Bible Numbers 2.0

Make Heavy The Way Of The Sea


In order of discovery, this is the third prophecy touching China. Isaiah's inspired prophecy is imbued with layers of meaning that reach through history. This isn't just a prophecy about China, but also about Israel, and all the world that walks in darkness. It gives a glimpse into what the near future might be like.

The prophecy begins in Isaiah 8:11, and ends in 9:8.

Isaiah 8:11's, For the LORD spoke thus to me— provides a natural break and new opening from the previous verses. The natural end point for this section would seem to be Isaiah 9:7, but the numbers favour the next verse.

The Lord has sent a word against Jacob, and it will light upon Israel. (Isaiah 9:8)

What is this Word that was sent against Jacob? It is everything before this point, from Isaiah 8:11-9:7. Everything after 9:8 is the result of this Word being against Jacob, and is not the Word. Thus Isaiah 9:8 is also a part of the prophecy, but to properly understand the prophecy, its consequences have to be considered (even though they are not part of the Word). The consequences give perspective to the prophecy.

The prophecy is against those in Israel who proudly say they will build back better (Isaiah 9:9-10). Because they do not recognize God, God raises adversaries against them (verse 11). There are Syrians in the east, and Philistines in the west (verse 12). Verse 12 ends with, For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still. This is only the beginning.1

Israel did not recognize God’s hand in what was happening (verse 13). Thus God destroyed their ruling class, prophets, young men, orphans, and widows, because all were godless and spoke evil (verses 14-17). Verse 17 again ends with, For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still.

Wickedness increases and spreads like a raging forest fire. It spares no one, not even the land. Ephraim fights Manasseh. Manasseh fights Ephraim. The two also fight Judah (verses 18-21). And again verse 21 ends with, For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still.

God pronounces Woe on those who legalize wickedness, and oppression. They will be taken prisoner or be slain (verses 10:1-4). There will be no escape. And verse 10:4 once more ends with, For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still. It is not over yet.

This is the Word against Jacob that lights on Israel. It is the other perspective for understanding the Word itself. As glorious as Jesus' coming was, it brought about division and the rise and fall of many in Israel (Matthew 10:34-36; Luke 2:34). The prophecy has a bright side and a dark side. Isaiah's prophecy is a masterful inspired work of dual purpose and dual meaning.

Jesus is God’s word of creation and redemption. And the word came into the world (John 1:10), and lighted upon Israel (Isaiah 9:8). Isaiah's own words describe what happened:

And he will become a sanctuary, and a stone of offense, and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many shall stumble thereon; they shall fall and be broken; they shall be snared and taken. (Isaiah 8:14-15)

This reminds readers of the rejected corner stone, where Jesus also mentioned falling and being broken.

And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. (Matthew 21:44 KJV)

It was during this incident, Jesus said, Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it. (Matthew 21:43; See the section before the conclusion for more on the link between Matthew 21:43 and Isaiah 8:11-9:8.)

(The Greek word translated as "taken away" is αρθησεται, meaning, literally as lifting up something take up, pick, raise. The Word that lighted upon Israel is contrasted with the lifting up or taking away of the kingdom of God.)

Since it is impossible to take away something that someone does not have, this means during Jesus' time on earth, the Jews had the kingdom of God. They had it ever since God made a covenant with them. However, having it did not mean entering it. Jesus warned everyone to make sure they entered (Matthew 5:20). And he blasted the Pharisees for preventing people from entering (Matthew 23:13).

Since Israel was imperfect when they had the kingdom of God, this is why it could be taken away and given to another imperfect nation. (Remember, having the kingdom of God is not the same as entering the kingdom of God.)

What does it mean to be an imperfect nation having the kingdom of God? At its simplest, a nation with no covenant would have a lesser level of the same benefits ancient Israel was to have after they received the covenant (Deuteronomy 28:1-13). The more that nation followed righteousness, the stronger would be the blessing. On the other hand, this nation would also be punished like Israel if they sinned. However, since there is no official covenant, punishment would be less than what Israel would have receivd.

All of this is actually covered in Isaiah's prophecy.

The Prophecy

11 For the LORD spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying 12 "Do not call conspiracy all that this people call conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13 But the LORD of hosts, him you shall regard as holy; let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. 14 And he will become a sanctuary, and a stone of offense, and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many shall stumble thereon; they shall fall and be broken; they shall be snared and taken." 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the teaching among my disciples. 17 I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob, and I will hope in him. 18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are signs and portents in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on Mount Zion. 19 And when they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the wizards who chirp and mutter," should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the teaching and to the testimony! Surely for this word which they speak there is no dawn. 21 They will pass through the land, greatly distressed and hungry; and when they are hungry, they will be enraged and will curse their king and their God, and turn their faces upward; 22 and they will look to the earth, but behold, distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish; and they will be thrust into thick darkness. 9:1 But there will be no gloom for her that was in anguish. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time he will make glorious the way of the sea, the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. 2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. 3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, thou hast increased its joy; they rejoice before thee as with joy at the harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. 4 For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, thou hast broken as on the day of Midian. 5 For every boot of the tramping warrior in battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire. 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for evermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. 8 The Lord has sent a word against Jacob, and it will light upon Israel; (Isaiah 8:11-9:8)2

Isaiah opens his prophecy with a unique qualifier, his strong hand upon me, adding extra emphasis to a specific warning, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people. In some sense, this also applies to the reader. This is a special prophecy that should not be read in the way that the average person reads it. And it should not be interpreted in the same way as most have interpreted it. Most explanations of these verses limit verses 9:1-2 to a time period not long after Isaiah and or stop with Jesus' first coming. This restricts the prophecy and misses the wider reach of God’s plan.

Do not fear what they fear. Fear, like conspiracies, are fads that come and go. There always is another one. There always will be another one. They are distractions from what really matters: fear God. This is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7, 9:10). A part of fearing God is to study and teach His word (Acts 6:2). This is keeping the word (Revelation 3:8, 10), and it will keep you from straying. To not fear God is to fall prey to the world's fears. The fear of man, or the fears of men, are snares (Proverbs 29:25). People end up following ancient Israel into stumbling and falling. It's not just a rejection of Jesus, but a rejection of God.

Isaiah's prophecy warns many shall stumble thereon; they shall fall and be broken; they shall be snared and taken. The emphasis is on the many. Jesus said the same with similar words (Matthew 21:44). The way to life is narrow, difficult, and few find it (Matthew 7:14). Entering is left unsaid because it is never a one time decision or accomplishment, but a lifetime of endurance. One can enter but still slip back.

Bind up the testimony, seal the teaching among my disciples. (Isaiah 8:16) Isaiah is aware believers are the minority. There is no point speaking to the majority. The majority consult world renown experts, mediums and the wizards who chirp and mutter in jargon. They do not consult the living God. Surely for this word which they speak there is no dawn. (Isaiah 8:20) There is only darkness. The majority fail, curse human government and God (Isaiah 8:21). They do not repent, and thus darkness only deepens (Isaiah 8:22).

There is a much more serious aspect to this darkness. God hides His face (Isaiah 8:17). The high priest's duty was to ask God to lift up His face and let it shine upon the people of Israel (Numbers 6:25-27). It was God who would bless, give peace, and grace. But here, Isaiah sees God has hidden His face. That is why there is no peace, and only darkness. Without God’s blessing, any prosperity is temporary and it is restricted.

When Israel failed and stumbled into three centuries of darkness and silence from God, God sent His son. Most of Jesus' ministry was in the Galilee area. This is where he did many of his miracles.

In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali— The Hebrew word הראשון, is translated as former time in the RSV.

07223 ri'shown {ree-shone'} or ri'shon {ree-shone'}
¤ from 07221; TWOT - 2097c
¤ AV - first 129, former 26, former things 6, beginning 4, chief 3,
before 3, old time 2, foremost 3, aforetime 1, misc 8; 185
¤ adj 1) first, primary, former 1a) former (of time) 1a1) ancestors
1a2) former things 1b) foremost (of location) 1c) first (in time)
1d) first, chief (in degree) adv 2) first, before, formerly, at
first 3

The actual Hebrew meaning takes the reader back centuries to the time of Solomon. Solomon gave Hiram of Tyre 20 cities in Galilee for payment of the cedar to build the temple. As the king of Tyre, a merchant and sea faring city, Hiram was a sophisticated man who had seen great cities in Egypt and elsewhere. Hiram was not pleased with the tiny (limited; Cabul) backwards Israelite villages (1 Kings 9:13). From this point, Galilee became known as the backwater of Israel, and this label stuck for centuries. This incident opened Solomon's eyes to the undeveloped nature of Israel, and he spent a good part of the rest of his reign building infrastructure.

Examining the meaning of the Hebrew words brings out different layers of understanding. The prophecy widens.

We reach the crux of the prophecy with –but in the latter time he will make glorious the way of the sea—. The Hebrew word והאחרון is translated as latter time.

0314 'acharown {akh-ar-one'} or (shortened) 'acharon {akh-ar-one'}
¤ from 0309; TWOT - 68e; adj
¤ AV - last 20, after(ward)(s) 15, latter 6, end 2, utmost 2,
following 1, hinder 1, hindermost 1, hindmost 1, rereward 1,
uttermost 1; 51
¤ 1) behind, following, subsequent, western 1a) behind, hindermost,
western (of location) 1b) later, subsequent, latter, last (of time)

The meaning is very much the opposite of former time. Latter time with 2000 years hindsight after Jesus' coming, clearly shows part of the prophecy still waits to be fulfilled, or is still in the process of being completed. Yes, Jesus brought light to Galilee, but darkness swept in after he left (Matthew 12:43-45). Jesus warned the cities in Galilee they were going to be worse off than Sodom and Gomorrah. Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Chorazin all disappeared from history and even to this day archaeologists are uncertain of their exact locations (Matthew 11:21-24). Thus this cannot be make glorious the way of the sea.

God can get glory from punishing sin (Deuteronomy 29:25; Jeremiah 22:8-9), but it is obvious strangers and foreigners would never know the full circumstances behind such acts. This would not be the best witness for God’s glory. The living witness of believers would give God the greatest glory. Thus a more complete fulfillment of the prophecy has to be quite some time after Jesus.

This brings the prophecy to today (2023 A.D.), where for the past 400 years sea going trade has grown from a few ships each year to thousands of ships every day.

The Hebrew word הכביד, is translated as glorious. Sometimes this words is translated as glorious, but other times it is translated as heavy. (Sometimes another Hebrew word is used for glorious: נאדרי (Exodus 15:6).)

03513 kabad {kaw-bad'} or kabed {kaw-bade'}
¤ a primitive root; TWOT - 943; v
¤ AV - honour 34, glorify 14, honourable 14, heavy 13, harden 7,
glorious 5, sore 3, made heavy 3, chargeable 2, great 2, many 2,
heavier 2, promote 2,  misc 10; 116
¤ 1) to be heavy, be weighty, be grievous, be hard, be rich, be
honourable, be glorious, be burdensome, be honoured 1a) (Qal) 1a1)
to be heavy 1a2) to be heavy, be insensible, be dull 1a3) to be
honoured 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be made heavy, be honoured, enjoy
honour, be made abundant 1b2) to get oneself glory or honour, gain
glory 1c) (Piel) 1c1) to make heavy, make dull, make insensible 1c2)
to make honourable, honour, glorify 1d) (Pual) to be made
honourable, be honoured 1e) (Hiphil) 1e1) to make heavy 1e2) to make
heavy, make dull, make unresponsive 1e3) to cause to be honoured 1f)
(Hithpael) 1f1) to make oneself heavy, make oneself dense, make
oneself numerous 1f2) to honour oneself

This word appears in these verses: 1 Kings 12:10, 1 Kings 12:14, 2 Chronicles 10:10, Isaiah 8:23, and Lamentations 3:7. In all these verses, the meaning is heavy and not glorious or honourable. Here we see Isaiah's prophecy in the process of being fulfilled. The way of the sea is heavy with cargo ships carrying thousand tonne loads.

Another reason why the meaning is heavy rather than glorious is because it is the opposite of the Hebrew word הקל, translated as contempt.

07043 qalal {kaw-lal'}
¤ a primitive root; TWOT - 2028; v
¤ AV - curse 39, swifter 5, light thing 5, vile 4, lighter 4,
despise 3, abated 2, ease 2, light 2, lighten 2, slightly 2, misc
12; 82
¤ 1) to be slight, be swift, be trifling, be of little account, be
light 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be slight, be abated (of water) 1a2) to be
swift 1a3) to be trifling, be of little account 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to
be swift, show oneself swift 1b2) to appear trifling, be too
trifling, be insignificant 1b3) to be lightly esteemed 1c) (Piel)
1c1) to make despicable 1c2) to curse 1d) (Pual) to be cursed 1e)
(Hiphil) 1e1) to make light, lighten 1e2) to treat with contempt,
bring contempt or dishonour 1f) (Pilpel) 1f1) to shake 1f2) to whet
1g) (Hithpalpel) to shake oneself, be moved to and fro

Quite a number of the uses of this word have the connotations of being light or slight. This contrasts with heavy and aligns with what Hiram said centuries before Isaiah.

The prophecy is filled with contrasts. Formerly contrasts with latterly. The land of Zebulun and Naphtali contrasts with the way of the sea. The slight on Galilee contrasts with the weight on the sea. This is not just a matter of poetry. Writing parchment was rare in Isaiah's time, expensive and time consuming to prepare. The prophet would not waste writing space just to sound poetic. As Jesus said, not a dot is to be ignored (Matthew 5:18). Thus all of Isaiah's words are important.

If Isaiah meant Galilee was made glorious, or important (heavy) because of Jesus' coming, he would not have wasted time writing the way of the sea. Nor would he have included beyond the Jordan. Each item has a part in the prophecy.

(All of this does not mean current interpretations and understanding of these verses are wrong. They are only incomplete. Isaiah is telling us a lot more than most people realize.)

In the latter days, God makes the way of the sea important (heavy). This relates to the land beyond the Jordan, which Isaiah inspired by the Spirit, wrote, Galilee of the nations. As the Galilee of the Bible is in the north at the beginning of the Jordan, this discourages translating the land beyond the Jordan as the land along the Jordan. The majority of the tribes of Israel were west of the Jordan. From this perspective, the land beyond the Jordan can only be a place to the east. Thus the placement of the words gives Galilee two uses and meanings. It is the land to the north at the headwaters of the Jordan. It is also a land in the east.

The word, Galilee, occurs seven times in the Old Testament (Joshua 12:23, 20:7, 21:32; 1 Kings 9:11; 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chronicles 6:76; Isaiah 9:1). Isaiah 9:1 has different vowels from the others. It is also the only one to stand alone without extra letters attached. One can only assume Isaiah wrote it this way to set it apart from the other occurrences and usages of the word.

Galilee isn't just a name identifying a place. The word has a separate meaning.

01551 Galiyl {gaw-leel'} or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'}
¤ the same as 01550;; n pr loc
¤ AV - Galilee 6; 6
¤ Galilee = "circuit, district" 1) a territory in Naphtali largely
occupied by heathen; a circuit of towns around Kedesh-Naphtali, in
which were situated the 20 towns given by Solomon to Hiram king of
Tyre as payment for his work in conveying timber from Lebanon to

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers puts it this way, beyond Jordan, the circuit of the Gentiles. The Pulpit Commentary: 'The word means circuit, or ring.' The JPS Tanakh (1917) reads in the district of the nations.

From this it is clear Isaiah is using Galilee for more than one purpose. His compact poetry identifies two different lands, and thus two different time periods. But different lands isn't the only thought conveyed by Galilee. It is a district, or a circuit. The circuit of nations today is the path on the sea. Water transportation is the cheapest and most efficient means of moving huge volumes of freight. This returns to the way of the sea being important.

When Jesus came, his teaching, miracles and presence brought light to a dark dark world. This made Galilee important. This same teaching brings light everywhere it goes. Thus in the future, when people walking in darkness accept the Gospel (Isaiah 9:2), they too will see the light. They too will relate to ancient Galilee. This is why in Isaiah 23:17-18, the new Tyre is willing to give up some profit in gratitude for God’s mercy and grace. This is why in Isaiah 18:7, an unknown nation brings gifts to God. These gifts will come by the sea (the circuit of nations), through the Suez Canal to Palestine.

Isaiah 9:3 begins with Thou hast multiplied the nation. The Hebrew word translated as nation is הגוי, with a definite article in front. Whereas verse 1 had Galilee of the nations, here the word is singular, the nation, a specific nation.

01471 gowy {go'-ee} rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee}
¤ apparently from the same root as 01465; TWOT - 326e
¤ AV - nation 374, heathen 143, Gentiles 30, people 11; 558
¤ n m 1) nation, people 1a) nation, people 1a1) usually of
non-Hebrew people 1a2) of descendants of Abraham 1a3) of Israel 1b)
of swarm of locusts, other  animals (fig.) n pr m 1c) Goyim? =

The word refers to a Gentile nation. It is a Gentile nation that has multiplied. The Hebrew word הרבית, multiplied also has a definite article before it. This is not in the English because it doesn't make sense in English to say, You the multiplied the nation. Isaiah is pointing out the uniqueness of this nation's population. This is not a small nation, but a very large nation.

For centuries, China has been the nation with the most people. Near the end of the Warring States period (300 B.C.), the large states were each fielding armies numbering in the hundreds of thousands again, and again, and again! Armies of comparable size in the rest of the world would not be seen until World War I. Only recently has India surpassed 1.4 billion to exceed China's population.

Not only has God increased the size of this nation, He also increased their joy, and productivity.

Increased joy is only possible when the benefits of productivity (harvest) are widely distributed. China is the only nation to have raised 800 million people from poverty to low middle income.

For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, thou hast broken as on the day of Midian. (Isaiah 9:4)

Israel's great victory over Midian was in the time of the Judges. With God’s help, Gideon led a small force of 300 against 135,000 and he destroyed Midian (Judges 7:7, 8:10). Isaiah presents this picture as one of the reasons for this nation's joy.

After a century of humiliation, a small band of communists won the hearts of the Chinese people by resisting Japanese occupation. Their small force successfully withstood the nationalists who were better equipped, Western trained and financed. They were handed control of the Japanese trained Chinese auxiliaries in Manchuria when the Japanese troops there surrendered to the Soviets. By 1949 they had grown into an unstoppable force, sweeping the entire country. The unequal treaties imposed by European powers were abrogated. The foreign concessions were taken back. The flow of opium stopped.

Many nations can claim, in their history, a small group accomplishing great things. But none of them would be very populous, be east of the Jordan, and have an astonishing increase in productivity that was widely shared.

China is now the factory of the world. Her ships carry all sorts of goods everywhere. The nation has not been at war since 1979. In many aspects, China seems to be blessed.

In verse 6, Isaiah returns to his own people.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Ancient Hebrew poetry consisted to two lines with the second line repeating the sense of the first line in a different way. Thus, For to us a child is born, and to us a son is given could refer to Jesus being born. And yet at the same time, to us a son is given could refer to a different person. For to us a child is born indicates the child is Jewish, but to us a son is given is a less definite lineage.

When Jesus first came, he did not come to rule (Luke 12:14). The government was not on his shoulders. The commander of heaven's armies, who is called The Word of God is a ruler bearing the title King of Kings, and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:13, 16). [For reasons why this person is not Jesus, see: Armageddon & Afterwards.] Thus Isaiah 9:6 covers two people and two different times.

Jesus is clearly, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace with no end (9:7). The other is a partial fulfillment with an interruption from Magog (Revelation 20:8).

Isaiah's prophecy wasn't just a warning to Israel. It showed what would happen. Israel would lose the kingdom of God. Another nation/people would gain it. When that nation comes to know Jesus and or God fully, or when they recognize the commander of heaven's armies, they would honour God in Palestine, making Galilee in the north important once again.

Explanations can always be made for supporting an interpretation. The human mind was made to create connections. This is how people learn. But is this a figment of the author's imagination?

Matthew 21:43 is a very unique verse. It is the 23,870th verse in the Bible: 23870 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 31. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.

There are three main versions of the Bible in Chinese, one from the Catholics (CAT), one from the Protestants (CUV), and the Chinese New Version (CNV). Matthew 21:43 is presented from each version.


所以我告訴你們 神的國必從你們奪去 賜給那能結果子的百姓

因此我告訴你們, 神的國要從你們那裡取去,賜給那結果子的外族人

None of the major Chinese Bible versions use 上帝, the proper Chinese term for God. None of these versions are divisible by 7 and or 13.

The Kuoyu Bible Shangti Edition 1033, China Bible House, Hong Kong, 1953 replaces the word 神 with 上帝, and an amazing thing happens.

Matthew 21:43 (CUV)

Total: 55770 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 11 x 132. There are two factors of 13, reminiscent of the value of God’s name in Hebrew.

Do the same with the CAT:

Matthew 21:43 (CAT)

Total: 50001 = 3 x 7 x 2381. The result is a total divisible by 7.

And for the CNV:

Matthew 21:43 (CNV)

Total: 58177 = 7 x 8311. Once again the result is a multiple of 7.

How is it possible a simple change to the proper Chinese term for God would work for all three versions? Is this chance or providence? The very curious part is that the CUV actually identifies which people receive the kingdom of God!

At the very end of Matthew 21:43 in the CUV, the kingdom is given to the 百姓. 百姓 is literally, The Hundred Surnames. It refers to the common people, but the very term 百姓 is also synonymous with the Chinese people, the original one hundred families living in the Yellow River basin. Why was it translated this way when there were so many other ways of stating ethnic group in Chinese? What moved the translators to use this term? There are no answers to these questions. What we are left with is another possible sign the kingdom of God was given to China.

What other evidence is there for saying this passage is about Israel and China? How can it be verified?

The evidence is in the numbers from the Hebrew text, and also in the numbers from the Septuagint.

Numbers From The Hebrew

Number of chapters: 2.
Number of verses in passage: 20.
Number of words in passage: 259.
Number of letters in passage: 1035.
Passage total: 67336.

The passage straddles two chapters as a hint of the dual nature in the prophecy. There are 20 verses, a multiple of two.

The Hebrew Bible has chapter 8 ending at verse 23. This is chapter 9 verse 1 in English Bibles. Chapters and verses refer to the structure of the passage, and sometimes are quite arbitrary, but words and letters are the actual text. Thus there is a change from an even number of chapters and verses to an odd number of words and letters.

The number of words in the passage is a multiple of 7: 259 = 7 x 37.

The number of letters is a multiple of 23, showing this passage is about people: 1035 = 32 x 5 x 23.

This is the first passage where the total is not divisible by 7 and or 13: 67336 = 23 x 19 x 443. However, the sum of the factors is divisible by 13: 468 = 22 x 32 x 13. And the sum of these factors is again 23, confirming the passage is about people.

Where is China in these numbers? It is in the total 67336.

China in Chinese is 中國. The numeric values of these two characters are 101 and 3243. The total for 中國 is 3344 = 24 x 11 x 19. Factors 11 and 19 represent China. (For the conversion of Chinese characters to numbers, see: A Chinese Coincidence and Chinese Character Number Convertor.)

It is a 1 in 19 chance that the total of the passage was divisible by 19, like the total for 中國. One in nineteen doesn't sound like much, but it is almost three times as difficult as obtaining a total divisible by 7.

Not only is the total of the passage divisible by 19, but it is also divisible by 2 three times. The total for 中國 is divisible by 2 four times. Thus the common factors between the passage and 中國 are 23 x 19, or 152. In other words a 1 in 152 chance. This is 22 times more difficult to achieve than a result divisible by 7. It is 11 times more difficult than a result divisible by 13.

As will be seen below, the numbers 11 and 19 continue to show up when the principle of complementary opposites is applied (Revelation 1:8). Complementary opposites are a sign of God’s handiwork in the prophecy. In this case, God is not signing His name with 7 and 13. He is pointing out the specific nation that the prophecy applies to.

If the Hebrew chapter and verse divisions are used, chapter 8 has a total of 41390, and chapter 9 has a total of 25946. The Hebrew results in two chapter totals that are even numbers. If the English chapter and verse divisions are used, chapter 8 has a total of 36607, and chapter 9 has a total of 30729. The English results in two chapter totals that are odd numbers. This once again shows the dual nature of the prophecy. (N.B. For this study, the Hebrew chapter/verse division is used.)

First and last verse of each chapter: 11270 = 2 x 5 x 72 x 23.

Total of the first and last letters of each chapter: 95 = 5 x 19.

