Bible Numbers 2.0

The Philadelphia Church Passage In Russian

When Jesus said that anyone who loved him would keep his words (John 14:23), this was a statement for all time, not just for Jesus' time, and not just for the church at Philadelphia. This can be demonstrated by looking at the Russian translation of Revelation 3:7-13.

Truth and reality are not limited by language. Language can only grasp a part because we only know in part (1 Corinthians 13:12). Tongues and languages will pass away (1 Corinthians 13:8). Only God’s word is eternal (Matthew 24:35). When human language coincides and conveys God’s word or important spiritual truth they will reflect a part of that reality through the universal language of numbers. This holds for any language.

The Russian Synodal Bible

Below is Revelation 3:7-13 in Russian, from the Interlinear Russian Synodal Bible (pdf downloaded from Although this is a non-church Bible, it is still used by Russians of all denominations, Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. This digitized version was made in 2000, with some changes to modernize the text.

(Note: The interlinear for English in the pdf was a machine translation by Google, and in some areas is not accurate.)

3:7 И Ангелу Филадельфийской церкви напиши так говорит Святой Истинный имеющий ключ Давидов Который отворяет и никто не затворит затворяет и никто не отворит
3:8 знаю твои дела вот Я отворил перед тобою дверь и никто не может затворить ее ты не много имеешь силы и сохранил слово Мое и не отрекся имени Моего
3:9 Вот Я сделаю что из сатанинского сборища из тех которые говорят о себе что они Иудеи но не суть таковы а лгут вот Я сделаю то что они придут и поклонятся пред ногами твоими и познают что Я возлюбил тебя
3:10 И как ты сохранил слово терпения Моего то и Я сохраню тебя от годины искушения которая придет на всю вселенную чтобы испытать живущих на земле
3:11 Се гряду скоро держи что имеешь дабы кто не восхитил венца твоего
3:12 Побеждающего сделаю столпом в храме Бога Моего и он уже не выйдет вон и напишу на нем имя Бога Моего и имя града Бога Моего нового Иерусалима нисходящего с неба от Бога Моего и имя Мое новое
3:13 Имеющий ухо да слышит что Дух говорит церквам

The opening passage with the interlinear is given below.

И   Ангелу Филадельфийской церкви напиши
And angel  Philadelphia    church write

In English the text would be understood as, And (to the) angel (of the) Philadelphia church write. Words like to, the, and of are not always necessary, even though the Russian language does have such equivalents.

(To see how Russian can be converted to numbers see this.)

The passage has a total of 311274, and this is not divisible by 7 and or 13. This is disappointing. A very good reason is necessary to pursue this any further in Russian.

Fifty years ago, there would be no point in continuing. The times now are very different from fifty years ago, and even more different than 1876 when the Russian Bible was completed. Computers add a new dimension when multiple languages are considered. The standard is Unicode. All languages are associated with numbers through Unicode code points.

A major difference between Unicode and all the number systems associated with alphabets so far (aside from Chinese) is that Unicode accounts for upper and lower case letters. A capital letter has a different value than its lower case equivalent. In Unicode, the Russian alphabet has at least 66 letters. And when Revelation 3:7-13 is converted to Unicode numbers, something very astonishing appears.

1       2                                3
1048    6451                             16222
1       2    3    4    5    6    7       8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22
1048    1040-1085-1075-1077-1083-1091    1060-1080-1083-1072-1076-1077-1083-1100-1092-1080-1081-1089-1082-1086-1081

4                                5                                6               7
6495                             6500                             3244            7579
23   24   25   26   27   28      29   30   31   32   33   34      35   36   37    38   39   40   41   42   43   44
1094-1077-1088-1082-1074-1080    1085-1072-1087-1080-1096-1080    1090-1072-1082  1075-1086-1074-1086-1088-1080-1090

8                                9                                        10                                  11
6491                             8657                                     7601                                4362
45   46   47   48   49   50      51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58    59   60   61   62   63   64   65    66   67   68   69
1057-1074-1103-1090-1086-1081    1048-1089-1090-1080-1085-1085-1099-1081  1080-1084-1077-1102-1097-1080-1081  1082-1083-1102-1095

12                                  13                                    14                                       15
7506                                7580                                  8694                                     1080
70   71   72   73   74   75   76    77   78   79   80   81   82   83      84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91    92
1044-1072-1074-1080-1076-1086-1074  1050-1086-1090-1086-1088-1099-1081    1086-1090-1074-1086-1088-1103-1077-1090  1080

16                          17           18                                       19                                              20
5423                        2162         8659                                     9759                                            1080
93   94   95   96   97      98   99      100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107   108  109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116     117
1085-1080-1082-1090-1086    1085-1077    1079-1072-1090-1074-1086-1088-1080-1090  1079-1072-1090-1074-1086-1088-1103-1077-1090    1080

21                        22           23                                    24                     25                   26
5423                      2162         7594                                  4338                   4330                 4308
118  119  120  121  122   123  124     125  126  127  128  129  130  131     132  133  134  135     136  137  138  139   140  141  142  143
1085-1080-1082-1090-1086  1085-1077    1086-1090-1074-1086-1088-1080-1090    1079-1085-1072-1102    1090-1074-1086-1080  1076-1077-1083-1072

27                28      29                                  30                          31                          32
3250              1071    7587                                5405                        5437                        5415
144  145  146     147     148  149  150  151  152  153  154   155  156  157  158  159     160  161  162  163  164     165  166  167  168  169
1074-1086-1090    1071    1086-1090-1074-1086-1088-1080-1083  1087-1077-1088-1077-1076    1090-1086-1073-1086-1102    1076-1074-1077-1088-1100

33      34                          35           36                          37                                            38           39
1080    5423                        2162         5415                        9759                                          2154         2189
170     171  172  173  174  175     176  177     178  179  180  181  182     183  184  185  186  187  188  189  190  191   192  193     194  195
1080    1085-1080-1082-1090-1086    1085-1077    1084-1086-1078-1077-1090    1079-1072-1090-1074-1086-1088-1080-1090-1100  1077-1077    1090-1099

40           41                          42                             43                     44      45
2162         5416                        6514                           4351                   1080    8676
196  197     198  199  200  201  202     203  204  205  206  207  208   209  210  211  212     213     214  215  216  21   218  219  220  221
1085-1077    1084-1085-1086-1075-1086    1080-1084-1077-1077-1096-1100  1089-1080-1083-1099    1080    1089-1086-1093-1088-1072-1085-1080-1083

46                        47                48      49           50                                    51
5418                      3215              1080    2162         7615                                  5406
222  223  224  225  226   227  228  229     230     231  232     233  234  235  236  237  238  239     240  241  242  243  244
1089-1083-1086-1074-1086  1052-1086-1077    1080    1085-1077    1086-1090-1088-1077-1082-1089-1103    1080-1084-1077-1085-1080

52                          53                54      55                             56                57
5376                        3218              1071    6499                           3271              2159
245  246  247  248  249     250  251  252     253     254  255  256  257  258  259   260  261  262     263  264
1052-1086-1077-1075-1086    1042-1086-1090    1071    1089-1076-1077-1083-1072-1102  1095-1090-1086    1080-1079

58                                                           59                                    60           61
12991                                                        7585                                  2159         3260
265  266  267  268  269  270  271  272  273  274  275  276   277  278  279  280  28   282  283     284  285     286  287  288
1089-1072-1090-1072-1085-1080-1085-1089-1082-1086-1075-1086  1089-1073-1086-1088-1080-1097-1072    1080-1079    1090-1077-1093

62                                  63                                    64      65                     66              67
7608                                7602                                  1086    4316                   3271            3251
289  290  291  292  293  294  295   296  297  298  299  30   301  302     303     304  305  306  307     308  309  310   311  312  313
1082-1086-1090-1086-1088-1099-1077  1075-1086-1074-1086-1088-1103-1090    1086    1089-1077-1073-1077    1095-1090-1086  1086-1085-1080

68                          69           70           71                   72                               73      74
5372                        2171         2162         4370                 6503                             1072    4339
314  315  316  31   318     319  320     321  322     323  324  325  326   327  328  329  330  33   332     333     334  335  336  337
1048-1091-1076-1077-1080    1085-1086    1085-1077    1089-1091-1090-1100  1090-1072-1082-1086-1074-1099    1072    1083-1075-1091-1090

75              76      77                               78           79                80              81                               82
3250            1071    6499                             2176         3271              3251            6512                             1080
338  339  340   341     342  343  344  345  346  347     348  349     350  351  352     353  354  355   356  357  358  359  360  361     362
1074-1086-1090  1071    1089-1076-1077-1083-1072-1102    1090-1086    1095-1090-1086    1086-1085-1080  1087-1088-1080-1076-1091-1090    1080

83                                                 84                     85                               86                             87
10894                                              4328                   6482                             6494                           1080
363  364  365  366  367  368  369  370  371  372   373  374  375  376     377  378  379  380  381  382     383  384  385  386  387  388   389
1087-1086-1082-1083-1086-1085-1103-1090-1089-1103  1087-1088-1077-1076    1085-1086-1075-1072-1084-1080    1090-1074-1086-1080-1084-1080  1080

88                                    89                90      91                                       92                     93
7601                                  3271              1071    8660                                     4343                   1048
390  391  392  393  394  395  396     397  398  399     400     401  402  403  404  405  406  407  408   409  410  411  412     413
1087-1086-1079-1085-1072-1102-1090    1095-1090-1086    1071    1074-1086-1079-1083-1102-1073-1080-1083  1090-1077-1073-1103    1048

94              95           96                                       97                          98
3236            2189         8676                                     5418                        8687
414  415  416   417  418     419  420  421  422  423  424  425  426   427  428  429  430  431     432  433  434  435  436  437  438  439
1082-1072-1082  1090-1099    1089-1086-1093-1088-1072-1085-1080-1083  1089-1083-1086-1074-1086    1090-1077-1088-1087-1077-1085-1080-1103

99                        100          101     102     103                                   104                  105
5376                      2176         1080    1071    7615                                  4343                 2176
440  441  442  443  444   445  446     447     448     449  450  451  452  453  454  455     456  457  458  459   460  461
1052-1086-1077-1075-1086  1090-1086    1080    1071    1089-1086-1093-1088-1072-1085-1102    1090-1077-1073-1103  1086-1090

106                             107                                           108                                  109
6501                            9783                                          7607                                 6498
462  463  464  465  466  467    468  469  470  471  472  473  474  475  476   477  478  479  480  481  482  483    484  485  486  487  488  489
1075-1086-1076-1080-1085-1099   1080-1089-1082-1091-1096-1077-1085-1080-1103  1082-1086-1090-1086-1088-1072-1103   1087-1088-1080-1076-1077-1090

