Bible Numbers 2.0

Jesus: The One And Only Prophesied Messiah

Jewish people do not believe Jesus was their prophesied messiah. As seen in the previous numeric study, there were many paired complementary features following the pattern of The Proclamation when Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:4-5 were joined together. One witness could be brushed off as some massive fluke. Two witnesses are another matter. The following expanded numeric study on Jesus' first coming (Matthew 21:2-15) once again proves Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy.

saying to them, Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If any one says anything to you, you shall say, `The Lord has need of them,' and he will send them immediately. This took place to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet, saying, Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on an ass, and on a colt, the foal of an ass. The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them; they brought the ass and the colt, and put their garments on them, and he sat thereon. Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him shouted, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! And when he entered Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, Who is this? And the crowds said, This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee. And Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, It is written, `My house shall be called a house of prayer'; but you make it a den of robbers. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, Hosanna to the Son of David! they were indignant; (Matthew 21:2-15; highlight added)1

The passage begins with Jesus' instructions to his disciples on finding a donkey and preparing for his entry into Jerusalem. His disciples would have known Jesus was deliberately going to fulfill Zechariah's prophecy.

The passage ends with the ruling class being upset over Jesus' actions. This foreshadowed their eventual rejection of Jesus, and their turning away from prophecy. In their minds, they probably reasoned that any celebrity could have ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey. Only in hindsight does it become clear no one else ever did the same. This makes Jesus the only candidate for fulfilling the prophecy.

It might seem strange beginning with the incomplete sentence of Matthew 21:2, but this is Matthew writing his account of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, not an angel or God speaking. The passage is about the fulfillment of prophecy, but it is not a description of God, nor is it teaching a spiritual lesson. The incomplete nature of this passage makes it clear Jesus is not God.

There are 23,145 verses in the Old Testament. Matthew 21:2 is the 684th verse of the New Testament. This makes Matthew 21:2 the 23829th verse of the Bible. (23829 = 3 x 132 x 47.) The two factors of 13 link the passage to the name God gave the Hebrews, יהוה, which has a value of 26 (2 x 13).

(Converting Greek to numbers can be found here)

The Verses

List of verse totals
7778 5044 3456 6852 3605 4824 8746 9961 3691 3427 12092 5017 5773 8291

1The passage has 254 words and 1257 letters. Its numeric total: 88557 = 3 x 7 x 4217.

1.1There are 14 verses in the passage.

1.2The letter values of God’s name in Hebrew are used seven times to count through the verses.

a) 10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5     6    5    10
b) 10   15   7    12   22   13   19   10   20   11    17   8    18
c) 10   1    7    12   8    13   5    10   6    11    3    8    4
d) 3427 7778 8746 5017 9961 5773 3605 3427 4824 12092 3456 9961 6852

a) 5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6     5    10   5
b) 9    15   6    16   7    13   18   14   19   11    16   12   17
c) 9    1    6    2    7    13   4    14   5    11    2    12   3
d) 3691 7778 4824 5044 8746 5773 6852 8291 3605 12092 5044 5017 3456

a) 6    5      (Letter from the name.)
b) 9    14     (Count.)
c) 9    14     (Count adjusted to 14 verses.)
d) 3691 8291   (Verse found.)

Total: 177114 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 4217.

Matthew 1:1 gives a sketch of Jesus' genealogy: Ιησου Χριστου υιου Δαυιδ υιου Ἁβρααμ (Jesus Christ son David son Abraham). Surprisingly the letter values for the Greek of, Jesus, Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ son David son Abraham yield no results when applied to this passage. Only the shorter phrase Jesus Christ son David produces a result.

The letter values of "Jesus Christ son David":
9 7 90 60 200 400 80 9 90 100 60 200 200 9 60 200 4 1 200 9 4

Applied directly as letter positions in Matthew 21:2-15, these letters point to the following letters:

a) 9  7   90  60 200 400 80 9  90  100 60 200 200 9  60 200 4   1  200
b) 60 200 200 7  1   7   9  60 200 5   7  1   1   60 7  1   600 20 1

a) 9  4      (Matthew 1:1 letter as a position in Matthew 21:2-15.)
b) 60 600    (Letter found in Matthew 21:2-15.)

Letter total found: 2107 = 72 x 43.

The letters count through the letters of Matthew 21:2-15.

a) 9   7    90   60   200  400  80   9    90   100   60    200   200
b) 9   16   106  166  366  766  846  855  945  1045  1105  1305  248
c) 9   16   106  166  366  766  846  855  945  1045  1105  48    248
d) 60  200  5    90   10   9    9    10   40   90    40    10    1

a) 9    60   200  4    1    200  9    4     (Letter from Matthew 1:1.)
b) 257  317  517  521  522  722  731  735   (Count.)
c) 257  317  517  521  522  722  731  735   (Adjusted to 1257 letters.)
d) 4    40   5    70   100  90   9    70    (Letter in Matthew 21:2-15.)

Letter total: 962 = 2 x 13 x 37. SF: 52 = 22 x 13.

This shows Jesus as the Christ and also as son of David. Jesus or Jesus Christ alone does not produce anything like God’s name produces something by itself. This clearly demonstrates the difference between God and Jesus.

1.3Exactly 7 verse totals are odd valued, and exactly 7 verse totals are even valued.

1.4Only the fifth and eighth verses are divisible by 7: 5 + 8 = 13.

1.5Add up the verses one by one. Divide the verses into two groups by their accumulated totals being odd or even.

1.5.1Verses with odd valued accumulated totals:

Verse position:    5     6     7     9     12    14
Verse value:       3605  4824  8746  3691  5017  8291
Accumulated total: 26735 31559 40305 53957 74493 88557

Total of theses verses: 34174 = 2 x 7 x 2441. SF: 2450 = 2 x 52 x 72. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

1.5.2Verses with even valued accumulated totals:

Verse position:    1    2     3     4     8     10    11    13
Verse value:       7778 5044  3456  6852  9961  3427  12092 5773
Accumulated total: 7778 12822 16278 23130 50266 57384 69476 80266

Total of these verses: 54383 = 7 x 17 x 457. SF: 481 = 13 x 37.

1.6.1The lowest valued verse and the highest valued verse: 3427 + 12092 = 15519 = 3 x 7 x 739. SF: 749 = 7 x 107.

1.6.2These two verses just so happen to be right next to each other as the 10th and 11th verses: 10 + 11 = 21 (3 x 7).

1.6.3Sort the verse totals from small to great.

3427 3456 3605 3691 4824 5017 5044
5773 6852 7778 8291 8746 9961 12092 first half of the sorted list: 29064 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 173. SF: 189 = 33 x 7. last half of the sorted list: 59493 = 3 x 7 x 2833. difference between the first and last halves of the sorted list: 30429 = 33 x 72 x 23. SF: 46 = 2 x 23. The difference produces an extra factor of 7, and a factor of 23 indicating Jesus came as a man and is not God. This is also confirmed with the next level of factors. seventh verse of the sorted list:

7    14
5044 12092

Total of the verses: 17136 = 24 x 32 x 7 x 17. fourth verse after the first:

1    5    9    13
3427 4824 6852 9961

Total: 25064 = 23 x 13 x 241. SF: 260 = 22 x 5 x 13. second verse:

2    4    6    8    10   12   14
3456 3691 5017 5773 7778 8746 12092

Total: 46553 = 13 x 3581. third verse:

3    6    9    12
3605 5017 6852 8746

Total: 24220 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 173. SF: 189 = 33 x 7.

The features in 1.6 appear only after the verse totals have been sorted. They were hidden in the original order. Jesus came publicly and was accepted by vast multitudes. Many others were uncertain because they naively looked to the ruling class, and the ruling class would not accept Jesus. In the end, the ruling class rejected Jesus, and hid the truth.

1.7The next features are based on the table below.

Select Numeric Characteristics Of The Verses
Mat 21:21217778762921293948391116689976720929
Mat 21:321750449726422653239172206516711090100
Mat 21:43113456560704202514315352037889810090190
Mat 21:542068521094116525054347941908089985200205
Mat 21:65113605414582241511906266345611197090160
Mat 21:7616482449810592713211173114941105574047
Mat 21:87238746783195460482698996066472460600660
Mat 21:98259961230523154652530913169105811276090150
Mat 21:1091336913677161663202869205105301090100
Mat 21:11101434275377411477195063691542236090150
Mat 21:121129120921308274564335659157205305501090100
Mat 21:1312165017709876198130368920857877104050
Mat 21:141312577372120552386338758206516711090100
Mat 21:1514268291160632982903538812630830060894049
Hover mouse over column headings for explanation.

1.7.1Verses where the totals of the first and last letters of each word are both odd valued. (Columns E & F.)

B)  C) D)   E)   F)
8)  25 9961 2305 2315
10) 14 3427 537  741
13) 12 5773 721  2055

B) Position of verse in the passage.
C) Number of words in the verse.
D) Verse total.
E) Total of the first letter of each word.
F) Total of the last letter of each word.

Verses where the totals of the first and last letters of each word are both even valued. (Columns E & F.)

B)  C) D)   E)   F)
2)  17 5044 972  642
3)  11 3456 560  704
5)  11 3605 414  582
14) 26 8291 1606 3298 there are seven verses where the first and last letters of each word are purely odd, or purely even. Total of these seven verses: 39557 = 7 x 5651. means the remaining seven verses where the first and last letters are a mix of odd and even would be: 49000 = 23 x 53 x 72. This is an extremely round number. The sum of the factors goes another level: 35 = 5 x 7.

One would think it might be more appropriate if verses purely odd or purely even should total 49000 and not verses that are mixed. But this passage is not about God. It is about Jesus, and Jesus is not God. This is why the mixed verses total 49000.

In Daniel 9:24, we were told sevens will play a vital part in the fulfillment of prophecy. Here we see sevens built into Matthew 21:2-15.

The skeptic would point out how odd/even positioned verses produce nothing, and how odd/even valued verses also produced nothing. He would also point out how verses with an odd/even valued total of the first letters of each word produced nothing. And he would point out how verses with an odd/even valued total of the last letters of each word failed as well. With six failures the odds would be very good a seventh try would succeed. This is very true. But what the skeptic cannot explain is why one result is 49000 a perfect ten of squares 22 x 52 x 72.

1.7.2Verses where the number of words and letters are either both odd, or both even. (Columns C & I)

Both columns C & I are odd.
B)  C) D)    E)   F)   G)   H)   I)  J)  K)   L)   M)  N)  O)

1)  21 7778  762  921  2939 4839 111 668 99   767  20  9   29
3)  11 3456  560  704  2025 1431 53  520 378  898  100 90  190
7)  23 8746  783  1954 6048 2698 99  60  664  724  60  600 660
8)  25 9961  2305 2315 4652 5309 131 69  1058 1127 60  90  150
9)  13 3691  367  716  1663 2028 69  20  510  530  10  90  100
11) 29 12092 1308 2745 6433 5659 157 20  530  550  10  90  100

Both columns C & I are even.
4)  20 6852  1094 1165 2505 4347 94  190 808  998  5   200 205
13) 12 5773  721  2055 2386 3387 58  20  651  671  10  90  100
14) 26 8291  1606 3298 2903 5388 126 308 300  608  9   40  49 sum of the verse positions (column B): 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7 sum of the verses (column D): 66640 = 24 x 5 x 72 x 17. (This means the remaining verses would have a total of 21917 [7 x 31 x 101].) of the first letter of each word (column E): 9506 = 2 x 72 x 97. of the last letter of each word (column F): 15873 = 3 x 11 x 13 x 37. of the last word of each verse (column K): 4998 = 2 x 3 x 72 x 17.

