God’s Name & The Bible
...fear this glorious and awful name,...(Deuteronomy 28:58)
Most of the pages on this site refer to and are related to The Proclamation (Exodus 34:6-7). The numbers come from the values of the letters. But what about the Bible as a whole? Are there numeric features in the Bible that stand by themselves? The answer is an unequivocal yes.
And the rules for finding them remain the same. These rules will be applied to the positions of the letters in the Bible.
The Bible is centred on God. Thus the most basic search for a numeric feature concerning the entire Bible would focus on God. And the easiest way to carry out such a search would be on the Hebrew name of God (יהוה Yhwh).
Following Revelation 1:8, the easiest and most basic search would be where Yhwh first appeared (Alpha) in the Bible, and where Yhwh last appeared (Omega).
Yhwh first appears in Genesis 2:4, and last appears in Malachi 4:5.
Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,1
Malachi 4:5 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.
(N.B. The English reference is Malachi 4:5, but the Hebrew Bible equivalent is Malachi 3:23. The last verses of Malachi were split off as a separate chapter in the English Bible.)
The meaning of the two verses could almost be construed as beginning and end.
1.Genesis 2:4 is the 35th verse of the Old Testament (5 x 7). Malachi 4:5 is the 23212nd verse (22 x 7 x 829. SF: 840 = 23 x 3 x 5 x 7. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF: 7).
1.1Thus the positions of the first and last verses where Yhwh appears in the Old Testament add up to 23247 (34 x 7 x 41).
1.2In Genesis 2:4, the letters of Yhwh show up as the 34th, 35th, 36th and 37th letters of the verse. Malachi 4:5 almost mirrors this, but the letters are shifted over just by one more place: 35, 36, 37, and 38.
1.3Coincidentally, the very first letter of Yhwh in Genesis 2:4 is the 1849th letter from the beginning of Genesis. This means there are 1848 letters before it (23 x 3 x 7 x 11).
1.4Amazingly, there are 63 (32 x 7) letters after the last letter of Yhwh in Malachi 4:5.
1.5There are 34 verses before Genesis 2:4, and there is just one verse after Malachi 4:5. This means there are 35 verses outside of these two references. (Once again a number divisible by 7 appears.)
The first letter of Yhwh is the 1849th letter of the Old Testament. Why isn't the first letter the 1848th which is divisible by seven? This is the first appearance of Yhwh. As seen in the creation account, the Sabbath (or seventh) day is the end of the week. Thus any number divisible by seven is at the end of a group of seven. It is not appropriate to have the first letter of the first appearance of Yhwh in the Bible occurring at the end of a set. By occurring as the 1849th letter, it is appearing as the first of a new set of seven.
1.6The same applies to the last occurrence of Yhwh in Malachi 4:5. There are 63 letters after the last letter of Yhwh. Sixty-three represents nine complete sets of seven. Thus the last letter of the last occurrence of Yhwh is at the end of a group of seven.
1.7The letters before and after the first and last appearances of Yhwh total 1911 (1848 + 63), and 1911 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 13.
1.8Yhwh in Genesis 2:4 is the 477th word of the Old Testament. That means there are 476 words before it (2 x 2 x 7 x 17). But this does not work for the number of words after the name in Malachi 4:5. There are only 17 words. (Later, we will include the New Testament, but unfortunately even this does not complete the pattern. See the conclusion for reasons why this might be the case.)
The principles in Revelation 1:8 seem to apply, and the results are promising. If the initial attempt had failed, there would be no need to go further.
Looking at the number of letters before and after the first and last appearances of God’s name leads to the next part. What about all the other occurrences of God’s name? What about all the other letters not of God’s name? The positions of the words and letters, whether they occur before or after the name are examined next.
Personal comment: All this appears very straightforward now, but this was not the case at the beginning. Various other trials all yielded inconsistent and discouraging results. In hindsight, adhering strictly to Revelation 1:8 proved most consistent and productive. This can only be due to design.
Including The New Testament
What about the New Testament? The Hebrew word יהוה does not exist in any New Testament manuscript. This would seem to mean this investigation stops just with the Old Testament. But Revelation 1:8 is a statement from the last book of the New Testament. If Christians are correct that Jesus is the summation, fulfillment and continuation from the Old Testament, then the numbers have to continue into the New Testament. The question is how.
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Tao Te Ching Translation by Gia Fu Feng & Jane English
If we cannot see God and live (Exodus 33:22), and God dwells in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16) can we speak God’s true name? Meditating on God’s name and His nature leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Hebrew name יהוה is a substitute. God’s true name is ineffable. And if the Hebrew name is a stand in for what cannot be spoken, then there might be a possible Greek substitute. Or as some might say, a Greek substitute for the Hebrew substitute.
