Bible Numbers 2.0

You Are Gods

Moses told his people they were sons of the lord (Deuteronomy 14:1). The psalmist Asaph said we are sons of the Most High (Psalm 82:6). Even Jesus said we are gods (John 10:34). Thus there are three witnesses to this truth. The fourth witness is hidden in the numbers for Psalm 82:6 and John 10:32-34. But what does this mean?

Many have taken this truth to mean we can do anything. There are many similar to the positive thinking movement who believe we can move mountains if we just believe strong enough. (Matthew 17:20) Focusing on the being gods aspect ignores what Moses, and Asaph tell us of what being gods entails.

There are things a son of the lord does not do. (See Deuteronomy 14:1 and onward.) Asaph makes it clear being a god is doing right. (Psalm 82:2-4) To not do right negates godhood. Death is the result. (Psalm 82:7) Even Satan hints that being like God is knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:5) He just left out the part of humans not knowing enough and not having enough power to effect the right. And he definitely left out the part of humans being like herd animals open to suggestion. (Exodus 23:2)

In quoting Psalm 82:6, Jesus was telling the people of his day to do the right thing. Moses had already said they were sons of the lord. Asaph had already mentioned people were gods. Jesus was only telling the people of his day that he and the Father were united in the one purpose of saving people. (John 10:25-30)

The Bible only mentions two people who did right and ascended into heaven without dying, thereby becoming godlike: Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11). To be a god is to walk with God, and uphold what God wants. One can psyche oneself into believing as strongly as possible that something is supposed to happen and get absolutely nowhere because one left out God. (James 4:2-4) Being a god means one must be responsible. The consequence of not being responsible is death.

Psalm 82:6 is put together with John 10:32-34.

I say, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; (Psalm 82:6)1
Psalm 82:62
Word position:765
Word sum:11016668
Letter position:29282726252423222120191817
Letter value: 40203020506103070105026

The numeric total of Psalm 82:6 is 1583. This is a prime number and has no factors other than itself and one.

Jesus answered them, I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of these do you stone me? The Jews answered him, It is not for a good work that we stone you but for blasphemy; because you, being a man, make yourself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, `I said, you are gods'? (John 10:32-34)
John 10:32-343

John 10:32-34 has a number total of 16225 (5 x 5 x 11 x 59). This total has several factors, but none of them are related to God like 7 (perfection) and 13 (God’s name).

1Individually, the two passages have nothing special except their common meaning. Put the two passages together and suddenly everything changes: 1583 + 16225 = 17808 (24 x 3 x 7 x 53).

What Jesus said in John 10:34, recorded in Greek, was

εγω		ειπα	θεοι	εστε
I (emphatic)	say	gods	you-are.

Almost every instance in the New Testament where the Greek word θεος (theos) refers to God, it is preceded with a form of the definite article, ο θεος. The Greeks at Lystra, who mistook Paul and Barnabas as Greek gods come down to visit them, used the definite article because they wre thinking of gods collectively. The text in Acts 14:11 is Οι θεοι with a definite article. Jesus' statement in John 10:34 has no definite article. This means Jesus was using the word as gods with a small g.

The problem with Hebrew, Greek and many languages (including English), is that there is only one word for god. In these languages there is no way of distinguishing God (referring to the one and only supreme deity) and gods (lower classed deities, angels and others) until the invention of capital letters. Thus the only way the New Testament writers could emphasize the one and only God was with the use of definite articles in the Greek. And as can be seen in John 10:34, Jesus did not use any definite articles before the word θεοι (theoi; gods).

Jesus was referring back to Psalm 82:6, and Asaph in Psalm 82:6 was referring back to Moses in Deuteronomy 14:1. As sons of the lord, and as sons of the Most High, one is not equal to the one supreme God, but inferior. This is god as in small g.

The first four words of Psalm 82:6,

אני    אמרתי    אלהים    אתם
you      gods    I-say       I

have a total of 1239 (3 x 7 x 59).

The last four words of John 10:34,

εγω      ειπα      θεοι      εστε
I        say       gods      you are,

have a total of 975 (3 x 52 x 13).

The same phrase, in Hebrew and Greek both have the numeric totals that are either multiples of 7 or 13. To see how unique this is, check this in English.

I   say         you    are     gods
0   70 1 300    300    1 60    6 4 70

The total: 812 = 22 x 7 x 29.

Chinese is one language where the one supreme God is distinguished from all others. In Chinese, God is 上帝 (ShangTi). This is God as in capital G. All others are 神 (shen). This is god as in small g.

Here is Psalm 82:6 from two Chinese Bibles.

Psalm 82:6 (Chinese Union Version)

Total for the CUV: 33754 = 2 x 7 x 2411.

