Bible Numbers 2.0

Verses In Russian

Many numeric features were found in the study on the Philadelphian church using the Russian language. Was this simply coincidence? Or is there something to the meaning, the ideas in the Bible that create coincidences in human language? One verse in Russian could just be by chance. The only way to know would be to see if other verses or passages have something similar.

This site has presented many important Bible passages in Hebrew or Greek that were divisible by seven and or thirteen. How many of these would work (be divisible by seven and or thirteen) in Russian?

Verses With Coincidences

Marriage (Genesis 2:23)[24]                                66x13
Enoch's Ascension (Genesis 5:17)                           66x7
The Promised Land (Genesis 15:18-23:20)              33x7
The Exodus (Exodus 1:1-12:41[2])                           66x7
The Proclamation (Exodus 34:6-7)                           66x13
Be Holy (Leviticus 11:44-45)                               66x7
The Donkey Speaks (Numbers 22:28-30)                 33x7
Temple Dedication*(1 Kings 8:2-9)                    33x7  66x7
Last King (2 Kings 24:8)                             33x7
Praising God (Psalm 89:8-12 (R88))                         66x7
*Master of Time (Isaiah 40:21-42:17)	                   66x13
*Prophecy of Cyrus (Isaiah 41:25-27)                  33x13 66x13
*Prophecy of Jesus (Isaiah 42:1-4)                    33x13 66x7
Jesus' Core Teachings (Matthew 5:1-9:17)                   66x13
Unbelief (Matthew 13:52-58)                          33x7
Confirmation of Jesus' Authority (Mark 2:6-13)	           66x13
Jesus' Authority to Forgive (Mark 2:8-10)	           66x13
Signs of the End (Mark 13:8)                         33x7
The Resurrection (Mark 16:2-14)                      33x13
Jesus' Birth (Luke 1:31-36[7])                       33x7
Why Jesus Forgives (Luke 7:46-50)	             33x7
Perverse Generation (Luke 9:38)                      33x7
Invite the Poor (Luke 14:12-13)                            66x7
Deceivers At The End (Luke 21:8)                           66x7
Jesus' Divine Mission (John 1:1-37[7])                     66x7
Jesus' Ministry (John 1:32-20:31)                          66x7
Prophecy Fulfilled in the Gospel (Acts 13:32-34)     33x13
Doers of the Law (Romans 2:13)                       33x13
Stumbling Block (Romans 9:33-10:4)                         66x7
Love One Another (Galatians 5:13[14])                33x7  66x7
The Woman & The Dragon (Revelation 12:1-6)           33x7  66x13
King of Kings (Revelation 19:11-16)                  33x13
New Heaven & Earth (Revelation 20:14-21:5)                 66x7x13

[24]   Square bracketed numbers are verses added to the original.
(R88)  Indicates difference in chapter numbering in the Russian Bible.
33     Conversion to numbers not accounting for upper and lower case.
66     Conversion to numbers with upper and lower case.
x7     Result was divisible by 7.
x13    Result was divisible by 13.
x7x13  Result was divisible by both 7 and 13.
*      The original study in Hebrew was of Isaiah 40:21-42:17. The
       Russian verses are of smaller subsections in this passage, on
       Cyrus and Jesus.

A total of 83 verses were checked from the Russian Synodal Bible (RSB). Odds would suggest one in seven of the 83 would be divisible by seven, or about 12. Six or seven out of 83 would be divisible by thirteen. The chart above lists thirty-three verses that had a result. At first glance, 33 out of 83 would appear to be an amazing result, but the results have to be categorized properly.

Creation (Genesis 1:1)                            Unpardonable Sin (Mark 3:24-29) 
Flood (Genesis 7:11-8:13)                         What to Say (Mark 13:8-11)
Table of Nations (Genesis 10:1-32)                The Arrest of Jesus (Mark 14:48-49)
The Flood to Babel (Genesis 10:5-11:9)            Witnesses to the Resurrection (Mark 16:1-2)
Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)                            The Resurrection (Mark 16:2-14)
Abraham (Genesis 13:8-22:14)                      Prophecy of Betrayal (Luke 9:43-46)
Jacob (Genesis 28:2-35:14)                        Accepting Jesus & God (Luke 10:16)
Amalek (Exodus 17:16)                             Jesus Gives His Disciples Authority (Luke 10:16-19)
The Exodus (Exodus 1:1-12:41)                     Deceivers (Luke 17:23)
The Commandment Tablets (Exodus 32:15-16)         Rejection of the Son of Man (Luke 17:23-27)
Second Exodus Witness (Exodus 7:10-29:46)         Signs of the End (Luke 21:8-10)
Journey From Darkness (Exodus 10:21-19:1)         Knowing Jesus (John 8:19)
Conquest Of Canaan (Joshua 4:19-13:21)            John 11:53-54 (Russian verse completely different.)
Proper Response (Joshua 24:24)                    First Church (Acts 2:45-3:1)
The LORD is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)(R22)           Service without Grumbling (Philippians 2:14-15)
The Psalm of Moses (Psalm 90-91)(R89-90)          Aim At Righteousness (2 Timothy 2:22)
End Time Events (Isaiah 2:19-3:2)                 Raised to Glory (Hebrews 2:7)
Prophecy on China (Isaiah 18)                     The Closing Door (Hebrews 12:11-17)
Prophecy on Egypt (Isaiah 19)                     Faithful to Forgive (1 John 1:7-9)
The Mongols (Isaiah 41:2-3)                       Alpha & Omega (Revelation 1:8)
Jesus' Teachings & Ministry (Matthew 3:16-13:35)  Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)
Authority to Forgive (Matthew 9:3-8)              Laodicea (Revelation 3:14)
Jesus' Ministry (Matthew 11:4-6)                  Heaven Praises God (Revelation 4:8)
How Many Times To Forgive (Matthew 18:21-22)      Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9)
Faith & Miracles (Matthew 21:18-21)               I Am (Revelation 22:13)
Converting with 33 letters in the alphabet:
11 were divisible by 7. This is in line with the odds.
6 were divisible by 13. This is in line with the odds.

Converting with 66 letters in the alphabet:
13 were divisible by 7. This is in line with the odds.
9 were divisible by 13, slightly more than the odds would indicate.

This all seems like a matter of chance.

One would have thought The Proclamation in Russian would have many numeric features. It does not, and there is a reason for this. In the middle of Exodus 34:7 is a portion of Hebrew that is difficult to translate: וְנַקֵּה֙ לֹ֣א יְנַקֶּ֔ה (literally clear not clear). You can find many different English interpretations of what these three Hebrew words mean. Since it is impossible to translate or interpret what one does not understand, these three Hebrew words become many in English. This is even seen in the Russian. And if the original meaning was not understood, why should there be numeric features at all? Thus rather than The Proclamation standing out, in the Russian Bible different passages stand out. These do not come close to rivaling Exodus 34:6-7 because Russian is not the original language.

Since Russian is not the original language, there is little point in examining all the verses listed above. The focus will be on the few verses where numeric conversion worked whether capital letters were ignored or accounted for. This uniqueness brings out the general theme of God’s various acts of salvation. There are four passages: The Temple Dedication (1 Kings 8:2-9), The Prophecy of Cyrus (Isaiah 41:25-27), The Prophecy of Jesus (Isaiah 42:1-4), and The Woman & The Dragon (Revelation 12:1-6).1

Solomon's Temple Dedication

И собрались к царю Соломону на праздник все Израильтяне в месяце
Афаниме который есть седьмой месяц И пришли все старейшины Израилевы
и подняли священники ковчег и понесли ковчег ГОСПОДЕНЬ и скинию
собрания и все священные вещи которые были в скинии и несли их
священники и левиты А царь Соломон и с ним все общество Израилево
собравшееся к нему шли пред ковчегом принося жертвы из мелкого и
крупного скота которых невозможно исчислить и определить по
множеству их И внесли священники ковчег завета ГОСПОДНЯ на место его
в давир храма во Святое Святых под крылья херувимов Ибо херувимы
простирали крылья над местом ковчега и покрывали херувимы сверху
ковчег и шесты его И выдвинулись шесты так что головки шестов видны
были из святилища пред давиром но не выказывались наружу они там и
до сего дня В ковчеге ничего не было кроме двух каменных скрижалей
которые положил туда Моисей на Хориве когда ГОСПОДЬ заключил завет с
сынами Израилевыми по исшествии их из земли Египетской (Третья книга
Царств 8:2-9; 1 Kings 8:2-9)

The interesting part with the Russian is that numeric conversion can be done two ways, ignoring the capital letters or accounting for them. The features are different with each.

33 Letter Alphabet (No Capitals)

1   2                             3   4               5                          6      7
10  3413                          30  5691            760                        61     285
1   2-  3- 4-5- 6-7- 8- 9-  10    11  12- 13-14-15    16- 17-18-19-20-21-22-23   24-25  26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33
10  100-70-2-90-1-40-10-100-3000  30  600-1- 90-5000  100-70-40-70-50-70-60-300  60-1   80-90-1- 9- 5- 60-10-30

8          9                                      10  11                     12
109        9426                                   3   6762                   528
34-35- 36  37-38-39-40-41-42-43-  44- 45-  46-47  48  49-50-51- 52-  53- 54  55-56- 57-58-59-60-61
3- 100-6   10-9- 90-1- 10-40-3000-200-6000-60-6   3   50-6- 100-6000-600-6   1- 400-1- 60-10-50-6

13                       14               15                       16                  17
2480                     3306             3251                     6756                10
62-63-64- 65-66-67-  68  69-70- 71- 72    73- 74-75-76-  77-78-79  80-81-82- 83-  84   85
30-70-200-70-90-2000-20  6- 100-200-3000  100-6- 5- 3000-50-70-20  50-6- 100-6000-600  10

18                  19         20                                     21
1030                109        3287                                   2169
86-87-88-89- 90-91  92-93- 94  95- 96- 97-98-99-100-101-102-103-104   105-106-107-108-109-110-111-112-113
80-90-10-800-40-10  3- 100-6   100-200-1- 90-6- 20- 800-10- 60- 2000  10- 9-  90- 1-  10- 40- 6-  3-  2000

22   23                            24                                        25
10   6265                          7179                                      813
114  115-116-117-118-119- 120-121  122-123-124- 125-126-127-128-129-130-131  132-133-134-135-136-137
10   80- 70- 5-  60- 6000-40- 10   100-3-  6000-900-6-  60- 60- 10- 30- 10   30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4

26   27                           28                       29
10   366                          813                      3395
138  139-140-141-142-143-144-145  146-147-148-149-150-151  152-153-154-155-156-157-158-159-160
10   80- 70- 60- 6-  100-40- 10   30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4    4-  70- 100-80- 70- 5-  6-  60- 3000

30   31                        32                                33   34           35
10   5210                      6333                              10   109          9135
161  162-163-164-165-166-167   168-169-170-171-172-173-174-175   176  177-178-179  180-181-182- 183-184-185-186-187- 188
10   100-30- 10- 60- 10- 5000  100-70- 2-  90- 1-  60- 10- 6000  10   3-  100-6    100-3-  6000-900-6-  60- 60- 2000-6

36               37                            38                39   40
919              2466                          2052              3    220
189-190-191-192  193-194-195-196-197-198- 199  200-201- 202-203  204  205-206-207-208-209-210
3-  6-  900-10   30- 70- 200-70- 90- 2000-6    2-  2000-40- 10   3    100-30- 10- 60- 10- 10

41   42                   43       44                                        45   46
10   216                  510      7179                                      10   2259
211  212-213-214-215-216  217-218  219-220-221- 222-223-224-225-226-227-228  229  230-231-232-233-234-235
10   60- 6-  100-40- 10   10- 500  100-3-  6000-900-6-  60- 60- 10- 30- 10   10   40- 6-  3-  10- 200-2000

47   48                49                           50   51   52           53           54
1    3691              460                          10   100  120          109          1351
236  237-238-239-240   241-242-243-244-245-246-247  248  249  250-251-252  253-254-255  256-257-258-259-260-261-262-263
1    600-1-  90- 3000  100-70- 40- 70- 50- 70- 60   10   100  60- 10- 50   3-  100-6    70- 2-  900-6-  100-200-3-  70

55                                   56                                            57   58
239                                  7178                                          30   416
264-265-266-267-268-269-270-271-272  273-274-275-276-277-278-279-280-281-282-283   284  285-286-287-288
10- 9-  90- 1-  10- 40- 6-  3-  70   100-70- 2-  90- 1-  3-  800-6-  6-  100-6000  30   60- 6-  50- 300

59           60               61                               62
850          181              933                              6410
289-290-291  292-293-294-295  296-297-298-299-300-301-302-303  304-305-306-307-308-309-310
800-40- 10   80- 90- 6-  5    30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4-  70- 50   80- 90- 10- 60- 70- 100-6000

63                        64       65                           66   67
2307                      19       270                          10   704
311-312-313-314-315-316   317-318  319-320-321-322-323-324-325  326  327-328-329-330-331-332-333-334
8-  6-  90- 200-3-  2000  10- 9    50- 6-  40- 30- 70- 4-  70   10   30- 90- 300-80- 60- 70- 4-  70

68                   69                            70
401                  2960                          406
335-336-337-338-339  340-341-342-343-344-345- 346  347-348-349-350-351-352-353-354-355-356
100-30- 70- 200-1    30- 70- 200-70- 90- 2000-500  60- 6-  3-  70- 9-  50- 70- 8-  60- 70