Two Greek words could stand in for the Hebrew יהוה in the New Testament: κυριος (Kurios = Lord) and θεος (Theos = God). Unfortunately unlike the Chinese term 上帝, which is exclusively used for the one and only supreme being, these Greek words are also the translations for the Hebrew words אֲדֹנָ֔י (Adonai = Lord) and אֱלֹהִ֖ים (Elohim = God). How can anyone be sure the New Testament writers meant one or the other? What we do know is that the Greek writers knew of the Hebrew, and borrowed from it.
There are phrases in Hebrew such as, יהוה אֵל (Yhwh El; Yhwh God), and יהוה אֱלֹהִ֑ים (Yhwh Elohim; Yhwh God[s]) אֲ֭דֹנָי אֵל (Adonai El; Lord God; very rare, only Psalm 86:15), and אֲדֹנָ֥י אֱלֹהָֽי (Adonai Elohai; Lord God; Psalm 38:15[16 Hebrew] & 86:12). But there is no instance of אֲ֭דֹנָי אֱלֹהִ֑ים (Adonai Elohim) in the Old Testament. This means that when the New Testament writers constructed the equivalent Greek phrase κυριος ο θεος (the Lord God), they did not mean Adonai Elohim, and thus one of these words (either κυριος or θεος) was meant to be a substitute for the Hebrew name יהוה.
(Note: The writers of the New Testament did not produce a Greek phrase exactly equivalent to the Hebrew. The Hebrew אֱלֹהִ֑ים (Elohim) is plural. They could have chosen the plural form θεοι (gods), but did not. They deliberately chose the singular. This was most likely under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God knew people would come up with the theory of the Trinity. The Greek text testifies against this theory because the numeric feature presented below shows how important it is to associate God’s name with the singular.)
Jesus' quote of the Shema in Mark 12:29 makes it clear that κυριος (kurios = Lord) is the Greek substitute for יהוה, and that θεος stands in for El or Elohim. (See also: Luke 20:37 and Revelation 15:3.)
Thus the only way of being certain the New Testament writers meant יהוה would be when the Greek phrase κυριος ο θεος was used.
Is there any other support for this?
When a search is made for the exact phrase יְהוָה אֵל (Yhwh El; Yhwh God) that includes the vowels, there are only 7 occurrences in the Hebrew text. The same occurs with the exact phrase יְהוָה אֱלֹהִ֑ים (Yhwh Elohim; Yhwh God[s]). It occurs 35 times in the Old Testament. (N.B. The two words Yhwh Elohim sometimes appear with different vowels, and Elohim occasionally has different endings. If these instances are included, Yhwh Elohim appears over 300 times.)
Seeing how it is possible to have the name and title appear in multiples of seven, one would expect that the name itself, יהוה (Yhwh) should also appear a multiple of seven times (or perhaps thirteen times). This would have been one of the easiest things to accomplish in the text. But the name by itself does not appear in multiples of seven or thirteen. The four letters of the name יהוה appear 6007 times. There are 821 times when יהוה appears with an additional one or two letters. These extra letters function as prepositions and conjunctions, but the name is clearly still the same. In total there are 6828 occurrences of the name. Not one of these three numbers is divisible by 7 or 13.
Coincidentally, there are exactly twenty-five cases in the New Testament where the Greek phrase κυριος ο θεος occurs. If these twenty-five cases are accepted as κυριος substituting for יהוה, then the number of times God’s name appears in the entire Bible is a multiple of seven: 6828 + 25 = 6853 (7 x 11 x 89).
Mat 4:7 Luk 1:16 Luk 10:27 Rev 4:8 Rev 18:8 Mat 4:10 Luk 1:32 Luk 20:37 *Rev 4:11 Rev 19:6 Mat 22:37 Luk 1:68 Act 2:39 Rev 11:17 Rev 21:22 Mar 12:29 Luk 4:8 Act 3:22 Rev 15:3 Rev 22:5 Mar 12:30 Luk 4:12 Rev 1:8 Rev 16:7 Rev 22:6 *Revelation 4:11'sο κυριος και ο θεοςis accepted because the two words are very close together, on the two definite articles, and on the strength and proximity of Revelation 4:8.