110        111               112                                             113                       114
2157       3265              9763                                            5443                      8707
490  491   492  493  494     495  496  497  498  499  500  501  502  503     504  505  506  507  508   509  510  511  512  513  514  515  516
1085-1072  1074-1089-1102    1074-1089-1077-1083-1077-1085-1085-1091-1102    1095-1090-1086-1073-1099  1080-1089-1087-1099-1090-1072-1090-1100

115                                 116          117                         118          119                       120
7593                                2157         5400                        2134         5433                      5431
517  518  519  520  521  522  523   524  525     526  527  528  529  530     531  532     533  534  535  536  537   538  539  540  541  542
1078-1080-1074-1091-1097-1080-1093  1085-1072    1079-1077-1084-1083-1077    1057-1077    1075-1088-1103-1076-1091  1089-1082-1086-1088-1086

121                         122               123                            124                    125               126
5399                        3271              6514                           4320                   3258              2162
543  544  545  546  547     548  549  550     551  552  553  554  555  556   557  558  559  560     561  562  563     564  565
1076-1077-1088-1078-1080    1095-1090-1086    1080-1084-1077-1077-1096-1100  1076-1072-1073-1099    1082-1090-1086    1085-1077

127                                      128                         129
8675                                     5402                        6488
566  567  568  569  570  571  572  573   574  575  576  577  578     579  580  581  582  583  584
1074-1086-1089-1093-1080-1090-1080-1083  1074-1077-1085-1094-1072    1090-1074-1086-1077-1075-1086

130                                                          131                              132                                   133
12954                                                        6499                             7605                                  1074
585  586  587  588  589  590  591  592  593  594  595  596   597  598  599  600  601  602     603  604  605  606  607  608  609     610
1055-1086-1073-1077-1078-1076-1072-1102-1097-1077-1075-1086  1089-1076-1077-1083-1072-1102    1089-1090-1086-1083-1087-1086-1084    1074

134                       135                    136                         137     138          139             140
5414                      4274                   5376                        1080    2171         3246            2162
611  612  613  614  615   616  617  618  619     620  621  622  623  624     625     626  627     628  629  630   631  632
1093-1088-1072-1084-1077  1041-1086-1075-1072    1052-1086-1077-1075-1086    1080    1086-1085    1091-1078-1077  1085-1077

141                              142               143     144                            145          146               147
6497                             3245              1080    6511                           2157         3246              3267
633  634  635  636  637  638     639  640  641     642     643  644  645  646  647  648   649  650     651  652  653     654  655  656
1074-1099-1081-1076-1077-1090    1074-1086-1085    1080    1085-1072-1087-1080-1096-1091  1085-1072    1085-1077-1084    1080-1084-1103

148                   149                       150    151              152                        153                   154
4274                  5376                      1080   3267             5383                       4274                  5376
657  658  659  660    661  662  663  664  665   666    667  668  669    670  671  672  673  674    675  676  677  678    679  680  681  682  683
1041-1086-1075-1072   1052-1086-1077-1075-1086  1080   1080-1084-1103   1075-1088-1072-1076-1072   1041-1086-1075-1072   1052-1086-1077-1075-1086

155                              156                                                157
6492                             10784                                              11947
684  685  686  687  688  689     690  691  692  693  694  695  696  697  698  699   700  701  702  703  704  705  706  707  708  709  710
1085-1086-1074-1086-1075-1086    1048-1077-1088-1091-1089-1072-1083-1080-1084-1072  1085-1080-1089-1093-1086-1076-1103-1097-1077-1075-1086

158     159                  160          161                    162                         163     164             165
1089    4307                 2176         4274                   5376                        1080    3267            3215
711     712  713  714  715   716  717     718  719  720  721     722  723  724  725  726     727     728  729  730   731  732  733
1089    1085-1077-1073-1072  1086-1090    1041-1086-1075-1072    1052-1086-1077-1075-1086    1080    1080-1084-1103  1052-1086-1077

166                         167                                 168               169          170                              171
5408                        7569                                3270              2148         6537                             3271
734  735  736  737  738     739  740  741  742  743  744  745   746  747  748     749  750     751  752  753  754  755  756     757  758  759
1085-1086-1074-1086-1077    1048-1084-1077-1102-1097-1080-1081  1091-1093-1086    1076-1072    1089-1083-1099-1096-1080-1090    1095-1090-1086

172               173                                   174
3228              7579                                  7571
760  761  762     763  764  765  766  767  768  769     770  771  772  773  774  775  776
1044-1091-1093    1075-1086-1074-1086-1088-1080-1090    1094-1077-1088-1082-1074-1072-1084 
The total from the Unicode: 840164 = 22 x 13 x 107 x 151.
First and last words: 8619 = 3 x 132 x 17.
Odd positioned words: 431032 = 23 x 7 x 43 x 179.
       (There is no equivalent for the even positioned words.)
First and last letters of the passage: 2132 = 22 x 13 x 41.
Even positioned letters within each word: 366352 = 24 x 7 x 3271.
       (Again there is no corresponding coincidence with the odd 
        positioned letters within each word.)
Odd positioned letters: 420121 = 13 x 17 x 1901.
Even positioned letters: 420043 = 13 x 79 x 409.
First letter of each word: 187603 = 13 x 14431.
Last letter of each word: 188787 = 3 x 62929.
      (The last letter of each word does not work. It has to be 
       included with the first letter of each word.)
First and last letters of each word: 376390 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 19 x 283.

This is enough to show there is something in the Russian version of Revelation 3:7-13.

Should Unicode be used instead of the regular method of conversion? If Unicode is used, this would be a radical departure from the Hebrew, Greek, English and Chinese. Not one of these languages required Unicode. Chinese had its own system with Big5, which was specific to the Chinese language. Not one of these languages distinguished between upper and lower case. And Unicode is actually for all languages, not a specific language.

But following the pattern of the Hebrew and Greek in assigning numbers to letters did not produce anything. If there is anything here, where is it? This leads back to examining the text more closely. Note how the passage has 174 words, and 776 letters. The number of words is short just by one from being divisible by seven. And the number of letters is short one from being divisible by seven.

Although the number of words (174) and letters (776) are not divisible by seven or thirteen, the two numbers are coincidentally related, or have been deliberately chosen to be related.

Join the two numbers together:     Put the number of letters first:
174776 = 23 x 7 x 3121.            776174 = 2 x 7 x 55441.

Subtract them:
776 − 174 = 602 = 2 x 7 x 43. SF: 52 = 22 x 13.

Adding a one letter word would make both the number of words and letters be divisible by seven. And it would have to be a single letter with a value that makes the original total divisible by seven and or thirteen.

Compare the Russian with the original Greek:

και τω      αγγελω  της     εν  φιλαδελφεια   εκκλησιας  γραψον
and to-the  angel   of-the  in  Philadelphia  assembly   write

If one were a stickler for making a translation follow the original Greek a little more closely, one could add a single letter word to the Russian. Is there such a one letter Russian word that would fit? Yes there is.

The Russian letter/word К is added right after the first single letter word. (This is done only because Russian is not the original language of the New Testament.)

И   к  Ангелу Филадельфийской церкви напиши
And to angel  Philadelphia    church write

The passage would have 175 words, and 777 letters. Coincidentally, when this is done, the entire passage becomes divisible by 7 when the table values are applied: 311304 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 17 x 109. Amazingly, the Unicode of this amended passage becomes 841246, which is now divisible by seven: 2 x 7 x 60089.

The Russian letter К is almost like a key deliberately arranged for this. Not only does the alphabet to number conversion work, but the Unicode total continues to work even though most of the other coincidences disappear. Adding a single one letter word with the value 30, and a Unicode value of 1082 fit four separate conditions. The number of words became divisible by seven. The number of letters became divisible by seven, and became a triply eye catching 777. The sum total of the passage became divisible by seven. And the Unicode numbers also became divisible by seven.

***Full disclosure: I do not know the Russian language. There is the possibility adding к is grammatically incorrect. But the word combination of И к does appear elsewhere in the Russian Synodal Bible, and the interlinear is always translated as and to. On page 2123 of this Bible is a phrase that has similar elements to the opening of Revelation 3:7.

и   к  нему я написал особо.
and to it   I wrote   especially.

This would seem to imply there is no difficulty in adding к to render the opening of Revelation 3:7 a little more like the Greek.***

1   2   3                4                                                  5                   6                   7
10  30  411              4152                                               739                 961                 231
1   2   3-4- 5-6-7- 8    9-  10-11-12-13-14-15-16-  17- 18-19-20- 21-22-23  24- 25-26-27-28-29  30-31-32-33-34- 35  36- 37-38
10  30  1-60-4-6-40-300  400-10-40-1- 5- 6- 40-3000-400-10-20-100-30-70-20  600-6- 90-30-3- 10  60-1- 80-10-800-10  200-1- 30
And to  angel            Philadelphia                                       church              write               so

8                      9                      10                           11                       12              13
447                    6393                   2460                         5996                     5770            97
39-40-41-42-43-44-45   46- 47-48-  49- 50-51  52-53- 54- 55-56-57-58-  59  60-61-62-63-  64- 65-66  67-68-69-  70   71-72-73-74-75-76-77
4- 70-3- 70-90-10-200  100-3- 6000-200-70-20  10-100-200-10-60-60-2000-20  10-50-6- 5000-900-10-20  30-40-5000-700  5- 1- 3- 10-5- 70-3
says                   Holy                   true                         having                   key             David

14                       15                           16  17               18      19
2480                     6639                         10  370              66      583
78-79-80- 81-82-83-  84  85-86- 87-88-89-90-  91-92   93  94-95-96-97- 98  99-100  101-102-103-104-105-106-107-108
30-70-200-70-90-2000-20  70-200-3- 70-90-6000-6- 200  10  60-10-30-200-70  60-6    9-  1-  200-3-  70- 90- 10- 200
which                    otvoryaet                    and none             not     shut

20                                    21   22                   23       24                           25                26
6579                                  10   370                  66       643                          5070              283
109-110-111-112-113-114-115- 116-117  118  119-120-121-122-123  124-125  126-127-128-129-130-131-132  133-134-135-136   137-138-139-140
9-  1-  200-3-  70- 90- 6000-6-  200  10   60- 10- 30- 200-70   60- 6    70- 200-3-  70- 90- 10- 200  9-  60- 1-  5000  200-3-  70- 10
zatvoryaet                            and  none                 not      opens                        know              your