Out of fourteen columns of data, four are divisible by 7. The odds would favour only two columns succeeding. And two of the results are divisible by 7 twice.

1.7.3Add two more columns of data to the table above. Column P is the number of odd valued words in the verse. Column Q is the number of even valued words in the verse. are five verses where the odd valued words outnumber the even valued words. (Verses where even valued words outnumber odd valued words do not have a matching feature.)

B)  C) D)   E)   F)   G)   H)   I)  J) K)   L)   M) N)  O)  P) Q)
2)  17 5044 972  642  2653 2391 72  20 651  671  10 90  100 12 5
7)  23 8746 783  1954 6048 2698 99  60 664  724  60 600 660 12 11
8)  25 9961 2305 2315 4652 5309 131 69 1058 1127 60 90  150 13 12
9)  13 3691 367  716  1663 2028 69  20 510  530  10 90  100 7  6
13) 12 5773 721  2055 2386 3387 58  20 651  671  10 90  100 7  5 total of the verse positions (column B): 39 = 3 x 13. total of these verses (column D): 33215 = 5 x 7 x 13 x 73. SF: 98 = 2 x 72. of the first letter of each word (column E): 5148 = 22 x 32 x 11 x 13. of the odd positioned letters (column G): 17402 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 113. SF: 133 = 7 x 19. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. of the even positioned letters (column H): 15813 = 32 x 7 x 251. of the number of letters in each verse (column I): 429 = 3 x 11 x 13. of the first word of each verse (column J): 189 = 33 x 7. of the number of even valued words in each verse (column Q): 39 = 3 x 13. is only one verse where the number of odd valued words is equal to the number of even valued words. This is the tenth verse. has 14 words (column B). total of the last letters of each word (column F): 741 = 3 x 13 x 19. odd positioned letters total (column G): 1477 = 7 x 211. even positioned letters total (column H): 1950 = 2 x 3 x 52 x 13. SF: 28 = 22 x 7. number of letters in the verse (column I): 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13. last word of the verse (column K): 154 = 2 x 7 x 11.

First & Last

2The first and last letters of each word: 32409 = 32 x 13 x 277.

First letters of each word
20 1 70 5 100 10 100 10 200 10 5 5 60 4 10 70 30 1 20 1 30 10 5 100
200 5 100 5 60 60 10 1 400 5 5 4 1 1 100 4 3 9 70 100 80 4 100 70 20
5 100 8 90 9 60 2 90 5 90 70 10 5 5 60 10 5 70 200 200 70 4 60 30 10
70 10 90 1 60 9 7 100 60 10 100 70 10 5 5 1 100 9 10 5 5 1 60 4 70
60 5 5 100 9 5 100 60 1 4 5 10 1 100 4 10 5 5 100 60 60 4 60 60 70 1
10 60 1 5 20 600 100 200 4 5 60 5 5 60 10 600 5 100 200 10 5 1 5 9 5
70 7 70 20 100 5 60 60 4 60 5 60 5 60 70 9 60 1 40 100 3 10 5 9 5
100 9 10 5 70 100 70 10 1 5 100 9 10 100 100 100 10 10 10 100 10 100
70 100 70 10 20 1 3 60 60 30 60 70 10 200 4 1 70 90 20 10 70 1 100
10 400 5 100 9 10 5 1 9 4 60 1 10 60 3 100 8 1 5 10 100 70 100 10 5
100 9 10 20 600 100 200 4 7

2.1.1The first letter of each word: 12636 = 22 x 35 x 13.3

2.1.2Divide the 254 first letters into two halves. first half: 7228 = 22 x 13 x 139. SF: 156 = 22 x 3 x 13. last half: 5408 = 25 x 132.

2.3Precisely 84 of these letters are odd valued: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

2.1.4Twenty-five of these letters are multiples of 7.

a) 3  16 43 48 60 67 70 75 81 86 99 124 151 152 153 165 180 182 198 200
b) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 7  70 70 70  70  7   70  70  70  70  70  70

a) 209 214 218 242 254   (Letter position.)
b) 70  70  70  70  7     (Letter value.)

Total of the positions of these letters: 3290 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 47. (The total of these letters is naturally divisible by 7: 1561 = 7 x 223. The sum of the factors is 230 (2 x 5 x 23).

2.1.5When these letters are added up one by one, there are 16 times when the accumulated total is a multiple of 13.

a) 3  70    74   81   119  127  130  150  173  180  186  197  216   226   241   254
b) 70 70    10   7    60   60   20   5    5    70   100  100  20    10    100   7
c) 91 3458s 3562 3809 5083 5408 5434 7423 8307 8515 8801 9360 10309 11024 11401 12636

a) Letter position.
b) Letter value.
c) Accumulated total of first letter of each word.

Total of the letters: 714 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 17.

2.1.6Four of these letters appeared a multiple of 7 times.

Letter value:          4  5  10 100
Number of appearances: 14 42 35 35

Total of the four letters: 119 = 7 x 17. 5 appeared the most at 42 times. Three letters (2, 40, 80) appeared the least, or only once. The smallest of these letters is 2. Thus the letters that appeared the most, and the smallest of the letters that appeared the least together is 7.

Letters last in a word:
40 90 5 90 40 40 40 9 40 9 90 5 40 40 9 40 100 90 90 5 9 9 40 90 40
7 9 5 9 60 90 40 40 9 90 5 9 90 60 5 40 1 7 60 40 1 200 200 90 5 7 9
40 200 60 90 200 9 9 90 9 90 9 40 9 9 40 40 200 90 5 9 9 9 90 90 40
90 60 90 40 40 40 9 40 40 9 40 70 40 1 1 9 40 600 40 60 5 90 90 40
40 1 1 40 7 600 9 5 40 90 60 40 40 9 40 40 7 600 9 5 9 9 90 40 9 9
90 40 90 1 600 600 4 90 60 90 40 9 200 1 40 90 90 9 90 200 90 1 7 1
7 90 1 90 40 90 9 5 9 40 90 40 60 90 90 60 60 8 90 90 9 40 90 90 60
40 9 40 90 90 90 9 90 40 600 600 9 90 90 40 40 40 9 90 90 40 40 90
90 9 9 90 9 60 90 200 90 90 9 90 5 40 5 40 40 9 40 600 9 9 9 40 600
600 9 40 90 90 5 9 90 9 9 90 1 1 1 40 9 90 90 90 90 40 600 600 9 90
1 600 600 4 40

2.2Turning to the last letter of each word, their total: 19773 = 32 x 133. There are three factors of 13! Again the difference between God and Jesus is made clear. In The Proclamation where God describes Himself the first and last letters of each word together are divisible by 7. Individually, they are also divisible by 7. The total of the passage is also a multiple of 7. In this passage on Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the first and last letters are divisible by 13, while the total of the passage is divisible by 7. This inconsistency tells us Jesus is not God. The thirteens are God’s confirmation that Jesus is God’s representative.4

2.2.1The difference between the first and last letters of each word would naturally also be divisible by 13, but its visual appearance is arresting: 7137 = 32 x 13 x 61. There is a 7 at the beginning and there is a 7 at the end. The number 13 is sandwiched on either side with 7. If the 13 in the middle is considered a unit like T, then the number becomes a symmetrical 7T7. The sum of the factors is 80. This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but the factors of 80 lead back to 13: 24 x 5. SF: 13. with the first letter in the list in 2.2 and taking every thirteenth letter after, the result is a total divisible by 7 and 13:

40 40 9 5 40 9 60 1 40 7 1 90 90 90 9 90 90 9 90 9

Total: 819 = 32 x 7 x 13. SF: 26 = 2 x 13. every Nth letter from the list in 2.2, the following values of N select letters producing a total divisible by 7 and 13:

91 92 103 104

Total of N: 390 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 13.

2.2.3A hundred and sixty-five of the letters in 2.2 are even valued. Their sum: 19166 = 2 x 7 x 372. (There is no corresponding feature with the odd valued letters.)

2.2.4Two hundred and thirty-two letters in 2.2 are not prime numbers. Their total: 19649 = 72 x 401. (There is not matching feature with the prime numbers.)

2.2.5Eight of the letters in 2.2 are divisible by 7.

26 43 51 89 106 118 150 152
7  7  7  70 7   7   7   7

Total of their positions within the list of 2.2: 735 = 3 x 5 x 72.

2.2.6From the list in 2.2 the following N letters in the middle of the list produce a multiple of 7 when N is one of the following values:

244 236 234 224 212 194 190 188 174 168 158 154 108 98 86 74 58 42 36 34 14

Total of N: 2926 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 19. SF: 39 = 3 x 13.

2.2.7From the list in 2.2 add the letters one by one. times the accumulated total will be divisible by 7:

A  B   C         A   B   C           A   B   C           A   B   C
30 60  1190      98  5   5138        172 9  10808        220 9   15078
44 60  1736      112 60  6251        176 60 11088        224 600 15736
48 200 2177      125 40  7189        178 9  11137        226 9   16345
63 9   3094      130 90  7427        192 40 13055        237 1   16779
65 9   3143      135 90  8722        194 9  13104        241 90  16919
67 40  3192      140 200 9121        199 90 13454        246 600 17829
78 90  3864      156 40  9968        206 90 13811        248 9   18438
90 40  4382      164 60  10311       216 40 14420        250 1   18529
95 600 5033      169 8  10619        218 40 14469        253 4   19733

A) Position in list 2.2.      B) Last letter of word.
C) Accumulated total.

Total of the positions within list 2.2: 5705 = 5 x 7 x 163. SF: 175 = 52 x 7. times the accumulated total will be a multiple of 91 (7 x 13):

Position within list 2.2: 63   125  194   218
Last letter of word:      9    40   9     40
Accumulated total:        3094 7189 13104 14469

Total of the letters: 98 = 2 x 72.

Letter in list 2.2:      1  4 5  7 8 9  40 60 70 90 100 200 600
Occurrences in the list: 15 2 15 7 1 52 61 13 1  64 1   8   14

2.2.8Letter 90 appeared the most in list 2.2 with 64 occurrences. Three letters (8, 70, 100) appeared the least with only 1 occurrence each. Thus the letter with the most occurrences, plus the smallest of the letters with the least occurrences together total 98 (2 x 72). 90 occurred 64 times in list 2.2. Total of all the letter 90s would be 5760. Letter 8 occurred only once. The two together: 5768 = 23 x 7 x 103.

2.2.9The positions of the last letters of each word has a feature that the first letters do not. The positions can be split into alternating groups of 78 and 49. of 78 positions:

5 11 20 23 26 31 34 43 47 50 56 64 68 77 80 85 88 93 101 108 111 114
117 120 124 128 130 136 139 140 146 151 157 161 166 168 177 183 188
190 197 200 207 209 214 217 220 228 236 242 244 251 255 259 260 268
271 278 281 286 289 299 302 306 309 312 317 321 330 341 343 345 352
355 365 370 379 385

608 615 623 629 631 634 639 650 651 660 662 669 675 681 683 687 695
698 709 714 717 727 734 738 739 744 751 754 759 764 766 768 773 779
784 789 790 798 804 805 808 815 818 827 830 838 844 847 849 854 857
865 871 875 884 887 898 900 902 906 909 912 920 923 934 945 948 951
959 962 971 974 984 987 992 998 1007 1008

Total: 77854 = 2 x 7 x 67 x 83. of 49 positions:

386 392 398 401 405 408 411 416 419 427 429 434 436 442 445 455 460
465 466 468 476 481 489 495 497 503 505 507 510 515 517 524 531 534
537 544 547 557 559 561 564 566 568 573 575 585 590 593 595

1013 1016 1021 1030 1040 1045 1047 1052 1059 1067 1073 1076 1085
1089 1095 1098 1103 1105 1107 1111 1114 1125 1131 1138 1140 1142
1151 1154 1156 1166 1168 1176 1177 1185 1188 1192 1198 1202 1211
1213 1215 1219 1222 1230 1236 1238 1241 1246 1257

Total: 79924 = 22 x 13 x 29 x 53. difference between the groups of 78 and 49: 2070 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 23.