(Note: The source for this data is from Bibleworks 3.0 by Hermeneutika, Computer-Aided Bible Research, PO Box 2200, Big Fork, MT 59911. Their data is from two sources: The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS), edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph of the Deutsche Biblegesselchaft (German Bible Society) 1983, and The Greek New Testament (GNT) 27th edition, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger and Allen Wikgren, United Bible Societies, 1993-1994. [Alternate and variant text renderings have been removed.])
A Preliminary Test
All 6853 occurrences of the substitutes of God’s name are in the file Y-OT-NT.txt. There are 23 columns of data.
- Column A: The number substitutes.
- Column 1: Verse reference.
- Column 2: Book position in the Bible.
- Column 3: Chapter position in the Bible.
- Column 4: Verse position in the Bible.
- Column 5: Word position of the substitute in the Bible.
- Column 6: The number of letters before the substitute (with respect to the entire Bible).
- Column 7: Position of the first letter of the substitute.
- Column 8: The substitute's word position within its book (not the Bible).
- Column 9: The substitute's word position within its chapter.
- Column 10: The substitute's word position within its own verse.
- Column 11: The substitute's first letter position within its book (not the Bible).
- Column 12: The substitute's first letter position within its chapter.
- Column 13: The substitute's first letter position within its own verse.
- Column 14: The number of letters comprising the substitute.
- Column 15: Position of the substitute's last letter in the Bible.
- Column 16: Position of the substitute's last letter as counted from the end of the Bible.
- Column 17: Number of letters after the substitute to the end of the Old Testament. (Not applicable for the New Testament.)
- Column 18: Number of letters after the substitute to the end of Revelation.
- Column 19: Number of words after the substitute to the end of the Old Testament. (Not applicable for the New Testament.)
- Column 20: Number of words after the substitute to the end of Revelation.
- Column 21: Number of letters in the verse.
- Column 22: Number of words in the verse.
The columns of data for the Old Testament are added up. Seven columns have features.
3) 3007199 = 13 x 231323. SF: 231336 = 23x 35 x 7 x 17. 7) 4253488582 = 2 x 7 x 303820613. SF: 303820622 = 2 x 7 x 21701473. 8) 48288009 = 3 x 7 x 11 x 209039. 9) 1384789 = 72 x 59 x 479. 10) 58156 = 22 x 7 x 31 x 67. 11) 189076212 = 22 x 32 x 13 x 404009. 17) 3920009786 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 571 x 44579.
Five are divisible by seven. This is above the odds. Two are divisible by 13. This is in line with the odds.
The columns of data for the New Testament are added up. In this case, there could be an extra column. The first column could continue the count from the Old Testament, or it could count the number of substitutes separately for the New Testament. The first column has a feature if the New Testament is counted separately.
1) 325 = 5 x 5 x 13. 5) 9540265 = 5 x 7 x 37 x 53 x 139. 14) 147 = 3 x 7 x 7. 15) 39325496 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 107 x 6563. 18) 7528479 = 3 x 7 x 358499.
The results are less than for the Old Testament, but still better than the odds.
Combine the columns of data to obtain totals for the entire Bible. Six columns have features.
1) 23485231 = 7 x 11 x 23 x 89 x 149. 2) 102193 = 7 x 13 x 1123. 4) 82324676 = 22 x 7 x 17 x 97 x 1783. 13) 203788 = 22 x 13 x 3919. 17) 3920009786 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 571 x 44579. 21) 421036 = 22 x 7 x 11 x 1367.
Five columns are divisible by seven. This is more than the odds would suggest. Two columns are divisible by thirteen. This is as the odds would predict. The results are a little less than taking the Old Testament by itself, but better than the New Testament by itself. This seems to imply the New Testament data can be included with the Old Testament.
The Name And The Bible
Having seen how the New Testament can work with the Old Testament, we now delve into the unique features from God’s name.
2.The numeric value of the entire Bible is 124431529. The numeric value of the Hebrew name for God יהוה is 26.
124431529 - 26 124431503 = 7 x 97 x 401 x 457. SF: 962 = 2 x 13 x 37. SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13.
This means no matter where יהוה appears in the Bible, the value of the words before and after it would be divisible by seven. The factors go three levels deep. The first level is divisible by seven. The next two levels are divisible by thirteen, emphasizing the name.
2.2There are 442599 words in the entire Bible. This means the number of words before and after any instance of the name would be 442598 (2 x 13 x 29 x 587). The factor of 13 once again points straight back to the name.