71                                    72   73                                        74
4170                                  10   3507                                      150
357-358-359-360-361-362-363-364-365   366  367-368-369-370-371-372-373-374-375-376   377-378
10- 100-700-10- 100-40- 10- 200-3000  10   70- 80- 90- 6-  5-  6-  40- 10- 200-3000  80- 70

75                                   76       77   78                       79
797                                  510      10   219                      7179
379-380-381-382-383-384-385-386-387  388-389  390  391-392-393-394-395-396  397-398-399- 400-401-402-403-404-405-406
50- 60- 70- 8-  6-  100-200-3-  300  10- 500  10   3-  60- 6-  100-40- 10   100-3-  6000-900-6-  60- 60- 10- 30- 10

80                       81                       82                                83
813                      220                      6389                              61
407-408-409-410-411-412  413-414-415-416-417-418  419-420-421-422-423-424-425-426   427-428
30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4    9-  1-  3-  6-  200-1    4-  70- 100-80- 70- 5-  60- 6000  60- 1

84                   85           86   87                   88                   89       90
426                  80           3    109                  642                  73       6379
429-430-431-432-433  434-435-436  437  438-439-440-441-442  443-444-445-446-447  448-449  450-451-452- 453-454-455
50- 6-  100-200-70   6-  4-  70   3    5-  1-  3-  10- 90   500-90- 1-  50- 1    3-  70   100-3-  6000-200-70- 6

91                         92           93                          94
8803                       155          11160                       1032
456-457-458- 459-460- 461  462-463-464  465-466-467- 468-469- 470   471-472-473-474-475-476-477-478-479
100-3-  6000-200-2000-500  80- 70- 5    30- 90- 2000-40- 3000-6000  500-6-  90- 300-3-  10- 50- 70- 3

95           96                                97                                       98
82           2959                              691                                      11160
480-481-482  483-484-485-486-487-488-489-490   491-492-493-494-495-496-497-498-499-500  501-502-503- 504-505- 506
10- 2-  70   500-6-  90- 300-3-  10- 50- 2000  80- 90- 70- 100-200-10- 90- 1-  40- 10   30- 90- 2000-40- 3000-6000

99           100                      101                          102  103
66           476                      814                          10   2324
507-508-509  510-511-512-513-514-515  516-517-518-519-520-521-522  523  524-525-526-527-528- 529-530-531-532
60- 1-  5    50- 6-  100-200-70- 50   30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4-  1    10   80- 70- 30- 90- 2000-3-  1-  40- 10

104                               105                      106                      107  108
2959                              999                      813                      10   3106
533-534-535-536-537-538-539-540   541-542-543-544-545-546  547-548-549-550-551-552  553  554-555-556-557-558
500-6-  90- 300-3-  10- 50- 2000  100-3-  6-  90- 500-300  30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4    10   800-6-  100-200-2000

109          110  111                                            112                   113
80           10   5531                                           3106                  231
559-560-561  562  563-564- 565-566-567-568-569-570-571-572-573   574-575-576-577-578   579-580-581
6-  4-  70   10   3-  2000-5-  3-  10- 60- 300-40- 10- 100-3000  800-6-  100-200-2000  200-1-  30

114          115                          116                      117                   118
970          227                          1179                     2078                  2052
582-583-584  585-586-587-588-589-590-591  592-593-594-595-596-597  598-599-600-601-602   603-604- 605-606
700-200-70   4-  70- 40- 70- 3-  30- 10   800-6-  100-200-70- 3    3-  10- 5-  60- 2000  2-  2000-40- 10

119      120                                   121              122
19       7264                                  181              229
607-608  609-610-611- 612-613-614-615-616-617  618-619-620-621  622-623-624-625-626-627-628
10- 9    100-3-  6000-200-10- 40- 10- 900-1    80- 90- 6-  5    5-  1-  3-  10- 90- 70- 50

123      124      125                                                 126
130      66       7197                                                759
629-630  631-632  633-634- 635-636-637-638- 639-640-641-642-643-644   645-646-647-648-649-650
60- 70   60- 6    3-  2000-30- 1-  9-  2000-3-  1-  40- 10- 100-3000  60- 1-  90- 300-8-  300

127          128          129  130      131              132           133  134
140          251          10   75       180              6065          3    819
651-652-653  654-655-656  657  658-659  660-661-662-663  664-665-666   667  668-669-670-671-672-673-674
70- 60- 10   200-1-  50   10   5-  70   100-6-  4-  70   5-  60- 6000  3    30- 70- 3-  700-6-  4-  6

135                      136      137               138                  139              140
850                      66       2112              246                  808              2707
675-676-677-678-679-680  681-682  683-684- 685-686  687-688-689-690-691  692-693-694-695  696-697-698-699-700-701-702- 703
60- 10- 700-6-  4-  70   60- 6    2-  2000-40- 70   30- 90- 70- 50- 6    5-  3-  300-500  30- 1-  50- 6-  60- 60- 2000-500

141                                  142                           143
305                                  2466                          318
704-705-706-707-708-709-710-711-712  713-714-715-716-717-718- 719  720-721-722-723-724-725-726
100-30- 90- 10- 8-  1-  40- 6-  20   30- 70- 200-70- 90- 2000-6    80- 70- 40- 70- 8-  10- 40

144              145                      146      147                      148
506              256                      61       679                      110
727-728-729-730  731-732-733-734-735-736  737-738  739-740-741-742-743-744  745-746-747-748-749
200-300-5-  1    50- 70- 10- 100-6-  20   60- 1    500-70- 90- 10- 3-  6    30- 70- 4-  5-  1

149                           150                               151                  152  153
3329                          5830                              219                  100  2221
750-751-752-753-754-755-756   757-758-759-760-761- 762-763-764  765-766-767-768-769  770  771-772- 773-774-775-776
4-  70- 100-80- 70- 5-  3000  9-  1-  30- 40- 5000-700-10- 40   9-  1-  3-  6-  200  100  100-2000-60- 1-  50- 10

154                                           155      156
2229                                          150      1239
777-778-779-780-781-782-783-784-785- 786-787  788-789  790-791-792-793-794-795-796-797-798
10- 9-  90- 1-  10- 40- 6-  3-  2000-50- 10   80- 70   10- 100-800-6-  100-200-3-  10- 10

157      158      159                  160
510      19       115                  526
799-800  801-802  803-804-805-806-807  808-809-810-811-812-813-814-815-816-817
10- 500  10- 9    9-  6-  50- 40- 10   6-  4-  10- 80- 6-  200-100-30- 70- 20

There are 160 words (nf) and 817 letters (nf).

Numeric total: 280329 = 3 x 72 x 1907. SF: 1924 = 22 x 13 x 37.

This numeric feature of the Russian verses follows feature B.2 found in the original Hebrew. The totals for each Russian verse are given below.

42871 20872 41235 38300 43753 26549 37950 28799

(Note: Not one verse is divisible by seven or thirteen on its own.)

Odd positioned verses:

42871 41235 43753 37950

Total: 165809 = 7 x 23687.

Even positioned verses:

20872 38300 26549 28799

Total: 114520 = 23 x 5 x 7 x 409. SF: 427 = 7 x 61.

The first letter of each word has no feature, but the last letter of each word does:

Last letter of each word:
10 3000 30 5000 300 1 30 6 6 3 6 6 20 3000 20 600 10 10 6 2000 2000
10 10 10 4 10 10 4 3000 10 5000 6000 10 6 6 10 6 10 3 10 10 10 500
10 10 2000 1 3000 60 10 100 50 6 70 70 6000 30 300 10 5 50 6000 2000
9 70 10 70 1 500 70 3000 10 3000 70 300 500 10 10 10 4 1 6000 1 70
70 3 90 1 70 6 500 5 6000 3 70 2000 10 6000 5 50 1 10 10 2000 300 4
10 2000 70 10 3000 2000 30 70 10 3 2000 10 9 1 5 50 70 6 3000 300 10
50 10 70 70 6000 3 6 70 6 70 6 500 500 20 6 40 1 20 1 6 1 3000 40
200 100 10 10 70 10 500 9 10 20

Total: 105518 = 2 x 7 x 7537. SF: 7546 = 2 x 73 x 11.

While the first letter of each word by itself produced nothing, first and last letters is something else: 119457 = 32 x 13 x 1021.

Odd positioned words:

10 30 760 285 9426 6762 2480 3251 10 109 2169 6265 813 366 3395 5210
10 9135 2466 3 10 510 10 1 460 100 109 239 30 850 933 2307 270 704
2960 4170 3507 797 10 7179 220 61 80 109 73 8803 11160 82 691 66 814
2324 999 10 80 5531 231 227 2078 19 181 130 7197 140 10 180 3 850
2112 808 305 318 256 679 3329 219 2221 150 510 115

Total: 131482 = 2 x 132 x 389. (There is no corresponding coincidence with the even positioned words because the temple is not God and was an earthly structure.)

Odd valued letters:

1 1 1 1 9 5 3 9 1 3 1 1 5 3 1 9 1 3 5 3 3 3 5 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3
9 1 3 1 3 5 3 3 9 1 3 9 5 3 3 3 3 9 1 3 1 5 1 3 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 5 3
3 3 1 1 5 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 5 3 1 3 3 3 5 9 3 1 5 5 1 3 3 1 9 3 1 1 1
5 5 3 3 5 3 1 1 5 1 1 3 5 1 5 9 1 9 1 3 1 9 1 3 3 9 9

Total: 429 = 3 x 11 x 13.

Odd positioned letters with even values:

10 70 90 40 100 30 5000 70 70 70 300 90 60 30 100 10 90 10 3000 6000
6 50 100 600 10 6 70 70 2000 6 200 100 50 20 6 6000 10 90 800 10 100
100 6 800 60 10 90 10 6 2000 80 6000 10 900 60 10 10 70 700 4 80 60
100 10 70 700 4 70 80 60 10 30 60 5000 70 90 60 6000 6 900 60 2000
900 30 200 90 6 2000 10 100 10 10 10 6 40 10 100 6000 6 60 30 10 6
10 2000 600 90 100 40 50 60 100 10 6 2 6 200 70 40 100 2 800 6 6000
60 50 800 10 90 70 700 4 50 90 60 100 8 90 10 50 40 70 70 30 300 60
4 100 70 70 70 2000 60 70 60 10 700 100 10 3000 70 90 40 200 80 50
70 6 200 300 500 6 40 100 6000 6 60 30 30 6 200 4 100 70 60 60 50
100 70 4 10 500 70 200 6 200 500 70 30 2000 3000 500 90 50 2 500 90
50 80 70 200 90 40 30 2000 3000 60 6 200 50 70 700 4 10 70 90 40 500
90 50 100 6 500 30 6 10 6 200 6 70 10 300 10 3000 6 200 200 30 200 4
40 10 6 200 10 60 2 40 10 100 6000 10 10 90 10 70 60 60 30 40 100 60
90 8 70 10 10 70 6 70 60 70 700 4 60 700 4 60 2 40 30 70 6 500 6 60
500 30 10 6 30 200 90 6 70 70 10 200 50 10 6 60 500 90 30 4 70 80 30
5000 10 200 100 60 50 10 90 10 6 2000 10 70 100 6 200 10 10 10 50 10
4 80 200 30 20

Total: 130088 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 23 x 101.

Even positioned letters with even values:

100 2 10 3000 600 90 100 40 50 60 60 80 10 6 40 200 60 6 6000 6 400
60 50 30 200 90 20 100 3000 6 3000 70 50 100 600 80 10  40 6 200 90
20 10 2000 40 10 70 60 40 100 6000 6 60 30 30 6 10 70 6 40 30 6 4
100 70 6 3000 100 10 10 100 2 10 10 100 100 6000 6 60 6 6 10 70 70
2000  2 40 30 60 10 60 100 10 500 900 60 10 10 40 200 3000 70 70 70
10 60 50 100 70 900 100 10 90 10 6 70 70 90 6 100 30 6 300 40 80 6
30 6 70 80 10 70  6000 6 200 2000 6 30 4 10 90 80 70 70 30 200 30
200 90 500 6 70 50 8 70 100 10 40 200 10 80 6 6 10 3000 70 60 8 100
10 10 60 100 10 900 60 10 10 70  700 4 6 70 80 6000 6 200 6 70 90 90
50 100 6000 70 100 6000 2000 80 90 40 6000 6 300 10 70 10 70 6 300
10 2000 90 100 10 10 90 40 6000 50 100 70 30 6  80 30 2000 10 6 300
10 2000 90 300 70 700 4 800 100 2000 4 10 2000 60 40 100 800 100
2000 700 70 70 70 30 800 100 70 2000 2000 10 200 40 900 80 6 90  50
70 6 2000 2000 10 3000 300 300 60 200 50 100 4 6000 30 6 6 10 6 70 6
2000 70 90 50 300 30 50 60 2000 100 90 8 40 20 70 70 2000 80 40 8 40
300 70  100 20 70 10 6 70 4 100 70 3000 40 700 40 6 100 2000 10 40
50 80 10 800 100 10 500 6 40 6 10 6 100 70

Total: 149812 = 2 x 2 x 13 x 43 x 67.

Even positioned letters with odd values:

1 1 5 3 9 1 3 3 9 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 9 3 3 1 1 5 1 5 3 3 5 1
1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 5 9 3 5 3 1 1 1 5 5 3 5 1 1 5 1 1 1 9 1 3 3 9

Total: 203 = 7 x 29.

66 Letter Alphabet (With Capitals)

Numeric total: 1213978164 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 29 x 71 x 7019. SF: 7133 = 7 x 1019.