2.3For each of the 254 words, add their first and last letters.

2.3.1Odd valued totals:

a) 2  3  4  8  10 11 15 18 21 22 23 27  29 32 35 36 38 40 41 43 46 51
b) 91 75 95 19 19 95 19 91 39 19 45 109 69 41 95 9  91 9  43 77 5  107

a) 52 54  59 61 62 65 71 72 73 74 78 80 81 84 87 88 89 90 91  93 94 95
b) 17 209 99 19 95 19 9  69 39 19 91 99 47 19 19 45 75 41 101 19 45 605

a) 96 98 101 102 103 105 106 109 110 112 115 116 117 118 120 121 122
b) 41 9  45  45  101 45  107 9   45  61  19  45  45  107 69  9   69

a) 123 125 126 127 128 129 131 135 137 138 139 141 142 145 146 147 148
b) 69  41  19  69  91  45  601 95  95  45  69  601 45  19  95  201 95

a) 151 154 156 158 159 160 161 163 166 168 171 172 173 174 175 177 178
b) 71  21  45  69  9   69  45  45  99  61  93  19  45  99  95  49  19

a) 179 183 184 185 187 188 194 201 202 203 210 212 213 214 217 219 220
b) 45  19  91  45  609 19  19  19  29  91  19  9   41  75  19  601 109

a) 221 222 223 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 239
b) 19  409 45  609 19  45  91  99  9   69  91  19  69  93  101 9   45

a) 240 245 247 248 250 254   (Word position of pair.)
b) 19  45  609 19  601 47    (Total of the first and last letters.)

Total of the pairs: 12221 = 112 x 101. (This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but the symmetrical number and its factors point back to the one God who is Alpha and Omega, first and last, and beginning and end.)

2.3.2There are 119 (7 x 17) totals that are even valued.

a) 1  5   6  7   9   12 13  14 16  17  19  20 24  25  26 28 30  31  33
b) 60 140 50 140 240 10 100 44 110 130 110 6  190 240 12 10 120 100 440

a) 34 37 39  42 44  45  47  48  49  50 53  55  56 57  58 60  63 64  66
b) 14 10 160 10 160 120 300 270 110 10 130 120 92 290 14 160 14 100 14

a) 67  68  69  70  75  76  77  79  82  83  85  86  92 97  99  100 104
b) 110 240 400 160 160 100 130 120 140 100 140 110 10 120 160 150 10

a) 107 108 111 113 114 119 124 130 132 133 134 136 140 143 144 149 150
b) 660 10  100 140 44  660 160 110 700 800 8   120 210 190 290 10  12

a) 152 153 155 157 162 164 165 167 169 170 176 180 181 182 186 189 190
b) 14  160 190 150 150 120 160 120 48  190 160 160 190 160 700 190 190

a) 191 192 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 215
b) 140 50  50  190 100 140 110 190 160 12  120 150 230 150 160 290 130

a) 216 218 224 238 241 242 243 244 246 249 251 252 253
b) 60  110 700 2   190 160 190 100 700 110 700 800 8

a) Word position of pair.
b) Total of the first and last letters.

Total of the pairs: 20188 = 22 x 72 x 103.

2.3.3Thirty-three pairs are divisible by 7:

a) 2  5   7   18 34 38 43 58 63 66 78 82  85  113 128 132 140 152 154
b) 91 140 140 91 14 91 77 14 14 14 91 140 140 140 91  700 210 14  21

a) 177 184 186 187 191 197 203 224 225 228 232 246 247 251
b) 49  91  700 609 140 140 91  700 609 91  91  700 609 700

a) Word position of pair.
b) Total of the first and last letters.

Total of the pairs: 7553 = 7 x 13 x 83. (An extra factor of 13 appears.)

2.3.4When the pairs for each word are added one by one, the accumulated total will be a multiple of 23 eight times.

Word position:     22   42   86   135   155   167   170   217
First & last pair: 19   10   110  95    190   120   190   19
Accumulated total: 1702 3519 8372 15065 17618 18699 18998 24748

Total of the word positions: 994 = 2 x 7 x 71.

2.3.5Pair up the pairs and add up each one. valued groups of 2:

60  91    100 41    130 91    69  160   45  150   160 19
140 19    10  91    120 99    45  110   45  120   290 9
240 19    160 9     47  140   601 700   160 99    19  110
95  10    43  10    100 19    95  120   120 61    45  700
19  110   77  160   101 10    69  210   95  160   9   2
130 91    120 5     120 9     71  14    45  160   45  700
45  190   130 209   101 10    160 21    45  700   110 601
109 10    99  160   100 61    190 45    50  19    8   47
69  120   19  14    660 69    150 69    91  12

Total of the groups: 12961 = 13 x 997. valued groups of 2:

75  95    110 240   140 44    93  19    130 60
140 50    400 160   19  45    45  99    601 109
100 44    9   69    45  107   49  19    19  409
110 6     39  19    9   69    190 160   609 19
39  19    160 100   41  19    19  91    45  91
240 12    140 110   69  91    609 19    99  9
440 14    19  45    800 8     190 190   69  91
95  9     75  41    95  45    140 50    19  69
300 270   19  45    601 45    190 100   93  101
110 10    605 41    190 290   140 110   45  19
107 17    160 150   19  95    190 160   190 160
120 92    45  45    201 95    19  29    190 100
290 14    45  107   10  12    120 150   609 19
19  95    660 10    9   69    230 150   700 800
14  100   9   45    48  190   41  75

Total of the groups: 19448 = 23 x 11 x 13 x 17.

2.3.6These 254 totals of the pairs of the first and last letters of each word can now be gathered into alternating groups of 14 and 26. of 14:

60 91 75 95 140 50 140 19 240 19 95 10 100 44
43 10 77 160 120 5 300 270 110 10 107 17 130 209
47 140 100 19 140 110 19 45 75 41 101 10 19 45
9 69 69 160 41 19 69 91 45 110 601 700 800 8
45 150 45 120 160 99 120 61 48 190 93 19 45 99
19 29 91 12 120 150 230 150 160 19 290 9 41 75
190 160 190 100 45 700 609 19 110 601 700 800 8 47

Total of the groups of 14: 13416 = 23 x 3 x 13 x 43. SF: 65 = 5 x 13. of 26:

19 110 130 91 110 6 39 19 45 190 240 12 109 10 69 120 100 41 440 
14 95 9 10 91 160 9

120 92 290 14 99 160 19 95 14 100 19 14 110 240 400 160 9 69 39 
19 160 100 130 91 120 99

605 41 120 9 160 150 45 45 101 10 45 107 660 10 9 45 100 61 140 
44 19 45 45 107 660 69

95 120 95 45 69 210 601 45 190 290 19 95 201 95 10 12 71 14 160 
21 190 45 150 69 9 69

95 160 49 19 45 160 190 160 19 91 45 700 609 19 190 190 140 50 50 
19 190 100 140 110 190 160

130 60 19 110 601 109 19 409 45 700 609 19 45 91 99 9 69 91 19 69 
93 101 9 2 45 19

Total of the groups of 26: 18993 = 3 x 13 x 487. difference between the groups of 14 and groups of 26: 5577 = 3 x 11 x 132. An extra factor of 13 appears.

2.4Since the entire passage is a multiple of 7 while the first and last letters of each word are multiples of 13, this means letters that are not first or last would not be multiples of 7 or 13. Nevertheless, Revelation 1:8's principle of complementary opposites still applies in a limited fashion.

Letters not first or last in a word:
5 3 600 200 100 60 9 60 80 5 200 5 90 8 9 7 600 30 7 7 1 100 5 40 1 40 100 30 600 1 200 8 5 600 200 80 7 90 5 100 40 60 5 4 5 30 5 40 7 1 600 20 60 5 200 100 7 200 90
1 40 100 5 3 1 3 5 100 60 1 1 9 30 9 9 70 80 5 9 100 100 200 80 9 60 200 100 600 80 5 9 1 400 5 200 8 200 70 60 90 100 5 20 5 200 100 60 200 60 200 100 5 3 60 40 5 40
20 7 80 600 8 7 8 5 9 60 80 60 300 7 100 60 5 3 60 40 100 60 9 70 1 100 200 3 1 100 80 9 600 4 60 1 90 9 20 5 200 60 80 400 5 100 1 60 80 1 200 1 70 9 2 5 2 7 10 600
70 40 60 1 70 600 20 60 9 60 70 60 6 200 3 9 60 60 80 5 200 8 5 40 100 5 1 8 7 100 1 1 60 9 7 90 1 40 100 5 1 8 600 200 40 5 100 1 50 5 200 100 60 9 7 90 60 200 3 1 3
60 7 40 60 1 60 600 20 60 1 70 5 8 7 10 1 200 100 600 30 1 100 9 1 70 5 10 1 8 9 90 5 70 1 40 200 100 600 20 5 9 90 100 60 400 20 60 90 100 80 600 90 1 1 200 100 600 
30 1 100 9 4 20 20 60 10 60 70 100 60 20 1 4 60 200 70 600 5 40 4 80 600 1 90 100 80 600 40 40 200 60 4 400 20 60 80 60 1 3 60 40 100 5 200 100 60 1 10 60 20 60 200 8 
60 200 40 100 5 10 80 1 6 60 5 3 60 40 100 5 90 1 40 40 9 1 200 9 200 20 60 3 7 30 5 40 60 80 400 60 30 5 40 60 40 60 30 1 100 200 80 9 60 90 1 40 40 60 9 500 9 90 
100 60 9 1 9 90 5 20 8 60 40 100 60 200 100 60 9 5 80 60 90 60 20 200 30 90 5 9 90 8 1 90 60 20 9 5 3 60 200 90 9 90 100 9 200 100 60 400 20 60 20 5 3 60 200 100 60 
90 100 9 80 60 300 7 100 7 7 90 60 200 70 1 6 1 80 5 7 1 20 9 20 1 9 1 1 9 90 7 20 8 5 7 90 60 200 9 5 80 60 1 50 5 2 1 20 5 1 40 100 1 60 200 600 20 60 200 40 100 1 
1 3 60 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 5 80 1 1 80 1 70 5 6 1 600 60 20 20 200 2 9 90 100 600 1 100 5 90 100 80 5 500 5 1 1 1 8 5 4 80 1 600 600 20 60 200 40 100 600 1 5 80 9 90 
100 5 80 1 1 5 3 5 200 100 60 9 5 3 80 1 70 100 1 9 10 60 60 9 10 60 80 60 90 5 200 400 7 20 7 8 7 90 5 100 1 30 5 9 200 100 60 60 9 5 9 100 70 7 20 1 9 60 7 90 100 
600 1 80 60 90 7 20 8 60 200 100 200 300 20 60 1 600 20 60 5 80 1 8 5 80 1 70 5 200 90 5 200 100 60 200 4 60 40 100 5 80 400 9 5 80 5 9 1 80 1 30 30 1 100 5 9 1 200 
30 1 90 9 70 60 9 7 90 5 1 60 200 1 9 4 1 60 200 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 5 80 1 5 3 60 40 100 1 90 1 40 40 9 1 200 9 3 1 40 1 10 100 7 90 1

There are 759 letters that are not first or last in a word. (759 = 3 x 11 x 23). This means these letters can be placed into groups of 3, 11, 23, 33, 69, and 253. Of these six possible ways of grouping these letters, only 11 works because 11 represents the one God who is beginning and end.