2.2.1The uniqueness of God’s name makes all the other words in the Bible special in another way. Since there are 442599 words in the Bible, the positions of all the words of the Bible would be the sum of all numbers from 1 to 442599: 97947158700. The total of the positions of the words for the name is 1103844867 (total of column 5 in Y-OT-NT.txt). Thus the total of all the positions of the words that are not the name would be 97947158700 − 1103844867 = 96843313833 (3 x 7 x 47 x 5323 x 18433).
2.2.2There are 6007 occurrences of Hebrew name where it consists of four letters. Thus all the words in the Bible that are not of the name with four letters: 442599 − 6007 = 436592 (24 x 13 x 2099).
2.2.3There are 821 occurrences of the Hebrew name where an additional one or two letters are attached to the name. The total number of appearances of יהוה is 6828. All the words in the Bible that are not of the name: 442599 − 6828 = 435771 (32 x 7 x 6917. SF: 6930 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 11).
This does not work for the Greek words κυριος, κυριον, and κυριε. Perhaps it is because the Greek words are substitutes of the Hebrew substitute.
2.3Positions of the four letters of Yhwh in the OT are in the file: y-4-ot.txt. The total of the positions for each of the four letters: 4253488582, 4253495410, 4253502238, and 4253509066.
Positions of the letters of the Greek substitutes for Yhwh in the NT are in the file y-5-6-nt.txt. The total of the positions for the 6 letter substitutes: 33760315, 33760337, 33760359, 33760381, 33760403, and 33760425. The total of the positions for the 5 letter substitutes: 5565084, 5565087, 5565090, 5565093, and 5565096.
Since the number of letters are different in Hebrew and Greek, the only common element would be the first and last letters of the name, or of the substitutes.
Total of the positions First Last Letter Letter OT 4253488582 4253509066 NT-5 5565084 5565096 NT-6 33760315 33760425 4292813981 4292834587
These totals have no features. But when first and last are combined, there is a feature: 8585648568 = 23 x 33 x 7 x 5678339. SF: 5678361 = 32 x 13 x 48533. SF: 48552 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 172. The factors go three levels deep and switch between 7 and 13.
2.4.1Eighty-four (22 x 3 x 7) times the first letter of the name or substitute (column 7) is in a position divisible by seven, and the last letter (column 15) is in a position divisible by 13. For these entries, the sum of column 7 would naturally be divisible by seven, and the sum of column 13 would naturally be divisible by 13.
But the sum of column 15 is also divisible by seven: 57971186 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 318523.
This makes the first and last letter positions of these 84 together divisible by seven: 115942120 = 23 x 5 x 7 x 547 x 757.
The number of letters before the name (column 6) is also divisible by 7: 57970850 = 2 x 52 x 7 x 17 x 9743. SF: 9779 = 7 x 11 x 127.
And the number of letters after the name (column 17) is also divisible by 7: 42581770 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 17 x 3253.
The letters before and after: 57970850 + 42581770 = 100552620 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 17 x 14083. SF: 14119 = 7 x 2017.
The position of the last letter of the name, counted from the end of the Bible (column 16) is divisible by seven as well: 42581854 = 2 x 7 x 157 x 19373. SF: 19539 = 3 x 3 x 13 x 167.
The number of letters after the name all the way to the end of Revelation (column 18): 99458254 = 2 x 7 x 313 x 22697.
The number of words after the name all the way to the end of Revelation (column 20): 22285484 = 22 x 13 x 428567. SF: 428584 = 23 x 132 x 317.
The odds would suggest three of the 22 columns being divisible by 7 and perhaps two being divisible by 13. But there are five divisible by seven, and three by thirteen. The results exceed the odds.
2.4.2Now the requirements for the two columns are reversed.
Sixty-three (63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13.) times the first letter of the name (column 7) is in a position divisible by 13, and the last letter (column 15) is in a position divisible by 7.
In this case, column 7 is also divisible by seven: 39127816 = 23 x 7 x 13 x 71 x 757. SF: 854 = 2 x 7 x 61. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.
This means columns 7 and 15 together are also divisible by seven: 39127816 + 39128005 = 78255821 = 7 x 23 x 486061.
Once again, the letters before the name (column 6) is also divisible by seven: 39127753 = 7 x 1129 x 4951.
The letters after the name (column 17) to the end of the OT: 36286712 = 23 x 7 x 11 x 58907.
The letters after the name to the end of Revelation (column 18): 78944075 = 5 x 5 x 7 x 451109. SF: 451126 = 2 x 13 x 17351.
For this group, the positions of the name within the books (column 8): 419796 = 22 x 33 x 132 x 23.
The positions of the verses for these names (column 4): 756679 = 7 x 11 x 31 x 317.