Psalm 82:6 (Chinese New Version)

Total for the CNV: 39143 = 13 x 3011. SF: 3024 = 24 x 33 x 7.

The CNV is unique in that the first nine characters (我 曾 說 過 你 們 都 是 神) reinforce the Hebrew and Greek. Their total: 28665 = 32 x 5 x 72 x 13.

The Chinese makes it very clear. We are gods inferior to the one supreme God. For the Chinese, the difference between 上帝 (ShangTi; God) and 神 (shen; god) is like the difference between the infinite sky and the limited earth.

Primary Features

(Derived from Revelation 1:8 and grouped for easy reference.)

A.1Numeric total: 17808 = 24 x 3 x 7 x 53. (See feature 1.)

A.5Number of letters: 287 = 7 x 41. (See this.)

B.3Every other word (odd): 8029 = 7 x 31 x 37. (See feature 1.3.1.)

B.3.2Every other word (even): 9779 = 7 x 11 x 127. (See feature 1.3.2.)

B.4Every other letter (odd): 8421 = 3 x 7 x 401. (See feature 3.1.)

B.4.2Every other letter (even): 9387 = 32 x 7 x 149. (See feature 3.2.)

C.3.2First and last letter of each word: 7609 = 7 x 1087. (See feature 2.)

D.3.3First letter of each word: 2576 = 24 x 7 x 23. (See feature 2.1.)

E.3.3Last letter of each word: 5033 = 7 x 719. (See feature 2.2.)

Placing John 10:32-34 with Psalm 82:6 produces a passage with 61 words (nf) and 287 letters (7 x 41). The numeric features that appear follow the pattern laid out for The Proclamation as described by Revelation 1:8. This confirms Jesus was using scripture correctly.

List of words:
61 651 86 441 68 166 110 190 460 60 456 171 89 32 74 279 15 360 401 14 239 941 188 40 154 321 901 69 352 164 291 348 260 179 95 42 164 550 20 169 290 949 640 243 496 113 190 460 456 270 244 297 45 700 730 870 169 608 85 82 200

List of letters:
1 50 10 1 40 200 400 10 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 40 6 2 50 10 70 30 10 6 50 20 30 20 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 70 60 20 20 1 5 80 3 1 10 1 20 1 5 4 5 9 50 1 200 30 9 40 5 10 100 60 200 70 1 100 80 60 90 4 9 1 70 60 9 60 40 1 200 100 600 40 5 80 3 60 40 5 30 5 20 9 8 1 6 5 100 5 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 90 1 40 1 200 100 600 60 9 9 60 200 4 1 9 60 9 70 5 80 9 10 1 20 60 200 5 80 3 60 200 60 200 20 9 8 1 6 60 30 5 40 90 5 1 20 20 1 70 5 80 9 2 20 1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 10 1 9 60 100 9 90 200 1 40 8 80 600 70 60 90 600 40 70 60 9 5 9 90 90 5 1 200 100 60 40 8 5 60 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 200 10 5 90 100 9 40 3 5 3 80 1 30 30 5 40 60 40 5 40 100 600 40 60 30 600 200 30 600 40 60 100 9 5 3 600 5 9 70 1 8 5 60 9 5 90 100 5

The Words

1.1Seven pairs of words can be found from the beginning of the passage and from the end, positioned Nth and Nth last that together are divisible by 7.

Nth word:    6    7   10  11  12  16  17
Value:       166  110 60  456 171 279 15
Equivalent:  56   55  52  51  50  46  45
Value:       870  730 297 244 270 113 496
Sum:         1036 840 357 700 441 392 511

(Equivalent: 56 is the 6th from the end.)

Sum of positions (Nth & Nth last): 434 = 2 x 7 x 31. (This symmetrical number, with the first two digits and the last two digits adding to 7 is another form of first and last like the Nth and Nth last.)

1.2There is only one pair of a group of words that can be found positioned Nth and Nth last from the combined passage. Each group is individually divisible by 13. There is only one pair because there is only one God.

Position from end:       58  57 56  55  54  53  52 - 10  9  8   7   6   5   4
Position from beginning: 4   5  6   7   8   9   10 - 52  53 54  55  56  57  58
Word value:              441 68 166 110 190 460 60 - 297 45 700 730 870 169 608

Since there are exactly seven in each group, the total of the positions from beginning or from the end are all divisible by 7.

1.2.1Total of positions from the beginning (4 5 6 7 8 9 10): 49 = 72.

1.2.2Total of positions from the end (52 53 54 55 56 57 58): 385 = 5 x 7 x 11.

1.2.3Total of the two groups together: 4914 = 2 x 33 x 7 x 13.

1.2.4Total of the first group of words (441 68 166 110 190 460 60): 1495 = 5 x 13 x 23.

1.2.5Total of the last group of words (297 45 700 730 870 169 608): 3419 = 13 x 263.

