Bible Numbers 2.0

Introduction To The Jesus Numbers

Jesus fulfills many of the great prophecies of the Old Testament. This is easy for Christians to say, but it is something many Jewish people have difficulty with. And it is something that goes against Islamic beliefs that Jesus was only a great teacher. Now that we are two thousand of years after Jesus, is there any way of proving the Christian claim?

The answer is an unequivocal Yes!

Take an Old Testament prophecy of Jesus, pair it with the New Testament claim of fulfillment, and see what numeric features can be found that follow the principles laid out by Revelation 1:8 like The Proclamation. The odds would be against anything being discovered.

Combined passages with a numeric total divisible by 7 is a one in seven chance. The first letter of each word adding up to a multiple of 7 would be second one in seven chance. The last letter of each word producing a total divisible by 7 is a third one in seven chance. Every other word being divisible by 7 would be a fourth one in seven chance. And every other letter adding up to a multiple of 7 would be a fifth one in seven chance.

Five numeric features of seven would be a one in 16,807 chance. While 1 in 16,807 is much easier to achieve than winning the lottery with 10 million, or 100 million combinations, it would appear unlikely anything would be found with the specific numeric features listed above.

The wonder of it is that eleven prophecies were discovered. Once might be a fluke. Even two or three could still be considered chance. Five or six stretches the imagination concerning the odds. Eleven discoveries makes it clear Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy.

To say, fulfillment of prophecy doesn't even cover the actual content of those prophecies. Jesus is The Hope of Israel and he remains The Hope even if he is rejected and unseen. He is the anointed of the lord, the Messiah. He is king of righteousness. He is the suffering servant who bore our sins when we deserved only judgment. He isn't just a man or great teacher/healer, but the only being begotten of God, and thus a god.

With eleven studies on Jesus fulfilling prophecy, this deserves its own section on this web site: Jesus The Messiah.

No other religion, no other religious leader/founder, no other religious writing has anything like this.

Numeric Study Links

The Rational Bible

Bible Issues

presents the Bible as a rational book, as history, economics, and prophecy (with an extensive look at the book of Revelation) also covering a diverse range of topics. (Active site.)

The foolishness of God is greater than anything we can imagine (1 Corinthians 1:25). On the off chance the numbers are a form of foolishness, do not spend too much time on them.