The chapters where these names are found (column 3): 28147 = 7 x 4021.
Six columns are divisible by seven, and one is divisible by thirteen twice. The results exceed the odds again.
2.4.3This time the requirement for the position of the last letter of the name is dropped, but the requirement for the first letter's position is strengthened from being divisible by seven to being divisible by ninety-one (7 x 13).
Eighty-three entries have the first letter of the name in a position divisible by 91 (column 7). Add up the totals for each column in these eighty-three entries and note which are divisible by seven and or thirteen.
2) 1300 = 22 x 52 x 13. 5) 13566154 = 2 x 7 x 969011. SF: 969020 = 22 x 5 x 13 x 3727. 7) 52845975 = 32 x 52 x 7 x 13 x 29 x 89. SF: 154 = 2 x 7 x 11. 8) 503607 = 3 x 13 x 37 x 349. 11) 1968213 = 3 x 13 x 109 x 463. SF: 588 = 22 x 3 x 72. 17) 47149452 = 22 x 34 x 7 x 20789. 18) 102709054 = 2 x 7 x 1811 x 4051.
Reverse the requirements. Drop the requirement for the position of the first letter. Sixty-one entries have the last letter of the name in a position divisible by 91 (column 15).
5) 10217564 = 22 x 7 x 101 x 3613. 8) 393523 = 13 x 30271. 12) 47131 = 7 x 6733. 15) 39755261 = 7 x 13 x 436871. SF: 436891 = 7 x 13 x 4801 21) 3783 = 3 x 13 x 97.
Even for this case, the results are slightly above the odds. entries have the first letter of the name in a position divisible by 26 (column 7).
4) 3286348 = 22 x 13 x 63199. 5) 44062694 = 2 x 132 x 130363. 6) 171479875 = 53 x 7 x 195977. 7) 171480140 = 22 x 5 x 13 x 659539. sf: 659561 = 7 x 59 x 1597. 20) 73226041 = 73 x 412 x 127. 22) 4134 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 53. entries have the last letter of the name in a position divisible by 26 (column 15).
2) 3752 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 67. 9) 53473 = 7 x 7639. 13) 7196 = 22 x 7 x 257. 14) 994 = 2 x 7 x 71. 15) 156121004 = 22 x 13 x 3002327. 16) 140900500 = 22 x 53 x 13 x 53 x 409. SF: 494 = 2 x 13 x 19. 17) 140900253 = 3 x 13 x 137 x 26371. 21) 15022 = 2 x 7 x 29 x 37. columns 7 and 15 are added for each entry, 927 entries form sums divisible by seven.
The sum of the entry numbers (column 1) 3212342 = 2 x 72 x 32779. SF: 32795 = 5 x 7 x 937. SF: 949 = 13 x 73.
The sum of the chapters (column 3) 414193 = 13 x 151 x 211.
The sum of the verse positions (column 4) 11236082 = 2 x 11 x 13 x 17 x 2311.
The sum of the name's word positions (column 5) 150649993 = 13 x 19 x 19 x 47 x 683.
The sum of the name's word positions with respect to the book (column 8) 6346431 = 35 x 72 x 13 x 41.
The sum of the first letter's position within the verse (column 13) 28262 = 2 x 13 x 1087.
The last letter of the name's position counted from the end of the OT (column 16) 524849689 = 7 x 13 x 2357 x 2447.
The number of letters after the name to the end of the OT (column 17) 524848765 = 5 x 7 x 47 x 319057. SF: 319116 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 29 x 131.
The sum of columns 7 and 15: 1171586619 = 33 x 72 x 885553. columns 7 and 15 are added for each entry, 535 entries form sums divisible by 13.
The position of the name within the chapters (column 9) 105889 = 72 x 2161.
The number of letters after the name to the end of Revelation (column 18) 675552325 = 52 x 7 x 3860299.
The number of words after the name to the end of the OT (column 19) 79425269 = 7 x 11 x 59 x 17483. entries have the name within a book in a position divisible by seven (column 8).
The sum of the entry numbers (column 1): 3548048 = 24 x 7 x 79 x 401.
The name's position within the chapter (column 9): 211253 = 7 x 103 x 293. SF: 403 = 13 x 31
The first letter of the name's position within the book (column 11): 28791644 = 22 x 7 x 1028273.
The position of the last letter in the name (column 15): 647662574 = 2 x 13 x 4091 x 6089.
The number of letters after the name to Revelation (column 18): 1284596383 = 7 x 29 x 29 x 31 x 7039.