1.2.6The beginning of the group began in position 4. It ended in position 10. Beginning and end together: 14 (2 x 7).

1.3.1The odd positioned words:

a) 1  3  5  7   9   11  13 15 17 19  21  23  25  27  29  31  33  35 37
b) 61 86 68 110 460 456 89 74 15 401 239 188 154 901 352 291 260 95 164

a) 39 41  43  45  47  49  51  53 55  57  59 61   (Word position.)
b) 20 290 640 496 190 456 244 45 730 169 85 200  (Word value.)

Total of the odd positioned words: 8029 = 7 x 31 x 37.

1.3.2The even positioned words:

a) 2   4   6   8   10 12  14 16  18  20 22  24 26  28 30  32  34  36
b) 651 441 166 190 60 171 32 279 360 14 941 40 321 69 164 348 179 42

a) 38  40  42  44  46  48  50  52  54  56  58  60  (Word position.)
b) 550 169 949 243 113 460 270 297 700 870 608 82  (Word value.)

Total: 9779 = 7 x 11 x 127. positioned groups of 3 from 1.3.2:

190 60 171 14 941 40 348 179 42 243 113 460 870 608 82

Total: 4361 = 72 x 89. positioned groups of 3 from 1.3.2:

651 441 166 32 279 360 321 69 164 550 169 949 270 297 700

Total: 5418 = 2 x 32 x 7 x 43. half of 15 from 1.3.2:

348 179 42 550 169 949 243 113 460 270 297 700 870 608 82

Total: 5880 = 23 x 3 x 5 x 72. SF: 28 = 22 x 7. half of 15 from 1.3.2:

651 441 166 190 60 171 32 279 360 14 941 40 321 69 164

Total: 3899 = 7 x 557. positioned groups of 1 from

651 166 60 32 360 941 321 164

Total: 2695 = 5 x 72 x 11. positioned groups of 1 from

441 190 171 279 14 40 69

Total: 1204 = 22 x 7 x 43.

1.4Twenty-four words are odd values. There is no feature with the odd valued words, but the total of their positions in the passage: 701. Thirty-seven of the words are even values. Again there is no feature with the total of the even valued words, but the total of their positions is something else: 1190 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 17.

1.5Separate the words into two groups: prime numbers, and not prime numbers.

1.5.1Exactly seven of the words are prime numbers.

Postiion: 1  13 19  21  22  34  46
Word:     61 89 401 239 941 179 113

Total of the positions of the words: 156 = 22 x 3 x 13.
Total of the words: 2023 = 7 x 172.

1.5.2Fifty-four of the words are not prime numbers.

a) 2   3  4   5  6   7   8   9   10 11  12   14 15 16  17 18   20
b) 651 86 441 68 166 110 190 460 60 456 171  32 74 279 15 360  14

a) 23  24 25  26  27  28 29  30  31  32  33   35 36 37  38  39 40  41
b) 188 40 154 321 901 69 352 164 291 348 260  95 42 164 550 20 169 290

a) 42  43  44  45   47  48  49  50  51  52  53 54  55  56  57  58  59
b) 949 640 243 496  190 460 456 270 244 297 45 700 730 870 169 608 85

a) 60 61     (Word position.)
b) 82 200    (Word value.)

Total of words that are not prime numbers: 15785 = 5 x 7 x 11 x 41.

1.6.1Six words are multiples of 7. Gathering all these words together produces a multiple of 13.

Word position: 2   4   20 25  36 54
Word value:    651 441 14 154 42 700

Total: 2002 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 13.

1.6.2Four words are divisible by 13. Gathering all these words together produces a multiple of 7.

Word position: 33  40  42  57
Word value: 260 169 949 169

Total: 1547 = 7 x 13 x 17.

1.6.3Thus all words with values related to God (multiples of 7 or 13) put together would be 3549 (3 x 7 x 132). This reveals an extra 13.

1.7Only the middle 57 words are a multiple of 7: 16814 = 2 x 7 x 1201. Out of thirty tries one would have expected more than a single result. Only the middle 47 words produces a multiple of 13: 13481 = 13 x 17 x 61. SF: 91 = 7 x 13. Again out of thirty tries one would expect more than one. Is this all coincidence? Why are the middle 57 and 47 the only successes? 57 + 47 = 104 (23 x 13).

There is only one supreme God, and thus there is only one case where the middle N words is a multiple of 7. For the same reason, there is only one case where the middle N words is a multiple of 13. And to confirm it, the two values of N that succeed, together add up to a multiple of 13.

1.8.1Selecting every other word, or every N word uses a fixed interval for extraction. N can progressively increase.