With just two chapters, there's not much to see, except that the difference between the two chapters for the Hebrew chapter/verse division produces a number divisible by 13: 15444 = 22 x 33 x 11 x 13.

To see just how well the factors for China fit with the passage, see features 2.13, 3.7 and 4.5.

The Verses

List of verses:
2372 5013 2956 4327 1976 1932 2573 4718 3543 2840 2677 1680 4783 
2613 4306 3126 3304 4434 6661 1502

1First and last word of each verse: 10065 = 3 x 5 x 11 x 61.

1.1The values of the letters of God’s name in Hebrew count 13 times through the verse totals.

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5
b) 10   15   21   6    16   21   7    12   22   7    13   18   28   13
c) 10   15   1    6    16   1    7    12   2    7    13   18   8    13
d) 2840 4306 2372 1932 3126 2372 2573 1680 5013 2573 4783 4434 4718 4783

a) 6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5
b) 19   24   14   19   25   10   20   25   11   16   26   11   17   22
c) 19   4    14   19   5    10   20   5    11   16   6    11   17   2
d) 6661 4327 2613 6661 1976 2840 1502 1976 2677 3126 1932 2677 3304 5013

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5
b) 12   17   23   8    18   23   9    14   24   9    15   20   30   15
c) 12   17   3    8    18   3    9    14   4    9    15   20   10   15
d) 1680 3304 2956 4718 4434 2956 3543 2613 4327 3543 4306 1502 2840 4306

a) 6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    (Value from the name.)
b) 21   6    16   21   7    12   22   7    13   18   (Count.)
c) 1    6    16   1    7    12   2    7    13   18   (Count adjust to 20.)
d) 2372 1932 3126 2372 2573 1680 5013 2573 4783 4434 (Verse total found.)

Total: 172676 = 22 x 72 x 881. Even though the total of the passage is not divisible by 7, God’s Hebrew name reveals His signature in the text.

1.2Only one pair of word groups can be found where the groups together and individually are divisible by 7, and the groups are symmetrically positioned from the beginning and end of the passage.

List of verses:
2372 5013 2956 4327 1976 1932 2573 4718 3543 2840 2677 1680 4783 2613 4306 3126 3304 4434 6661 1502
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
20   19   18   17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1
               |______________|                                  |______________|
                      A                                                 Z

Total of Groups A + Z: 24157 = 72 x 17 x 29.
Total of Group A: 10808 = 23 x 7 x 193.
Total of Group Z: 13349 = 7 x 1907.
When one starts from the beginning or from the end, the first and last verse positions of the groups are 4 and 7. One of the factors for China appears when 4 and 7 are added: 11.

1.2.1The previous feature looked at verse groups at either end of the passage. How about groups in the middle? There is only one, the middle 16 verses.

2956 4327 1976 1932 2573 4718 3543 2840 2677 1680 4783 2613 4306
3126 3304 4434

Total: 51788 = 22 x 112 x 107. SF: 133 = 7 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. (First there are two factors for China. The sum of the factors produces a multiple of 7, and in the third level, the factor total is divisible by 13.

1.3Take every Nth verse. When N is 4 or 10, the result is a total divisible by 13. And of course 4 and 10 together is 14 (2 x 7).

1.4The following verses are odd positioned and odd valued:

7    9    11   13   19
2573 3543 2677 4783 6661

Total: 20237 = 73 x 59. (Three 7s make up for its opposite not having a feature.)

1.4.2The following verses are even positioned and even valued:

6    8    10   12   16   18   20
1932 4718 2840 1680 3126 4434 1502

Total: 20232 (nf).

1.4.3Thus the verses that are purely odd or even together total 40469 (11 x 13 x 283). A factor of 11 for China appears along with the factor associated with God’s name.

Note: Half of all the verses would be in odd positions, and half would be in even positions. Of the ten verses in odd positions, random chance would indicate half would be odd valued and half would be even valued. Chance would suggest only five verses would be purely odd (position and value). The same would apply for verses that are purely even. There would only be five. Thus of verses that are purely odd or purely even, there should only be ten in all. But there were twelve. Skeptics say this could still be coincidence. On the other hand is the possibility something is pushing just slightly beyond the odds. cannot point to anything extra supporting their claim this slight difference between the expected odds and what was found as being just chance. On the other hand, there is something more that is not chance. Take the positions of the first and last verses that are purely odd and purely even, and add them. The total is 52 (22 x 13). position of the first verse that is purely odd, and the position of the last verse that is purely odd total 26 (2 x 13). position of the first verse that is purely even, and the position of the last verse that is purely even also totals 26 (2 x 13). There seems to be perfect balance here.

1.5.1Sixteen verses are not prime numbers:

1    2    3     5    6    7    8    9    10    12    14   15
2372 5013 2956  1976 1932 2573 4718 3543 2840  1680  2613 4306

16   17   18    20
3126 3304 4434  1502

Total: 48888 = 23 x 32 x 7 x 97. (There is no corresponding feature with the verses that are prime numbers.) positions of the first and last verses in the list above: 21 (3 x 7). first and last verse totals in the list above added: 3874 = 2 x 13 x 149.

1.5.2Two verses are multiples of 13.

5    14
1976 2613

Their positions total 19, one of the factors for China.

1.5.3One verse is divisible by 19, a factor for China.


This number also has a 13: 1976 = 23 x 13 x 19.

1.6Add the verses one by one, and select rows where the total is divisible by 19.

Verse    Verse   Cumulative
Position Total     Total
1        2372      2372
2        5013      7385
3        2956      10341
4        4327      14668n
5        1976      16644n
6        1932      18576
7        2573      21149
8        4718      25867
9        3543      29410
10       2840      32250
11       2677      34927
12       1680      36607
13       4783      41390
14       2613      44003
15       4306      48309
16       3126      51435
17       3304      54739n
18       4434      59173
19       6661      65834
20       1502      67336n

Rows where cumulative total is
      divisible by 19.

4        4327      14668
5        1976      16644
17       3304      54739
20       1502      67336

The total of the verse positions where cumulative total is divisible by 19: 46 (2 x 23). This is a prophecy about people.
The sum of these four verse totals: 11109 = 3 x 7 x 232. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.
Sum of the cumulative totals at those points: 153387 = 33 x 13 x 19 x 23. (The factor of 13 is an unexpected surprise, and 23 appears again.)

1.7More features become visible when different verse characteristics are considered.

A) Verse total.
B) Total of the first letter of each word for the verse.
C) Total of the last letter of each word for the verse.
D) Total of the positions of the first letter of each word for the verse.
E) Total of the positions of the last letter of each word for the verse.
F) Number of words in the verse.
G) Number of letters in the verse.

A    B    C    D    E    F  G
2372 165  1309 269  302  13 46
5013 1563 1346 373  412  15 54
2956 594  899  150  181  9  40
4327 256  1065 353  399  13 59
1976 232  110  96   123  7  34
1932 900  260  44   60   5  21
2573 207  639  152  181  8  37
4718 378  1535 522  574  16 68
3543 149  1133 767  829  19 81
2840 434  718  233  261  11 39
2677 156  361  308  350  13 55
1680 295  242  173  202  10 39
4783 387  1380 797  860  21 84
2613 439  1081 270  305  12 47
4306 734  1718 352  396  13 57
3126 869  1662 233  261  13 41
3304 287  1200 252  288  12 48
4434 1534 753  612  658  20 66
6661 1050 1594 1052 1123 23 94
1502 315  280  59   78   6  25 the value in column B is odd, the values in column E are multiples of one of the factors for China:

302 412 181 829 202 860 305 261 288 78

Total: 3718 = 2 x 11 x 132. SF: 39 = 3 x 13. (There are two factors of 13 in the first level and another 13 in the second level.) the value in column B is even, the values in column E are multiples of 11:

181 399 123 60 574 261 350 396 658 1123

Total: 4125 = 3 x 53 x 11. the value in column E is odd, the total of these values is once again a China factor:

181 399 123 181 829 261 305 261 1123

Total (column E): 3663 = 32 x 11 x 37. the value in column E is even, the total is a multiple of 11:

302 412 60 574 350 202 860 396 288 658 78

Total (column E): 4180 = 22 x 5 x 11 x 19. SF: 39 = 3 x 13. with an odd number of words (column F):

2372 5013 2956 4327 1976 1932 3543 2840 2677 4783 4306 3126 6661

Total of the verses (column A): 46512 = 24 x 32 x 17 x 19. with an even number of words (column F):

2573 4718 1680 2613 3304 4434 1502

Total of the verses (column A): 20824 = 23 x 19 x 137. difference between and   25688 = 23 x 132 x 19. with an odd number of letters (column G):

399 60 181 829 261 350 202 305 396 261 78

Total of the positions of the last letter of each word (column E): 3322 = 2 x 11 x 151. with an even number of letters (column G):

302 412 181 123 574 860 288 658 1123

Total of the positions of the last letter of each word (column E): 4521 = 3 x 11 x 137.

The Words

List of words
30 25 241 26 41 535 19 336 490 226 115 17 271 31 697 
600 80 501 251 115 17 600 407 253 31 617 37 776 401 26 499 407 820 18 
307 18 460 26 474 89 133 332 396 390 412 541 118 482 348 586 362 42 
252 172 564 468 116 296 485 454 611 86 454 56 715 146 452 182 532 36 
60 81 105 501 500 40 26 837 612 543 150 26 499 375 207 156 36 257 101 
510 31 414 37 189 435 109 42 110 31 52 514 76 73 31 495 641 521 41 31 
257 226 17 501 61 36 508 278 7 455 278 26 30 282 681 166 98 60 141 
175 37 291 31 66 295 339 196 201 122 102 30 31 196 531 236 35 490 562 
135 296 95 302 570 276 41 224 55 272 269 73 64 115 110 330 207 207 43 
322 293 566 207 58 155 617 24 31 442 358 354 190 768 402 521 59 180 
360 30 401 100 98 407 54 366 311 358 8 813 76 104 30 50 117 111 572 
381 114 96 426 615 491 301 30 44 44 86 52 500 86 421 550 100 366 317 
346 111 176 31 211 87 500 376 277 550 412 61 190 100 81 14 106 536 
115 406 175 431 207 515 80 146 551 26 499 775 408 206 338 65 184 166 

2.1Applying God’s name in Hebrew once, 7 times or 13 times to the words reveals nothing. However, since this is supposedly about China, apply the name 11 times.

a) 10  5   6  5   10 5   6   5  10 5   6   5   10  5  6  5
b) 10  15  21 26  36 41  47  52 62 67  73  78  88  93 99 104
c) 10  15  21 26  36 41  47  52 62 67  73  78  88  93 99 104
d) 226 697 17 617 18 133 118 42 86 452 105 837 257 37 31 31

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5
b) 114 119 125 130 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197
c) 114 119 125 130 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197
d) 61  455 166 37  30  35  302 55  43  58  358 521 366 76

a) 6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 203 208 218 223 229 234 244 249 255 260 11  16  22  27
c) 203 208 218 223 229 234 244 249 255 1   11  16  22  27
d) 572 615 421 346 500 61  431 551 338 30  115 600 600 37

a) Value from the name in Hebrew.
b) Count.
c) Count adjusted to 259 words.
d) Word found.

Total: 11484 = 22 x 32 x 11 x 29.

2.1.1From the previously discovered words, take the first one and every other after. These would be the odd positioned words in the list.

226 17 18 118 86 105 257 31 61 166 30 302 43 358 366 572 421 500 431 
338 115 600

Total: 5161 = 13 x 397. (There is no corresponding feature with the even positioned words.)

2.1.2From the words in 2.1, find all those where the first digit is an odd number:

17 18 133 118 105 37 31 31 166 37 30 35 302 55 58 358 521 366 76 572 
346 500 551 338 30 115 37

Total: 4983 = 3 x 11 x 151. SF: 165 = 3 x 5 x 11. SF: 19. (Factors for China appear in three levels.) the words in 2.1, find all those where the first digit is an even number:

226 697 617 42 86 452 837 257 61 455 43 615 421 61 431 600 600

Total: 6501 = 3 x 11 x 197.

2.2.1Since God is Alpha and Omega, find word pairs positioned Nth and Nth last in the passage that together are divisible by 7.

Nth:      4   7   10  14  20  34  35  38  39  40  49  59  60  66  67  78   85  92  118 120 123 127
Value:    26  19  226 31  115 18  307 26  474 89  348 485 454 146 452 837  207 414 7   278 282 60
Nth last: 256 253 250 246 240 226 225 222 221 220 211 201 200 194 193 182  175 168 142 140 137 133
Value:    65  408 26  515 536 31  176 317 366 100 30  117 50  358 311 521  31  293 196 30  201 66
Sum:      91  427 252 546 651 49  483 343 840 189 378 602 504 504 763 1358 238 707 203 308 483 126

There are 22 pairs. (2 x 11. SF: 13.)
Sum of the positions (Nth + Nth last): 5720 = 23 x 5 x 11 x 13. SF: 35 = 5 x 7. Since there are 259 words, this means the Nth and Nth last always add up to a number divisible by 13 (i.e. 1 + 259 = 260). The 13 from 5720 can be ignored. However, the 11 (a factor of China) is unexpected, as is the sum of the factors.

2.2.2Find word pairs positioned Nth and Nth last that are together, and individually divisible by 13. There is only one.

Nth:      4
Value:    26
Nth last: 256
Value:    65
Sum:      91

The sum of the positions, is of course, divisible by 13: 260 = 22 x 5 x 13. The sum of the factors point to China: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13. The sum of the words is 91 (7 x 13). The factor of 7 is extra.

2.2.3Because this is supposed to be about China, find word pairs positioned Nth and Nth last that together are divisible by 19. There are ten of pairs.

Nth:      6   32  46  62  80   82  84  112 114 122
Value:    535 407 541 86  543  26  375 17  61  30
Nth last: 254 228 214 198 180  178 176 148 146 138
Value:    206 87  86  104 768  354 442 135 490 122
Sum:      741 494 627 190 1311 380 817 152 551 152

Total of the ten pairs together: 5415 = 3 x 5 x 192. An extra 19 points to China, and the sum of the factors shows the prophecy is about people (46 = 2 x 23).

2.3Rather than find word pairs that are Nth and Nth last, find groups of words paired Nth and Nth last that together and individually are divisible by 19.

a) 2     4     7     8     8     9     10    11    14    15   15
b) 99    124   52    41    55    120   114   91    76    21   23
c) 53542 64448 26676 19570 27873 60059 56449 45942 35644 4237 5339

a) 20    21    22   23    36    38    42   43    47
b) 64    63    23   51    70    78    55   123   129
c) 25612 24092 1102 16663 20140 23104 8303 41610 41686

a) 49    55   83   85     (Starting position of word group.)
b) 66    58   94   121    (End position of group.)
c) 10906 2622 5928 15960  (Total of both groups.)

N.B. Start position (a) of the first group is with the second word
     from the beginning. End position of the first group (b) is
     also from the beginning.
     Start position (a) of the second group is the same number,
     but from the end of the passage. End position of the second
     group (b) is also from the end of the passage.

Total of the positions (a + b): 2478 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 59.
Total of all the groups: 637507 = 13 x 19 x 29 x 89. (The 19 could be discounted because everything was chosen to be divisible by 19. However, the surprise is the factor 13.)

2.4.1Beginning with the first word and taking every Nth word after, the following values of N produces totals divisible by 11.

Values of N: 4 8 15 30 39 41 46 52 55 79 125

Total of N: 494 = 2 x 13 x 19. The result is divisible by 13 and 19.

2.4.2Beginning with the first word and taking every Nth word after, the following values of N produces totals divisible by 209 (11 x 19).

Values of N: 15 125

Total of N: 140 = 22 x 5 x 7.

2.5.1There are 116 words that are odd valued. Their positions total 14478 (2 x 3 x 19 x 127). One of the factors for China appears.

2.5.2There are 143 words that are even valued (143 = 11 x 13), but their positions do not add up to anything: 19192 = 23 x 2399. One has to look to the sum of the factors: 2405 = 5 x 13 x 37. SF: 55 = 5 x 11.

2.6Similar to the verses, the words can be divided into four categories depending on their positions (odd/even) and their values (odd/even).

2.6.1Words that are purely odd (position and value):

a) 3   5  7  11  13  15  19  21 23  25 27 29  31  35  41  59  61
b) 241 41 19 115 271 697 251 17 407 31 37 401 499 307 133 485 611

a) 65  73  83  85  89  91 93 95  99 103 105 107 109 113 119 129 131
b) 715 105 499 207 101 31 37 435 31 73  495 521 31  501 455 175 291

a) 135 137 141 143 145 159 161 165 173 175 183 187 193 201 209 227
b) 339 201 31  531 35  73  115 207 617 31  59  401 311 117 491 211

a) 231 237 241 243 245 249 251 259 (Position.)
b) 277 81  115 175 207 551 499 543 (Word value.)

Total of the positions: 6804 = 22 x 35 x 7. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.
Total of the words: 15484 = 22 x 72 x 79.

2.6.2Words in odd positions but with even values:

a) 1  9   17 33  37  39  43  45  47  49  51  53  55  57  63  67  69
b) 30 490 80 820 460 474 396 412 118 348 362 252 564 116 454 452 532

a) 71 75  77 79  81  87 97 101 111 115 117 121 123 125 127 133 139 147
b) 60 500 26 612 150 36 42 514 226 36  278 26  282 166 60  66  102 562

a) 149 151 153 155 157 163 167 169 171 177 179 181 185 189 191 195 197
b) 296 302 276 224 272 330 322 566 58  358 190 402 360 98  54  8   76

a) 199 203 205 207 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 229 233 235 239 247
b) 30  572 114 426 30  44  52  86  550 366 346 176 500 412 190 106 80

a) 253 255 257 (Word position.)
b) 408 338 184 (Word value.)

Total of odd positions: 16900 = 22 x 52 x 132.
Total of the words: 19306 = 2 x 72 x 197.

2.6.3Words in even positions but having an odd value:

a) 2  6   12 14 18  20  24  26  32  40 46  72 74  78  80  84  88
b) 25 535 17 31 501 115 253 617 407 89 541 81 501 837 543 375 257

a) 94  96  104 106 108 110 112 114 118 124 128 130 132 134 148 150
b) 189 109 31  641 41  257 17  61  7   681 141 37  31  295 135 95

a) 154 156 158 164 166 168 170 172 182 190 196 202 204 208 210 218
b) 41  55  269 207 43  293 207 155 521 407 813 111 381 615 301 421

a) 222 224 226 228 234 244 246 252 256 (Word position.)
b) 317 111 31  87  61  431 515 775 65  (Word value.)

Total of the positions: 7674 = 2 x 3 x 1279.
Total of the words: 15726 = 2 x 3 x 2621.

2.6.4Words that are purely even (position and value):

a) 4  8   10  16  22  28  30 34 36 38 42  44  48  50  52 54  56  58
b) 26 336 226 600 600 776 26 18 18 26 332 390 482 586 42 172 468 296

a) 60  62 64 66  68  70 76 82 86  90  92  98  100 102 116 120 122
b) 454 86 56 146 182 36 40 26 156 510 414 110 52  76  508 278 30

a) 126 136 138 140 142 144 146 152 160 162 174 176 178 180 184 186
b) 98  196 122 30  196 236 490 570 64  110 24  442 354 768 180 30

a) 188 192 194 198 200 206 212 214 216 220 230 232 236 238 240 242
b) 100 366 358 104 50  96  44  86  500 100 376 550 100 14  536 406

a) 248 250 254 258 (Word position.)
b) 146 26  206 166 (Word value.)

Total of all the even positions: 16770 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 13 x 43.
Total: 16820 = 22 x 5 x 292.

Out of eight totals, three were divisible by 7, and two were divisible by 13. The odds would have favoured at most two being divisible by 7, and one divisible by 13. As usual, the numbers are slanted just a little more than the odds. (If the two results divisible by 49 and the one result divisible by 169 are accounted for, this definitely pushes beyond the odds.)

2.7Word values that are prime numbers, and word values that are not prime numbers break down perfectly.

2.7.1Fifty-six words (23 x 7) have totals that are prime numbers. Their positions are a nice symmetrical total with a factor for China, 6446 (2 x 11 x 293).

2.7.2Two hundred and three words are not prime numbers (203 = 7 x 29).

2.8The factors for China (3344 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 11 x 19) filter the words of the passage.

2.8.1A hundred and forty-three words are divisible by 2. 143 factors as 11 x 13, showing one of the other factors for China, and the number associated with God’s name in Hebrew.

Words divisible by 2:
30 26 336 490 226 600 80 600 776 26 820 18 18 460 26 474 332 396 390 
412 118 482 348 586 362 42 252 172 564 468 116 296 454 86 454 56 146 
452 182 532 36 60 500 40 26 612 150 26 156 36 510 414 42 110 52 514 
76 226 36 508 278 278 26 30 282 166 98 60 66 196 122 102 30 196 236 
490 562 296 302 570 276 224 272 64 110 330 322 566 58 24 442 358 354 
190 768 402 180 360 30 100 98 54 366 358 8 76 104 30 50 572 114 96 
426 30 44 44 86 52 500 86 550 100 366 346 176 500 376 550 412 190 100 
14 106 536 406 80 146 26 408 206 338 184 166

The sum of these words produces no new feature: 36126. It is divisible by 2, but that is to be expected. Their positions yield a series of 2s: 19192 = 23 x 2399. The sum of the factors goes back to God’s name: 2405 = 5 x 13 x 37. The sum of these factors goes to another factor for China: 55 = 5 x 11. The third level of factors is another series of 2s: 16 = 24. And the fifth level is once again another series of 2s: 8 = 23.

2.8.Eighteen words are divisible by 11:

a) 23  24  32  43  65  98  105 133 156 162 163 190 203 212 213 219 225
b) 407 253 407 396 715 110 495 66  55  110 330 407 572 44  44  550 176 

a) 232 (Position.)
b) 550 (Word value.)

The total of these words produces another 11: 5687 = 112 x 47.

2.8.3Eleven words are divisible by 19:

Position:   7  41  69  102 150 152 179 197 205 235 249
Word value: 19 133 532 76  95  570 190 76  114 190 551

This time the total of these words does not produce anything new: 2546 = 2 x 19 x 67. The feature is in the sum of the factors: 88 = 23 x 11. However, the positions of these words is another feature: 1586 = 2 x 13 x 61. SF: 76 = 22 x 19.

2.8.4Put the totals for 2.8.1, 2.8.2, and 2.8.3 together:

Feature:    2.8.1  2.8.2  2.8.3
Word total: 36126  5687   2546
Positions:  19192  2498   1586

Sum of the word totals: 44359 = 7 x 6337. The sum of the factors leads to 13: 6344 = 23 x 13 x 61. The second level of factors leads to a series of 2s: 80 = 24 x 5. The third sum of the factors goes back to God: 13.
Sum of the position totals: 23276 = 22 x 11 x 232. There are three of China's factors, and the two 23s indicate this is about people.

2.8.5Since the factor of 2 for China appears four times, include it a total of four times.

Feature:    2.8.1  2.8.1  2.8.1  2.8.1  2.8.2  2.8.3
Word total: 36126  36126  36126  36126  5687   2546
Positions:  19192  19192  19192  19192  2498   1586

Sum of the word totals: 152737 = 13 x 31 x 379.
Sum of the position totals: 80852 = 22 x 17 x 29 x 41. Two factors for China appear, and the sum of the factors goes further: 91 = 7 x 13.

2.9The middle N words are divisible by 11 when N is one of the following values:

255 199 183 169 167 137 127 109 107 95 83 67 57

Total of N: 1755 = 33 x 5 x 13.

2.10A hundred and thirty-one word values appeared the least (once). One word value appeared the most (10 times). The total of these words: 42511 = 7 x 6073. SF: 6080 = 26 x 5 x 19.

2.11When the words are added one by one and the cumulative totals tracked, eleven are divisible by 19. The total of the positions of these words 1267 = 7 x 181.

2.12Applying the principle of complementary opposites to various characteristics of the words uncovers eight features yielding the factors associated with China. where the first letter is in an odd position of the passage.
Total of the last letter of each word: 10450 = 2 x 52 x 11 x 19. where the first letter is in an even position of the passage.
Total of the last letter of each word: 8835 = 3 x 5 x 19 x 31. where the first letter is in an odd position of the verse.
These letters total 7201 = 19 x 379. where the first letter is in an odd position of the verse.
These letters total 3743 = 19 x 197. where the last letter is in an odd position of the chapter.
Total of these letters: 5738 = 2 x 19 x 151. where the last letter is in an even position of the chapter.
Total of these letters: 5206 = 2 x 19 x 137. where the last letter is in an odd position of the verse.
Total of these positions: 3729 = 3 x 11 x 113. where the last letter is in an even position of the verse.
Total of these positions: 4114 = 2 x 112 x 17.