The number of words after the name to Revelation (column 20): 289782792 = 23 x 33 x 13 x 31 x 3329. SF: 3388 = 22 x 7 x 112. entries have the position of the name in a book divisible by 13.
The name's position from the beginning of the Bible (column 5): 80394888 = 23 x 3 x 72 x 137 x 499.
The number of letters before the name (column 6): 312427080 = 23 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 123979.
Rearranging The Data
Just as changing our perspective on God’s name brought in the New Testament, our perspective on words and letters can be changed as well. The previous section examined the columns of numbers from the words and letters of the Bible in a linear format. But God is a multi-dimensional being. A change in perspective reveals new features. The 6853 entries for each column can be rearranged into a three dimensional block. The dimensions of this block are the factors of 6853, and the order of the dimensions follows the order of the factors. (In factoring any number, it is always easiest to begin with the smallest prime number and work upwards.)
3.Each column can be loaded into a 7 x 11 x 89 block with varying degrees of success. (This is not tried with the entry numbers of column 1 because all its numbers are in consecutive order.)
3.1Column 14 lists the number of letters in each instance of the name. (This list includes the cases where the Hebrew name for God has one or two additional letters, but the position of those letters are not used. Only the positions of the actual four letters of the name are in the chart.)
The surface area, or outside of this block: 2938 = 2 x 13 x 113. SF: 128 = 27.
The total of the numbers in these 2938 units: 12129 = 3 x 13 x 311.
Since the numeric total of column 14 is 28289, and not divisible by 7 or 13, there are no paired features of inside and outside, or odd and even.
Add up all units with an even numbered coordinate in the first dimension: 12138 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 172. (This would be taking every other along the first dimension axis.)
Add up all units with an even numbered coordinate in the third dimension: 13993 = 7 x 1999.
Add up all units with 1 or 89 in the third dimension: 676 = 22 x 132. (This is putting all the units that are first and last in the third dimension together.)
Seven units have coordinates that are all the same (111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777). The sum of the number of letters: 28.
Each column's numbers can be loaded into the same 7 x 11 x 89 block. Revelation 1:8's principles of complementary opposites can be applied: inside and outside, first and last, and every other.
3.2The book numbers (column 2).
Total of the outside: 44436 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 232. Inside: 57757 = 7 x 37 x 223. Odd positioned D1: 58394 = 2 x 7 x 43 x 97. Even positioned D1: 43799 = 7 x 6257. First D3: 77 = 7 x 11. Last D3: 3332 = 22 x 72 x 17. SF: 35 = 5 x 7.
3.3The chapters (column 3).
Odd positioned D1: 1733589 = 33 x 11 x 13 x 449. Even positioned D2: 1378804 = 22 x 7 x 23 x 2141. First D3: 630 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 7. 8 corners/vertices: 182 = 2 x 7 x 13 Number found with same coordinates: 7 Total: 350 = 2 x 52 x 7.
3.4The verses (column 4)
Odd positioned D3: 41708317 = 7 x 47 x 331 x 383. Even positioned D3: 40616359 = 7 x 5802337. First D2: 7396922 = 2 x 13 x 71 x 4007. Last D2: 7598836 = 22 x 7 x 101 x 2687.
3.5Word position of the name in the Bible (column 5)
Odd positioned D2: 602207704 = 23 x 7 x 10753709. SF: 10753722 = 2 x 35 x 7 x 29 x 109 First and last D1: 157497498 157886018 = 315383516 = 22 x 7 x 11263697 First and last D2: 99175358 102041073 = 201216431 = 13 x 15478187 First D3: 200494 = 2 x 7 x 14321.
3.6Number of letters before the name (column 6)
Even positioned D1: 1839856907 = 7 x 262836701. Odd positioned D2: 2342099981 = 13 x 6199 x 29063. Last D1: 614082280 = 23 x 5 x 7 x 19 x 115429. SF: 115466 = 2 x 13 x 4441. First D2: 385480809 = 33 x 7 x 283 x 7207. Last D2: 397677728 = 25 x 72 x 23 x 11027. SF: 11074 = 2 x 72 x 113.
3.7Position of the first letter of the name in the Bible (column 7).
First D2: 385481432 = 23 x 72 x 983371. Last D2: 397678351 = 7 x 1031 x 55103. First and last D2: 385481432 397678351 = 783159783 = 3 x 7 x 191 x 195253. SF: 195454 = 2 x 7 x 23 x 607. 8 corners/vertices: 281762 = 2 x 13 x 10837.