27               28           29    30                           31                   32                    33                    34
52               273          6000  483                          187                  5342                  3104                  10
141-142-143-144  145-146-147  148   149-150-151-152-153-154-155  156-157-158-159-160  161-162-163-164-165   166-167-168-169-170   171
5-  6-  40- 1    3-  70- 200  6000  70- 200-3-  70- 90- 10- 40   80- 6-  90- 6-  5    200-70- 2-  70- 5000  5-  3-  6-  90- 3000  10
the-case         now          I     opened                       before               thee                  door                  and

35                   36       37                   38                                    39       40        41       42
370                  66       334                  3583                                  12       2200      66       254
172-173-174-175-176  177-178  179-180-181-182-183  184-185-186-187-188-189-190-191-192   193-194  195-196   197-198  199-200-201-202-203
60- 10- 30- 200-70   60- 6    50- 70- 8-  6-  200  9-  1-  200-3-  70- 90- 10- 200-3000  6-  6    200-2000  60- 6    50- 60- 70- 4-  70
none                 not      can                  shut                                  her      you       not      many

43                        44                45   46                               47                   48           49   50
3872                      2150              10   871                              283                  126          10   66
204-205-206-207-208-209   210-211-212-213   214  215-216-217-218-219-220-221-222  223-224-225-226-227  228-229-230  231  232-233
10- 50- 6-  6-  800-3000  100-10- 40- 2000  10   100-70- 500-90- 1-  60- 10- 40   100-40- 70- 3-  70   50- 70- 6    10   60- 6
have                      strength          and  retained                         word                 my           and  not

51                            52                   53                   54           55    56                        57           58
6496                          136                  200                  273          6000  5152                      970          19
234-235-236-237-238-239-240   241-242-243-244-245  246-247-248-249-250  251-252-253  254   255-256-257-258-259-260   261-262-263  264-265
70- 200-90- 6-  30- 100-6000  10- 50- 6-  60- 10   50- 70- 6-  4-  70   3-  70- 200  6000  100-5-  6-  40- 1-  5000  700-200-70   10- 9
denied                        name                 Mine                 That-is      I     I-will-do                 that         of

59                                               60                           61       62           63
706                                              1173                         19       706          2466
266-267-268-269-270-271-272-273-274-275-276-277  278-279-280-281-282-283-284  285-286  287-288-289  290-291-292-293-294-295- 296
100-1-  200-1-  60- 10- 60- 100-30- 70- 4-  70   100-2-  70- 90- 10- 900-1    10- 9    200-6-  500  30- 70- 200-70- 90- 2000-6
satanic                                          synagogue                    of       those        which

64                            65   66               67           68           69                   70       71       72
6437                          70   114              970          140          331                  130      66       3600
297-298-299-300-301-302- 303  304  305-306-307-308  309-310-311  312-313-314  315-316-317-318-319  320-321  322-323  324-325-326-327
4-  70- 3-  70- 90- 6000-200  70   100-6-  2-  6    700-200-70   70- 60- 10   10- 300-5-  6-  10   60- 70   60- 6    100-300-200-3000
say                           about Me              that         they         Jews                 but      not      are

73                        74   75               76           77    78                        79       80           81
2304                      1    544              273          6000  5152                      270      970          140
328-329-330-331-332-333   334  335-336-337-338  339-340-341  342   343-344-345-346-347-348   349-350  351-352-353  354-355-356
200-1-  30- 70- 3-  2000  1    40- 4-  300-200  3-  70- 200  6000  100-5-  6-  40- 1-  5000  200-70   700-200-70   70- 60- 10
such                      and  lie-             now          I     I-will-do                 then     that         they

82                       83   84                                         85               86                       87                       88
685                      10   12650                                      181              195                      343                      10
357-358-359-360-361-362  363  364-365-366-367-368-369-370- 371-372-373   374-375-376-377  378-379-380-381-382-383  384-385-386-387-388-389  390
80- 90- 10- 5-  300-200  10   80- 70- 30- 40- 70- 60- 6000-200-100-6000  80- 90- 6-  5    60- 70- 4-  1-  50- 10   200-3-  70- 10- 50- 10   10
come                     and  worship                                    before           feet                     thy                      and

89                            90           91    92                                93                94   95           96
5420                          970          6000  5174                              6208              10   61           2200
391-392-393-394-395-396- 397  398-399-400  401   402-403-404-405-406- 407-408-409  410-411-412-413   414  415-416-417  418-419
80- 70- 9-  60- 1-  5000-200  700-200-70   6000  3-  70- 9-  40- 5000-2-  10- 40   200-6-  2-  6000  10   30- 1-  30   200-2000
learn                         that         I     loved                             you               And  as           you

97                               98                   99                                100                  101      102  103
871                              283                  6452                              200                  270      10   6000
420-421-422-423-424-425-426-427  428-429-430-431-432  433-434-435-436-437-438-439-440   441-442-443-444-445  446-447  448  449
100-70- 500-90- 1-  60- 10- 40   100-40- 70- 3-  70   200-6-  90- 80- 6-  60- 10- 6000  50- 70- 6-  4-  70   200-70   10   6000
retained                         word                 patience                          my                   then     and  I

104                           105               106      107                       108
5821                          6208              270      2149                      7316
450-451-452-453-454-455-456   457-458-459-460   461-462  463-464-465-466-467-468   469-470-471-472-473-474-475-476-477
100-70- 500-90- 1-  60- 5000  200-6-  2-  6000  70- 200  4-  70- 5-  10- 60- 2000  10- 100-30- 300-800-6-  60- 10- 6000
keep                          you               from-    the-hour                  temptation

109                           110                      111      112           113                                   114
6461                          391                      61       5103          5575                                  2972
478-479-480-481-482-483-484   485-486-487-488-489-490  491-492  493-494-495   496-497-498-499-500-501-502-503-504   505-506-507-508-509
30- 70- 200-70- 90- 1-  6000  80- 90- 10- 5-  6-  200  60- 1    3-  100-5000  3-  100-6-  40- 6-  60- 60- 300-5000  700-200-70- 2-  2000
which                         come                     on       all           universe                              to

115                                116                          117      118                  119      120                   121
5591                               1731                         61       111                  106      6399                  360
510-511-512-513- 514-515-516-517   518-519-520-521-522-523-524  525-526  527-528-529-530-531  532-533  534-535-536- 537-538  539-540-541-542-543
10- 100-80- 2000-200-1-  200-3000  8-  10- 3-  300-900-10- 500  60- 1    9-  6-  50- 40- 6    100-6    4-  90- 6000-5-  300  100-30- 70- 90- 70
experience                         living                       on       ground               Xie      ridge                 soon

122                  123          124                       125               126          127      128
119                  970          3872                      2008              300          66       933
544-545-546-547-548  549-550-551  552-553-554-555-556-557   558-559-560-561   562-563-564  565-566  567-568-569-570-571-572-573-574
5-  6-  90- 8-  10   700-200-70   10- 50- 6-  6-  800-3000  5-  1-  2-  2000  30- 200-70   60- 6    3-  70- 100-500-10- 200-10- 40
hold                 that         have                      order             who          not      delighted

129                  130                      131                                               132
670                  353                      6152                                              5152
575-576-577-578-579  580-581-582-583-584-585  586-587-588-589-590-591-592-593- 594-595-596-597  598-599-600-601-602-603
3-  6-  60- 600-1    200-3-  70- 6-  4-  70   80- 70- 2-  6-  8-  5-  1-  5000-900-6-  4-  70   100-5-  6-  40- 1-  5000
crown                yours                    overcometh                                        I-will-do

133                          134  135                  136              137                  138  139      140          141
610                          3    647                  77               200                  10   130      314          66
604-605-606-607-608-609-610  611  612-613-614-615-616  617-618-619-620  621-622-623-624-625  626  627-628  629-630-631  632-633
100-200-70- 40- 80- 70- 50   3    500-90- 1-  50- 6    2-  70- 4-  1    50- 70- 6-  4-  70   10   70- 60   300-8-  6    60- 6
pillar                       in   temple               God              my                   and  it       already      not

142                       143          144  145                      146      147          148           149              150
2234                      133          10   1251                     61       116          6060          77               200
634-635- 636-637-638-639  640-641-642  643  644-645-646-647-648-649  650-651  652-653-654  655-656-657   658-659-660-661  662-663-664-665-666
3-  2000-20- 5-  6-  200  3-  70- 60   10   60- 1-  80- 10- 800-300  60- 1    60- 6-  50   10- 50- 6000  2-  70- 4-  1    50- 70- 6-  4-  70
will                      won          and  write                    on       it           name          God              my

151  152           153                  154              155                  156                      157
10   6060          101                  77               200                  277                      608
667  668-669-670   671-672-673-674-675  676-677-678-679  680-681-682-683-684  685-686-687-688-689-690  691-692-693-694-695-696-697-698-699-700
10   10- 50- 6000  4-  90- 1-  5-  1    2-  70- 4-  1    50- 70- 6-  4-  70   60- 70- 3-  70- 4-  70   10- 6-  90- 300-100-1-  40- 10- 50- 1
and  name          hail                 God              my                   new                      Jerusalem

158                                           159  160              161      162              163                  164  165           166
7725                                          100  69               270      77               200                  10   6060          126
701-702-703-704-705-706-707- 708-709-710-711  712  713-714-715-716  717-718  719-720-721-722  723-724-725-726-727  728  729-730-731   732-733-734
60- 10- 100-500-70- 5-  6000-900-6-  4-  70   100  60- 6-  2-  1    70- 200  2-  70- 4-  1    50- 70- 6-  4-  70   10   10- 50- 6000  50- 70- 6
downward                                      with sky              from     God              my                   and  name          my

167                  168                           169          170      171                       172          173
209                  5996                          870          6        3150                      970          805
735-736-737-738-739  740-741-742-743- 744-745-746  747-748-749  750-751  752-753-754- 755-756-757  758-759-760  761-762-763
60- 70- 3-  70- 6    10- 50- 6-  5000-900-10- 20   300-500-70   5-  1    100-40- 2000-800-10- 200  700-200-70   5-  300-500
new                  having                        ear          yes      hears                     that         spirit

174                          175
447                          780
764-765-766-767-768-769-770  771-772-773-774-775-776-777
4-  70- 3-  70- 90- 10- 200  600-6-  90- 30- 3-  1-  50
says                         churches

The Verses

3:7 И к Ангелу Филадельфийской церкви напиши так говорит Святой Истинный имеющий ключ Давидов Который отворяет и никто не затворит затворяет и никто не отворит
Total: 45513 = 32 x 13 x 389.

3:8 знаю твои дела вот Я отворил перед тобою дверь и никто не может затворить ее ты не много имеешь силы и сохранил слово Мое и не отрекся имени Моего
Total: 41909 = 7 x 5987.