2.13With this feature, we see how the passage takes after The Proclamation. God said He is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8). The totals of the first and last letters of each word are added up.

2.13.1The first and last letters of each word: 30229 = 19 x 37 x 43. SF: 99 = 32 x 11. The largest factor for China appears instantly. The sum of the factors leads to the second largest factor for China., the total of the first and last letter positions of each word is also a multiple of 7: 14910 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 71. The sum of the factors leads back to one of the China factors: 88 = 23 x 11.

2.13.2What about the first and last letters individually? The total for the first letter of each word: 10944 = 26 x 32 x 19. The same factor of 19 appears.

2.13.3The total for the last letter of each word: 19285 = 5 x 7 x 19 x 29. Once again 19 appears for China.

There is perfect agreement in the first and last letters of each word. Together they are divisible by 19. Separately they are divisible by 19. means the 517 letters (11 x 47) that are not first or last are also divisible by 19: 37107 = 32 x 7 x 19 x 31. SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13. They are also divisible by 7, and the sum of the factors is also divisible by 7. In the third level of factors the sum is 13. positions of these 517 letters total 264024 = 23 x 32 x 19 x 193. SF: 224 = 25 x 7.

It would appear God has built the number 19 into the passage. Either that, or this is a one in 2,476,099 chance (195). Since the total of the passage is also divisible by 19, this would be 196, or a one in 47,045,881 chance. If we accept that 19 is a factor representing China, then God has written China into the prophecy.

The Letters

3The letter values of God’s name in Hebrew can be used to count through the letters of this passage. Curiously, running the name 7, 11, or 13 times produces nothing. Running the name 40 times to cover the entire passage also finds no result. However, running the name 19 times succeeds.

a) 10 5  6  5   10 5  6  5   10  5   6  5  10 5  6  5   10  5   6   5
b) 10 15 21 26  36 41 47 52  62  67  73 78 88 93 99 104 114 119 125 130
c) 6  20 10 200 20 7  30 200 300 200 5  1  10 30 90 5   6   300 40  40

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218 223 229 234 244
c) 40  30  30  3   6   10  200 8   300 300 30  2   300 50  50  90  6

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5
b) 249 255 260 270 275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322 327 333 338 348 353
c) 5   6   10  10  6   70  6   50  10  300 30  400 80  300 70  400 2

a) 6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6
b) 359 364 374 379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426 431 437 442 452 457 463
c) 50  1   200 5   1   70  10  5   6   30  2   10  40  400 5   10  4

a) 5   10  5   6   5     (Letter value from God's name.)
b) 468 478 483 489 494   (Count.)
c) 5   8   200 5   6     (Letter found in the passage.)

Total of the letters (line c): 5803 = 7 x 829. SF: 836 = 2 x 2 x 11 x 19. The result is divisible by 7. The sum of the factors has four of the six factors for China.

3.2.1One hundred and ninety-four letters are odd valued. Their total: 682 = 2 x 11 x 31. SF: 44 = 22 x 11.

3.2.2Eight hundred and forty-one letters are even valued. Their total: 66654 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 232.

3.2.3Odd and even valued numbers are determined by their last digit. Since there are more letters with values over 10 than there are letters with values under 10, odd and even create lopsided groups, one small and one large (as seen by the totals in the two previous features). This can be remedied by grouping using the first digit of a letter. digit odd: 28262 = 2 x 13 x 1087. SF: 1102 = 2 x 19 x 29. digit even: 39074 = 2 x 7 x 2791. SF: 2800 = 24 x 52 x 7. (Total of the positions of these letters: 243906 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 53 x 59. SF: 130 = 2 x 5 x 13. Unfortunately, this is not matched by the positions of the letters with a first digit that is odd.)

3.3.1The first and last letters of each word (feature 2.13) are special because they follow Revelation 1:8, but one could also be more flexible taking the Nth and Nth last letters and finding all those pairing to a multiple of 13.

a) Nth Letter: 18   20   58  71  84  107 139 160 172 233 250 281 291
b) Value:      100  5    30  5   6   90  20  90  2   6   2   70  6
c) Nth last:   1018 1016 978 965 952 929 897 876 864 803 786 755 745
d) Value:      4    8    100 60  20  300 6   300 50  20  50  8   20
e) Sum:        104  13   130 65  26  390 26  390 52  26  52  78  26

a) 296 308 361 396 447 478 483 517
b) 50  200 20  90  30  8   200 20
c) 740 728 675 640 589 558 553 519
d) 2   8   6   40  100 70  8   6
e) 52  208 26  130 130 78  208 26

Twenty-one pairs (3 x 7) are possible.
Sum of positions (Nth + Nth last): 21756 = 22 x 3 x 72 x 37.

Note: Since there are 1035 letters, this means the positions of the Nth and Nth last letters always total a multiple of 7 (e.g. 1 + 1035 = 1036 = 22 x 7 x 37). Thus it is no surprise 21756 is divisible by 7. The surprise is that it is divisible by 7 twice.

3.3.2Since this is about China, find letter pairs (Nth and Nth last) where they are multiples of 11. There are 56 of them (23 x 7 SF: 13).

a) Nth Letter: 2    3    5    9    15   30   36   51  53  63  70  73
b) Value:      10   20   1    5    20   30   20   40  6   200 40  5
c) Nth Last:   1034 1033 1031 1027 1021 1006 1000 985 983 973 966 963
d) Value:      1    200  10   50   2    300  2    70  5   9   70  6
e) Sum:        11   220  11   55   22   330  22   110 11  209 110 11

a) 78  87  103 110 113 114 119 128 129 132 144 156 158 169 197 199 206
b) 1   400 10  6   400 6   300 1   20  5   5   3   6   300 300 40  40
c) 958 949 933 926 923 922 917 908 907 904 892 880 878 867 839 837 830
d) 10  40  1   5   40  5   30  10  2   6   6   30  5   30  30  400 4
e) 11  440 11  11  440 11  330 11  22  11  11  33  11  330 330 440 44

a) 229 237 238 265 285 311 326 341 351 362 366 380 385 395 401 422 428
b) 50  400 70  5   100 50  6   5   20  10  200 1   1   40  40  10  4
c) 807 799 798 771 751 725 710 695 685 674 670 656 651 641 635 614 608
d) 60  40  40  6   10  5   5   6   2   1   20  10  10  70  4   1   7
e) 110 440 110 11  110 55  11  11  22  11  220 11  11  110 44  11  11

a) 432 436 439 444 455 473 480 489 490 500
b) 10  5   10  200 30  10  6   5   6   10
c) 604 600 597 592 581 563 556 547 546 536
d) 1   50  1   20  80  100 5   50  5   1
e) 11  55  11  220 110 110 11  55  11  11

Sum of positions: 58016 = 25 x 72 x 37. Once again there is an extra factor of 7.

3.3.3What about the other factor for China, the number 19? There are only 15 pairs.

a) Nth Letter: 17   22   37  63  182 260 294 312 398 410 413 443 449
b) Value:      7    4    5   200 8   10  5   30  90  30  70  6   70
c) Nth Last:   1019 1014 999 973 854 776 742 724 638 626 623 593 587
d) Value:      50   300  90  9   30  9   90  8   5   8   6   70  6
e) Sum:        57   304  95  209 38  19  95  38  95  38  76  76  76

a) 487 504
b) 100 6
c) 549 532
d) 90  70
e) 190 76

Sum of positions: 15540 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 37. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13. This time, the total only has one 7, but the sum of the factors goes further.

3.4Paired groups of letters can also be found that are positioned Nth and Nth last in the passage. The paired groups are divisible by 19, and the individual groups are divisible by 19. 353 pairs were discovered.

a) 2   3     5     6     8     8     9     9     10    10    10    12
b) 6   122   467   316   226   424   241   291   373   457   479   40
c) 589 17727 61389 44479 31407 55708 32547 40337 51072 60268 62586 4256

a) 12   12    13    14    14    14    15    15    16    16    17    18
b) 60   446   166   141   215   472   171   300   135   253   104   128
c) 7448 58729 22382 18658 28937 61370 23218 41344 18012 34561 13471 17575

a) 18    18    20    21    22    24   25    25    25    29    29    30
b) 304   414   206   442   134   35   282   436   484   190   296   309
c) 41401 54017 27740 57551 17309 2622 37715 55157 61788 23959 38646 40299

a) 31    32    32    34    35    37    39   39    39    39    39    40
b) 378   395   480   313   192   445   50   158   170   323   450   132
c) 49210 50483 59983 39520 22629 54663 1482 16625 18829 40774 55271 13927

a) 40    41   41    42  43    45    45    47    47    47    50   50
b) 194   60   446   45  167   195   433   114   136   163   89   265
c) 22287 3192 54473 627 17841 22173 51604 10431 13186 16606 6327 30780

a) 51    51    51    51    52    52    54    54    55    55    56
b) 158   170   323   450   213   375   471   515   324   427   131
c) 15143 17347 39292 53789 23275 45771 55556 60230 38551 49495 11533

a) 57    57    58    59    59    59    59    60    61    62    65
b) 392   401   512   238   362   393   513   382   446   483   443
c) 45752 46778 58957 25118 42750 45657 58862 44460 51281 55727 50407

a) 66   66    66    66    66    67    69    70    71    71    74    77
b) 115  155   164   198   267   293   186   185   222   348   369   109
c) 7619 12274 13414 19247 28177 32091 16549 16169 21793 39672 41933 4256

a) 77    79   79    80    81    81    82   82    83    84    86   86
b) 204   86   230   231   326   394   91   160   189   335   143  201
c) 18525 1235 21413 21033 34580 42484 1501 10925 15333 35682 7771 16872

a) 86    86    87    90    91  92   94    95    95    96    99    100
b) 314   398   230   265   96  160  403   281   407   244   507   117
c) 32414 42180 20178 24453 608 9424 41705 26942 41838 21166 52744 3173

a) 100  100   100   102   103   104   106   107  107   107   109   110
b) 126  184   506   311   451   295   364   116  372   388   470   204
c) 4503 11723 52459 29963 45999 27037 36328 2299 37240 38589 47158 14269

a) 115  115  116  116  116   116   117   117   118  118  118   121
b) 136  163  155  164  198   267   372   388   126  184  506   415
c) 2755 6175 4655 5795 11628 20558 34941 36290 1330 8550 49286 37658

a) 122   124   126   127  127   128   129   129   130 133  136   137
b) 197   333   460   184  506   368   304   414   133 194  253   163
c) 10849 29507 42959 7220 47956 32965 23826 36442 266 8360 16549 3420

a) 138   140   141   141   141   142   142   144  144   144   145  146
b) 498   271   264   322   325   215   472   201  314   398   153  409
c) 46037 18962 17594 26106 26201 10279 42712 9101 24643 34409 1216 35093

a) 147   148   150   152   153   156  156  156   158  158  158  158
b) 505   448   399   426   224   164  198  267   179  191  221  465
c) 45733 39843 33383 35720 10564 1140 6973 15903 3800 5282 9804 40071

a) 159  159   159   162   163  163   165  165   166   169   170   171
b) 170  323   450   289   234  384   198  267   351   345   380   323
c) 2204 24149 38646 18715 9956 30533 5833 14763 26562 25289 28842 21945

a) 171   172   173  174   174   175   175   176  177   177   178  178
b) 450   300   228  250   294   285   318   218  453   516   239  387
c) 36442 18126 7771 10773 16682 15314 20159 5871 35663 41952 7885 27759

a) 178   180  180  180   181   182   182   183   184   184   185   189
b) 429   191  221  465   299   259   377   419   358   361   506   478
c) 31426 1482 6004 36271 16606 11191 26942 30191 24966 25251 40736 36328

a) 191   192  192   196   197   199  200  200   201   202   202   203
b) 296   221  465   433   495   267  273  365   352   314   398   337
c) 14687 4522 34789 29431 37088 8930 9861 22268 21033 15542 25308 18563

a) 204   208  209   210  210   211   214   216   217  220   221   222
b) 503   225  404   219  396   347   375   472   227  396   408   465
c) 36556 2128 25042 1330 24396 19133 22496 32433 2071 23066 23541 30267

a) 223   224   227   230   235   239   239   239   240   240   241
b) 348   355   424   456   384   362   393   513   387   429   492
c) 17879 18886 24301 28861 20577 17632 20539 33744 19874 23541 31844

a) 242  243  243   244  247  248   249   249   250   250   251  252
b) 291  274  366   278  268  444   499   510   468   517   294  319
c) 7790 5054 17651 4712 2508 24529 30039 31331 26315 31635 5909 9367

a) 253   255   257   260   261   265  265  270   271  271   273   274
b) 356   354   477   377   416   322  325  411   279  463   508   365
c) 14934 14288 27075 15751 18848 8512 8607 17119 1729 23465 27968 12407

a) 275   278  278   280   281   282   283   283   284   286  288  305
b) 366   305  371   463   412   407   436   484   437   318  301  414
c) 12597 3496 12616 21736 15276 14896 17442 24073 17480 4845 2299 12616

a) 306  308  313   315  321  322   323 324   325   327  330   331  331
b) 371  374  489   398  379  469   325 450   427   394  461   340  441
c) 9120 9082 20729 9766 7239 16530 95  14497 10944 7904 14611 1121 11381

a) 332   332   335  337   339  341   342  343  343   345  345  345  350
b) 431   509   383  496   413  441   360  390  452   381  423  430  367
c) 10070 19760 5415 17518 7258 10260 2679 5301 12635 3933 7448 8227 2128

a) 350  350  359 363  363   368  368  373  374  374   377  377   382
b) 422  435  361 393  513   422  435  388  457  479   420  486   423
c) 6574 7790 285 2907 16112 4446 5662 1349 9196 11514 3458 11837 3515

a) 382  387 388  391  393  394   396  398  403  406   411  411  418
b) 430  389 429  452  401  513   480  476  459  491   439  455  502
c) 4294 76  3667 7334 1026 13205 9500 8645 6574 10374 3116 5966 10108

a) 421  423  424 432  435 435  437  439  440  448  454  458  465  469
b) 486  435  430 509  438 494  484  494  455  466  516  479  474  517
c) 8379 1216 779 9690 836 7847 6631 7011 2850 2071 6289 2318 1102 5320

a) 472  500    (Starting position of the group.)
b) 515  510    (Ending position of the group.)
c) 4674 1292   (Paired group total.)

Note: For the first group, the positions in a) and b) are from the
beginning of the passage. For the second group, the positions
in a) and b) are from the end of the passage.

Total of the start and end positions (lines a + b): 181636 = 22 x 7 x 13 x 499.
Total of the start positions (line a): 62482 = 2 x 7 x 4463. SF: 4472 = 23 x 13 x 43.
Total of the end positions (line b): 119154 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 2837. SF: 2849 = 7 x 11 x 37.

3.5.1Beginning with the first letter and taking every Nth letter after, the following values of N select letters that have a total divisible by 11:

18 20 24 55 58 67 74 76 84 102 116 151 168 169 180 184 193 215 243 
245 261 269 290 308 311 312 319 326 335 342 364 372 374 389 417 428 
445 456 494

Total of N: 9254 = 2 x 7 x 661.

3.5.2Taking every Nth letter (i.e. not beginning with the first letter) the following values of N produce a list with a total divisible by 11:

8 12 14 18 31 44 53 65 96 101 105 121 123 136 140 144 168 171 181 183 
190 194 203 204 211 227 239 241 246 249 251 256 265 267 292 342 358 
371 381 384 390 405 408 409 411 452 461 511 516

Total of N: 11248 = 24 x 19 x 37. (Looking for totals divisible by 11, one of the factors for China, ends up finding the other factor for China.)

3.5.3Starting with the first letter and taking every Nth after, the following results in a total divisible by 19:

4 24 51 58 78 94 110 128 139 142 176 179 189 201 216 220 260 275 280 
390 479 491 509

Total of N: 4693 = 13 x 192. (Using the other factor for China, 19, ends up finding 19 again along with the number associated with God.

3.5.4Every Nth letter can add up to a total divisible by 19:

43 79 85 95 131 139 174 188 277 305 316 322 336 338 369 388 389 392 

Total of N: 4858 = 2 x 7 x 347. (Using 19 results with the other number associated with God.)

3.5.5Rather than looking for totals divisible by the factors for China, what about totals divisible by 7 or 13? Beginning with the first letter, these values of N will produce a list divisible by 7:

4 5 18 23 31 44 45 51 67 69 71 76 83 91 97 115 119 125 132 141 158 
171 174 176 202 207 210 229 230 249 259 263 269 271 283 294 298 325 
327 328 332 333 334 337 342 350 359 361 362 370 371 383 385 387 393 
399 400 409 410 421 425 427 434 436 440 459 462 463 466 469 470 473 
475 480 481 482 487 501 507 517

Total of N: 23122 = 2 x 11 x 1051. SF: 1064 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 19. (Aiming for something divisible by 7 ends up with a factor for China.)

3.5.6Taking every Nth, these values of N will also make a list divisible by 7:

5 7 15 20 22 23 30 36 38 43 55 60 72 75 85 93 95 96 114 129 130 133 
134 141 146 148 155 164 170 181 219 226 228 233 236 237 238 241 242 
262 271 278 286 300 301 304 306 315 320 321 332 335 346 347 360 365 
368 382 391 396 400 403 410 417 428 438 440 442 449 450 451 468 472 
475 479 480 484 489 508 509 515 517

Total of N: 21725 = 5 x 5 x 11 x 79. (Once again one of the factors for China appears.)

3.5.7Taking every Nth, these values of N produce lists divisible by 13:

4 7 8 11 23 33 70 78 80 93 111 113 119 153 164 166 182 193 221 260 
263 280 299 306 317 319 323 328 335 367 476 478 486 488 504 512

Total of N: 8170 = 2 x 5 x 19 x 43. (Switching to the other number associated with God, 13, ends up finding the other factor for China.)

3.6.1A hundred and sixty-six letters have values that are prime numbers. The sum of these primes: 671 = 11 x 61.

3.6.2Eight hundred and sixty-nine letters are not prime numbers. Their total has no feature, but 869 = 11 x 79.

3.7.1This feature demonstrates how China is tied into the prophecy. As mentioned earlier, the characters for China, 中國 have a numeric total of 3344. Add up the letters one by one tracking the cumulative totals for each letter. At the 580th letter, the cumulative letter total is divisible by 3344: 36784 = 24 x 112 x 19. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. It is exactly eleven times 3344, and eleven is also one of the factors of 3344. The sum of the cumulative totals: 11595909 = 3 x 13 x 19 x 15649.

3.7.2The positions of the letters also converge at this point since all the positions from 1 to 580 add up to 168490 (2 x 5 x 7 x 29 x 83. SF: 126 = 2 x 32 x 7).

3.7.3Note that 1 + 580 = 581 (7 x 83). The factors of 581 add up to 90, and 90 is very much like 580 in that all the numbers from 1 to 90 are divisible by 7 and 13: 4095 = 32 x 5 x 7 x 13. process repeats: 1 + 90 = 91 (7 x 13). The factors of 91 add up to 20, and 20 is very much like 90 and 580 because all the numbers from 1 to 20 are divisible by 7: 210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. process repeats again: 1 + 20 = 21 (3 x 7). The factors of 21 add up to 10, but this time, the end result is not divisible by 7 or 13. All the numbers from 1 to 10 add up to 55 (5 x 11). The process ends with one of the factors for China. we try to continue, 1 + 10 = 11, and there are no other factors. The end result is the factor 11 for China.

3.7.4What is the 580th letter of the passage? It is the seventh letter of Isaiah 8:23 (Hebrew chapter/verse division; 9:1 English chapter/verse division) and it's value is seventy!

3.7.5Whether one uses the Hebrew or English chapter/verse division, this verse is the thirteenth verse of the passage.

3.7.6The 580th letter sits in the third word of Isaiah 8:23, the value of which is 196 = 22 x 72 (a perfect square). is the word translated in the RSV as gloom. Two Chinese Bibles translate gloom as 幽暗. It takes 22 (2 x 11) brush strokes to write 幽暗. two characters fall under the radicals 幺 and 日, which take 3 and 4 brush strokes each for a total of 7. numeric values of these two characters, 1942 and 4917, total 6859 (19 x 19 x 19). There are no other factors. Three times it points to China. The sum of the factors is 57 (3 x 19). The sum of these factors leads to the other factor for China: 22 = 2 x 11. The final sum of the factors is 13. One might say the nation in gloom somehow came to the light from God. (Note that the difference between these two characters is 2975 = 52 x 7 x 17.)

Suppose we continued from the 580th letter, adding letter by letter. The next letter where the cumulative letter total is divisible by 3344 would be the 625th letter. Unfortunately there are no features like the 580th letter. Perhaps this is because the 580th letter is closer to the middle of the passage just as 中國 means Middle Kingdom even though it isn't really in the centre.

3.7.8There are 455 letters after the 580th letter: 455 = 5 x 7 x 13. first letter after the 580th letter is 80, and the last letter is 30. Thus for the first and last of this remaining section: 110 = 2 x 5 x 11.4

3.8Shouldn't Hebrew letters be used rather than Chinese characters? In modern Hebrew, China is spelled with three consonants: סין (Syna). The values of these letters are 60-10-50. (N.B. Hebrew is read from right to left, but the numbers here are presented left to right.)

The Hebrew letters for China (60-10-50) can be used to count through the chapters and verses seven times. Since there are only 2 chapters and 20 verses, the count wraps around to the beginning several times for each letter value. The same chapters and verses are repeated multiple times. Thus using the Hebrew letters for China seven times naturally produces a total divisible by seven. Using the letters thirteen times naturally produces a total divisible by thirteen. (It would have been different if the Hebrew letters were smaller in value.) But while the chapters and verses can't really be said to work it is different with the words and letters because there are more words and letters than the total of the Hebrew letters for China.

3.8.1The Hebrew letters for China are used seven times to count through the words of the passage.

a) 60  70 120 180 190 240 41  51  101 161 171 221 22  32  82 142 152
b) 454 36 278 768 407 536 133 362 514 115 58  366 600 407 26 196 570

a) 202 3   13  63   (Count adjusted to 259 words.)
b) 111 241 271 454  (Word found.)

Total: 6903 = 32 x 13 x 59. SF: 78 = 2 x 3 x 13.

3.8.2The Hebrew letters for China count once through the letters of the passage. (It does not get very far into the passage.)

60 70 120 (Count.)
30 40 6   (Letter found.)

Total: 76 = 22 x 19. One of the factors for China appears.

3.8.3The Hebrew letters for China are used seven times to count through the letters of the passage.

a) 60 70 120 180 190 240 300 310 360 420 430 480 540 550 600 660 670
b) 30 40 6   30  10  4   5   400 6   10  8   6   90  200 50  40  20

a) 720 780 790 840 (Count.)
b) 400 40  6   300 (Letter found.)

Total: 1701 = 35 x 7. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13.

3.8.4The Hebrew letters for China are used twenty-six times to count through the letters of the passage.

a) 60 70 120 180 190 240 300 310 360 420 430 480 540 550 600 660 670
b) 30 40 6   30  10  4   5   400 6   10  8   6   90  200 50  40  20

a) 720 780 790 840 900 910 960 1020 1030 45 105 115 165 225 235 285
b) 400 40  6   300 1   4   1   10   2    40 6   400 300 100 6   100

a) 345 355 405 465 475 525 585 595 645 705 715 765 825 835 885 945
b) 2   200 5   200 30  6   200 5   10  5   1   400 6   5   6   4

a) 955 1005 30 40 90 150 160 210 270 280 330 390 400 450 510 520 570
b) 30  70   30 5  1  6   90  40  10  10  40  70  10  6   6   2   40

a) 630 640 690 750 760 810 870 880 930 990 1000 15 (Count adjusted.)
b) 5   40  30  3   30  50  6   30  30  40  2    20 (Letter found.)

Total: 4508 = 22 x 72 x 23.