2.4.1Odd valued groups of 11:

600 200 80 7 90 5 100 40 60 5 4         5 7 1 20 9 20 1 9 1 1 9
5 30 5 40 7 1 600 20 60 5 200           90 7 20 8 5 7 90 60 200 9 5
5 9 100 100 200 80 9 60 200 100 600     80 60 1 50 5 2 1 20 5 1 40
80 1 200 1 70 9 2 5 2 7 10              1 3 60 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 5
70 60 6 200 3 9 60 60 80 5 200          80 1 1 80 1 70 5 6 1 600 60
60 9 7 90 1 40 100 5 1 8 600            20 20 200 2 9 90 100 600 1 100 5
7 90 60 200 3 1 3 60 7 40 60            4 80 1 600 600 20 60 200 40 100 600
1 200 100 600 30 1 100 9 1 70 5         1 5 80 9 90 100 5 80 1 1 5
100 80 600 90 1 1 200 100 600 30 1      100 1 9 10 60 60 9 10 60 80 60
100 9 4 20 20 60 10 60 70 100 60        90 5 200 400 7 20 7 8 7 90 5
600 1 90 100 80 600 40 40 200 60 4      100 1 30 5 9 200 100 60 60 9 5
400 20 60 80 60 1 3 60 40 100 5         9 100 70 7 20 1 9 60 7 90 100
200 100 60 1 10 60 20 60 200 8 60       200 300 20 60 1 600 20 60 5 80 1
200 80 9 60 90 1 40 40 60 9 500         60 200 4 60 40 100 5 80 400 9 5
9 90 100 60 9 1 9 90 5 20 8             90 5 1 60 200 1 9 4 1 60 200
90 60 20 200 30 90 5 9 90 8 1           80 1 6 60 40 100 1 5 80 1 5
100 9 200 100 60 400 20 60 20 5 3       3 60 40 100 1 90 1 40 40 9 1

Total: 28140 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 67.

2.4.2Even valued groups of 11:

5 3 600 200 100 60 9 60 80 5 200        20 1 4 60 200 70 600 5 40 4 80
5 90 8 9 7 600 30 7 7 1 100             200 40 100 5 10 80 1 6 60 5 3
5 40 1 40 100 30 600 1 200 8 5          60 40 100 5 90 1 40 40 9 1 200
100 7 200 90 1 40 100 5 3 1 3           9 200 20 60 3 7 30 5 40 60 80
5 100 60 1 1 9 30 9 9 70 80             400 60 30 5 40 60 40 60 30 1 100
80 5 9 1 400 5 200 8 200 70 60          60 40 100 60 200 100 60 9 5 80 60
90 100 5 20 5 200 100 60 200 60 200     90 60 20 9 5 3 60 200 90 9 90
100 5 3 60 40 5 40 20 7 80 600          60 200 100 60 90 100 9 80 60 300 7
8 7 8 5 9 60 80 60 300 7 100            100 7 7 90 60 200 70 1 6 1 80
60 5 3 60 40 100 60 9 70 1 100          100 1 60 200 600 20 60 200 40 100 1
200 3 1 100 80 9 600 4 60 1 90          90 100 80 5 500 5 1 1 1 8 5
9 20 5 200 60 80 400 5 100 1 60         3 5 200 100 60 9 5 3 80 1 70
600 70 40 60 1 70 600 20 60 9 60        600 1 80 60 90 7 20 8 60 200 100
8 5 40 100 5 1 8 7 100 1 1              8 5 80 1 70 5 200 90 5 200 100
200 40 5 100 1 50 5 200 100 60 9        80 5 9 1 80 1 30 30 1 100 5
1 60 600 20 60 1 70 5 8 7 10            9 1 200 30 1 90 9 70 60 9 7
10 1 8 9 90 5 70 1 40 200 100           200 9 3 1 40 1 10 100 7 90 1
600 20 5 9 90 100 60 400 20 60 90

Total: 28496 = 24 x 13 x 137.

2.4.3Rather than look for odd or even valued groups of 11, these letters can also be put in alternating groups of 169 and 126. of 169: 36512 = 25 x 7 x 163. of 126: 20124 = 22 x 32 x 13 x 43.

2.4.4They can also be arranged as alternating groups of 217 and 325. of 217: 32682 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 419. of 325: 23954 = 2 x 7 x 29 x 59.

2.4.5Even the positions of the letters that are not first or last in a word can be placed in alternating groups of 26 and 7, and 169 and 84. of 26 positions: 376754 = 2 x 7 x 17 x 1583. of 7 positions: 105768 = 23 x 32 x 13 x 113. of 169 positions: 287301 = 3 x 7 x 13681. of 84 positions: 195221 = 13 x 15017.

The Words

List of 254 words:
668 460 523 104 147 687 147 306 870 20 908 492 200 140 20 790 135 398 546 118 99 20 46 199 279 91 109 204 169 60 449 941 535 419 503 9 360 651 520 9 156 50 792 160
140 14 360 877 378 190 107 401 739 273 60 417 350 600 159 441 20 800 84 200 20 84 790 309 808 663 9 69 156 20 472 709 531 460 60 456 114 147 200 20 200 790 20 146
75 941 101 150 20 243 716 941 60 9 444 630 1006 946 101 150 45 107 664 110 9 345 385 131 740 773 20 1255 45 107 664 69 9 549 69 509 401 20 69 854 202 323 772 700
809 218 520 60 770 45 300 559 772 45 259 1058 20 487 561 104 555 214 162 7 249 379 199 244 510 69 9 549 133 510 244 60 714 456 60 131 141 197 154 20 184 456 104
160 194 20 128 302 450 1181 20 442 45 700 694 20 191 353 740 1151 936 20 191 199 740 1730 191 530 20 42 460 272 60 229 290 229 1002 257 334 9 401 258 297 857 20
435 901 689 20 1089 45 700 694 20 509 651 308 9 69 679 20 69 349 101 340 1 286 20 450 175 450 388 45 700 694 20 319 772 700 809 218 300

3These 254 words have 693 digits. (32 x 7 x 11.)5

3.1The first and last words: 968 = 23 x 112 SF: 28 = 22 x 7. SF: 11.

3.1.1Exactly fourteen words can be paired from the beginning and ends of the passage as the Nth and Nth last words where their sum together is a multiple of 7.

a) 21  26  29  33   36  52  62   73   80  86  91  105 122  124
b) 99  91  169 535  9   401 800  156  456 790 101 45  549  509
c) 234 229 226 222  219 203 193  182  175 169 164 150 133  131
d) 69  308 20  1089 901 460 936  1181 104 141 60  214 809  772
e) 168 399 189 1624 910 861 1736 1337 560 931 161 259 1358 1281

a) Nth position.
b) Word at the Nth position.
c) Equivalent to Nth last position.
d) Word at Nth last position.
e) Sum of the words (b + d).

Sum of positions (a + c): 3570 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 17.

3.2Following Revelation 1:8's phrase is, was, and is to come with the present out of order, take every other word.

3.2.1Odd positioned words: 41825 = 52 x 7 x 239.

3.2.2Even positioned words: 46732 = 22 x 7 x 1669. SF: 1680 = 24 x 3 x 5 x 7.

3.2.3Not only can every other word be taken, but every Nth word. with the first word, taking every Nth to find a multiple of 7 is true when N is one of the following:

2 15 17 21 32 42 43 53 54 55 79 80 94 97 100 104 120

Total of N: 1008 = 24 x 32 x 7. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. with the first word and taking every Nth after, the following values of N produce totals divisible by 13:

45 52 54 63 80 85 96 113

Total of N: 588 = 22 x 3 x 72. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

3.3.1The first half of the words: 46557 = 32 x 7 x 739.

3.3.2The last half of the words: 42000 = 24 x 3 x 53 x 7.

3.3.3The difference between the first half from the last has an extra 7: 4557 = 3 x 72 x 31.

3.4.1Forty-five words are prime numbers.

a) 3   24  27  31  32  34  35  48  51  52  53  76  90  91  96  103 106
b) 523 199 109 449 941 419 503 877 107 401 739 709 941 101 941 101 107

a) 112 114 118 124 125 133 146 152 154 155 168 170 182 189 190 192 195
b) 131 773 107 509 401 809 487 7 379 199 131 197 1181 191 353 1151 191

a) 196 199 206 208 210 213 216 227 235 236 252  (Word position.)
b) 199 191 229 229 257 401 857 509 349 101 809  (Word value.)

Total of the words (b): 19495 = 5 x 7 x 557.

3.4.2This means the remaining 209 words are not prime numbers: 69062 = 2 x 7 x 4933. SF: 4942 = 2 x 7 x 353.

3.4.3The 209 words that are not prime numbers have an extra feature. Their positions in the passage: 26416 = 24 x 13 x 127.

3.5.1When the words are added one by one, there are 42 times when the accumulated total will be a multiple of 7.

A)  B)   C)         A)  B)   C)         A)  B)   C)
16  790  6482       107 664  35721      164 60   55531
20  118  7679       109 9    35840      165 714  56245
22  20   7798       112 131  36701      174 456  58044
24  199  8043       115 20   38234      181 450  59402
35  503  11802      118 107  39641      192 1151 64939
39  520  13342      121 9    40383      197 740  67025
64  200  21119      124 509  41510      201 20   69496
70  663  23793      127 69   42000      202 42   69538
76  709  25228      128 854  42854      208 229  71078
84  20   27216      130 323  43379      214 258  73339
93  20   29659      134 218  45878      220 689  76538
95  716  30618      140 559  48132      225 694  79086
97  60   31619      154 379  53004      252 809  88039
103 101  34755      158 69   54026      254 300  88557

A) Word position.   B) Word value.  C) Accumulated total.

Total of these words (B): 15171 = 3 x 13 x 389.

3.5.2Nineteen times the accumulated total will be divisible by 13.

A)  B)  C)         A)  B)   C)
3   523 1651       161 133 54717
4   104 1755       163 244 55471
8   306 3042       188 20  62504
17  135 6617       205 60  70330
40  9   13351      229 308 80574
41  156 13507      231 69  80652
51  107 16575      244 388 83980
83  200 27196      251 700 87230
104 150 34905      253 218 88257
129 202 43056

A) Word position.   B) Word value.  C) Accumulated total.

Total of these words (B): 4032 = 26 x 32 x 7.

3.5.3Nine times the accumulated total will be divisible by 26.

Word position:     8    83    129   188   205   229   231   244   251
Word value:        306  200   202   20    60    308   69    388   700
Accumulated total: 3042 27196 43056 62504 70330 80574 80652 83980 87230

Total of the positions: 1568 = 25 x 72.

3.5.4Only one time will the accumulated total be divisible by 343 (73). Providentially this occurs at the 112th word. (112 = 24 x 7.)

3.5.5Only twice will the accumulated total be divisible by 169 (132).

Word position:     8    40
Word value:        306  9
Accumulated total: 3042 13351

Total of the letters: 315 = 32 x 5 x 7.