Although the numeric features in the Russian verses do not follow the Hebrew verses exactly here, there are other complementary features following Revelation 1:8.

Verse totals using 66 letters:
182478121 105110020 182179395 173186111 176027599 116530010 168308010

Even positioned verses:

105110020 173186111 116530010 110158898

Total: 504985039 = 13 x 1229 x 31607.

First half of the verses:

182478121 105110020 182179395 173186111

Total: 642953647 = 7 x 7 x 13121503.

Last half of the verses:

176027599 116530010 168308010 110158898

Total: 571024517 = 7 x 233 x 350107

The inner four verses:

182179395 173186111 176027599 116530010

Total: 647923115 = 5 x 7 x 89 x 208001.

The outer four verses:

182478121 105110020 168308010 110158898

Total: 566055049 = 7 x 19 x 191 x 22283.

Words in even positions having even values:

11585000 23607000 307000 739000 9000 10530000 33930000 6340000
15587000 70000 37569000 70000 4539000 70000 32085000 739000 6109000
8178000 1300000 1200000 37569000 9009000 12607000 70000 570000
8347000 37484000 1430000 1150000 32570000 130000 70000 1997000
2149000 70000 900000 2070000 1209000 4539000 2130000 9000 2814000
31239100 920000 4218000 11809000 47790000 2330000 70000 11809000
4539000 14530000 10 14530000 5200000 6939000 8178000 37756000
1306000 330000 2757000 1007000 420000 30320000 4569000 330000
1320000 10927000 10320000 1727000 307000 527000 24427000 700000
9146010 7449000 130000 2680006 

Total: 666012126 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 8538617. SF: 8538635 = 5 x 7 x 23 x 10607.

Letters in odd positions having odd values:

1 5 3 5

Total: 14 = 2 x 7.

Taking every Nth word, the following values of N select a series of words with a total divisible by seven:

3 4 5 8 16 30 32 34 39 43 46 49 60 62 70 71

The sum of N: 572 = 22 x 11 x 13. SF: 28 = 22 x 7.

Only three words have totals that are prime numbers:

82   133 149
6389 3   3329

The sum of their positions: 364 = 22 x 7 x 13.

The sum of the positions of words that are not prime numbers: 12516 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 149.

Prophecy of Cyrus2

Я воздвиг его от севера и он придет от восхода солнца будет
призывать имя Мое и попирать владык как грязь и топтать как
горшечник глину Кто возвестил об этом изначала чтобы нам знать и
задолго пред тем чтобы нам можно было сказать правда Но никто не
сказал никто не возвестил никто не слыхал слов ваших Я первый сказал
Сиону вот оно и дал Иерусалиму благовестника (Книга пророка Исаии
41:25-27; Isaiah 41:25-27)

33 Letter Alphabet (No Capitals)

1     2                3        4       5                   6   7      8
6000  104              80       270     206                 10  130    391
1     2-3- 4-5-6-7- 8  9-10-11  12-13   14- 15-16-17-18-19  20  21-22  23-24-25-26-27-28
6000  3-70-9-5-3-10-4  6-4- 70  70-200  100-6- 3- 6- 90-1   10  70-60  80-90-10-5- 6- 200

9       10                      11                   12                13
270     749                     871                  513               5393
29-30   31-32-33- 34- 35-36-37  38- 39-40-41-42- 43  44-45- 46-47-48   49-50-51-52-53-  54-55-56- 57
70-200  3- 70-100-500-70-5- 1   100-70-40-60-600-1   2- 300-5- 6- 200  80-90-10-9- 2000-3- 1- 200-3000

14          15        16  17                          18                   19        20
6060        126       10  3531                        2079                 61        9103
58-59-60    61-62-63  64  65-66-67-68-69-70-71- 72    73-74-75-76-77-  78  79-80-81  82-83-84-  85-86
10-50-6000  50-70-6   10  80-70-80-10-90-1- 200-3000  3- 40-1- 5- 2000-30  30-1- 30  4- 90-6000-9- 3000

21  22                         23        24                                 25
10  3751                       61        1770                               414
87  88- 89-90-91- 92-93- 94    95-96-97  98-99-100-101-102-103-104-105-106  107-108-109-110-111
10  200-70-80-200-1- 200-3000  30-1- 30  4- 70-90- 800-6-  700-60- 10- 30   4-  40- 10- 60- 300

26           27                                   28       29                30
300          441                                  72       4320              822
112-113-114  115-116-117-118-119-120-121-122-123  124-125  126- 127-128-129  130-131-132-133-134-135-136-137
30- 200-70   3-  70- 9-  3-  6-  100-200-10- 40   70- 2    4000-200-70- 50   10- 9-  60- 1-  700-1-  40- 1

31                    32           33                    34   35
2972                  111          3270                  10   199
138-139-140-141-142   143-144-145  146-147-148-149-150   151  152-153-154-155-156-157-158
700-200-70- 2-  2000  60- 1-  50   9-  60- 1-  200-3000  10   9-  1-  5-  70- 40- 4-  70

36               37           38                    39           40                   41
181              256          2972                  111          258                  2112
159-160-161-162  163-164-165  166-167-168-169-170   171-172-173  174-175-176-177-178  179-180- 181-182
80- 90- 6-  5    200-6-  50   700-200-70- 2-  2000  60- 1-  50   50- 70- 8-  60- 70   2-  2000-40- 70

42                            43                       44       45                   46
3341                          180                      130      370                  66
183-184-185-186-187-188-189   190-191-192-193-194-195  196-197  198-199-200-201-202  203-204
100-30- 1-  9-  1-  200-3000  80- 90- 1-  3-  5-  1    60- 70   60- 10- 30- 200-70   60- 6

47                       48                   49       50
181                      370                  66       441
205-206-207-208-209-210  211-212-213-214-215  216-217  218-219-220-221-222-223-224-225-226
100-30- 1-  9-  1-  40   60- 10- 30- 200-70   60- 6    3-  70- 9-  3-  6-  100-200-10- 40

51                   52       53                        54               55
370                  66       2681                      213              1314
227-228-229-230-231  232-233  234-235-236- 237-238-239  240-241-242-243  244-245-246-247-248
60- 10- 30- 200-70   60- 6    100-40- 2000-500-1-  40   100-40- 70- 3    3-  1-  800-10- 500

56    57                        58                       59                   60
6000  2199                      181                      540                  273
249   250-251-252-253-254- 255  256-257-258-259-260-261  262-263-264-265-266  267-268-269
6000  80- 6-  90- 3-  2000-20   100-30- 1-  9-  1-  40   100-10- 70- 60- 300  3-  70- 200

61           62   63           64                                       65
200          10   46           907                                      527
270-271-272  273  274-275-276  277-278-279-280-281-282-283-284-285-286  287-288-289-290-291-292-293-294-295-296-297-298-299
70- 60- 70   10   5-  1-  40   10- 6-  90- 300-100-1-  40- 10- 50- 300  2-  40- 1-  4-  70- 3-  6-  100-200-60- 10- 30- 1

Number of words: 65 = 5 x 13.
Number of letters: 299 = 13 x 23.
Total: 81042 = 2 x 3 x 13 x 1039. SF: 1057 = 7 x 151.

Last letter of each word:

6000 4 70 200 1 10 60 200 200 1 1 200 3000 6000 6 10 3000 30 30 3000
10 3000 30 30 300 70 40 2 50 1 2000 50 3000 10 70 5 50 2000 50 70 70
3000 1 70 70 6 40 70 6 40 70 6 40 3 500 6000 20 40 300 200 70 10 40
300 1 

Total: 43834 = 2 x 7 x 31 x 101.

First and last letters of each word: 64142 = 2 x 13 x 2467.

Odd positioned words:

6000 80 206 130 270 871 5393 126 3531 61 10 61 414 441 4320 2972
3270 199 256 111 2112 180 370 181 66 370 2681 1314 2199 540 200 46

Total: 39508 = 22 x 7 x 17 x 83

Even positioned letters with even values:

4 4 70 100 90 10 60 90 200 200 70 500 100 40 600 2 200 90 200 10
6000 70 10 70 10 3000 40 30 4 6000 3000 200 80 3000 4 90 6 60 30 40
60 30 70 70 100 10 70 4000 70 10 60 700 40 700 70 2000 3000 40 70 90
6 700 70 2000 50 8 70 2000 70 30 200 80 60 60 30 70 6 30 40 10 200
60 6 200 40 10 200 60 100 2000 100 70 800 500 80 90 2000 100 100 70
300 70 70 70 40 6 300 10 300 40 4 100 60 30 

Total: 49420 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 353.

Position total of odd valued letters: 9789 = 3 x 13 x 251.
Position total of even valued letters: 35061 = 3 x 13 x 29 x 31.

Letters that were prime numbers:

2 5 6 16 26 31 36 44 46 54 73 76 115 118 125 141 154
3 5 3 3  5  3  5  2  5  3  3  5  3   3   2   2   5

162 169 179 193 194 218 221 243 244 253 267 274 287 292
5   2   2   3   5   3   3   3   3   3   3   5   2   3   

Total of the positions: 4264 = 23 x 13 x 41. Total of the letters: 105 = 3 x 5 x 7.

Letters that were not prime numbers:

1     3  4   7  8 9 10 11 12 13  14  15  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
6000  70 9   10 4 6 4  70 70 200 100 6   6  90 1  10 70 60 80 90

25  27 28  29 30   32 33  34  35  37 38  39 40 41 42  43  45   47
10  6  200 70 200  70 100 500 70  1  100 70 40 60 600 1   300  6

48  49 50 51 52 53    55 56  57   58 59 60   61 62 63 64 65 66 67
200 80 90 10 9  2000  1  200 3000 10 50 6000 50 70 6  10 80 70 80

68 69 70 71  72    74 75  77   78 79 80 81 82 83 84   85 86   87
10 90 1  200 3000  40 1   2000 30 30 1  30 4  90 6000 9  3000 10

88  89 90 91  92 93  94   95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
200 70 80 200 1  200 3000 30 1  30 4  70 90  800 6   700 60  10

106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114  116 117  119 120 121 122 123
30  4   40  10  60  300 30  200 70   70  9    6   100 200 10  40

124  126  127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
70   4000 200 70  50  10  9   60  1   700 1   40  1   700 200 70

142  143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150  151 152 153  155 156 157
2000 60  1   50  9   60  1   200 3000 10  9   1    70  40  4

158 159 160 161  163 164 165 166 167 168  170  171 172 173 174 175
70  80  90  6    200 6   50  700 200 70   2000 60  1   50  50  70

176 177 178  180  181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189  190 191 192
8   60  70   2000 40  70  100 30  1   9   1   200 3000 80  90  1

195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
1   60  70  60  10  30  200 70  60  6   100 30  1   9   1   40

211 212 213 214 215 216 217  219 220  222 223 224 225 226 227 228
60  10  30  200 70  60  6    70  9    6   100 200 10  40  60  10

229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236  237 238 239 240 241 242   245 246
30  200 70  60  6   100 40  2000 500 1   40  100 40  70    1   800

247 248 249  250 251 252  254  255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
10  500 6000 80  6   90   2000 20  100 30  1   9   1   40  100 10

264 265 266  268 269 270 271 272 273  275 276 277 278 279 280 281
70  60  300  70  200 70  60  70  10   1   40  10  6   90  300 100

282 283 284 285 286  288 289 290 291  293 294 295 296 297 298 299
1   40  10  50  300  40  1   4   70   6   100 200 60  10  30  1

Sum of the positions: 40586 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 223. SF: 245 = 5 x 72

66 Letter Alphabet (With Capitals)

The numeric total: 282974250 = 2 x 3 x 53 x 13 x 29023.

Ten words were divisible by 13.

10      26      31       32     38       39     53       54
3536000 1200030 13208000 507000 13208000 507000 10907000 1209000

60      64
1209000 3507010

Together they are not only divisible by 13, but by 7 twice: 48998040 = 23 x 3 x 5 x 72 x 13 x 641.

Odd positioned groups of 23 letters:

6000 9000 400000 60000 20000 9000 70000 10000 30000 10000 400000
400000 800000 700000 30000 9000 30000 600000 7000 70000 400000
300000 500000 30000 800000 500000 600000 70000 60000 8000000 9000
7000 800000 9000000 70000 200000 30000000 50 400000 30000 70000
500000 400000 500000 70000 600000 800000 9000000 90000 7000 90000
10000 400000 600000 5000000 30000 4000000 300000 70000 90000 10000
100000 70000 300000 900000 30 800000 400000 9000 800000 400000 8000
8000000 300000 7000 200000 60000 300000 7000 800000 9000000 70000
60000 7000 20000 400000 100000 10000 400000 500000 600000 30000 7000
60000 7000 800000 9000000 500000 600000 7000 9000 20000 7000 60
400000 300000 70000 90000 800000 400000 300000 30000 700000 90000
7000 400000 300000 30000 700000 100000 8000000 2000000 7000 100000
700000 100000 400000 9000 9000 7000 5000000 70000 2000000 6000
500000 30000 600000 9000 10 30000 600000 900000 700000 7000 100000
70000 200000 900000 8000 100000 7000 10000 400000 9000 30000 700000
800000 300000 70000 90000 7000 

Total: 144060150 = 2 x 3 x 52 x 13 x 73877. SF: 73905 = 3 x 5 x 13 x 379.