3:9 Вот Я сделаю что из сатанинского сборища из тех которые говорят о себе что они Иудеи но не суть таковы а лгут вот Я сделаю то что они придут и поклонятся пред ногами твоими и познают что Я возлюбил тебя
Total: 82842.

3:10 И как ты сохранил слово терпения Моего то и Я сохраню тебя от годины искушения которая придет на всю вселенную чтобы испытать живущих на земле
Total: 66178 = 2 x 7 x 29 x 163.

3:11 Се гряду скоро держи что имеешь дабы кто не восхитил венца твоего
Total: 16156 = 22 x 7 x 577.

3:12 Побеждающего сделаю столпом в храме Бога Моего и он уже не выйдет вон и напишу на нем имя Бога Моего и имя града Бога Моего нового Иерусалима нисходящего с неба от Бога Моего и имя Мое новое
Total: 45682 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 251.

3:13 Имеющий ухо да слышит что Дух говорит церквам
Total: 13024.

If к had not been added, the opening verse would not be divisible by 7 or 13.

Four of the seven verses are divisible by seven. In any seven verses, one might expect two. This is twice what one would expect. Verse 7 and verse 12 are divisible by 13. Verse 12 is divisible by 7 and 13. Only two verses (9 and 13) are not divisible by 7 or 13.

Applying Revelation 1:8's concept of Alpha and Omega, the first verse's total (45513) can count through the 175 words 260 times, and on the incomplete 261st time, would land on the 13th word. The thirteenth word has a value of 97. The last verse's total (13024) can count through the 175 words 74 times, and on the final incomplete 75th time, would land on the 74th word. This word has a value of 1. Thus the first and last verses together point to two words totaling 98 (2 x 72).

Applying Revelation 1:8's concept of is, was and is to come the verses are grouped by taking every other. The odd positioned verses (7, 9, 11, 13): 157535 = 5 x 72 x 643.

The even positioned verses (8, 10, 12): 153769 = 7 x 11 x 1997. SF: 2015 = 5 x 13 x 31.

Jesus said he received the vision from God (Revelation 1:1), so the text could bear something of God’s nature. If the values (5-6-5-10) of the Hebrew name for God (יהוה) were applied to the verses, they would point to the 5th, 6th, 5th and 3rd (10 − 7 = 3) verses:

3     5     6     5
82842 16156 45682 16156

Total: 160836 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 1031.

The sum total of the Hebrew letters is 26, and this points to the 5th verse (26 − 7 − 7 − 7 = 5), which just so happens to be divisible by seven: 16156 (2 x 2 x 7 x 577).

Thus there are at least two ways numbers associated with God appear just with the verse totals.

The Sum Of The Passage: 311304.

The total of the entire passage was 311304. This number factored into 23 x 3 x 7 x 17 x 109. Use these seven factors to count through the 175 words and find seven words.

Factor:     2  2    2   3    7  17   109
Count:      2  4    6   9    16 33   142
Word found: 30 4152 961 6393 10 3104 2234

Total of the words found: 16884 = 22 x 32 x 7 x 67. SF: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

The passage total can count through the 175 words over a thousand times.

311304 ÷ 175 = 1778.88                                   
Thus 311304 can completely count through the passage 1778 times.
The remaining 0.88 is the incomplete count and comes to 154.
(311304 - 175 * 1778 = 154)

This means the 311304th word of the text is equivalent to the 154th word. This is the Russian word Бога (God). It's value, by chance, is 77. (The total of the passage points to God.)

First And Last Letters Of Each Word

In The Proclamation the first and last letters of each word together came to a total divisible by seven. And individually they were divisible by seven as well. This was a sign of God’s signature (Revelation 1:8). With the Russian version of Revelation 3:7-13, the first and last letters of each word, and their positions have no coincidence. This is because the text is about the Philadelphian church, not about God. Even so, the principle of complementary opposites from Revelation 1:8 can be applied here.

As George Washington Carver put it, God showed him how to take the peanut apart and put it back together again in different ways creating many different products. The same idea is applied here. The Alpha and Omega in Revelation 1:8 point to the first and last letters of each word. The concept of complementary opposites show how the first and last letters are to be applied to classify the words. Letters are either odd valued, or even valued.

The words can be classified according to their first and last letters. The first and last letters are either odd or even. This produces four classifications.

Group I. Words with odd valued first and last letters:

a) 13 27 74 129 134 170     Total of word positions: 547.
b) 97 52 1  670 3   6       Total of words: 829.

Group II. Words with even valued first and last letters:

a) 1    2    4     5    6    7    8     9     10   11    12    14    15
b) 10   30   4152  739  961  231  447   6393  2460 5996  5770  2480  6639

a) 16   17   18    21   22   23   24    26    29   30    32    34    35
b) 10   370  66    10   370  66   643   283   6000 483   5342  10    370

a) 36   37   39    40   41   42   43    44    45   46    47    48    49
b) 66   334  12    2200 66   254  3872  2150  10   871   283   126   10

a) 50   51   52    53   55   56   57    59    62   63    64    65    66
b) 66   6496 136   200  6000 5152 970   706   706  2466  6437  70    114

a) 67   68   69    70   71   72   73    75    77   78    79    80    81
b) 970  140  331   130  66   3600 2304  544   6000 5152  270   970   140

a) 82   83   84    86   87   88   89    90    91   93    94    95    96
b) 685  10   12650 195  343  10   5420  970   6000 6208  10    61    2200

a) 97   98   99    100  101  102  103   104   105  106   107   108   109
b) 871  283  6452  200  270  10   6000  5821  6208 270   2149  7316  6461

a) 110  114  115   116  119  120  121   123   124  126   127   130   131
b) 391  2972 5591  1731 106  6399 360   970   3872 300   66    353   6152

a) 132  133  135   137  138  139  140   141   144  145   147   148   150
b) 5152 610  647   200  10   130  314   66    10   1251  116   6060  200

a) 151  152  155   156  158  159  161   163   164  165   166   167   168
b) 10   6060 200   277  7725 100  270   200   10   6060  126   209   5996

a) 169  171  172   174  175    (Word position.)
b) 870  3150 970   447  780    (Word value.)

Total of the word positions: 11549.
Total of the word values: 265283.

Group III. Words with odd valued first letter and even valued last letter:

a) 3   19  20   25   28  33   38   54  76  92   112  113  118 122 125
b) 411 583 6579 5070 273 3104 3583 273 273 5174 5103 5575 111 119 2008

a) 128 142  143 173   (Word position.)
b) 933 2234 133 805   (Word value.)

Total of the word positions: 1564.
Total of the word values: 42344.

Group IV. Words with even valued first letter and odd valued last letter:

a) 31  58 60   61 85  111 117 136 146 149 153 154 157 160 162
b) 187 19 1173 19 181 61  61  77  61  77  101 77  608 69  77

Total of the word positions: 1740.
Total of the word values: 2848.

At first it appears there is nothing here. None of the totals in each group for the positions and values are divisible by seven or thirteen. The coincidence only appears when opposites are put together. This is because according to Revelation 1:8, Alpha and Omega go together. Classifying the words broke them apart. Placing opposites together puts them back together in a new arrangement.

Group I is contrasted with Group II, words that begin and end with odd valued letters, versus words that begin and end with even valued letters.

                Group I    Group II   Total
Word position
total:           547         11549    12096 (26 x 33 x 7. SF: 28 = 22 x 7.)

Word value
total:           829        265283   266112 (27 x 33 x 7 x 11.)

Amazingly both the positions and the values of these words come to totals divisible by seven. (N.B. There is another contrast here that puts these two groups together. Group I is the smallest group. Group II is the largest.

Group III is contrasted with Group IV. The former are words that begin with an odd valued letter, and end with an even valued letter. The latter is the opposite of the former. These are words that begin with an even valued letter, and end with and odd valued letter. (This in turn contrasts with the first two groups where the first and last letters of each word were both odd, or both even.)

                      Group III   Group IV     Total
Word position
total:                  1564        1740        3304 = 23 x 7 x 59.

Word value
total:                  42344       2848       45192 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 269.

Once again the totals are divisible by seven for both the positions and the word values.

Note the positions of the first and last entries in each of the four groups:

Group:                I   II  III IV
First entry position: 13  1   3   31
Last entry position:  170 175 173 162

The total of these first and last positions: 728 = 23 x 7 x 13. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

Note the values of the first and last entries in each of the four groups:

Group:             I  II  III IV
First entry value: 97 10  411 187
Last entry value:  6  780 805 77

The total of these first and last values: 2373 = 3 x 7 x 113.

Group I is the smallest with only six entries. Take the first six entries from each of the four groups.

Group I:   a) 13 27 74 129 134 170 = 547
           b) 97 52 1  670 3   6 = 829

Group II:  a) 1    2    4     5    6    7 = 25
           b) 10   30   4152  739  961  231 = 6123 = 3 x 13 x 157

Group III: a) 3   19  20   25   28  33 = 128
           b) 411 583 6579 5070 273 3104 = 16020

Group IV:  a) 31  58 60   61 85  111 = 406 = 2 x 7 x 29
           b) 187 19 1173 19 181 61 = 1640

Line a) from each of the groups totals 1106 = 2 x 7 x 79.
Line b) from each of the groups totals 24612 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 293.
Unfortunately, this does not hold for the last six entries of each group.

As the largest, Group II is the only one that has the longest consecutive run of words. This occurs from the 93rd to the 110th word, a total of 18 words that all begin and end with letters that are even valued. This makes this section unique.

93   94 95 96   97  98  99   100 101 102 103  104  105  106 107  108
6208 10 61 2200 871 283 6452 200 270 10  6000 5821 6208 270 2149 7316

109  110
6461 391

The positions of these words total 1827 = 32 x 7 x 29. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.
The words added together become 51181 = 13 x 31 x 127.

Here is where numbers and meaning coincide. As it happens, the 93rd to 110th words of the passage correspond to a substantial part of the Revelation 3:10, and are actually a key part of the entire passage.

93  94  95  96       97    98       99    100  101 102
И   как ты  сохранил слово терпения Моего то   и   Я
And as  you retained word  patience my    then and I

103     104  105  106      107        108     109    110
сохраню тебя от   годины   искушения  которая придет на
keep    you  from the-hour temptation which   come   on

The remainder of verse 10 is left out:

всю вселенную чтобы испытать   живущих на земле
all universe  to    experience living  on ground

The first and last letters of each word also serve other purposes.