3.8.5Since the Chinese characters have the factors of 11 and 19, the Hebrew letters for China are used 11 and 19 times to count through the words and letters. Hebrew letters for China are used 11 times to count through the words.

a) 60  70 120 180 190 240 41  51  101 161 171 221 22  32  82 142 152
b) 454 36 278 768 407 536 133 362 514 115 58  366 600 407 26 196 570

a) 202 3   13  63  123 133 183 243 253 44  104 114 164 224 234 25
b) 111 241 271 454 282 66  59  175 408 390 31  61  207 111 61  31

a) Adjusted count.
b) Word found.

Total: 8785 = 5 x 7 x 251. Hebrew letters for China are used 19 times to count through the letters.

a) 60 70 120 180 190 240 300 310 360 420 430 480 540 550 600 660 670
b) 30 40 6   30  10  4   5   400 6   10  8   6   90  200 50  40  20

a) 720 780 790 840 900 910 960 1020 1030 45 105 115 165 225 235 285
b) 400 40  6   300 1   4   1   10   2    40 6   400 300 100 6   100

a) 345 355 405 465 475 525 585 595 645 705 715 765 825 835 885 945
b) 2   200 5   200 30  6   200 5   10  5   1   400 6   5   6   4

a) 955 1005 30 40 90 150 160 210 (Adjusted count.)
b) 30  70   30 5  1  6   90  40  (Letter found.)

Total: 4028 = 22 x 19 x 53. SF: 76 = 22 x 19. Providentially, 19 produces a multiple of 19 with a second level of factors also divisible by 19. and nineteen are only two of the six factors for the numeric value of 中國. Thus the two factors are multiplied together. When the Hebrew letters for China are used 209 times (11 x 19) to count through the words of the passage, the result is 165893 (7 x 13 x 1823; SF: 1843 = 19 x 97). It is almost as if the more thorough the attempt, the more pertinent factors are produced, 7, 13, and 19. the Hebrew letters for China are used 3344 times (full numeric value of 中國) to count through the words of the passage, the result is 2610125 (53 x 7 x 19 x 157. SF: 198 = 2 x 32 x 11. SF: 19). of course the Hebrew letters for China must be used 3344 times to count through the letters of the passage as well: 581245 (5 x 7 x 16607). Hebrew letters for China (60-10-50) appear 7, 93 and 43 times respectively in the passage. Together, all these letters total a very nice round 3500 (22 x 53 x 7; SF: 26 = 2 x 13). with the first letter of the passage, search for the letters that spell China in Hebrew: 60-10-50. Note the position of the first letter valued 60. From that point, search for the next letter 10. Note that position. And from that point, search for the letter 50 and record its position. Repeat the process starting from the last position. This can be done six times.

Position (a) 25 28 54 268 270 273 768 796 802 807 832 860 941 958
Letter (b)   60 10 50 60  10  50  60  10  50  60  10  50  60  10

a) 959 965 995 1019
b) 50  60  10  50

The positions of these letters: 11620 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 83. SF: 99 = 32 x 11.

These positions are unique in that they can be subdivided into groups that are complementary opposites. with an odd valued first digit:

54 768 796 941 958 959 965 995 1019

Total: 7455 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 71. odd valued positions from (after using the first digit, now use the last digit):

941 959 965 995 1019

Total: 4879 = 7 x 17 x 41. SF: 65 = 5 x 13. even valued positions from

54 768 796 958
Total:2576 = 24 x 7 x 23. SF: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. with an even valued first digit:

25 28 268 270 273 802 807 832 860

Total: 4165 = 5 x 72 x 17. positioned from

25 268 273 807 860

Total: 2233 = 7 x 11 x 29. positioned from

28 270 802 832

Total: 1932 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 23.   In the previous features, six sets of the Hebrew letters for Syna (China) were found in a single pass through the text. What happens if a second pass was made, ignoring the letters already found? Only one more set of Syna can be uncovered in positions 811, 836 and 863. (Thus in total only seven sets of Syna could be produced.)

The sum of the positions for this set: 2510 = 2 x 5 x 251. The only factor of note is 2. But this is extremely weak since every other number is an even number. However, the sum of the factors in the second level once again reveals a 2: 258 = 2 x 3 x 43, and the sum of the factors in the third level produces four 2s matching China's 3344: 48 = 24 x 3. In the final fourth level of factors the result is 11 (another factor for China).   Add the positions of the seventh set to the previous six sets: 14130 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 157. SF: 170 = 2 x 5 x 17. SF: 24 = 23 x 3. Once again a long series of 2s appear.   After the seventh set of Syna letters have been removed, there still are quite a number of letters with the values of 10 and 50. There just isn't a letter 60 to go with them for another complete set. These letters are in the following positions:

2 8 14 21 24 27 64 88 98 103 118 143 154 155 170 171 174 175 190 194 
209 212 217 223 229 254 258 260 262 274 278 280 287 289 293 296 298 
301 304 309 311 313 314 329 332 340 352 357 359 362 363 370 388 391 
392 400 407 420 422 431 432 439 457 473 474 486 496 499 500 524 528 
541 543 547 571 575 600 612 618 622 629 633 639 645 648 651 656 665 
681 684 697 702 708 713 732 733 743 749 751 763 786 801 804 810 813 
852 853 856 864 866 868 873 886 896 908 934 935 992 1020 1022 1027 

Total of the positions: 58835 = 5 x 7 x 412. SF: 94 = 2 x 47. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.   These are the letters that remain:

10 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 
50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 10 10 10 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 
50 10 50 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 10 10 10 
10 50 10 10 50 50 10 50 50 50 10 50 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 50 10 
10 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 50 50 10 10 10 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 
10 50 50 10 10 50 10

Total of the letters: 2660 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 19. (Three factors for China appear.) The sum of the factors: 35 = 5 x 7. SF: 12 = 22 x 3. SF: 7.   The seventh Syna spans 53 letters. The positions of these letters have no feature unless it is in following the sum of the factors to the end.

811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 
828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 
845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 
862 863

Total of the positions: 44361 = 33 x 31 x 53. SF: 93 = 3 x 31. SF: 34 = 2 x 17. SF: 19. It was a 1 in 19 chance of ending at 19, the largest factor in China's 3344.

The 53 letters themselves add up to a total divisible by 19:
60 1 50 2 200 70 300 6 300 40 30 5 40 3 6 30 30 5 2 4 40 10 40 6 5 10 
400 5 30 300 200 80 5 40 1 20 30 400 1 300 20 10 10 30 4 10 30 4 30 
50 6 2 50

Total: 3363 = 3 x 19 x 59.   There are 810 letters are before the seventh Syna. Their positions have no feature, but the sum of the letters is 51632 = 24 x 7 x 461. There are four factors of 2, a 1 in 16 chance matching China's 3344. The next sum of the factors once again displays a factor of 7 and two 2s: 476 = 22 x 7 x 17. In the third level, once again there are two 2s and a 7: 28 = 22 x 7. In the fourth level, the sum of the factors is 11, another factor for China. (See the Septuagint version of this same feature but with a different total!)   There are 172 letters are after the seventh Syna. Once again the positions have no feature, but the sum of the letters is 12341 (7 x 41 x 43). The sum of the factors is 91 (7 x 13). [This feature can also be found in the Septuagint.]     Of the 172 letters after the seventh Syna, 95 letters have a first digit that is odd:

50 50 30 50 5 10 5 300 5 70 30 300 10 100 1 300 30 1 10 70 90 1 30 3 
1 10 70 300 300 30 30 5 5 300 5 30 300 30 1 10 50 100 90 70 30 1 70 
30 30 30 5 10 50 1 5 30 70 5 300 9 90 100 5 70 5 70 70 30 100 50 1 10 
5 5 90 1 70 300 5 7 1 300 30 1 50 10 10 70 100 50 30 10 300 1 30

Total: 6041 = 7 x 863     Of the 172 letters after the seventh Syna, 77 letters have a first digit that is even:

400 6 6 400 40 200 20 40 6 6 200 40 6 80 6 2 6 200 2 4 200 6 40 40 
200 2 40 200 6 6 40 20 60 4 6 4 6 40 40 20 400 6 20 400 6 60 4 2 40 
80 6 2 4 40 400 6 4 6 40 400 6 2 6 400 400 400 4 2 200 8 4 2 2 6 80 2 

Total: 6300 = 22 x 32 x 52 x 7.   The difference between the letters before and after Syna: 39291 = 3 x 7 x 1871. This is no surprise since both groups were multiples of 7. What is unexpected is the sum of the factors: 1881 = 32 x 11 x 19. Two of China's factors appear.   Add the letters before and after Syna: 63973 = 7 x 13 x 19 x 37. A factor of 13 appears along with a factor for China. The sum of these factors: 76 = 22 x 19. (Another factor for China.)     The odd valued letters of the combined lists (before and after): 651 = 3 x 7 x 31.     The even valued letters of the combined lists (before and after): 63322 = 2 x 7 x 4523. SF: 4532 = 22 x 11 x 103. The sum of the factors has 3 of China's six factors.

It would seem the letters for Syna have been strategically positioned in the passage. about using Syna's letters, 60-10-50, to pull every 60th, 10th, and 50th word? This doesn't result in anything. However, the total of Syna, 120 can pull every 120th word from the passage. Applying the total of the word to the list of words is more of a one to one correspondence. This pulls only two words: 278, and 536. The total is 814 (2 x 11 x 37). Two of the factors for China appear.'s total was applied to the words. Now Syna's letters are applied to the letters.

Every 60th letter:
30 6 30 4 5 6 10 6 90 50 40 400 40 300 1 1 10
Total: 1029 = 3 x 73.

Every 10th letter:
6 5 30 5 1 30 40 40 1 6 6 6 40 40 6 90 50 30 10 6 40 200 30 4 2 10
10 10 30 5 400 400 40 10 300 6 10 1 70 10 30 10 8 40 6 200 300 6 6
10 6 2 30 90 200 80 40 70 30 50 30 400 5 40 30 40 20 30 30 70 5 400
30 2 3 30 30 40 6 4 50 40 4 300 300 50 6 30 300 1 4 2 30 20 40 1 40
40 40 2 400 10 2
Total: 6207 = 3 x 2069.

Every 50th letter:
1 6 6 6 2 5 300 10 6 10 200 50 30 70 3 4 300 1 40 2
Total: 1052 = 22 x 263.

Total of all these letters: 8288 = 25 x 7 x 37. that the first letter of Syna, 60, appeared exactly seven times in the passage. Using this value to extract every 60th letter produced 3 factors of 7! This leads to examining the positions in the passage where this letter appeared.

25 268 768 807 811 941 965

Total of the positions: 4585 = 5 x 7 x 131. SF: 143 = 11 x 13. The positions are also a multiple of 7. (See also the link to Matthew 21:43 with the Greek letter 60.) the list of positions, take the odd positioned numbers:

25 768 811 965

Total: 2569 = 7 x 367. SF: 374 = 2 x 11 x 17. the even positioned numbers:

268 807 941

Total: 2016 = 25 x 32 x 7. the odd valued positions:

25 807 811 941 965

Total: 3549 = 3 x 7 x 132 the even valued positions:

268 768

Total: 1036 = 22 x 7 x 37. positions where the first digit is odd valued:

768 941 965

Total: 2674 = 2 x 7 x 191. positions where the first digit is even valued:

25 268 807 811

Total: 1911 = 3 x 72 x 13. letter 60 appeared first in the 8th word of the passage, and appeared last in the 243rd word of the passage. These two words have a total of 511 (7 x 73). Providentially, these two words are also individually divisible by 7. The 8th word has a value of 336 (24 x 3 x 7). The 243rd word has a value of 175 (52 x 7). letter 60's first appearance is as the 25th letter. It's last appearance is as the 965th letter. Thus the positions, first and last total 990 (2 x 32 x 5 x 11).

It would seem the letter 60 has a very fundamental role to play in the structure of the passage. Is this because it is the first letter of Syna (China)? Unfortunately the same cannot be said of 50, the last letter of Syna, or the letter 10. This requires more checking.

3.8.6There is a Hebrew word in the Bible that prior to the 1900s, Western scholars believed referred to China. (See: Smith's Bible Dictionary.) This is the land of Syene.

Lo, these shall come from afar, and lo, these from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Syene. (Isaiah 49:12)

The Hebrew word for Syene is סינים (Sinim). The KJV transliterates this word as Sinim following the Hebrew letters. Why did the modern translators change this to Syene? This is like translating Rehoboam to Robert. Translating this Hebrew word as Syene hides the true word Sinim. Were they trying to hide something? (Note: Google Translate™ equates סינים with Chinese people. [Accessed: June 28, 2023], as does the Fonolexika Langenscheidt Hebrew-English Dictionary compiled by Professor Karl Feyerabend, Ph.d, of Cothen, Germany, 3rd edition, Berlin-Schoneberg.)

This Hebrew word has the values 60-10-50-10-40. These letter values can be used to count through the words and letters. Sinim once to count through the words:

Count:      60  70 120 130 170
Word found: 454 36 278 37  207

Total: 1012 = 22 x 11 x 23. SF: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. Sinim 7 times to count through the words:

a) 60  70 120 130 170 230 240 31  41  81  141 151 201 211 251 52 62
b) 454 36 278 37  207 376 536 499 133 150 31  302 117 30  499 42 86

a) 112 122 162 222 232 23  33  73  133 143 193 203 243 44  54  104
b) 17  30  110 317 550 407 820 105 66  531 311 572 175 390 172 31

a) 114 154 (Count adjusted to 259 words.)
b) 61  41  (Word found.)

Total: 8519 = 7 x 1217. Sinim 11 times to count through the words:

a) 60  70 120 130 170 230 240 31  41  81  141 151 201 211 251 52 62
b) 454 36 278 37  207 376 536 499 133 150 31  302 117 30  499 42 86

a) 112 122 162 222 232 23  33  73  133 143 193 203 243 44  54  104
b) 17  30  110 317 550 407 820 105 66  531 311 572 175 390 172 31

a) 114 154 214 224 15  25 65  125 135 185 195 235 36 46  96  106 146
b) 61  41  86  111 697 31 715 166 339 360 8   190 18 541 109 641 490

a) 206 216 7  17 57   (Count adjusted to 259 words.)
b) 96  500 19 80 116  (Word found.)

Total: 13832 = 23 x 7 x 13 x 19. Sinim 19 times to count through the words:

a) 60  70 120 130 170 230 240 31  41  81  141 151 201 211 251 52 62
b) 454 36 278 37  207 376 536 499 133 150 31  302 117 30  499 42 86

a) 112 122 162 222 232 23  33  73  133 143 193 203 243 44  54  104
b) 17  30  110 317 550 407 820 105 66  531 311 572 175 390 172 31

a) 114 154 214 224 15  25 65  125 135 185 195 235 36 46  96  106 146
b) 61  41  86  111 697 31 715 166 339 360 8   190 18 541 109 641 490

a) 206 216 7  17 57  117 127 177 187 227 28  38 88  98  138 198 208
b) 96  500 19 80 116 278 60  358 401 211 776 26 257 110 122 104 615

a) 258 9   49  109 119 169 179 219 20  30 80  90  130 190 200 250 1
b) 166 490 348 31  455 566 190 550 115 26 543 510 37  407 50  26  30

a) 41  101 111 161 171 211 12 22  72 82 122 (Adjusted count.)
b) 133 514 226 115 58  30  17 600 81 26 30  (Word found.)

Total: 23520 = 25 x 3 x 5 x 72. Sinim 26 times to count through the letters:

a) 60 70 120 130 170 230 240 290 300 340 400 410 460 470 510 570 580
b) 30 40 6   40  50  30  4   30  5   10  10  30  200 300 6   40  70

a) 630 640 680 740 750 800 810 850 910 920 970 980 1020 45 55  105
b) 5   40  30  2   3   4   50  300 4   2   40  40  10   40 100 6

a) 115 155 215 225 275 285 325 385 395 445 455 495 555 565 615 625
b) 400 50  6   100 6   100 40  1   40  5   30  5   20  6   200 1

a) 665 725 735 785 795 835 895 905 955 965 1005 30 40 90 100 140 200
b) 10  5   20  5   20  5   1   200 30  60  70   30 5  1  6   40  6

a) 210 260 270 310 370 380 430 440 480 540 550 600 610 650 710 720
b) 40  10  10  400 10  1   8   40  6   90  200 50  30  30  5   400

a) 770 780 820 880 890 940 950 990 15 25 75  85 125 185 195 245 255
b) 30  40  40  30  300 20  40  40  20 60 300 30 40  40  200 40  6

a) 295 355 365 415 425 465 525 535 585 595 635 695 705 755 765 805
b) 1   200 40  1   300 200 6   6   200 5   4   6   5   8   400 20

a) 865 875 925 935 975 1035 10 60 70 110 170 180 230 240 280
b) 400 40  200 50  2   30   6  30 40 6   50  30  30  4   10

a) Count.
b) Letter found.

Total: 8037 = 32 x 19 x 47. Sinim 11 times to count through the letters:

a) 60 70 120 130 170 230 240 290 300 340 400 410 460 470 510 570 580
b) 30 40 6   40  50  30  4   30  5   10  10  30  200 300 6   40  70

a) 630 640 680 740 750 800 810 850 910 920 970 980 1020 45 55  105
b) 5   40  30  2   3   4   50  300 4   2   40  40  10   40 100 6

a) 115 155 215 225 275 285 325 385 395 445 455 495 555 565 615 625
b) 400 50  6   100 6   100 40  1   40  5   30  5   20  6   200 1

a) 665 725 735 785 795 835
b) 10  5   20  5   20  5

Total: 2652 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 17. Sinim 19 times to count through the letters:

a) 60 70 120 130 170 230 240 290 300 340 400 410 460 470 510 570 580
b) 30 40 6   40  50  30  4   30  5   10  10  30  200 300 6   40  70

a) 630 640 680 740 750 800 810 850 910 920 970 980 1020 45 55  105
b) 5   40  30  2   3   4   50  300 4   2   40  40  10   40 100 6

a) 115 155 215 225 275 285 325 385 395 445 455 495 555 565 615 625
b) 400 50  6   100 6   100 40  1   40  5   30  5   20  6   200 1

a) 665 725 735 785 795 835 895 905 955 965 1005 30 40 90 100 140 200
b) 10  5   20  5   20  5   1   200 30  60  70   30 5  1  6   40  6

a) 210 260 270 310 370 380 430 440 480 540 550 600 610 650 710 720
b) 40  10  10  400 10  1   8   40  6   90  200 50  30  30  5   400

a) 770 780 820 880 890 940 950 990 15 25 75  85 125 (Adjusted count.)
b) 30  40  40  30  300 20  40  40  20 60 300 30 40  (Letter found.)

Total: 5421 = 3 x 13 x 139. Sinim 209 times to count through the letters: 63980 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 457. SF: 473 = 11 x 43. was done in for Syna, is now applied to Sinim. Find the letters 60-10-50-10-40 as they occur in the passage.

a) 25 28 54 64 66 268 270 273 274 276 768 796 802 804 820 941 958 959
b) 60 10 50 10 40 60  10  50  10  40  60  10  50  10  40  60  10  50

a) 995 6   (Letter position.)
b) 10  40  (Letter from Sinim.)
Three complete sets of 60-10-50-10-40 can be found, with an incomplete set near the end. Add up the positions of the letters for the complete sets. Total: 5588 = 22 x 11 x 127. This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but it is divisible by 11, one of the factors for China.

3.9.0English is the international language. In English, China has the letter values 3-7-30-1 for a total of 41. These values can count through the passage in various ways.

3.9.1The values 3-7-30-1 are applied 26 times to the verses of the passage.

a) 3    10   20   1    4    11   1    2    5    12   2    3    6    13
b) 2956 2840 1502 2372 4327 2677 2372 5013 1976 1680 5013 2956 1932 4783

a) 3    4    7    14   4    5    8    15   5    6    9    16   6    7
b) 2956 4327 2573 2613 4327 1976 4718 4306 1976 1932 3543 3126 1932 2573

a) 10   17   7    8    11   18   8    9    12   19   9    10   13   20
b) 2840 3304 2573 4718 2677 4434 4718 3543 1680 6661 3543 2840 4783 1502

a) 10   11   14   1    11   12   15   2    12   13   16   3    13   14
b) 2840 2677 2613 2372 2677 1680 4306 5013 1680 4783 3126 2956 4783 2613

a) 17   4    14   15   18   5    15   16   19   6    16   17   20   7
b) 3304 4327 2613 4306 4434 1976 4306 3126 6661 1932 3126 3304 1502 2573

a) 17   18   1    8    18   19   2    9    19   20   3    10   20   1
b) 3304 4434 2372 4718 4434 6661 5013 3543 6661 1502 2956 2840 1502 2372

a) 4    11   1    2    5    12   2    3    6    13   3    4    7    14
b) 4327 2677 2372 5013 1976 1680 5013 2956 1932 4783 2956 4327 2573 2613

a) 4    5    8    15   5    6      (Count.)
b) 4327 1976 4718 4306 1976 1932   (Verse.)

Total: 343447 = 13 x 29 x 911.

3.9.2The values 3-7-30-1 are applied once to the words.

Count: 3   10  40 41
Word:  241 226 89 133

Total: 689 = 13 x 53.

3.9.3The values 3-7-30-1 are applied 19 times to the words.

a) 3   10  40 41  44  51  81  82 85  92  122 123 126 133 163 164 167 174
b) 241 226 89 133 390 362 150 26 207 414 30  282 98  66  330 207 322 24

a) 204 205 208 215 245 246 249 256 27 28  31  38 68  69  72 79  109 110
b) 381 114 615 52  207 515 551 65  37 776 499 26 182 532 81 612 31  257

a) 113 120 150 151 154 161 191 192 195 202 232 233 236 243 14 15  18  25
b) 501 278 95  302 41  115 54  366 8   111 550 412 100 175 31 697 501 31

a) 55  56  59  66  96  97 100 107 137 138 141 148 178 179 182 189 219
b) 564 468 485 146 109 42 52  521 201 122 31  135 354 190 521 98  550

a) 220 223 230 1  2   (Count.)
b) 100 346 376 30 25  (Word.)

Total: 18964 = 22 x 11 x 431.

3.9.4The values 3-7-30-1 are applied once to the letters.

Count:  3  10 40 41
Letter: 20 6  5  7

Total: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

3.9.5The values 3-7-30-1 are applied 13 times to the letters.

a) 3  10 40 41 44 51 81 82  85 92 122 123 126 133 163 164 167 174 204 205
b) 20 6  5  7  1  40 6  200 30 6  5   6   6   6   40  20  30  10  6   2

a) 208 215 245 246 249 256 286 287 290 297 327 328 331 338 368 369 372
b) 2   6   40  400 5   8   6   10  30  20  80  400 2   70  1   30  40

a) 379 409 410 413 420 450 451 454 461 491 492 495 502 532 533
b) 5   5   30  70  10  6   4   40  6   200 70  5   70  70  30

a) Count.
b) Letter.

Total: 2223 = 32 x 13 x 19.

3.9.6The values 3-7-30-1 are applied 26 times to the letters.

a) 3  10 40 41 44 51 81 82  85 92 122 123 126 133 163 164 167 174 204 205
b) 20 6  5  7  1  40 6  200 30 6  5   6   6   6   40  20  30  10  6   2

a) 208 215 245 246 249 256 286 287 290 297 327 328 331 338 368 369 372
b) 2   6   40  400 5   8   6   10  30  20  80  400 2   70  1   30  40

a) 379 409 410 413 420 450 451 454 461 491 492 495 502 532 533 536 543
b) 5   5   30  70  10  6   4   40  6   200 70  5   70  70  30  1   10

a) 573 574 577 584 614 615 618 625 655 656 659 666 696 697 700 707 737
b) 8   20  1   300 1   200 50  1   6   10  70  40  200 50  70  2   40

a) 738 741 748 778 779 782 789 819 820 823 830 860 861 864 871 901 902
b) 8   100 200 300 20  300 2   300 40  40  4   50  6   50  400 30  3

a) 905 912 942 943 946 953 983 984 987 994 1024 1025 1028 1035 30 31
b) 200 200 1   4   6   400 5   6   70  400 100  2    80   30   30 20

a) Count.
b) Letter.

Total: 6710 = 2 x 5 x 11 x 61.

3.9.7China in English has a numeric total of 41. The 41st word: 133 = 7 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

3.9.8Use 41 eleven times to count through the words.