3.6Precisely 105 (3 x 5 x 7) words appeared only once.

3.6.1Twenty-one words appeared an even number of times.

Word value (a):  20 60 84 131 140 150 156 160 200 218 229 244 300 360 509 510 520 549 651 664 809
Occurrences (b): 24 8  2  2   2   2   2   2   4   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2

Total of these words (line a): 6664 = 23 x 72 x 17.

3.6.2A hundred and twenty-eight (27) words appeared an odd number of times. The total of these words is a prime number with no features. However, the total number of occurrences of these words is 182 (2 x 7 x 13).

3.6.3Each word (column A) can be characterized by the number of times it appears in the passage (column B), its numeric total in the passage (column C = A x B), and the total of its positions in the passage (column D). words have odd values in columns C and D.

A)  B) C)  D)     A)  B) C)  D)
45  7 315 1155    279 1 279 25
69  7 483 1065    297 1 297 215
75  1 75  89      319 1 319 249
99  1 99  21      349 1 349 235
107 3 321 275     385 1 385 111
109 1 109 27      449 1 449 31
133 1 133 161     503 1 503 35
135 1 135 17      523 1 523 3
141 1 141 169     531 1 531 77
159 1 159 59      535 1 535 33
169 1 169 29      555 1 555 149
191 3 573 583     561 1 561 147
199 3 597 375     739 1 739 53
249 1 249 153     901 1 901 219
259 1 259 143

Total of column A: 9065 = 5 x 72 x 37. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF:13. words are odd in column C and even in column D.

A)  B) C)   D)        A)  B) C)   D)
1    1 1    238       419  1 419  34
7    1 7    152       435  1 435  218
9    9 81   1076      441  1 441  60
91   1 91   26        487  1 487  146
101  3 303  430       559  1 559  140
147  3 441  94        663  1 663  70
175  1 175  242       679  1 679  232
197  1 197  170       687  1 687  6
243  1 243  94        689  1 689  220
257  1 257  210       709  1 709  76
273  1 273  54        773  1 773  114
309  1 309  68        857  1 857  216
323  1 323  130       877  1 877  48
345  1 345  110       941  3 2823 218
353  1 353  190       1089 1 1089 222
379  1 379  154       1151 1 1151 192
401  3 1203 390       1181 1 1181 182
417  1 417  56        1255 1 1255 116

Total of column A: 17920 = 29 x 5 x 7.
Total of the appearances (B): 52 = 22 x 13. words are even in column C and odd in column D:

A)   B) C)  D)        A)   B) C)  D)        A)   B) C)  D)
46   1 46   23        290  1 290  207       700  5 3500 1039
60   8 480  933       300  2 600  393       714  1 714  165
84   2 168  129       308  1 308  229       716  1 716  95
104  3 312  327       334  1 334  211       740  3 2220 501
114  1 114  81        340  1 340  237       770  1 770  137
128  1 128  179       350  1 350  57        790  3 2370 169
140  2 280  59        378  1 378  49        792  1 792  43
154  1 154  171       444  1 444  99        808  1 808  69
162  1 162  151       450  3 1350 665       809  2 1618 385
184  1 184  173       460  3 1380 283       870  1 870  9
194  1 194  177       472  1 472  75        908  1 908  11
200  4 800  245       509  2 1018 351       936  1 936  193
202  1 202  129       510  2 1020 319       1002 1 1002 209
218  2 436  387       546  1 546  19        1006 1 1006 101
244  2 488  319       668  1 668  1
286  1 286  239       694  3 2082 659

Total of column A: 21134 (nf)
Total of these words in the passage (C): 34244 = 22 x 7 x 1223. words are even in both columns C and D.

A)   B) C)   D)        A)   B) C)   D)        A)   B) C)   D)
14   1  14   46        214  1  214  150       530  1  530  200
20   24 480  3398      229  2  458  414       549  2  1098 282
42   1  42   202       258  1  258  214       600  1  600  58
50   1  50   42        272  1  272  204       630  1  630  100
110  1  110  108       302  1  302  180       651  2  1302 266
118  1  118  20        306  1  306  8         664  2  1328 226
131  2  262  280       360  2  720  84        772  3  2316 522
146  1  146  88        388  1  388  244       800  1  800  62
150  2  300  196       398  1  398  18        854  1  854  128
156  2  312  114       442  1  442  184       946  1  946  102
160  2  320  220       456  3  1368 420       1058 1  1058 144
190  1  190  50        492  1  492  12        1730 1  1730 198
204  1  204  28        520  2  1040 174

Total of column A: 15912 = 23 x 32 x 13 x 17. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.
Total of the positions of these words (D): 9386t = 2 x 13 x 192.

Looking just at column A, out of four tries from to, two were divisible by 7. One was divisible by 13. Only one failed. This is slightly more than the odds.

The skeptic would say this is just the odds or even less than the odds, because the skeptic would look for odd/even values in everything. He would search for odd/even values in each individual column (4 attempts). Then he would look for odd/even values in columns AB, then in columns AC, in AD, in BC, in BD, and in CD (6 more attempts). When this is done without evaluating the actual data, it is just the odds. A little thought changes the picture. Columns C and D provide the more complete information concerning each word in the passage. Thus it would be natural to use these two columns first. And it is these two columns that give something more than the odds.

3.7The following six words have the unique characteristic where their first and last occurrences sandwich a group of words whose total is a multiple of 7. This means that words not sandwiched by them (including themselves), would also be divisible by 7. This forms a complementary opposite of what is inside and outside. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 20: 81487 = 72 x 1663. SF: 1677 = 3 x 13 x 43. words not between the first and last occurrences: 7070 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 101. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 360: 2492 = 22 x 7 x 89. words not between the first and last occurrences: 86065 = 5 x 7 x 2459. SF: 2471 = 7 x 353. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 520: 32536 = 23 x 72 x 83. words not between the first and last occurrences: 56021 = 7 x 53 x 151. difference between and 23485 = 5 x 7 x 11 x 61. SF: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 664: 3920 = 24 x 5 x 72. words not between the first and last occurrences: 84637 = 7 x 107 x 113. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 218: 42161 = 7 x 19 x 317. SF: 343 = 73. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. words not between the first and last occurrences: 46396 = 22 x 7 x 1657. words between the first and last occurrences of word value 300: 40684 = 22 x 7 x 1453. words not between the first and last occurrences: 47873 = 72 x 977.

3.7.7These six words have an added feature in the total of all their positions in the passage.

Unique word:            20   360 520  664  218 300
Total of its positions: 3398 84  174  226  387 393

Total of the positions of these words in the passage: 4662 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 37. SF: 52 = 22 x 13.

3.8Classify the words according to the odd/even values of their first and last letters. The first and last letters of 19 words are both odd valued. The sum of these words: 4151. The first and last letters of 100 words are both even valued. The sum of these words: 46055. The total of these 119 (7 x 17) words: 50206 = 2 x 13 x 1931. SF: 1946 = 2 x 7 x 139.

3.9.1Exactly 63 words have the total of their letter positions divisible by 7. The total of their positions has an unexpected extra level of 7: 198541 = 7 x 113 x 251. SF: 371 = 7 x 53.

3.9.2Twenty words have the total of their letter positions divisible by 13. Once again their positions have an extra level of 7: 48204 = 22 x 32 x 13 x 103. SF: 126 = 2 x 32 x 7.

3.9.3Nine words have the total of their letter positions divisible by 91 (7 x 13). And once more their positions go further: 27391 = 72 x 13 x 43. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

3.9.4Twelve words have the total of their letter positions divisible by 23 (the number of man). The sum of the letter positions for these twelve words: 45724 = 22 x 7 x 23 x 71. SF: 105 = 3 x 5 x 7.

3.9.5A hundred and forty-seven (3 x 72) words have the total of their letter positions as an odd number. The positions of these words: 19264 = 26 x 7 x 43. [Unfortunately there is no correlating match with those with an even total of the letter positions.]

3.10In Greek, Jesus' name has three different spellings depending on context. In this passage, Jesus is spelled Ιησους (9-7-90-60-200-90) and has a numeric total of 456. This word appears three times in positions 80, 166, and 174. The total of these positions: 420 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7. This shows Jesus is central to the passage.

3.11One interesting thing to note is that the Greek word θεος (theos; God) does not occur in these verses. This is another clue that Jesus is not God. But there are two instances of Lord. Unlike the three times Jesus' name appears, the word Lord is spelled differently: κυριος, and κυριου. The first time it appears is as the 31st word, in the phrase The Lord has need of them. Whether this refers to God can be debatable. The second occurrence is at the 140th word, in the phrase Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. This definitely refers to God, and it is very appropriate that it is the 140th word with a word value of 559. (13 x 43. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.)6

3.11.1From the beginning of the passage up to and including the 140th word, the total is 48132. (22 x 32 x 7 x 191. SF: 208 = 24 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.)

3.11.2Everything after the 140th word: 40425 = 3 x 52 x 72 x 11.

3.11.3The difference between 3.11.1 and 3.11.2 is a number with digits of seven: 7707 = 3 x 7 x 367. SF: 377 = 13 x 29. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

3.11.4If the 254 words of the passage were sorted, κυριου (value of 559) would be the 195th word of the sorted list. (195 = 3 x 5 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.) Everything after it would total 48178 (2 x 13 x 17 x 109). If it was included with everything after it: 48737 (13 x 23 x 163). Since this is the sorted list, and not the original word order, there is nothing before it.

3.11.5Since God (in this case the word Lord) and Jesus are the two most important beings in the passage, the total of the positions of Jesus' name in the passage and the position of Lord can be put together to form 560 (24 x 5 x 7).

3.12The three appearances of Jesus' name in the passage serve to divide the passage into different sections.

Jesus & The Words Of The Passage

3.12.1Everything before the first appearance of the name Jesus: 26279 = 11 x 2389. This is not divisible by 7 or 13, but there is a factor of 11.

3.12.2The next natural step is to add everything after the last occurrence of Jesus. Unfortunately, this does not give any result. What does work is everything after the next occurrence (or the second last occurrence). 31856 = 24 x 11 x 181. (In this case, the last appearance of Jesus' name is included in the total.)

3.12.3The difference between 3.12.1 and 3.12.2: 5577 = 3 x 11 x 132. Only now does the number related to God’s name appear.

3.12.4The two parts (3.12.1 and 3.12.2) added together: 58135 = 5 x 7 x 11 x 151. Now even seven appears.

The skeptic would say the rule of taking the first and last is now being bent just to accommodate finding two features with an 11. But this does not explain the two factors of 13 in 3.12.3. Nor does it explain 3.12.4, and it fails to explain what happens below.

3.12.5The same thing can be accomplished starting from the end of the passage. From the end of the passage up to, but not including the last appearance of Jesus' name, the total is 30513 = 3 x 7 x 1453. SF: 1463 = 7 x 11 x 19. This time a factor of 7 appears immediately, and the sum of the factors is another level.

3.12.6Following what was done in 3.12.2, add up everything from the beginning up to but not including the second (or second last) occurrence of Jesus' name: 56245 = 5 x 7 x 1607. (This includes the first occurrence of Jesus' name.)

3.12.7Naturally, since results from 3.12.5 and 3.12.6 are both multiples of 7, the two together would also be divisible by 7: 86758 = 2 x 7 x 6197.

Why does bending the rule of first and last work so well? This is because Jesus is not God.