Count:        1  2   4   7   11  16  22  29  37  46  56
Increasing N: 1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11
Word found:   61 651 441 110 456 279 941 352 164 113 870

Total of words found: 4438 = 2 x 7 x 317.

1.8.2When the words are added one by one, there are precisely 13 instances when the accumulated total will be divisible by 7.

Word position:     3   4    9    15   17   30   34   37   41   43    53    54    61
Word value:        86  441  460  74   15   164  179  164  290  640   45    700   200
Accumulated total: 798 1239 2233 3115 3409 7553 8631 8932 9961 11550 14364 15064 17808

The sum of the word values: 3458 = 2 x 7 x 13 x 19.

1.8.3When the words are added up one by one, there are five cases where the total would be a multiple of 13.

Word position:     25   27   30   46    48
Word value:        154  901  164  113   460
Accumulated total: 5746 6968 7553 12402 13052

Total of the word values: 1792 = 28 x 7.

1.9.The lowest valued word is 14 (2 x 7), and it appeared only once in the passage. The highest valued word is 949 (13 x 73), and it too appeared only once in the passage.

1.10Two words have the value 169 (132). This is the only word that divides the passage into what is between both occurrences, and what is not between them. And because 169 only occurs twice, this means these are its first and last appearances.

61 651 86 441 68 166 110 190 460 60 456 171 89 32 74 279 15 360 401 14 239 941 188 40 154 321 901 69 352 164 291 348 260 179 95 42 164 550 20 169 290 949 640 243 496 113 190 460 456 270 244 297 45 700 730 870 169 608 85 82 200

1.10.1Total of the highlighted words in between both occurrences of 169: 6993 = 33 x 7 x 37.

1.10.2Total of the words not between them: 10815 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 103.

1.10.3The difference between 1.10.1 and 1.10.2: 3822 = 2 x 3 x 72 x 13.

Is it just coincidence that the only word value with this characteristic is twice 13? If it is coincidence, how is it possible that the difference between the two results produces extra factors of 7 and 13? This is a one in 91 chance, and very rare. it also coincidence that of the 16 words highlighted, the first half is 3381 (3 x 72 x 23). it still coincidence that the last half is 3612 (22 x 3 x 7 x 43). difference has a second level of factors: 231 = 3 x 7 x 11. SF: 21 = 3 x 7. If coincidence keeps happening, it is no longer coincidence.

First And Last

2Turning to the first and last letters of each word, the total of these letters: 7609 = 7 x 1087. This divides perfectly into the first letter of each word, and the last letter of each word.

2.1The first letter of each word:

a) 1 4 9 14 17 21 26 30 38 44 45 51 56 60 64 70  74 76  79 85 88 93 98
b) 1 1 1 1  6  70 20 1  1  60 9  70 5  10 5  200 5  100 70 4  70 1  5

a) 103 106 114 125 129 131 139 143 148 153 155 164 166 170 174 184 187
b) 5   20  1   1   60  9   70  10  5   60  20  90  1   70  2   10  60

a) 190 192 200 202 208 215 219 227 233 239 242 247 258 260 262 266 270
b) 90  1   600 70  90  8   1   1   9   60  5   3   5   100 40  200 60

a) 273 276 280 284 (Letter position.)
b) 5   5   8   5   (Letter value.)

Total of the letters: 2576 = 24 x 7 x 23.

2.2The last of each word:

a) 3  8  13 16 20 25 29 37 43 44 50 55 59 63 69 73 75 78  84 87 92 97
b) 10 10 40 40 10 50 40 7  90 60 90 1  1  1  1  40 10 200 90 1  40 40

a) 102 105 113 124 128 130 138 142 147 152 154 163 165 169 173 183 186
b) 40  5   5   40  600 9   9   9   200 200 200 40  5   1   9   90  9

a) 189 191 199 201 207 214 218 226 232 238 241 246 257 259 261 265 269
b) 9   200 90  40  90  40  40  7   90  90  10  40  40  40  600 600 40

a) 272 275 279 283 287 (Letter position.)
b) 9   600 1   9   5   (Letter value.)

Total of the letters: 5033 = 7 x 719.

2.3The difference between the first and last letters of each word: 2457 = 33 x 7 x 13.

2.4For each word add up their first and last letters. This creates a list of 61 totals.

11 11 41 41 16 120 60 8 91 120 99 71 6 11 6 240 15 300 160 5 110 41 45 10 25 41 601 69 18 79 210 205 260 60 95 2 79 92 19 69 290 91 640 160 130 48 8 91 99 70 45 43 45 700 640 240 69 605 6 17 10

2.4.1Six of the totals of the first and last letters of each word in the list of 2.4 are multiples of 7.