Count: 41  82 123 164 205 246 28  69  110 151 192
Word:  133 26 282 207 114 515 776 532 257 302 366

Total: 3510 = 2 x 33 x 5 x 13.

3.9.9Use 41 nineteen times to count through the words.

a) 41  82 123 164 205 246 28  69  110 151 192 233 15  56  97 138 179
b) 133 26 282 207 114 515 776 532 257 302 366 412 697 468 42 122 190

a) 220 2   (Count.)
b) 100 25  (Word.)

Total: 5566 = 2 x 112 x 23.

3.9.10Use 41 twenty-six times to count through the words.

a) 41  82 123 164 205 246 28  69  110 151 192 233 15  56  97 138 179
b) 133 26 282 207 114 515 776 532 257 302 366 412 697 468 42 122 190

a) 220 2  43  84  125 166 207 248 30 (Count.)
b) 100 25 396 375 166 43  426 146 26 (Word.)

Total: 7144 = 23 x 19 x 47.

3.9.11The 41st letter is 7.

3.9.12Use 41 thirteen times to count through the letters.

Count:  41 82  123 164 205 246 287 328 369 410 451 492 533
Letter: 7  200 6   20  2   400 10  400 30  30  4   70  30

Total: 1209 = 3 x 13 x 31.

3.9.13Use 41 forty-one times to count through the letters.

a) 41 82  123 164 205 246 287 328 369 410 451 492 533 574 615 656 697
b) 7  200 6   20  2   400 10  400 30  30  4   70  30  20  200 10  50

a) 738 779 820 861 902 943 984 1025 31 72 113 154 195 236 277 318 359
b) 8   20  40  6   3   4   6   2    20 7  400 50  200 200 2   30  50

a) 400 441 482 523 564 605 646 (Count.)
b) 10  30  2   5   5   200 200 (Letter.)

Total: 2989 = 72 x 61.

The Link To Matthew 21:43

The numeric total of Matthew 21:43 is 6137 = 17 x 19 x 19. There are two 19s. The 19s match the largest factor in the numeric value of 中國, China (3344 = 24 x 11 x 19). The sum of 6137's factors is 55 (5 x 11). The 11 once again matches one of the factors of China. In the third level, the sum of 55's factors is 16, or 24, pointing to China once more.

There are 19 words in Matthew 21:43, and 91 letters (a neat reversing of the digits.) Even the place values for the Greek letters has something: 1079 = 13 x 83. The sum of these factors is 96, which factors into a series of twos like the total for China: 25 x 3. In meaning and numbers, Matthew 21:43 goes with Isaiah 8:11-9:8.

The 6137th character in Big5 is 泏. It describes the manner in which water flows out, its effusion, or run off. The character seems appropriate to the meaning of Matthew 21:43 in that the kingdom of God flows away like water from those who do not produce its fruit. It is impossible to hold.

Adding the total for Matthew 21:43 to the total for Isaiah 8:11-9:8 would produce a total of 73473 (3 x 19 x 1289; SF: 1311 = 3 x 19 x 23). The sum of the factors has an extra 19. (Curiously, the 1311th character in Big5 is 洋. It's meaning, ocean, vast, foreign, and points to the way of the sea).

In Greek, China is spelled Κινα. The Greek numbers for these letters: 10-9-40-1. It's total is 60, exactly half the total for China in Hebrew. This is a one in sixty chance.

The Greek letters for China, Κινα (10-9-40-1) reside in exactly 13 of the 19 words.

a) 1       4         5       6            7       8       10
b) 14      279       169     301          301     870     137
c) 2 3     15 16     19      20 27 28     29      34      37 39 42 43
d) 9 1     9  40     9       1  1  9      1       40      1  9  9  1

a) 13           14        15        16           18        19
b) 20           284       67        548          511       398
c) 51 52 53     61 62     65 67     70 73 75     80 81     87
d) 10 1  9      1  9      40 9      9  40 9      10 1      1

a) Word position.
b) Word value.
c) Position of Κινα letter.
d) Κινα letter in word.

Total of these 13 words: 3899 = 7 x 557.

The total of the letters is a square number: 289 = 17 x 17. This total does not seem to have any bearing on China until the sum of its factors is followed to the end: 34 = 2 x 17. SF: 19.

Only the 10th word has the most letters of Κινα (4 of them). Four other words have the fewest Κινα letters (1 each): 5, 7, 8, and 19. Providentially, the most and the least: 5 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 19 = 49 (7 x 7).

The positions of the Κινα letters in the 10th word total 161 (7 x 23).

The four words with the fewest Κινα letters have something different.

a) 5   7   8   19
b) 169 301 870 398
c) 19  29  34  87
d) 9   1   40  1

The total of their word positions: 39 = 3 x 13. SF: 16.
The total of their values: 1738 = 2 x 11 x 79.
The total of the letter positions for Κινα: 169 = 13 x 13.

Words with no letters from Κινα have no feature in their positions or totals. This conveniently emphasizes the significance of these letters.

Previously, each word having a Κινα letter was only considered once, no matter how many letters it had. This time, each word sum is added depending on the number of Κινα letters within. Multiply the total of each word by the number of Κινα letters that it has:

14 x 2 = 28
279 x 2 = 558
169 x 1 = 169
301 x 3 = 903
301 x 1 = 301
870 x 1 = 870
137 x 4 = 548
20 x 3 = 60
284 x 2 = 568
67 x 2 = 134
548 x 3 = 1644
511 x 2 = 1022
398 x 1 = 398

Total: 7203 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7! (The 7203rd character in Big5 is 迵. It's meaning: to understand thoroughly; to see clearly.) Jesus' statement concerning the transference of the Kingdom of God is something to be understood thoroughly. His warning to his people was that they see clearly what was happening.

In Matthew 21:43, no word has a total of 60 (the total of Κινα), but the eleventh word is 360 (6 x 60). The eleventh word stands out because eleven is a factor of 中國.

Ten Greek letters in Matthew 21:43 have the value 60. These letters just so happen to sit in positions that total 480 (8 x 60). [See also feature for the Hebrew letter with the value 60.]

All this establishes a link with China between Matthew 21:43 and Isaiah 8:11-9:8.

Is this all coincidence? In feature, the Hebrew spelling for China was found uniquely positioned within the text of Isaiah 8:11-9:8. This can also be done with the values of the Greek letters from Matthew 21:43.

List of Greek letter values from Matthew 21:43
4 9 1 100 60 200 100 60 20 5 3 600 200 30 9 40 60 100 9 1 80 8 7 90
5 100 1 9 1 300 200 30 600 40 7 2 1 90 9 20 5 9 1 100 60 200 8 5 60
200 10 1 9 4 60 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 5 8 40 5 9 70 60 9 60 200 40 100 9
100 60 200 90 10 1 80 70 60 200 90 1 200 100 7 90

The Greek alphabet has two letters more than the Hebrew. These values, 500 and 600, are ignored. Thus the list is shortened slightly.

Matthew 21:43 Greek letter values without 500 and 600
4 9 1 100 60 200 100 60 20 5 3 200 30 9 40 60 100 9 1 80 8 7 90 5
100 1 9 1 300 200 30 40 7 2 1 90 9 20 5 9 1 100 60 200 8 5 60 200 10
1 9 4 60 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 5 8 40 5 9 70 60 9 60 200 40 100 9 100 60
200 90 10 1 80 70 60 200 90 1 200 100 7 90

Two complete sets of the 89 letters can be found in Isaiah 8:11-9:8 in these letter positions:

22 544 566 589 768 815 887 941 952 956 156 162 167 544 557 768 887
973 993 1028 16 17 99 104 116 124 544 566 584 585 590 640 1008 1012
1017 99 544 555 556 776 808 887 941 1013 1016 4 25 26 28 44 544 572
768 792 1008 99 104 116 124 544 546 553 557 564 776 816 941 973 25
26 29 55 544 563 768 815 899 908 933 972 981 25 26 99 101 127 147
467 508

572 776 808 887 941 1013 1024 25 31 37 156 162 167 544 557 768 887
973 993 1028 16 17 99 104 116 124 544 566 584 585 590 640 1008 1012
1017 99 544 555 556 776 808 887 941 1013 1016 4 25 26 28 44 544 572
768 792 1008 99 104 116 124 544 546 553 557 564 776 816 941 973 25
26 29 55 544 563 768 815 899 908 933 972 981 25 26 99 101 127 147
467 508

Both sets go through Isaiah 8:11-9:8 eight times each for a total of sixteen times. After this, the pattern repeats. Sixteen times does not seem significant until the numeric value of 中國 (China) is considered. 中國's numeric value of 3344 factors as 16 x 11 x 19. This is a one in sixteen chance, twice as rare as a 7, and slightly more rare than 13.

The total of the positions: 93142 = 2 x 7 x 6653.

These positions can be further categorized with complementary opposites.

Positions that are in the first or last verse of a chapter: 18293 = 11 x 1663.

Positions that are in the first or last word of a verse: 11893 = 7 x 1699.

Positions that are the first or last letter of a word: 41475 = 3 x 52 x 7 x 79. SF: 99 = 32 x 11. Related to this are all the positions that are not first or last in a word: 93142 − 41475 = 51667 = 7 x 11 x 11 x 61. (Two 11s, factors of China, appear.)

66 (6 x 11) of these positions are not first/last as a verse, word or letter. Total of these positions: 42371 = 7 x 6053.

As the entire total is divisible by 7, this means positions that are first or last of something are also divisible by 7: 93142 − 42371 = 50771 = 7 x 7253. SF: 7260 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 112. (Two factors for China, 2 and 11, appear twice.)

Three positions are in the first verse of a chapter, and the first letter of a word.

29 37 29

Total: 95 = 5 x 19. The result has one of China's factors.

Seven positions are in the last verse of a chapter, and the last letter of a word.

589 585 640 1016 585 640 1016

Total: 5071 = 11 x 461. The result is a different China factor.

These two categories come together as a total divisible by 7: 5166 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 41. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.

Take every other position. The odd positioned total 45927 = 38 x 7.

The even positioned total 47215 = 5 x 7 x 19 x 71.

Every 13th position from the list:

a) 13  26  39  52  65  78  91  104 117 130 143 156 169
b) 167 124 556 572 776 908 776 557 566 808 792 941 972

Total line a: 7 x 132 An extra 13 appears along with a 7.
Total of the positions (b): 8515 = 5 x 13 x 131

Every 11th position in the list:

a) 11  22 33   44   55   66  77  88  99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176
b) 156 17 1008 1013 1008 816 899 467 37 16  640 941 792 776 815 147

Total of the positions: 9548 = 9548 = 22 x 7 x 11 x 31.

Twenty-one positions are divisible by 13:

a) 11  24  30  48 52  57  61  70 83 90  100 113 119 137 141 146 
b) 156 104 585 26 572 104 546 26 26 572 156 104 585 26  572 104 

a) 150 159 172
b) 546 26  26

Total of the positions (b): 4862 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 17. A new factor of 11 appears.

Ten positions are divisible by 22 (two of the factors for China).

a) 1  34   50 52  54  90  123  139 141 143 
b) 22 1012 44 572 792 572 1012 44  572 792 

Total of the positions (b): 5434 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 19. Another factor for China appears along with a 13.

Twenty positions are first and last of a chapter, verse, and or word.

a) 1  31  33   34   35   44   46 49 50 55   95   120 122  123
b) 22 590 1008 1012 1017 1013 4  28 44 1008 1013 590 1008 1012

a) 124  133  135 138 139 144
b) 1017 1013 4   28  44  1008

Total of line a: 1651 = 13 x 127. SF: 140 = 22 x 5 x 7. SF: 16 = 24.
Total of line b: 12483 = 32 x 19 x 73. SF: 98 = 2 x 72. SF: 16 = 24.
(Notice how both lines end with four factors of 2 like China.)

When the 91 letters of Matthew 21:43 are arranged in a 13 x 7 rectangle, the letters for China in Greek, Κινα, can be found clustered as a triangle at the right hand edge of the block, vertically centred.

The Letters Of Matthew 21:43
Click table to return to numeric feature listed below.

(Note: Most maps of the world display the Western hemisphere on the left, Africa and Europe in the centre, and Asia on the right because the vastness of the Pacific has little to show. It is an interesting coincidence that the letters for Κινα cluster on the far right. Being in the centre is also another coincidence as China is north of Indo-China, and south of Siberia. The table of letters coincides with what is seen in most world maps.)

The four letters sit in three rows and two columns, marking out a letter T on its side. The sum of all letters within this T: 3577 = 72 x 73. SF: 87 = 3 x 29. SF: 32 = 25 SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF: 7. Although the factors break down after the pair of 7s, the next set of the factors still points to China, and continues on to end with 7.

The triangle points to or emphasizes the middle row. The sum of all letters in this row: 679 = 7 x 97. SF: 104 = 23 x 13. SF: 19. The factors end with the largest factor for China, a 19.

The apex of the triangle sits in the second last column to the right. The total of all letters in this column: 780 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 13.

Comparing the results for the middle row and the second last column, the difference (780 − 679) is 101, a prime number that visually presents the one God who is Alpha and Omega.

There are only two 10s (the first Greek letter for China) in the table. They mark off an inner rectangle. The perimeter of this rectangle: 1558 = 2 x 19 x 41. SF: 62 = 2 x 31. SF: 33 = 3 x 11. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

The second Greek letter for China is 9. Eleven of them mark almost every row except for the last row. The last row, conveniently has a total of 999, even though no 9 sits in this row. The six rows marked by the letter 9 total 5138 = 2 x 7 x 367.

The third Greek letter for China is 40. Four of them mark symmetrical rows 2, 3, 5 and 6. Total of the rows: 3097 = 19 x 163. SF: 182 = 2 x 7 x 13. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13. This means the rows not marked would also be divisible by 19: 3040 = 25 x 5 x 19. SF: 34 = 2 x 17. SF: 19.

The letter 40 also marks three columns, 3, 8 and 13. Total of these columns: 1240 = 23 x 5 x 31. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7. SF: 12 = 22 x 3. SF: 7.

The last Greek letter for China is 1. There are ten occurrences of this letter. They mark every row except the 6th row. Total of the rows marked: 5215 = 5 x 7 x 149. SF: 161 = 7 x 23.

The letter 1 marks 7 columns: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13. Total of the column numbers: 48 = 24 x 3. SF: 11. Total of the columns marked: 3537 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 131. SF: 140 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. Columns not marked total 2600 = 23 x 52 x 13.

Starting with the 8th letter of Matthew 21:43, add up all the letters to the end of the verse, and wrap around to the beginning of the verse to continue adding up all the letters until the 70th letter is included. This covers a total of 154 letters. (154 = 2 x 7 x 11. Two of these three factors are also in the factors for China.)

This seems quite arbitrary and contrived, until a few Chinese ideas are considered. Chinese people like the number eight because it sounds like increasing fortune. Thus starting the sequence of letters with the eighth letter rather than the first or seventh can be considered a sign for Chinese people. Ending the sequence at the 70th letter follows the same idea. The number 70, 七十 (seven tens) in Cantonese sounds similar to 出實, meaning out definitely, as in definitely escaping. The number of letters covered, 154 in Chinese is 一百五十四 (one hundred, five tens, four). This sounds similar to 一發唔實死, meaning once fortunate not definitely dead (once one is fortunate, death is not definite). For Chinese people, there can be meaning in how this sequence of letters was obtained.

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Total of these 154 positions: 6643 = 7 x 13 x 73. Any seven or multiple of seven consecutive positions would naturally be divisible by 7. Thus the factor of 7 is not really a feature. What is not expected is the factor of 13. Factor 13 indicates there might be more than meets the eye. It is at this point that the positions converge with the values of the letters.

60 20 5 3 600 200 30 9 40 60 100 9 1 80 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 1 300 200 30
600 40 7 2 1 90 9 20 5 9 1 100 60 200 8 5 60 200 10 1 9 4 60 8 7 90 5
100 1 9 5 8 40 5 9 70 60 9 60 200 40 100 9 100 60 200 90 10 1 80 70
60 200 90 1 200 100 7 90 4 9 1 100 60 200 100 60 20 5 3 600 200 30 9
40 60 100 9 1 80 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 1 300 200 30 600 40 7 2 1 90 9 20 5
9 1 100 60 200 8 5 60 200 10 1 9 4 60 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 5 8 40 5 9 70
60 9

The total of these 154 letter values: 10032 = 24 x 3 x 11 x 19. This is exactly three times the value of 中國's 3344.

Smaller groups of letters can be found within the 154 that are symmetrically positioned Nth and Nth last. The Nth and Nth last groups together are divisible by 13. They are also individually divisible by 13.

a) 2    5    7  8    10   11   12   18   22   25   27  29   31  31
b) 65   16   8  35   39   53   66   75   74   54   33  56   37  70
c) 8281 1482 52 2912 3887 5304 7007 7800 7384 3887 403 2912 403 5057

a) 37   38   42   48   56 (Start position of group.)
b) 77   70   67   59   57 (End position of group.)
c) 5993 4654 3068 1482 52 (Total of both groups together.)

[The start position for one group is counted from the beginning.
The start position for the second group is counted from the end.
This also applies for the end position.]

Total of the positions (a + b): 1470 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 72.

Precisely 60 letter values in the list of 154 are odd valued. (Sixty is the value of China as a Greek word.)

3 4 8 12 13 16 18 20 21 22 28 30 32 34 35 36 41 45 46 50 52 54 55
5 3 9 9  1  7  5  1  9  1  7  1  9  5  9  1  5  1  9  7  5  1  9

56 59 60 63 68 74 80 83 86 87 94 95 99 103 104 107 109 111 112 113
5  5  9  9  9  1  1  7  9  1  5  3  9  9   1   7   5   1   9   1

119 121 123 125 126 127 132 136 137 141 143 145 146 147 150 151 154
7   1   9   5   9   1   5   1   9   7   5   1   9   5   5   9   9

Total of the odd valued letters: 322 = 2 x 7 x 23.

Ten of the letters are divisible by 7.

Position in the list of 154: 16 28 50 61 76 83 107 119 141 152
Letter value:                7  7  7  70 70 7  7   7   7   70

Total of their positions in the list of 154: 833 = 72 x 17.

(This feature is also related to Matthew 21:43, where the kingdom of God is taken away and transferred to another nation.)

If coincidences keep happening, it is no longer coincidence. It would seem Matthew 21:43 is intimately connected with Isaiah 8:11-9:8 and China.

The Importance Of Jesus' Statement

The importance of Jesus' statement in Matthew 21:43 can be seen when it is translated into other languages, especially languages that might be considered far from Christian Western Europe. This is God’s way of encouraging all nations to bear fruits of righteousness. If they do so, they have a chance of receiving God’s Kingdom.

Here is the Russian Synodal Bible's translation of Matthew 21:43. This is the interlinear version produced by Google™. (Conversion of Russian into numbers.)

1                    2                            3         4
770                  7144                         54        970
1- 2- 3-  4- 5- 6    7-  8- 9-10-11-  12-13-14    15-16-17  18- 19- 20
80-70-200-70-50-300  100-30-1-9- 2000-3- 1- 5000  3- 1- 50  700-200-70
Потому               сказываю                     вам,      что
Because              I-say                        you       that

5                                6       7          8
6696                             270     104        1064
21-22- 23-24-25-26-27- 28- 29    30-31   32-33-34   35- 36-37-38- 39- 40-41
70-200-60-10-50-6- 200-100-6000  70-200  3- 1- 100  600-1- 90-100-200-3- 70
отнимется                        от      вас        Царство
taken-away                       from    you        Kingdom

9               10   11           12                13
96              10   136          513               526
42-43-44-45-46  47   48-49-50-51  52-53- 54-55-56   57-58-59-60-61-62
2- 70-8- 10-6   10   5- 1- 60-70  2- 300-5- 6- 200  60-1- 90-70-5- 300
Божие           и    дано         будет             народу,
God             and  given        will              people

14                                     15                16
7666                                   2195              80
63-64-65-66-67-68- 69-  70- 71-72-73   74-75-76-77-78    79-80-81
80-90-10-60-70-100-6000-900-6- 50-300  80-40-70-5- 2000  6- 4- 70
приносящему                            плоды             его
bringing                               fruit             it

Total: 28294 = 2 x 7 x 43 x 47. SF: 99 = 32 x 11. (The sum of the factors point to China.)

Odd positioned words: 10577 = 7 x 1511. = 1518 = 2 x 3 x 11 x 23. SF: 39 = 3 x 13. SF: 16. (The end of the factors points to China.)

Even positioned words: 17717 = 7 x 2531.

In Russian, China is Китай. The numeric values of these Russian letters: 30 10 200 1 20. Since the letter й does not appear at all in the verse, finding Китай within the text is impossible. However, the other letters for China can be found. These letters appear in the following positions of the Russian translation of Matthew 21:43.

8  24 45 47 65 3   19  22  27  31  39  56  9 13 16 33 36 49 58
30 10 10 10 10 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1 1  1  1  1  1  1

The total of the positions: 600 = 23 x 3 x 52. This is ten times the value of the Greek spelling for China, and five times the value of the Hebrew spelling for China.
The total of the letters: 1477 = 7 x 211.

(If the alternate method of converting Russian to numbers is used, the total is 129213682. (2 x 132 x 53 x 7213. SF: 7294 = 2 x 7 x 521.) There are two 13s, and the sum of the factors is divisible by 7. The odd positioned words: 49456082 = 2 x 13 x 1902157. The even positioned words: 79757600 = 25 x 52 x 13 x 7669.)

We could also try a different Russian version, Международная библейская лига, 2014, produced by Bible League International, 1 Bible League Plaza, Crete, IL 60417.

А потому говорю вам, что Царство Божье будет отнято у вас и отдано народу, исполняющему Его волю

1  2                    3                   4         5           6
1  770                  5237                54        970         1064
1  2- 3- 4-  5- 6- 7    8-9- 10-11-12-13    14-15-16  17- 18- 19  20- 21-22-23- 24- 25-26
1  80-70-200-70-50-300  4-70-3- 70-90-5000  3- 1- 50  700-200-70  600-1- 90-100-200-3- 70
А  потому               говорю              вам,      что         Царство

7                 8                 9                      10   11         12  13
3086              513               6600                   300  104        10  406
27-28-29-30-  31  32-33- 34-35-36   37-38- 39-40-  41- 42  43   44-45-46   47  48-49- 50-51-52-53
2- 70-8- 3000-6   2- 300-5- 6- 200  70-200-60-6000-200-70  300  3- 1- 100  10  70-200-5- 1- 60-70
Божье             будет             отнято                 у    вас         и  отдано

14                  15                                          16        17
526                 12616                                       80        5113
54-55-56-57-58-59   60-61- 62-63-64-65-66-  67-  68- 69-70-71   72-73-74  75-76-77-78
60-1- 90-70-5- 300  10-100-80-70-40-60-6000-5000-900-6- 50-300  6- 4- 70  3- 70-40-5000
народу,             исполняющему                                Его       волю

Total: 37450 = 2 x 52 x 7 x 107. SF: 126 = 2 x 32 x 7.

Odd valued words: 10864 = 24 x 7 x 97. SF: 112 = 24 x 7.

Even valued words: 26586 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 211.

Unlike the Russian Synodal Bible, even the letters for China (Китай) have no feature in this version. Perhaps this is because this version was not done in Russia but in America.

A check with the Persian version shows numeric features. (Farsi translation is from the Wordproject, a registered domain of International Biblical Association, a non-profit organization registered in Macau, China. See this for converting Persian to numbers.)

 از این جهت شما را می‌گویم که ملکوت خدا از شما گرفته شده، به امّتی که میوهاش را بیاورند، عطا خواهد شد. 