3.12.8The easiest way to join the three occurrences of Jesus' name would be to draw a straight line through the two appearances that are on the same row to the end of the table, and from that point draw a line up to the first occurrence. The total of these words: 4970 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 71. (This is not as arbitrary as it seems. The current rectangle's dimensions were chosen so one dimension would be 13. 20 x 13 would be 260, with the last row having 6 empty cells. It was also chosen so two instances of Jesus' name would be on the same row. A rectangle of 13 x 20 would not have any instances of the name in the same row or column.)

The Letters

4The letter values of God’s name in Hebrew can be applied seven times to this passage's 1257 letters without overshooting them.

a) 10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5   10 5  6  5  10  5  6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52  62 67 73 78 88  93 99  104 114 119 125 130
c) 9  5  5  40 1  40 40 200 5  60 30 10 100 90 100 1   9   9   5   9

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5     (Value from the Name.)
b) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182   (Count.)
c) 60  60  40  1   90  60  9   200   (Letter found in Matthew.)

Total: 1288 = 23 x 7 x 23. The factor of 7 shows God is behind the prophecy and its fulfillment. The factor of 23 tells us Jesus came as a man. He is not God.

4.1Applying God’s Hebrew name seven times in the previous feature covered only a fraction of the passage. The Name can also be applied 49 times to cover the entire passage. This overshoots the 1257 letters only at the 49th time.

a) 10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5   10 5  6  5  10  5  6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52  62 67 73 78 88  93 99  104 114 119 125 130
c) 10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52  62 67 73 78 88  93 99  104 114 119 125 130
d) 9  5  5  40 1  40 40 200 5  60 30 10 100 90 100 1   9   9   5   9

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218 223 229 234 244
c) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218 223 229 234 244
d) 60  60  40  1   90  60  9   200 5   40  7   100 100 60  20  100 7

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5
b) 249 255 260 270 275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322 327 333 338 348 353
c) 249 255 260 270 275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322 327 333 338 348 353
d) 100 40  60  60  5   9   90  7   70  10  9   200 3   80  40  8   10

a) 6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6
b) 359 364 374 379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426 431 437 442 452 457 463
c) 359 364 374 379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426 431 437 442 452 457 463
d) 7   5   5   40  90  60  7   40  40  40  1   200 9   1   9   70  100

a) 5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 468 478 483 489 494 504 509 515 520 530 535 541 546 556 561 567 572
c) 468 478 483 489 494 504 509 515 520 530 535 541 546 556 561 567 572
d) 5   400 90  40  600 5   4   9   60  200 100 4   1   60  7   4   60

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10
b) 582 587 593 598 608 613 619 624 634 639 645 650 660 665 671 676 686
c) 582 587 593 598 608 613 619 624 634 639 645 650 660 665 671 676 686
d) 40  200 9   60  90  6   60  600 600 4   7   90  90  60  200 600 9

a) 5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5
b) 691 697 702 712 717 723 728 738 743 749 754 764 769 775 780 790 795
c) 691 697 702 712 717 723 728 738 743 749 754 764 769 775 780 790 795
d) 90  1   5   100 90  60  5   1   9   200 90  90  60  20  60  60  7

a) 6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6
b) 801 806 816 821 827 832 842 847 853 858 868 873 879 884 894 899 905
c) 801 806 816 821 827 832 842 847 853 858 868 873 879 884 894 899 905
d) 90  1   100 20  90  9   60  90  60  5   40  60  60  90  60  5   80

a) 5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5    6
b) 910 920 925 931 936 946 951 957 962 972 977 983 988 998 1003 1009
c) 910 920 925 931 936 946 951 957 962 972 977 983 988 998 1003 1009
d) 100 90  60  90  1   10  90  80  40  100 80  1   20  90  1    60

a) 5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10
b) 1014 1024 1029 1035 1040 1050 1055 1061 1066 1076 1081 1087 1092 1102
c) 1014 1024 1029 1035 1040 1050 1055 1061 1066 1076 1081 1087 1092 1102
d) 30   60   7    7    9    100  9    70   60   9    7    200  300  60

a) 5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6
b) 1107 1113 1118 1128 1133 1139 1144 1154 1159 1165 1170 1180 1185 1191
c) 1107 1113 1118 1128 1133 1139 1144 1154 1159 1165 1170 1180 1185 1191
d) 600  1    80   100  4    4    80   9    1    9    1    60   40   200

a) 5    10   5    6    5    10   5    6    5    10   5 6  5
b) 1196 1206 1211 1217 1222 1232 1237 1243 1248 1258 6 12 17
c) 1196 1206 1211 1217 1222 1232 1237 1243 1248 1    6 12 17
d) 4    6    90   5    9    90   100  1    3    20   1 70 5

a) Value from the Name.
b) Count.
c) Count adjusted to 1257 letters.
d) Letter found in Matthew.

Total of the letters found: 12928 = 27 x 101. There are no factors of 7 or 13. There is two to the power seven, and there is 101, a visual numeric representation of the one God who is beginning and end. Again this indicates Jesus is not God. (If the Name was applied only 48 times, the count would have ended at 1248, leaving out nine letters of the passage. The total would be 12832, and this number reveals nothing.)

4.2Since God said He is Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8), let's see how many pairs of letters can be found from the beginning and end (Nth and Nth last) that together are divisible by 7. Astonishingly, there are exactly 91 of them. (91 = 7 x 13.)

a) Nth letter: 5    8    14   21   24   43   45   50   61   70   73
b) Value:      40   100  80   5    100  9    30   9    90   5    30
c) Nth last:   1253 1250 1244 1237 1234 1215 1213 1208 1197 1188 1185
d) Value:      100  40   200  100  40   600  40   40   1    9    40
e) Sum:        140  140  280  105  140  609  70   49   91   14   70

a) 76   77   78   80   96   98   103  108  109  110  111  118  123  134
b) 7    40   10   9    90   40   3    5    30   60   9    100  9    9
c) 1182 1181 1180 1178 1162 1160 1155 1150 1149 1148 1147 1140 1135 1124
d) 7    9    60   5    1    30   60   9    5    80   5    5    40   5
e) 14   49   70   14   91   70   63   14   35   140  14   105  49   14

a) 140  148  149  150  160  168  172  173  175  178  183  204  214  224
b) 60   200  100  600  5    5    90   100  20   1    90   80   40   300
c) 1118 1110 1109 1108 1098 1090 1086 1085 1083 1080 1075 1054 1044 1034
d) 80   80   5    9    9    100  1    40   8    90   1    60   9    8
e) 140  280  105  609  14   105  91   140  28   91   91   140  49   308

a) 225  227  231  235  245  250  252  257  259 265 266 274 284 298 310
b) 7    60   3    60   8    80   90   4    200 20  5   400 1   600 5
c) 1033 1031 1027 1023 1013 1008 1006 1001 999 993 992 984 974 960 948
d) 7    10   200  80   90   60   1    3    3   1   9   90  90  100 9
e) 14   70   203  140  98   140  91   7    203 21  14  490 91  700 14

a) 321 333 337 344 352 358 362 363 370 380 395 401 423 424 428 433 459
b) 40  80  5   60  9   9   40  100 90  1   1   40  8   7   5   600 40
c) 937 925 921 914 906 900 896 895 888 878 863 857 835 834 830 825 799
d) 100 60  100 80  600 40  100 40  1   20  20  9   20  7   9   9   9
e) 140 140 105 140 609 49  140 140 91  21  21  49  28  14  14  609 49

a) 466 471 484 499 505 531 538 540 545 558 562 564 568 569 575 590 606
b) 60  5   100 30  40  90  4   40  10  5   60  600 5   60  9   40  100
c) 792 787 774 759 753 727 720 718 713 700 696 694 690 689 683 668 652
d) 80  100 5   40  9   1   80  9   60  9   10  9   9   500 40  100 5
e) 140 105 105 70  49  91  84  49  70  14  70  609 14  560 49  140 105

a) 614 620 628   (N.B. The position listed on line "a" as the 5th from
b) 60  40  40     the beginning, is also the 5th from the end listed
c) 644 638 630    on line "c" as 1253.)
d) 3   9   100
e) 63  49  140

4.2.1And to make it even more amazing, the sum of the positions of these letters is also a multiple of 7 and 13 (a + c): 114478 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 17 x 37.

4.2.2These pairs were chosen to be divisible by 7, so the total of line e is also divisible by 7: 11872 = 25 x 7 x 53. But the sum of the factors goes further: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

4.2.3Nine of these pairs have a total of 91.

Position of pair in the list: 9  16 32 35 36 46 52 63 77
Total of the pair:            91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91

The total of the positions: 366. This number is not divisible by 7 or 13, but it is the numeric value for Jesus in Greek when it is spelled Ιησου.

4.3In Revelation 1:8, God said He "is, was, and is to come." The present tense is first leaving a gap between the past and future. Just as every other word could be extracted, so can every other letter.

4.3.1Every other letter (odd positioned): 41664 = 26 x 3 x 7 x 31.

4.3.2Every other letter (even positioned): 46893 = 3 x 72 x 11 x 29.

4.4Instead of taking every other letter, one could take every Nth letter. Taking every Nth letter, the following values of N produce totals divisible by 13.

6 19 32 35 65 77 85 90 119 154 177 182 214 276 290 306 321 360 365
402 406 415 416 421 442 447 481 504 508 509 517 533 538 540 558 562
565 585 589 596 615 621 625

Total of all the N values: 15568 = 24 x 7 x 139. SF: 154 = 2 x 7 x 11.

4.5Two thousand three hundred and seventy-four alternating groups of equal size can be built from the 1257 letters, where the odd positioned groups and the even positioned groups would individually be divisible by 7 and or 13.

4.6.1Four hundred and forty-seven letters are odd valued. Their total: 2223 = 32 x 13 x 19.

4.6.2Since the entire passage is divisible by 7, this means the even valued letters would have no feature like the odd valued letters. However, the positions of the even valued letters do have something: 508851 = 32 x 7 x 41 x 197. This inconsistency, where it is the total of the odd valued letters versus the positions of the even valued letters is another sign of the difference between Jesus and God.

4.7.1Two hundred and one letters are prime numbers. Their total: 1022 = 2 x 7 x 73.

4.7.2The remaining letters are not prime numbers: 87535 = 5 x 7 x 41 x 61.

4.7.3Precisely 39 of the prime numbers are the number 7. The positions of these letters: 22204 = 22 x 7 x 13 x 61.

4.7.4Exactly 23 (number of man) prime numbers are the number 3. The positions of these letters: 13884 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 89.

4.7.5The number 1 is not considered a prime number, but since it represents the one God it has a feature. It appeared 118 times. Their positions: 80157 = 3 x 7 x 11 x 347.

4.8The letter 5 appeared the most at 134 times. Total value of all the 5s: 670. Two numbers (50, and 500) appeared twice, which is the fewest number of occurrences. Total value of these two letters: 100, and 1000. The result for letter 50 is paired with the result for letter 5 because it is less than 500: 100 + 670 = 770 (2 x 5 x 7 x 11).

4.8.1When the value of a letter is multiplied by the number of occurrences, this gives the total value (TV) of that letter in the passage. The smallest TV is for the letter 2. The largest TV is for the letter 600. This pairs 2 and 600 as complementary opposites. 2 + 600 = 602. (2 x 7 x 43. SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13.) letter 1 is odd valued. It is the only letter in the passage that appeared an odd number of times (131), and it is the only letter with the total of its positions also as an odd number (91511 = 7 x 17 x 769). As such, it is unique, just like God. other letters are even valued, appearing an even number of times, and having the total of their positions also as an even number.

a) Letter:         6    20    30   50   80    500
b) Occurrences:    6    40    18   2    40    2
c) (a x b):        36   800   540  100  3200  1000
d) Position total: 4766 26854 9990 1236 27314 1632

Total of the six letters (a): 686 = 2 x 73. SF: 23.
Total of the positions (d): 71792 = 24 x 7 x 641.