Word position:             9  31  42 48 50 54
First & last letter total: 91 210 91 91 70 700

Total of the word positions of these pairs: 234 = 2 x 32 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

2.4.2Twenty-nine of the 61 totals are are purely odd or purely even in terms of word position and the sum of their first and last letters. These are odd positioned words with an odd value for the first and last letters of each word (group A), or even positioned words with an even value for the first and last letters (group B). The total of these first and last letters: 3549 = 3 x 7 x 132. Groups A and B even stand independently. odd positioned words have their first and last letters adding up to an odd number.

Word position:      1  3  9  11 17 23 25 27  35 37 39 49 51 53 57
Sum of the letters: 11 41 91 99 15 45 25 601 95 79 19 99 45 45 69

Total of the first and last letters: 1379 = 7 x 197. even positioned words have their first and last letters adding up to an even number.

Word position:      6   8 10  16  18  24 34 36 38 44  46 50 54  56
Sum of the letters: 120 8 120 240 300 10 60 2  92 160 48 70 700 240

Total of the first and last letters: 2170 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 31. of the first and last letter totals are prime numbers:

Word position:      1  2  3  4  12 14 20 22 26 27  30 36 37 39 52 60
Sum of the letters: 11 11 41 41 71 11 5  41 41 601 79 2  79 19 43 17

Total of their word positions: 385 = 5 x 7 x 11.

Total of their sums: 1113 = 3 x 7 x 53. SF: 63 = 32 x 7. SF: 13. of the first and last letter totals are not prime numbers:

a) 5  6   7  8 9  10  11  13  15 16  17 18  19   21   23 24 25
b) 16 120 60 8 91 120 99  6   6  240 15 300 160  110  45 10 25

a) 28 29 31  32  33  34 35 38 40 41  42 43  44  45  46 47 48 49 50
b) 69 18 210 205 260 60 95 92 69 290 91 640 160 130 48 8  91 99 70

a) 51  53 54  55  56  57 58  59  61  (Word position.)
b) 45  45 700 640 240 69 605 6   10  (Sum of the letters.)

Total of the letters: 6496 = 25 x 7 x 29.

2.4.4When the pair totals are added up one by one, sometimes the accumulated total is odd valued, and sometimes even valued. This is a refinement of the previous exercise where a word's first and last letters only required two numbers, their sum and word position, to be classified as purely odd or even. Here the accumulated total must be included. words are purely odd. They have odd positions, an odd total with the first and last letters, and an odd valued accumulated total.

Word position:        1  3  9   17  25   27   35   39   49   57
First & last letters: 11 41 91  15  25   601  95   19   99   69
Accumulated total:    11 63 399 967 1663 2305 3301 3493 5119 6971

Total of the first and last letters: 1066 = 2 x 13 x 41. SF: 56 = 23 x 7. SF: 13. words are purely even. They have even positions, an even total with the first and last letters, and an even valued accumulated total.

Word position:        6   8   16  24    34   38   54   56
First & last letters: 120 8   240 10    60   92   700  240
Accumulated total:    240 308 952 1638s 3206 3474 6022 6902

Total of the first and last letters: 1470 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 72. of the numbers in the list appeared only once.

a) 16 71 15 11 300 5 110 25 601 18 210 205 260 95 2 92 19 290 130 48 70 43 700 605 17 6  91  69  45
b) 1  1  1  3  1   1 1   1  1   1  1   1   1   1  1 1  1  1   1   1  1  1  1   1   1  3  3   3   3
c) 16 71 15 33 300 5 110 25 601 18 210 205 260 95 2 92 19 290 130 48 70 43 700 605 17 18 273 207 135

a) Sum of a word's first and last letters.
b) Number of occurrences.
c) Total for that letter in the list (a x b).

Total of the line a): 4613 = 7 x 659. of the numbers in the list appeared more than once.

Sum of a word's first and last letters (a):     120 60  8  41  99  160 79  240 10 640
Number of occurrences (b):                      2   2   2  4   2   2   2   2   2  2
Total for that letter in the list (c = a x b):  240 120 16 164 198 320 158 480 20 1280 

Total of line c): 2996 = 22 x 7 x 107. difference between and brings out an extra seven, and an extra level of factors: 1617 = 3 x 72 x 11. SF: 28 = 22 x 7.

287 Letters

3Precisely thirteen pairs of letters can be found, positioned Nth and Nth last that together are divisible by 13.

a) Nth position: 6   32  35  48  49  77  80  83  91  94  122 124 127
b) Value:        200 5   9   60  200 60  1   60  60  200 90  40  100
c) Nth last:     282 256 253 240 239 211 208 205 197 194 166 164 161
d) Value:        60  60  30  200 60  200 90  5   70  8   1   90  30
e) Sum:          260 65  39  260 260 260 91  65  130 208 91  130 130

(The value on "line c" is equivalent to the value on "line a"
 counted from the end.)