Rather than focus on odd and even, the focus turns to the first letters of each word where the positions are divisible by 7:

35 70 77 84 98 119 126 133 140 147 161 196 203 210 231 231 245 266
287 308 315 322 343 350 357 364 378 413 420 427 441 448 448 462
469 490 504 518 525 532 539 567 574 616 644 651 658 679 700 728
728 735 749 763 770 777

There are exactly 56 of them. (2 x 2 x 2 x 7. SF: 13.)

The first letters of each word that are in positions divisible by seven:

a) 35 70  77 84 98 119 126 133 140 147 161 196  203 210 231 231
b) 10 700 3  20 70 60  70  9   10  200 200 2000 70  100 10  10

a) 245 266 287 308 315 322 343 350 357 364 378 413  420 427 441
b) 10  100 200 6   10  60  100 70  80  80  60  6000 100 40  50

a) 448 448 462 469 490 504  518 525 532 539 567 574 616 644 651
b) 10  10  200 10  200 5000 8   60  100 100 3   40  6   60  1

a) 658 679 700 728 728 735 749 763 770 777
b) 2   1   1   10  10  60  70  500 200 50

a) Position of the first letter of a word that is divisible by seven.
b) First letter of word.

Total of the letters: 17220 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 41.

Part of this applies to the last letters of each word where the position is divisible by 13:

39 52 78 117 156 195 234 260 286 312 338 351 364 377 390 390 468
533 585 598 611 611 650 676 728 728

There are exactly 26 of them. (2 x 13.)

Twenty-nine of the positions of the first letter of each word are prime numbers.

a) 2 3 12 13 19  20  26  30  37  39  41  42  47  52  54  79
b) 2 3 67 71 101 109 137 149 179 193 197 199 223 241 251 349

a) 91  99  103 105 106 107 111 136 144 157 158 162 173
b) 401 433 449 457 461 463 491 617 643 691 701 719 761

a) Word position.
b) Position of first letter.

The sum of all positions that are prime numbers: 9758 = 2 x 7 x 17 x 41.

Twenty-seven of the positions of the last letter of each word are prime numbers.

a) 2 4  5  10 47  50  57  59  67  80  84  86  87  89  91
b) 2 23 29 59 227 233 263 277 311 353 373 383 389 397 401

a) 92  96  103 114 124 140 144 149 163 167 170 171
b) 409 419 449 509 557 631 643 661 727 739 751 757

a) Word position.
b) Last letter position.

The total of all positions of the last letter of each word that are prime numbers: 10972 = 22 x 13 x 211.

In all, there are 56 first and or last letter positions that are prime numbers (2 x 2 x 2 x 7). [N.B. Single letter words are counted twice.]

The Words

There is perfect balance between the odd positioned and even positioned words.

Odd positioned words:

10 411 739 231 6393 5996 97 6639 370 583 10 66 5070 52 6000 187 3104
370 334 12 66 3872 10 283 10 6496 200 6000 970 706 19 2466 70 970
331 66 2304 544 6000 270 140 10 181 343 5420 6000 6208 61 871 6452
270 6000 6208 2149 6461 61 5575 5591 61 106 360 970 2008 66 670 6152
610 647 200 130 66 133 1251 116 77 10 101 200 608 100 270 200 6060
209 870 3150 805 780

Total: 153314 = 2 x 7 x 47 x 233.

The 88 odd positioned words can be further divided into groups of 22 and separated by taking every other group.

The odd positioned groups of 22:

10 411 739 231 6393 5996 97 6639 370 583 10 66 5070 52 6000 187 3104
370 334 12 66 3872 5420 6000 6208 61 871 6452 270 6000 6208 2149
6461 61 5575 5591 61 106 360 970 2008 66 670 6152 

Total: 108332 = 22 x 7 x 53 x 73.

Even positioned groups of 22:

10 283 10 6496 200 6000 970 706 19 2466 70 970 331 66 2304 544 6000
270 140 10 181 343 610 647 200 130 66 133 1251 116 77 10 101 200 608
100 270 200 6060 209 870 3150 805 780 

Total: 44982 = 2 x 33 x 72 x 17. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

Even positioned words:

30 4152 961 447 2460 5770 2480 10 66 6579 370 643 283 273 483 5342
10 66 3583 2200 254 2150 871 126 66 136 273 5152 19 1173 706 6437
114 140 130 3600 1 273 5152 970 685 12650 195 10 970 5174 10 2200
283 200 10 5821 270 7316 391 5103 2972 1731 111 6399 119 3872 300
933 353 5152 3 77 10 314 2234 10 61 6060 200 6060 77 277 7725 69 77
10 126 5996 6 970 447

Total: 157990 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 37 x 61.

Like the odd positioned words, the 87 even positioned words can also be further divided into groups of 29.

Odd positioned groups of 29:

30 4152 961 447 2460 5770 2480 10 66 6579 370 643 283 273 483 5342
10 66 3583 2200 254 2150 871 126 66 136 273 5152 19 111 6399 119
3872 300 933 353 5152 3 77 10 314 2234 10 61 6060 200 6060 77 277
7725 69 77 10 126 5996 6 970 447 

Total: 93303 = 32 x 7 x 1481.

First 29:

30 4152 961 447 2460 5770 2480 10 66 6579 370 643 283 273 483 5342
10 66 3583 2200 254 2150 871 126 66 136 273 5152 19

Total: 45255 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 431.

Last 29:

111 6399 119 3872 300 933 353 5152 3 77 10 314 2234 10 61 6060 200
6060 77 277 7725 69 77 10 126 5996 6 970 447

Total: 48048 = 24 x 3 x 7 x 11 x 13. SF: 42 = 2 x 3 x 7.

This means every 29 words from the full list of even positioned words is divisible by seven.

Even positioned groups of 29:

1173 706 6437 114 140 130 3600 1 273 5152 970 685 12650 195 10 970
5174 10 2200 283 200 10 5821 270 7316 391 5103 2972 1731 

Total: 64687 = 7 x 9241.

Rather than classify the words by their position in the passage, they can also be classified by whether or not they are odd or even.

The odd valued words do not produce a total divisible by seven or thirteen, but where they are in the passage does.

a) 3   5   6   7   8   9    13 15   19  20   24  26  28  30  31  38
b) 411 739 961 231 447 6393 97 6639 583 6579 643 283 273 483 187 3583

a) 46  47  54  58 60   61 64   69  74 76  82  85  86  87  95 97  98
b) 871 283 273 19 1173 19 6437 331 1  273 685 181 195 343 61 871 283

a) 104  107  109  110 111 112  113  115  116  117 118 120  122 128
b) 5821 2149 6461 391 61  5103 5575 5591 1731 61  111 6399 119 933

a) 130 134 135 136 143 145  146 149 153 154 156 158  160 162 167 173
b) 353 3   647 77  133 1251 61  77  101 77  277 7725 69  77  209 805

a) 174     (Position of word in the passage.)
b) 447     (Odd valued word.)

Total of the positions (line a): 5698 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 37.

The same applies to the even valued words.

a) 1  2  4    10   11   12   14   16 17  18 21 22  23 25   27 29
b) 10 30 4152 2460 5996 5770 2480 10 370 66 10 370 66 5070 52 6000

a) 32   33   34 35  36 37  39 40   41 42  43   44   45 48  49 50 51
b) 5342 3104 10 370 66 334 12 2200 66 254 3872 2150 10 126 10 66 6496

a) 52  53  55   56   57  59  62  63   65 66  67  68  70  71 72   73
b) 136 200 6000 5152 970 706 706 2466 70 114 970 140 130 66 3600 2304

a) 75  77   78   79  80  81  83 84    88 89   90  91   92   93   94
b) 544 6000 5152 270 970 140 10 12650 10 5420 970 6000 5174 6208 10

a) 96   99   100 101 102 103  105  106 108  114  119 121 123 124  125
b) 2200 6452 200 270 10  6000 6208 270 7316 2972 106 360 970 3872 2008

a) 126 127 129 131  132  133 137 138 139 140 141 142  144 147 148
b) 300 66  670 6152 5152 610 200 10  130 314 66  2234 10  116 6060

a) 150 151 152  155 157 159 161 163 164 165  166 168  169 170 171
b) 200 10  6060 200 608 100 270 200 10  6060 126 5996 870 6   3150

a) 172 175   (Position in the passage.)
b) 970 780   (Even valued word.)

Total of the positions (line a): 9702 = 2 x 32 x 72 x 11.

A third way of classifying words is by the number of letters. Do they have an odd number of letters, or an even number? Once again it is not the total of these words that has the coincidence, but where they are positioned in the passage.

Words with an odd number of letters.

a) 1  2  4    7   8   11   13 14   16 17  20   21 22
b) 10 30 4152 231 447 5996 97 2480 10 370 6579 10 370

a) 24  28  29   30  31  32   33   34 35  37  38   42  45
b) 643 273 6000 483 187 5342 3104 10 370 334 3583 254 10

a) 47  48  49 51   52  53  54  55   57  60   62  63   64
b) 283 126 10 6496 136 200 273 6000 970 1173 706 2466 6437

a) 65 67  68  69  74 76  77   80  81  83 88 89   90  91
b) 70 970 140 331 1  273 6000 970 140 10 10 5420 970 6000

a) 94 95 98  100 102 103  104  108  109  112  113  114
b) 10 61 283 200 10  6000 5821 7316 6461 5103 5575 2972

a) 116  118 120  121 122 123 126 129 133 134 135 137 138
b) 1731 111 6399 360 119 970 300 670 610 3   647 200 10

a) 140 143 144 147 148  150 151 152  153 155 158  159 163
b) 314 133 10  116 6060 200 10  6060 101 200 7725 100 200

a) 164 165  166 167 168  169 172 173 174 175
b) 10  6060 126 209 5996 870 970 805 447 780

Position total: 8967 = 3 x 72 x 61. SF: 78 = 2 x 3 x 13.

Words with an even number of letters.

a) 3   5   6   9    10   12   15   18 19  23 25   26  27
b) 411 739 961 6393 2460 5770 6639 66 583 66 5070 283 52

a) 36 39 40   41 43   44   46  50 56   58 59  61 66  70
b) 66 12 2200 66 3872 2150 871 66 5152 19 706 19 114 130

a) 71 72   73   75  78   79  82  84    85  86  87  92
b) 66 3600 2304 544 5152 270 685 12650 181 195 343 5174

a) 93   96   97  99   101 105  106 107  110 111 115  117
b) 6208 2200 871 6452 270 6208 270 2149 391 61  5591 61

a) 119 124  125  127 128 130 131  132  136 139 141 142
b) 106 3872 2008 66  933 353 6152 5152 77  130 66  2234

a) 145  146 149 154 156 157 160 161 162 170 171
b) 1251 61  77  77  277 608 69  270 77  6   3150

Position total: 6433 = 7 x 919.

