Bible Numbers 2.0

The World After Eden

Seth lived after the birth of Enosh eight hundred and seven years, and had other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:7)1

All the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died. (Genesis 9:29)

According to the numbers which will be presented below, the world after Eden properly begins with Seth (Genesis 5:7) who was born in the likeness of his father Adam (Genesis 5:3). But it is not his birth in 5:6 which is the starting point. The new start for Adam and Eve was when Adam had a son in his own likeness. In a similar manner, the start of the new period was when Seth had a son, not when he was born.

And according to the numbers, the end of this period was the death of Noah (Genesis 9:29). He represented the last of the pre-Flood world. The Bible makes it clear it was Noah who was righteous before God (Genesis 6:9, 7:1). No mention is made of his children. Thus the end point of this historic period is Noah, not The Flood, and not his children. (His children are part of the world after The Flood.)

The Bible gives the barest sketch of what this early world was like. It was a time when humanity dwelt alongside the Nephilim (הנפלים; i.e. the fallen; Genesis 6:4), and the sons of the gods (בני האלהים). Who were these Nephilim, and Benei Ha-elohim?

The word Nephilim is translated as fallen in other verses (Joshua 8:5; Judges 20:46; 2 Kings 25:11; Psalm 145:14; Jeremiah 39:9, 52:15; Ezekiel 32:22, 24). Since they are mentioned with the sons of the gods it would appear they were not human. Perhaps they were the fallen angels mentioned in Jude 1:6.

The words Benei Ha-elohim in Hebrew are both plural. Benei is the Hebrew for sons. The extra letter before elohim is like a definite article, the gods. They were not sons of God or sons of the God, but sons of the gods. The possibility exists these are other divine beings. Since Jesus said angels in heaven do not marry (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25), and Genesis 6:4 says they do, it would appear angels on earth can marry.

The result of these unions were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown, and...

The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)

As people follow celebrities and famous men and women today, so people in the past ended up following the Nephilim or the Benei Ha-elohim. And as fans of rival sports teams sometimes have violent clashes so conflict developed between the fallen and the sons of the gods. Since the Bible makes no mention of peoples, tribes, kingdoms or nations, there were either no such organizations, or there were too many. Either way, the result was the same, conflict reached everyone.

But it wasn't just violence and evil. Something more sinister occurred.

And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. (Genesis 6:12)

Flesh itself had been corrupted or ruined. Man was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Satan takes pleasure in destroying that image. This is why there is war to kill and maim. This is why there is hunger, pollution and illness to poison and cripple the flesh.

Most recently with the fake Covid-19 pandemic, experimental mRNA shots were foisted upon several billion people to corrupt from the inside out. That the Bible says all flesh had corrupted their way was something similar. It was something God had to stop and clear away with The Flood.

Only one man, Noah, was considered righteous (Genesis 6:9). Thus God decided to blot out everyone else.

These two verses mark the beginning and end points of the the world after Eden and up to a point just after The Flood. Both verses are also genealogical. The intriguing part is that both verses contain numbers that together are divisible by 7: 807 + 950 = 1757 (7 x 251). Other numeric features confirm the Bible's historical accuracy.

This segment of text spans 5 chapters, has 123 verses, 1594 words, and 5892 letters. Due to its large size, the numeric features will be presented without the data.

Numeric Features

Primary Features

ANumeric total: 403333 = 7 x 157 x 367. (See feature 1.)

BOdd positioned verses in the passage: 217784 = 23 x 7 x 3889. (See feature 3.1.)

B.1Even positioned verses in the passage: 185549 = 7 x 13 x 2039. (See feature 3.1.1.)

CThe first and last letter of each word: 204470 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 23 x 127. (See feature 5.1.)

C.1The first letter of each word: 65772 = 22 x 34 x 7 x 29. SF: 52 = 22 x 13. (See feature 5.2.)

C.2The last letter of each word: 138698 = 2 x 7 x 9907. (See feature 5.3.)