3.8Word position of the name in the various books (column 8).
Odd positioned D1: 27648439 = 7 x 13 x 19 x 15991. SF: 16030 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 229 First D2: 4499817 = 3 x 73 x 4373. First D3: 200494 = 2 x 7 x 14321. Last D3: 169722 = 2 x 33 x 7 x 449. First and last D3: 200494 169722 = 370216 = 23 x 7 x 11 x 601. Number found with same coordinates: 7. Total: 37167 = 3 x 13 x 953.
3.9Word position of the name in the various chapters (column 9).
Inside: 1393156 - 591754 = 801402 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 19081 First D2: 127449 = 32 x 72 x 172. 8 corners/vertices: 707 = 7 x 101. Number found with same coordinates: 7 Total: 1351 = 7 x 193.
3.10Position of the name in its verses (column 10).
Number found on the outside: 2938 Total: 25207 = 7 x 13 x 277. Even positioned D1: 25181 = 132 x 149. SF: 175 = 52 x 7 Even positioned D2: 26642 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 173. Even positioned D3: 29263 = 13 x 2251.
3.11Position of the first letter of the name in its chapters (column 12).
Odd positioned D1: 3089282 = 2 x 7 x 220663.
3.12Position of the first letter of the name in its verses (column 13).
Odd positioned D1: 115934 = 2 x 73 x 132. SF: 49 = 72. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. Even positioned D1: 87854 = 2 x 13 x 31 x 109. First and last D1: 28317 30170 = 58487 = 11 x 13 x 409 Last D1: 30170 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 431. Last D2: 19682 = 2 x 13 x 757. Last D3: 3432 = 23 x 3 x 11 x 13. 8 corners/vertices: 147 = 3 x 72.
3.13Position of the name's last letter in relation to the entire Bible (column 15).
Even positioned D2: 1950719617 = 7 x 11 x 25334021. First D1: 612433679 = 11 x 13 x 4282753. First D2: 385483301 = 7 x 55069043.
3.14Position of the name's last letter in relation to the end of the Bible (column 16).
Number found on the outside: 2938 Total: 1690347880 = 23 x 5 x 13 x 3250669. First D1: 561519361 = 13 x 43193797. First D2: 360285079 = 7 x 11 x 101 x 46327. Number found with same coordinates: 7. Total: 7848126 = 2 x 32 x 11 x 13 x 3049. SF: 3081 = 3 x 13 x 79
3.15Number of OT letters after the name (column 17).
Even positioned D1: 1680017053 = 11 x 13 x 907 x 12953. SF: 13884 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 89 First D2: 360284456 = 23 x 74 x 18757.
3.16Number of Bible letters after the name (column 18).
Odd positioned D1: 4886244649 = 11 x 13 x 19 x 349 x 5153. Odd positioned D3: 4317664547 = 72 x 88115603. First D2: 782118379 = 7 x 83 x 1346159. First and last D2: 769921448 782118379 = 1552039827 = 3 x 13 x 39795893. First and last D3: 42841685 143560195 = 186401880 23 x 32 x 5 x 72 x 10567. SF: 10598 = 2 x 7 x 757.
3.17Number of OT words after the name (column 19).
Inside: 991690366 - 425837253 = 565853113 = 7 x 919 x 87961. First D3: 23323468 = 22 x 7 x 37 x 47 x 479. SF: 574 = 2 x 7 x 41.
3.18Number of Bible words after the name (column 20).
Odd positioned D1: 1102465350 = 2 x 33 x 52 x 7 x 116663. Odd positioned D2: 1052227358 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 29 x 31 x 59 x 109. Odd positioned D3: 974321582 = 2 x 13 x 37473907. First D1: 275806923 = 3 x 7 x 13133663. SF: 13133673 = 32 x 7 x 17 x 12263. Last D1: 275418403 = 13 x 113 x 313 x 599. First D3: 33879629 = 72 x 59 x 11719.
3.19Number of letters in the verse where the name resides (column 21). (Nothing found.)
3.20Number of words in the verse where the name resides (column 22).
Even positioned D1: 46543 = 7 x 61 x 109. Last D2: 10257 = 3 x 13 x 263.
Twenty-one columns of data have been placed into a 7 x 11 x 89 block, producing 21 results each for a total of 441 tries. This would mean the odds would expect 63 results divisible by seven, and 33 divisible by thirteen.
Fifty-seven were divisible by seven. This is below the odds, but not by much. Thirty were divisible by thirteen. This is also below the odds, but the difference is even smaller. This hardly outweighs the previous part. And if features that were divisible by multiples of seven and thirteen, or if the sum of the factors were included, the result would be better than the odds.