From the list of 175 words take the,

First word and every seventh after:

10 447 6639 370 6000 66 3872 66 970 6437 66 5152 181 5174 6452 270
5575 6399 66 3 66 6060 200 77 870

Total: 61488 = 24 x 32 x 7 x 61.

Second and every seventh:

30 6393 10 66 483 334 2150 6496 19 70 3600 270 195 6208 200 2149
2972 360 933 647 2234 77 277 200 6

Total: 36379 = 7 x 5197.

Seventh and every seventh:

231 2480 10 273 370 254 10 5152 2466 130 6000 12650 6000 283 6208
5103 106 300 610 314 116 77 270 5996 780

Total: 56189 = 7 x 23 x 349.

Out of seven possibilities, starting from one to seven, almost half of them worked.

Exactly seven words, Nth and Nth last can be found that are together divisible by seven.

Nth Word:   15   18   21  26  54  79   85
Value:      6639 66   10  283 273 270  181
Nth Last:   161  158  155 150 122 97   91
Value:      270  7725 200 200 119 871  6000
Sum:        6909 7791 210 483 392 1141 6181

The sum of the positions: 1232 = 24 x 7 x 11. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.

Exactly 26 words have totals divisible by 7:

7   28  30  48  51   54  56   65 68  76  78   81  87  107  109
231 273 483 126 6496 273 5152 70 140 273 5152 140 343 2149 6461

112  122 132  136 143 149 154 162 166 171  173
5103 119 5152 77  133 77  77  77  126 3150 805

Exactly 13 words have totals divisible by 13:

25   27 28  46  54  70  76  86  92   97  109  139 175
5070 52 273 871 273 130 273 195 5174 871 6461 130 780

The middle N words added together are divisible by 13 when N is one of the following:

171 149 115 41 27 23 13

Total of N: 539 = 72 x 11.

78 words have the digit 0:

10 30 2480 10 370 5070 6000 2200 10 200 706 70 2304 6000 10
5420 200 270 5103 360 970 2008 610 200 6060 608 100 270 870 3150 970
805 2460 5770 10 370 3104 10 370 2150 10 6000 970 706 970 140 130
3600 270 970 140 10 12650 970 6000 6208 10 2200 10 6000 6208 270 106
300 670 10 130 10 200 10 6060 101 200 200 10 6060 209 780

Total: 137186 = 2 x 7 x 41 x 239.

17 words have two consecutive 0s:

6000 2200 200 6000 200 2008 200 100 6000 3600 6000 2200 6000
300 200 200 200

Total: 41608 = 23 x 7 x 743.

55 words have the digit 6:

6639 6000 66 66 6496 136 706 2466 6437 6000 6452 6461 61 360
610 647 61 116 6060 608 69 6 961 6393 2460 5996 66 6579 66 643 66
126 6000 706 66 3600 685 12650 6000 6208 61 6000 6208 7316 61 106
6399 66 670 6152 66 6060 6060 126 5996

Total: 167141 = 132 x 23 x 43.

10 words have consecutive digits of 6:

6639 66 66 2466 66 66 66 66 66 66

Total: 9633 = 3 x 132 x 19.

22 words have the digit 8:

2480 283 3583 181 871 283 3872 2008 608 870 805 583 483 187
3872 871 283 685 6208 5821 6208 780

Total: 41825 = 52 x 7 x 239.

The digits that worked: 0 6 8 = 14.

The number of words that produced a total divisible by seven: 78 17 22 = 117 = 32 x 13.

The number of words that produced a total divisible by thirteen: 55 10 = 65 = 5 x 13.

The 175 words can be arranged as a block with 7 columns, 5 rows, and 5 layers. (Riffle through the layers by moving the mouse slowly down the bottom, or right edge of the block.)

Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5

Outside: 242718 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 5779.

Inside: 68586 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 23 x 71.

Odd positioned columns through all layers: 195139 = 7 x 61 x 457.

Even positioned columns through all layers: 116165 = 5 x 7 x 3319.

First and last columns through all layers: 117677 = 7 x 16811.

Four corners as pillars through all layers: 39746 = 2 x 7 x 17 x 167.

Words & Letters

As seen above, every other word was divisible by seven. Every other letter does not produce a coincidence. However, taking every other letter with respect to the word where they reside does have a coincidence.

Odd positioned letters within each word:

a) 1  2  3 5 7  9   11 13 15 17  19 21 23 24  26 28 30 32 34  36  38
b) 1  1  1 3 5  1   3  5  7  9   11 13 15 1   3  5  1  3  5   1   3
c) 10 30 1 4 40 400 40 5  40 400 20 30 20 600 90 3  60 80 800 200 30

a) 39 41 43 45  46  48   50 52 54  56 58   60 62 64  66 67 69   71
b) 1  3  5  7   1   3    5  1  3   5  7    1  3  5   7  1  3    1
c) 4  3  90 200 100 6000 70 10 200 60 2000 10 6  900 20 30 5000 5

a) 73 75 77 78 80  82 84 85 87 89 91 93 94 96 98 99 101 103 105 107
b) 3  5  7  1  3   5  7  1  3  5  7  1  1  3  5  1  1   3   5   7
c) 3  5  3  30 200 90 20 70 3  90 6  10 60 30 70 60 9   200 70  10

a) 109 111 113 115  117 118 119 121 123 124 126 128 130 132 133 135
b) 1   3   5   7    9   1   1   3   5   1   1   3   5   7   1   3
c) 9   200 70  6000 200 10  60  30  70  60  70  3   90  200 9   1

a) 137 139 141 143 145 147 148  149 151 153 155 156 158 160 161 163
b) 1   3   1   3   1   3   1    1   3   5   7   1   3   5   1   3
c) 200 70  5   40  3   200 6000 70  3   90  40  80  90  5   200 2

a) 165  166 168 170  171 172 174 176 177 179 181 183 184 186 188 190
b) 5    1   3   5    1   1   3   5   1   1   3   5   1   3   5   7
c) 5000 5   6   3000 10  60  30  70  60  50  8   200 9   200 70  10

a) 192  193 195 197 199 201 203 204 206 208 210 212 214 215 217 219
b) 9    1   1   1   1   3   5   1   3   5   1   3   1   1   3   5
c) 3000 6   200 60  50  70  70  10  6   800 100 40  10  100 500 1

a) 221 223 225 227 228 230 231 232 234 236 238 240  241 243 245 246
b) 7   1   3   5   1   3   1   1   1   3   5   7    1   3   5   1
c) 10  100 70  70  50  6   10  60  70  90  30  6000 10  6   10  50

a) 248 250 251 253 254  255 257 259 261 263 264 266 268 270 272 274
b) 3   5   1   3   1    1   3   5   1   3   1   1   3   5   7   9
c) 6   70  3   200 6000 100 6   1   700 70  10  100 200 60  60  30

a) 276 278 280 282 284 285 287 289 290 292 294 296 297 299 301 303
b) 11  1   3   5   7   1   1   3   1   3   5   7   1   3   5   7
c) 4   100 70  10  1   10  200 500 30  200 90  6   4   3   90  200

a) 304 305 307 309 311 312 314 315 317 319 320 322 324 326 328 330
b) 1   1   3   1   3   1   3   1   3   5   1   1   1   3   1   3
c) 70  100 2   700 70  70  10  10  5   10  60  60  100 200 200 30

a) 332 334 335 337 339 341 342  343 345 347 349 351 353 354 356 357
b) 5   1   1   3   1   3   1    1   3   5   1   1   3   1   3   1
c) 3   1   40  300 3   200 6000 100 6   1   200 700 70  70  10  80

a) 359 361 363 364 366 368 370  372 374 376 378 380 382 384 386 388
b) 3   5   1   1   3   5   7    9   1   3   1   3   5   1   3   5
c) 10  300 10  80  30  70  6000 100 80  6   60  4   50  200 70  50

a) 390 391 393 395 397 398 400 401  402 404 406  408 410 412 414 415
b) 1   1   3   5   7   1   3   1    1   3   5    7   1   3   1   1
c) 10  80  9   1   200 700 70  6000 3   9   5000 10  200 2   10  30

a) 417 418 420 422 424 426 428 430 432 433 435 437 439 441 443 445
b) 3   1   1   3   5   7   1   3   5   1   3   5   7   1   3   5
c) 30  200 100 500 1   10  100 70  70  200 90  6   10  50  6   70

a) 446 448 449  450 452 454 456  457 459 461 463 465 467 469 471 473
b) 1   1   1    1   3   5   7    1   3   1   1   3   5   1   3   5
c) 200 10  6000 100 500 1   5000 200 2   70  4   5   60  10  30  800

a) 475 477  478 480 482 484  485 487 489 491 493 495  496 498 500 502
b) 7   9    1   3   5   7    1   3   5   1   1   3    1   3   5   7
c) 60  6000 30  200 90  6000 80  10  6   60  3   5000 3   6   6   60

a) 504  505 507 509  510 512 514 516 518 520 522 524 525 527 529 531
b) 9    1   3   5    1   3   5   7   1   3   5   7   1   1   3   5
c) 5000 700 70  2000 10  80  200 200 8   3   900 500 60  9   50  6

a) 532 534 536  538 539 541 543 544 546 548 549 551 552 554 556 558
b) 1   1   3    5   1   3   5   1   3   5   1   3   1   3   5   1
c) 100 4   6000 300 100 70  70  5   90  10  700 70  10  6   800 5

a) 560 562 564 565 567 569 571 573 575 577 579 580 582 584 586 588
b) 3   1   3   1   1   3   5   7   1   3   5   1   3   5   1   3
c) 2   30  70  60  3   100 10  10  3   60  1   200 70  4   80  2

a) 590 592 594 596 598 600 602 604 606 608 610 611 612 614 616 617
b) 5   7   9   11  1   3   5   1   3   5   7   1   1   3   5   1
c) 8   1   900 4   100 6   1   100 70  80  50  3   500 1   6   2

a) 619 621 623 625 626 627 629 631 632 634 636 638 640 642 643 644
b) 3   1   3   5   1   1   1   3   1   1   3   5   1   3   1   1
c) 4   50  6   70  10  70  300 6   60  3   20  6   3   60  10  60

a) 646 648 650 652 654 655 657  658 660 662 664 666 667 668 670  671
b) 3   5   1   1   3   1   3    1   3   1   3   5   1   1   3    1
c) 80  800 60  60  50  10  6000 2   4   50  6   70  10  10  6000 4

a) 673 675 676 678 680 682 684 685 687 689 691 693 695 697 699 701
b) 3   5   1   3   1   3   5   1   3   5   1   3   5   7   9   1
c) 1   1   2   4   50  6   70  60  3   4   10  90  100 40  50  60

a) 703 705 707  709 711 712 713 715 717 719 721 723 725 727 728 729
b) 3   5   7    9   11  1   1   3   1   1   3   1   3   5   1   1
c) 100 70  6000 6   70  100 60  2   70  2   4   50  6   70  10  10

a) 731  732 734 735 737 739 740 742 744 746 747 749 750 752 754  756
b) 3    1   3   1   3   5   1   3   5   7   1   3   1   1   3    5
c) 6000 50  6   60  3   6   10  6   900 20  300 70  5   100 2000 10

a) 758 760 761 763 764 766 768 770 771 773 775 777 (Passage position.)
b) 1   3   1   3   1   3   5   7   1   3   5   7   (Position in word.)
c) 700 70  5   500 4   3   90  200 600 90  3   50  (Letter found.)