The Passage & Chapters

1Passage total: 403333 = 7 x 157 x 367. (Curiously, 1757 can be subtracted 229 times from 403333 leaving a remainder of 980. 403333 divided by 1757 is approximately 229.5577, which can be rounded up to 230. 23 is the number of humanity. 980 factors as 22 x 5 x 72. The sum of these factors is 23.)

2The chapters, their numeric totals, and other basic statistics are given below.

Chapter:           5     6     7     8     9
Total:             89640 77222 75332 71868 89271
Number of verses:  26    22    24    22    29
Number of words:   296   305   332   308   353
Number of letters: 1143  1107  1209  1145  1288

2.1Notice how the fifth and ninth chapters (i.e. first and last) would be 14. The second and second last chapters would also total 14. The middle chapter is chapter 7. The sum of the chapters is 35 (5 x 7).

2.1.1The number of letters for the first and last chapters: 2431 = 11 x 13 x 17.

2.2.1Odd valued chapters: 89271 = 32 x 7 x 13 x 109. (This is also the only chapter with an odd number of verses and an even number of letters.)

2.2.2Even valued chapters: 89640 77222 75332 71868 = 314062 = 2 x 7 x 22433. SF: 22442 = 2 x 72 x 229. SF: 245 = 5 x 72. (These chapters all have an even number of verses and an odd number of letters.)

2.3Total of the first and last words of each chapter: 2898 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 23.

3.1Odd positioned verses in the passage: 217784 = 23 x 7 x 3889.

3.1.1Even positioned verses in the passage: 185549 = 7 x 13 x 2039.

3.1.2Find the difference between the odd positioned and even positioned verses: 217784 − 185549 = 32235 (3 x 5 x 7 x 307; SF: 322 = 2 x 7 x 23). There is an extra factor of 7 in the next level, along with the factor 23, which represents man. (See also feature 5.4.3.)

3.2Even valued groups of 41 verses, or as it just so happens, odd positioned groups of 41 verses: 268034 = 2 x 133 x 61.

3.3.1Odd valued verses have the last letter of each word total 66185 = 5 x 7 x 31 x 61. SF: 104 = 23 x 13.

3.3.2Even valued verses have the last letter of each word total 72513 = 32 x 7 x 1151.

3.4.1Verses where the first digit of the total is odd: 187152 = 24 x 3 x 7 x 557.

3.4.2Verses where the first digit of the total is even: 216181 = 7 x 89 x 347.

3.4.3The difference between 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 reveals an extra 13: 29029 = 7 x 11 x 13 x 29.

4.1Odd positioned words: 201902 = 2 x 157 x 643.

4.2Even positioned words: 201431 = 157 x 1283. (Neither of these are divisible by 7 or 13. Both are divisible by 157, which is also a factor of the entire passage. This is a 1 in 157 chance, much rarer than 1 in 7 or 1 in 13.)

4.3Beginning with the first word and taking every Nth word after, the following values of N produce totals divisible by 7:

25 31 33 38 47 49 63 75 76 84 96 99 115 117 124 149 150 152 155 158 
162 169 170 172 180 196 201 209 211 222 235 236 238 242 248 252 254 
263 266 268 273 289 290 302 306 311 312 318 320 321 328 329 334 337 
351 354 355 357 369 380 413 420 427 432 441 455 456 460 465 466 476 
477 478 480 487 493 520 527 528 533 544 553 560 575 579 582 583 586 
592 593 599 601 602 609 618 620 622 624 647 648 653 657 658 678 684 
702 708 715 719 723 727 730 731 736 739 743 747 751 784 786 794 797 

Total of N: 50099 = 7 x 17 x 421.

4.4Taking every Nth word, the following values of N produce totals divisible by 13:

9 49 58 63 81 85 104 124 129 141 144 164 178 190 194 198 201 229 230 
231 264 271 289 333 334 352 382 394 425 426 443 454 462 487 504 509 
511 530 552 557 559 586 592 631 637 647 665 691 698 704 710 713 723 
727 734 742 763 767 772 788 

Total of N: 25130 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 359.

5.1The first and last letter of each word: 204470 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 23 x 127.

5.2The first letter of each word: 65772 = 22 x 34 x 7 x 29. SF: 52 = 22 x 13.