Providentially, there are exactly seven letters that are either all odd or all even in these four characteristics. Only the letter 1 is odd in all four characteristics, and this sets it apart from the six which are even. As stated before, the letter 1 matches the one God. The six even valued letters would best match Jesus, whose name in the passage has six letters.

4.8.3In this passage, Jesus' name is spelled Ιησους (9-7-90-60-200-90). These letters, along with their occurrences and the total value in the passage are listed below. Since the letter 90 occurs twice in Jesus' name, it is listed twice as well.

Letter from Jesus' name: 7   9    60   90   200   90
Number of occurrences:   39  120  129  107  71    107
Total value in passage:  273 1080 7740 9630 14200 9630

Total value of all these letters: 42553 = 7 x 6079.

4.9In features 4.4 and 4.5 alternating letters, or alternating groups of letters produce numeric features. Both were groups the same size. The 254 letters can also be in alternating different sizes of M and N. M and N can either be a multiple of 7 or 13.

4.9.1Alternating groups of 117 and 168 letters: of 117:

20 5 3 600 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 70 60 80 5 200 5 90 8 5 5 9 90 100 7 40 10 600 30 7 40 100 7 40 10 1 100 5 40 1 40 100 9 200 30 600 40 10 1 9 5 200 8 5 600 90 5 200 80 7 90 5 100 5 60 40 60 40 4 5 4 5 30 5 40 7 40 10 1 9 70 600 20 60 40 30 5 100 1 200 100 7 90 20 200 90 1 40 100 5 90 1 3 1 3 5 100 5 30 60 9 10 1 9 5 1 40

90 10 1 9 5 70 9 2 5 2 7 10 600 90 5 70 9 60 40 60 40 10 1 9 5 70 9 70 600 20 60 40 200 9 60 40 200 70 60 6 200 3 9 60 200 70 60 80 5 200 8 5 40 100 5 90 4 5 60 9 30 1 8 7 100 1 9 10 1 9 70 60 9 7 90 1 40 100 5 90 10 1 8 600 90 90 200 40 5 100 1 50 5 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 7 3 1 3 60 40 100 7 40 60

20 60 9 60 9 70 80 60 1 3 60 40 100 5 90 1 200 100 60 40 10 1 9 60 9 1 10 60 20 60 200 8 60 200 40 100 5 90 5 10 80 1 6 60 40 20 5 3 60 40 100 5 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 5 200 20 60 3 7 30 5 40 60 90 60 5 80 400 60 30 5 40 60 90 5 40 60 40 60 30 1 100 9 10 200 80 9 60 200 600 90 1 40 40 1 5 40 100 60 9 90

1 9 5 50 5 2 1 20 5 40 70 1 40 100 1 90 100 60 200 90 70 600 20 60 200 40 100 1 90 10 1 9 1 3 60 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 90 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 100 1 90 100 80 1 70 5 6 1 90 100 600 40 10 60 20 20 200 2 9 90 100 600 40 10 1 100 5 90 100 80 5 500 5 40 10 1 9 100 1 90 10 1 8 5 4 80 1 90 100 600 40 70 600 20 60 200 40 100 600 40 100

60 9 1 80 400 9 5 80 5 9 90 10 1 9 60 9 3 80 1 30 30 1 100 5 9 90 100 1 8 1 200 30 1 90 9 1 1 5 70 60 9 7 90 5 40 10 1 9 100 60 200 90 70 1 9 4 1 90 100 60 200 90 10 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 90 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 20 5 3 60 40 100 1 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 7 3 1 40 1 10 100 7 90 1 40

Total: 41657 = 7 x 11 x 541. SF: 559 = 13 x 43. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13. of 168:

100 9 90 200 30 9 40 5 9 70 7 100 9 5 80 5 9 100 5 60 100 9 60 10 200 80 9 60 90 1 200 100 600 40 400 80 5 9 1 40 5 400 5 9 5 200 8 200 90 4 5 1 70 60 90 100 5 20 5 9 1 200 100 60 200 90 100 60 200 100 60 4 5 3 5 3 60 40 5 40 9 40 1 70 20 7 80 600 8 7 100 60 80 7 8 5 40 4 9 1 100 60 200 70 80 60 300 7 100 60 200 20 5 3 60 40 100 60 90 5 9 70 1 100 5 100 7 8 200 3 1 100 80 9 90 9 600 40 9 4 60 200 60 2 1 90 9 20 5 200 90 90 60 200 5 80 400 5 100 1 9 90 60 9 70 80 1 200

40 60 40 10 1 9 100 60 40 70 600 20 60 40 10 1 9 5 70 5 8 7 10 1 40 5 70 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 10 1 9 5 70 5 10 1 8 9 90 5 40 5 70 1 40 600 1 200 100 600 40 60 4 5 70 20 5 9 90 100 60 90 60 400 20 60 90 5 90 100 80 600 90 1 40 5 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 1 20 20 60 9 4 5 5 10 60 70 100 60 40 10 20 1 4 60 200 90 1 70 60 100 600 40 4 5 40 4 80 600 40 10 1 9 5 90 100 80 600 40 40 200 60 40 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 60 9 4 5 60 400

200 500 9 90 100 60 9 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 5 20 8 60 40 100 60 90 1 200 100 60 200 5 9 90 9 5 80 60 90 60 20 200 30 1 5 90 5 9 90 8 7 70 1 90 1 7 70 60 20 9 90 20 5 3 60 200 90 1 100 9 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 200 100 60 90 60 9 4 5 60 400 20 60 9 5 20 5 3 60 40 60 200 100 60 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 70 80 60 300 7 100 7 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 1 70 60 40 1 6 1 80 5 8 100 7 90 3 1 20 9 20 1 9 1 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 7 20 8 5 40 9 7 90 60 200 90 5 9 90 100 60 9 5 80 60 40 10

1 90 70 5 80 9 90 100 5 80 1 90 10 1 9 20 5 3 5 9 1 200 100 60 9 90 3 5 3 80 1 70 100 1 9 60 60 9 10 60 90 30 60 200 60 9 10 60 90 70 80 60 90 5 200 400 7 90 10 20 7 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 200 30 5 9 90 4 5 1 200 100 60 40 70 60 9 5 9 100 5 90 70 7 20 1 9 60 40 20 7 90 100 600 40 10 1 9 70 80 60 90 7 20 8 60 40 1 200 100 600 100 200 300 20 60 9 10 1 9 400 600 20 60 9 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 5 8 5 80 1 70 5 200 90 5 40 1 200 100 60 200 90 9 4 60 40 100 5 90 4 5

Total: 46900 = 22 x 52 x 7 x 67. difference between and produces an extra factor of 7: 5243 = 72 x 107. The sum of the factors eventually leads back to the one God who is the originator of the prophecy: 121 = 112. SF: 22 = 2 x 11. SF: 13.

4.9.2Alternating groups of 377 and 42 letters. of 377:

20 5 3 600 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 70 60 80 5 200 5 90 8 5 5 9 90 100 7 40 10 600 30 7 40 100 7 40 10 1 100 5 40 1 40 100 9 200 30 600 40 10 1 9 5 200 8 5 600 90 5 200 80 7 90 5 100 5 60 40 60 40 4 5 4 5 30 5 40 7 40 10 1 9 70 600 20 60 40 30 5 100 1 200 100 7 90 20 200 90 1 40 100 5 90 1 3 1 3 5 100 5 30 60 9 10 1 9 5 1 40 100 9 90 200 30 9 40 5 9 70 7 100 9 5 80 5 9 100 5 60 100 9 60 10 200 80 9 60 90 1 200 100 600 40 400 80 5 9 1 40 5 400 5 9 5 200 8 200 90 4 5 1 70 60 90 100 5 20 5 9 1 200 100 60 200 90 100 60 200 100 60 4 5 3 5 3 60 40 5 40 9 40 1 70 20 7 80 600 8 7 100 60 80 7 8 5 40 4 9 1 100 60 200 70 80 60 300 7 100 60 200 20 5 3 60 40 100 60 90 5 9 70 1 100 5 100 7 8 200 3 1 100 80 9 90 9 600 40 9 4 60 200 60 2 1 90 9 20 5 200 90 90 60 200 5 80 400 5 100 1 9 90 60 9 70 80 1 200 90 10 1 9 5 70 9 2 5 2 7 10 600 90 5 70 9 60 40 60 40 10 1 9 5 70 9 70 600 20 60 40 200 9 60 40 200 70 60 6 200 3 9 60 200 70 60 80 5 200 8 5 40 100 5 90 4 5 60 9 30 1 8 7 100 1 9 10 1 9 70 60 9 7 90 1 40 100 5 90 10 1 8 600 90 90 200 40 5 100 1 50

5 70 5 8 7 10 1 40 5 70 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 10 1 9 5 70 5 10 1 8 9 90 5 40 5 70 1 40 600 1 200 100 600 40 60 4 5 70 20 5 9 90 100 60 90 60 400 20 60 90 5 90 100 80 600 90 1 40 5 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 1 20 20 60 9 4 5 5 10 60 70 100 60 40 10 20 1 4 60 200 90 1 70 60 100 600 40 4 5 40 4 80 600 40 10 1 9 5 90 100 80 600 40 40 200 60 40 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 60 9 4 5 60 400 20 60 9 60 9 70 80 60 1 3 60 40 100 5 90 1 200 100 60 40 10 1 9 60 9 1 10 60 20 60 200 8 60 200 40 100 5 90 5 10 80 1 6 60 40 20 5 3 60 40 100 5 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 5 200 20 60 3 7 30 5 40 60 90 60 5 80 400 60 30 5 40 60 90 5 40 60 40 60 30 1 100 9 10 200 80 9 60 200 600 90 1 40 40 1 5 40 100 60 9 90 200 500 9 90 100 60 9 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 5 20 8 60 40 100 60 90 1 200 100 60 200 5 9 90 9 5 80 60 90 60 20 200 30 1 5 90 5 9 90 8 7 70 1 90 1 7 70 60 20 9 90 20 5 3 60 200 90 1 100 9 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 200 100 60 90 60 9 4 5 60 400 20 60 9 5 20 5 3 60 40 60 200 100 60 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 70 80 60 300 7 100

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Total: 80773 = 7 x 11 x 1049. of 42:

5 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 7 3 1 3 60 40 100 7 40 60 40 60 40 10 1 9 100 60 40 70 600 20 60 40 10 1 9

7 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 1 70 60 40 1 6 1 80 5 8 100 7 90 3 1 20 9 20 1 9 1 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 7 20 8 5 40

9 5 80 600 10 1 9 20 5 3 60 40 100 1 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 7 3 1 40 1 10 100 7 90 1 40

Total: 7784 = 23 x 7 x 139.