Total of their passage positions: 171269 = 7 x 43 x 569.

Total of the letters: 177140 = 22 x 5 x 17 x 521.

Even positioned letters within each word:

a) 4  6 8   10 12 14 16   18 20  22 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 40 42 44 47
b) 2  4 6   2  4  6  8    10 12  14 2  4  6  2  4  6  2  2  4  6  2
c) 60 6 300 10 1  6  3000 10 100 70 6  30 10 1  10 10 1  70 70 10 3

a) 49  51 53  55 57 59 61 63   65 68 70  72 74 76 79 81 83   86  88
b) 4   6  2   4  6  8  2  4    6  2  4   2  4  6  2  4  6    2   4
c) 200 20 100 10 60 20 50 5000 10 40 700 1  10 70 70 70 2000 200 70

a) 90   92  95 97  100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 120 122 125
b) 6    8   2  4   2   2   4   6   8   2   4   6   8   2   4   2
c) 6000 200 10 200 6   1   3   90  200 1   3   90  6   10  200 6

a) 127 129 131 134 136  138 140 142 144 146 150 152 154 157 159 162
b) 2   4   6   2   4    2   4   2   4   2   2   4   6   2   4   2
c) 200 70  10  60  5000 3   10  6   1   70  200 70  10  6   6   70

a) 164 167 169 173 175 178 180 182 185 187 189 191 194 196  198 200
b) 4   2   4   2   4   2   2   4   2   4   6   8   2   2    2   2
c) 70  3   90  10  200 6   70  6   1   3   90  200 6   2000 6   60

a) 202 205 207 209  211 213  216 218 220 222 224 226 229 233 235 237
b) 4   2   4   6    2   4    2   4   6   8   2   4   2   2   2   4
c) 4   50  6   3000 10  2000 70  90  60  40  40  3   70  6   200 6

a) 239 242 244 247 249 252 256 258 260  262 265 267 269 271 273 275
b) 6   2   4   2   4   2   2   4   6    2   2   2   4   6   8   10
c) 100 50  60  70  4   70  5   40  5000 200 9   1   1   10  100 70

a) 277 279 281 283 286 288 291 293 295  298 300 302  306 308 310 313
b) 12  2   4   6   2   2   2   4   6    2   4   6    2   4   2   2
c) 70  2   90  900 9   6   70  70  2000 70  70  6000 6   6   200 60

a) 316 318 321 323 325 327  329 331 333  336 338 340 344 346 348  350
b) 2   4   2   2   2   4    2   4   6    2   4   2   2   4   6    2
c) 300 6   70  6   300 3000 1   70  2000 4   200 70  5   40  5000 70

a) 352 355 358 360 362 365 367 369 371 373  375 377 379 381 383 385
b) 2   2   2   4   6   2   4   6   8   10   2   4   2   4   6   2
c) 200 60  90  5   200 70  40  60  200 6000 90  5   70  1   10  3

a) 387 389 392 394 396  399 403 405 407 409 411 413  416 419  421 423
b) 4   6   2   4   6    2   2   4   6   8   2   4    2   2    2   4
c) 10  10  70  60  5000 200 70  40  2   40  6   6000 1   2000 70  90

a) 425 427 429 431 434 436 438 440  442 444 447 451 453 455 458 460
b) 6   8   2   4   2   4   6   8    2   4   2   2   4   6   2   4
c) 60  40  40  3   6   80  60  6000 70  4   70  70  90  60  6   6000

a) 462 464 466 468  470 472 474 476 479 481 483 486 488 490 492 494
b) 2   2   4   6    2   4   6   8   2   4   6   2   4   6   2   2
c) 200 70  10  2000 100 300 6   10  70  70  1   90  5   200 1   100

a) 497 499 501 503 506 508 511 513  515 517  519 521 523 526 528 530
b) 2   4   6   8   2   4   2   4    6   8    2   4   6   2   2   4
c) 100 40  60  300 200 2   100 2000 1   3000 10  300 10  1   6   40

a) 533 535 537 540 542 545 547 550 553 555 557  559 561  563 566 568
b) 2   2   4   2   4   2   4   2   2   4   6    2   4    2   2   2
c) 6   90  5   30  90  6   8   200 50  6   3000 1   2000 200 6   70

a) 570 572 574 576 578 581 583 585 587 589 591 593  595 597 599 601
b) 4   6   8   2   4   2   4   6   2   4   6   8    10  12  2   4
c) 500 200 40  6   600 3   6   70  70  6   5   5000 6   70  5   40

a) 603  605 607 609 613 615 618 620 622 624 628 630 633 635  637 639
b) 6    2   4   6   2   4   2   4   2   4   2   2   2   2    4   6
c) 5000 200 40  70  90  50  70  1   70  4   60  8   6   2000 5   200

a) 641 645 647 649 651 653 656 659 661 663 665 669 672 674 677 679
b) 2   2   4   6   2   2   2   2   4   2   4   2   2   4   2   4
c) 70  1   10  300 1   6   50  70  1   70  4   50  90  5   70  1

a) 681 683 686 688 690 692 694 696 698 700 702 704 706 708 710 714
b) 2   4   2   4   6   2   4   6   8   10  2   4   6   8   10  2
c) 70  4   70  70  70  6   300 1   10  1   10  500 5   900 4   6

a) 716 718 720 722 724 726 730 733 736 738 741 743  745 748 751 753
b) 4   2   2   4   2   4   2   2   2   4   2   4    6   2   2   2
c) 1   200 70  1   70  4   50  70  70  70  50  5000 10  500 1   40

a) 755 757 759 762 765 767 769 772 774 776   (Passage position.)
b) 4   6   2   2   2   4   6   2   4   6     (Position in word.)
c) 800 200 200 300 70  70  10  6   30  1     (Letter found.)

Total of their passage positions: 130984 = 23 x 7 x 2339.

Total: 134164 = 22 x 17 x 1973.

The totals for the letters in both cases are not divisible by 7 or 13. They are divisible by 17, a factor also found in the sum of the entire passage.

The Letters

There are 112 odd valued letters in the passage. (2 x 23 x 7.) There are 665 even valued letters. (5 x 7 x 19.)

One can pull every Nth letter from the passage, starting with the first letter. The following values of N all result with a total divisible by seven.

12 28 35 41 57 97 108 109 111 119 126 129 133 134 144 160 177 180
183 185 195 198 205 206 207 209 213 227 251 262 271 275 280 283 294
295 300 312 316 317 333 340 347 350 367 371 372 378 381 383 387 388

The total of N: 11781 = 32 x 7 x 11 x 17.

One can pull every Nth letter beginning with the Nth letter.

15 27 46 49 50 51 67 89 91 99 106 123 133 141 142 145 149 151 177
180 183 187 195 196 208 223 224 230 256 262 265 269 276 279 291 296
301 309 311 313 314 320 339 347 349 352 358 359 361 363 368 373 378
379 381 385

The total of N: 12831 = 3 x 7 x 13 x 47. SF: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

The same can be done in searching for totals divisible by 13.

Beginning with the first letter, pull every Nth after. The following values of N produces totals divisible by 13.

5 21 22 56 64 77 102 134 155 156 170 176 177 207 211 243 274 276 310
326 349 361 362 370 373

Total of N: 4977 = 32 x 7 x 79.

Begin with the Nth letter and pull every Nth after.

17 22 30 86 118 125 129 142 159 204 206 210 213 217 226 234 257 272
301 318 321 326 358 369 383

Total of N: 5243 = 72 x 107.

Begin with the first letter and take every Nth letter after. Note those producing totals divisible by 91.

134 177 207

The sum of N: 518 = 2 x 7 x 37.

In all, there are 777 letters. 777 factors into 3 x 7 x 37. This means the letters can form three groups with 259 (7 x 37) letters each.

Odd positioned groups of 259 would be the first and last groups:

10 30 1 60 4 6 40 300 400 10 40 1 5 6 40 3000 400 10 20 100 30 70 20
600 6 90 30 3 10 60 1 80 10 800 10 200 1 30 4 70 3 70 90 10 200 100
3 6000 200 70 20 10 100 200 10 60 60 2000 20 10 50 6 5000 900 10 20
30 40 5000 700 5 1 3 10 5 70 3 30 70 200 70 90 2000 20 70 200 3 70
90 6000 6 200 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 9 1 200 3 70 90 10 200 9 1 200
3 70 90 6000 6 200 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 70 200 3 70 90 10 200 9
60 1 5000 200 3 70 10 5 6 40 1 3 70 200 6000 70 200 3 70 90 10 40 80
6 90 6 5 200 70 2 70 5000 5 3 6 90 3000 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 50
70 8 6 200 9 1 200 3 70 90 10 200 3000 6 6 200 2000 60 6 50 60 70 4
70 10 50 6 6 800 3000 100 10 40 2000 10 100 70 500 90 1 60 10 40 100
40 70 3 70 50 70 6 10 60 6 70 200 90 6 30 100 6000 10 50 6 60 10 50
70 6 4 70 3 70 200 6000 100 5 6 40 1 10 3 300 900 10 500 60 1 9 6 50
40 6 100 6 4 90 6000 5 300 100 30 70 90 70 5 6 90 8 10 700 200 70 10
50 6 6 800 3000 5 1 2 2000 30 200 70 60 6 3 70 100 500 10 200 10 40
3 6 60 600 1 200 3 70 6 4 70 80 70 2 6 8 5 1 5000 900 6 4 70 100 5 6
40 1 5000 100 200 70 40 80 70 50 3 500 90 1 50 6 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4
70 10 70 60 300 8 6 60 6 3 2000 20 5 6 200 3 70 60 10 60 1 80 10 800
300 60 1 60 6 50 10 50 6000 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4 70 10 10 50 6000 4 90
1 5 1 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4 70 60 70 3 70 4 70 10 6 90 300 100 1 40 10
50 1 60 10 100 500 70 5 6000 900 6 4 70 100 60 6 2 1 70 200 2 70 4 1
50 70 6 4 70 10 10 50 6000 50 70 6 60 70 3 70 6 10 50 6 5000 900 10
20 300 500 70 5 1 100 40 2000 800 10 200 700 200 70 5 300 500 4 70 3
70 90 10 200 600 6 90 30 3 1 50 

Total: 170604 = 22 x 32 x 7 x 677.