5.3The last letter of each word: 138698 = 2 x 7 x 9907.

Just like The Proclamation, this part of the Bible follows Revelation 1:8's principle of complementary opposites of Alpha (first) and Omega (last). God’s signature is seen in the text confirming its authenticity.

5.4.1Total of the positions of the first letter of each word: 41722 = 2 x 23 x 907. (Factor 23 appears once again with the positions of the first letter of each word.)

5.4.2Total of the positions of the last letter of each word: 46020 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 13 x 59. SF: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. (Factor 13 shows God’s end judgment on this period.)

5.4.3Passages concerning God usually have the values of the first and last letters of each word added together. This passage is about the human race, and this concerns the positions of the letters and not the letters themselves. Adding the positions together reveals nothing. Subtracting, or finding the difference shows something else: 46020 − 41722 = 4298 (2 x 7 x 307). In one sense, subtraction is very appropriate. The larger number (position of the last letters) is the end result of the human race. The human race is subtracted (i.e. The Flood removes the human race). The end result is a number divisible by 7, showing God’s perfect judgment.

5.4.4The total of the positions of the first letter of each word within their chapters: 942221 = 73 x 41 x 67. (Three factors of 7!)

5.4.5The total of the positions of the last letter of each word within their chapters: 946519 = 7 x 23 x 5879.

5.4.6The total of the positions of the first and last letters of each word within their chapters: 1888740 = 22 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 1499. SF: 1521 = 32 x 132.

5.5.1Odd positioned letters from each chapter: 203077 = 7 x 67 x 433. SF: 507 = 3 x 132

5.5.2Even positioned letters from each chapter: 200256 = 26 x 3 x 7 x 149.

5.6Whenever the odds were checked, almost all the numeric studies so far either matched or surpassed the odds, even if it was by a little bit. This study is different.

There are 2948 letters in odd positions for the chapters. These letters can be grouped in many different ways and separated into odd and even positioned groups. (See: The Post-Flood World Before Abraham.) Some of these odd/even positioned groups will be divisible by 7 and or 13. Others will not. In all, for the odd positioned letters from each chapter, 165689 methods of grouping them were tried.2 4589 were divisible by 7. 575 were divisible by 13. Out of 165689, the odds would have suggested 23670 divisible by 7, and 12745 divisible by 13. As can be seen the results are much less than the odds.

The results are even worse for the even positioned letters from each chapter. There are 2944 letters. Out of 6119 tries, not one succeeded! This is astonishingly poor. It is so bad it can't be due to random chance. Out of 171808 tries for both the odd positioned and even positioned letters within the chapters, the numbers should have balanced out. The only reason I can think of to explain this extreme dearth of numeric features is that the passage is about the fallen human race. The passage is about humanity descending into perpetual evil, violence, and the corruption of all flesh. Why should such a passage have many numeric features at all?

Two Studies Combined

6Since Genesis 10:1 follows immediately after Genesis 9:29, the two passages (The World After Eden and The Post-Flood World Before Abraham) can be joined together.

FeatureGenesis 5:7-9:29Genesis 10:1-11:25Passages Together
6.1Number of chapters:527
Together there are seven chapters.
6.2Passage total:403333156933560266 = 2 x 72 x 5717.
SF: 5733 = 32 x 72 x 13.
The numeric total for the combined passages is divisible by 7 twice. Its sum of the factors is again divisible by 7 twice, and by 13.
6.3First & last letters of each word:96544196427292971 = 3 x 72 x 1993.
An extra factor of 7 appears with the first and last letters of each word when the passages are combined.
6.4First letter of each word:657723077296544 = 25 x 7 x 431.
SF: 448 = 26 x 7.
The first letter of each word maintains a second level of factors.
6.5Last letter of each word:13869857729196427 = 7 x 11 x 2551.
SF: 2569 = 7 x 367.
The last letter of each word also maintains a second level of factors.
6.6Odd valued chapters:89271 + 75579164850 = 2 x 3 x 52 x 7 x 157.
It is curious how factor 157 continues to appear even when the passages are combined.
6.7Even valued chapters:89640 + 77222 + 75332 + 71868 + 81354395416 = 23 x 7 x 23 x 307.
Factor 23 shows this is about people.
6.8Odd positioned verses:292593 = 3 x 7 x 13933.
After the two passages are combined, extract the odd positioned verses.
6.8.1Odd positioned verses by chapter:299908 = 22 x 7 x 10711.
Odd positioned verses within a chapter may not necessarily be an odd positioned verse in the entire passage.
6.9Even positioned verses:267673 = 7 x 38239. SF: 38246 = 2 x 13 x 1471.
After the two passages are combined, pull the even positioned verses.
6.9.1Even positioned verses by chapter:260358 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 6199.
Even positioned verses within a chapter may not necessarily be an even positioned verse in the entire passage.
6.10Odd valued words:257376 = 25 x 3 x 7 x 383. SF: 403 = 13 x 31.
Select the odd valued words from both passages.
6.11Even valued words:302890 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 4327.
Take the even valued words from both passages.