Even positioned groups of 23 letters:

600000 70000 20000 30000 800000 400000 800000 9000 400000 700000
2000000 400000 20000 7000 700000 400000 100000 300000 3000000 7000
8000 900000 20000 7000 800000 9000000 9000 100000 7000 20000 8000000
90000 90000 7000 90000 10000 600000 30000000 60000 9000000 70000
800000 400000 500000 800000 7000 400000 60000 9000 30000 700000
800000 70000 100000 400000 8000 10000000 800000 400000 200000 70000
60000 300000 7000 4000000 7000 100000 7000 4000000 20000 800000
30000 200000 4000000 800000 400000 8000 8000000 300000 7000 200000
200000 400000 50000 300000 400000 8000 8000000 100000 400000 700000
90000 60000 7000 100000 300000 70000 90000 800000 400000 300000
30000 9000 400000 60000 9000 30000 700000 800000 70000 100000 300000
70000 90000 800000 8000000 80000 700000 90000 7000 60000 7000 100000
100 70000 400000 300000 900000 9000 400000 800000 400000 300000
400000 70000 20000 7000 100000 

Total: 138914100 = 22 x 32 x 52 x 13 x 31 x 383.

Prophecy of Jesus

Вот Отрок Мой Которого Я держу за руку избранный Мой к которому
благоволит душа Моя Положу дух Мой на Него и возвестит народам суд
не возопиет и не возвысит голоса Своего и не даст услышать его на
улицах трости надломленной не переломит и льна курящегося не угасит
будет производить суд по истине не ослабеет и не изнеможет доколе на
земле не утвердит суда и на закон Его будут уповать острова (Книга
пророка Исаии 42:1-4; Isaiah 42:1-4)

33 Letter Alphabet (No Capitals)

1         2                3         4                         5     6                7
273       460              140       604                       6000  409              10
1-2- 3    4- 5-  6- 7- 8   9- 10-11  12-13-14- 15-16-17-18-19  20    21-22-23-24-25   26-27
3-70-200  70-200-90-70-30  50-70-20  30-70-200-70-90-70-4- 70  6000  5- 6- 90-8- 300  9- 1

8              9                             10        11  12                         13
720            2252                          140       30  880                        440
28-29- 30-31   32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-  40  41-42-43  44  45-46-47- 48-49-50-51-52   53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62
90-300-30-300  10-9- 2- 90-1- 60-60-2000-20  50-70-20  30  30-70-200-70-90-70-50-300  2- 40-1- 4- 70-3- 70-40-10-200

14             15          16                  17          18        19     20           21
1106           6120        568                 805         140       61     140          10
63-64- 65- 66  67-68-69    70-71-72-73-74-75   76-77- 78   79-80-81  82-83  84-85-86-87  88
5- 300-800-1   50-70-6000  80-70-40-70-8- 300  5- 300-500  50-70-20  60-1   60-6- 4- 70  10

22                             23                         24           25       26
601                            277                        405          66       448
89-90-91-92-93-94- 95- 96-97   98-99-100-101-102-103-104  105-106-107  108-109  110-111-112-113-114-115-116-117
3- 70-9- 3- 6- 100-200-10-200  60-1- 90- 70- 5-  1-  50   100-300-5    60- 6    3-  70- 9-  70- 80- 10- 6-  200

27   28       29                                30                       31
10   66       2395                              285                      253
118  119-120  121-122-123-124-125- 126-127-128  129-130-131-132-133-134  135-136-137-138-139-140
10   60- 6    3-  70- 9-  3-  2000-100-10- 200  4-  70- 40- 70- 100-1    100-3-  70- 6-  4-  70

32   33       34               35                                 36           37       38
10   66       306              6441                               80           61       1451
141  142-143  144-145-146-147  148-149-150-151- 152-153-154-155   156-157-158  159-160  161-162-163-164-165-166
10   60- 6    5-  1-  100-200  300-100-40- 2000-800-1-  200-3000  6-  4-  70   60- 1    300-40- 10- 600-1-  500

39                       40                                               41       42
670                      482                                              66       552
167-168-169-170-171-172  173-174-175-176-177-178-179-180-181-182-183-184  185-186  187-188-189-190-191-192-193-194-195
200-90- 70- 100-200-10   60- 1-  5-  40- 70- 50- 40- 6-  60- 60- 70- 20   60- 6    80- 6-  90- 6-  40- 70- 50- 10- 200

43   44                45                                         46       47
10   3101              13500                                      66       615
196  197-198- 199-200  201-202-203-204- 205-206-207-208-209-210   211-212  213-214-215-216-217-218
10   40- 3000-60- 1    30- 300-90- 6000-900-6-  4-  70- 100-6000  60- 6    300-4-  1-  100-10- 200

48                   49                                            50           51       52
513                  3547                                          405          150      386
219-220-221-222-223  224-225-226-227-228-229-230-231-232-233-234   235-236-237  238-239  240-241-242-243-244-245
2-  300-5-  6-  200  80- 90- 70- 10- 9-  3-  70- 5-  10- 200-3000  100-300-5    80- 70   10- 100-200-10- 60- 6

53       54                               55   56       57
66       425                              10   66       419
246-247  248-249-250-251-252-253-254-255  256  257-258  259-260-261-262-263-264-265-266-267
60- 6    70- 100-40- 1-  2-  6-  6-  200  10   60- 6    10- 9-  60- 6-  50- 70- 8-  6-  200

58                       59       60                   61       62
221                      61       111                  66       814
268-269-270-271-272-273  274-275  276-277-278-279-280  281-282  283-284-285-286-287-288-289-290
5-  70- 30- 70- 40- 6    60- 1    9-  6-  50- 40- 6    60- 6    300-200-3-  6-  90- 5-  10- 200

63               64   65       66                   67           68                   69
406              10   61       170                  80           807                  3654
291-292-293-294  295  296-297  298-299-300-301-302  303-304-305  306-307-308-309-310  311-312-313-314-315-316-317
100-300-5-  1    10   60- 1    9-  1-  30- 70- 60   6-  4-  70   2-  300-5-  300-200  300-80- 70- 3-  1-  200-3000

70- 100-200-90- 70- 3-  1

Numeric total: 66573 = 32 x 13 x 569. SF: 588 = 22 x 3 x 72 SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

Odd positioned words:

273 140 6000 10 2252 30 440 6120 805 61 10 277 66 10 2395 253 66
6441 61 670 66 10 13500 615 3547 150 66 10 419 61 66 406 61 80 3654

Total: 49091 = 7 x 7013 = 7020 = 22 x 33 x 5 x 13.

Odd valued words:

273 409 805 61 601 277 405 2395 285 253 6441 61 1451 3101 615 513
3547 405 425 419 221 61 111 61 807

Total: 24003 = 33 x 7 x 127. SF: 143 = 11 x 13.

Odd valued words:

1   6   17  19 22  23  24  29   30  31  35   37 38   44   47  48
273 409 805 61 601 277 405 2395 285 253 6441 61 1451 3101 615 513

49   50  54  57  58  59 60  65 68
3547 405 425 419 221 61 111 61 807

Total: 24003 = 33 x 7 x 127. SF: 143 = 11 x 13.

Beginning with the first word, and taking every Nth word after, the following values of N list words that together would be divisible by seven:

2 4 13 23 28

Total of N: 70 = 2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

The sum of the middle 62 words and sum of the middle 42 words are both divisible by 13.

The middle 62 words:
6000 409 10 720 2252 140 30 880 440 1106 6120 568 805 140 61 140 10
601 277 405 66 448 10 66 2395 285 253 10 66 306 6441 80 61 1451 670
482 66 552 10 3101 13500 66 615 513 3547 405 150 386 66 425 10 66
419 221 61 111 66 814 406 10 61 170
Total: 60021 = 35 x 13 x 19.
The middle 42 words:
6120 568 805 140 61 140 10 601 277 405 66 448 10 66 2395 285 253 10
66 306 6441 80 61 1451 670 482 66 552 10 3101 13500 66 615 513 3547
405 150 386 66 425 10 66
Total: 45695 = 5 x 13 x 19 x 37.

Why 62 and 42? Because 64 + 42 = 104 = 23 x 13.

Odd positioned groups of 3 letters:

3 70 200 70 30 50 70 200 70 70 6000 5 300 9 1 300 10 9 60 60 2000 20
30 30 90 70 50 1 4 70 10 200 5 50 70 6000 70 8 300 50 70 20 6 4 70 9
3 6 200 60 1 1 50 100 6 3 70 10 6 200 3 70 9 10 200 4 100 1 100 4 70
10 1 100 200 2000 800 1 4 70 60 10 600 1 70 100 200 5 40 70 60 60 70
80 6 90 50 10 200 60 1 30 900 6 4 60 6 300 10 200 2 200 80 90 3 70 5
100 300 5 100 200 10 6 70 100 6 6 200 10 9 60 8 6 200 70 40 6 6 50
40 300 200 3 10 200 100 10 60 1 70 60 6 300 5 300 70 3 1 100 200 90 

Total: 28873 = 13 x 2221.

Even positioned groups of 3 letters:

70 200 90 70 20 30 90 70 4 6 90 8 90 300 30 2 90 1 20 50 70 70 200
70 300 2 40 3 70 40 300 800 1 80 70 40 5 300 500 60 1 60 10 3 70 100
200 10 90 70 5 300 5 60 9 70 80 10 60 6 3 2000 100 70 40 70 3 70 6
60 6 5 300 100 40 200 3000 6 1 300 40 500 200 90 10 60 1 50 40 6 20
60 6 6 40 70 10 40 3000 300 90 6000 70 100 6000 4 1 100 300 5 6 70
10 9 10 200 3000 80 70 10 60 6 60 40 1 2 10 60 6 6 50 70 5 70 30 60
1 9 6 60 6 6 90 5 300 5 1 9 1 30 4 70 2 200 300 80 200 3000 70 70 3

Total: 37700 = 22 x 52 x 13 x 29. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.

Odd positioned groups of 54 letters:

3 70 200 70 200 90 70 30 50 70 20 30 70 200 70 90 70 4 70 6000 5 6
90 8 300 9 1 90 300 30 300 10 9 2 90 1 60 60 2000 20 50 70 20 30 30
70 200 70 90 70 50 300 2 40 6 3 70 9 70 80 10 6 200 10 60 6 3 70 9 3
2000 100 10 200 4 70 40 70 100 1 100 3 70 6 4 70 10 60 6 5 1 100 200
300 100 40 2000 800 1 200 3000 6 4 70 60 1 300 40 10 200 2 300 5 6
200 80 90 70 10 9 3 70 5 10 200 3000 100 300 5 80 70 10 100 200 10
60 6 60 6 70 100 40 1 2 6 6 200 10 60 6 10 9 60 6 50 70 8 6 200 5 70

Total: 29029 = 7 x 11 x 13 x 29.

Even positioned groups of 54 letters:

1 4 70 3 70 40 10 200 5 300 800 1 50 70 6000 80 70 40 70 8 300 5 300
500 50 70 20 60 1 60 6 4 70 10 3 70 9 3 6 100 200 10 200 60 1 90 70
5 1 50 100 300 5 60 10 600 1 500 200 90 70 100 200 10 60 1 5 40 70
50 40 6 60 60 70 20 60 6 80 6 90 6 40 70 50 10 200 10 40 3000 60 1
30 300 90 6000 900 6 4 70 100 6000 60 6 300 4 1 100 70 40 6 60 1 9 6
50 40 6 60 6 300 200 3 6 90 5 10 200 100 300 5 1 10 60 1 9 1 30 70
60 6 4 70 2 300 5 300 200 300 80 70 3 1 200 3000 70 100 200 90 70 3

Total: 37544 = 23 x 13 x 192

Pulling every Nth letter, the following values of N will select a list of letters divisible by 7:

4 7 8 12 15 19 22 37 39 44 51 56 61 71 94 108 113 119 121 128 132 150 157

Total of N: 1568 = 25 x 72.

The middle N letters are divisible by 13 when N is one of the following values:

316 240 238 216 204 192 182 172 156 144 116 112 94 88 34 30

Total: 2534 = 2 x 7 x 181.

66 Letter Alphabet (With Capitals)

Numeric total: 261999549 = 33 x 7 x 317 x 4373. SF: 4706 = 2 x 13 x 181. SF: 196 = 22 x 72.

Exactly fourteen words are now divisible by seven:

1       2       13      21    27    30      31     32    35
1200003 1890070 1904000 70000 70000 1617000 849100 70000 24507000

42      43    55    60     64
2730000 70000 70000 420000 70000

Odd valued words: 1200003 = 3 x 7 x 57143. (There is only one.)

Even valued words:

1890070 480050 3010030 6000 1600000 67000 2490000 9425000 480050
90000 3790000 1904000 5927000 30400050 1850080 2920000 480050 307000
440060 70000 2878000 1534000 1620000 330000 2269000 70000 330000
10048000 1617000 849100 70000 330000 1527000 24507000 440000 307000
6077000 3370000 2237000 330000 2730000 70000 9407000 68730000 330000
2487000 1758000 11929000 1620000 900000 1970000 330000 2075000 70000
330000 1940000 1040000 307000 420000 330000 3229000 1627000 70000
307000 857000 410006 2628000 11616000 2916000 

Total: 260799546 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 6209513. SF: 6209525 = 52 x 72 x 37 x 137.

Words can be grouped Nth and Nth last where together and individually the groups are divisible by 13. There are four in this case.

Start of     End of
group        group
   14        22
   14        33
   23        33
   25        32

The first group is from the 14th to 22nd words: 45272240 = 24 x 5 x 13 x 101 x 431.
This is paired with a group from the other end, the 14th last to 22nd last words: 21164000 = 25 x 53 x 11 x 13 x 37.
Together the symmetrically placed groups total: 66436240 = 24 x 5 x 13 x 127 x 503.