Sum of positions (a + c): 3744 = 25 x 32 x 13.

3.1The odd positioned letters:

a) 1 3  5  7   9 11 13 15  17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39  41 43
b) 1 10 40 400 1 5  40 400 6  50 70 10 50 30 40 70 10 9  7  200 60 90

a) 45 47 49  51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81  83 85 87
b) 9  90 200 70 20 1  80 1  1  1  4  9  1  30 40 10 60 70 100 60 4  1

a) 89 91 93 95  97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123
b) 60 60 1  100 40 80 60  5   5   9   1   5   5   70  10  9   7   1

a) 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157
b) 1   100 60  9   200 1   60  70  80  10  20  200 80  60  60  20  8

a) 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191
b) 6   30  40  5   20  1   5   9   20  90  7   9   90  1   60  9   200

a) 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225
b) 40  80  70  90  40  60  5   90  5   200 60  8   60  1   5   80  8

a) 227 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 257 259
b) 1   100 9   9   90  200 60  10  90  9   3   3   1   30  40  40  40

a) 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 (Position.)
b) 600 60  600 30  40  100 5   600 9   1   5   9   90  5   (Letter.)

Total: 8421 = 3 x 7 x 401.

3.2The even positioned letters:

a) 2  4 6   8  10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40  42 44
b) 50 1 200 10 30 10 1  40 2  10 30 6  20 20 1  5  80 8  1  100 9  60

a) 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70  72 74 76  78  80 82 84 86
b) 7  60 90 60 20 5  3  10 20 5  5  50 200 9  5  100 200 1  80 90 9

a) 88 90 92 94  96  98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122
b) 70 9  40 200 600 5  3   40  30  20  8   6   100 1   5   80  8   90

a) 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156
b) 40  200 600 9   60  4   9   9   5   9   1   60  5   3   200 200 9

a) 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190
b) 1   60  5   90  1   20  70  80  2   1   300 30  1   10  9   100 90

a) 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224
b) 1   8   600 60  600 70  9   9   90  1   100 40  5   40  70  10  9

a) 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258
b) 7   200 60  90  7   60  90  200 5   100 40  5   80  30  5   60  5

a) 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 (Position.)
b) 100 40  30  200 600 60  9   3   5   70  8   60  5   100 (Letter.)

Total: 9387 = 32 x 7 x 149.

3.3The difference between the odd/even positioned letters: 966 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 23. SF: 35 = 5 x 7.

3.4.1Letters having an odd valued first digit:

1 50 10 1 10 1 30 5 10 1 50 10 70 30 10 50 30 1 70 5 10 9 7 1 100 9 90 9 7 90 90 70 1 5 3 1 10 1 1 5 5 9 50 1 30 9 5 10 100 70 1 100 90 9 1 70 9 1 100 5 3 5 30 5 9 1 5 100 5 1 70 5 10 9 7 90 1 1 100 9 9 1 9 9 70 5 9 10 1 5 3 9 1 30 5 90 5 1 1 70 5 9 1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 10 1 9 100 9 90 1 70 90 70 9 5 9 90 90 5 1 100 5 1 70 5 10 9 7 1 100 9 90 9 7 90 90 10 5 90 100 9 3 5 3 1 30 30 5 5 100 30 30 100 9 5 3 5 9 70 1 5 9 5 90 100 5

Total: 5124 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 61.

3.4.2Letters having an even valued first digit:

40 200 400 40 400 40 6 2 6 20 20 40 80 8 200 60 60 60 200 60 20 20 80 20 4 200 40 60 200 80 60 4 60 60 40 200 600 40 80 60 40 20 8 6 80 8 40 200 600 60 60 200 4 60 80 20 60 200 80 60 200 60 200 20 8 6 60 40 20 20 80 2 20 60 200 40 8 80 600 60 600 40 60 200 60 40 8 60 40 80 8 200 60 60 200 60 200 40 80 40 60 40 40 600 40 60 600 200 600 40 60 600 8 60

Total: 12684 = 22 x 3 x 7 x 151.

3.5Eighteen letter values are multiples of 7.

21 31 37 46 51 79 88 115 121 139 170 179 197 202 220 226 234 278
70 70 7  7  70 70 70 70  7   70  70  7   70  70  70  7   7   70
Their sum yields an extra seven: 882 = 2 x 32 x 72.

3.6When the letters are added one by one, exactly 39 times the accumulated total will be divisible by 7.

a)  b)  c)      a)  b)  c)      a)  b)  c)
13  40  798     115 70  5817    191 200 9961
16  40  1239    120 8   5929    194 8   10010
22  30  1407    121 7   5936    201 40  11550
32  5   1659    123 1   6027    202 70  11620
39  200 1974    129 60  7028    211 200 12089
43  90  2233    142 9   7553    217 60  12362
54  20  2919    146 60  7644    222 10  12488
69  1   3115    163 40  8631    227 1   12593
75  10  3409    173 9   8932    242 5   13783
93  1   4424    178 300 9345    259 40  14364
98  5   5369    179 7   9352    261 600 15064
107 9   5621    184 10  9492    285 90  17703
114 1   5747    187 60  9562    287 5   17808

a) Letter position.
b) Letter value.
c) Accumulated total.

