 26 401 26 
401 91 249 211 209 913 203 

Total: 7336 = 23 x 7 x 131.

A.7.3.2Take the even positioned from the list:

401 211 249 913 209 26 203 26 401 91 401 211 249 913 209 26 203 26 
401 91 401 211 249 913 209 26 

Total: 7469 = 7 x 11 x 97.

A.7.4.1The results in A.7.2 can also be used to count through the words of the passage.

a) 91   401  249  211  211  249  209  913  913  209  203  26   26   203
b) 91   402  251  212  213  252  211  914  917  216  209  35   31   204
c) 1    2    1    2    3    2    1    4    7    6    9    5    1    4
d) 249  913  249  913  203  913  249  26   209  211  401  401  249  26

a) 401  26   26   401  401  91   91   401  249  211  211  249  209  913
b) 405  31   27   408  409  100  101  402  251  212  213  252  211  914
c) 5    1    7    8    9    10   1    2    1    2    3    2    1    4
d) 401  249  209  26   401  91   249  913  249  913  203  913  249  26

a) Word found in A.7.2.
b) Count.
c) Adjusted for 10 words.
d) New word found.

Word total: 10304 = 26 x 7 x 23. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

A. words found in A.7.4.1 can be applied again to count through the words of the passage.

a) 249  913  249  913  203  913  249  26   209  211  401  401  249  26
b) 249  922  251  914  207  920  259  35   214  215  406  407  256  32
c) 9    2    1    4    7    10   9    5    4    5    6    7    6    2
d) 401  913  249  26   209  91   401  401  26   401  211  209  211  913

a) 401  249  209  26   401  91   249  913  249  913  203  913  249  26
b) 403  252  211  27   408  99   258  921  250  923  206  919  258  34
c) 3    2    1    7    8    9    8    1    10   3    6    9    8    4
d) 203  913  249  209  26   401  26   249  91   203  211  401  26   26

a) Word from A.7.4.1.
b) Count.
c) Count adjusted to 10 words.
d) New word found.

Word total: 7896 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 47. SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13.

A.7.4.2The results in A.7.2 can also count through the letters of the passage.

a) 91  401  249  211  211  249  209  913  913  209  203  26   26  203
b) 91  416  285  230  213  272  215  938  939  236  211  47   35  238
c) 15  36   19   2    23   6    25   26   27   8    21   9    35  10
d) 6   5    5    200  6    1    200  1    10   10   2    400  30  2

a) 401  26  26   401  401  91   91   401  249  211  211  249  209  913
b) 411  57  45   408  429  102  117  404  273  218  239  260  241  926
c) 31   19  7    28   11   26   3    24   7    28   11   32   13   14
d) 1    5   300  5    200  1    40   2    300  5    200  400  10   5

a) Word found in A.7.2.
b) Count.
c) Adjusted for 38 letters.
d) New letter found.

Letter total: 2352 = 24 x 3 x 72.

A.8.1The sums of the ten words can be used as word positions in the same sentence.

Word value:       249  913  203  26   401  211  209  26   401  91
As word position: 9    3    3    6    1    1    9    6    1    1
New word found:   401  203  203  211  249  249  401  211  249  249

Total of new words found: 2626 = 2 x 13 x 101. (This result emphasizes God’s name in Hebrew.)

A.8.2The sums of the ten words can be used to count through the same sentence.

Word value:     249  913  203  26   401  211  209  26  401  91
Count:          249  922  205  31   402  213  212  28  409  100
Adjusted count: 9    2    5    1    2    3    2    8   9    10
New word found: 401  913  401  249  913  203  913  26  401  91

Total of new words: 4511 = 13 x 347.

A.8.3The new words found in A.8.2 can count through the sentence again.

Word value:     401  913  401  249  913  203  913  26   401  91
Count:          401  914  405  254  917  210  923  29   410  101
Adjusted count: 1    4    5    4    7    10   3    9    10   1
New word found: 249  26   401  26   209  91   203  401  91   249

Total found: 1946 = 2 x 7 x 139. (Sadly this does not go further, but it is interesting how the words self-reference their own sentence.)

For something just put together with a few word choices, the numbers from the words contain quite a number of complementary opposites following Revelation 1:8. They are marvellously structured.

BTurning to the letters of this sentence...

List of letters:
9 200 40 2 200 1 300 10 400 2 200 1 10 5 6 5 1 400 5 4 2 200 6 2 200
1 10 5 6 5 1 400 5 1 30 5 10 40

B.1.1Letter values where the first digit is odd:

9 1 300 10 1 10 5 5 1 5 1 10 5 5 1 5 1 30 5 10

Total: 420 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7.

B.1.1.1Odd positioned from the list of letters in B.1.1:

9 300 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5

Total: 329 = 7 x 47.

B.1.1.2Even positioned from the list of letters in B.1.1:

1 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 30 10

Total: 91 = 7 x 13.

B.1.2Letters where the first digit is even:

200 40 2 200 400 2 200 6 400 4 2 200 6 2 200 6 400 40

Total: 2310 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 11. SF: 28 = 22 x 7.

B.2.1The values of the letters of The Name point to four letters in the sentence.

10 5   6 5
2  200 1 200

Total of the letters: 403 = 13 x 31. (The factors are like mirror images.)

B.2.2The values of The Name are used seven times to count through the sentence.

a) 10 5  6  5  10 5  6   5  10 5  6  5   10 5  6  5  10 5   6   5  10
b) 10 15 21 26 36 41 9   14 24 29 35 40  12 17 23 28 38 43  11  16 26
c) 10 15 21 26 36 3  9   14 24 29 35 2   12 17 23 28 38 5   11  16 26
d) 2  6  2  1  5  40 400 5  2  6  30 200 1  1  6  5  40 200 200 5  1

a) 5  6  5  10 5  6   5   (Value from The Name.)
b) 31 37 42 14 19 25  30  (Count.)
c) 31 37 4  14 19 25  30  (Count adjusted for 38 letters.)
d) 1  10 2  5  5  200 5   (Letter found.)

Total of the letters found: 1386 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 11. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

B.3Three pairs of letters, Nth and Nth last can be found that together are divisible by 7.

a) Nth position:  1  2   7
b) Value:         9  200 300
c) Nth last:      38 37  32   (The 37th letter is the 2nd from the end.)
d) Value:         40 10  400
e) Sum:           49 210 700

Sum of the positions (a + c): 117 = 32 x 13.

B.4.1Letters that appeared only once:

Position: 1 7   20 35  
Letter:   9 300 4  30

Total of the single letters: 343 = 73. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.
Total of the positions: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13.

B.4.2Letters that appeared more than once:

Letter:      1 2 5  6  10 40 200  400
Occurrences: 6 4 7  3  4  2  5    3
Total:       6 8 35 18 40 80 1000 1200

Total of these letters: 2387 = 7 x 11 x 31. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. (Both categories have totals with the factors going further.)

B.5Exactly seven letters have values that consist of two digits.

Position: 3  8  13 27 35 37 38
Letter:   40 10 10 10 30 10 40

Total of the positions: 161 = 7 x 23.


Previous experiments concluded it would not be easy to construct a sensible phrase with numeric features. And to construct a phrase that would meaningfully inform the reader was a hit and miss process. Here is one case where it was easy. It was easy because everything was based on what the Bible says. It would appear spiritual truths are behind orderly numeric features.

Numeric Study Links

The Rational Bible

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presents the Bible as a rational book, as history, economics, and prophecy (with an extensive look at the book of Revelation) also covering a diverse range of topics. (Active site.)

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