Nth group is from the 14th to 33rd words: 64339340 = 22 x 5 x 13 x 131 x 1889.
The Nth last group is from the 14th last to 33rd last words: 118690000 = 24 x 54 x 11 x 13 x 83.
Together the symmetrically placed groups total: 183029340 = 22 x 3 x 5 x 13 x 234653.

Nth group is from the 23rd to 33rd words: 19067100 = 22 x 3 x 52 x 13 x 4889.
The Nth last group is from the 23rd last to 33rd last words: 97526000 = 24 x 53 x 112 x 13 x 31
Together the symmetrically placed groups total: 116593100 = 22 x 52 x 132 x 6899.

Nth group is from the 25th to 32nd words: 15583100 = 22 x 52 x 13 x 11987.
The Nth last group is from the 25th last to 32nd last words: 87204000 = 25 x 3 x 53 x 132 x 43.
Together the symmetrically placed groups total: 102787100 = 22 x 52 x 13 x 17 x 4651.

The start and end positions of these groups add up to 196 (2 x 2 x 72).

Odd positioned letters:

3 800000 800000 400000 50 80000 400000 400000 400000 400000 20000
600000 900000 7000 900000 900000 60000 600000 300000 8000000 50
80000 90000 800000 600000 200000 8000 7000 400000 400000 70000 20000
5000000 50 30000000 400000 400000 900000 900000 50 80000 7000 30000
400000 9000 60000 30000 800000 800000 7000 400000 7000 700000 20000
30000 400000 400000 70000 800000 300000 9000 60000 8000000 70000
10000 100000 700000 100 400000 10000 70000 30000 7000 800000 700000
8000000 7000 9000000 10000 300000 900000 70000 7000 800000 400000
800000 300000 20000 400000 100000 300000 400000 300000 500000 600000
100000 200000 800000 100000 300000 90000 600000 6000000 10000 700000
300000 900000 7000 70000 8000 20000 800000 600000 70000 9000 20000
800000 700000 20000 400000 700000 70000 30000 30000 700000 7000
30000 800000 300000 70000 300000 200000 50000 800000 400000 400000
30000 7000 30000 100000 300000 900000 9000 600000 70000 700000 20000
70000 7000 7000 400000 6 400000 900000 900000 900000 400000 7000
9000000 700000 600000 9000 

Total: 131349309 = 3 x 7 x 13 x 481133. SF: 481156 = 22 x 13 x 19 x 487.

Even positioned letters:

400000 70 600000 90000 400000 30 800000 600000 10000 6000 30000
50000 60000 600000 90000 70000 8000 7000 300000 80000 400000 90000
400000 400000 400000 900000 100000 10000 9000 100000 800000 900000
7000 400000 80 100000 50000 20000 2000000 400000 300000 60 10000
70000 400000 9000 700000 70000 300000 600000 20000 200000 900000
300000 9000 60000 500000 30000 70000 30000 400000 9000 700000 800000
400000 400000 7000 9000 30000 400000 300000 20000 700000 900000
100000 5000000 800000 30000 400000 7000 100000 3000000 2000000
600000 700000 70000 7000 100000 200000 30000 300000 80000 30000
30000 30000 400000 70000 70000 9000000 7000 900000 30000000 30000
400000 30000000 30000 10000 700000 800000 900000 30000 500000 400000
60000 400000 70000 9000000 900000 500000 70000 800000 300000 300000
400000 100000 8000 30000 70000 30000 60000 30000 400000 30000 20000
90000 100000 300000 60000 200000 30000 30000 800000 30000 20000
800000 900000 7000 300000 60000 90000 300000 10000 8000 20000 800000
500000 9000 800000 400000 800000 400000 7000 

Total: 130650240 = 27 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9721. SF: 9750 = 2 x 3 x 53 x 13. (Notice how the odd positioned and even positioned letters have factors that go another level, and both of them are divisible by 13.)

The letters can be grouped three additional ways so that odd and even positioned groups would be divisible by seven.

Odd positioned groups of 3:

3 400000 800000 400000 90000 50 400000 800000 400000 400000 6000
20000 900000 60000 7000 900000 70000 60000 300000 300000 8000000
80000 90000 90000 600000 400000 200000 7000 10000 400000 70000
800000 20000 50 400000 30000000 400000 50000 900000 50 400000 80000
30000 10000 400000 60000 9000 30000 800000 300000 7000 7000 200000
700000 30000 9000 400000 70000 30000 800000 9000 400000 60000 70000
800000 10000 700000 7000 100 10000 400000 70000 7000 700000 800000
8000000 5000000 7000 10000 400000 300000 70000 3000000 7000 400000
700000 800000 20000 100000 400000 300000 300000 400000 500000 30000
600000 200000 70000 800000 300000 7000 90000 6000000 30000 10000
300000 30000 900000 70000 800000 8000 800000 500000 600000 9000
400000 20000 700000 900000 20000 700000 800000 70000 30000 400000
700000 30000 30000 800000 70000 60000 300000 50000 30000 800000
400000 100000 30000 30000 200000 100000 900000 800000 9000 70000
800000 700000 70000 300000 7000 400000 300000 6 900000 20000 900000
400000 9000 7000 700000 800000 600000 

Total: 106575259 = 7 x 1783 x 8539.

Even positioned groups of 3:

70 800000 600000 400000 80000 30 600000 400000 10000 30000 600000
50000 600000 900000 90000 8000 600000 7000 80000 50 400000 400000
800000 400000 900000 8000 100000 9000 400000 100000 900000 5000000
7000 80 400000 100000 20000 900000 2000000 300000 7000 60 70000 9000
400000 700000 800000 70000 600000 400000 20000 900000 20000 300000
60000 400000 500000 70000 300000 30000 9000 8000000 700000 400000
100000 400000 9000 400000 30000 300000 30000 20000 900000 700000
100000 800000 9000000 30000 7000 900000 100000 2000000 800000 600000
70000 300000 7000 200000 100000 30000 80000 300000 30000 30000
100000 400000 70000 100000 9000000 900000 600000 30000000 400000
700000 30000000 10000 7000 700000 900000 20000 30000 400000 70000
60000 70000 800000 9000000 500000 400000 70000 300000 30000 300000
100000 7000 8000 70000 300000 30000 30000 200000 400000 20000 400000
90000 300000 7000 60000 30000 300000 30000 30000 600000 20000 900000
20000 7000 60000 7000 90000 10000 400000 8000 800000 900000 500000
800000 9000000 400000 400000 9000 7000 

Total: 155424290 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 59 x 37633.

Odd positioned groups of 12:

3 400000 800000 70 800000 600000 400000 90000 50 400000 80000 30
900000 60000 7000 600000 900000 90000 900000 70000 60000 8000 600000
7000 600000 400000 200000 900000 8000 100000 7000 10000 400000 9000
400000 100000 400000 50000 900000 20000 900000 2000000 50 400000
80000 300000 7000 60 800000 300000 7000 600000 400000 20000 7000
200000 700000 900000 20000 300000 9000 400000 60000 9000 8000000
700000 70000 800000 10000 400000 100000 400000 7000 700000 800000
900000 700000 100000 8000000 5000000 7000 800000 9000000 30000
400000 700000 800000 70000 300000 7000 20000 100000 400000 200000
100000 30000 200000 70000 800000 70000 100000 9000000 300000 7000
90000 900000 600000 30000000 70000 800000 8000 900000 20000 30000
800000 500000 600000 400000 70000 60000 700000 800000 70000 300000
30000 300000 30000 400000 700000 100000 7000 8000 50000 30000 800000
20000 400000 90000 400000 100000 30000 300000 7000 60000 70000
800000 700000 900000 20000 7000 70000 300000 7000 60000 7000 90000
400000 9000 7000 800000 9000000 400000 700000 800000 600000 400000
9000 7000 

Total: 128636263 = 7 x 17 x 23 x 43 x 1093. SF: 1183 = 7 x 13 x 13.

Even positioned groups of 12:

400000 800000 400000 600000 400000 10000 400000 6000 20000 30000
600000 50000 300000 300000 8000000 80000 50 400000 80000 90000 90000
400000 800000 400000 70000 800000 20000 900000 5000000 7000 50
400000 30000000 80 400000 100000 30000 10000 400000 70000 9000
400000 60000 9000 30000 700000 800000 70000 30000 9000 400000 60000
400000 500000 70000 30000 800000 70000 300000 30000 700000 7000 100
9000 400000 30000 10000 400000 70000 300000 30000 20000 10000 400000
300000 7000 900000 100000 70000 3000000 7000 2000000 800000 600000
300000 300000 400000 80000 300000 30000 500000 30000 600000 30000
100000 400000 6000000 30000 10000 400000 700000 30000000 300000
30000 900000 10000 7000 700000 9000 400000 20000 70000 800000
9000000 700000 900000 20000 500000 400000 70000 30000 30000 800000
70000 300000 30000 70000 60000 300000 30000 200000 400000 30000
200000 100000 30000 300000 30000 900000 800000 9000 30000 600000
20000 400000 300000 6 10000 400000 8000 900000 20000 900000 800000
900000 500000 

Total: 133363286 = 2 x 7 x 29 x 328481.

Odd positioned groups of 54:

3 400000 800000 70 800000 600000 400000 90000 50 400000 80000 30
400000 800000 400000 600000 400000 10000 400000 6000 20000 30000
600000 50000 900000 60000 7000 600000 900000 90000 900000 70000
60000 8000 600000 7000 300000 300000 8000000 80000 50 400000 80000
90000 90000 400000 800000 400000 600000 400000 200000 900000 8000
100000 30000 9000 400000 60000 400000 500000 70000 30000 800000
70000 300000 30000 9000 400000 60000 9000 8000000 700000 70000
800000 10000 400000 100000 400000 700000 7000 100 9000 400000 30000
10000 400000 70000 300000 30000 20000 7000 700000 800000 900000
700000 100000 8000000 5000000 7000 800000 9000000 30000 10000 400000
300000 7000 900000 100000 70000 800000 8000 900000 20000 30000
800000 500000 600000 400000 70000 60000 9000 400000 20000 70000
800000 9000000 700000 900000 20000 500000 400000 70000 700000 800000
70000 300000 30000 300000 30000 400000 700000 100000 7000 8000 30000
30000 800000 70000 300000 30000 70000 60000 300000 30000 200000
400000 50000 30000 800000 20000 400000 90000 

Total: 92332303 = 7 x 13190329.

Even positioned groups of 54:

7000 10000 400000 9000 400000 100000 70000 800000 20000 900000
5000000 7000 50 400000 30000000 80 400000 100000 400000 50000 900000
20000 900000 2000000 50 400000 80000 300000 7000 60 30000 10000
400000 70000 9000 400000 60000 9000 30000 700000 800000 70000 800000
300000 7000 600000 400000 20000 7000 200000 700000 900000 20000
300000 70000 3000000 7000 2000000 800000 600000 400000 700000 800000
70000 300000 7000 20000 100000 400000 200000 100000 30000 300000
300000 400000 80000 300000 30000 500000 30000 600000 30000 100000
400000 200000 70000 800000 70000 100000 9000000 300000 7000 90000
900000 600000 30000000 6000000 30000 10000 400000 700000 30000000
300000 30000 900000 10000 7000 700000 400000 100000 30000 300000
7000 60000 30000 200000 100000 30000 300000 30000 900000 800000 9000
30000 600000 20000 70000 800000 700000 900000 20000 7000 70000
300000 7000 60000 7000 90000 400000 300000 6 10000 400000 8000
900000 20000 900000 800000 900000 500000 400000 9000 7000 800000
9000000 400000 700000 800000 600000 400000 9000 7000 

Total: 169667246 = 2 x 7 x 12119089.

These four methods of grouping the letters have their own feature: 1 + 3 + 12 + 54 = 70. (2 x 5 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.)

The values of יהוה the Hebrew name for God (10-5-6-5) point to four letters.

10     5      6      5
400000 800000 600000 800000

Total: 2600000 = 26 x 55 x 13.

It can be run seven times to count through the Russian verse.

a) 10     5      6     5     10   5  6      5      10     5  6
b) 10     15     21    26    36   41 47     52     62     67 73
c) 400000 400000 20000 60000 7000 50 800000 900000 800000 50 400000

a) 5       10    5     6    5      10     5      6       5      10
b) 78      88    93    99   104    114    119    125     130    140
c) 2000000 70000 30000 7000 200000 500000 300000 8000000 400000 400000

a) 5    6       5     10      5      6      5       (Hebrew value.)
b) 145  151     156   166     171    177    182     (Count.)
c) 7000 8000000 30000 2000000 800000 400000 300000  (Russian value.)

Total: 27231100 = 22 x 52 x 13 x 20947.