Total of the letters (b): 2422 = 2 x 7 x 173. SF: 182 = 2 x 7 x 13.

3.7.1The lowest letter value is 1. It appeared 32 times in the combined passage. The total of its positions: 3827. The highest letter value is 600. It appeared 8 times in the passage. The total of its positions: 1689. Thus the positions of the lowest and highest letters: 5516 = 22 x 7 x 197. SF: 208 = 24 x 13. SF: 21 = 3 x 7.

3.7.2Letter 1 appeared the most with 32 times. Letter 300 appeared the least, only once. 1 + 300 = 301 (7 x 43).

3.8Features 3.1 and 3.2 with odd/even positioned letters dealt with single letters. Groups of letters are also possible. These are alternating groups with different sizes of M and N, where M and N are multiple of 7.

3.8.1Alternating groups of 14 and 7. of 14:

1 50 10 1 40 200 400 10 1 30 5 10 40 1 30 10 6 50 20 30 20 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 70 60 20 20 1 5 5 4 5 9 50 1 200 30 9 40 5 10 100 60 4 9 1 70 60 9 60 40 1 200 100 600 40 5 20 9 8 1 6 5 100 5 1 70 5 10 80 9 100 600 60 9 9 60 200 4 1 9 60 9 70 5 5 80 3 60 200 60 200 20 9 8 1 6 60 30 1 70 5 80 9 2 20 1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 200 1 40 8 80 600 70 60 90 600 40 70 60 200 100 60 40 8 5 60 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 200 10 5 90 100 9 30 5 40 60 40 5 40 100 600 40 60 30 600 200 3 600 5 9 70 1 8 5 60 9 5 90 100 5

Total: 13118 = 2 x 7 x 937. of 7:

400 40 6 2 50 10 70       5 40 90 5 1 20 20
8 7 1 200 100 60 9        90 10 1 9 60 100 9
80 3 1 10 1 20 1          9 5 9 90 90 5 1
200 70 1 100 80 60 90     8 7 1 200 100 60 9
80 3 60 40 5 30 5         40 3 5 3 80 1 30
8 7 90 1 40 1 200         30 600 40 60 100 9 5
80 9 10 1 20 60 200

Total: 4690 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 67.

3.8.2Alternating groups of 56 and 21 letters. of 56

1 50 10 1 40 200 400 10 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 40 6 2 50 10 70 30 10 6 50 20 30 20 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 70 60 20 20 1 5
200 70 1 100 80 60 90 4 9 1 70 60 9 60 40 1 200 100 600 40 5 80 3 60 40 5 30 5 20 9 8 1 6 5 100 5 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 90 1 40 1 200 100 600 60 9 9 60 200
20 9 8 1 6 60 30 5 40 90 5 1 20 20 1 70 5 80 9 2 20 1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 10 1 9 60 100 9 90 200 1 40 8 80 600 70 60 90 600 40 70 60 9 5 9 90 90 5 1
90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 200 10 5 90 100 9 40 3 5 3 80 1 30 30 5 40 60 40 5 40 100 600 40 60 30 600 200 30 600 40 60 100 9 5 3 600 5 9 70 1 8 5 60 9 5 90 100 5

Total: 14945 = 5 x 72 x 61. of 21:

80 3 1 10 1 20 1 5 4 5 9 50 1 200 30 9 40 5 10 100 60
4 1 9 60 9 70 5 80 9 10 1 20 60 200 5 80 3 60 200 60 200
200 100 60 40 8 5 60 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9

2863 = 7 x 409. SF: 416 = 25 x 13.

3.8.3Alternating groups of 112 and 63. of 112:

1 50 10 1 40 200 400 10 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 40 6 2 50 10 70 30 10 6 50 20 30 20 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 70 60 20 20 1 5 80 3 1 10 1 20 1 5 4 5 9 50 1 200 30 9 40 5 10 100 60 200 70 1 100 80 60 90 4 9 1 70 60 9 60 40 1 200 100 600 40 5 80 3 60 40 5 30 5 20 9 8 1 6 5 100
1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 10 1 9 60 100 9 90 200 1 40 8 80 600 70 60 90 600 40 70 60 9 5 9 90 90 5 1 200 100 60 40 8 5 60 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 200 10 5 90 100 9 40 3 5 3 80 1 30 30 5 40 60 40 5 40 100 600 40 60 30 600 200 30 600 40 60 100 9 5 3 600 5 9 70 1 8 5 60 9 5 90 100 5

Total: 14595 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 139. SF: 154 = 2 x 7 x 11. of 63:

5 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 90 1 40 1 200 100 600 60 9 9 60 200 4 1 9 60 9 70 5 80 9 10 1 20 60 200 5 80 3 60 200 60 200 20 9 8 1 6 60 30 5 40 90 5 1 20 20 1 70 5 80 9 2 20

Total: 3213 = 33 x 7 x 17.