1       2              3           4             5        
41      7001           4010        1071          31       
14      62             41          45            13       
1 2     3 4    5       6 7    8    9  10   11    12 13    
1 13    1 32   29      6 31   4    16 28   1     12 1     
1 40    1 5000 2000    6 4000 4    70 1000 1     30 1     
ا ز     ا ی    ن       ج ه    ت    ش  م    ا     ر  ا     

6                               7           8                       
15800                           4700        5604                    
176                             56          114                     
14   15   16  17   18   19      20  21      22   23  24  25   26    
28   32   26  30   32   28      25  31      28   27  25  30   4     
1000 5000 800 3000 5000 1000    700 4000    1000 900 700 3000 4     
م    ی    گ   و    ی    م       ک   ه       م    ل   ک   و    ت     

9           10       11            12                    
20          41       1071          5334                  
20          14       45            96                    
27 28 29    30 31    32 33   34    35  36 37  38 39      
9  10 1     1  13    16 28   1     26  12 23  4  31      
9  10 1     1  40    70 1000 1     800 30 500 4  4000    
خ  د  ا     ا  ز     ش  م    ا     گ   ر  ف   ت  ه       

13            14         15                 16          
4080          4002       6005               4700        
57            33         65                 56          
40 41 42      43 44      45 46   47 48      49  50      
16 10 31      2  31      1  28   4  32      25  31      
70 10 4000    2  4000    1  1000 4  5000    700 4000    
ش  د  ه       ب  ه       ا  م    ت  ی       ک   ه       

17                           18       19                            
13071                        31       10043                         
138                          13       116                           
51   52   53   54   55 56    57 58    59 60   61 62   63 64   65    
28   32   30   31   1  16    12 1     2  32   1  30   12 29   10    
1000 5000 3000 4000 1  70    30 1     2  5000 1  3000 30 2000 10    
م    ی    و    ه    ا  ش     ر  ا     ب  ی    ا  و    ر  ن    د     

20            21                    22       
401           7020                  80       
41            81                    26       
66  67  68    69 70   71 72   73    74 75    
21  19  1     9  30   1  31   10    16 10    
300 100 1     9  3000 1  4000 10    70 10    
ع   ط   ا     خ  و    ا  ه    د     ش  د     

The total: 94157 = 7 x 13451. SF: 13458 = 2 x 3 x 2243. SF: 2248 = 23 x 281. SF: 287 = 7 x 41. SF: 48 = 24 x 3. SF: 11. The link with China is at first very weak in the first sum of the factors. It strengthens in the second level. It becomes divisible by 7 in the third level. It matches the smallest factors for China in the fourth level, and in the fifth and final level ends with 11, another factor for China.

Words with an odd valued first digit: 66077 = 11 x 6007. SF: 6018 = 2 x 3 x 17 x 59.

Words with an even valued first digit: 28080 = 24 x 33 x 5 x 13. SF: 35 = 5 x 7. SF: 12 = 22 x 3. SF: 7.

China in Farsi is چین. The letter values from the Farsi: 7 5000 2000. Curiously, the total is 7007. (72 x 11 x 13. SF: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF: 7.) There are two factors of 7, one factor of 13, and a factor of 11 matching one of the factors of China's 3344. The sum of the factors alternate between being divisible by 7 and not being divisible by 7. In the first sum of the factors, 19, the other factor for China appears.

Similar to the Russian Synodal Bible, only some of the Farsi letters for China can be found in the verse.

4    15   18   48   52   60   5    64
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000 2000

Total of the positions: 266 = 2 x 7 x 19. SF: 28 = 22 x 7. SF: 11. Once again one of China's factors appear with the factor 7, and 11 shows up at the end.
The total of the letters found doesn't seem to reveal anything until the chain of factors is followed to the end: 34000 = 24 x 53 x 17. SF: 40 = 23 x 5. SF: 11. It ends with one of China's factors.

(Note: The relationship between Persia and China actually goes back three thousand years to the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.)

Even Matthew 21:43 in the Chinese Union Version (CUV) also has numeric features when  神 (yes there is a space included) is replaced with the proper Chinese term for the one supreme God, 上帝. (See: A Chinese Coincidence.)

所   以   我  告  訴   你  們   上 帝    的   國   必  從   你  們
1427 265 923 810 4613 770 2445 24 1939 1659 3243 371 3378 770 2445

奪    去  賜   給   那   能   結   果   子  的   百  姓
5533 297 6568 4474 1147 2977 4467 1544 45 1659 651 1326

Total: 55770 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 11 x 132.
Odd positioned characters: 32690 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 467. SF: 481 = 13 x 37.
Even positioned characters: 23080 = 23 x 5 x 577. SF: 588 = 22 x 3 x 72. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF:7.
Odd valued characters: 36106 = 2 x 7 x 2579. SF: 2588 = 22 x 647. SF: 651 = 3 x 7 x 31.
Even valued characters: 19664 = 24 x 1229.6

China in Chinese consists of two characters, 中國. Only 國 appears in the CUV translation of Matthew 21:43. Providentially it is the eleventh character of the verse, matching one of the factors of 中國's 3344. Everything before this character totals 14875. (53 x 7 x 17. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.)

Note: Russian and Farsi were chosen because these nations succeeded two of the empires in Daniel's vision (Daniel 2:32). Chinese was chosen because China appears to be the subject in several of Isaiah's prophecies. (English, successor to the Roman empire, was not chosen because the current number system for English has no value for the first person singular.)

Out of curiosity, I considered the Korean for Matthew 21:43. (The source of this translation is also from the Wordproject.) Unfortunately, there is a difference in the arrangement of the alphabet between North Korea and South Korea. This forced me to consider using Unicode. Surprisingly it produced several results. (Note: Some of the Korean symbols are actually combinations of symbols, while others are stand alone symbols.)

그러므로 내가 너희에게 이르노니 하나님의 나라를 너희는 빼앗기고 그 나라의 열매
맺는 백성이 받으리라

44536 47084 48064 47196 45236 44032 45320 55148 50640 44172 51060
47476 45432 45768 54616 45208 45784 51032 45208 46972 47484 45320
55148 45716 48764 50519 44592 44256 44536 45208 46972 51032 50676
47588 47610 45716 48177 49457 51060 48155 51004 47532 46972

Total: 2053478 = 2 x 7 x 146677. SF: 146686 = 2 x 71 x 1033. SF: 1106 = 2 x 7 x 79. SF: 88 = 23 x 11.

Odd valued: 196308 = 22 x 32 x 7 x 19 x 41. SF: 77 = 7 x 11.

Even valued: 1857170 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 43 x 617. SF: 674 = 2 x 337. SF: 339 = 3 x 113. SF: 116 = 22 x 29. SF: 33 = 3 x 11. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

(Since odd and even numbers are determined by the last digit, it is natural to consider the same for the first digit.)

First digit odd valued: 571935 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 419.

First digit even even valued: 1481543 = 7 x 113 x 1873.

Numbers From The Septuagint

Jesus' statement in Matthew 21:43 was about Israel losing the kingdom of God and another nation gaining it. This can be seen in the numbers from the Hebrew text of Isaiah 8:11-9:8 where 7 and 13 have been replaced in many numeric features with 11 and 19. Although 7 and 13 are in some features, they are not as plentiful as in previous studies. This is because the prophecy has shifted from Israel to another nation. The Greek text of Isaiah 8:11-9:7 (Hebrew chapter/verse division) in the Septuagint is divisible by 7, and 13 twice! When Revelation 1:8's principles of complementary opposites are applied, the Greek text consistently produces totals divisible by 7 and 13. It is as if the 7s and 13s were moved from the Hebrew to the Greek.

Are the Greeks the object of the prophecy? No. The meaning of the prophecy does not fit the Greeks. The Greek language is borrowed to illustrate the shift away from Israel.

CAUTION concerning the Septuagint: This is the first time text from the Septuagint is used on this web site for numbers. There are several reasons for this.

  1. God warned Judah never to return to Egypt, and that they would be cursed if they did so (Jeremiah 42:14-22). The Septuagint was written in Egypt.
  2. The Septuagint represents the understanding of the Jews of their scripture around 300 B.C. But if they did not understand or accept what the prophets had written, then translation to Greek would also be impaired.
  3. A comparison of the Hebrew and Greek for Isaiah 8:11-9:7 clearly shows the Greek is an interpretation, not a direct translation. Some details are completely missing. Other details in the Greek are not even in the Hebrew!
This is why the Septuagint is the way it is. What cannot be accepted, or is not understood produces an interpretation that diverges from the Hebrew.

Despite these issues, Isaiah 8:11-9:7 in the Greek has numeric features. Why would an inferior Greek interpretation have numeric features? Perhaps it is to show that the Gentile nation receiving the kingdom of God knows even less about God than the Jews in Egypt. As the Apostle Paul noted:

When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. (Romans 2:14)

Since Israel was imperfect when they had the kingdom, then the Gentile nation could also be imperfect. However, not knowing the law, does not prevent them from doing what the law requires. And in doing what the law required, they would naturally produce the fruit that gives them the kingdom.

The Greek text used in this part is from Bibleworks 3.06, which contains the LXX Septuaginta edited by Alfred Rahlfs, copyright© 1935 by the Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt/Deutsche Biblegesellschaft, Stuttgart. (N.B. There is more than one version of the Septuagint. What follows below only applies to this version.)

4Total of Greek passage: 152607 = 3 x 7 x 132 x 43. The numbers have a very promising start even if the text is lacking compared with the Hebrew.

4.0.1Number of chapters: 2.

4.0.2Number of verses in passage: 20.

4.0.3Number of words in passage: 468 = 22 x 32 x 13. SF: 23. (In the Hebrew the number of words was divisible by 7. Here it is divisible by 13. This is almost twice as difficult to obtain as a 7.)

4.0.4Number of letters in passage: 2242 = 2 x 19 x 59. SF: 80 = 24 x 5. SF: 13. Even in the Greek, two of China's factors appear. The sum of the factors duplicates the four 2s. The sum of the second level factors ends up with 13.

There's less in the Greek chapter totals compared with the Hebrew.

List of chapter totals:
98646 53961
List of verse totals:
5960 5485 2548 10834 6578 2747 7701 7897 13750 6897 7743 6444 14062
7063 8795 9232 4908 9854 11968 2141 valued verses:

5485 2747 7701 7897 6897 7743 7063 8795 2141

Total: 56469 = 3 x 7 x 2689. valued verses:

5960 2548 10834 6578 13750 6444 14062 9232 4908 9854 11968

Total: 96138 = 2 x 32 x 72 x 109. letter values of God’s name in Hebrew are used to count through the verses 7 times.

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6     5    10
b) 10   15   21   6    16   21   7    12   22   7    13    18   28
c) 10   15   1    6    16   1    7    12   2    7    13    18   8
d) 6897 8795 5960 2747 9232 5960 7701 6444 5485 7701 14062 9854 7897

a) 5     6     5     10   5     6    5    10   5    6    5    10
b) 13    19    24    14   19    25   10   20   25   11   16   26
c) 13    19    4     14   19    5    10   20   5    11   16   6
d) 14062 11968 10834 7063 11968 6578 6897 2141 6578 7743 9232 2747

a) 5    6    5      (Value from the name.)
b) 11   17   22     (Count.)
c) 11   17   2      (Count adjusted to 20 verses.)
d) 7743 4908 5485   (Verse found.)

Total: 214682 = 2 x 13 x 23 x 359. verses are divisible by 13.

Verse position: 3    5    18
Verse total:    2548 6578 9854

Total of the positions: 26 = 2 x 13. The positions point back to God’s name.
Total of the verses: 18980 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 13 x 73. SF: 95 = 5 x 19. The factor of 13 was expected. What was not expected was the factor of 19 for China in the next level. with an odd number of words:

5960 5485 10834 7701 7897 13750 14062 9232 4908 9854 11968 2141

Total of the verses: 103792 = 24 x 13 x 499. SF: 520 = 23 x 5 x 13. (The positions of these verse have no feature like below, but there is a second level of factors.) with an even number of words:

Position: 3    5    6    10   11   12   14   15
Verse:    2548 6578 2747 6897 7743 6444 7063 8795

Total of the positions: 76 = 2 x 2 x 19. (A factor for China appears.)
Total of the verses: 48815 = 5 x 13 x 751. the last verse has a total that is a prime number: 2141. This means the positions of the 19 verses before it add to a total divisible by 19: 190 = 2 x 5 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. last verse, the 20th, is also the lowest valued verse: 2141. The highest valued word is the 13th verse: 14062. lowest plus the highest: 2141 + 14062 = 16203 = 3 x 11 x 491. positions of the lowest and highest verses: 20 + 13 SF: 33 = 3 x 11. The verses and their positions both have a factor of 11. The sum of the factors here is divisible by 7: 14 = 2 x 7.

Moving on to the words... valued words: 73385 = 5 x 13 x 1129. valued words: 79222 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 277. with an odd valued first digit: 86485 = 5 x 72 x 353. with an even valued first digit: 66122 = 2 x 7 x 4723.

4.2.2When the letter values of God’s name in Hebrew are used 18 times to count through the words, it covers the entire passage right up to the last word.

a) 10  5   6  5   10  5   6  5  10  5   6  5  10 5   6   5   10
b) 10  15  21 26  36  41  47 52 62  67  73 78 88 93  99  104 114
c) 197 323 60 510 269 210 20 97 676 910 96 45 20 921 495 230 1048

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10   5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 119 125 130 140 145 151 156 166  171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218
c) 360 75  101 142 679 204 20  1431 689 270 109 132 690 270 561 41

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5    10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 223 229 234 244 249 255 260  270 275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322
c) 204 20  641 20  242 20  1385 929 307 222 454 60  990 20  305 350

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10   5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 327 333 338 348 353 359 364 374  379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426
c) 690 100 182 237 941 263 107 136  14  86  260 160 182 450 901 244

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5     (Value from the name.)
b) 431 437 442 452 457 463 468   (Count.)
c) 218 348 430 651 702 84  207   (Word found.)

Total of the words (line c): 25663 = 11 x 2333.

4.2.3Twenty-two pairs of words can be found that are positioned Nth and Nth last and together are divisible by 7. (22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13.)

Nth word:  2   11  13  14  16  17  22  41  47  53   84  97  110
Value:     42  324 281 720 272 196 46  210 20  205  460 295 675
Nth last:  467 458 456 455 453 452 447 428 422 416  385 372 359
Value:     84  250 559 183 680 651 360 84  197 901  86  20  263
Sum:       126 574 840 903 952 847 406 294 217 1106 546 315 938

Nth word: 111  132 175 188 194 195 197 223 231
Value:    200  1   199 485 50  823 690 204 104
Nth last: 358  337 294 281 275 274 272 246 238
Value:    1221 321 60  222 307 164 10  20  50
Sum:      1421 322 259 707 357 987 700 224 154

Sum of positions: 10318 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 67. Since there are 468 words, this means any pairing of N and Nth last produces a total divisible by 7. (1 + 468 = 469.) Thus it is no surprise the sum of the positions is divisible by 7. The real feature is the 11 in the factors, a factor for China.
The total of the sums is a surprise with an extra 13: 13195 = 5 x 7 x 13 x 29.

4.2.4Eighteen word pairs can be found that are positioned Nth and Nth last with totals together divisible by 13.

Nth word:   18  20  24  29  34  36  69  78  84  96  98  157 178 180 185 189 225 233
Value:      307 84  60  200 37  269 9   45  460 427 265 46  203 113 740 230 682 481
Nth Last:   451 449 445 440 435 433 400 391 385 373 371 312 291 289 284 280 244 236
Value:      200 20  239 398 561 147 160 7   86  249 684 305 122 693 196 147 20  104
Sum:        507 104 299 598 598 416 169 52  546 676 949 351 325 806 936 377 702 585

Total of the sums: 8996 = 22 x 13 x 173. SF: 190 = 2 x 5 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. with the first word, take every Nth word after. The following values of N produce totals divisible by 13:

48 50 71 94 116 131 147 148 150 156 163 164 166 180 185 188 198 203 213
219 221

Total of N: 3211 = 132 x 19. An extra factor of 13 accompanies the factor for China. every Nth word. The following values of N produce totals divisible by 13.

46 86 87 89 120 134 150 151 158 162 163 178 179 191 192

Total of N: 2086 = 2 x 7 x 149. words have totals that are prime numbers:

a) 3   4   6   8   10  13  18  27  34 36  37 40  52 64  70  85  91
b) 449 107 503 107 197 281 307 307 37 269 37 401 97 269 229 239 419

a) 106 112 118 130 136 155 158 163 164 174 175 180 182 195 210 218
b) 37  113 131 101 163 739 823 131 197 197 199 113 109 823 71  41

a) 227 228 234 253 254 267 270 271 275 290 292 317 324 329 341 344
b) 101 653 641 37  151 701 929 7   307 101 197 281 941 839 359 941

a) 347 349 353 359 360 362 364 369 381 383 386 391 401 404 418 422
b) 7   7   941 263 449 107 107 317 829 193 359 7   191 379 7   197

a) 445 446 462 (Position.)
b) 239 131 449 (Word value.)

Total of the positions: 15092 = 22 x 73 x 11.
Total of the prime numbers: 20608 = 27 x 7 x 23. hundred words are not prime numbers.

a) 1    2    5    7    9    11  12   14  15  16  17   19  20 21 22 23
b) 1050 42   780  492  225  324 360  720 323 272 196  111 84 60 46 91

a) 24 25  26   28  29  30 31  32  33   35    38  39   41  42 43  44
b) 60 171 510  244 200 9  462 561 260  489   702 399  210 20 451 205

a) 45  46  47 48 49 50  51   53  54  55  56  57 58  59  60  61  62  63
b) 350 512 20 46 75 901 912  205 159 104 135 20 660 690 297 540 676 901

a) 65  66  67  68 69  71  72 73 74 75 76  77  78 79  80 81  82  83 84
b) 690 346 910 60 9   622 45 96 20 45 330 178 45 502 14 520 842 45 460

a) 86 87  88 89  90  92 93  94  95 96  97  98  99  100 101 102 103 104
b) 20 575 20 828 20  20 921 868 45 427 295 265 495 305 69  693 200 230

a) 105  107 108 109 110 111  113 114  115 116  117  119 120 121 122 123
b) 360  93  20  99  675 200  200 1048 160 1070 561  360 339 622 20  912

a) 124 125 126 127 128 129  131 132 133 134 135  137 138 139 140 141
b) 195 75  901 273 608 20   94  1   99  664 60   20  205 104 142 20

a) 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154  156 157  159
b) 287 45  700 679 207 152 559 702 150 204 45  700 154  20  46   300

a) 160 161 162   165 166  167 168 169 170 171 172 173   176  177 178
b) 321 316 450   100 1431 20  450 879 450 689 69  15    1339 270 203

a) 179  181  183 184 185 186  187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194  196 197
b) 300  561  527 164 740 1386 450 485 230 84  104 132 664 50   660 690

a) 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209  211 212 213 214 215
b) 160 118 520 164 260 270 244 685 314 164 561 20   305 321 208 209 20

a) 216 217  219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226   229 230 231 232 233  235
b) 205 690  327 510 20  711 204 200 682 20    20  779 104 200 481  20

a) 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245  246 247 248 249 250 251 252
b) 104 147 50  711 772 20  273 636 20  1385 20  410 221 242 20  410 795

a) 255 256 257 258 259 260  261 262 263 264 265 266  268 269    272
b) 20  270 438 60  45  1385 640 695 360 520 950 153  153 1081   10

a) 273 274  276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
b) 413 164  20  69  228 69  147 222 685 20  196 360 454 64  740 693

a) 291  293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306  307
b) 122  374 60  171 60  700 45  274 123 990 39  69  685 45  1081 20

a) 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316  318 319 320 321 322 323  325
b) 110 410 990 565 305 321 160 394 360  60  220 45  982 350 20   824

a) 326 327 328  330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340  342 343
b) 350 690 69   45  738 20  100 410 69  507 321 182 505 60   60  75

a) 345 346  348  350 351 352  354 355 356 357 358    361  363  365 366
b) 249 20   237  84  360 868  147 84  187 740 1221   690  123  84  75

a) 367 368  370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380  382  384 385
b) 169 202  546 684 20  249 136 253 734 20  529 14  206  169  115 86

a) 387 388 389 390  392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400  402 403  405
b) 20  84  86  260  488 75  84  360 890 561 20  155 160  561 156  182

a) 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417  419 420 421  423
b) 608 84  651 188 84  450 772 188 20  267 901 66   488 561 20   238

a) 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
b) 561 270 244 249 84  200 288 218 20  147 177 561 959 348 20  286 398

a) 441 442 443 444   447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458
b) 45  430 20  45    360 280 20  104 200 651 680 60  183 559 702 250

a) 459 460 461  463 464 465 466 467 468 (Position.)
b) 402 250 345  84  622 20  80  84  207 (Word.)

Total of the positions: 94654 = 2 x 7 x 6761.
Total of the words: 131999 = 7 x 109 x 173.

4.2.7Thirty-eight words are divisible by 13. (38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.)

a) 5   23 33  38  55  62  67  81  124 127 139 148 149 171 176  191
b) 780 91 260 702 104 676 910 520 195 273 104 559 702 689 1339 104

a) 200 202 213 231 233 236 242 248 264 302 336 338 367 370 382 390
b) 520 260 208 104 481 104 273 221 520 39  507 182 169 546 169 260

a) 403 405 439 450 456 457 (Word position.)
b) 156 182 286 104 559 702 (Word value.)

The total is also divisible by 7: 14560 = 25 x 5 x 7 x 13. SF: 35 = 5 x 7.

4.2.8The word value that appeared the most was word value 20. It appeared 43 times. The word that appeared the least, or only once, was also the smallest word with a value of 1. Thus the words that appeared the most and least total 861 (3 x 7 x 41).

4.2.9Divide the words into groups of six. odd valued groups of 6:

1050 42 449 107 780 503   622 20 912 195 75 901     690 41 327 510 20 711     75 941 249 20 7 237
492 107 225 197 324 360   273 608 20 101 94 1       20 779 104 200 481 641    7 84 360 868 941 147
281 720 323 272 196 307   99 664 60 163 20 205      45 1385 640 695 360 520   249 136 253 734 20 529
171 510 307 244 200 9     679 207 152 559 702 150   950 153 701 153 1081 929  86 359 20 84 86 260
37 702 399 401 210 20     131 197 100 1431 20 450   7 10 413 164 307 20       249 84 200 288 218 20
75 901 912 97 205 159     879 450 689 69 15 197     693 101 122 197 374 60    200 651 680 60 183 559
910 60 9 229 622 45       561 109 527 164 740 1386  171 60 700 45 274 123     84 622 20 80 84 207
502 14 520 842 45 460     450 485 230 84 104 132    990 39 69 685 45 1081
99 675 200 113 200 1048   664 50 823 660 690 160    824 350 690 69 839 45
160 1070 561 131 360 339  685 314 164 561 20 71     321 182 505 60 359 60

Total: 77883 = 3 x 13 x 1997. valued groups of 6:

111 84 60 46 91 60       204 45 700 154 739 20     20 196 360 454 64 740    156 379 182 608 84 651
462 561 260 37 489 269   46 823 300 321 316 450    20 110 410 990 565 305   188 84 450 772 188 20
451 205 350 512 20 46    199 1339 270 203 300 113  321 160 394 360 281 60   267 901 66 7 488 561
104 135 20 660 690 297   118 520 164 260 270 244   220 45 982 350 20 941    20 197 238 561 270 244
540 676 901 269 690 346  305 321 208 209 20 205    738 20 100 410 69 507    147 177 561 959 348 20
96 20 45 330 178 45      204 200 682 20 101 653    84 187 740 1221 263 449  286 398 45 430 20 45
239 20 575 20 828 20     20 104 147 50 711 772     690 107 123 107 84 75    239 131 360 280 20 104
419 20 921 868 45 427    20 273 636 20 1385 20     169 202 317 546 684 20   702 250 402 250 345 449
295 265 495 305 69 693   410 221 242 20 410 795    14 206 829 169 193 115
200 230 360 37 93 20     37 151 20 270 438 60      7 488 75 84 360 890
104 142 20 287 45 700    69 228 69 147 222 685     561 20 155 160 191 561

Total: 74724 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 479. difference between and is 3159. This is naturally divisible by 13 (35 x 13), but the sum of the factors goes further: 28 = 22 x 7. And the final sum of the factors is 11 pointing to China.