4.9.3Alternating groups of 42 and 377 letters. of 42:

20 5 3 600 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 70 60 80 5 200 5 90 8 5 5 9 90 100 7 40 10 600 30 7 40 100 7 40 10 1 100 5 40 1 40 100

5 70 5 8 7 10 1 40 5 70 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 10 1 9 5 70 5 10 1 8 9 90 5 40 5 70 1 40 600 1

9 7 90 60 200 90 5 9 90 100 60 9 5 80 60 40 10 1 9 5 50 5 2 1 20 5 40 70 1 40 100 1 90 100 60 200 90 70 600 20 60 200

Total: 8190 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 13. of 377:

9 200 30 600 40 10 1 9 5 200 8 5 600 90 5 200 80 7 90 5 100 5 60 40 60 40 4 5 4 5 30 5 40 7 40 10 1 9 70 600 20 60 40 30 5 100 1 200 100 7 90 20 200 90 1 40 100 5 90 1 3 1 3 5 100 5 30 60 9 10 1 9 5 1 40 100 9 90 200 30 9 40 5 9 70 7 100 9 5 80 5 9 100 5 60 100 9 60 10 200 80 9 60 90 1 200 100 600 40 400 80 5 9 1 40 5 400 5 9 5 200 8 200 90 4 5 1 70 60 90 100 5 20 5 9 1 200 100 60 200 90 100 60 200 100 60 4 5 3 5 3 60 40 5 40 9 40 1 70 20 7 80 600 8 7 100 60 80 7 8 5 40 4 9 1 100 60 200 70 80 60 300 7 100 60 200 20 5 3 60 40 100 60 90 5 9 70 1 100 5 100 7 8 200 3 1 100 80 9 90 9 600 40 9 4 60 200 60 2 1 90 9 20 5 200 90 90 60 200 5 80 400 5 100 1 9 90 60 9 70 80 1 200 90 10 1 9 5 70 9 2 5 2 7 10 600 90 5 70 9 60 40 60 40 10 1 9 5 70 9 70 600 20 60 40 200 9 60 40 200 70 60 6 200 3 9 60 200 70 60 80 5 200 8 5 40 100 5 90 4 5 60 9 30 1 8 7 100 1 9 10 1 9 70 60 9 7 90 1 40 100 5 90 10 1 8 600 90 90 200 40 5 100 1 50 5 40 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 7 3 1 3 60 40 100 7 40 60 40 60 40 10 1 9 100 60 40 70 600 20 60 40 10 1 9

200 100 600 40 60 4 5 70 20 5 9 90 100 60 90 60 400 20 60 90 5 90 100 80 600 90 1 40 5 1 200 100 600 40 100 1 9 30 1 100 9 1 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 1 20 20 60 9 4 5 5 10 60 70 100 60 40 10 20 1 4 60 200 90 1 70 60 100 600 40 4 5 40 4 80 600 40 10 1 9 5 90 100 80 600 40 40 200 60 40 5 40 100 7 60 4 600 60 9 4 5 60 400 20 60 9 60 9 70 80 60 1 3 60 40 100 5 90 1 200 100 60 40 10 1 9 60 9 1 10 60 20 60 200 8 60 200 40 100 5 90 5 10 80 1 6 60 40 20 5 3 60 40 100 5 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 5 200 20 60 3 7 30 5 40 60 90 60 5 80 400 60 30 5 40 60 90 5 40 60 40 60 30 1 100 9 10 200 80 9 60 200 600 90 1 40 40 1 5 40 100 60 9 90 200 500 9 90 100 60 9 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 5 20 8 60 40 100 60 90 1 200 100 60 200 5 9 90 9 5 80 60 90 60 20 200 30 1 5 90 5 9 90 8 7 70 1 90 1 7 70 60 20 9 90 20 5 3 60 200 90 1 100 9 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 200 100 60 90 60 9 4 5 60 400 20 60 9 5 20 5 3 60 40 60 200 100 60 90 5 90 100 9 40 60 70 80 60 300 7 100 7 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 1 70 60 40 1 6 1 80 5 8 100 7 90 3 1 20 9 20 1 9 1 90 10 1 9 5 9 90 7 20 8 5 40

40 100 1 90 10 1 9 1 3 60 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 90 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 100 1 90 100 80 1 70 5 6 1 90 100 600 40 10 60 20 20 200 2 9 90 100 600 40 10 1 100 5 90 100 80 5 500 5 40 10 1 9 100 1 90 10 1 8 5 4 80 1 90 100 600 40 70 600 20 60 200 40 100 600 40 100 1 90 70 5 80 9 90 100 5 80 1 90 10 1 9 20 5 3 5 9 1 200 100 60 9 90 3 5 3 80 1 70 100 1 9 60 60 9 10 60 90 30 60 200 60 9 10 60 90 70 80 60 90 5 200 400 7 90 10 20 7 8 7 90 5 100 1 9 200 30 5 9 90 4 5 1 200 100 60 40 70 60 9 5 9 100 5 90 70 7 20 1 9 60 40 20 7 90 100 600 40 10 1 9 70 80 60 90 7 20 8 60 40 1 200 100 600 100 200 300 20 60 9 10 1 9 400 600 20 60 9 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 5 8 5 80 1 70 5 200 90 5 40 1 200 100 60 200 90 9 4 60 40 100 5 90 4 5 60 9 1 80 400 9 5 80 5 9 90 10 1 9 60 9 3 80 1 30 30 1 100 5 9 90 100 1 8 1 200 30 1 90 9 1 1 5 70 60 9 7 90 5 40 10 1 9 100 60 200 90 70 1 9 4 1 90 100 60 200 90 10 80 1 6 60 40 100 1 90 5 40 100 600 9 5 80 600 10 1 9 20 5 3 60 40 100 1 90 600 90 1 40 40 1 100 600 200 9 600 4 1 200 9 4 7 3 1 40 1 10 100 7 90 1 40

Total: 80367 = 3 x 7 x 43 x 89. difference between and 72177 = 3 x 72 x 491.

4.10.1In this passage, Jesus is spelled Ιησους (9-7-90-60-200-90). The first letter has the value 9. Is it a surprise that 9 is the only letter where its first and last appearances sandwich 1234 letters in between them with a total divisible by 7? 87206 = 2 x 7 x 6229.

4.10.2And what is not sandwiched between the first and last appearances of 9 total 1351 (7 x 193).

4.11The 1257 letters can be placed into a 3 x 419 rectangle.

4.11.1All the letters on the perimeter or outside of this rectangle total 61347 (3 x 112 x 132).

4.11.2Since the total of the passage is a multiple of 7, this means the inside of this rectangle is not divisible by 7 or 13. The feature is hidden in the sum of the factors with alternating deeper levels divisible by 7: 27210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 907. SF: 917 = 7 x 131. SF: 138 = 2 x 3 x 23. SF: 28 = 22 x 7. SF: 11. The final level ends with 11 representing the one God who is beginning and end.

4.11.3The first and last columns of this rectangle: 61341 = 3 x 7 x 23 x 127.

4.11.4The odd positioned rows of this rectangle: 45388 = 22 x 7 x 1621. (This is the same as feature 4.5.4.)


The Prophecy & Its Fulfillment
Numeric FeatureZechariah 9:12Matthew 21:2-15
Passage Total:2408 = 23 x 7 x 43. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.88557 = 3 x 7 x 4217.
Odd positioned words:1008 = 24 x 32 x 7. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. SF: 10 = 2 x 5. SF: 7.41825 = 52 x 7 x 239.
Even positioned words:1400 = 23 x 52 x 7.46732 = 22 x 7 x 1669. SF: 1680 = 24 x 3 x 5 x 7.
First letter of each word:455 = 5 x 7 x 13.12636 = 22 x 35 x 13
Last letter of each word:182 = 2 x 7 x 13.19773 = 32 x 133
Odd positioned letters:1050 = 2 x 3 x 52 x 7.41664 = 26 x 3 x 7 x 31
Even positioned letters:1358 = 2 x 7 x 97.46893 = 3 x 72 x 11 x 29.

The similarities between Zechariah 9:12 and Matthew 21:2-15 can be seen in the table above. So close are they in numeric features Matthew's passage could even be tacked on to the end of Zechariah 9:12 and the expanded data would still have the same numeric features and more. The numbers show Jesus is the Hope of Israel.

This is the second witness of Matthew's 21:4-5 fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9, and 9:12 with similar complementary opposites. The totals are divisible by 7. The first and last letters of each word together are divisible by 7 and or 13. They are also divisible by 7 or 13 individually. These verses bear the stamp of God’s signature like The Proclamation. It cannot be a fluke when every other word and every other letter also have numeric features. And there are so many other numeric features. Since we can't be certain of the truth of anything beyond our lifetimes, God, or an angel, arranged this as a perpetual witness for anyone who would look. Jesus is, was, and will ever be the one and only prophesied Messiah. Until everyone (Christians, Jews, Muslims and others)7 accepts this, they will continue to pile error on error and there will be no peace in the world. Those who refuse to accept this will be judged by the words Jesus spoke. (John 12:47-48; Revelation 19:11-16)


  1. English reference quotes are from the Revised Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972.
  2. The Greek text is from The Nestle-Aland 27th Edition of the Greek New Testament (GNT), Copyright © 1966, 1968, 1975, 1993-1994 United Bible Societies, found within Bibleworks 3.0 by Hermeneutika, Michael S. Bushell, 1995. Vowel marks and punctuation have been removed.
  3. Providentially if the sum of the first letter of each word is taken as the 12636th Chinese character in Big5, it is 鰣, a type of deep water fish, shad (Ilisha elongata) of the herring family, and esteemed for food. It is a curious coincidence with early Christian symbolism of fishers of men (Matthew 4:19) and the miracles Jesus did with fish (Matthew 14:17-21, 15:34-38, 17:27; Luke 5:6; John 21:6-11).

    In Greek, fish is ιχθυς (icthys). Early Christians used ιχθυς as an acronym for Ιησου Χριστου θεου υιος σωτηρ (Jesus Christ God’s son saviour), and also as a secret identifying code during times of persecution.

    The numeric value of ιχθυς is 707 (7 x 101).
  4. As seen in the previous note above, the total of the first letter of each word had a providential link with the Chinese character 鰣. What about the total for the last letter of each word? Unfortunately, the total for the last letter of each word is 19773, and in Big5, there is no 19773rd character because there are less than 14000 characters all told. One could try Unicode, which gives this Chinese character . The meaning of this character: A small round piece of distiller's grains or yeast. And this has no relation to Jesus or Christianity like fish.
  5. The 693 digits can form seventy-seven numbers 9 digits long.
    668460523 104147687 147306870 209084922 001402079 013539854
    611899204 619927991 109204169 604499415 354195039 360651520
    915650792 160140143 608773781 901074017 392736041 735060015
    944120800 842002084 790309808 663969156 204727095 314606045
    611414720 020200790 201467594 110115020 243716941 609444630
    100694610 115045107 664110934 538513174 077320125 545107664
    699549695 094012069 854202323 772700809 218520607 704530055
    977245259 105820487 561104555 214162724 937919924 451069954
    913351024 460714456 601311411 971542018 445610416 019420128
    302450118 120442457 006942019 135374011 519362019 119974017
    301915302 042460272 602292902 291002257 334940125 829785720
    435901689 201089457 006942050 965130896 967920693 491013401
    286204501 754503884 570069420 319772700 809218300
    The total of these digits: 34249897097 = 132 x 19 x 1307 x 8161. SF: 9513 = 32 x 7 x 151.
  6. The Greek word κυριου (Lord) has a numeric value of 559. Providentially, the 559th Chinese character in Big5 is 完 (meaning: to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire).
  7. Christians are included in the list because many claiming to be Christian do not follow Jesus' teachings. Millions of Christians took part (and continue to take part) in the wars and oppressions of their kings, governments and nations following the idols of democracy, and freedom ignoring Psalm 2. They were ransomed from the world, but they continue to serve the world (1 Corinthians 6:19). If they truly belonged to Jesus they would not have done so.

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