Bible Numbers 2.0

Why Finding Words With The Same Value Is Meaningless

The English language has over 1 million words. Many of these are scientific, chemical or technical and not often encountered in daily life. Nevertheless, even with a small list of 51,000 English words, it is possible to find many with the same value. And the smaller the value, the longer the list.

(Note: Since 51,000 is roughly 1/19th of a million, a straight extrapolation would make any of the lists below nineteen times longer if the entire English language was used.)

Since 49 is divisible by 7 twice, and 7 is associated with God, one would think there should be something special or meaningful in these words having this numeric total. All these words have a numeric total of 49 (7 x 7). [For the conversion of English to numbers, see this.]

Algenib    cling      fondle     Juliane    needful
Alhena     clung      gnocchi    keep       Olenek
bangle     coiffing   gumball    kepi       Oligocene
Belgian    Cologne    headband   kiln       peek
Bengal     dammed     Helaina    Kip        peke
Bengali    dandle     hemlock    Klein      pekoe
Bologna    deadline   Holbein    Kline      Phebe
Caledonia  dignified  infidel    kneel      Phoebe
ceiling    Donald     jabbing    kuchen     pike
chink      duodenal   Jap        liken      poke
Chinook    enfold     jape       linefeed   puke
chunk      falcon     Jemima     link       unleaded
Claudian   finical    Julian     McAdam     unlike

Is there a relationship between these words or between some of them? There isn't, unless the human mind invents an explanation.

The stand out word in the list is infidel. Why does infidel have a total of 49? Is this some sort of negative quality in relation to God? You can make up any explanation you want.

People are curious of the number 666, the number of the anti-Christ (Revelation 13:18). How many words in English have this value? There are four in my short list.


Is there some sort of relationship here? Aside from catastrophically is there something bad about fertilization or fossilization? Could the anti-Christ be short in stature, a pygmy? Whatever explanation is developed, can one bet his life on it?

Having tried 666, how about 777? In my short list of English words, there is only one.

777 polyethylene

Plastic is very useful. Plastic pollution is very harmful. What can be said of polyethylene in a religious sense?

Here are 104 words with the value of 169 (13 x 13).

absorbance  cosigner     fascism      gingerbread   kerosene      Marathi        pericardia     sinker
acquainted  cowbird      favorable    Gorbachev     kiloliter     marshal        pneumococcus   sketch
advised     Damascus     firewood     Guantanamo    Kirchner      Martha         pontifical     skills
baguette    daredevil    fitted       healthcare    kitsch        Menkent        porker         skive
Bhutto      demarcate    foodstuff    Hebrew        Kosovo        Mitford        radicalism     sluggish
Blithes     dipsomaniac  forklift     Humbert       Labradorean   Naphtali       radiosonde     snooker
Bugatti     dramatic     Frances      Humberto      Labradorian   newfound       ramjet         technophobe
bullwhip    ecologist    Francis      impregnable   Latisha       nightlong      Rumsfeld       thrombi
burnish     Edward       Francois     inflectional  lightning     nullification  Ruskin         tugboat
Cardenas    Edwardo      Francoise    innkeeper     Lightning     onionskin      scrounge       underfloor
conferral   Elsbeth      freelancer   intelligence  Lisbeth       outdated       shipbuilding   Winnebago
congeries   Erskine      friends      Jerusalem     logistic      overlook       shithead       Woodard
congruous   eulogistic   geometric    Kermit        macrobiotic   penfriend      shtick         work

Whether you consider 13 to be a bad or good number, how does this badness or goodness apply to these words? Going by the Bible, there is Damascus, Hebrew, Jerusalem and Naphtali. Is Damascus bad because it is the capitol of Syria? Is Jerusalem good because it was David's city? Can we be certain Damascus is bad? Why is Damascus bad? Are we not just making it up as we go along? A skeptic would demand explanation of the other words even if some plausible explanation was made for the biblical words.

One could go on and on about relationships between words, invent categories to put words in, and then build new relationships between categories of words, even between words with different numeric totals. Very detailed and learned explanations could be developed. Can any of these explanations be supported with an actual Bible verse? In the end they will simply be inventions of a person's mind and open to question.

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Applying God's word is more important than applying numbers to God's word.