Even positioned group of 259 would be the middle group:

5000 700 200 70 10 9 100 1 200 1 60 10 60 100 30 70 4 70 100 2 70 90
10 900 1 10 9 200 6 500 30 70 200 70 90 2000 6 4 70 3 70 90 6000 200
70 100 6 2 6 700 200 70 70 60 10 10 300 5 6 10 60 70 60 6 100 300
200 3000 200 1 30 70 3 2000 1 40 4 300 200 3 70 200 6000 100 5 6 40
1 5000 200 70 700 200 70 70 60 10 80 90 10 5 300 200 10 80 70 30 40
70 60 6000 200 100 6000 80 90 6 5 60 70 4 1 50 10 200 3 70 10 50 10
10 80 70 9 60 1 5000 200 700 200 70 6000 3 70 9 40 5000 2 10 40 200
6 2 6000 10 30 1 30 200 2000 100 70 500 90 1 60 10 40 100 40 70 3 70
200 6 90 80 6 60 10 6000 50 70 6 4 70 200 70 10 6000 100 70 500 90 1
60 5000 200 6 2 6000 70 200 4 70 5 10 60 2000 10 100 30 300 800 6 60
10 6000 30 70 200 70 90 1 6000 80 90 10 5 6 200 60 1 3 100 5000 3
100 6 40 6 60 60 300 5000 700 200 70 2 2000 10 100 80 2000 200 1 200
3000 8 

Total: 140700 = 22 x 3 x 52 x 7 x 67. SF: 91 = 7 x 13.

Every other group is only one way to put these three groups together. Odd valued groups of 259 can be put together:

10 30 1 60 4 6 40 300 400 10 40 1 5 6 40 3000 400 10 20 100 30 70 20
600 6 90 30 3 10 60 1 80 10 800 10 200 1 30 4 70 3 70 90 10 200 100
3 6000 200 70 20 10 100 200 10 60 60 2000 20 10 50 6 5000 900 10 20
30 40 5000 700 5 1 3 10 5 70 3 30 70 200 70 90 2000 20 70 200 3 70
90 6000 6 200 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 9 1 200 3 70 90 10 200 9 1 200
3 70 90 6000 6 200 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 70 200 3 70 90 10 200 9
60 1 5000 200 3 70 10 5 6 40 1 3 70 200 6000 70 200 3 70 90 10 40 80
6 90 6 5 200 70 2 70 5000 5 3 6 90 3000 10 60 10 30 200 70 60 6 50
70 8 6 200 9 1 200 3 70 90 10 200 3000 6 6 200 2000 60 6 50 60 70 4
70 10 50 6 6 800 3000 100 10 40 2000 10 100 70 500 90 1 60 10 40 100
40 70 3 70 50 70 6 10 60 6 70 200 90 6 30 100 6000 10 50 6 60 10 50
70 6 4 70 3 70 200 6000 100 5 6 40 1 10 3 300 900 10 500 60 1 9 6 50
40 6 100 6 4 90 6000 5 300 100 30 70 90 70 5 6 90 8 10 700 200 70 10
50 6 6 800 3000 5 1 2 2000 30 200 70 60 6 3 70 100 500 10 200 10 40
3 6 60 600 1 200 3 70 6 4 70 80 70 2 6 8 5 1 5000 900 6 4 70 100 5 6
40 1 5000 100 200 70 40 80 70 50 3 500 90 1 50 6 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4
70 10 70 60 300 8 6 60 6 3 2000 20 5 6 200 3 70 60 10 60 1 80 10 800
300 60 1 60 6 50 10 50 6000 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4 70 10 10 50 6000 4 90
1 5 1 2 70 4 1 50 70 6 4 70 60 70 3 70 4 70 10 6 90 300 100 1 40 10
50 1 60 10 100 500 70 5 6000 900 6 4 70 100 60 6 2 1 70 200 2 70 4 1
50 70 6 4 70 10 10 50 6000 50 70 6 60 70 3 70 6 10 50 6 5000 900 10
20 300 500 70 5 1 100 40 2000 800 10 200 700 200 70 5 300 500 4 70 3
70 90 10 200 600 6 90 30 3 1 50 

Total: 170604 = 22 x 32 x 7 x 677.

This means the even valued group would also be divisible by seven:

5000 700 200 70 10 9 100 1 200 1 60 10 60 100 30 70 4 70 100 2 70 90
10 900 1 10 9 200 6 500 30 70 200 70 90 2000 6 4 70 3 70 90 6000 200
70 100 6 2 6 700 200 70 70 60 10 10 300 5 6 10 60 70 60 6 100 300
200 3000 200 1 30 70 3 2000 1 40 4 300 200 3 70 200 6000 100 5 6 40
1 5000 200 70 700 200 70 70 60 10 80 90 10 5 300 200 10 80 70 30 40
70 60 6000 200 100 6000 80 90 6 5 60 70 4 1 50 10 200 3 70 10 50 10
10 80 70 9 60 1 5000 200 700 200 70 6000 3 70 9 40 5000 2 10 40 200
6 2 6000 10 30 1 30 200 2000 100 70 500 90 1 60 10 40 100 40 70 3 70
200 6 90 80 6 60 10 6000 50 70 6 4 70 200 70 10 6000 100 70 500 90 1
60 5000 200 6 2 6000 70 200 4 70 5 10 60 2000 10 100 30 300 800 6 60
10 6000 30 70 200 70 90 1 6000 80 90 10 5 6 200 60 1 3 100 5000 3
100 6 40 6 60 60 300 5000 700 200 70 2 2000 10 100 80 2000 200 1 200
3000 8 

Total: 140700 = 22 x 3 x 52 x 7 x 67. SF: 91 = 7 x 13.

Find all cases where the Nth and Nth last letters together and individually are divisible by seven. There are exactly seven of them.

Nth letter: 40  42  88  227 229 331 386
Value:      70  70  70  70  70  70  70
Nth last:   738 736 690 551 549 447 392
Value:      70  70  70  70  700 70  70
Sum:        140 140 140 140 770 140 140

Since there are just seven of them, this means their positions together are also divisible by seven: 5446 = 2 x 7 x 389.

Find all cases where the Nth and Nth last letters together are divisible by thirteen. In this case, there are exactly 39 of them.

a) Nth letter: 24   82  87  94  119 126 142 146 150 158 163 172 174
b) Value:      600  90  3   60  60  70  6   70  200 90  2   60  30
c) Nth last:   754  696 691 684 659 652 636 632 628 620 615 606 604
d) Value:      2000 1   10  70  70  60  20  60  60  1   50  70  100
e) Sum:        2600 91  13  130 130 130 26  130 260 91  52  130 130

a) 175  181 188 201 208  211 220 226 253 254  272 277 282 285 287 303
b) 200  8   70  70  800  10  60  3   200 6000 60  70  10  10  200 200
c) 603  597 590 577 570  567 558 552 525 524  506 501 496 493 491 475
d) 5000 70  8   60  500  3   5   10  60  500  200 60  3   3   60  60
e) 5200 78  78  130 1300 13  65  13  260 6500 260 130 13  13  260 260

a) 311 313 318  325 339 340 348  353 378 384
b) 70  60  6    300 3   70  5000 70  60  200
c) 467 465 460  453 439 438 430  425 400 394
d) 60  5   6000 90  10  60  70   60  70  60
e) 130 65  6006 390 13  130 5070 130 130 260

Similar to the previous case, because there are 39 of them, this means their positions together are also divisible by 13: 30342 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 389. This time there is an extra coincidence. The sum of the Nth positions (line a) come to 8869 = 7 x 7 x 181. SF: 195 = 3 x 5 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

Seven letters appeared a multiple of seven times:

a) Letter:                2  3   6   30  300  3000  5000
b) Number of appearances: 14 35  70  21  14   7     14
c) Total value (a x b):   28 105 420 630 4200 21000 70000

The total of line c) would naturally be divisible by 7. It has extra coincidences: 96383 = 73 x 281.

The Proclamation (Exodus 34:6-7)

Apply The Proclamation's words to the Russian words of Revelation 3:7-13.

a) 1    2    3   4   5   6   7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14
b) 317  26   26  31  254 120 221  131  208  72   447  340  72   191
c) 317  343  369 400 654 774 995  1126 1334 1406 1853 2193 2265 2456
d) 142  168  19  50  129 74  120  76   109  6    103  93   165  6
e) 2234 5996 583 66  670 1   6399 273  6461 961  6000 6208 6060 961

a) 15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27
b) 351  126  456  29   161  31   165  184  126  409  100  102  106
c) 2807 2933 3389 3418 3579 3610 3775 3959 4085 4494 4594 4696 4802
d) 7    133  64   93   79   110  100  109  60   119  44   146  77
e) 231  610  6437 6208 270  391  200  6461 1173 106  2150 61   6000

a) 28   29   30   31   32   33    (Position of word in Exodus 34:6-7.)
b) 62   102  100  680  106  322   (Exodus word value.)
c) 4864 4966 5066 5746 5852 6174  (Count.)
d) 139  66   166  146  77   49    (Count adjusted to 175.)
e) 130  114  126  61   6000 10    (Word found in Russian.)

Total of words found: 79612 = 22 x 13 x 1531.


Why does the Russian work so well with such a small and simple adjustment?

Nay, but by men of strange lips and with an alien tongue the LORD will speak to this people, (Isaiah 28:11 RSV)

When those who had the truth turn away, God gives them a sign by speaking to them in another language.

This does not mean the Russian Synodal Bible is perfect or special. Revelation 3:7-13 had to be adjusted with the addition of a one letter word К. What is special is the meaning of the message to the Philadelphian church. From the original Koine Greek, to Hebrew, Chinese and Russian (with adjustment) the text in different translations are either divisible by 7 and or 13. The truth of Jesus' original statement in John 14:23, that those who loved him would keep his word, is borne out in multiple languages. The truth that Jesus loved them in return and would reward them is also demonstrated. This is for all time, no matter the geographical location, no matter the ethnic group. And it holds true for Russians who keep Jesus' word.


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