3.8.4Alternating groups of 91 and 105. of 91:

1 50 10 1 40 200 400 10 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 40 6 2 50 10 70 30 10 6 50 20 30 20 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 60 9 7 90 60 200 90 70 60 20 20 1 5 80 3 1 10 1 20 1 5 4 5 9 50 1 200 30 9 40 5 10 100 60 200 70 1 100 80 60 90 4 9 1 70 60 9 60
70 60 90 600 40 70 60 9 5 9 90 90 5 1 200 100 60 40 8 5 60 40 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 1 200 100 60 9 90 9 7 90 60 200 90 60 200 10 5 90 100 9 40 3 5 3 80 1 30 30 5 40 60 40 5 40 100 600 40 60 30 600 200 30 600 40 60 100 9 5 3 600 5 9 70 1 8 5 60 9 5 90 100 5

Total: 11501 = 7 x 31 x 53. SF: 91 = 7 x 13. of 105:

40 1 200 100 600 40 5 80 3 60 40 5 30 5 20 9 8 1 6 5 100 5 1 70 5 10 80 9 8 7 90 1 40 1 200 100 600 60 9 9 60 200 4 1 9 60 9 70 5 80 9 10 1 20 60 200 5 80 3 60 200 60 200 20 9 8 1 6 60 30 5 40 90 5 1 20 20 1 70 5 80 9 2 20 1 90 300 7 30 9 1 90 10 1 9 60 100 9 90 200 1 40 8 80 600

Total: 6307 = 7 x 17 x 53. SF: 77 = 7 x 11.

3.9Four letters have the unique function of dividing the rest of the letters into what is between their first and last occurrences, and what is not between them. (In this case, what is not between them includes their first and last appearances.)

Between & Not Between The First & Last
LetterTotal of what is
between them.
Total of what is
not in between.
67245 = 32 x 5 x 7 x 23.10563 = 3 x 7 x 503.3318 = 2 x 3 x 7 x 79.
SF: 91 = 7 x 13.
207441 = 7 x 1063.10367 = 7 x 1481.2926 = 2 x 7 x 11 x 19.
SF: 39 = 3 x 13.
915841 = 7 x 31 x 73.1967 = 7 x 281.13874 = 2 x 7 x 991.
44256 = 25 x 7 x 19.13552 = 24 x 7 x 1129296 = 24 x 7 x 83.
SF: 98 = 2 x 72.
287 Letters (41 x 7) --- Click table to dismiss.

3.9.1Three of the four differences of what is between and what is not between the first and last occurrences of these letters lead to a second level of factors. This is more than one would expect.

3.9.2Only these letters (6, 20, 9 and 4) have this quality. The sum of these letters is 39 (3 x 13).

3.10Since there are 287 letters, they can only be arranged in an object with two dimensions (7 x 41 or 41 x 7).

3.10.1The letters as a 41 x 7 table. positioned columns: 9135 = 32 x 5 x 7 x 29. positioned columns: 8673 = 3 x 72 x 59.

3.10.2The letters as a 7 x 41 table. positioned columns: 9380 = 22 x 5 x 7 x 67. positioned columns: 8428 = 22 x 72 x 43.


The many numeric features with complementary opposites, with the first and last letters, and every other word and letter are all signs of God’s endorsement of these verses and support for Jesus' use of Psalm 82:6. God Himself said we can accomplish almost anything. (Genesis 11:6) It would seem we are gods. But as Asaph said, and Solomon confirms, God made man upright, but men turned aside (Ecclesiastes 7:29). We will perish if we do not repent and do what is right.


  1. English reference quotes are from the Revised Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972.
  2. Hebrew text is from, The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS), edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolph of the Deutsche Biblegesselchaft (German Bible Society) 1983.
  3. The Greek text is from The Nestle-Aland 27th Edition of the Greek New Testament (GNT), Copyright © 1966, 1968, 1975, 1993-1994 United Bible Societies, found within Bibleworks 3.0 by Hermeneutika, Michael S. Bushell, 1995. Vowel marks and punctuation have been removed.

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The foolishness of God is greater than anything we can imagine (1 Corinthians 1:25). On the off chance the numbers are a form of foolishness, do not spend too much time on them.