The name can also be run thirteen times to count, wrapping around to the beginning when it overshoots:

a) 10     5      6     5     10   5  6      5      10     5  6
b) 10     15     21    26    36   41 47     52     62     67 73
c) 10     15     21    26    36   41 47     52     62     67 73
d) 400000 400000 20000 60000 7000 50 800000 900000 800000 50 400000

a) 5       10    5     6    5      10     5      6       5      10
b) 78      88    93    99   104    114    119    125     130    140
c) 78      88    93    99   104    114    119    125     130    140
d) 2000000 70000 30000 7000 200000 500000 300000 8000000 400000 400000

a) 5    6       5     10      5      6      5      10     5      6
b) 145  151     156   166     171    177    182    192    197    203
c) 145  151     156   166     171    177    182    192    197    203
d) 7000 8000000 30000 2000000 800000 400000 300000 400000 100000 600000

a) 5      10     5      6    5       10     5      6      5     10
b) 208    218    223    229  234     244    249    255    260   270
c) 208    218    223    229  234     244    249    255    260   270
d) 400000 800000 800000 9000 9000000 300000 700000 800000 60000 90000

a) 5    6      5     10     5      6      5      10     5      6  5
b) 275  281    286   296    301    307    312    322    327    9  14
c) 275  281    286   296    301    307    312    322    3      9  14
d) 7000 300000 30000 300000 400000 900000 500000 400000 800000 50 800000

a) Hebrew value.
b) Count.
c) Adjusted to 324 letters.
d) Russian value.

Total: 45727150 = 2 x 52 x 7 x 130649.

261 paired groups of letters can be found that together and individually are divisible by thirteen. The groups are symmetrically positioned in the passage (Nth and Nth last).

a) 1         1         2        2        2        2         2
b) 99        118       14       25       73       93        132
c) 117832449 160133449 19295150 26539156 92617336 114189446 219581446

a) 2         2         2         2         3        3        3
b) 151       157       159       160       15       49       158
c) 236691546 254408546 257908546 257922546 20086150 47022206 255199546

a) 4       4        4         5        5        5         5
b) 6       52       88        24       62       129       138
c) 3500070 47659206 100602446 23340086 51453136 215402376 220178476

a) 6        6        7        7        8        8        8        8
b) 13       30       52       88       27       41       71       110
c) 13786080 24831086 44159136 97102376 20764086 37012136 86170266 119537376

a) 8         9       9        10       10        10        11
b) 161       18      70       28       109       112       20
c) 255913476 8326080 76650266 11481036 109631326 111017326 7933030

a) 11       11        12      12       12       12       12       12
b) 87       117       16      33       54       72       80       142
c) 85915326 143840326 5700030 14302036 33581086 75914216 82159266 207682426

a) 12        13      13       13       14       15      15       15
b) 148       26      37       84       30       25      73       93
c) 211469426 9911006 16407006 84016296 11045006 7244006 73322186 94894296

a) 15        15        15        15        15        16       16
b) 132       151       157       159       160       49       158
c) 200286296 217396396 235113396 238613396 238627396 26936056 235113396

a) 17      17       17       17       17        17        18
b) 33      54       72       80       142       148       141
c) 8602006 27881056 70214186 76459236 201982396 205769396 200862396

a) 19       20        20        20        21       21        22
b) 70       120       123       130       87       117       23
c) 68324186 142753296 174722296 195078296 77982296 135907296 930006

a) 22       22       23        24       24       25       25
b) 39       95       154       39       95       62       129
c) 17863006 91940296 219469390 16933000 91010290 28113050 192062290

a) 25        26       26       26        26        26        26
b) 138       73       93       132       151       157       159
c) 196838390 66078180 87650290 193042290 210152390 227869390 231369390

a) 26        27      27       28       28       28       28
b) 160       37      84       41       71       110      161
c) 231383390 6496000 74105290 16248050 65406180 98773290 235149390

a) 29       29       30        30        30        32       32
b) 109      112      115       131       139       47       63
c) 98150290 99536290 129636290 190501290 193947390 16794050 24165050

a) 33       33       33       33        34       34       34
b) 50       96       106      119       54       72       80
c) 18201050 86551290 93873290 130819290 19279050 61612180 67857230

a) 34        34        35       35       35        35        36
b) 142       148       46       94       122       145       42
c) 193380390 197167390 14036050 83604290 166190290 193359390 11516050

a) 36       36        37       37       37        38       39
b) 105      126       42       105      126       84       48
c) 89897290 174856290 11439050 89820290 174779290 67609290 12769050

a) 39       39       40       41       41        42       42
b) 57       91       95       75       125       71       110
c) 16801050 79278290 74077290 51553180 164440290 49158130 82525240

a) 42        43       43        44      44       44       44
b) 161       105      126       60      77       102      116
c) 218901340 78381240 163340240 7861000 51363130 76414240 114515240

a) 45        46        47       47        47        48      49
b) 140       162       94       122       145       63      57
c) 178406340 217151340 69568240 152154240 179323340 7371000 4032000

a) 49       50        51       51       51        52        52
b) 91       158       96       106      119       121       149
c) 66509240 208177340 68350240 75672240 112618240 148157240 180226340

a) 53       55       55       55        55        56       56
b) 88       72       80       142       148       78       114
c) 52943240 42333130 48578180 174101340 177888340 47751130 78073240

a) 57        57        58       59       59       59       60
b) 152       153       91       89       92       111      64
c) 191608340 191685340 62477240 51508240 62477240 74244240 2870000

a) 60        61       61       61        62       63        63
b) 124       77       102      116       107      129       138
c) 146512240 43502130 68553240 106654240 71668240 163949240 168725340

a) 65        68        68        68        69       69       69
b) 124       128       133       146       74       83       150
c) 143642240 157452190 160602190 165385290 31895080 39232130 167905290

a) 70      70       72       72        73      73        73
b) 85      90       110      161       80      142       148
c) 9962190 13371190 33367110 169743210 6245050 131768210 135555210

a) 74       74        74        74        74        74        75
b) 93       132       151       157       159       160       83
c) 21572110 126964110 144074210 161791210 165291210 165305210 7337050

a) 75        76        77        78       78       79       80
b) 150       125       156       102      116      114      104
c) 136010210 112887110 159404210 25051110 63152110 30322110 22978060

a) 81        81        82        83       83       83        83
b) 142       148       147       100      103      137       143
c) 125523160 129310160 127630160 19821060 21578060 122653160 125103160

a) 84        86      87       87        88       90       90
b) 150       90      101      155       117      92       111
c) 128673160 3409000 18704000 152147100 57925000 10969000 22736000

a) 93       94        94        94        94        94        95
b) 111      132       151       157       159       160       122
c) 11767000 105392000 122502100 140219100 143719100 143733100 82586000

a) 95        97      97       99      100      101     101       101
b) 145       106     119      113     118      103     137       143
c) 109755100 7322000 44268000 9828000 42301000 1757000 102832100 105282100

a) 102       103      104       104       106      107      109
b) 155       116      137       143       126      119      144
c) 133443100 38101000 101075100 103525100 84959000 36946000 99927100

a) 110     111       116      116      121      121      122      123
b) 112     161       131      139      123      130      149      145
c) 1386000 136376100 60865000 64311100 31969000 52325000 32069100 27169100

a) 124      129     129     130     132     133      133      133
b) 130      133     146     138     139     151      157      159
c) 20356000 3150000 7933100 4776100 3446100 17110100 34827100 38327100

a) 133      134     135    138     143     152      152      152
b) 160      146     136    143     148     157      159      160
c) 38341100 4783100 639100 2450000 3787000 17717000 21217000 21231000

a) 158     158        (Start position relative to the beginning or end.)
b) 159     160        (End position relative to the beginning or end.)
c) 3500000 3514000

The sum of the positions (lines a + b): 41860 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 23. SF: 52 = 22 x 13.

Fifty-eight letters had values divisible by seven:

a) 4  27   32    36   55   61    66   83   88    94     96    99
b) 70 7000 70000 7000 7000 70000 7000 7000 70000 700000 70000 7000

a) 103  105    115   118   126    127   133    134  141   145  146
b) 7000 700000 70000 70000 700000 70000 700000 7000 70000 7000 700000

a) 149    153  160  163   165  170    172   174  194   196   200  209
b) 700000 7000 7000 70000 7000 700000 70000 7000 70000 70000 7000 700000

a) 215  216    217   227   232   235    240   241    243   249    251
b) 7000 700000 70000 70000 70000 700000 70000 700000 70000 700000 7000

a) 256   259   275  289   291    294  295   297  299  315  319    324
b) 70000 70000 7000 70000 700000 7000 70000 7000 7000 7000 700000 7000

The positions of these letters: 10318 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 67.
From the list of 58 positions, take every 13th entry: 103 160 227 294 = 784 = 24 x 72.

The middle N letters are divisible by seven when N is one of the following fourteen values:

320 294 234 226 152 130 126 122 88 56 54 52 14 8

Total of N: 1876 = 22 x 7 x 67. SF: 78 = 2 x 3 x 13. Since the total of the passage is divisible by seven, this means the letters on either side of these middle sections would also be divisible by seven. Two of the fourteen in the list (126, and 88) split the letters into three sections with each section divisible by seven. This is a form of Revelation 1:8's is, was and is to come.

The first 99 letters
(before the middle 126): 72011443 = 7 x 10287349.
The middle 126 letters: 144167100 = 22 x 3 x 52 x 7 x 11 x 792
The last 99 letters
(after the middle 126): 72011443 = 2 x 7 x 113 x 2459.

The first 118 letters
(before the middle 88): 77527443 = 3 x 7 x 3691783 = 3691793 = 7 x 527399
The middle 88 letters: 101866100 = 22 x 52 x 72 x 20789.
the last 118 letters 
(after the middle 88): 82606006 = 2 x 7 x 1229 x 4801.

The middle 126 is the seventh in the list of fourteen, while the middle 88 is the sixth from the end of the list. It is as if they were chosen to divide the letters into sections divisible by 7 because their positions in the list (7 and 6) would come to thirteen. (Or we could count from the end of the list, in which case 88 is the sixth in the list, and 126 is the eighth in the list [6 + 8 = 14].)

The Woman & The Dragon

И явилось на небе великое знамение жена облеченная в солнце под
ногами ее луна и на главе ее венец из двенадцати звезд Она имела во
чреве и кричала от болей и мук рождения И другое знамение явилось на
небе вот большой красный дракон с семью головами и десятью рогами и
на головах его семь диадим Хвост его увлек с неба третью часть звезд
и поверг их на землю Дракон сей стал перед женою которой надлежало
родить дабы когда она родит пожрать ее младенца И родила она
младенца мужеского пола которому надлежит пасти все народы жезлом
железным и восхищено было дитя ее к Богу и престолу Его А жена
убежала в пустыню где приготовлено было для нее место от Бога чтобы
питали ее там тысячу двести шестьдесят дней
(Откровение святого Иоанна Богослова 12:1-6; Revelation 12:1-6)
1   2                         3      4            5                     6
10  9223                      61     74           165                   202
1   2-   3-4- 5- 6- 7-  8     9- 10  11-12-13-14  15-16-17-18-19-20-21  22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29
10  6000-3-10-40-70-100-3000  60-1   60-6- 2- 6   3- 6- 40-10-30-70-6   9- 60-1- 50-6- 60-10-6

7            8                                 9   10                   11        12
75           6945                              3   876                  155       195
30-31-32-33  34-35-36-37-38- 39-40-41-42-43    44  45- 46-47-48-49- 50  51-52-53  54-55-56-57-58-59
8- 6- 60-1   70-2- 40-6- 700-6- 60-60-1- 6000  3   100-70-40-60-600-6   80-70-5   60-70-4- 1- 50-10

13     14            15  16     17              18     19               20     21
12     401           10  61     54              12     675              19     891
60-61  62-63- 64-65  66  67-68  69-70-71-72-73  74-75  76-77-78-79-80   81-82  83-84-85-86-87-88-89- 90-91- 92
6- 6   40-300-60-1   10  60-1   4- 40-1- 3- 6   6- 6   3- 6- 60-6- 600  10-9   5- 3- 6- 60-1- 5- 600-1- 200-10

22              23         24                   25       26                   27   28
32              131        107                  73       805                  10   872
93-94-95-96-97  98-99-100  101-102-103-104-105  106-107  108-109-110-111-112  113  114-115-116-117-118-119-120
9- 3- 6- 9- 5   70-60-1    10- 50- 6-  40- 1    3-  70   700-90- 6-  3-  6    10   30- 90- 10- 700-1-  40- 1

29       30                   31   32           33                                34   35
270      138                  10   380          6249                              10   475
121-122  123-124-125-126-127  128  129-130-131  132-133-134-135-136-137-138-139   140  141-142-143-144-145-146
70- 200  2-  70- 40- 6-  20   10   50- 300-30   90- 70- 8-  5-  6-  60- 10- 6000  10   5-  90- 300-4-  70- 6

36                               37                             38       39               40
202                              9223                           61       74               273
147-148-149-150-151-152-153-154  155- 156-157-158-159-160-161   162-163  164-165-166-167  168-169-170
9-  60- 1-  50- 6-  60- 10- 6    6000-3-  10- 40- 70- 100-3000  60- 1    60- 6-  2-  6    3-  70- 200

41                            42                            43                       44   45
4002                          2301                          256                      100  8156
171-172-173-174- 175-176-177  178-179-180-181-182-183- 184  185-186-187-188-189-190  191  192-193-194-195- 196
2-  70- 40- 3000-800-70- 20   30- 90- 1-  100-60- 2000-20   5-  90- 1-  30- 70- 60   100  100-6-  50- 3000-5000

46                               47   48                              49
248                              10   14311                           225
197-198-199-200-201-202-203-204  205  206-207-208-209- 210-211- 212   213-214-215-216-217-218
4-  70- 40- 70- 3-  1-  50- 10   10   5-  6-  100-6000-200-3000-5000  90- 70- 4-  1-  50- 10

50   51       52                           53           54                55
10   61       688                          80           3156              81
219  220-221  222-223-224-225-226-227-228  229-230-231  232-233-234-235   236-237-238-239-240-241
10   60- 1    4-  70- 40- 70- 3-  1-  500  6-  4-  70   100-6-  50- 3000  5-  10- 1-  5-  10- 50