Comparing With Alpha And Omega
Genesis 2:4 is the first verse where God’s name appears. Revelation 22:6 is the last verse where the substitute name appears. These two verses can be deemed the Alpha and Omega of God’s name in the Bible. Revelation 1:8 assigns special importance to these two verses by relating Alpha and Omega with all remaining occurrences of the name. What is this relation? It is the distance between Alpha (or Omega) from any other occurrence of the name.
6852 occurrences of the name are after Alpha, and their greater positions in the Bible can all be subtracted by Alpha to obtain their individual distances from the beginning. The total of all these distances will be labelled the Alpha Differences
. 6852 occurrences of the name are before Omega, and their lesser positions can all be subtracted from Omega to find their separate distances from the end. The total of all these distances will be considered the Omega Differences
4.1Column 4 in Y-OT-NT.txt lists the verses where the name was found. This is the verse's position in the Bible.
4.1.1The first entry (Alpha) in Column 4 is subtracted from all other entries in Column 4. This includes subtracting it from itself, turning the number to zero. The total of these (Alpha) differences
from the first appearance of the name: 82084821 = 3 x 7 x 132 x 101 x 229.
4.1.2The same is applied to the last entry (Omega) in Column 4. Since this is the largest value, all entries are subtracted from this number. Total the column. These are the (Omega) differences
of each entry with the last appearance of the name: 130974949 = 7 x 23 x 761 x 1069.
Naturally, since the Alpha Differences and Omega Differences are both divisible by 7, the two together are guaranteed to be divisible by 7: 82084821 + 130974949 = 213059770 (2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 89 x 3109). They can also be subtracted: 130974949 − 82084821 = 48890128 (24 x 7 x 113 x 3863. SF: 3991 = 13 x 307).
4.2Column 21 lists the number of letters in each verse bearing the name. The lowest number of letters in a verse is 15, and the highest number of letters is 182. The above technique is applied here using the lowest and highest to subtract from Column 21.
4.2.1Alpha differences: 318241 = 7 x 11 x 4133. SF: 4151 = 7 x 593.
4.2.2Omega differences: 826210 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 11 x 29 x 37. SF: 91 = 7 x 13.
4.2.3Together: 1144451 = 7 x 11 x 89 x 167.
4.3.1Column 2 was for reference purposes, but the book numbers also have this feature. Subtract 1, the lowest book number from every entry. Total the column for the Alpha Differences: 95340 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 227.
4.3.2Subtract each entry from the highest book number (66) and total the column for the Omega Differences: 350105 = 5 x 72 x 1429.
4.3.3Since both totals are divisible by seven, their sum together would also be divisible by seven. In this case, they are also divisible by thirteen: 445445 = 5 x 7 x 11 x 13 x 89.
4.3.4The difference between them would also be divisible by seven: 254765 = 5 x 7 x 29 x 251.
4.4Column 17 listed the number of Old Testament letters after the name. For the New Testament entries, there are zero Old Testament letters after the name. This is the lowest number in the column. The highest number is 1195207 in Genesis 2:4.
4.4.1Alpha differences: 3920009786 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 571 x 44579.
4.4.2Omega differences: 4270743785 = 5 x 7 x 11 x 11092841.
4.4.3Together: 8190753571 = 7 x 11 x 13 x 89 x 91939.
4.4.4Difference: 350733999 = 3 x 7 x 11 x 1518329.
It would have been nice if the results in each section exceeded the odds and displayed more consistency. Perhaps this is because the Bible is not perfect. There may be something missing in the text of Deuteronomy 32:6, Jehoiakiam's name appears to have been mistakenly used in Jeremiah 27:1, and there definitely is something lost in the record of Saul's reign (1 Samuel 13:1). Jesus and David both testified about this.
He said to them,For your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.(Matthew 19:8)
I have seen a limit to all perfection, but thy commandment is exceedingly broad. (Psalm 119:96)
Even so, God’s name clearly demonstrates the hidden design in the Old and New Testaments. Whether as a word or as letters, His name is perfectly positioned, not just in relation to the entire Bible, but also in relation to the individual books, chapters, and verses. He can use what is imperfect. His name is our guarantee the Bible has been faithfully transmitted from the beginning.
I am the Alpha and the Omega,says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8)
God’s name is truly His signature in the Bible to show He is the one who is Alpha and Omega, first and last, the inspiration behind the Hebrew and Greek authors.