6.12First and last verse of each chapter: 41147 = 23 x 1789.

6.13.1Total of the first and last letters of each chapter: 1323 = 33 x 72.

6.13.2Total of the first letter of each chapter: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

6.13.3Total of the last letter of each chapter: 1281 = 3 x 7 x 61.

6.14.1First and last word of each verse: 84182 = 2 x 72 x 859. SF: 875 = 53 x 7.

6.14.2Total of the first word of each verse: 32753 = 7 x 4679.

6.14.3Total of the last word of each verse: 51429 = 3 x 7 x 31 x 79.

6.15.1Odd positioned words by chapter: 272846 = 2 x 7 x 19489.

6.15.2Even positioned words by chapter: 287420 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 2053.

6.15.3Odd positioned words by verse: 290787 = 3 x 7 x 61 x 227.

6.15.4Even positioned words by verse: 269479 = 7 x 137 x 281.

6.16.1One hundred and six words are divisible by 13. Total of their positions: 124865 = 5 x 13 x 17 x 113.

6.16.2Thirteen words are divisible by 91. Total of their positions: 11154 = 2 x 3 x 11 x 132. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

6.16.3Sixty-four words are divisible by 23. Total of their positions: 68783 = 11 x 132 x 37. Total of their values: 18515 = 5 x 7 x 232.

6.17.1Passage position of 1st letter in each verse: 754650 = 2 x 33 x 52 x 13 x 43. SF: 77 = 7 x 11.

6.17.2Passage position of last letter in each verse: 1517236 = 22 x 72 x 7741.

6.18.1Odd positioned groups of 2029 letters: 270284 = 22 x 73 x 197.

6.18.2Even positioned groups of 2029 letters: 289982 = 2 x 72 x 11 x 269.

Skeptics would claim the result of joining the two passages together and finding numeric features is just a matter of mathematics. After all, the individual passages already had numeric features. This is only because Genesis 10:1-11:25 was discovered first. A slight change in computer programming then found Genesis 5:7-9:29 afterwards. Had the computer been programmed differently, it could have discovered the combined passage first (Genesis 5:7-11:25). Then there would be no mathematical guarantee chopping the passage into two smaller sections would also have numeric features.


Complementary opposites mark the individual passages and the combined passage. They stand out in contrast with a startling lack of other numeric features. This distribution of numeric features seem to parallel the actual meaning of the text. The factor 23 confirms the passages as dealing with the earliest history of the human race. God does not seem to say or do much in these chapters. This fits the lack of other numeric features. Even so, the complementary opposites show God’s hidden hand in the background eventually coming out in judgment with The Flood and the confusion of languages.

(Related numeric studies: The Post-Flood World Before Abraham, The Tower Of Babel, and The Structure Of History.)


  1. English reference quotes are from the Revised Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972.
  2. 165689 methods were tried. This is not an exhaustive list of all the possible searches. If odd positioned verses/words/letters were divisible by 7, but even positioned letters were not, this would be counted as two tries with one success. The odd positioned list of verses/words/letters would be checked further to see if other groupings from that list were possible. The even positioned list would be abandoned even though further smaller groupings within it might succeed.

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