4.2.10Divide the words into groups of 117. valued groups of 117 words:

868 941 147 84 187 740 1221 263 449 690 107 123 107 84 75 169 202
317 546 684 20 249 136 253 734 20 529 14 206 829 169 193 115 86 359
20 84 86 260 7 488 75 84 360 890 561 20 155 160 191 561 156 379 182
608 84 651 188 84 450 772 188 20 267 901 66 7 488 561 20 197 238 561
270 244 249 84 200 288 218 20 147 177 561 959 348 20 286 398 45 430
20 45 239 131 360 280 20 104 200 651 680 60 183 559 702 250 402 250
345 449 84 622 20 80 84 207

Total: 34957 = 13 x 2689. SF: 2702 = 2 x 7 x 193. valued groups of 117 words:

1050 42 449 107 780 503 492 107 225 197 324 360 281 720 323 272 196
307 111 84 60 46 91 60 171 510 307 244 200 9 462 561 260 37 489 269
37 702 399 401 210 20 451 205 350 512 20 46 75 901 912 97 205 159
104 135 20 660 690 297 540 676 901 269 690 346 910 60 9 229 622 45
96 20 45 330 178 45 502 14 520 842 45 460 239 20 575 20 828 20 419
20 921 868 45 427 295 265 495 305 69 693 200 230 360 37 93 20 99 675
200 113 200 1048 160 1070 561
131 360 339 622 20 912 195 75 901 273 608 20 101 94 1 99 664 60 163
20 205 104 142 20 287 45 700 679 207 152 559 702 150 204 45 700 154
739 20 46 823 300 321 316 450 131 197 100 1431 20 450 879 450 689 69
15 197 199 1339 270 203 300 113 561 109 527 164 740 1386 450 485 230
84 104 132 664 50 823 660 690 160 118 520 164 260 270 244 685 314
164 561 20 71 305 321 208 209 20 205 690 41 327 510 20 711 204 200
682 20 101 653 20 779 104 200 481 641
20 104 147 50 711 772 20 273 636 20 1385 20 410 221 242 20 410 795
37 151 20 270 438 60 45 1385 640 695 360 520 950 153 701 153 1081
929 7 10 413 164 307 20 69 228 69 147 222 685 20 196 360 454 64 740
693 101 122 197 374 60 171 60 700 45 274 123 990 39 69 685 45 1081
20 110 410 990 565 305 321 160 394 360 281 60 220 45 982 350 20 941
824 350 690 69 839 45 738 20 100 410 69 507 321 182 505 60 359 60 75
941 249 20 7 237 7 84 360

Total: 117650 = 2 x 52 x 13 x 181. difference this time between and is 82693. The factors and sum of the factors end at 13: 13 x 6361. SF: 6374 = 2 x 3187. SF: 3189 = 3 x 1063. SF: 1066 = 2 x 13 x 41. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13. the words are added one by one, occasionally, the cumulative total is divisible by 7. There are 68 cases where this occurs. (68 has two of China's factors: 22 x 17. The sum of these factors is 21: 3 x 7.)

A  B    C           A   B    C            A   B    C            A   B    C
1  1050 1050s       78  45   24325s       219 327  72814s       329 839 112294st
2  42   1092st      81  520  25361s       224 200  74459s       333 100 113197s
7  492  3423s       99  495  32165s       228 653  75915s       343 75  115745s
19 111  6846s       103 200  33432s       231 104  76818s       345 249 116935st
20 84   6930s       112 113  35259s       245 1385 82278s       357 740 120617s
26 510  7868s       116 1070 37737s       248 221  82929s       359 263 122101s
35 489  10437s      126 901  41853s       251 410  83601s       362 107 123347s
38 702  11445s      127 273  42126s       258 60   85372s       373 249 125923s
39 399  11844s      150 150  47908s       262 695  88137s       401 191 133007s
46 512  13993s      156 20   49770s       276 20   93905s       435 561 143094s
52 97   16044s      159 300  50939s       281 222  94640st      436 959 144053st
54 159  16408s      161 316  51576s       286 454  96355s       443 20  145600st
57 20   16667s      163 131  52157s       300 123  100079s      451 200 146979s
62 676  19530s      168 450  54355s       302 39   101108s      452 651 147630s
69 9    22715s      192 132  64050s       317 281  106904s      457 702 149814s
72 45   23611s      194 50   64764s       319 220  107184s      465 20  152236s
75 45   23772s      202 260  68159st      324 941  109522s      468 207 152607st

A: Word position.       B: Word value.         C: Cumulative total.

The sum of the positions is a symmetrical number: 14441 = 7 x 2063.
The sum of these words produces nothing, but the cumulative totals at each point yield an extra 7: 4786810 = 2 x 5 x 72 x 9769. The sum of these factors points to China: 9790 = 2 x 5 x 11 x 89. cumulative totals divisible by 13 produces two results divisible by 11. This time there are 47 words where this is true.

A   B    C             A   B    C             A   B    C             A   B    C
2   42   1092st        139 104  44265t        207 164  69836t        338 182  114686t
10  197  3952t         143 45   44759t        243 636  80873t        345 249  116935st
25  171  7358t         146 207  46345t        252 795  84396t        351 360  117650t
29  200  8619t         157 46   49816t        255 20   84604t        361 690  123240t
45  350  13481t        162 450  52026t        268 153  90974t        378 529  127595t
66  346  21736t        166 1431 53885t        281 222  94640st       385 86   129207t
67  910  22646t        174 197  56654t        285 360  95901t        420 561  139620t
76  330  24102t        182 109  59748t        305 45   101907t       423 238  140075t
93  921  29770t        193 664  64714t        318 60   106964t       436 959  144053st
101 69   32539t        197 690  66937t        329 839  112294st      443 20   145600st
117 561  38298t        201 164  67899t        334 410  113607t       468 207  152607st
138 205  44161t        202 260  68159st       337 321  114504t

A: Word position.       B: Word value.       C: Cumulative total.

Total of the positions: 10593 = 32 x 11 x 107.
Total of the words: 16775 = 52 x 11.
The sum of the cumulative totals is naturally divisible by 13: 3524729 = 13 x 17 x 41 x 389. The sum of these factors show this is a prophecy about people: 460 = 22 x 5 x 23. the tracking for cumulative totals divisible by 7 and 13, or 91. There are only eight.

A   B   C
2   42  1092st
202 260 68159st
281 222 94640st
329 839 112294st
345 249 116935st
436 959 144053st
443 20  145600st
468 207 152607st

A: Word position.
B: Word value.
C: Cumulative total.

Total of the positions: 2506 = 2 x 7 x 179.
Total of the words: 2798 = 2 x 1399. There doesn't seem to be anything with the words unless the factor of 2 is accepted because of China. The sum of the factors: 1401 = 3 x 467. SF: 470 = 2 x 5 x 47. SF: 54 = 2 x 33 SF: 11. The end result is 11.
Sum of the cumulative totals: 835380 = 22 x 33 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 17. SF: 55 = 5 x 11. SF: 16 = 24. (Four factors of 2 match China's 3344.) the sixty-sixth word, the cumulative total has five of the six factors for China and a 13: 21736 = 23 x 11 x 13 x 19. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. Sixty-six is 2 x 3 x 11, and the sum of the factors is 24 (matching China again). The 66th word is found in Isaiah 8:14. It is the 20th word of the verse and has a value of 346 (346 = 2 x 173. SF: 175 = 52 x 7). The word is πετρας (petras; rock), the stone of offense and stumbling. Curiously, the numbers have selected the very reason for the kingdom of God being lost and transferred. The stone of offense and stumbling in the Chinese Union Version of the Bible is 絆腳的頭跌人的磐. It's numeric total: 31317 = 3 x 11 x 13 x 73. The sum of the factors is a perfect 100 (2 x 2 x 5 x 5. SF: 14 = 2 x 7).

N.B. In the original Hebrew, the result was exact to the word. Here in the Greek, the result is not as exact, requiring the phrase concerning the rock. This fits the inexact nature of the interpretation of Hebrew to Greek in the Septuagint.

4.2.12China, in Chinese is 中國. The values of the two characters are 101 and 3243 respectively. No word in Greek has a value of 3243, but there are three Greek words in the passage with a total of 101. These three words are the 130th, 227th, and 290th words of the passage. The sum of the positions of these Greek words is a prime number, 647. Since not much can be done with a prime number, and since the passage is all about God hiding His face from Israel, it would seem reasonable to turn elsewhere for the number 647. The 647th character in Big5 is 沖, half of which is exactly 中 in 中國.

The numeric value of 沖 is 1043, which incredibly factors as 7 x 149. The sum of the factors is a multiple of 13: 156 = 22 x 3 x 13. These features strengthen the idea that China is the subject of the text.

沖's meaning: (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with.

Might this be washing of water with the word? (Ephesians 5:26) Many explanations could be made from the meaning of 沖. how words with the value of 101 worked so well, how about word positions of 101? Take every 101st word:

101 202 303 404
69  260 69  379

Total of the words: 777 = 3 x 7 x 37. first and the last words from

69 379

Total: 448 = 26 x 7. that are not last from

260 69

Total: 329 = 7 x 47. every 101st word starting from the end of the passage:

202 701 1431 690

Total: 3024 = 24 x 33 x 7., the result was a total of 777. In Big5, the 777th character is 卦.

卦 [gua4] divinatory diagram; one of the eight divinatory trigrams of
the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]; one of the sixty-four
divinatory hexagrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1].

In the current context, the character could be considered as prophecy.
From, the result was a total of 3024. In Big5, the 3024th character is 搬.

搬 [ban1] to move (i.e. relocate oneself); to move (something relatively
heavy or bulky); to shift; to copy indiscriminately.

Thus 卦搬 could be prophesying a transfer or 搬卦 could be transferring a prophecy, which is what Jesus warned in Matthew 21:43. difference between the results from and 3024 − 777 = 2247 = 3 x 7 x 107. The factor of 7 is natural and not a feature. However, the sum of the factors is something else: 117 = 32 x 13. And finally, the sum of these factors is 19, pointing back to China. so much could be found for the character 中, what about the other character 國? No Greek word in the text has a total of 3243, but the cumulative totals of the words could be checked for factors of 3243 (3 x 23 x 47). At the 39th word (3 x 13; SF: 16), the word is 399 (3 x 7 x 19). The cumulative total is 11844 (22 x 32 x 7 x 47) having two of the factors for 3243. Three separate strands of data converge. time try the two smaller factors of 3243, 3 and 23. The product is 69. Go through the cumulative totals for the words finding all those divisible by 69. There are 12 of them.

a) 64    65    112    162    171   172   225   260   295   346
b) 269   690   113    450    689   69    682   1385  171   20
c) 20700 21390 35259s 52026t 56373 56442 75141 86802 98877 116955

a) 413    432      (Word position.)
b) 188    20       (Word value.)
c) 137310 142209   (Cumulative total.)

Total of the positions (a): 2717 = 11 x 13 x 19. The factor for God appears with the two largest factors for China.
Total of the words (b): 4746 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 113.
Sum of the cumulative totals: 899484 = 22 x 3 x 23 x 3259. SF: 3289 = 11 x 13 x 23. SF: 47. Once again everything appears to converge when the cumulative total is related to China.

4.3Now we drill down into the letters of the Septuagint passage. Take every other letter. (Since there are over 2000 letters, the data will not be shown for many of these features.)

4.3.1The odd positioned letters: 76265 = 5 x 7 x 2179. SF: 2191 = 7 x 313. the odd positioned letters, find all those whose first digit is odd. The result is a number with a factor of 19: 23883 = 3 x 19 x 419. SF: 441 = 32 x 72 the odd positioned letters, find all those whose first digit is even. The result is a number with the other factor for China: 52382 = 2 x 11 x 2381. The sum of the factors is once again divisible by 7, and also by another 19: 2394 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 19.

4.3.2The even positioned letters: 76342 = 2 x 72 x 19 x 41. SF: 76 = 22 x 19. (China shows up twice.)

4.3.3Odd positioned groups of 19 letters from 4.3: 75452 = 22 x 13 x 1451. (Why is it that only groups of 19 work? Because it points to China.) odd valued letters from 4.3.3: 1924 = 22 x 13 x 37. even valued letters from 4.3.3: 73528 = 23 x 7 x 13 x 101. from 4.3.3 with an odd valued first digit: 25584 = 24 x 3 x 13 x 41. SF: 65 = 5 x 13. from 4.3.3 with an even valued first digit: 49868 = 22 x 7 x 13 x 137. SF: 161 = 7 x 23.

4.3.4Even positioned groups of 19 letters from 4.3: 77155 = 5 x 13 x 1187. from 4.3.4 where the first digit is odd: 24739 = 11 x 13 x 173. from 4.3.4 where the first digit is even: 52416 = 26 x 32 x 7 x 13. SF: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. positioned letters from the result in 26824 = 23 x 7 x 479. positioned letters from the result in 25592 = 23 x 7 x 457. positioned letters from the result in 12628 = 22 x 7 x 11 x 41. SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13. positioned from the result in

200 80 20 60 4 60 40 8 40 60 20 60 60 200 4 600 600 200 8 60 60 40 40 
40 40 20 40 8 60 400 60 8 40 40 4 200 60 600 60 200 2 40 40 40 4 400 
200 40 200 2 200 20 8 

Total: 5600 = 25 x 52 x 7.     Odd positioned from

200 20 4 40 40 20 60 4 600 8 60 40 40 40 60 60 40 4 60 60 2 40 4 200 
200 200 8 

Total: 2114 = 2 x 7 x 151.     Even positioned from

80 60 60 8 60 60 200 600 200 60 40 40 20 8 400 8 40 200 600 200 40 40 
400 40 2 20 

Total: 3486 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 83. SF: 95 = 5 x 19.         Odd positioned from

80 60 60 200 200 40 20 400 40 600 40 400 2

Total: 2142 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 17.       Even positioned from

60 8 60 600 60 40 8 8 200 200 40 40 20

Total: 1344 = 26 x 3 x 7. SF: 22 = 2 x 11.           Odd positioned from

60 60 60 8 200 40 20

Total: 448 = 26 x 7           Even positioned from

8 600 40 8 200 40

Total: 896 = 27 x 7           Even positions from the result in

80 200 200 40 200 80 4 200 200 80 80 600 60 60 40 200 40 60 200 40 60 
6 8 60 4 8 40 400 60 40 6 60 40 4 80 200 8 600 60 60 600 80 600 200 
40 60 80 200 200 40 200 60 200 

Total: 7028 = 22 x 7 x 251, positioned letters from the result in 12964 = 22 x 7 x 463.

4.3.5First half of the letters from 4.3: 74035 = 5 x 13 x 17 x 67.

4.3.6Last half of the letters from 4.3: 78572 = 22 x 13 x 1511.

4.3.7Letters where the first digit is odd valued: 50323 = 72 x 13 x 79. the list in 4.3.7, take the odd positioned letters: 24466 = 2 x 13 x 941. the list in 4.3.7, take the even positioned letters: 25857 = 32 x 132 x 17. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

4.3.4Letters where the first digit is even valued: 102284 = 22 x 7 x 13 x 281.

4.3.5Divide the letters into groups of 38 and add each group. Separate the groups by the odd or even value of the total. valued groups of 38 letters: 64649 = 13 x 4973. This category of letters produces 83 additional numeric features. valued groups of 38 letters: 87958 = 2 x 13 x 17 x 199. SF: 231 = 3 x 7 x 11. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. This second category of letters produces 779 additional numeric features.

4.3.6A hundred and sixty-two letters are divisible by 7. Their sum produces an extra factor of 7: 5292 = 22 x 33 x 72.

4.3.7The middle N letters are divisible by 13 when N is one of the following values:

2232 2206 2160 2152 2126 2106 2054 2022 2008 2006 2002 1966 1956 1948 
1922 1920 1914 1878 1840 1792 1734 1718 1696 1678 1652 1624 1618 1598 
1584 1578 1570 1516 1496 1492 1474 1450 1418 1350 1226 1202 1172 1164 
1144 1142 1118 1096 1072 1016 1006 972 922 912 886 878 826 822 820 
806 800 794 746 688 658 634 632 630 538 532 518 502 496 492 444 418 
408 396 326 312 302 264 242 238 234 224 214 196 190 164 98 76 48 16

Total of N: 102128 = 24 x 13 x 491. (Four factors of 2 match China's 3344.) letters can be arranged in a 59 x 19 x 2 block. The perimeter of both levels of the block: 19552 = 25 x 13 x 47. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. perimeter on the surface block: 10241 = 72 x 11 x 19. SF: 44 = 22 x 11. (The perimeter on the other layer is 9311, a prime number with no features.) positioned columns: 78421 = 7 x 17 x 659. positioned columns: 74186 = 2 x 72 x 757. positioned rows: 78128 = 24 x 19 x 257. (No corresponding feature with the even positioned rows.) perimeters on both layers: 79112 = 23 x 11 x 29 x 31. SF: 77 = 7 x 11.

4.4When the letters are added up one by one, the cumulative total will occasionally become divisible by 209 (11 x 19; two of the six factors for China). This happens 16 times. (Sixteen is four 2s, the other four factors for China.'s 3344)

A      B      C           A      B      C
213    10     14003       579    100    38038
230    8      15257       643    5      43054
294    200    20691       806    200    55594
304    90     21736       1147   10     80883
384    100    25707       1181   1      83182
507    9      33022       1373   600    97812
556    70     35530       1592   40     114114
563    1      36366       1699   90     122056

A: Letter position.     B: Letter value.
C: Cumulative total.

Total of these letters: 1534 = 2 x 13 x 59.
Sum of the cumulative totals: 837045 = 32 x 5 x 11 x 19 x 89. SF: 130 = 2 x 5 x 13.

4.5In Greek, China is spelled Κινα (Kina). These Greek letters have the values 10-9-40-1 for a total of 60, half the 120 value of the Hebrew סין (Syna). Go through the Septuagint passage looking for the letter Κ and record its position. Continue from that point searching for the next letter ι, followed by ν and α. By the time one reaches the 2240th letter position, which is the third last letter, one would have completed exactly 49 sets of Κινα!

The total of all 49 sets of Κινα would be 2940 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 72. This is not surprising since the value of Κινα was multiplied by 49. The surprise is in the resulting sum of the factors. The sum of the factors is 26 (2 x 13) a number equivalent to God’s name in Hebrew.

Forty-nine sets of 4 letters each would be a total of 196 letters or positions.

A    B    C       A    B    C       A    B    C       A    B    C

1)   11   10      50)  593  9       99)  1153 40      148) 1760 1
2)   14   9       51)  648  40      100) 1159 1       149) 1773 10
3)   39   40      52)  655  1       101) 1160 10      150) 1788 9
4)   47   1       53)  671  10      102) 1162 9       151) 1794 40
5)   89   10      54)  673  9       103) 1178 40      152) 1796 1
6)   106  9       55)  681  40      104) 1181 1       153) 1824 10
7)   125  40      56)  691  1       105) 1184 10      154) 1830 9
8)   141  1       57)  698  10      106) 1200 9       155) 1840 40
9)   173  10      58)  701  9       107) 1201 40      156) 1858 1
10)  176  9       59)  721  40      108) 1203 1       157) 1898 10
11)  178  40      60)  733  1       109) 1207 10      158) 1900 9
12)  179  1       61)  783  10      110) 1219 9       159) 1912 40
13)  192  10      62)  785  9       111) 1222 40      160) 1915 1
14)  194  9       63)  810  40      112) 1232 1       161) 1979 10
15)  218  40      64)  819  1       113) 1238 10      162) 1981 9
16)  221  1       65)  824  10      114) 1240 9       163) 1988 40
17)  253  10      66)  830  9       115) 1254 40      164) 1989 1
18)  255  9       67)  837  40      116) 1261 1       165) 2009 10
19)  279  40      68)  859  1       117) 1304 10      166) 2011 9
20)  280  1       69)  867  10      118) 1306 9       167) 2019 40
21)  317  10      70)  874  9       119) 1319 40      168) 2022 1
22)  320  9       71)  875  40      120) 1321 1       169) 2029 10
23)  326  40      72)  906  1       121) 1328 10      170) 2033 9
24)  328  1       73)  922  10      122) 1332 9       171) 2034 40
25)  333  10      74)  925  9       123) 1336 40      172) 2053 1
26)  335  9       75)  926  40      124) 1341 1       173) 2057 10
27)  337  40      76)  927  1       125) 1412 10      174) 2059 9
28)  342  1       77)  959  10      126) 1416 9       175) 2062 40
29)  350  10      78)  963  9       127) 1439 40      176) 2064 1
30)  358  9       79)  964  40      128) 1448 1       177) 2077 10
31)  360  40      80)  968  1       129) 1449 10      178) 2086 9
32)  367  1       81)  984  10      130) 1451 9       179) 2091 40
33)  406  10      82)  986  9       131) 1458 40      180) 2093 1
34)  408  9       83)  1019 40      132) 1459 1       181) 2116 10
35)  414  40      84)  1024 1       133) 1496 10      182) 2118 9
36)  416  1       85)  1040 10      134) 1521 9       183) 2122 40
37)  418  10      86)  1042 9       135) 1527 40      184) 2125 1
38)  420  9       87)  1056 40      136) 1534 1       185) 2129 10
39)  423  40      88)  1057 1       137) 1570 10      186) 2131 9
40)  433  1       89)  1064 10      138) 1572 9       187) 2142 40
41)  435  10      90)  1066 9       139) 1574 40      188) 2146 1
42)  437  9       91)  1080 40      140) 1585 1       189) 2171 10
43)  446  40      92)  1081 1       141) 1596 10      190) 2174 9
44)  448  1       93)  1107 10      142) 1601 9       191) 2197 40
45)  534  10      94)  1109 9       143) 1626 40      192) 2198 1
46)  536  9       95)  1115 40      144) 1636 1       193) 2212 10
47)  543  40      96)  1120 1       145) 1695 10      194) 2215 9
48)  555  1       97)  1134 10      146) 1705 9       195) 2233 40
49)  590  10      98)  1136 9       147) 1735 40      196) 2240 1

A: Position in the list of 196.
B: Position in the passage.
C: Greek letter value for Κινα (China).

Extracting 49 sets of Κινα still leaves 47 occurrences of the letter Κ, 189 of the letter ι, 124 of the letter ν, and 212 of the letter α. The total of these remaining letters of Κινα: 7343 = 7 x 1049. The sum of the factors is 1056, and in turn it factors as 25 x 3 x 11, covering 5 of the six factors for China's 3344.

4.5.1Twenty-eight (22 x 7) of the positions of the letters in 4.5 are divisible by 7.

a) 2  20  29  33  38  44  59  64  71  77  88   89   96   97   102
b) 14 280 350 406 420 448 721 819 875 959 1057 1064 1120 1134 1162
c) 9  1   10  10  9   1   40  1   40  10  1    10   1    10   9

a) 112  129  141  162  163  165  178  180  187  192  193  195  196
b) 1232 1449 1596 1981 1988 2009 2086 2093 2142 2198 2212 2233 2240
c) 1    10   10   9    40   10   9    1    40   1    10   40   1

a) Position in the list of 196.
b) Position in the passage.
c) Κινα letter value.

The sum of the positions in the list of 196 (line a) points to China: 3102 = 2 x 3 x 11 x 47. SF: 63 = 3 x 3 x 7. SF: 13.
The total of line c: 344 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 43. Factors of 2 aren't very special, but three of them together would be half of China's six factors, a 1 in 8 chance. This is more than 1 in 7. SF: 49 = 7 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

4.5.2Sixteen (24 four of the six factors for China) of the positions of the letters in the passage in 4.5 are divisible by 13.

a) 3  16  36  64  85   90   111  116  134  136  151  157  164  180  
b) 39 221 416 819 1040 1066 1222 1261 1521 1534 1794 1898 1989 2093 
c) 40 1   1   1   10   9    40   1    9    1    40   10   1    1    

a) 189  191    (Position in the list of 196.)
b) 2171 2197   (Position in the passage.)
c) 10   40     (Κινα letter value.)

The total (line b) is naturally 21281 = 13 x 1637. The sum of the factors points to China: 1650 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 x 11. The sum of these factors goes back to God’s name: 26 = 2 x 13.
The sum of the Greek letters for China (c): 215 = 5 x 43. There does not seem to be any link to God or China until the sum of the factors is considered: 48 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3. The sum of these factors is 11.

4.5.3Exactly fourteen (2 x 7) of the positions (column B) in 4.5 are divisible by 11 (a factor of China).

a) 1  10  17  37  53  80  87   112  115  133  146  148  173  195
b) 11 176 253 418 671 968 1056 1232 1254 1496 1705 1760 2057 2233
c) 10 9   10  10  10  1   40   1    40   10   9    1    10   40

However, the sum of line b produces nothing extra: 15290 = 2 x 5 x 11 x 139.

4.5.4Twelve of the positions in column B in 4.5 are divisible by 19.

28  37  42  70  89   100  103  115  141  153  158  170 
342 418 437 874 1064 1159 1178 1254 1596 1824 1900 2033 
1   10  9   9   10   1    40   40   10   10   9    9

Sum of line b: 14079 = 3 x 13 x 192. There is an extra 19 and a 13.