56                   57           58                   59   60               61
873                  80           379                  100  69               8496
242-243-244-245-246  247-248-249  250-251-252-253-254  255  256-257-258-259  260-261-262-263-264- 265
500-3-  70- 100-200  6-  4-  70   300-3-  40- 6-  30   100  60- 6-  2-  1    200-90- 6-  200-3000-5000

62                    63                   64   65                       66       67
4001                  32                   10   253                      510      61
266-267-268-269-270   271-272-273-274-275  276  277-278-279-280-281-282  283-284  285-286
700-1-  100-200-3000  9-  3-  6-  9-  5    10   80- 70- 3-  6-  90- 4    10- 500  60- 1

68                    69                       70           71               72
5105                  256                      126          341              187
287-288-289-290-291   292-293-294-295-296-297  298-299-300  301-302-303-304  305-306-307-308-309
9-  6-  50- 40- 5000  5-  90- 1-  30- 70- 60   100-6-  20   100-200-1-  40   80- 6-  90- 6-  5

73                    74                           75                                   76
5144                  550                          231                                  3375
310-311-312-313-314   315-316-317-318-319-320-321  322-323-324-325-326-327-328-329-330  331-332-333-334-335-336
8-  6-  60- 70- 5000  30- 70- 200-70- 90- 70- 20   60- 1-  5-  40- 6-  8-  1-  40- 70   90- 70- 5-  10- 200-3000

77                78                   79           80                   81
2008              110                  131          375                  3449
337-338-339-340   341-342-343-344-345  346-347-348  349-350-351-352-353  354-355-356-357-358-359-360
5-  1-  2-  2000  30- 70- 4-  5-  1    70- 60- 1    90- 70- 5-  10- 200  80- 70- 8-  90- 1-  200-3000

82       83                               84   85                       86           87
12       763                              10   216                      131          763
361-362  363-364-365-366-367-368-369-370  371  372-373-374-375-376-377  378-379-380  381-382-383-384-385-386-387-388
6-  6    50- 40- 1-  5-  6-  60- 600-1    10   90- 70- 5-  10- 40- 1    70- 60- 1    50- 40- 1-  5-  6-  60- 600-1

88                                   89               90                               91
638                                  191              880                              330
389-390-391-392-393-394-395-396-397  398-399-400-401  402-403-404-405-406-407-408-409  410-411-412-413-414-415-416-417
50- 300-8-  6-  100-30- 70- 4-  70   80- 70- 40- 1    30- 70- 200-70- 90- 70- 50- 300  60- 1-  5-  40- 6-  8-  10- 200

92                   93           94                        95                       96
391                  109          2226                      183                      2179
418-419-420-421-422  423-424-425  426-427-428-429-430-431   432-433-434-435-436-437  438-439-440-441-442-443-444- 445
80- 1-  100-200-10   3-  100-6    60- 1-  90- 70- 5-  2000  8-  6-  9-  40- 70- 50   8-  6-  40- 6-  9-  60- 2000-50

97   98                                   99                100               101      102
10   1719                                 2112              6215              12       30
446  447-448-449-450-451-452-453-454-455  456-457- 458-459  460-461-462-463   464-465  466
10   3-  70- 100-500-10- 900-6-  60- 70   2-  2000-40- 70   5-  10- 200-6000  6-  6    30

103              104  105                              106          107  108              109
376              10   886                              80           1    75               358
467-468-469-470  471  472-473-474-475-476-477-478-479  480-481-482  483  484-485-486-487  488-489-490-491-492-493-494
2-  70- 4-  300  10   80- 90- 6-  100-200-70- 40- 300  6-  4-  70   1    8-  6-  60- 1    300-2-  6-  8-  1-  40- 1

110  111                            112          113
3    7740                           15           703
495  496-497-498-499-500- 501-502   503-504-505  506-507-508-509-510-511-512-513-514-515-516-517
3    80- 300-100-200-2000-60- 5000  4-  5-  6    80- 90- 10- 4-  70- 200-70- 3-  40- 6-  60- 70

114               115           116          117                  118      119
2112              6045          72           426                  270      77
518-519- 520-521  522-523-524   525-526-527  528-529-530-531-532  533-534  535-536-537-538
2-  2000-40- 70   5-  40- 6000  60- 6-  6    50- 6-  100-200-70   70- 200  2-  70- 4-  1

120                   121                      122      123          124
2972                  341                      12       251          9300
539-540-541-542-543   544-545-546-547-548-549  550-551  552-553-554  555-556- 557-558- 559-560
700-200-70- 2-  2000  80- 10- 200-1-  40- 10   6-  6    200-1-  50   200-2000-100-6000-700-300

125                      126                                        127
324                      10417                                      91
561-562-563-564-565-566  567-568-569-570-571- 572-573-574-575- 576  577-578-579-580
5-  3-  6-  100-200-10   800-6-  100-200-3000-5-  6-  100-6000-200  5-  60- 6-  20

33 Letter Alphabet (Without Capitals)

There are 127 words (nf) and 580 letters (nf).

Numeric total: 171528 = 23 x 3 x 7 x 1021.

The totals for each verse are given below.

20151 9045 44003 37027 19697 41605

(Not one verse is divisible by 7 or 13.)

First half (three verses):

20151 9045 44003

Total: 73199 = 7 x 10457.

Last half (three verses):

37027 19697 41605

Total: 98329 = 7 x 11 x 1277. SF: 1295 = 5 x 7 x 37. SF: 49 = 72 SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

The first letter of each word:

10 6000 60 60 3 9 8 70 3 100 80 60 6 40 10 60 4 6 3 10 5 9 70 10 3
700 10 30 70 2 10 50 90 10 5 9 6000 60 60 3 2 30 5 100 100 4 10 5 90
10 60 4 6 100 5 500 6 300 100 60 200 700 9 10 80 10 60 9 5 100 100
80 8 30 60 90 5 30 70 90 80 6 50 10 90 70 50 50 80 30 60 80 3 60 8 8
10 3 2 5 6 30 2 10 80 6 1 8 300 3 80 4 80 2 5 60 50 70 2 700 80 6
200 200 5 800 5 

Total: 20601 = 33 x 7 x 109.

Odd positioned and even valued words:

10 12 10 54 10 270 10 74 4002 256 8156 10 80 80 100 8496 32 256 5144
2008 216 330 10 2112 12 376 886 358 7740 426 324 

Total: 41860 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 13 x 23. SF: 52 = 2 x 2 x 13.

The values for יהוה can count five times through the words, just overshooting at the very end.

a) 10  5  6   5   10  5    6  5   10   5  6    5   10  5   6    5
b) 10  15 21  26  36  41   47 52  62   67 73   78  88  93  99   104
c) 10  15 21  26  36  41   47 52  62   67 73   78  88  93  99   104
d) 876 10 891 805 202 4002 10 688 4001 61 5144 110 638 109 2112 10

a) 10   5   6   5     (Value from Yhwh.)
b) 114  119 125 130   (Count.)
c) 114  119 125 3     (Adjusted for 127 words.)
d) 2112 77  324 61    (Russian word found.)

Total: 22243 = 13 x 29 x 59.

Seven pairs of words (Nth and Nth last) can be found that together are divisible by 13:

a) Nth Word:   5   7   24  34   46  60   62
b) Value:      165 75  107 10   248 69   4001
c) Nth Last:   123 121 104 94   82  68   66
d) Value:      251 341 10  2226 12  5105 510
e) Sum:        416 416 117 2236 260 5174 4511 

The sum of their positions (lines a + c): 896 = 27 x 7. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. But it isn't just the total of the positions with a feature. The Nth and Nth last positions are individually divisible by seven.
The Nth positions (line a): 238 = 2 x 7 x 17. SF: 26 = 2 x 13.
The Nth last positions (line c): 658 = 2 x 7 x 47. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13.
All three totals have at least two levels of factors.
The sum of these fourteen words is naturally divisible by 13 because they were selected for that criteria, but there is something else in their total: 13130 = 2 x 5 x 13 x 101. Thirteen is clearly visible in the total 13130 twice. In the factors the 101 shows the same one God who is Alpha and Omega, and the sum of the factors is 121 (11 x 11), re-emphasizing that fact.

Not only can individual words be found that Nth and Nth last together are divisible by 13, but entire groups of words can also be found. This case goes even further with the individual groups in each pair also divisible by 13.

a) 4     7     8     9      12    17   31    31    50    54
b) 15    33    34    59     42    21   49    60    60    55
c) 31694 54483 56303 112528 64623 9828 59553 82563 23010 8931

a) First word in the group (Nth or Nth last).
b) Last word in the group (Nth or Nth last).
c) Total of both groups.

The sum of the start and end positions (lines a + b): 651 = 3 x 7 x 31.

Nine words were divisible by seven:

Position (a) 26  40  70  75  83  87  94   119 127
Value    (b) 805 273 126 231 763 763 2226 77  91

The sum of line a: 721 = 7 x 103.
The sum of line b: 5355 = 32 x 5 x 7 x 17. This was to be expected, but the sum of the factors was extra: 35 = 5 x 7.

Five words were divisible by thirteen:

Position (a) 12  40  42   115  127
Value    (b) 195 273 2301 6045 91

The sum of line a: 336 = 24 x 3 x 7.

There are exactly 112 (2 x 23 x 7} odd valued letters. This means the remainder are even valued letters: 468 (2 x 2 x 32 x 13}.

The values for יהוה can count 23 times through the letters:

a) 10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5  10 5  6  5   10  5   6   5
b) 10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52 62 67 73 78 88 93 99 104 114 119 125 130
c) 10 15 21 26 36 41 47 52 62 67 73 78 88 93 99 104 114 119 125 130
d) 1  3  6  6  40 60 40 70 40 60 6  60 5  9  60 40  30  40  40  300

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218 223 229 234
c) 140 145 151 156 166 171 177 182 192 197 203 208 218 223 229 234
d) 10  70  6   3   2   2   20  60  100 4   50  100 10  70  6   50

a) 10  5   6   5   10   5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 244 249 255 260 270  275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322 327 333 338
c) 244 249 255 260 270  275 281 286 296 301 307 312 322 327 333 338
d) 70  70  100 200 3000 5   90  1   70  100 90  60  60  8   5   1

a) 10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5    6   5
b) 348 353 359 364 374 379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426 431  437 442
c) 348 353 359 364 374 379 385 390 400 405 411 416 426 431  437 442
d) 1   200 200 40  5   60  6   300 40  70  1   10  60  2000 50  9

a) 10  5    6    5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5   10  5   6   5
b) 452 457  463  468 478 483 489 494 504 509 515 520 530 535 541 546
c) 452 457  463  468 478 483 489 494 504 509 515 520 530 535 541 546
d) 900 2000 6000 70  40  1   2   1   5   4   6   40  100 2   70  200

a) 10   5   6   5   10   5   6  5    (Value from יהוה).
b) 556  561 567 572 582  7   13 18   (Count.)
c) 556  561 567 572 2    7   13 18   (Adjusted for 580 letters.)
d) 2000 5   800 5   6000 100 2  10   (Russian letter found).

Total: 26824 = 23 x 7 x 479.

Even positioned letters:

6000 10 70 3000 1 6 6 6 10 70 9 1 6 10 8 60 70 40 700 60 1 3 70 60 6
70 60 4 50 6 40 60 10 1 40 3 6 3 60 600 9 3 60 5 1 10 3 9 70 1 50 40
3 700 6 6 30 10 1 1 200 70 6 10 300 90 8 6 10 10 90 4 6 60 50 60 6 3
40 100 60 60 2 3 200 70 3000 70 30 1 60 20 90 30 60 100 50 5000 70
70 1 10 5 100 200 5000 70 1 10 60 4 40 3 500 4 100 50 5 1 10 500 70
200 4 300 40 30 60 2 200 6 3000 700 100 3000 3 9 10 70 6 4 500 1 6
40 5 1 70 100 20 200 40 6 6 8 60 5000 70 70 70 60 5 6 1 70 70 10
3000 1 2000 70 5 70 1 70 10 80 8 1 3000 6 40 5 60 1 90 5 40 70 1 40
5 60 1 300 6 30 4 80 40 30 200 90 50 60 5 6 10 80 100 10 100 60 90 5
8 9 70 8 40 9 2000 10 70 500 900 60 2 40 5 200 6 30 70 300 80 6 200
40 6 70 8 60 300 6 1 1 80 100 2000 5000 5 80 10 70 70 40 60 2 40 5
6000 6 50 100 70 200 70 1 200 2 80 200 40 6 200 50 2000 6000 300 3
100 10 6 200 5 100 200 60 20 

Total: 82524 = 22 x 3 x 13 x 232.