4.5.5Precisely 14 of the the positions in 4.5's column B are in the first word of a verse.

a) 173 176 178 534 536 733 984 986 1107 1109 1203 1601 2197 2198
b) 10  9   40  10  9   1   10  9   10   9    1    9    40   1

a) Position in the passage.
b) Κινα letter value.

Total of line a: 13715 = 5 x 13 x 211.
Total of line b: 168 = 23 x 3 x 7. SF: 16 = 24.
Unfortunately there is no corresponding feature with positions in the last word of a verse.

4.5.6A hundred and fourteen of the positions in 4.5's column B are the first or last letter of a word.

a) 11   39   47   125  141  173  178  179  192  194  218  221  253  255  320  326  333  335  337
b) 10   40   1    40   1    10   40   1    10   9    40   1    10   9    9    40   10   9    40

a) 358  360  406  408  418  420  435  437  446  534  536  555  593  648  671  673  681  698  721
b) 9    40   10   9    10   9    10   9    40   10   9    1    9    40   10   9    40   10   40

a) 783  785  824  859  875  925  927  959  964  968  984  986  1019 1040 1042 1056 1057 1064 1066
b) 10   9    10   1    40   9    1    10   40   1    10   9    40   10   9    40   1    10   9

a) 1107 1109 1115 1134 1136 1159 1160 1162 1201 1207 1219 1222 1232 1238 1254 1304 1306 1319 1328
b) 10   9    40   10   9    1    10   9    40   10   9    40   1    10   40   10   9    40   10

a) 1416 1448 1449 1451 1496 1521 1570 1572 1574 1626 1735 1773 1794 1830 1840 1898 1900 1915 1979
b) 9    1    10   9    10   9    10   9    40   40   40   10   40   9    40   10   9    1    10

a) 1981 1988 1989 2009 2011 2022 2029 2034 2057 2059 2062 2077 2086 2091 2129 2142 2171 2212 2233
b) 9    40   1    10   9    1    10   40   10   9    40   10   9    40   10   40   10   10   40

a) Position in the passage.
b) Κινα letter value.

Total of line a: 126139 = 13 x 31 x 313. SF: 357 = 3 x 7 x 17.
Total of line b: 1904 = 24 x 7 x 17. SF: 32 = 25.

4.5.7Ten of the positions in 4.5's column B are in the first or last verse of a chapter, and are the first or last letter of a word.

a) 11 1207 1219 1222 1232 1254 1306 1319 1449 2233
b) 10 10   9    40   1    40   9    40   10   40

a) Position in the passage.
b) Κινα letter value.

Total of line a: 12452 = 2 x 2 x 11 x 283.
Total of line b: 209 = 11 x 19. (Both lines have factors from China.)

4.5.8These 196 letters sit in 196 words. The words are listed below. Some are listed twice since they have more than one letter of Κινα.

449 449 492 225 307 91 307 561 399 399 399 401 20 20 46 901 20 20 676
676 229 622 45 96 20 20 45 330 178 178 45 502 20 20 575 575 20 20 828
828 20 20 419 20 20 20 675 1048 339 622 664 20 20 20 45 207 559 559
45 20 20 20 689 689 15 199 1339 561 527 527 527 84 664 50 50 50 270
244 244 685 20 20 41 327 20 20 200 682 20 20 779 779 20 20 147 711 20
20 1385 1385 20 20 242 20 410 151 151 20 270 438 45 1385 360 360 950
701 20 20 147 222 685 685 685 20 274 274 685 1081 20 20 410 410 220
20 941 941 20 20 100 507 321 182 941 20 263 449 202 20 253 734 734 20
829 829 193 20 20 20 191 191 20 20 267 901 20 20 238 561 270 244 244
218 20 20 147 177 959 959 348 20 430 430 430 20 239 239 280 20 559
559 250 250 449 449 80 207

Total of these words: 62472 = 23 x 3 x 19 x 137. SF: 165 = 3 x 5 x 11. SF: 19. The factors for China figure prominently. duplicated words so only unique word totals remain. There are only 80 (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5). This also removes words that are not consecutive in the list.

449 492 225 307 91 561 399 401 20 46 901 676 229 622 45 96 330 178
502 575 828 419 675 1048 339 664 207 559 689 15 199 1339 527 84 50
270 244 685 41 327 200 682 779 147 711 1385 242 410 151 438 360 950
701 222 274 1081 220 941 100 507 321 182 263 202 253 734 829 193 191
267 238 218 177 959 348 430 239 280 250 80

Total of these unique word values: 33509 = 7 x 4787. (Note that the first and last add up to 529, which is 23 x 23.) the previous list, find all those where the first digit is odd:

307 91 561 399 901 96 330 178 502 575 1048 339 559 15 199 1339 527 50
327 779 147 711 1385 151 360 950 701 1081 941 100 507 321 182 734 193
191 177 959 348

Total: 19261 = 11 x 17 x 103., find all those where the first digit is even:

449 492 225 401 20 46 676 229 622 45 828 419 675 664 207 689 84 270
244 685 41 200 682 242 410 438 222 274 220 263 202 253 829 267 238
218 430 239 280 250 80

Total: 14248 = 23 x 13 x 137. SF: 156 = 22 x 3 x 13.

4.5.9Add up the letter positions for each the 49 individual sets of Κινα.

111    1435   2853   4195   4993   6459   8149
461    1644   3197   4291   5250   6895   8242
706    1694   3350   4451   5337   7151   8347
825    1766   3522   4582   5715   7352   8481
1067   2168   3700   4681   5817   7625   8548
1291   2486   3854   4788   6078   7937   8740
1347   2716   4013   4880   6301   8061   8900 of the set totals are divisible by 7.

Set number            (a) 8    10   14   23   27   30   33   37
Position total of set (b) 1435 1694 2716 4291 4788 5250 5817 6895

Total of the set numbers (a): 182 = 2 x 7 x 13. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13. of the set totals are divisible by 11.

Set number (a):            4   5    10   13   46
Position total of set (b): 825 1067 1694 2486 8481

Total of the set numbers (a): 78 = 2 x 3 x 13.

Total of the set positions (b): 14553 = 33 x 72 x 11. every 7th set:

Set number (a):            7    14   21   28   35   42   49
Position total of set (b): 1347 2716 4013 4880 6301 8061 8900

The total of the set numbers (a) is naturally divisible by 7. In this case it is divisible by an extra 7: 196 = 22 x 72. Total of the positions (b): 36218 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 199. SF: 221 = 13 x 17. 11th set:

Set number (a):            11   22   33   44
Position total of set (b): 1766 4195 5817 8242

Total of the positions (b): 20020 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 13. values of God’s name in Hebrew count through the 49 set totals 7 times.

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5   10   5    6    5    10   5
b) 10   15   21   26   36   41   47   52  13   18   24   29   39   44
c) 10   15   21   26   36   41   47   3   13   18   24   29   39   44
d) 1694 2853 4013 4681 6459 7937 8548 706 2486 3522 4451 4993 7352 8242

a) 6   5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6   5    10   5    6    5
b) 50  6    16   21   27   32   42   47   53  9    19   24   30   35
c) 1   6    16   21   27   32   42   47   4   9    19   24   30   35
d) 111 1291 3197 4013 4788 5715 8061 8548 825 1644 3700 4451 5250 6301

a) Value from the Hebrew name.
b) Count.
c) Count adjusted to 49.
d) Set total found.

Total: 125832 = 23 x 3 x 72 x 107. SF: 130 = 2 x 5 x 13. the list in 4.9, find groups of sets Nth and Nth last that individually and together are divisible by 13.

Start position of group: 7      12    12    18
End position of group:   22     17    20    20
Total of both groups:    147940 55471 82849 27378

Total of the start and end positions of each group: 128 = 27. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.
Sum of the pair groups: 313638 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 4021. The 13 was expected, but the sum of the factors is unexpected: 4039 = 7 x 577. the 49 set totals, one could take every Nth set. The following values of N produce sequences divisible by 7.

5 6 7 11 15

Total of N: 44 = 22 x 11. (One factor for China shows up.) the 49 set totals, beginning with the first set and taking every Nth set after, the following values of N produce a total divisible by 13. There is actually only one that works. This is when N is 11, a number from China's factors. the 49 set totals, taking every Nth set, the following values of N produce totals divisible by 13.

7 11 20

Total of N: 38 = 2 x 19. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. (Factor 19 for China appears.) 28 of the 49 are odd valued. (Total of the set positions: 131486 [nf].) 21 of the 49 are even valued. (Total of the set positions: 94966 [nf].) difference between the odd valued and even valued: 131486 − 94966 = 36520 = 23 x 5 x 11 x 83. SF: 105 = 3 x 5 x 7. of the set totals are prime numbers:

Set number (a):         2   6    21   24   29   35   38   41
Total of positions (b): 461 1291 4013 4451 4993 6301 7151 7937

Total of line a: 196 = 22 x 72. of the set totals are not prime numbers:

a) 1    3   4   5     7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16
b) 111  706 825 1067  1347 1435 1644 1694 1766 2168 2486 2716 2853 3197

a) 17   18   19   20    22   23    25   26   27   28    30   31   32
b) 3350 3522 3700 3854  4195 4291  4582 4681 4788 4880  5250 5337 5715

a) 33   34    36   37    39   40    42   43   44   45   46   47   48
b) 5817 6078  6459 6895  7352 7625  8061 8149 8242 8347 8481 8548 8740

a) 49    (Set number.)
b) 8900  (Total of the positions.)

Total of line a: 1029 = 3 x 73.
Total of line b: 189854 = 2 x 7 x 71 x 191. the set totals are added one by one, there are six instances where the cumulative total would be divisible by 7.

Set number:       16    29    30    36     37     41
Position total:   3197  4993  5250  6459   6895   7937
Cumulative total: 25767 81067 86317 122024 128919 158984

Total of the set numbers: 189 = 33 x 7. SF: 16 = 24. the set totals are added one by one, there are only two instances where the cumulative total is divisible by 13.

Set number:       2   40
Position total:   461 7625
Cumulative total: 572 151047

Total of the set numbers: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7. the set totals are added one by one, there is only one case where the cumulative total is divisible by 19. This is at the 30th set. The total of the positions is 5250 (2 x 3 x 53 x 7). At this point, the cumulative total is 86317 (7 x 11 x 19 x 59; SF: 96 = 25 x 3; SF: 13). It is divisible by 7 and 11, the other factor for China. the set totals are added one by one, 26 cumulative totals are odd valued.

A     B       C            A     B       C
1     111     111          19    3700    36339
4     825     2103         20    3854    40193
6     1291    4461         22    4195    48401
8     1435    7243         24    4451    57143
9     1644    8887         25    4582    61725
10    1694    10581        29    4993    81067
11    1766    12347        30    5250    86317
12    2168    14515        32    5715    97369
13    2486    17001        35    6301    115565
14    2716    19717        37    6895    128919
16    3197    25767        40    7625    151047
17    3350    29117        42    8061    167045
18    3522    32639        45    8347    191783

A: Set position.           B: Set total.
C: Cumulative total.

Total of column A: 539 = 72 x 11. (There are two factors of 7, and an 11 for China.)
Total of column C: 1447402 = 2 x 112 x 5981. (Discounting the 2, there are still two 11s for China.) the set totals are added one by one, 23 cumulative totals are even valued.

A     B       C             A     B       C
2     461     572           34    6078    109264
3     706     1278          36    6459    122024
5     1067    3170          38    7151    136070
7     1347    5808          39    7352    143422
15    2853    22570         41    7937    158984
21    4013    44206         43    8149    175194
23    4291    52692         44    8242    183436
26    4681    66406         46    8481    200264
27    4788    71194         47    8548    208812
28    4880    76074         48    8740    217552
31    5337    91654         49    8900    226452
33    5817    103186

A: Set position.           B: Set total.
C: Cumulative total.

Total of column A: 686 = 2 x 73. (Three factors of 7!)

4.5.10As noted in the beginning of 4.5, extracting 49 sets of Κινα still leaves many occurrences of these letters in the passage. Suppose a second pass through the text was made searching for these letters again, but ignoring those that had already been selected in the first pass? How many additional passes might be possible? Nine more passes are possible. Forty-five new occurrences of Κινα are found. Including the first pass there would be a total of 94 (2 x 47. SF: 49 = 7 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7). The total of their positions: 429935 = 5 x 11 x 7817. SF: 7833 = 3 x 7 x 373.

First pass (49):
11 14 39 47         671 673 681 691         1184 1200 1201 1203     1898 1900 1912 1915
89 106 125 141      698 701 721 733         1207 1219 1222 1232     1979 1981 1988 1989
173 176 178 179     783 785 810 819         1238 1240 1254 1261     2009 2011 2019 2022
192 194 218 221     824 830 837 859         1304 1306 1319 1321     2029 2033 2034 2053
253 255 279 280     867 874 875 906         1328 1332 1336 1341     2057 2059 2062 2064
317 320 326 328     922 925 926 927         1412 1416 1439 1448     2077 2086 2091 2093
333 335 337 342     959 963 964 968         1449 1451 1458 1459     2116 2118 2122 2125
350 358 360 367     984 986 1019 1024       1496 1521 1527 1534     2129 2131 2142 2146
406 408 414 416     1040 1042 1056 1057     1570 1572 1574 1585     2171 2174 2197 2198
418 420 423 433     1064 1066 1080 1081     1596 1601 1626 1636     2212 2215 2233 2240
435 437 446 448     1107 1109 1115 1120     1695 1705 1735 1760
534 536 543 555     1134 1136 1153 1159     1773 1788 1794 1796
590 593 648 655     1160 1162 1178 1181     1824 1830 1840 1858

Second pass (22):
120 129 130 165        1431 1435 1444 1450
213 215 281 289        1453 1454 1487 1492
322 330 356 373        1519 1535 1537 1554
447 449 455 457        1627 1629 1632 1640
595 600 731 736        1702 1721 1741 1764
808 822 842 917        1795 1797 1807 1818
998 1004 1023 1041     1857 1859 1868 1872
1043 1051 1061 1063    1901 1905 1954 1964
1076 1078 1087 1089    2092 2094 2096 2100
1119 1133 1226 1239    2124 2126 2128 2133
1333 1342 1347 1355    2145 2147 2153 2154

Third pass (9):
270 276 382 383     1008 1010 1096 1100     1436 1471 1506 1520
598 605 737 751     1147 1149 1234 1272     1635 1637 1664 1669
828 832 848 945     1340 1351 1356 1360     1759 1761 1768 1772

Fourth pass (5):     Fifth pass (3):      Sixth pass (2):
338 340 391 394      646 656 776 781      654 661 779 784
628 630 744 758      895 909 918 979      1202 1204 1295 1299
845 865 882 973      1180 1182 1284 1297
1045 1090 1101 1104
1164 1173 1280 1288

Seventh pass (1):  Eighth pass (1):   Ninth pass (1):    Tenth pass (1):
686 688 817 833    712 716 858 985    717 719 885 995    732 734 888 1002 the seventh pass, only one Κινα is found. This one is unique.

686 688 817 833 of the positions: 3024 = 24 x 33 x 7. and last positions of this Κινα: 1519 = 72 x 31. position: 686 = 2 x 73. position: 833 = 72 x 17. second position matches factors from China: 688 = 24 x 43. third position also matches a factor from China: 817 = 19 x 43. positions that are not first or last: 1505 = 5 x 7 x 43. SF: 55 = 5 x 11. SF: 16 = 24. first and third positions yield no feature, but the second and fourth do: 1521 = 32 x 132. SF: 32 = 25. first half of the positions: 1374 = 2 x 3 x 229. There is only one factor for China, and it is a weak two. The sum of the factors goes further: 234 = 2 x 32 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF: 7. last half of the positions: 1650 = 2 x 3 x 52 x 11. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. four positions are the positions of these letters within the passage. They can also be referenced by their position within their respective verses.

66 68 86 102

Total of the positions: 322 = 2 x 7 x 23. SF: 32 = 25. (Four of China's factors.)   Providentially, the letters of this Κινα spans 148 letter positions (from 686 to 833). The total of these positions: 112406 = 2 x 72 x 31 x 37. SF: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.   The total of these 148 letters: 11235 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 107. SF: 122 = 2 x 61. SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13.   These 148 letters are in 31 Greek words, from the 19th word of Isaiah 8:18 to the 20th word of Isaiah 8:19. The words are listed below.

οικω   Ισραηλ παρα  κυριου  σαβαωθ  ος   κατοικει  εν  τω   ορει  Σιων
house  Israel by    Lord    Hosts   who  dwells    on  the  Mount Zion

και   εαν  ειπωσιν    προς  υμας   ζητησατε   τους   απο   της  γης
And  if    they       to    you    Seek       those  from  the  earth

φωνουντας  και  τους  εγγαστριμυθους   τους  κενολογουντας  οι    εκ
speak out  and  the   ventriloquist    the   empty words   which  out
loud                  familiar spirit

της κοιλιας
the belly

This is the reason why God turned away from Israel. This is why the kingdom of God was given to another nation. Rather than consult God, they turned to those who spoke loudly from the earth (the dead, or just brash talkers?), strange experts (or familiar spirits) and vain words based only on the physical world.

The total of these thirty-one words: 11394 = 2 x 33 x 211. There doesn't seem to be any numeric feature here except for a single 2, which is extremely weak. However, if the factors are added, something else appears: 222 = 2 x 3 x 37. More 2s appear, though 222 only has 1 factor of 2. The third level of factors improves the situation: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7. Now there is a 7 along with the 2. The fourth level of factors yields two 2s: 12 = 22 x 3. And at the fifth and final level, the sum of the factors is 7. Basically there were four levels of factors where 2 appeared each time. This matches the four factors of two in China's 3344, a 1 in 16 chance.   This Κινα divides the passage into three parts. There is the section before Κινα , the Κινα section itself, and the section after. Since the Κινα section itself is divisible by 7, this means removing it from the passage would still leave a total divisible by 7: 141372 = 22 x 33 x 7 x 11 x 17. There are three of the six factors for China even when the Κινα section is removed. The sum of the factors is 48 with four of China's six factors, with the final level of factors ending once again with a factor for China (24 x 3; SF: 11). It is as if removing the Κινα (China) section from the text only strengthens the case for China., the 685 letters before this Κινα total 45528. (23 x 3 x 7 x 271. SF: 287 = 7 x 41. SF: 48 = 24 x 3. SF: 11.) [See the Hebrew version of this feature.] means the 1409 letters after this Κινα total 95844 (22 x 3 x 72 x 163)! [See the Hebrew version of this feature.]

(N.B. This is not some freak chance. A similar feature appears in Isaiah 18, and in Isaiah 18-23.) There is even one for America (feature 1.28).

How is it possible that the original Hebrew and the Septuagint would have these exact same features based on their respective spellings of China? This cannot be coincidence. Only God, or an angel could have done this.7 the sections before and after this Κινα are both divisible by 7, then comparing what was before and what was after, or taking the difference would also be divisible by 7: 95844 − 45528 = 50316 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 599. There is nothing new with the numbers other than the appearance of two factors of 2, which could point to China, but this is only a 1 in 4 chance and very common.

The curious coincidence is that the 599th Big5 character is 扭 ([niu3] to turn; to twist; to wring; to sprain). Since God is hiding His face from Israel, and since Jesus said the kingdom of God would be taken away, this would seem to fit what happens before and after the Κινα section. God turns away (扭).

The sum of the factors of 50316 is a prime number 613. The coincidence is seen again in that the 613th character of Big5 is 改 ([gai3] to change; to alter; to transform; to correct).

This Κινα is perfectly positioned in the passage. One could almost believe there was some sort of refining process in passing over the text seven times, eliminating 90 sets of Κινα letters until this specific 91st (7 x 13) instance of Κινα was reached. (Note that 90 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 5. SF: 13.) the first search was a perfect 49, it could stand on its own. The positions of the letters in these 49 sets total 226452 (22 x 3 x 113 x 167). Two factors of two isn't really much of a feature. The real feature is in the sum of the factors: 287 = 7 x 41. The sum of these second level factors is 48 (24 x 3). Four factors of 2 match four factors from China's total of 3344. This is a 1 in 16 chance. positions of the letters in the 45 sets total 203483 (7 x 41 x 709). For the perfect set of 49, one had to look at the sum of the factors. Here, for the additional sets the factor of 7 appears immediately.

It would seem the Greek letters for Κινα (China) are an integral part of the text, placed in specific positions to generate many numeric features. How is this possible with a text that is inferior to the original Hebrew? This is a different type of inspiration.


Features 2.13 and 3.7 directly link Isaiah's prophecy and China. More than twenty-eight features in section 4.5 show how the Greek spelling of China (Κινα) is built into the text of the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint. Numerous other numeric features flesh out the rest of the relationship. In meaning, current day China fits this prophecy's description. In numbers, China fits this prophecy with mathematical precision.

And now Isaiah's inspired genius becomes clear when chapter 18, and the prophecy on Tyre (Isaiah 23:17-18) are added to the picture with Isaiah 8:11-9:8. To Make Heavy The Way Of The Sea is about people in darkness seeing a great light. Everything begins with the true religion. Once the foundation is laid, the events in chapter 18 can more easily unfold. A people very distant from Palestine come to honour God with gifts. The result is a political act of allegiance. When religion guides politics, the final step is natural. New Tyre sets aside her earnings for God (Isaiah 23:17-18). Economics is subordinated to politics, and politics is subservient to religion.


  1. The phrase, For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still occurs fives times in Isaiah (Isaiah 5:25, 9:12, 9:17, 9:21, 10:4). Why five times? Perhaps because there is God and the four living creatures around His throne (Revelation 4:7). Each has a part in judgment. The numbers for this phrase show God’s sovereignty. The total is 1066. (2 x 13 x 41. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.)
  2. English reference quotes are from the Revised Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972.
  3. 5. English definitions of Hebrew words are from Bibleworks 3.2.009 by Michael S. Bushell, 1995.
  4. The beginning and end letters from the first section of letters (1 to 580) are 20 and 70 and do not add up to anything like the beginning and end letters from the second section. The passage is not about God. Some inconsistencies would be normal. Besides, the first section already had several amazing features.
  1. The Chinese New Version of the Bible has a different translation of Matthew 21:43. Replacement of  神 with 上帝 also produces numeric features.
    因   此  我  告  訴   你   們  上  帝   的   國   要   從   你   們
    542 634 923 810 4613 770 2445 24 1939 1659 3243 2351 3378 770 2445
     那  裡    取   去  賜   給    那   結   果   子 的   外  族  人
    1147 5261 1211 297 6568 4474 1147 4467 1544 45 1659 319 3483 9
    Total: 58177 = 7 x 8311. SF: 8318 = 2 x 4159. SF: 4161 = 3 x 19 x 73.
           SF: 95 = 5 x 19.
    Odd positioned characters: 34400 = 25 x 52 x 43.
           SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13.
    Even positioned characters: 23777 = 13 x 31 x 59.
    Odd valued characters: 38663 = 23 x 412. SF: 105 = 3 x 5 x 7.
    Even valued characters: 19514 = 2 x 11 x 887.
           SF: 900 = 22 x 32 x 52.
           SF: 20 = 22 x 5.
  2. The seventh instance of סין (Syna in Hebrew) spanned 53 letters (feature The 91st instance of Κινα (China in Greek) spanned 148 letters (feature If these two are put together, the total number of letters covered is 201 (3 x 67). This does not seem to be a feature until the factors are added: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. Now the totals of letters covered by these two versions of China are put together: 3363 + 11235 = 14598 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 811. Once again there doesn't seem to be anything until the factors are added: 819 = 3 x 3 x 7 x 13. SF 26 = 2 x 13. Positions and letter values run parallel with each other in Hebrew and Greek.

  3. One can easily write a sentence in Chinese showing the kingdom of God has already been transferred to China:
    上   帝   的       國       已  經       賜   給     中   國
    24 1939 1659     3243      56 5160     6568 4474   101 3243
       God's       kingdom     already      given-to    China
    Total: 26467 = 7 x 19 x 199. SF: 225 = 32 x 52. SF: 16 = 24.
    Odd valued characters: 10185 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 97. SF: 112 = 24 x 7.
    Even valued characters: 16282 = 2 x 7 x 1163.
    Difference between odd and even valued characters: 6097 = 7 x 13 x 67.

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The foolishness of God is greater than anything we can imagine (1 Corinthians 1:25). On the off chance the numbers are a form of foolishness, do not spend too much time on them.