Odd positioned groups of 29 letters:

10 6000 3 10 40 70 100 3000 60 1 60 6 2 6 3 6 40 10 30 70 6 9 60 1
50 6 60 10 6 10 6 6 40 300 60 1 10 60 1 4 40 1 3 6 6 6 3 6 60 6 600
10 9 5 3 6 60 1 700 1 40 1 70 200 2 70 40 6 20 10 50 300 30 90 70 8
5 6 60 10 6000 10 5 90 300 4 70 800 70 20 30 90 1 100 60 2000 20 5
90 1 30 70 60 100 100 6 50 3000 5000 4 70 40 70 3 1 50 6 50 3000 5
10 1 5 10 50 500 3 70 100 200 6 4 70 300 3 40 6 30 100 60 6 2 1 200
90 5000 5 90 1 30 70 60 100 6 20 100 200 1 40 80 6 90 6 5 8 6 60 70
5000 30 70 200 70 90 90 70 5 10 200 80 70 8 90 1 200 3000 6 6 50 40
1 5 6 60 600 1 10 90 70 5 10 40 1 70 50 300 60 1 5 40 6 8 10 200 80
1 100 200 10 3 100 6 60 1 90 70 5 2000 8 6 9 40 6 30 2 70 4 300 10
80 90 6 100 200 70 40 300 6 4 70 1 8 6 60 1 300 2 6 8 1 40 40 6000
60 6 6 50 6 100 200 70 70 200 2 70 4 1 700 200 70 2 2000 80 10 200 1
40 10 6 6 

Total: 68110 = 2 x 5 x 72 x 139.

Even positioned groups of 29 letters:

8 6 60 1 70 2 40 6 700 6 60 60 1 6000 3 100 70 40 60 600 6 80 70 5
60 70 4 1 50 5 600 1 200 10 9 3 6 9 5 70 60 1 10 50 6 40 1 3 70 700
90 6 3 6 10 30 90 10 6 9 60 1 50 6 60 10 6 6000 3 10 40 70 100 3000
60 1 60 6 2 6 3 70 200 2 70 40 3000 10 10 5 6 100 6000 200 3000 5000
90 70 4 1 50 10 10 60 1 4 70 40 70 3 1 500 6 4 70 100 6 200 3000
5000 700 1 100 200 3000 9 3 6 9 5 10 80 70 3 6 90 4 10 500 60 1 9 6
50 40 70 20 60 1 5 40 6 8 1 40 70 90 70 5 10 200 3000 5 1 2 2000 30
70 4 5 1 70 60 1 70 60 1 50 40 1 5 6 60 600 1 50 300 8 6 100 30 70 4
70 80 70 40 1 30 70 200 70 90 70 50 8 6 40 6 9 60 2000 50 10 3 70
100 500 10 900 6 60 70 2 2000 40 70 5 10 200 6000 6 1 3 80 300 100
200 2000 60 5000 4 5 6 80 90 10 4 70 200 70 3 40 6 60 70 2 2000 40
70 5 200 1 50 200 2000 100 6000 700 300 5 3 6 100 200 10 800 6 100
200 3000 5 6 100 6000 200 5 60 6 20 

Total: 103418 = 2 x 7 x 83 x 89.

Similar to the words, Nth and Nth last letters (individual letters and groups of letters) can also be found, but in this case since there are 580 letters in the passage such an exercise would always produce a position total divisible by 7 (i.e. 1 + 580 = 581, 2 + 579 = 581... Nth and Nth last would equal 581; 581 = 7 x 83).

The N middle letters of the passage are divisible by seven when N is one of the following values:

558 544 500 484 472 468 434 430 424 410 408 396 354 348 340 332 330
312 292 290 264 246 220 218 188 180 172 128 112 102 52 46 24 22 14
12 8 2

Total of N: 10136 = 23 x 7 x 181.

Only two values of N out of the 38 divide the letters into three sections with each section divisible by 7. The first value of N where this works is appropriately the seventh in the list, and the value is 434 (2 x 7 x 31). There are 73 letters before the middle section of 434, and 73 letters after the middle section.

Unfortunately, the other value of N where this works is the sixteenth in the list (nf), and its value is 332 (nf). Seven and sixteen together is twenty-three. Since the passage is about the birth of a special child, a future ruler of the world, perhaps 23, which is a man's number, could be considered appropriate.

The N middle letters are divisible by 13 when N is one of the following 21 values:

504 478 470 458 426 422 378 362 320 312 266 258 206 204 172 168 106
56 36 24 16

Total of N: 5642 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 31. (Since the total of the entire passage is divisible by 7, a middle section divisible by 13 means it is mathematically impossible for both sections before and after the middle being divisible by 7, unless the middle section was also divisible by 7. And it would also be mathematically impossible for both sections before and after the middle being divisible by 13.)

66 Letter Alphabet (With Capitals)

Numeric total: 740576616 = 23 x 3 x 13 x 43 x 55201.

The totals for each verse are given below.

94589010 45284070 179095010 141513505 91622018 188473003

(The second verse is divisible by 13, and the fourth verse is divisible by 7.)

First and last verse:

94589010 188473003

Total: 283062013 = 13 x 661 x 32941.

First half:

94589010 45284070 179095010

Total: 318968090 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 191 x 23857.

The first and last letters of each word individually have no feature, but the two together do: 447639647 = 72 x 13 x 702731. SF: 702758 = 2 x 72 x 71 x 101. (As if to make up for not being individually divisible by 7 and or 13, together they are divisible by both, and an extra 7.)

Even positioned words:

40279000 368000 997000 35175000 4530000 987000 1307000 307000 60000
130000 179000 407000 4669000 4874000 618000 1190000 10 997000 307000
1209000 9777000 700000 1196000 60550000 70000 2926000 9930000
1909500 1129000 345000 14507000 70000 2070000 20390000 810000
1180000 2770000 10890000 527000 1890000 60000 10 707000 2780000
3790000 2077000 9327000 8770000 9909000 30890000 90000 70000 410006
387000 9000 60000 8508000 360000 1200000 13208000 60000 44400000

Total: 426378526 = 2 x 7 x 31 x 197 x 4987.

Odd valued words:

1397005 1

Total: 1397006 = 2 x 13 x 53731. SF: 53746 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 349.

Even valued words:

10 40279000 307000 368000 729000 997000 387000 35175000 9000 4530000
920000 987000 60000 1307000 70000 307000 156000 60000 3369000 130000
4263000 179000 307070 407000 409000 4669000 70000 4874000 1200000
618000 70000 1190000 31470000 10 1960000 997000 40279000 307000
368000 1209000 14988000 9777000 1417000 700000 29930000 1196000
70000 60550000 1287000 70000 307000 2926000 440000 9930000 387000
1909500 440000 1129000 700000 345000 31230000 14507000 179000 70000
1549000 2070000 307000 20390000 810000 1607000 1180000 20780000
2770000 1014000 10890000 8035000 527000 707000 1890000 11357000
60000 3664000 10 1197000 707000 3664000 2780000 1007000 3790000
1377000 2077000 739000 9327000 840000 8770000 70000 9909000 8508000
30890000 60000 90000 1310002 70000 4030000 410006 387000 1102000
9000 31200000 60000 3619000 8508000 30120000 360000 2130000 1200000
417002 13208000 1547000 60000 1007000 44400000 1629000 47080000

Total: 739179610 = 2 x 5 x 13 x 19 x 101 x 2963.

Even positioned and even valued words:

40279000 368000 997000 35175000 4530000 987000 1307000 307000 60000
130000 179000 407000 4669000 4874000 618000 1190000 10 997000 307000
1209000 9777000 700000 1196000 60550000 70000 2926000 9930000
1909500 1129000 345000 14507000 70000 2070000 20390000 810000
1180000 2770000 10890000 527000 1890000 60000 10 707000 2780000
3790000 2077000 9327000 8770000 9909000 30890000 90000 70000 410006
387000 9000 60000 8508000 360000 1200000 13208000 60000 44400000

Total: 426378526 = 2 x 7 x 31 x 197 x 4987.

Odd positioned letters:

10 9000 100000 700000 300000 300000 8000 9000 100000 90000 30000
300000 200000 300000 30000 30000 7000 8000 30000 30000 300000
30000000 700000 100000 3000000 500000 20000 400000 7000 70000 30000
900000 7000 300000 10000 7000 30000 30000 30000 30000 70000 20000
30000 7000 3000000 800000 60000 30000 20000 300000 70000 30000 7000
400000 600000 9000 70000 600000 4000000 100000 400000 8000 100000
80000 200000 90000 400000 20000 300000 30000000 20000 900000 400000
60000 7000 30000 70000 30000000 70000 400000 9000000 7000 30000
30000 400000 8000 100000 5000000 80000 600000 700000 8000000 20000
7000 400000 700000 30000 9000000 10000 100000 9000 200000 70000
30000 30000000 9000000 600000 10000 200000 70000 7000 400000 400000
7000 30000 400000 30000 9000000 70000 20000 200000 9000 700000 30000
400000 9000 30000 700000 30000 7000 600000 800000 20000000 7000
800000 60000 30000 20000 500000 9000 600000 70000 300000 60000
200000 20000000 600000 90000 300000 30000 700000 7000 500000 600000
20000 30000 400000 90000 800000 600000 80000 7000 100000 50000
100000 600000 20000 800000 20000 8000 90000 10000 7000 300000 600000
20000 800000 400000 600000 800000 30000 200000 7000 30000 3000000 10
400000 70000 7000 300000 200000 7000 30000 3000000 200000 50000
700000 400000 400000 400000 7000 400000 400000 400000 900000 7000
100000 50000 800000 7000 800000 9000 30000 7000 400000 8000000 30000
100000 200000 30000 30000 300000 200000 9000 700000 70000 30000
400000 8000000 400000 70000 30000000 30000 2 10000 70000 600000
700000 400000 900000 10000 1 30000 7000 8000 50000 100000 9000
900000 800000 300000 10000 30000 600000 10000 800000 9000 30000
400000 8000000 400000 100000 300000 30000 30000 800000 400000 2
10000 4000000 400000 8000000 70000 7000 70000 30000 7000 800000
700000 4000000 20000 30000 800000 5000000 700000 9000000 30000
30000000 20000 30000

Total: 396869025 = 3 x 52 x 7 x 232 x 1429. SF: 1495 = 5 x 13 x 23.

Taking every Nth letter, the following values of N produce lists of letters divisible by 7:

4 17 26 33 35 39 47 49 66 67 71 72 75 77 105 109 112 117 123 135 139
180 208 256 258 262 270 277 278 279 281 283 284 

Total of N: 4634 = 2 x 7 x 331.

Taking every Nth letter, the following values of N produce lists of letters divisible by 13:

16 19 22 65 89 118 133 186 217 229 236 244 257 262 

Total of N: 2093 = 7 x 13 x 23.

110 letters were divisible by 7:

a) 4     7      10   18    24   28    33   42   45     57   59    65
b) 70000 700000 7000 70000 7000 70000 7000 7000 700000 7000 70000 7000

a) 66    68   71   81    87   90   92    98 100  101   105  113   116
b) 70000 7000 7000 70000 7000 7000 70000 70 7000 70000 7000 70000 70000

a) 118  120  128   138   149  153   157   160    163  180  181    187
b) 7000 7000 70000 70000 7000 70000 70000 700000 7000 7000 700000 7000

a) 191    192    202  204   205   208    216  218   219   221  227
b) 700000 700000 7000 70000 70000 700000 7000 70000 70000 7000 7000

a) 232    237   238  240   245    255    259  267  268    276   283
b) 700000 70000 7000 70000 700000 700000 7000 7000 700000 70000 70000

a) 286  294  298    301    303  323  328  334   338  345  348  352
b) 7000 7000 700000 700000 7000 7000 7000 70000 7000 7000 7000 70000

a) 358  365  370  375   377  380  383  388  393    401  411  416
b) 7000 7000 7000 70000 7000 7000 7000 7000 700000 7000 7000 70000

a) 419  420    422   424    427  446   449    451   461   471   475
b) 7000 700000 70000 700000 7000 70000 700000 70000 70000 70000 700000

a) 487  492  494  498    508   530    538  545   547  549   553  557
b) 7000 7000 7000 700000 70000 700000 7000 70000 7000 70000 7000 700000

a) 564    566   569    574      (Letter position.)
b) 700000 70000 700000 700000   (Letter value.)

Total of positions (line a): 30420 = 22 x 32 x 5 x 132
Total of the letters (line b): 19600070 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 280001.


As can be seen, these four passages from the RSB have many features following the principles of Revelation 1:8 just like their original counterparts in Hebrew and Greek. They are less consistent with some lacking complementary features (e.g. the odd positioned words/letters are divisible by 7 but the even positioned are not). This should not be surprising. Russian is not the original language of the Bible. It would be unreasonable to expect Russian to match the Hebrew and Greek in numeric features.

Is this all by chance, or is there design? This is difficult to conclude without knowing how accurate is the Russian translation. Like all translations there is the possibility of better or more precise translations.


  1. Galatians 5:13[14] is not included for a closer look. Verse 13 is only divisible by seven when it stands by itself and capital letters are ignored. Including capital letters yields no result. Verse 13 and 14 together are divisible by seven only if capital letters are accounted for. Thus this passage does not match the consistency of the other four passages.
  2. The Prophecy of Cyrus, and the Prophecy of Jesus are parts of a larger numeric study from the original Hebrew God, The Master of Time. Converting Russian using 66 letters in the alphabet, Isaiah 40:21-42:17 is divisible by 13 twice (no features if 33 letters were used). This passage has several numeric features following Revelation 1:8.

    Even positioned letters: 3444958937 = 7 x 3001 x 163991. SF: 166999 = 7 x 23857.
    Odd valued letters: 117 = 3 x 3 x 13.
    Even valued letters: 7114269006 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 13 x 30402859.
    Letters that are odd positioned and odd valued: 56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7. SF: 13.
    Since there are 1078 words, any pairing of Nth and Nth last words 
    would have positions divisible by 13.
    First and last words: 594090 = 2 x 32 x 5 x 7 x 23 x 41.
                          SF: 84 = 22 x 3 x 7. SF: 14 = 2 x 7.

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You can be strong in the Lord, and strong in God’s word. You can't be strong in the numbers.